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Preston well 16:13 then Samuel took the Horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren all right and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward so Samwell rose up amen and went to Rama but the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him and souls 7 right said unto him behold now an evil spirit from God trouble of deed let our Lord now command thy servants which are before thee to seek out a man who is cunning a cunning player on a harp and it shall come to pass when the evil spirit from God is upon thee that he shall play huh and Sultan and his servants provide me now a man that can play well and bring him to me then I said one of his servants and said behold I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehem I that is coming and playing and a mighty villian man and a man of war and prudent in matters a comely person and the Lord is with him well also send messages unto Jesse instead Henry David Ison which is with the sheep and Jesse took an athlete in with bread and a bottle of wine and a kid and send them by David his son unto Saul and David came to Seoul and stood before him and he loved him greatly and he became his armor-bearer and Saul said to Jesse say let David I pray thee stand before me for he have found favor in my sight and it came to pass when the evil spirit from God was upon soul that David took a harp and played with his hand so David was refreshed and was well and the evil spirit he parted from him amen this is it all right I've tried to be Americanized no Hakeem did it all right no you see right now what I'm sharing with you is what the Spirit of God wants to share with you that's what I'm sharing with you not what I want to share with you but what he wants to share with you now the next thing you notice in the life of David all right as God brought him up and raised him up from where he was all right was that David became anointed with a Hebrew word mashach amen hallelujah now what are the seven meanings of preparation number one he needs to lay a foundation number two it means to do what to foresee evil amen number three it means to do what provide for something next one it means what to rehearse ahead of time amen next one to train and next one is what educates with special knowledge next one cultivate for production next one to become mellow and mature amen that's what he needs to be prepared next one to do it I am with the necessary reference now so be armed with the necessary weapons for the ministry you must be mocked out by God do you understand what I'm saying you don't understand you must be apt with the necessary weapons now David had been called and I was telling you about the four phases of David ministry is there not so what were the four phases number one was what before the call then after he was called and anointed then he became a fugitive and then when he became a king all right now notice that we are just entering the next phase of David ministry the understand when he becomes anointed and that is the phase that you are also entering now amen becoming anointed with mashach anointing the word there where the Bible says that someone took the oil and anointed David the word is my shock and a sh a CH ma shock now it means to rub with oil or it means to paint Amos it means to do what another - it means to paint amen number three it means to consecrate so David was tainted amen you see to be anointed it's not as glorious as we often think it is so all we think somebody's anointed then we begin to think that he is now severely and heavily gifted but there is an anointing which is basically an annoying thing that comes to mark you out to paint you and you will see that this word is used not just for human beings but for objects which are not human beings are you listening to me and when that happens one of the things you can be sure about is that whatever you are experiencing your life after that time is something divine and you must let what God is trying to do happen many of you already anointed but you are not anointed in the sense of being so gifted and fire is coming out of your fingers and so on because days it's anointing and experience of the anointing this time let him to become a fugitive not a king I let him to become the exact opposite of what he was dreaming [Music] many times when God calls you and ma shocks you you don't begin to experience the exact opposite of what the vision is opposite Joseph had a dream that he was going to be a king as people were going to bow down the first thing that happens is that he has become a slave the exact opposite who is going to bow down before you when you are a slave if he had vanished why if you are not armed with a certain type of sacrificial mind and a certain mind that is tuned towards eternity all the experiences that you may experience in this phase of your life can easily deceive you and make you think that God is not even with you from back to where Joseph condition becomes first he cannot be even with his father and his brothers because he had a dream that his brothers and even his father and others who are coming to bow down before now he has been captured and has been felt very far then the place that is going things are getting worse that he's becoming a prisoner the answer now his throne is now