IMPOSSIBLE One Piece Motorcycle Gas Tank Vinyl Wrap in Brushed Metal | For Charity

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[Music] what's going on guys Christian here from CK wraps don't forget to check out our website CK wraps on TOCOM to sign up to our mailing list for exclusive offers and discounts on new and upcoming products now I have a little treat here for you today I have a motorcycle gas tank I'm gonna try to wrap this in one piece this motorcycle gas thing I'm actually doing for charity why not I can knock out a video get a motorcycle gas tank done for charity it's juvenile just on its own so I don't have anything to mount this to so for those you were like well why don't you just mount it to the bike I don't have a bike it's like an hour from here so this is what its gonna be it's gonna be on the table and it's gonna be a bit of a struggle this is not for the faint of heart so you might want to brace yourself for a project like this if you have more hands it's going to be easier and I don't even know if I can wrap this in one piece I'm sure as hell gonna try though now this has a couple of things working against me here I'm gonna go over this motorcycle gas tank so that way you can see or know what to expect when you're wrapping this and the difficult areas of this particular one I have no idea what model it is apparently it's very rare and they're auctioning off the bike once it's all prepped or all put back together and all done so I get some sort of painting it they don't they say hey heck why not wrap it anyways I'm happy to be part of it either way so this thing has a couple things going against me right now I have nothing to mount it to so it's gonna slide around all over the place it's primered and it's not quite as smooth as I'd like it to be it could probably be a little bit smoother it could have had a wet sanded maybe like eight hundred or a thousand not sure how high they went in camera he told me and also the complex shape and design of this gas tank now when we look at this gas tank what we're looking at is the hardest part the hardest part for me is this front end right here this front end has many different things going on with it what has going on whether it has a been tapering in from both sides it has a bent coming from top to side and it has a been going from top to front and not to mention it's all in different angles what happens here in this area if we go fly and stretch down as we end up with a ton of slack here we can potentially do a relief cut somewhere around here and do a scene yes that is possible but the fact that I'm doing brush metal I do want to try and keep everything as consistent as possible I'm gonna see how it goes I'm just going to peel it out I have never done this gas tank before in my life and it's just gonna come down to experience and thinking about how I'm gonna do this now is there only one way to do this no like I said I can what I can do is I can put a relief cut here and potentially start from that side and go to this side or I can start from the hardest part heating it up in the front and bring it across and try to do that in one shot that's my goal if I can't do this in one piece I'm going to actually do it I'll show you I'll do another video and how to do this in there would be three pieces I would do one on the top one on each side basically and try to follow the body line the best that I could the fact that it's brush metal is gonna hide the seam very well if I need to now these hinges are like they're welded on they're not going anywhere apparently I'm just gonna leave it like wrapped over and they're gonna put the badge back over should cover the actual indentations that are there one of the more difficult parts here as well is gonna be like where the gas cap goes right in here this recess some kind of slightly concerned about it sticking I'll post heat make sure it's good now when we look at the backside of the gas tank or the way the seat goes this is much simpler a very nice gradual taper and on the sides and on the actual top part as well this makes it very easy we don't end up with a lot of bunched up slack or material in this area we do end up with a bit but not quite as much it's only one that starts to like really bend in and we get those curves going in many different directions when we start to get a lot of a lot of extra material so pulling the film tight is very important now if you have an extra you're on it you want you want six hands total to do this if you were to actually maybe accomplish this at a more beginner level or have it mounted to something it's definitely gonna help but you still might want an extra set of hands in that case too I'm gonna try and do like I'm gonna try and be an octopus today and have like eight different hands and do this the best way that I can without screwing it up and get it done in that one piece I just I'm striving for if I can get it done in one piece without destroying the weave of the of the grain on the brush metal then I'm I'm good like I know that I can wrap it around the edges just by need to or anything like that I know that it's gonna be fine it's not gonna lift up it's not gonna be an issue only I guess with only area that might be a concern is the actual gas cap area otherwise we're gonna be totally fine now