Vinyl Wrapping a Motorcycle for Beginners | Part 1 of 2

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yo what's going on fam today I'm going to show you guys how to vinyl wrap a motorcycle from start to finish let's start with the materials so first thing I like to use is these disposable blades these blades just snap off I have the uh titanium version got to be real careful with the titanium ones cuz they're super sharp and they'll scratch everything next just a squeegee of some sort it's got a velvet end right there uh some cutting tape this is by WRA cut got it on Amazon this just helps uh if you're like trying to make precise Cuts you're going to need a heat gun this one's from Harbor Freight paid 16 bucks after taxes uh this is actually my second one first one broke after about a year and a half or so um it lasted actually pretty long next obviously some vinyl I like using Avery Supreme um I don't know it's what I've always used I've tried 3M but just takes a little more heat to stretch and uh Avery is more pliable I think so I use Avery Supreme and everything I have here I'll go ahead and link below if it's not linked you can probably Google it I like to be very simple I don't care around a uh vinyl wrapping tool belt or anything like that uh very simple when it comes to vinyl wrapping stuff so let's get started so the first thing I like to do is take part the motorcycle get all the fairings prep basically just clean them I use Simple Green don't need nothing fancy um and then I I'll start off with the easy stuff so let's start with the nose fairing okay and then we'll do probably do these side panels this one's damaged but um the vinyl wrap will and that all those scratches won't show move on to the tail section after afterwards probably do the tank last I always do the tank cover last cuz I do that in two pieces so whenever I'm wrapping pieces I like to like just kind of Mount them on the bike but have them easily removable when I stretch the vinyl it just it just helps that the uh the piece is taut if I if I'm wrapping on a table makes it a lot harder the the fairing it just it just slips on me so I like to just mount it maybe put like one or two screws to hold this fairing in place and then once I get like most of it laid out and stretched out and I'm ready to cut I'll I'll pull it off and I'll just cut it um inside on my table or something like that I'll take my measuring tape and I'll measure like a square around the part that I'm wrapping I like to go like 2 in 2 to 3 in past so this one I'll call like a uh 31x 2T and you can do this upside down too and use a marker but I'm not going to do that 31 be right here I'll just do that Mark it right there round it off a little bit now I've already prepped this earlier um you just kind of give it a good once look over just to make sure there's no uh big specks double check make sure everything looks good and it does all right so I found a couple rough spots but um I'm going to go ahead and just to be sure I'm going to use some denatured alcohol to go ahead and clean this up some more this evaporates really really quick so you don't really have to wait long for it to dry and you're just going to drape it over just like that try to find the right spot for it first okay and then I like to start in the middle they call this [Music] glassing okay and and notice I'm not using any heat yet I don't like to use a lot of heat when I wrap [Music] so so one thing that's good about uh cold stretching is you don't have to worry about it over stretching because you're not applying any heat to it at all [Music] all right so I got this left side practically done going hit this next [Music] side [Music] [Music] all right guys so I got the uh majority [Applause] it um stretched onto the fairing now I'm going to go ahead and remove this and finish it off on my table actually before I do that I'm going to get it with some heat um just to make sure there's no uh bubbling if there is I can just press it [Applause] down okay so I'm getting a little bit right here I don't know if you guys can see that or not like in this area that's why you hit it with some heat to find those spots and just push it down with your finger there's more right there coming up see that can see that so all I do is just take my finger and just push him down you can use a squeegee too but I like using my finger and hit it again with the heat P it in again right there see these spots right here just working out all that air those are just pockets of [Applause] air you can either work them out or just press it in all right there it is now I'm going to bring this inside and just kind of start cutting this part I really wanted you guys to understand so every time you come across an edge like this and you're going to want to fold it over the the technique is to basically to shrink the vinyl wrap around it and it creates like a uh almost like a cling or like a really secure um spot to where it doesn't start peeling because these these Corners are very uh prone to peeling so what you want to do is try to shrink the vinyl onto these Corners right here see you got one two three uh and then like a bunch