accused of sleeping with Potiphar's wife if you don't take a is going to be executed you get what I'm saying so he is becoming and experiencing the opposite of the vision the opposite of what he thought God was going to do with his life and when you see David instead of David becoming a king and then it becoming the ruler up was prophesized and spoken when the anointing was put over him if he killed nobody how do you see why many people are not going forward in the ministry because they don't understand when they become nobodies if you give them a little job to do tell you what to do it allows them to do some menial job in cycle so why I came into being the ministry of call to preach and also just to sing of go to Minister the Minister of the Prophet you are nothing [Music] that's anointing you see it needs to print and if I teach you it means you're much now grown Hafiz out you even the Holy Spirit when the Bible speaks about the seal of the Holy Spirit is the side in the realm of the face it is visible that the Holocaust is on you that is why the holy truth is also called a seal because it is a strain that can be seen in the realm of the Spirit that the Spirit of God rest upon this person it's a mark you have been matched and filled with the Holy Ghost hallelujah I listen to me so God must David for kingship so becoming eluted doesn't necessarily mean you are entering into the high places that you are imagining you see God's working if it's such a mixture of supernatural election things that it is easy not to recognize that God is at work you either become so spooky that you can't flow with anything natural or you become so natural that you don't see anything spiritual about what is going on it's all looks natural you go out and say also we are either so spooky that we can't be normal or we are so natural that we are not spiritual at all we don't recognize God in anything and we are so familiar so can now that we don't see the significance of things as they are unfolding but it is important for you to rise up and become both spiritual Elektra whenever you have to be so that you can flow with God I tell you if you read the history of so even the people who wrote the history books that those who teach became they have an analysis of these stories and they say the one who wrote it was in favor of David and he was from Judah and so he made the story looks like so was very bad and that David was very good and they said that people who are written even about Moses and I said up no this was a cool man he led these people out he gave them a whole lot of bloody leather people are he deceived them problem he never completes what he said he was not our country I've so many things about I was very surprised so you see there are many ways to look at it and so you need to have both perspective and be able to balance them because as you are sitting here is both a spiritual supernatural thing for you to be here but it's also a very natural fee some of you us around so you decided to come you get is some of us it really is not to so long after school finish so you are here some of you have a determination some feel God wants you to be here but not so many have that feeling but if you look as if circumstances and a mixture makes you to be here but you have to be very careful but that is where we begin to make mistakes so God max out things for your life and from that moment that is the introduction of David we never heard of David before this experience the anointing introduces your life to the real things that God has planned for your life once upon a time you came to a church service and the Spirit of God came upon you then you became anointed that was the day that God must you from that time everything that happened in your life was supernatural are you listening to me I'm prophesize to somebody I said there was a time you came to church something happen in your life seven things take place from that time you become a noisy you today is a time and it is not like you you are you are now gifted this is you are marked to be much different from to be gifted to be painted is different from to be full of gifts you're mapped out and from that time that looks why there's more than one anointing then it was anointed three times it was anointed then he was anointed to become the king of Judah anyways I wanted to become the king of the whole of Israel yeah three times where he had is anointed each of them took him to the next level but this one took him into troubles this is my Shack he was mocked play with me to Genesis chapter 31 I'm going to give you seven dimensions of the mashach anointing [Music] are you ready for the dimensions [Music] and the words of and he had the words of leoben's and seen Jacob has taken away all that was our fathers and all that was our fathers had he gotten all his glory and dick or beheld the countenance of Laban and behold he was not to Wed him as before the Lord said to Jacob returned to the land of thy father's to thy kindred now be with thee and Jacob sent and call Rachel and Leah to the field into his flock and he said unto them I see your father's countenance that it is not towards me as before by the God of my father has been with me blah blah blah the tenth and it came to pass with the turn of the cattle conceived that I listed up my eyes okay let's just read on that's