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what's going on guys all right so today I'm gonna wrap this Ford Raptor in Avery satin black again in the description below a link to all the products that I'm using today as well as a promotion code for sign maker tools or yellow tool sign the sign maker tool specifically so that will be in the description below with the promo codes you can get a discount on this stuff that I'm using today now this truck in particular is a bit different as far as the the body goes it's it's a full aluminum body I believe so magnets do not work alright so there's an actual there's a really cool product that sign makers has senator tools has and it's gonna allow the magnets to stick to the car which is pretty cool they're called gecko pack sorry and I have a few of them already placed on the truck itself Oh as you can see I have a GoPro on my head so let's step up the video quality now we're gonna get some more point-of-view stuff and I thought you know since you guys always asked for it it would be good I have the camera angled correctly so I've checked it out I've got it on my phone just able to see everything there so this is the gecko patch right here and this is a beautiful little thing this it this is particularly for like you know if you're trying to wrap a window or whatever and you just want to stick a magnet down you can stick a magnet anywhere on any surface pretty much that's that's high energy these things are reusable there's no stickiness to the to the backside of it at all so it just actually sticks on its own use cutter push it on and then it sticks and then the magnet sticks to the magnet often take it off see just pretty cool but the magnet doesn't stick to here right so the night it will just fall off but if I actually put it here so you can see this is awesome invention actually so so the magnet will stick now right very important tool to have in my opinion when you're doing cars newer cars nowadays newer vehicles nowadays where they have aluminum bodies it's gonna be a little bit more difficult some Mustangs a lot of them actually have like the front fender the doors obviously the bumpers are always plastic so front fender doors trunk and sometimes the roof are not magnetic but usually the rear quarter-panel is on this truck nothing is magnetic at all so nothing is steel so let's talk about what I've done here right now so what I've done is I've removed the scoop this is just going to allow me to wrap in a little bit further make it a little bit nicer again it's black over black so I didn't have to do this but I do do this because how I do things no matter what if the truck is white red black orange green then matter it's getting pretty much a full tear down and I'm gonna wrap it the same way I'd wrap a red car so let's let's cut out the vinyl here on the side of the truck I'm just gonna angle the camera I had to pop the camera up on a table so there's the 488 I wrapped a few months back it's getting stripped the crowd owner selling the car so let's get this over here and I've got to that's my knife I've got to deco patches I'm not sure if you can see them in the video on the side of the truck right now these are larger ones okay these are these are much larger so these if these ever get dirty what you can do is you can just use a little isopropyl I find this works maybe just maybe I'm not supposed to but I find it works clean it up a little bit and it and it makes them stick really really nice again so again magnet will not stick to the side of the truck but it will stick to the gecko patch when you put the gecko patch on you're just going to want to smooth it out try and make sure the air is out of it again that's pretty straightforward stuff so what I need to do now is I need to measure the hood itself so it's span so this I can show you in the stationary camera pretty straightforward stuff I put a gecko patch on the other side so let's start over there because this measuring tape is magnetic so we're gonna go about 78 79 inches it's quite a large hood lengthwise I know it's not longer than 60 inches I've done this truck before so we're gonna cut 79 inches or so let's get the vinyl out of the box and then once I get the vinyl cut out I'm going to switch it to point of view mode with the GoPro I'll leave the I'll leave the main camera running for for audio that's pretty much it I wonder if the sidestep here is even magnetic let's see no nothing's magnetic let's get that out [Applause] this is a full roll so if you're wondering how much finally going to need for a project like this you're gonna need about a full roll for this so let's remove the tape full roll meaning 75 feet or 25 yards sorry I didn't elaborate on that let's get this there we go so I'm gonna start to roll this out [Applause] satin black is not a directional film but we very much always run my films directionally I have to be careful of the side step there since it is textured kind of a rough textured surface [Applause] so you'd probably be somewhere around there let's grab the measuring tape [Applause] let's cut our 79 right there all right [Applause] it's fine I can fold the flop over a little bit and then I'm gonna leave that there for a moment I'm gonna wipe down the surface I've already prepped the surface using isopropyl alcohol but I will again 70% let's get the scheduled patch off in here can't wrap over it I've also used a compressor to make sure that I've blown away all the contaminants and things like that now even though this truck is very much brand new it's a couple months old actually it does have already some stone chips in it so I will kind of show you those in the GoPro you'll