I'm gonna start wrapping this I'm gonna move the camera for you so that way you can get a better angle of this I'm probably gonna moving more to this side just so you can see all right so let's get this thing wiped down and make sure that we have it nice and clean it's already clean I cleaned it but I'll clean it again obviously I want to make sure it's very clean so I'm just gonna spray this down and I can use the heat gun to dry it off if I happen to get a little bit too much on it but we want to make sure we get into all these nice lovely areas that could be holding any dirt especially around the gas cap area so that doesn't come off I've done the edges really nicely already so I don't even need to lift it we'll just make sure the main part of the tank the surface is very contaminant free grease free and you know that we're ready to rock when it comes down to getting this piece of vinyl on it now the piece of vinyl that I've cut is actually quite large it's what I cut it at 32 inches by thirty seven or so again I want extra I want to make sure that I can hold it sort of against the wall so I'm gonna actually probably gonna position it right here and see if I can lean against it like this and get that get that motion going across maybe I'll even move your camera a little bit more for you all right awesome so I'm going to take my film and I wanted to run the grain obviously lengthwise made a lot more sense and we're gonna get it kind of situated in the front make sure we've got enough coverage and then we're going to start peeling it off now I've got tons on the side obviously because I've gone way over but as I stretch the film across what's gonna happen is it's going to actually thin out slightly how much it won't be that much but it will be enough what I'm gonna do also is so I'm gonna fine let's do that while we're not against the wall so we can actually see okay so there we go we're right around there what I'm also going to do is cut off some of the sides so I don't have so much flopping around down here just just put the heck of it it's gonna be a little bit easier for me all right awesome now as we can see in the front end here we would run into tons of extra material what I might do is I might end up actually start peeling it from the back no I'm gonna start playing it from the front I was gonna peel it from the background mouth leaned against the tank and I don't want to do that you're just just yet you can see how having extra extra hands is gonna help tremendously so I don't remove all the backing yet ready just get it situated again one thing we have to be careful of are mindful of with brushed films is that they can tear along the grain let me see if I can anchor that to the table and then just get the rest of this release liner taken off hold back about halfway or so we'll see I'm too close to the wall not real all these edges I'm gonna be cutting off so don't even worry about it I've cleaned the table down obviously you're gonna want to make sure you've cleaned your table down and have everything you need ready so let's get it back into position and come forward it's coming a little more forward somewhere on there I think a little lower right there that looks good to me all right we're good end to end so what I'm gonna do is just flop it around a little bit find some find some flat areas and give myself a better perspective of what I'm looking at so as you again as you can see lots of slack the other way to do this maybe the easier way to do this would be to do the relief cut here swing the sides in on both sides you could do that on this tank just because of the style of the tank I'm gonna go with the harder way though I just like to go with the harder way challenge that's always a challenge so what I need to do is I need to get this film anchored in stuck in here somehow awesome hands this is where it gets fun so what I'm gonna do is lift the film up and I want to stretch the film back a lot of this stretch is gonna come straight from the center so that I can swing all that around so I have to heat not so much here but more along here on the top section that way I can actually get the film to stretch through here and the sides should follow through told you already I can get this unstuck isn't that big of a deal but it'll just give me a little extra fast that it's the awesome that keeps moving so if you've watched my other video how long it took for the other guys 10 I'm hoping that this one is a bit easier well what we'll find out okay so I'm gonna lift the film then I want to heat all the quite a bit I can't see anything so I'm just kind of hoping for the best I can see a little bit [Applause] got to put that down I'm just gonna try and stretch doesn't want to stay we want to stay in the front ends that's what makes it really difficult I thought it was gonna help to hold it but it just wants to lift right time we're gonna get this this you're gonna see it looks like a disaster right now but you're gonna see how this turns out we do have to be somewhat careful with the gas tank obviously we have gas in it so keep that in mind so I was optimistic about doing this the way I was going to do it I might have to revise my strategy right now because I feel like it's just moving around a little too much and it's not gonna work out in my