fine I see a father's countenance that is not towards me as before by six you know that all with all my power I have served your father and your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times I didn't mention that he had also cheated somebody do you see it's not it is not easy to forget mercy for us okay now and if he said that the speck of shall be thy wages and all the cattle best record and it is said that the Rings fish of EDA huh then bear all the copper ring straight that God has taken away the capital of your father and giving them to me and he came to pass at the time that the cattle conceived and I lifted up my eyes and I saw in a dream and behold the round switch with which leads upon the cattle where ringstraked speckled and grizzled and the angel of the Lord speak up to me in a dream saying Jacob and I said Here I am and he said lift up not and eyes and see all the rams which leap upon the cattle i ringstraked speckled and whistled for I have seen all that live and do it unto thee I am the God of Bethel where thou anointest of a shocked the pillar and where thou Bowers now unto me hallelujah are you there and now arise and get the out of this land and return unto the land of thy kindred amen now here you begin to see the very first time that this word mashach was used and God is showing us here that a pillar was anointed masked the other sense a pillar was mocked out as a holy place as a special place and so God is showing you that he is marking you out today as a special person for something special you see all the pillars in this hall they are not they are just normal pillar but as Taylor holds up the building and God is choosing you and mocking you out so that you will be used to hold up his church and hold up his work do you want that or you want abinadab are you sure very good so the third dimension is you see God an anointing a pillar and an object or a part of the house of God symbolic but real God and knowing Phyllis amen are you listening number two Jeremiah chapter 22 Jeremiah chapter 22 Jeremiah chapter 22 and we are going to read verse 13 and 14 respect he says woe unto him that build up his house by and righteousness and his chambers by Rome and that use of his neighbor's service without wages messy jeremiah 22 verse 13 idea how many work to be anointed you see I want to pray for all of you and I know all of you with oil back if that's not what you must be after you must be after the real marking you understand then it's a time when God anoints you from that time you'll be noticed Wow I said for that time you'll be noticed David was unknown but after he was anointed he was noticed by the fact that you've been noticed doesn't mean that you want anybody if you go what I'm trying to say you will be noticed but you have no body you must pass through all the things that God is taking you through what we call the test of preparation for the ministry now notice war until him that bill that is housed by unrighteousness and his chambers by Rome that's used at his neighbor's service without wages and give him not for his work that says I will build me a white house and large chambers and cut at him out windows and it is filled with cedar and painted with Vermillion shall dowry because now closes I self in cedar he's not a father eat and drink and do judgment and justice and then it was well with him but notice that's 14 and your house is filled with what CEDA and what painted with Vermillion was the million was another paint they sell in town I was as I'm in what Leyland as I so this word painted is the word mashach if you check the Hebrew word is the same word that is used that Gaza as noted David is the same where that is used I painted this house Wow so he Max and makes you noticeable beautiful now the next thing about the Mossad anointing he it makes you beautiful nicer noticeable amen but would necessarily gifted he doesn't know what I'm saying so now and I Florentina God raises you up and he mocks you how he treats you so that you will be separated different from the crowd notice a worker a Libra somebody who God has mocked and chosen don't take it lightly can I have an amen how many how many few that I mean issued is be marked already how many feel that know how many generally feel that it's like you've already been painted huh is there not wonderful so I don't have to pray for you yeah because God is doing that it's a marvelous thing it's rubbing you painting you if I had my paintbrush here next time once you get a paintbrush maybe I should get one for tomorrow and some paint and I'll plane some of you for you to see what you look like in the spirit you've been painted and you are very noticeable now amen you see I remember years ago one day one of our pastors where I was in Burnet church in Carver Road took an offering and then I criticized him to my the person sitting next to the why we've taken on a ferry why's he taking another one I mean and then the lady by me didn't she just squeeze her face at me and I became worried immediately so after my heart smote me and I said I've done something wrong so after church I went to see that past that I wanted to see him he was talking to people so after some time he had time and I started to talk so he went became outside if we stood outside the dome just myself or him and I told him that something I wanted