15 Minutes How To Wrap An Emblem Like A Pro - Chrome Delete

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[Music] what's going on guys christian here from ck wraps today i'm going to show you how to wrap a rear emblem on a mercedes um this mercedes emblem is chrome as you can see we're gonna be wrapping it in gloss black you're gonna need a few things here uh you'll need some vinyl so i have uh some obsidian black vinyl which is pretty black it's very nice to work with so it's going to be easy to get into these detailed areas this emblem is going to be wrapped in two pieces guys i'm going to show you how to quickly and easily do that today now this car is getting a full chrome trim delete if you're looking for that installation video it will be on my website along with other chrome trim delete videos ckraps.com i'll put a link in the top corner and the description below for you guys uh check it out so we're giving away one month for you right now so if you sign up you get one month to try out let's get into this so we're gonna need a few things here we need the vinyl of course we need our knife very sharp okay make sure that you have snapped off a fresh blade we're going to clean the emblem using isopropyl alcohol which i've already done i've actually elevated the emblem off of the vehicle and i've masked behind it as you can see so there is some spacing all the way around it here which makes it easier to trim and to cut in order to push the emblem out a bit i did pop off the panel on the inside and just push the emblem out now you're going to ask me why did i remove the emblem entirely i didn't remove the emblem entirely because it's actually easier to do it while it's mounted to the vehicle it's not moving around or sliding too much so i find it's a little bit easier to do it this way if i need to i can then remove it afterwards and do up the edges but i won't need to have done it many times on the actual vehicle itself i highly recommend popping the emblem out a bit because it's going to remove it from the paint and you don't want to cut the paint when you're actually cutting the excess film melt so it's going to be very important to actually pull this emblem out slightly so we're going to need that we're going to need a knife very sharp masking tape to tape behind it a squeegee of your choice pretty much something detailed like a little tucking tool i've got a wrap stick flex here from side maker tools so we need some kind of a detailed tool and a heat gun that's pretty much it i'm going to bring the camera in and show you guys how we do this really easily right now okay guys we're going to start off with either the outside or the inside it doesn't really matter which one you choose just choose one so we basically want to be wrapping the star section only and then the ring or no vice versa in the opposite order doesn't really matter i'm going to do the star section first because i think it's the hardest part and might as well knock that piece out right away let's get this into position so we're going to take this vinyl and we're going to gently massage it into place get it going here what i like to do here is then lift a little bit right here so we can then push the film in free of tension in this area right here there we go let's push it in here right in there and then let's lift also right here and push it in you don't really need any heat for this guys i'm showing you right now you don't really need it right now it's going to come down to precision okay that's the important part what i'm going to do now is i'm going to cut the film away right here just a little bit let's get this section cut out right here and this is always kind of this is kind of like an estimate right i'm just kind of gauging what i need to leave to be able to do this i didn't cut through it i don't want to be scratching the emblem either if you do happen to harm the emblem they're not the most expensive but it would suck to replace it so you don't want to have to replace it obviously we're trying to make money here and not spend it there we go oops there we go let's put that there and then let's cut out this bottom section right here now you can do this other ways if you choose to uh this is the way that i like to do it and i've wrapped many of these probably a dozen or so now i'm going to grab my heat gun and just grab grab that and add a little bit of heat because i just want to make sure that it's really conformed in and around those edges there you know i want to make sure that everything's covered uh we don't want to see any chrome so let's get in there with our heat gun this is full full crank my heat gun come in close move it away and just give that a shot of heats perfect perfect let's get the top section here and then we're going to need our detail tool in a second so i'm going to grab that right now i'm going to grab this guy right here and i'm going to make sure i lift the film up slightly right there and massage it right into that recess just like so pretty straightforward let's grab it right here same thing let's go here i don't recommend doing this in one piece guys because this recess that i'm pushing the film into right now right here and here will actually bubble up over time so you don't want to to use one piece you need to put a relief cut here cool let's make sure that's all good there let's lift up right here just make sure it's really nicely massaged down and around the emblem before we do any cutting now there is going to be a slight bit of cutting on the emblem i'll show you exactly where it's basically right here where the where the star meets the ring this is where we're going to have a seam we're about