favor all right what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna show you it should be easier to see maybe I should turn a light on for you maybe that helps hope okay so what I'm gonna do here is since we have this center section here I can take this and I can swing it around like I said I'm gonna try to keep the grain as even as possible so what that means is like I want to make sure it's really good all the way through this section somewhere around here and then the middle won't matter if I put a little a little seam straight down the middle right here it's not that big of a deal good thing vinyl is self-healing all these wrinkles will go away I'm trimming off a ton of it too so don't worry all right so let's heats its gonna need heat you're not gonna be shy with heat on this one I'm gonna try and anchor it down and then do a nice consistent stretch all the way around excellent I think I think I'm okay with that okay see we can feed it all into this area which is really nice the fact that I have that spot makes a big difference so the fact that I do have that spot is going to actually make my life a heck of a lot easier so I've already actually nailed this part our next stretch after this we're just gonna be a little bit more careful is when we come back the other way so I can I can actually work on this one side at a time sort of I do have to have the other side following through and we're gonna make sure that we get all these wrinkles out in the top section before we tackle this now again most of the materials and tools that I'm using today will be in the description below so if you're looking you know to grab something it should be there even though even the film alright I'm okay with this side right now I'm gonna go tackle the other side rifle again flatten it out a bit I want to make sure that I've got nothing in my center area right here and it's all nice [Applause] anchor right through there right here and again we're in tape we're gonna take our heat in this area stretch it out 3d stretch and we're going to bring it around and feed it to this center point again right here when I say 3d stretch what I mean is we're stretching in three different directions obviously through these three directions three-dimensional users say through my 3d is three directions now I'm doing this so I can show you on camera otherwise I'd probably position myself a little bit better boom that's hogging that's like that's so ideal guys that's exactly what you want let's try to get these wrinkles out push down on them pressure helps to get the wrinkles out and once I got to kind of get it locked in here I should be okay I can alleviate tension around here when I want to wrap it afterwards I just want to get it locked in for now this way we're not getting any snap back so as you can see I don't have any actually tension on my edges right now none so let's get these wrinkles out now when I'm stretching with my fingers like this I am I am leaving like finger impressions so I have to actually shrink that back down I'll do that I'm gonna do that when I do the side so I'm gonna have to heat in and around this area in order to draw the film back I'm gonna I have to do it right handed so I'm gonna actually do it from this side I'm right-handed but you'll see this side because it'll work out it'll look out on this side what we're doing here you can see as I pull it si si pull it as I pull the film tight and let's get the camera angle down even more for you so as I pull the film tight you can see that it starts to hug in right here super important if you don't have that going on for you it's not gonna work out it looks friggin beautiful so I'm pretty proud of this I'm going to be proud of this one I'm done okay so you know what let's just work on this site because you're already over here and I want to bore you guys okay I'm gonna take it again and stretch the film across so I'm gonna keep hitting my mic someone's gonna make sure that it's working I'm gonna lock that in I don't know if I got it enough it's not bad it's a little bit less than I like because here you can see that I've got a lot of slack all these wrinkles right here again we're just gonna lift it we can just shrink this film back down it's turning out so nice so my only question is what I'm gonna do down here in the bottom I think that I'm gonna have to pull it back a bit and then go for this area again what I have to do is I have to take a little bit more heat from the bottom here and stretch it more across and swing it around so I can see that I don't have a lot of vinyl shrinking and it's really challenging like place my whole body on it Esther if that walked in around the other edge there good I'm hoping that I got a bit more this time looks like I might have so if I got it I got a bit more maybe this is gonna shrink down a bit okay it did that's that's decent again I'm still stretching quite a bit I don't want to stretch it too much around this hinge also I may not hold very well but we're good all right so what are we looking at right now I'm just looking at it don't you look at that all right I think we're gonna be good here so I'm going to lift it and I'm just gonna try and bring it out slightly perfect I'm okay with that I'm gonna feed some more of it over to the front want to lock this area