to tell him now when he was taking the offering I made this remark and I'm sorry about it and I thought that it was wrong he was surprised and very touched and he put his hand on me and said God is going to use you perhaps that is the day when the mashach anointing came upon me and I was mocked you see because any time you humble yourself and you go down grace falls upon you it gives grace to that down people to those who somebody anytime you lower yourselves these as I take my yoke and lowly meek and lowly anytime you go down grace falls on you it doesn't go up grace has no potential energy it can only go down he put his hand on me said God is going to use you I became noticeable in the different places that I worked in London in my church pastor buzzer I just play that branches oh he noticed me that he caught me and he said I want to train you so that you become a pastor and be with me here that I had to come to schools why I left when our schools reopened do you understand but I became noticed and noticeable but I was laughing I was laughing and I'd be nothing you understand there is this rich for you to go through much for you to learn rulers for you to develop into much for you to become in God after you being Russia and painted like David he was supposed to play up as I was purple to play up for it in purple as my horse awfully well without be a king you think Emily is too Restless for a lunatic what I thought you were making me a kiss now be sure to the asylum to the little Hospital when the monster when himself clubs and his teeth come cannot call you when his DOMA and I Drive these things away is that a calling is that a promotion is not how to go higher God is how to become a spiritual I will attest minister and partner in the five food effects of God the fivefold ministry you are the you that you know what the path is God is trying to make you hello one of the depletion of becoming prepared is worth to be mellow and matured God is try to Nalu you and must show you that's why he called you to the lunatic look it was a very dangerous job wanti hey guys if you came free he's self kid like that they need to hit here and try to kill that I was privileged to meet her fate angel stop d please run away from this mess several times if whatever he was sleeping in the room the man came to try to kill him he had to put somebody ship in the bed as though you were sleeping they ran off like a film is this a calling is this an anointing the exact opposite of what you have the dream in the vision for that's my shot inside the house does not need a house anything they set the pillar map out David that is the boishakh anointing God is mocking or watchin you watchin in then journey for which school UST see God is making you paint in you making you noon making you a little more beautiful a little more this pillar and noticeable because they are green green mosaic tiles the understand they could have been just white but they are a little brighter and a little more noticeable they have been my shocked yes these are no intercalates advice you're still nothing easy that is what I want you to see you are anointed how many are there how many have prayed for you before I've anointed you with our before you see easily you are not the gift that whatever fire food Affairs no I believe you've been anointed I believe it every sake do you think they are noises yes if David Dustin is anointing that you also anointed your troubles are a sign that you are anointed the Lord job that you've been given is a sign city and path these boxes it's a sign never behind never be to never be big in the church or the church their loneliness not you forget about the way as if we don't understand what he means let's use lowliness lowly not man you lowly low down and nothing and down flow with it in that day the thing with Trapani it was when jesus bow down to join the parties that the Dove flew very quickly not another bedroom just not a normal version that you see in your business that you see a bed that came from heaven hospice from extra well good twelve job was fed a special table through our first to catch him when he's on his knees when is in the water in seconds the dot had arrived already so sell your anointing be in second as is second when you find yourself on the floor with your knees bout the gifts of God would descend upon you in one moment I was on my knees his room when I had a voice in the room and I've not done writing entry me I was dying of Ultima even if I was asleep I woke up again and I was praying I tell you I was on my knees and I was lying on my bed and kneeling on my knees and trying to god I didn't even know what I was crying for but I wanted God and it was in that moment one day I was on my knees in my room with him feeling sorry for myself and try to the Lord and suddenly the door my room opened and closed and I froze because I knew if he the Lord had come there but I thought my wife had come and I knew that my wife had gone out so I froze waiting to hear her voice and her voice never came then I looked up and there was nobody there and I went out those nobody there and I went there and my door was locked and I was amended to hot puppy I'm talking about today said when I froze like that because I knew and I wasn't used to my wife time to see me leaning down and pray like that I don't pray to me it's