be able to see a little bit better so this is going to definitely help preserve the finish on the vehicle [Applause] might be asking me why I haven't wiped inside the hood scoop area I don't need to disturb all that right there I've used a compressor to make sure that I've blown away all the dirt and debris so we're good with that so by the way this truck is also getting ceramic coated okay so I'm gonna show you what a ceramic coating looks like on a satin wrap when it's all said and done okay cool so let's turn on the GoPro we're recording alright [Music] that's that's an SUV this GL a GL c63 s and it's pretty it's pretty wild actually that's a nice SUV it's a nice SUV it's pretty crazy actually Sade's it's a v8 yeah yeah to Viera all right so we're gonna flop this guy on there so if you don't have magnets or deco patches what you can do with something like this is just peel the corner and stick that corner down now I put one gecko patch on the other side because what's going to happen is I'm going to leave one magnet over there while I unravel unroll the vinyl so have to lift this the other side the passenger side over there so I'm just gonna analyze what I've got here and coverage let's check out the front end yeah I'm not gonna trim any off I might as well just leave it it's gonna be a little bit more balanced if I leave it so let's do that I recorded a fun video last night but the audio didn't work I did two videos and it didn't work so it's kind of a bummer all right it's not you can see why I have a gecko patch in there so I just so I don't have to hassle with peeling off a corner I'm gonna roll this bad boy off not so good right so I just actually a Ford Raptor way in the back there I just came we've just wrapped a few weeks ago and three on that block I got into a little little fender bender on the side there on the rear of the box so just getting it replaced I didn't wrap that one but I did help on the hood Oh me cool so what we're gonna do right now is we want to want to stretch this guy okay [Applause] this is a very tall put our tall truck sorry stick that down there let's get rid of the magnet actually need it anymore love those gecko patches super handy when I was doing like the Ferrari and stuff so okay so I've got some wrinkling there what I want to do is bring it back this way after have to search show you a couple of storm chasers anyways they shouldn't show through too much maybe very slightly had someone called me yesterday and he's looking to buy a Porsche Turbo it's a used one but he asked about stolen chips and so I kind of wanted to show what it would look like with with stone chips over it because obviously he's buying these cars gonna have some it's gonna have some stone chips in it alright cool so we're good all up in here I need to reposition the vinyl very much after this perfect now what we want to do is I'm gonna outline this guy right here I'm gonna throw my glove on in a second let's see that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] screw up glides really really nicely and I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do in a moment okay so what I want to do is get down this corner right here I'm not gonna use any heats I'm not I don't want to force it past the point that it wants to be cuz I want to lay it into this recess mostly right as I always do okay what a minute now is anchor this right down the middle so I can actually should be able to bridge this a little bit this is fine it's getting right in there that's gonna be the deep much deeper part of the recess so as we get over here yeah same deal over here and Laura's a stone ship a couple of stolen ships around here somewhere makes sense it's the front of the car it's right in the middle [Music] [Applause] so what I'm gonna actually do is I'm gonna cut here and walk the film back the other direction [Music] since it's gonna be much easier I'll explain this in a second so it's gonna be much easier for me to cut out some of this and then hold that vinyl in that way as opposed to coming out from this side over here which is much wider and very hard to reach okay [Applause] [Music] could I swap a bunch of primer 94 in this recess right here sure why not I'm not that kind of guy to use primer 94 so [Music] so I'm gonna make sure there's air escape at this end as I feed all the vinyl this way or feed all the air this way sorry you want to make sure that we have an open end okay [Music] around here so what I'm gonna do right now is cut off some of this [Music] just gloss it out slightly actually I'm not gonna gloss it out sorry I was a mistake what I'm going to do is I'm going to lay it in [Applause] [Music] all right bring it down this way and I'm not gonna stretch it in all the way just one well I want it to lock it in give it time to stretch out this way we're not over stretching the vinyl [Applause] so I stretched it out first and then I release it so this way and then I cut I cut those wrinkles out first and then I come back and then I release it sorry that's well that's what I mean to say [Music] go again a little bit of stretch nothing crazy [Applause] you can see why you'd want to lay this in here right this is a very deep recess and you might run into the issue of the vinyl popping out of it down the road [Applause] it's just this just increases longevity the customer did tell me that's probably changing once a year or so if I get bored of it after a year maybe even sooner so [Applause] here we go [Music] so work our way down here so when you're dealing with this area right here there's only one way to really do this and we just want to grab the vinyl and pull it outward see I'm pulling it upward and