in so it doesn't come back as you can see we're keeping the grain it looks friggin beautiful that's some very important there's no really dark patches or dark lines that's that's what kind of will happen when you do over stretch the brush metal so I'll just keep that in mind and just bust out the squeegee so bit faster so as we get to the front of the tank it won't matter so much if we do happen to distort it slightly not that big of a deal because it's gonna be sitting like more out of the way I think so most of the gas was taken out of this tank it used to smell it so I that's why I masked off the gas tank cap area so you see what I'm doing here I'm just trying to create I'm gonna try and create triangle sand again this is very hard because I need to get to the bottom edge and the bottom edge is actually sitting on the table I could put this on some kind of a pedestal maybe I don't know if haven't tried I'm gonna hold it up right here so you guys can see it okay it's me shrink see shrink okay I don't want that to happen and then I'm gonna take it and I'm just gonna stretch it outwards try and pull it to the left and to the right I have got a hug this thing all right still trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with these wrinkles right here I think they're gonna have to come down more but I need it so I can lock in so I don't lift everything out just been difficult you get it I think right about now well stay there so the primer surface is a good and a bad thing in my situation I got a wrinkle there I don't like it so the fee either primered the service is not the best thing as you can see the vinyl it doesn't stick that great it's fine and when you get it and I know I'm gonna get it just a matter how long does it take for me to get you know I mean to get this kind of finish on your gas tank is reasonable as far as the cost goes I have no idea I would love to have a bike like this actually so it's okay to have obviously the green is gonna bend and stuff like that like it that's cool we just don't want to overstretch it in particular areas we over stretch it in very small areas then we start getting distortion that looks odd so again I'm trying to lift this thing and I'm gonna take it one more time I think and get down to the bottom settings add a bit of heat we're not Dom in your wrinkles see it's not really that bad at all wasn't even holding on to it just need to kind of go for it let's bust out the squeegee all right so let's see what happens around this bottom corner right here shrinking up it's perfect kind of what I want a little bit more wrinkle than I'd like but I'm gonna make this work so [Applause] [Applause] very cool one side done mostly we go out there and fix it all up afterwards all right so I'm still slightly concerned about this area so I know that I had trouble in there side I'm gonna take this back a bit again and kind of swing this around a little bit more if I can [Applause] wants to pivot that's what I'm gonna use the wall for right now I'm gonna hold it [Applause] hey those wrinkles are not so bad they just mean I got to pull the other direction I have things I got to pull this way walk it in right there just get those top ones out right here I can actually probably heat-shrink them yep and just slightly back the other way done same primary surface doesn't want to stick all that great yeah it's all about challenging yourself and making it making it happen I do want this thing to last it's very important I don't have no idea who's gonna who's gonna buy this thing so get that wrinkle out there [Applause] let's get this side done I think the sides gonna be even more challenging for me see how I'm gonna do it I'm gonna try to happen to try to do like this by leaning on it unstick most of this final that all stuck together again the reason why it's getting stuck together is because it's just like hitting the table and it's excess film but it's gotta have excess film [Applause] ritzy hard guys I got one wrinkle all the way up the top there it's not fair if I gotta heat it out so as you can see what things are what's going on right now as soon as I can get you into a better spot I will maybe around here somewhere let's take it let's try and let's shrink it let's knock this guy out right now keep saying that don't I all right not easy huh so here is the dent you can kinda see it I can feel it right there it's actually a lot less than I thought there's some protrusion right here so there's an indentation and a bit of protrusion right here I'm not sure if it's showing on camera or not just didn't want to point that out so you can kind of see what that looks like all right I'll worry about the back area afterwards it's gonna be easier let's let's worry about where it does shrink but look at that I have a ton of vinyl just kicking around right here it's not fair idea so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to start around here let's shrink that down a bunch further on the hinge because I don't want any a lot of tension around that hinge and then we're gonna come back the other way starting right around there all right let's try this again and this means that you've seen a bit more heat probably through here let's come a little higher up to the body line it makes a bit more sense this way we can sort of hide