a very private I don't shooting I don't have those things but I believe the Lord came he came and I was on my knees crying I was crowd whipping you solve you admit you're hotter than rocks you can't cry you can with a slow emotions love emotion for soccer and boxing and other things but no emotion for God that emotion bridge a person's inner politics ladies and gentlemen there are 19 that comes upon your life is too muddy what different I'm telling you and at this meeting God is mocking you listen him again Quincy would chop your be rock you be mocked you can never ask you only you can do whatever you want to do but when you and your writing battle they will show you the muck in the realm of the Spirit and they will show you the data you were painted and anointed whether you do anything with it or not but you go and see it when you seem to stand out a little bit more what this because of your beautiful face or your nice raps but because God seems to have chosen you goddess pick you so it happen Icahn says that what has been choosing you raise your hand if you can't choose easy so now that you see that he's peeking mocking you and know anything you I pity you if you don't obey and if you don't flow and if you don't become what He has called you to become after he was turned to your Mac you oh yes he is a mocking God they Scott who's him he knows those that are his home he knows that them that he said that although the collar bone and he knows you even the head of your head a number he has selected you mocked you out for his work oh yeah but is the middle of usual working your future coming twenty years and but for now the next twenty years you'll not do what you must do you must do what you must do you must ever to myself you must Hoover you must go if it's a lunatic they still pray for him when the madness comes when the madness comes you place when your mother's will come rest when the mother has become the robber you are not ready Church you are not three for the car you know three for human is where you are playing friends of madness comes that's the way that's your wick and I said David King I think I'm not playing jacks you are playing with a ruthless kind Filippo of you people will not see your past kill folks for them to call you to join the pyre now play only when that madness comes why will you not be happy with your little work that God will give to you a small position that he is giving to you what a blessing we have Oh God - Marcus I found God that he mapped me out oh yes he mocked me out a man you see one of the wonderful things about when God has mocked you is that even when people don't choose you because of the anointing you get chosen huh how many of NFL's you ain't chosen in first if you had that he was selected I have felt it many times here and is in my style of ministry it says that I wanted easily be chosen in the typical ganyan setting and wouldn't be chosen if they were looking for let's say advice s to the government or people with you know men of ministers of what wisdom or people can help in the politics the way I am and the way I present myself down standing here we are talking do this it's not the normal thing in our culture yeah and so that's what happens with me all the time I never get chosen are you worried that you'd ever get chosen don't worry grandpa the happy God is the one who chooses David he don't get confused by the wet God gives to you don't be confused it was about a big job his father had given him a job out there either way they were choosing see this is the probably the greatest disgrace to Jesse and to his brothers he really shamed them because when they said bring the Sun City I've brought all the sons and they are chosen one that would have been fine bicycling brought these are orders and they have to call for it was an embarrassment I'm sure - Jesse it's like the one I didn't bring and David will always remember the his father and these guys never really choose him are you listening to me and David remember that that's what we read in Chronicles when he has I see you becoming painted noticed wanted chosen selected they said mashach anointing upon your life in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah Isaiah chapter 21 Isaiah chapter 21 Isaiah chapter 21 Isaiah 21 Isaiah 21 the burden of the desert of the see there's one as well winds in the south pass through so it cometh from the desert from a terrible and that's to a grievous vision is declared unto me the treacherous deal a deal s treacherously at the spoiler spoiler go up OLM besiege emedia all the signs thereof I have made to cease therefore are my loins filled with pain pangs have stickiest planets have taken hold on me as the pangs of a woman that revealeth I was bowed down at a hearing of it I was dismayed at the scene of it he saw a very terrible vision my heart panted carefulness affrighted me the night of my pleasure had he challenged in fear the fine repair the table watch in the watched ha eat drink arise ye princes and anoint the shield hallelujah anoint the shield once again you see working of the shield what is the shield this is the shield of faith this is the Christian life that you have you free the Christian faith that is now receiving jump in the rocks your Christian life and your Christian life is not not just the Christian life of an ordinary person