right here four five six so I got Seven Corners I need to shrink right so we're going to shrink this corner right here so see that just kind of start folding it over try to get all those uh little fingers out they call them the little fingers and call them little creases little wrinkles okay you want to get that on just like that get as much of that out as you can stretch it out okay and right about there you're going to add a little bit of heat and it starts to shrink onto the corner as it cools down you're just stretching it over you don't want to stretch too hard when it's hot because it'll rip add a little bit more heat want that cool a little bit you can feel it your fingers are here you'll know how hot it is you don't know how much to stretch so you don't rip it see that is a very very very nice corner so I'm just going to repeat that on all the corners and then I'll keep folding the sides over I'll keep adding heat just so I can get a really really nice tight wrap around the uh the [Music] fairing okay so now um I'm going to go ahead and start cutting even though that other side's not finished I basically made a little relief cut right here and then I started pushing it in with my fingers as far as it can go over cuz there's like a little um little ledge or something right here and I'm just going to go ahead and start cutting all I like to do is like just do just a little bit at a time stop peeling it back and then pushing those edges down with my finger see that right there so this is all already heated and shrunken and I just kind of start cutting along this Edge cut pretty far so right there then I'll just keep pulling and pushing get down and then right where I left off is where I'll keep cutting and then I'll push it in again now the key to vinyl wrapping to good vinyl wrapping is just it's patience you got to be really patient I I can vinyl wrap wrap this pretty quick but if you want it to last you have to be pretty [Music] patient okay so as I'm folding over you guys can see I'm making these uh relief Cuts because I can't fold this over like that so I'm I'm going probably to make a relief cut right here too see this curve it's really hard to fold it over at these curves so what I did is made some relief Cuts so that way it's a lot easier to just fold over like that sh okay so that's it I'm going to go a and call it a night it's 11:20 right now um it looks really good looks really good I'm freaking excited what's going on guys it's day two I just had breakfast so just want to show you guys the progress on the nose I have it mounted right here you can see how clean it came out and I really took my time on this wrap I want this one to uh last cuz I really like this color but yeah you can see the edges are very clean um might be one like there's a spot here that's kind of bubbled up and you just push it in I left it overnight it's cold in the garage so let me pull this off here so okay and you can see there there's some wrinkles but that's all on the inside anyway what I'm concerned about or what I'm looking for is any lifting and especially in these uh these corners and it doesn't seem to be uh doesn't seem to be lifting at all so those are the areas of concern but yeah this one this one came out good so let's go ahead and keep going um for now we're just going to do the two smaller side panels that are carbon fiber so one thing I wanted to mention was that when you're working on something whether it's vinyl wrapping or changing oil or anything um that has to do with working on your your stuff try to keep everything clean try to keep everything organized that way you're not losing tools um you're not misplacing any items you're not wasting time looking for stuff so notice I have that table I don't have any uh like used up vinyl laying around I do have that that backing from the that role which I am going to toss but a lot of times like we get really messy and that's when you start to lose things and sometimes it takes forever when you're trying to find something or it just it's just it's not it makes things a lot harder if you're messy and that's how I've lost a lot of tools really um you know my I let my friends come in here and that's fine they can use my tools or whatever it's just they're not really organized or they don't maybe they don't care I don't know but yeah see like look missing here I've showed you guys a bunch of missing tools before um and that's just it's just due to not being organized and not cleaning as you go so I think really just cleaning as you go staying clean is really important whenever you're working on a project so as you can see this piece has some scratches from when I went down in the summer but the big thing about the r1m is that um their fairings a lot of their fairings are carbon fiber now these this piece specifically is not OEM and as much as I would like to just buy another set of this I think I paid like $169 for two of these I think what I'm going to do since this top part is not scratched up and I really want to show a little bit of carbon fiber I think I'm just going to stick some uh cutting tape right here to make a nice straight edge that way it'll still