Motorcycle Tank, Vinyl Wrapped - One Piece!! CB1000R

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one of the things that really caught my eye when i was thinking about buying the cb thousand r was the gorgeous color on this petrol tank too rich for a grey too deep to be silver i think it looks absolutely brilliant on this machine the only problem is it seems that the paint from honda nowadays is actually based on cheese and this is closer to a metallic mozzarella than it is to a real paint job so in order to give this a bit of protection and hopefully also increase the custom look of my machine i'm going to take the bold step of giving this tank a brushed titanium vinyl wrap now it's hotter than satan's egg basket in here so i'm going to hurry up get this tank off take it up to the lab and get it wrapped [Music] all right then well here we are and got the tank mounted onto my tabletop protecting tabletop with a bunch of random metal connecting right angles and the old handlebar clamp from the versus plus some gopro governs and some cable ties obviously because i've learned from experience it's good to have the tank as fixed as possible so that's not going anywhere i've got my avery dennison brushed titanium vinyl which as you can see is a pretty good match with the original silver of the tank there so it's not going to be too much of a massive change for the look of the bike but before we get on to that needed a bit of prep first of all these rng tank pads on the side here they've been really good they've protected the tank give me some good grip on the side of the tank when i'm breaking cornering and such but sadly the adhesive has given up and they're starting to come away luckily rng were pretty cool about it and they sent me a new set whether i fit these or not depends entirely upon how successful i am with the actual wrap itself so i have to wait and see with that in any case they need to come off and the rng badge comes out of the hole that's left in the pad which is a fine exercise in multi branding if ever i've seen right with them off the next thing that comes to my attention is these badges i've never really liked these badges they stick out too much they're horrible and plasticky looking and to be honest they don't even really fit the tank all that well plus it's going to be a nightmare trying to cut vinyl around this thing so they're just going to come off and i'm going to achieve this by heating it with my tiny little travel hair dryer almost matches the tank doesn't it it's almost like i've planned it that's nice and warm there's a little leak off hole underneath here in the badge get screwed over underneath it pull it off there's the badge there's a little hole at the bottom i was talking about it sadly has left a little bit of a mess so you have a bit of work to just peel what's left of the glue off here and then with most of the stuff off there's a little splash pure alcohol completely get rid of everything that's left that looks like it was never there brilliant while i'm here with an alcohol soaked cloth it'll get rid of the residue from the tank pad as well so the next step is going to be removing the petrol cap and that's just five bolts around the edge stair out pop in the key unlock the cap and it comes straight out and i'm gonna stick a rag in there as well just to stop me from accidentally dropping anything in there and to stop any extra fumes coming out and igniting while i'm heating the tank with a hairdryer now comes the final prep section i actually washed the bike in the car wash just yesterday before i took the tank off so it's relatively clean already but just to make sure there's no extra grease and stuff i've got alcohol on a cloth so that is about as clean as it's going to get so we are practically ready to wrap just for bragging rights and because i kind of want to see if i can do it and because the likeable rider bit me a pint i'm going to try and wrap this in one piece of vinyl looking at it now on the table i'm thinking maybe that was a bit of a silly choice but i'm going to give it a go anyway but that doesn't mean i don't need to worry about where i'm going to be having cuts and things because obviously i'm going to want to cut the vinyl around the edge of the tank i've also decided i'm going to keep the silver bit at the back so that the tank keeps tied into the rest of the aluminium parts on the rest of the bike so what i'm going to do is i'm going to run some of this stuff this is absolutely fantastic this is 3m knifeless tape finish line links to all the stuff that i use in this video obviously will be in the description below i'm going to run some of this around this bottom edge and i'm going to come slightly above where it goes around the corner just to give myself a fighting chance because once i get round to this point i'm not going to want to deal with them going further underneath the tank so i'm just going to give myself a little edge which means there's going to be a tiny little original metallic gray edge around there but as we've already seen the color isn't so different so that's not going to be too much of a glaring thing to see what this knifeless tape basically is is a cutting filament on a piece of tape backing so you stick this down you can then pull the filament through the vinyl and that gives you your cut without having to use knives so i am going to start on this package here along the silver line because that's a good place to start and then run the knifeless tape all the way along the edge of the bottom of the tank around the front over the top and then back over the other side nice as the bottom edge is done now the silver bit at the back and once again i'm going to