but you are not a different kind of Christian somebody with a black on your lap you see everybody else's a normal person I can see people with a mark on their life today I was talking to my wife about somebody and I was telling the fashion house telling Heather this brother who is one of our brothers in the church I said this place is a very wonderful person for the ministry so young person doing well brother and I said he's going to do well I said together from the first day that I saw him I knew that this brother would do right now he still doing well but I know that he's going to do very well yes I wanna say I'm sorry so dealer but I know analyst Elliott is because I faced like all precious egg that ham protecting till I see that he become he gets to the place where he de does adversity you can do well only at a particular place if I plant an apple tree here jungle see sometimes when a baby dog I remember Doberman dog when you see them but you can step on them and kill them but when Z Krew you can't kill them you just need to protect it a little that's why the mothers are so well I went to a house when the dog was called touch' and they wouldn't that would allow anybody to come into the house because she had her babies that's the that is the nature of protection to give us give us a few risk of obvious a give us a few weeks give us a few ways to troll let me just have a little pretty straight to come out of my weakness to come out of my life Realty I'll come out soon then you see them very well and that's my GT like a shepherd Tennyson ready in the wings over to protect the little ones so that they become the fastest and anointed ones and the Jesus that God has called them to be so the our people are trying to wipe them out and see what I try to rule them all hey sir this guy is useless his car is so sweet for this guy is like this this guy is one of us no no no no it's cool - well you can step on him now because he'll tell people but give us a little time sweetly with a little look let's give a little bit of you Rick you can't kill it like that anymore I mean the mother would not have to defend it again I tell you God has Matthew out so that you'll be a special person in a mood the Christian your shield is anointed your straight is anointed it's not just a piece of a not very presence but they just blow you see when you preach your seal it's not your shield must be the biggest family so that is going you must have a big shield coming in front of you everybody should see a faith what you believe in what you stand for some people just use a very small like that and they agree there silicon we try this on the side small one and they are great and they are not protected yes equity she official must know what she believes him I believe in matenda ability heaven I believe in God I believe in giving my life I've been in time for God I believe in serving the Lord your faith must be the best came around you that we see and God is a nine is big by 18 painted in addition now going to be a Buddhist I have always been a noticeable Christian when I came to this school I became the fat reconcile did you make me was it you do not do you notice me tell us how you notice me when I came to the school you will notice that after after no I am NOT allowed lesson unless sanguine I am a very quiet and shy person I don't like talking or you have no noticed does another thing I'm shine when I came to campus I mean I be true that is this man is a friend of watch of the immediate have cut and that he think that our lives because a man is very radical at all I'd also she see you know him you noticing that I told me and for the first time to the interface him I was walking from Commonwealth Hall coming down the hall and then I heard somebody speaking in town shop are available I said someone should interpret a second since I was anything before the respectively turn a nasty one also change everything went to sit on some stone day just picking a tongue sense I said to follow them from far from afar close and I noticed one of the ladies there was in the same class so now I said who are the special was shocking in terms on the roof opening I have most anything lies before and the dough he did offer a little group that has began and then I managed to move into the group and then I joined [Music] you'll be you will be noticed nobody can invite you to a non-believer passing wind up paint is on your shield they'll see the princess here I thought they would see the Pegasus yeah kill me to invite a warrior like you to go to certains house to press it down there with a brief recess to tigerboy Lila to teach at all will invite you to his house huh do you think a neon Bellino would like to be your friend no you you you you see if you have an anointed that shield is a big cedar this is : and now it's been painted blue stand up with your blue take that blue like this this blue shield you see as soon as you can you see the citizens state I would never invite you for a part with your sword Bix order your big shield vintage society gleaming glittering and shimmering flashing in the sunlight glittering within do we invite you BSF to invite you this year thus also become a priest wash we are afraid that I come and dance with us when I came for an interview up here Commonwealth Oh as soon as I don't know anybody only three of us