show a little bit of carbon fiber and it'll go along with that uh r1m theme all right so for the cutting tape the string is always on one side side of this uh this tape here so that's the tape the tape is the red and then there's the string where you want to place the string when you're pulling up it's a lot better if you have this tape on the side that you're not using does that make sense so this side this side of the vinyl is what's going to be on the bike and this will be like the wrinkly crappy side so that way when you pull up on the string this tape will come along with it rather than sticking underneath the side that you're keeping so you really have to pay attention to how you lay down this cutting tape whether the the actual tape itself is going to be underneath the piece that you're keeping or if it's going to be underneath the piece that you're throwing away for me it's easier if the tape is underneath the piece that it's thrown that you're thrown away but if you mess it up it's not that big a deal you just pull it out and just press it down but just to make things a lot easier for you okay so we're going to and use this as an example so everything on this side is going to be tossed so the way I'm laying this down is the string is going to be on this side the tape is going to be on this side just like this and now when I lift it up this red tape is going to come off with the stuff I'm tossing okay and just start using your fingers to press it [Music] down so I'll just go all the way across right in the center like that and just start pushing it out with my [Music] fingers very simple this this piece is this piece should take you only a few minutes to do and that's it start stretching these ends right here cuz you're going to start cutting it on these ends right where the uh cutting tape is really really press that in with your fingers okay and obviously everything that's past this point this is where I'm cutting cting so this part doesn't really matter okay and then just kind of start forming the shape by stretching it see you see this the shape forming slowly and again with these edges we're going to shrink those edges that way we can get a really really nice uh nice cling nice [Music] seal okay and just like before we're going to heat the surface to get rid of some uh some Bubbles and just like before there's a ton forming and all you do is just take your finger and just press them down kind of want to start in the middle just in case they uh they start forming up together just like that but it's very easy you just work them out with your fingers you can use a squeegee too if it makes your uh life easier you won't have sore fingers okay that looks good I'll hit it again with some heat no more cool now we can start with the edges start forming this Edge right here just like that hit it with heat I can let me see here there it is again we're going to hit that with some heat and just keep forming it over just like that that will create a nice seal cuz it's those edges like I said it's those edges where uh it starts to lift those are very prone to lifting so really really want to seal those edges so I'm just going to do that again with these just like that here's another corner right here and you see how I'm waiting before I start stretching it for the uh vinyl to cool you want to wait for it to cool before you start stretching it even if it's like a couple seconds cuz you could rip it very easily if you don't [Music] wait so I have a little bit of tension right here I'm going to make a relief cut just fold that down just like that add some heat and fold it over there it is okay and now you can start cutting I'm not going to fold these over because this piece is so easy to repair if I really needed to um but the way I'm sealing these edges I I'm I trust myself enough to where I'm very confident that it's not going to start peeling so again I'm just going to cut I'm going to use the very middle parts of the blade to cut um I haven't snapped it yet cuz I'm not doing any fine Cuts I'm just kind of gliding my blade across the edge so that's that's all you want to do you want to finesse it okay so get those edges nice and firm and then start cutting like that and you just want to Glide it over okay just like that see and you know it's not to be perfect on the bottom [Music] but guys can see that see how it's kind of wavy but on the other side you can't really [Music] [Music] tell all right there it is I'm going to go ahead and hit the uh sides with some heat really get a nice seal on it then just take your fingers and then just run it across the edges and that should be good okay now for the satisfying part normally these kind of you should just be able to just rip it off but that takes forever so what you're going to want to do is just cut into the tape and try to expose the uh the little uh string be careful with this part because um you can cut your fingers really easily so it's a little cut like that should be able to pull that out now there it is okay now what you're going to do is just pull the string just like that and then right here on this part you just want a nice little tug and what I do is I