the vinyl that the wrinkles are just kind of going away I'm not pulling very hard at all I'm just giving it time one little guy on the edge told me fine okay it's not the end of the world and then once we do that most first or most of our stretch is actually right through here not so much at the very end unless you're pulling right down and eating it and stuff like that you don't want to do that okay all that in so what I'm gonna do here is probably need a little stepstool I only had one I'll just grab the chair for now this is not the safest but it's fine so what I measure now is I can stand on top of the tire I'm not gonna hurt anything is kind of some of this okay not too deep said I want to cut into the paint I'm going to cut off some of the back here let's just make sure we're right where the edges I always lift the vinyl so I'll cut into anything that should be cut into so now all we're gonna do is work this way okay I'm gonna lift this up right here it probably would have been better to not have squeegee this but it's fine squeeze you tit so I'm just gonna pull it back a little bit and allow us to be able to lay into this recess okay so you're gonna see the massive difference right here right now we're gonna work this a little bit right here and so they can see the vinyl it's actually kind of pulling itself into this area right here is or is it dropping into the area on its own right even if we even if we just lay in some of this it's better than stretching it the whole way in and then I have a nice little corner over here so what I want to do is I want to pull it up stretch it out and get it around that corner like that hopefully you guys can see all that stuff right [Applause] so we'll make sure all the airs out of there good we're on to the other side and do the same thing so I'm actually just gonna tackle that area first why not let's grab the chair just making sure my camera up here still recording so we've got audio and do the same thing right here okay I'm going to lift stand on a tire and lift the vinyl up it's really hard to reach let's do the same thing here I'm just gonna stand right on a tire there we go all right so I want you I'm trying angle the camera down hopefully it's where it needs to be I don't have my phone on me to check but I did try and test it first okay all right so let's do this corner up here again let me cut out some more of this vinyl so that it's not inhibiting me and let's pull it up over the corner pull it out with my thumbs and then towards the corner so it wraps around really nicely okay when we go in there dad you later on it's gonna basically shrink itself around there alright let's find the chair there we go chair just fell just broke my neck the hazards of vinyl wrapping right so this has been sitting a while I might have to lift it a little bit on the edges you see the air is not quite coming out as well as it was before the longer it sits the more likely it is to trap air so as long as I got air coming out of that end I don't have to lift it it just seems to be going really nicely no see you got stuck so it's just I like to lift it because if you push down on bubbles like that you can get like circular glue lines we're always gonna get some glue lines all right guys there's really nothing in here right now but this is just from the tape I'll clean it off with a little of adhesive remover later but we don't really get glue lines in Avery but you can still get glue lines in Avery so there is one slightly right here just slightly but if you push down on a bubble you're actually if you push down on a bubble you're very likely to get glue on yeah just so you know [Applause] let's back on I honestly don't know how long that's been of a moment right here so it takes you've missed something I was talking about blue lines and how avery doesn't usually get them but they can't happen very lately they're very small very fine he's gonna restart this camera so I got my audio [Applause] all right so again guys what we're doing is we're gonna pull up a little bit here and we're gonna stretch it out slightly [Applause] as you notice I haven't used any heat yet and I just want to want to lock that in right there [Applause] and then I can come across and start squeegeeing out all this [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see I'm just lifting the vinyl up and you see the angle of my squeeze you take note of that okay while you guys are able to watch this up close and in person take note of the angle of my fusion [Music] so this is this is what you don't want to do you don't want to get too far down on a sharp angle like this okay so we're gonna have to kind of pull back a little bit and then round it out slightly keep everything as symmetrical as possible you should film a little bit if you have to sometimes it's better feeling with your thumb than it is with with your squeegee so I recommend you know utilizing utilizing your thumb as a tool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so again I'm just gonna take this and pull it out let's get rid of all those and I'm not stretching a lot just enough okay [Music] so if I didn't squeeze you thoroughly and I missed a spot these are going to start trapping air just what's happening right here [Applause] my squeegee is always slicing across okay it's very that's a very important thing all right so down here we're wrinkles kind of run this way we need to pull down a little bit okay and then we also spread it out nothing too crazy here it helps to work towards corners ok so we have a corner right here we have a corner over here this allows you to take the vinyl and spread it out towards the corner same deal here [Applause] now take note if you see any scuff marks or basically scuff marks are very fine lines in the vinyl it does post heat out it goes away so it's not the end of the world [Applause] it will actually just go away in the sunlight if you leave it out on a warm day we're running into winter here right now so what I do is I go over this I'll go over the truck before I ceramic coat it and then and then I'll be able to go one wrinkle so we have to add a little bit of heat to that and somebody took my heat gun [Applause] [Music] all right so I had a little wrinkle there just gonna bring it back slightly warm it up a little bit that's it take it spread it all out and draw it down very gently okay so we're not overstretching the violin perfect so the hood itself is wrapped all the air is squeeze it out the hood looks really good as you can see all right we're gonna have to lift it to finish it off so what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to trim this back slightly and not cut on the paint and I'll show you kind of how to do that so right here all I want to do is find a line in the middle here where the bile is still taut and I'm going to end up folding all this in okay so I'll lift this up right here [Applause] let's go around the other side in a second as soon as I lay all this we're gonna get some wrinkling here so what I have to do is just push down on it Aereo and now keep it away it's near the edge of where the vinyl is cut so not a not a big deal they won't fail or anything there I'm certain of that for so I did wipe inside there far enough of where I need to wrap - there's no tension in there anymore so it's not like it's not going to stick to go for each the batteries already at 50% so I've got enough to do like a hood and that's like it I think and same deal with the cutting so this is gonna be my opposite way so I gotta come around and start on this end it's going to be easier for me to start on this ends so I can cut right-handed I'm right-handed so I'm cutting towards my right side [Music] we're going to go over that [Music] sneezing blood but it's okay just kind of lazy to put it on for this a little bit I'll put it on more for the the underside of the hood [Music] [Applause] so even though we had wrinkles there they're all gone cool all right [Applause] now now what we can do here is we can lift it so I'll release it from the edge so if you're if you're beginner what you can do is you can cut on the fender side but again once we get around to the front we don't have that nice even gap anymore that the fender creates for us so you won't have a straight cut I like to have straight cuts so I always open up the hood just how to have it for me once you get if you don't practice cutting with the hood up then you will have to cut here and a spot like this eventually and then you're gonna have not so straight of a cut if you don't practice so it's always good it's always good practice kind of step your step your skill level up we'll finish up all the edges once the hood is lifted cool alright speech you're nothing sticking anything and this should be good [Applause] over here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab kind of let that sit there for a second I grab my handy little yellow open I use this pretty often for hoods to find a spot here so right under the latch would be ideal so I'm gonna have to tie up [Music] okay I can open this up a little bit cool so now I can get it hopefully under there there we go all right this makes a big difference all right so now we have we have complete access to the edge all the way around all there you know you got to see all this happened live right now right in front of your face instead of watching it I'm like a few feet back [Applause] see this one little stone ship right on the corner right there [Applause] [Music] how I do these corners so with so the question that you're gonna be asking is with so little film on the edge is the vial ever gonna lick know whenever it there's no as long as there's no tension on the edge then it's totally fine that's one thing to keep in mind so even when you get around like this side over here I have like the corner right now is all elevated so I can actually wrap the corner a little bit nicer so if I take the vinyl and I just heat it a little bit and then just just stretch it out and around old slightly I have complete access to the corner and complete access to this edge right here so this is why it helps to have the hood open to finish it all off I don't like to just kind of wing the cut and then hope that I got full coverage and that I caught on the fender side here and I hope at night I don't wing it and I just hope that I have full coverage of the actual hood itself but I don't end up getting that which is a complete bummer down the road so that ever happens [Applause] so we can do let's just finish up the backside here once I finish off with the heat I'll just go over and we'll cut it all afterwards all at once [Applause] Oh so I'm happy with all how all this is sitting right now [Applause] let's make our way around to the very front [Applause] so I have my heat gun on the hottest setting possible but I don't keep the heat gun in one spot for very long okay when I'm teaching people they often burn their out so don't do that you're always moving your heat gun [Applause] and you notice how I'm not really so much stretching to the edge I'm just kind of heating it up and pushing down the wrinkles their girls won't come back once you push them down and you heat them it's only when you start stretching okay [Applause] what the guys are excited for these new videos with the GoPro kind of should help step things