it if we get any or too much Distortion I can just get my hands in a good spot [Applause] watch it move let's try this again I'll try for this son you see how I'm coming across and I'm watching everything probably good with it make sure we're not causing any damage it's just a nice dry skin here and let's come off no now look it down here we have way less luck what I got going on over here I got some wrinkles we're gonna fix it I gotta get these two guys out right here they're like way more up their butt but I've taken care of that area right there so I can focus a little bit more over here now as long as we keep our heats where we need it [Applause] try and hold it against the wall young if we put heat back over there it's going to contract again much much much much much better beauty about vinyl is that we can do this several times okay so I'm super happy with this area this means right now that this should all just clink in artists that's what I want so now I can lift it get the bottom edge without even really stretching it down to that bottom edge my squeegee right here you use the squeegee to like keep it a little more even sometimes it helps get a little bit more down all at once I've got finger marks right there so I'm going to look at your marks right there some to shrink them really oh and I'm just gonna bring that down I should have actually shown you the finger marks install I don't you guys can see them at all unless it's all there dents I see that these are dents right here so I thought it was fat I thought it was finger marks I'm like they should have shrunk when I Shrunk the vinyl I should have gone away okay so we see that we don't have I don't have like a ton of slack at the edge of my gas tank right we're sorry ton of slack a ton of wrinkles and getting there right now it's getting there it's not like there's no wrinkles but we don't have to too many this a lot this has a lot to do with pulling the vinyl across as opposed to pulling the vinyl down to the edge all the time we pull the vinyl down to the edge all the time we're just stretching down to that edge and this is we're gonna it's gonna result in failure like I said luckily we can wrap around the edges quite a bit I'm sure half of you are like no I'm not doing this you can do it you can do it in multiple pieces obviously if it's not going to look as nice right I don't have any seams on this thing so weird that we're down at the edges again I'm gonna I'll trim it up and stuff like that for those you want to stay tuned for the rest of it I'll finish up the back here though so what I want to do is I'm going to leave this slack in the middle all right look at how much slack I have there way too much I need to lean it out to the corner so over here and over here which actually gonna be very easy because of how they taper out and down so I'm gonna get that flattened out slightly I just want to get some of those wrinkles out there we go a better starting point and then we're gonna take a bit of heat soften the film shrink it back down pull let it do its thing and then we're gonna take it expand it outward not too much just enough to get the wrinkles out and then once we find that we've got most of the wrinkles out you can start laying it down see how that works cool now if I don't stretch enough across this way I'm still gonna end up with too much slack here so this requires a bit more expansion out to this corner I think I'm gonna check it right now with a bit of heat yeah I didn't feel it contracting in which is what I wanted to do again we give it another try [Applause] I'm going to pull it more across the amount of directions that you use like and how you pull the film across really really really really determines how much film you're gonna be left with by the time you get down to like these edges in the stuff so what I want to just pull that back of it and this should shrink yeah strong quite a bit so we're just going to kind of keep it flat and glass toe without adding too much tension it's easy to pull them down shrink done let it go and then again expand it glass it out 3d stretching always so what I'm gonna have to do is eventually turn it on if I turn on the side or upside down and get all the wall room if I turn it upside down my students I get all this I lift that up right to there that wrinkle or shrink it oh very go doesn't take when there's tension on the film pulling in the right directions it does not take a lot of heat guys you do not need to like super soak this with heat okay other side I feel confident with the but with about how much vinyl I have left over there I'm going to show you this whole thing when we run [Applause] not a lot of tension there which is good just slack pull a little tighter and it's coming more across see I'm getting too much there we go get better there I'm gonna check it though when I got anchors this edge right here so what I need to do to check it is we add heats that this isn't shrink that means I have too much slack okay that's good I still have too much slack actually let's see I can work it down a bit but see this what's happening now this is totally different what I'm doing right now right now I'm working all this excess film to the bottom if I don't get any shrinkage where it wants to pull tight this is gonna be wrong again we