I'll hold I'll hold the vinyl and the tape in like with one finger and I'll tug on it I'll get all the way to the edge and if you there's also a little trick you can just make a little cut with the blade right here just like that just a little cut and then try to get it in like one pole okay you can even heat it a little bit that softens up the vinyl and makes the string cut easier just like that all right so now remember what I said about the tape being on this side can see that so the tape is actually under the side that I'm not using and instead of pulling on the vinyl I'm going to pull on this and that'll lift up see that lifts up the side you're not [Music] using and there you go you got a nice straight edge and you just start pushing pushing it down and that's it I'm going to repeat it again on the uh the other piece like this right so I got those uh smaller easier pieces done now we're going to work on the uh right side this is where again I I have some uh scratches and damages and this is where the vinyl will come in and just clean all that up things to take note of um there's these little ridges okay I call them like little valleys basically basically it goes in like this okay and if you l lay the vinyl on top like that and try to push it in like through stretching it's going to pop right back up and there's there's two ways to remedy this uh the first way is you use this stuff called primer and it helps it'll help keep the uh vinyl um in there and stuck and and and it won't pop up okay uh the second way is you're going to want to you're going to want to start wrapping this and instead of going over both sides so instead of wrapping it like that and then trying to push it in what you're going to want to do is wrap one side push it in here and then over to the other side like that that's how you want to wrap it otherwise if you're just stretching it into the into that little Ridge or that little indent um more than likely it's going to pop up and it's popped up on me um when I wrapped this one specifically uh numerous times um right here I've done that to where I just I wrap over it and then I heat it and I stretch it in and I didn't put any primer in there and uh it just popped up so this time I'm just going to wrap probably start here in the middle wrap push push push push that in and then stretch this out like that that way I have more material in there and it's less likely to uh come out so like I said you got to watch that indent that little Ridge and it's like right about here it's right here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to I'm going to Glass the center and I'm going to pull this back back up and then go right in that Ridge with some material pull that over back and over like that okay now we're going to work on this Ridge right here I'm going to lift okay and then I'm going to start uh pushing this in just like that now with big pieces like this you're going to get a lot of wrinkles which is fine as long as you haven't heated it too much which as you can see I've used zero heat on this so see how I'm pushing a lot of material in then I'm just going to stretch it right back out anyway once it comes over that Ridge now this is what's hard about taking the fairings off before you start wrapping because when you're stretching everything the fairings move it's really annoying to try and stretch this all right so there's plenty material in that in that little Ridge right now and that shouldn't cause anything to pop up even if I heat it that should stay in place ni so I'll keep going with this all right so I got I got about halfway there and um I think what I'm going to do now is start trimming areas where I think there's going to be excess vinyl just to make it easier for me so let's go ahead and do that all right guys so that is it it's practically done took about 4 40 minutes or [Music] so some areas of concern for me are like right here but I think it'll be fine I'm just going to just going to really heat it up and see if anything comes up but the major areas that I was concerned about here and here I I'm pretty confident those aren't going to lift all right so I haven't left yet I went ahead and uh finished up this uh cutting of the uh side here um again I wanted to show some carbon fiber so um going to go ahead and start peeling this like that and to the bottom like that see if I can grab that tape and that's it that's a nice and clean line just push in the ins side a little bit that's good all right guys so I just got home from school I just kind of left this uh sit right here in my living room and uh basically it looks good um I wanted to leave it to see if there was anything that would pop up and it looks like right there it uh it did start lifting right there and that's kind of what I said about the little Valley or little Ridge thing so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to try to repair that um how I'm going to do that is I'm going to just add some heat and try to stretch that into place and hopefully that that fixes it notice how I haven't really cut anything you don't want to start cutting yet um just in case you get like unexpected lifting in