give myself a fighting chance by cutting the corner there and we really are finally ready to wrap i'm gonna need practically the whole sheet all right it's a tiny bit disappointing because i had hoped i had enough to maybe it up once and then start again but it looks like that's not the case so i'm just gonna have to go for it here who dares wins rudders there's winds oh with the hairdryer and the squeegee at hand get ready for the time lapse hopefully there'll be no reason for me to stop and swear [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] well there we go more or less i've got it all the way around on this side but unfortunately there's quite a lot about it i don't like already you can see in this light particularly there's this stretch line here it shows where i've stretched it too much at that point that's a real shame plus i've just worked this front corner so much i can't imagine that's going to stick for a great deal of time it's a real shame because from the back it's really looking pretty good just wish i hadn't cocked it up so much but anyway i'm going to carry on with the other side it's pretty much going to be the same struggles as this side so i'll save you the boredom you can join me again when it comes to the next interesting stage right then but that is the other side also done sadly it was a repeat of the right side a little bit too much stretching particularly to the edges not the job i had quite hoped for so there's a bit of weird swirling and stuff but i'm going to run with it it is on there there aren't any huge ripples or holes or anything so what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave it like it is for now for the short term i'm going to save the rng pads and i'm going to do it again but only doing the top and the sides and leaving these scallops at the side uncovered in order to put the pads on because all the tension comes from me trying to stretch everything towards the back and towards the front in order to create enough slack on the opposite in order to create enough tension to take up the extra material that's in this cut out and that means i've overworked the front i've overworked the back everything is less than ideal but it doesn't look awful and to be honest if i'd wanted a professional job i probably should have got a professional to do it and that i am not so i'm going to carry on by taking care of the filler cap so need to cut a circle in that [Music] so now take care of these cuts [Music] so she worked pretty well to be honest [Music] and that's it we're pretty much done so then just as a final little half-assed precaution i'm just going to try and do a bit of an approximation of what they call post heating which is to try and remove the memory of the stuff so i'm just going to put as much heat as i possibly can with a travel hair dryer into the areas around the edges where i put the most stress and tension and i don't know how much of a difference this is really going to make but anyway so i'm going to get on with doing this and i'll meet you back in the garage putting this tank back on the bike [Music] there we go that is the new brushed titanium vinyl wrap tank back on the cb 000r and to be honest now that's back on the bike i'm not quite as disappointed with it as i thought i was going to be sure there's a few nasty stretch marks here and there there's a couple of imperfections on some of the corners the edges around the front and the bottom are really they're not the best overworked the vinyl overstretched it asked too much of the adhesive and the look has paid the price sadly although i think to be honest props to myself a little bit that as an amateur to attempt to tank like this all in one piece the fact that i didn't throw it out the window having a teary-eyed tantrum is a win already as far as i'm concerned but yeah i think this is definitely going to be attempt one of at least two attempts because i need to try again i think i can do better maybe there's a better way i can do it if any of you've got any tips please do leave them in the comments below i'm always happy to hear anything because as an amateur i don't know everything and i probably can get better already i've done a few things to give me a bit of a fighting chance i've put a strip all the way around the bottom edge up to the front on both sides just to kind of protect the edge a little bit from the elements stop it from peeling up within the first five minutes the stretch marks there's nothing really i can do about it so i'm just gonna have to see how long i can deal with it before they really start to annoy me but in any case watch this space for attempt number two and also watch this space for seeing this brushed titanium tank flying around in the mountains very soon because there's a trip coming up i'm really excited about that so yeah that's everything for today thank you so very much for watching like this video if you liked it dislike it if you didn't subscribe to the channel if you're not already and i will see you next time
Channel: AndyManCam
Views: 69,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motovlog, motovlogging, andymancam, andy man cam, actioncam, action cam, motorcycle, motorbike, helmet cam, road trip, Honda CB1000R, Neo Sports Cafe, cb1000r, best motorcycle youtube channel, best motorbike youtube channel, vinyl wrap, avery dennison, 3M, knifeless tape, 3m finishline, 3m design line, 3m finish line, vinyl wrapping, autofolie, brushed titanium, wrap motorcycle tank, wrap motorbike tank, vinyl wrap motorcycle, vinyl wrap motorbike, how to, tutorial, petrol tank
Id: Dlm2Q9ejmrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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