have to come across bring it back to the same starting spot around the same starting spot again heat it and then we draw it across a little bit more so more from that's that area right there as opposed to where my right hand is more my left hand this then I'm stretching across better with that that looks way better see how much more smooth that is right now this means lock that in this should now shrink down and tighten up it perfect it's what I want some wrinkles we'll deal with all that I deal with the side Yanks ice messed all that up by doing what I did back and forth a little bit back and forth it's all not a lot of tension which is good and this is gonna be difficult because good way to do it alright shot you see how I'm pulling along this side right I hope you guys can see all that I'm always pulling across so now it's just dry skin that should shrink down a bit yeah it's not bad as long as I don't have to stretch terribly hard to the bottom we're gonna be fine not Stan walked in where I wanted it to you get in primered surface right okay so if I can actually just get this lifted a bit I don't want to stretch too hard I just want to keep it smooth and glass as soon as I get it right down to like the bottom edge it won't really matter so much anymore because all that stuff sits you know around the frame and it gets all covered and you know right right around the bottom that bottom lip I'm even worried about it so we can actually just like go in there and and kill it a bit with some heat and stuff and just not worry about it [Applause] I wanna stretch too far just enough to give me that nice smooth surface a little bit more lifted there it's fine it gets cut off anyways okay so I would say that we're just about ready to flip it what you'll want to do is put it down on something soft you do not want to ruin our hard work I'm just gonna fix up here let's set this side a little bit sorry guys correct before I flip it so there was a ton of imperfections in this tank and this film hides it really well alright so now we can really kind of take care of the bottom here I'm right-handed so it's gonna be a little bit challenging to show you all of it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's crazy stuff guys guys and girls alright okay so let's just keep on going down keep on going down the edge I want to make it to that that nice sharp end that that it gives me [Applause] if we don't post heat this you may leave yourself in trouble so just keep that in mind hard to see the front can't really see it wrinkles there [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come back here no way I'm gonna get it all right there on this side [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's definitely very difficult to trust the primer side down [Applause] [Applause] let's try and keep this one under an hour I think the other one was like an hour the other video I did on this and I didn't even do the cutting so we're trying to get it all done and I think it'll be possible you try keep some of it in the video for you guys but it's on that's not possible so I'm just I'm gonna get it done you've seen the one of the hardest parts this is actually not that easy of a part either it's to get it wrapped all the way around to the edge so that way we can guarantee that you know we've got full coverage and a little bit extra just in case kind of thing [Applause] this corner right here I'm good of a fella I want to stretch it too much right now I'm just trying to stretch this to let it smooth like I said I'm gonna get in there and pull see all this I'll probably time-lapse that part is a bit boring talk about a bit of it [Applause] getting wrinkles when I point I push down it's just a hard corner to get into [Applause] we do some post seating right now to hold that in it's okay if it smokes it's a good thing [Applause] see how we're looking okay so I've got a bit to fix up right here on the front you should tighten down [Applause] - awkward spot around this little hinge so for having trouble around this hinge don't want to cut it just because I might throw it off a bit trying to somehow get tight around the hinge and not get wrinkles on it it's really difficult to do when you're working around stuff like this it can be very difficult to do okay we're good so it would make sense to cut a hole but I'm just a little bit cautious when I cut a hole right now with tension on the film I want to make sure that I can get it down and smooth around at first before I cut the hole because it might want to pull back a bit and then I just ruined the whole job one wrinkle there still [Applause] [Applause] the rest here I'm not worried about that's easy this is easy a lot attention here and on the front edge here I'm gonna wrap it all the way around just now and just use a touch of heat to soften the film makes it pliable for me to be able to squeegee in there and get it looking pretty good let's do that side watch how you fire inside of even have any wrinkles so I can probably just end up feeding the film in you guys see that let's get you back in here talking you can see I'm gonna feed the vinyl back into this little recess here then I'm out and then we're we're wrinkle-free the couple up here but if you guys actually want to see like I all heat it and there's really not