certain places where you haven't added um you you haven't added Heat so even right here it started lifting too if you guys can see that so I'm now I'm going to try to add heat to it before I I unwrap everything I'm going try to add add heat and push it in and then just kind of leave it to see where I'm at and I'm going to go ahead and uh probably start on the other [Music] piece [Music] all right so it looks like that pretty much fixed it just I just had to add a little bit of heat and um I let some of this area escape this this little air pocket Escape through here and it seems to be fine like when I add Heat nothing seems to be lifting at least nothing like major like there's like little bubbles in here um I could probably lift it and get it out but it's it's just so small it's not even noticeable yeah see as I push them down they're not they're just kind of going away so just kind of work at it and then try to get those out but it's already starting to look pretty pretty good and for this um I'm not going to do like a direct on the line cut I'm going to put leave some tabs where I think um lifting might occur let me just show you what guys what I mean so what I can do here is just I can just start tabbing everything like that you can even cut these shorter if you wanted to but basically uh on the areas that I feel like I need more uh more places for it to stick I'll just make a tab like [Music] that okay and I'll just leave it like that you could even um you can even tape it on the back you can either use more vinyl or just use like duct tape or or just some kind of tape but I'm just going to um some areas I'm definitely going to leave like this because I don't want it to to lift I wanted to show you guys um a little trick of how I I like to cut like these like remember what I said about the tab thing um so right here there's just a lot of curving and uh just the way that the shape of this fairing is I I'm not confident that this is not going to lift so this is where I'll create tabs so like in here I'll probably make a tab and then um likely like a couple in this area definitely in here so something like this and I'll cut some more like that okay and [Music] then maybe something like this okay and then like this and then you can just keep going just all the way around and then just start folding these over try to get these to stick eventually so I'm going to turn this around so you guys can see the other side always double check the other side to make sure you have no creases and it looks pretty good if you guys can see that so that's the curve I just kind of fold it over and then I'll probably do it on this side too just check to see if you guys can see it okay so I'll do it on this side too but that is what I just did right there and it looks really really clean so I'm going to keep going all right so I'm at this really this really gnarly sharp corner and I'm going to apply that same uh shrinking technique to uh just try to shrink some vinyl around that so what I'm going to do is create small tabs so let's get let get about that [Music] much this is where you have to really really be patient because you don't want this side to lift but again like these Corners are not prone surprisingly to lifting [Music] so here's what I'm going to do keep downsizing [Music] [Music] this [Music] and then just keep shrinking it see that see how it kind of shrunk around it that'll hold it that will actually hold it just enough if you guys can see that that sucker okay so I'm just going [Music] to it's going to cut it like this [Music] [Music] so it it's staying there so there's not much material there but I'm going to go ahead and hit it with some heat again and see if that folds over yep so that's definitely on there so what I could do is just fold this side over as much as possible I might have to cut a little bit more off this lip right here I can show you guys careful with your fingers [Applause] here so again all I'm doing is trying to ensure that this doesn't lift okay so I have a little fold there and then I'm going to cut some of this off it's a little much I'm just going to stretch it away pull it out of the way so there I basically just did um what I did here except onto this corner because I didn't really trust this sharp corner but I made sure to shrink it first onto the corner and then I made like smaller folds similar to these right here and I'm just going to keep folding that over yep there it is right there so it does look good part here yeah okay and always keep checking the other side so you want to constantly check the other side while you're cutting just uh for wrinkles and stuff like that so I'm going to keep going at this use those shrinking techniques just just use your common sense like if you think if you're not confident about something try to find ways to reinforce it whether it's tap you can even use glue if you really wanted to on the other side um it's up to you basically you just you want to just take your time on this part and sometimes it just takes hours like I've been on this for a couple hours now um so I'm going to keep going make it look really nice for you guys all right so I'm kind