ready to cut let's do this so rest your hand on something so you don't shake so much like me i'm kind of shaking a bit more too much coffee this morning cool now you can see why you want a mask so that way you can cut here in this area safely without cutting the paint let's bring that out there let's come down into this corner here and then let's come across the top section right here inside now i have that nice space there so it makes it very easy for me to cut or easier for me to cut in this area if we have a little extra vinyl we can actually roll around the back side which is nice to be able to do that so same thing up here guys let's cut this and let's go you just have to find which way it works to cut i always start from the inside and come out i don't start from the outside and then come in with the cut it's important to cut from the inside out this way you don't make any mistakes it's coming along let's come across the top right here great now this can only be so perfect obviously this is pretty pretty tight area so we're going to try and do our best to make it as perfect as possible we want our seam and our overlap to look good this is not the hardest part of this chrome trim bleed that i have doing to do today the handles are very easy but the front grille is going to be a fun one and that front grille will be on my website let's cut that out cool so again remember right here i'm cutting on the chrome trim a little bit right here just very lightly i don't want to be putting huge gouges into it or even a light scratch you want to make sure it's safe and emblems can be replaced fairly easily let's get that right there there we go and then let's come in under here once we finish this piece we're going to add some heat to it and push down those edges make sure everything's nice and tight and solid and let's get down here body positions are very important too to be able to see so i'm trying to stay out of your way at the same time and do this there we go hey the star area is finished that didn't take too long let's add some heat to it clean it up [Applause] now if you really want to get around that backside edge if your fingers aren't reaching grab your squeegee with the buffer side and use your squeegee with the buffer side to get in and around there a little bit nicer it'll help trust me [Music] just clean that up really good amazing when the emblem's manufactured is not perfect itself it has you know a slight roughness to the edges it's not 100 now time for our next piece we're going to be doing the outer ring right now this is where it gets a little bit fun too because we're going to be doing our seams right over top of this edge where the star meets the circle so we want to do is just kind of pull that taut not too tight make sure it's taut all the way around like so you don't need to stretch it a lot for to do this it's fairly straightforward again so now i'm going to massage the film down and i want to lift the film up off of the masking tape make sure it's not sticking to it and massage that film down and around that edge just like that let's get our squeegee in there give that a little bit more love and our love with some pushing around the edge there probably won't need to add any heat to this but we'll do it afterwards i won't need any heat before i cut so that's looking pretty cool right now we've got the profile and again this is exactly why you don't want to do this in one piece because right here where it's bridging the gap is going to be too much tension i'm actually going to snap another blade off here i felt like my blade wasn't optimally sharp there we go so now what we're going to do is we're going to cut like this we're going to cut straight down like this and then we're going to cut these little sort of slots like this let's come this way now from here just like that cool like so see now we're gonna come do the same thing here a little moon shape a little shaky today this makes it a little bit harder to do that's just the tape you hear me cutting on thank god it's there right okay we're gonna get rid of this uh star section we're gonna we're gonna pull some of this up right now and hopefully it doesn't lift our wrap that's already there let's just cut this out like so and give ourselves some tabs okay so as we can see right now we can lift these areas up here like that lift that one up like this as well and that's going to lift the film up nicely so this way we can actually push the film in to this area here right there just really nicely like that hopefully you can see that really nicely so same thing here or redo that lift it up here and i'm going to let my hand kind of come down as i do this same thing here the next part is a little bit tricky because we have to make sure that we we overlap the black that's already there otherwise we're going to miss and then we're going to show chrome it's right down into that area really nicely there we go that's beautiful now i'm gonna make sure i tuck into here cool i'm going to make sure that we do this area here as well let's just put that tab down there cool now let's do some cutting i'm just going to kneel down it's going to be a little easier for me and we're going to cut we're going to make sure that we're overlapping the black now i can't really see where that seam is so this is a judgment this is a i'm guessing right now okay it's very hard to tell so i'm trying with my memory of where i put the the black on the star area i'm trying to use my memory to remind me of where i actually wrapped to it's better to have a little bit extra overlap than obviously not enough okay so we're good there you guys can tell me if you can see that scene