much at all there's a couple on talking but not a big deal you can tell how hard they're pulling back if they're gonna be a problem or not that just takes a bit of experience so around here what I want to do is I wanted to a relief cut sort of around here now they said the cap that goes on it or the cover or whatever that goes on it covers a fair bit so he showed me where but we're always gonna be a little cautious when we do this because we want to make sure that we're getting that full coverage okay this is where I'm gonna leave that for now and I'll work around I'm gonna work that area first and then come up tight across this little bit so what I want to do is come in there I don't need any heat I just go for that deepest part I lie heat afterwards if I screw anything up where I wanted to be screwed up is probably around there so that's why I'm leaving that just in case you're wondering so there's the edge where they told me that wraps up the gas cap covers right around here alright so you need a relief this is a weird little piece to cut around I'm not sure how they like what kind of goes here I never saw the bike before so don't know oh but you can down that's exactly what we want I'm gonna see I'm gonna get all wrapped around all this fun stuff just take your time see it tighten up [Applause] that's amazing [Applause] check it out all right I'm gonna cut it all out I'm gonna just hinges there and stuff so I'm gonna go like here along the edge of the actual cover hold everything kind of all just falls into place beautiful it's good spot for your glove your squeegee in there afterwards to give yourself that little extra let's get around here fresh blades I'm going to snap one off makes life easier okay so this should all this ring should come out good that's all covered he said and then just kind of tuck in better looking nice yeah and this is like this is our gas tank wrap so I've gone all the way down to the bottom edge all the way around and and wrap the whole gas tank so I actually saw some wrinkles here I should just know just fix that so what you can do I'm gonna kind of sum this up these are gonna cut off and what I can do is once I get this like all post heated I'm going to I'm probably gonna put another brush metal strip around the bottom area just because it's like a nice hard edge just in case you maybe see it I don't want them to be able to see anything as far as the primer goes and I can overlap what's already there slightly so that way you know where we're holding the vinyl down just in case kind of like a seam tape that's a dent by the way in wherever you're looking at here that's bent yeah so hold it hold it down kind of like a seam tape or an edge seal tape and you know it'll still cover it we can cover it all with brushed metal around the bottom this way it looks mint all right guys so there you have it this is a brushed metal gas tank one piece vinyl wrap yes I'm gonna go over a little bit and just touch up the edges make sure everything is locked down clean it all up get this back out - back back out to them and sort of just come pick it up and that's pretty much it so you can see what this looks like it looks pretty awesome give it a really cool effect not like something you can you can't just paint this on it's not like a thing so you can get it you can do this in multiple pieces like I said but you would see a body line like you would see a line on this one depending on the gas tank that you're doing summer more they have more hard angles some have softer angles this one definitely has some softer angles you can get a little creative and break it up if you want to put some like block down the middle like satin black or gloss black or something like that you can get creative that way you can break up your seams and break up your pieces but this does go to show you more or less what you're looking at when it comes time to wrap your motorcycle gas tank a lot of them are gonna be pretty difficult to do you know there aren't main that are that easy especially when you're doing it alone that's pretty much it now if you guys liked the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and if you guys want to see some more videos you know back to the installation stuff I'm at the new shop we've got the new I got a wall up right now this is just temporary makeshift wall behind me it's kind of a half-assed ghetto but we're gonna wrap it in wood grain and I'll probably do a video on that as well but yeah if you guys want to see more about the shop I actually just renovating it right now and we're doing all kinds of fun stuff with it but don't forget to subscribe and again I appreciate you watching thank you very much take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 240,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, how to vinyl wrap, how to wrap, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap a motorcycle, motorcycle gas tank, gas tank wrap, motorcycle gas tank wrap, vinyl motorcycle, bike wrap, gas tank bike wrap, vinyl wrap, wrap, wrap a motorcycle, motorcycle wrap, gas tank vinyl wrap, brushed metal, brushed metal gas tank wrap, one piece tank wrap, one piece wrap, one piece vinyl wrap
Id: CQpeDgXPkUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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