of nearing nearing the end here so as you can see I've created um a lot of tabs here and I'll probably uh reinforce it um with some more vinyl Pieces Just to tape over it like that uh just so you guys can fully see what I'm talking talking about now I wanted to record this part because this is like the most satisfying part for me it's the part with the uh the tape tape knife or whatever so let's go ahead and uh start this off so I like to give it a uh like give it a head start so I'll just make a cut there or something like that and then I'll try to expose that that string if I can sometimes it's kind of hard but let's see do this with one hand so there it is let's get this separated here boom okay go ahead and find where I cut and I'm just going to put my thumb there and just start give it a quick yank I drop this there it is okay so you want to do like a straight shot and then once you get to here you kind want to stop a little bit early and just make sure everything is kind of pressed in before you finish it off there you [Music] go now the reveal you can either start here or you can start pulling this up let's take the whole and then just make sure you're not yanking too much off of this yeah boom love this part my favorite part and then you just press in the the edge with your [Music] finger [Music] okay so I'm practically done with this piece I'm going to leave it overnight um basically just see if there's any more lifting uh if there is I'll hit it with some heat um I went ahead and hit all the edges with more heat just to be sure but basically I showed you guys the the really tedious way of vinyl wrapping this took me a good 3 hours um probably because I was filming on top of it too and trying to trying to show you guys some techniques but tomorrow I'm going to show you guys the uh quick and easy way um basically it's not as hideous so uh it might not come out as good as this job did since that technique takes less time you won't feel as bad if you screw up but yeah let's leave this overnight and I'll see you guys tomorrow all right guys day three and uh I left this overnight it's about 4: in the afternoon right now I just got home from school and it looks good um I didn't really get um any lifting to be honest um I had a little bit here as you can see and I'm just going to push that down and that's all you could really do is just keep pushing them down um but you know I'm not really that worried about this spot cuz it's it's pretty flat if I really have to I'll just cut cut the pieces that are uh I keep lifting but it's just very minor um I was very pleased with this and this right here these little recesses they came out pretty good um I don't see any more lifting there so let's go to the garage whoops okay guys so I showed you guys the uh long and tedious way of how to vinyl wrap and honestly for a motorcycle um if you want it to last I think that is the best way to do it not saying this way that I'm about to show you is not going to last because I've done it this way way um many times it's just um this way is like the quick and fast way to do it I could I could wrap this bike in in one day and and I've done it in a couple hours really um but I I wouldn't suggest this if you want it to last a little bit because you're going to get a lot of lifting um there's going to be a lot of areas that aren't perfect uh if you want it like really really really good that example that I showed previously with the tabs and and just taking it off and making sure everything was clean and you know making clean cuts and being really patient that's the way you want to do it this is kind of the uh quicker way to vinyl wrap and this is how a lot of cars are being vinyl wrapped they're not taking panels off they're just wrapping them um with everything on the car maybe bumpers will come off but um yeah they're not taking stuff off uh I like this way better because one it's faster two um this this fairing is not moving around on me um it's on the bike uh I have plenty of room to stretch I have two free hands whereas the other way I essentially had like one and 1 half hands so yeah let's let's get on with this um first thing I'm going to do is mount it on and maybe use like this one screw and I don't know maybe this right here since I'm not wrapping it here just to just to hold it so let's get this on okay so that's pretty solid I'm going to go ahead and um as usual I'm going to wipe it down with some uh alcohol you can use Simple Green again um but I've already cleaned it with simp green so I'm just going to do a quick wipe and then I'll add the uh the knife [Music] tape [Music] okay now I can start applying the uh vinyl wrap and just like last time I'm going to be wary of this uh recess right here this little Ridge that I call it and um I'm going to find a starting point somewhere right here so all this this whole area right here is pretty flat okay so this is a good area to to start um if I really wanted to I could I could do this last but I want to get this out of the way so I'm going to focus on getting the most material I can into this Ridge so that way I don't get any lifting okay and then I'm going to work my way up