up a little bit right [Applause] so you might be asking like what I could do here is I could do like a relief cut between like here and here these two points so why not why not just show you that you could do that if you really wanted to if you were concerns you may just put the heat gun away for a second so I can do a relief cut like right here just don't cut into anything and that that actually makes this really flimsy here and same one here right right so now I have a town here and it's out here with way less tension [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is kind of a slow hoodrat but again it's all about being thorough right [Applause] I could have wrapped this in life curse save myself ten minutes by cheated and just cut on the edges and didn't do all this heating and stuff like that and to make everything look really nice you know like this is all about it looking like a paint job in the end that's that's what I want that's what I strive for all right so we're all done with that [Applause] now I'm just gonna stand on this step here and access the back side so when I cut just cutting on the very back side right here okay yeah we'll go over all this with heat afterwards you can see that I don't have a ton of my blade out right now just be sure ting that you have full coverage okay so I always constantly double check before I cut but it's my if my back of the blade is on the backside of the edge and the violence of the box is at the very edge then we should be good as far as cutting goes it's a little bit awkward for me to say it's my right hand I'm kind of getting bound up here it's okay I got it yeah yeah so once we're done all the cutting we're gonna go over again one more time with heat so again with the corner I'm just taking my blade and coming underneath it as you can see them a little bit shaky today and you don't need to have this the steadiest hands it's cuz I went to the gym and I have you eaten yet you don't need to have the steadiest hands to make the straightest cuts okay it's all about guiding the blade and planting yourself if your hand is floating through the air like this you're gonna make life through here you're gonna make mistakes but if you guide see how my my index are sorry my middle fingers see if I actually messed that up and pull that back a little bit and I can actually just trim that off and make it nice again so [Applause] so keep a little tension on it we don't want to be applying force okay the blade is doing all the work here I'm just moving it forward so I keep tension on the vinyl this way I can keep my cut nice and clean and straight much easier to cut when we have tension on the vinyl I'm just gonna make sure my camera still going yeah fresh sharp blade is always very important also okay keep that in mind so when I show you the back side of the hood afterwards keep in mind that you're probably not gonna see much it's gonna be a little bit difficult to see how straight the cut is deck if I cut just aren't using the fender side I could have saved myself you know a minute on each side maybe not even that maybe like 20 seconds why say that I'm not down to save 20 seconds it's not that important to me what's important to me is that the install just looks a little bit nicer so I'm gonna take my blade it started there and then run it out now it's a bit tricky cuz it's a little difficult to reach there we go so I'll just grab this piece again and I'm I'm guiding the back of my blade on the back side of the hood right there so this makes it so I can have a straight cut and I lost that piece there so I have to start again the way I find the spot as I pushed through but it's very easy to kind of see the line push through first and then I can grab my piece that's it so let's go over all those guys they're my heat gun running outside here so this is the finishing touch this is the final step these corners might be blatantly visible to the customers so I want them to look really nice in the edge especially on this truck since the heights it's a little bit higher [Applause] again what's nice about having the herd elevate is uh I have access to heat the edge I don't even have to move it again I don't have to open it again at all if it pulls it that's just in a right spot that's it guys this is the hood wrap all done cool so that's pretty much it guys if you thought the video was helpful and hopefully it's a little bit more in-depth and it gives you a better visible visibility about what's going on I don't forget that like button again I don't forget the subscribe button and notifications if you guys want to see some more stuff yeah officer on notifications get like the stuff right away if you want to see it but I'll do a ton more videos on this truck since I do have a lot to do on it still we've only just started when we just drop the hood we've got to put the doors which are framed and got the front fender which would be funny wow it's tough to do guys like the video again give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe again thank you for watching a link to all the products in the description below take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 167,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, how to wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap, vinyl wrap, gopro, gopro wrap, POV, POV wrap, hood wrap, how to wrap a hood, truck wrap, pickup truck, truck, pickup, how to wrap a truck, satin black, satin black truck, matte black, matte black wrap, satin black wrap, Vvivid, Avery, 3m, 3m 1080, APA, Oracal, Hexis, KPMF
Id: o6pivYHjsE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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