Important Things To Know When Playing DRAGON’S DOGMA 2

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this is a huge open world RPG that will engulf  your free time and consume your thoughts when   you're away from it but to know exactly what  you're about to get yourself into I'm going   to break down and review the gameplay side of  Dragon's Dogma 2 so the depth of the combat system   how each of the starting vocation classes actually  play and a few other important things you need to   know no story spoilers whatsoever though to keep  it totally guilt watch free now let's get into   it I'm Alex and if you happen to be new here hey  welcome all right the combat and Dragon's Dogma   is tied to a stamina system but your basic light  and heavy attacks don't consume any of that gauge   this makes offense usually your main priority  what consumes your stamina bar is activating   weapon skills or spells sprinting clinging to a  monster and some vocation specific actions your   character's overall size and proportions dictate  a few key elements that tie into this for one a   smaller shorter character will regenerate their  stamina faster so they can use more weapon skills   more often while a taller larger character will  regenerate stamina at a slower rate also overall   movement speed is affected by your size on the  left is short height short legs and on the right   is tall height long legs the taller one with  the physically longer legs actually moves around   faster than the other one a larger character  will also have a higher MX ma encumbrance like   58 inventory weight here compared to the same  character but smaller having 42 instead your   size and length of arms seems like it might very  slightly influence your character's attack reach   but it's not a huge difference if much at all now  don't worry I know a lot of you actually a whole   whole lot of you already made your character in  The Character Creator demo thing before starting   a playthrough though you can entirely re-edit that  character you previously made and in case you need   to make some changes you can also purchase the art  of metamorphosis book from a rift vendor and take   that to a barber to re-edit your character size  and proportions during the playr you go in tall   you go in small or you go in medium let me know  getting grabby is another big mechanic in Dragon's   Dogma being able to latch on and wiggle around  on larger enemies is useful for exploiting their   weak spots breaking or severing bonus materials  off of them or to knock them down the ground   some vocations can also use their weapon skills  while they're grabbed onto someone like the thief   being able to Lodge an explosive right into their  hide and if you happen to see a big enemy looking   kind of unstable or doing like a one foot little  dance Wobble move over to them while on the ground   and press the grab button on their leg to start  pushing them if you do this right you can mess   up their balance and topple them over the grab  can even be used to control some creatures like   a harp if you latch onto one that's flying you can  directly influence where they fly to useful if you   need to clear a gap or get up to a higher spot if  you manage to get yourself up onto a larger flying   creature that's out of combat you can actually  ride it around like an aerial Mount good luck   getting down from there safely from wherever it  decides to take you though your grabby little   hands can also be used to pick up and throw  smaller objects enemies and other characters   you could use an enemy Cor as a weapon toss your  healer at a harpy to bring him down throw an enemy   towards your teammates to set up a Wombo Combo  go hunting for deer with deer or use a liquid   container to apply a synergistic status effect  some abilities can even leave behind throwable   objects like the mage's ice spell crumbling into  usable ice blocks after it's shattered grabbing   and throwing things in battle is entirely optional  but the game's built-in physics engine makes it   oddly satisfying every time outside of combat you  might find triggerable hazards out there that can   be activated with throwable objects ideally don't  stand right in front of them but my heroics did   open up this whole new area to explore there's a  decent amount of verticality in Dragon's Dogma 2   so it's useful to know that Landing directly under  one of your pawns will let them lovingly catch you   in their arms and a bonus that counters taking  any fall damage thanks Chad then for science sake   I tested this out from a bit higher up to see  if it negates fatal fall damage Chad Chad pawns   can also be used to navigate to places that your  current vocation might not be able to like here   using the go command lets my Mage levitate over  that chest and pick up the cookies for me pawns   come with experience gained from other human  players worlds and they can use that knowledge   to lead you right to Quest objectives they've  already done they can also locate Collectibles   and chests on your map that their owner had  already found now let's get real the most   powerful weapon in the entire game isn't the  holy Claymore of Carnage or the legendary staff   of the Forgotten it's actually a bridge wooden  bridges can be destroyed sending anything on them   plummeting to their demise dropping a bridge also  has the added effect of creating a ladder which   creates an alternate way to go up or down from  there Bridges will get rebuilt after time passes   in game so put them to use if you need to here  I found this random Cyclops that was doing its   best attempt at cosplaying asbridge after smacking  its grip that quickly eliminated the rain of the   world's worst Cyclops made a decent Bridge though  now a quick summary of the four vocation classes   you'll have to choose from at the start of a  play play through the thief's vocation action   gives them the ability to dodge attacking with  no directional input will let you stay in one   spot and tilting in a Direction wall attacking  will