once I get that done come here finish this side and then towards the end finish it off right here okay and then after that I'll take it off and make my cuts uh you can make your Cuts while the fairing is on the bike but honestly you want to try to like use this uh these Ledges to try to hook the vinyl in a place so that's why I only use this screw and that top screw because I want to be able to take it off and finish it off uh inside so I precut the vinyl already and um just so I know um so I don't get confused I Mark the backside top and bottom so right now I'm just trying to make sure I have it uh lined up correctly I'm not pressing in in too many areas um and it looks like I do have it lined up correctly so I'm going to go ahead and start pushing this into that recess so I ran into a little uh a little block here it's one of the fairings um so this right here this is keeping me from wrapping this I'm going to go ahead and leave that um just the way it is maybe like drape it over like this for now and then when I take it when I take the fairing off I'll finish it off because that that little part is not that big a deal all right so you see these these lines right here I'm going to pull this downwards to get rid of them [Music] so okay just like that that's all vinyl wrapping is it's just stretching and squeeing whether you're using a squeegee or your hands to get rid of these Bubbles and wrinkles all it is see that now I'm going to peel the rest of this off so the problem with starting at the recess is uh just you're just going to have to stretch everything else around it but the rest of this is pretty flat so I don't think I'm going to have too big of a issue stretching it this Frame slider is in the way so I'm going to I'm going to have to make a cut because what I should have done is taken it out but it's too late at this point so that's okay I'm going to make sure I don't cut anything behind it don't cut too much off but nice little slit right here should be good okay so now I can get in here and really start stretching stretching okay I'm gonna have to make another cut in here again being we of where all the uh fairing is cuz I don't want to start over Okay now I can get my hand in there and stretch that out right there it's just the process of stretching uh one section to this section to this section to this section that's what vinyl wrapping is guys it's not that difficult okay so here I have all this excess I'm going to trim a little bit away okay see I'm not trimming too much doing a little bit at a time because I don't want to again I don't want to over trim this whole thing and then you know I'm left with a big ass spot where there's no vinyl right so just kind of keep going he like right here I'm going to leave that and I'm going to work on this side now so I'm going to pop all this out okay and again you can use a squeegee I prefer not to just trust my fingers more although you can definitely like you can cover more with a squeegee as far as squee squeezing stuff out okay but I just again I I like to use my [Music] fingers you guys can use a squeegee if you want I prefer not to I only use it when it's [Music] necessary so again I'm just literally going down to Center and moving my moving my way out okay you see how I start you guys see that okay see that all right so see I started in the center now I'm working my way out again and just this is all cold stretch I haven't I have not touched my heat gun once okay this is all cold stretch e e e and e there's a wrinkle here I want to get rid of that's all it is very simple it's not hard guys it's not hard okay my daughter's crying uh luckily I finished this just in time it is now 5:45 so I started wrapping right around 5:35 5:40 so this took just over an hour to do whereas when I had the fairing off um it took me like a good two or 2 and 1 half hours of wrapping so I'm going to go get my daughter I'm going to leave this here for now I'm not going to take it off um when I come back I will take it off one hole just like that okay when you come to the end you want to stop a little bit just make sure it cuts correctly [Music] okay just going to leave it at that and then the satisfying [Music] part boom God that that part is just so satisfying man I just want a knife knife tape like everything love that love it that up look for any lifting again try not to stop till you get to the stopping [Music] point start pulling it off just like that push it down with your fingers add some heat press down again and that's it that looks beautiful guys proud papa right there now careful when you're yanking on this stuff other guys it's just easier to cut it that's it okay so unlike the uh the last piece uh I'm not going to be doing a ton of tabs on this I might do like one or two just very little tabs I'm just going to go ahead and cut them just like I did the side panels see how there's no tabs but it's still pretty clean and um this is a flat flat piece so I was really confident on this um this one's not as flat but I'm really confident in my uh wrapping skills on this one so I'm not going to do the tabs as much I am going to heat it all up again and then watch for