you're almost point blank i'll bring you in right afterwards you can see everything just because i don't want to hide anything i want you guys to see everything i have done this on an audi emblem before took quite a while to play like an hour and a half but i did do it in chrome so that was kind of a bit of a different story there are other emblems you could probably do this on i definitely don't recommend doing this on all emblems uh as the time to do it could take too long so sometimes just buying the emblem in black or the lettering in black is just the more efficient and effective way to go cost savings cool there we go let's take that stick that there i can actually probably remove this let's get that out of the way and then let's do the last one down here a little shaky see but as soon as i put my hand on the car it's a little bit easier right i don't shake so much if i got that one good enough yeah we did we're good cool that's that you can see this is taking shape right now now before we do these cuts right here we're going to make sure we're really tight and flush in this area just like so i want to make sure that we've got this all pushed down really nicely i'm going to lift off the tape make sure there's no tension there great just wait till i bring this in guys and show you we're on the home stretch right now let's cut on the inside again having a very sharp blade is very useful guys it'll help you get these nice clean cuts let's take that let's cut there see how i start my cut on the inside i don't start at the very end there we go lift that edge a little bit that's okay we can always push the film back down if the edges lift slightly this is just kind of where we're playing around a little bit we do still have to go over with heats don't forget that'll clean everything up like i said i like to do this on the vehicle it does make things a little bit easier when it's mounted to something as sturdy as the panel itself cool let's do let's just double check the outside one more time i really want to make sure that my film is nicely diamond around i thought i saw a wrinkle there on that edge i'm just going to lift here slightly make sure i lift off the tape and everything let's just really make sure that my vinyl is right to that edge cool let's cut around it like this just like this any extra that we leave around the backside we can roll it around so don't worry too much we want our knife to be on the back edge right here so as i get to a certain point i'm going to stop because it's getting a little awkward i'm going to start again here i'm going to meet that area it's good to uh practice your cutting skills doing this as well now the trickier part's going to be up here because i don't have a lot of room with the wiper blade in the way doing stuff like this is good for your uh knife knife work good practice there we go let's take this off amazing now the edges don't look great let's fix them up this is where we need our heat gun i'll use my finger first and just kind of smooth it all out not too much heat i have it on the highest setting but just don't use too much heat all at once it's a little bit at a time you might want to use a wrap glove it'll help make your finger glide a little bit easier now that i've got the film going around the edge we'll take our squeegee and start tapping this edge right here massaging that film down and around [Applause] a little piece hanging off there oh let's get it cut off i've got a little piece right here there we go cool let's go back to it again [Applause] this is the best way to do it just tap down around at this point you could remove the emblem uh if you wanted to the rest of the way and then you know finish up your edges don't really need to again just tapping these edges right here pushing them down really nicely finish them off [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] now let's uh see how easy it is to remove this tape maybe i have to remove the emblem to take the tape off we're gonna go over this one more time just make sure everything's good got a little flip up right there let's get that and you don't want to heat too much just enough to get the film to conform and lay flat and then now we'll push the emblem back down that'll stay right in there so let's bring the camera in okay there's no chrome showing that looks pretty good gives it the effects of chrome trim deletes all right guys uh that's how you quickly easily and effectively wrap a mercedes emblem again this can be used on other emblems that you see fit obviously you don't want to take too much time that already took a bit of time right there it's about 20 minutes or so so not terribly quick but in order to do a nice job things don't go quickly when you're doing it when you want to do a nice job uh so take your time add that little bit of finesse to the job uh it'll come out looking good customer will be happy with this even though there's a seam there it's barely visible guys i hope this video was informative and helpful again don't forget to check out my website ckrafts.com links are there for you thank you for watching i appreciate it very much take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 193,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, How to vinyl wrap a car, Emblem wrap, Emblem, Wrap, Vinyl, Gloss black, Chrome delete, Wrap chrome, Mercedes, Logo, How to wrap, Learn to wrap, ckwraps, Toronto, Fyp, asmr, undisputed, How to, Easy, Easy wrap, Beginner, Beginner vinyl wrap, Vinyl wrap, Vinyl wrapping tutorial, Car wrapping tutorial, Car, DIY
Id: _vP5XtEtahk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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