let you move around the heavy attack can   be held to pin down and perform a takedown on  smaller targets or you can use this after a jump   to quickly Lodge yourself into larger creatures  the thief can also jump off of walls plant and   detonate an explosive gain access to a stealth  mode steal items while attacking and can put   together a really useful traversal combo with  the concussive step and skull splitter skills   using one then immediately the other gives you  essentially a double jump that can be used to   cross gaps or get you up to higher elevations  the mag's vocation specific action lets them   quick cast their spells by draining extra stamina  thankfully no limited use Mana resource whatsoever   in this a mage's basic attacks can be shot or or  charged and can be imbued with elemental effects   their heavy attack button is actually an area of  effect heal and its regenerative effects linger   for a few seconds after anyone leaves it the  Mage can levitate to float around which is a   huge bonus for exploration you can levitate  and attack at the same time or cast spells   while you're up there they also get access to a  spell that increases movement speed and can apply   Elemental effects to other characters weapons  self cast it by clicking the right analog stick   in or middle Mouse they can change the spell  their channeling in the middle of a cast and   channeling spells goes even faster if other magic  users in your team are channeling that same type   of spell the Fighter's vocation action is holding  up a block with their Shield changing the Block's   direction is affected by your character's movement  input not the camera's direction if you block at   the last second before getting hit you can perfect  block can knock the attacker back their Shield can   also be used to negate some fall damage by using  it to brace for impact this skill actually just   saved my life right here after I got chucked off  of a griffin the fighter can stand in place to   attack with no directional input or move while  attacking by adding a directional input they   can also unlock the ability to charge the light  attack which turns it into a launcher their heavy   attack can Lodge itself into the target when held  and later on you get a skill that can continually   stab someone over and over and over and over here  delicately severing the body from this tail the   fighter can draw aggro away from teammates use  their Shield to launch a party member into the   air and can use their impeccable guard skill kind  of like a semi Invincible Dodge move so if you   want a character that can hold up a block and have  access to kind of like a Dodge allinone class a   fighter plus impeccable guard the Archer gets the  vocation action to manually aim their attacks with   the bow shots without aiming will Auto Target to a  nearby enemy and Sprint attacking will do a slide   into a more powerful shot their heavy attack is  a Clos range kick and jump kicking into someone   will Spring you off of them and then that can  be followed up with a quick aerial shot some of   the Archer's weapon skills will require you to  buy or craft special arrows to use them like an   explosive or tar shock other skills will just  cost stamina to use like rapid fire shots and   strong pinpointed Snipes they also eventually get  access to a stronger but harder to line up Arrow   draw by clicking in the right stick or middle  Mouse while aiming so that's the four starting   vocations you'll have to pick from but there's  more that you'll unlock later and even a special   vocation that adds a whole new layer of combat  depth but let's now talk about combat controls   first sec I tried numerous custom control tweaks  until I found the perfect setup I liked I changed   light and heavy attack to right bumper right  trigger sheath on the top face button grab on   the left face button weapon skill one and two on  right bumper right trigger and vocation action on   left trigger this setup lets me attack and move  the camera at the same time useful since there's   no lock on targeting for the camera I also prefer  vocation action on left trigger since that can   aim the bow Dodge block or quick cast depending on  your vocation that's what I use but let me know if   you like that change or if you prefer the defaults  now if you haven't been able to already tell for   yourself yet I can confirm that Dragon's Dogma 2  is a masterfully crafted RPG I would even go as   far to say it's one of the best open world RPGs  I've played I know its gameplay Loop is highly   rewarding focusing on tactile combat free form  exploration and concise storytelling the NPCs   usually just get straight to the point to get  you right back into the game overall for me   Dragon Dogma 2 is an easy five out of five RPG and  I think it's going to be some people's game of the   year right here in March it's expansive it's epic  it's ridiculous and it's addictively fun while   easily touting the best cooking animations of all  time because they're not animations they're just   life and with that there is my review but let  me know what you guys think of Dragon's Dogma   2 after you get a chance to put some time in and  tell me what your favorite vocation is up to that   point if you have any direct questions about  the game feel free to hit me up right here at   Boomstick Alex thanks for checking this out today  and for sticking around till the very end I'll see you
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 230,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma, dragons dogma 2 review, dragon’s dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 character creation, dragons dogma tips and tricks, dragons dogma 2 before you buy, dragons dogma 2 beginners guide, dragons dogma 2 advanced tips, dragons dogma 2 character creator guide, dragons dogma 2 combat, ps5, xbox, dragons dogma 2 guide, dragons dogma 2 hidden features, pc, capcom
Id: lOscZVAmXqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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