bubbles but just like the last one I don't think there's going to be uh there's not going mean much this is plastic but it's it's like a rough surface uh well it's not rough but it's kind of hard and um I'm just going to use this piece of foam uh packaging thing just to lay my uh piece down just help protect it a little bit while I'm doing uh some work on this side okay I wanted to show you guys this um right here this curve right here what I did is I folded it I folded it in and I try to stretch and try to get as many wrinkles as possible then I'm going to make a cut right there okay so there you go I actually left a nice uh maybe like a/2 in backing on this one/ in tab so all right [Music] guys that's both of them both sides done and uh they came out really well so this bottom side it doesn't really sorry these bottoms don't really matter I just kind of normally I would make a cut right here but I think this will just be an extra spot um for it to kind of anch on so I'm just going to leave it I'll definitely cut out that hole just like I did with this um for now I'm going to uh leave this overnight I'm confident I could uh put it back right now as is but I'm going to leave it overnight just in case I've already heated everything um now I'm going to show you how to do a cut right here this is like a little window and basically I'm just going to heat it push it in and then cut it from the other side so let's get that done actually before I do that I wanted to show you guys the difference so this has the uh multiple uh tabs fold it over this has a couple big ones there that I was concerned about um mainly where that recess is and then here I still folded it over I didn't do the cut at the edge like I thought I was going to do um the reason being is I was already there so normally if I didn't take the fairings off I would just cut it um at the edge using the back of the blade from here and then pull that piece out but since I already had it off I'm going to uh went ahead and just made like a little uh little fold so this way is a little bit cleaner but essentially they're the same [Applause] thing and then push again with my finger see how soft that is [Music] now see now I've stretch that if I heat this again it's just going to shrink I'm going to show you guys I don't want to heat it again cuz it's just going to shrink but just for the purpose of this video see it just shrunk right back up so so now I'm going to make a cut in here like that okay I'm going stick my finger through just make it a little bit bigger all right now I'm going to start pushing the sides in edges like kind of fold it over and then we're going to shrink it onto the other side so that way it [Music] hooks that's all we're doing essentially we're just shrinking them onto these edges going to add some [Music] just let that kind of seal over like that same for this side think that's good cut off some excess okay that was too easy guys too easy again up real good and then there's this little lip coming up on this side but it's nothing major [Music] that there it is there's the uh the window now I want to fill this space right here um normally I would uh leave it but just for the sake of you guys learning I'm going to show you guys how to cut into vinyl without um knife tape tape knife knife tape you know that string so say I wanted to fill this okay but I wanted to cut here how am I going to do that well first of all I'm going to use some masking tape right here okay I don't know what size this is but it's like it's like thinner ones so I'll take some masking tape think that's about right and then right where I want to cut just going to eyeball it I just laid it right on top of that like that and again this is just for the sake of you guys learning I really wouldn't care to do this otherwise okay okay and now you're going to want to take a fresh blade so cut it off and just lightly you're going to lightly cut the vinyl okay um so now you have this room in between this tape the and the uh the fairing to cut you just want you want it like a light super light touch all right so okay and then peel this off and just kind of Jerk it see you see that and then when you're done you have a nice straight edge and you just kind of start ripping the tape off from the bottom just like that all right so yeah I'm going line this up a little better that's it think there's a little piece there but whatever not going to see that oh
Channel: Adobo Moto
Views: 417,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to vinyl wrap, how to vinyl wrap a motorcycle, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap interior trim, how to vinyl wrap rims, how to vinyl wrap a car roof, how to vinyl wrap a hood, how to vinyl wrap a truck, how to vinyl wrap emblems, how to vinyl wrap bumper, how to vinyl wrap a motorcycle helmet, how to vinyl wrap a motorcycle gas tank, how to vinyl wrap a motorcycle tank, how to vinyl wrap a motorcycle fender, how to vinyl wrap a motorcycle fairing
Id: 9DygTh8La9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 31sec (4711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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