came to medical from a Janata thank you three of us as soon as I entered and your hundreds of students from all over Ghana coming for the interview I was the fifth station to the interview and when I ain't it - Manasa Shabak addala sake baka baka do Lassonde oh that's all my still delicious little faces this for my belief I forget for my beat don't you we can see your belief we can see the peace you believe the summer believes immediately or the highest rectified in the skubick an interview I analyzer everybody look Amish a cup of avocado elevation and a load of under almost a melanoma and I went to sit down I didn't know anybody I just what the silhouette now this Valley so my bishop taken hatred ice-cream a clustering I mean flashing in the sunlight shining place painted with my Shack pink and you are non-believers sis with you he doesn't know you are believer and he has the audacity to propose to you and when he proposes you leave him along you won't say hey this let this be the last time let this be the last time leaving him alone to where mayor she'll begin to simmer mayor she'll begin to glitter may us you begin to flashing the sunlight with the paint of Misaki you see your mark not on intensity that you can see each time we use this wait you sensed as a Mac enough for David you're just much and he was new to those seven in other words you are can see as the Lord liveth this one will become the king that's all you will see absol not liveth what I see nothing will happen that only tell you what I see as the time goes by as happen and as a day I shall pass away one day you watch and see this man he will become a king I surely it happens and that is what is happening into your life the must sack has come upon Allah and the Lord says you what this girl surely she saprissa she's a minister she's a singer what is young man what is young ladies watch the Jesus difficulty human she's a prophetess he's a rally the minister he said mintus nothing about him except there is an anointing of God it's not what he did in school is not a daughter if a lawyer is to raise you what you see Justine has brought him this is his life I'm crucified nevertheless issues are still around it seems I'm still alive another life seemed to have come [Applause] nevertheless I live I am crucified the old life of whatever was going to be has been canceled nevertheless deceived are the guys Hill moving in the system but a life he now lives this little fighter plane and we will face that is sibling shiny flatten polish that's what God is saying to you this crater is rock you there's another chance for you you see like it syphilis you watch it this like you see the king he has a son these are people who are suitable to be cocky but what is blood this one will become backing you what I see what's he mother what is what is that all the quality there are people who are go to Bible School people who there they look quiet like this like that whatever people want it is something their fathers and when I said this my son will be the priest and God said this one he looked briefly because it's this one what's your name Jonah Jonah Jonah is going to become he is going to be the priest even my my little brothers in law chakra and pain pain was always they said he was going to be the priest he looks bristly he he looks like a priest so my father-in-law we said he's going to be the priest so he should she should just be a priest because my father loved wanted to be a priest but he didn't become a person what one of his children to be a priest but she the one who didn't look like a priest will speak it is very hard with the Prophet cutter he looked very hot very bad distractible presence he rather the you are sort of marketer you supposed to be the promote it and see it is a wonderful thing I see Thomas a collection of all your life [Applause] it's coming on your brother I feel it coming on you now it's falling on you cause it's not in you don't be afraid of what is coming in the trees ahead don't be afraid of what is coming ahead and destroy the lunatics and the soleus have other people line up for you they are all supernaturally planned by God for your life I tell you he might Davison that that's it and then human beings started to assign him to mental hospital so you not work at the normal unit you go to the madman and when themself come you are the villain Yahoo to tick you are the legato we are going to inject them today we have legato when they are please come this gives a la casa hundred milligrams and peep it you a delegation we are going to give King David the necks of the madman it's a Mac don't miss your Mac when the markets on you recognize it don't don't try to hide it bring out your big face are you tried use your shield this as I anoint your shield as I want you to last your Christian life take lots of chrysolite be something when you go anywhere they know they should call your support they should call you pasta three Saluda is a different kind of pattern this discuss and is polite the Christian type Christian religious whatever they want to call you wanna sit anywhere that you give you a stream is anything anything must have some nerve that they call you where you are I say your shoes should be bigger than you your shoe should be bigger than you you're still significant really this you only see your face just to defeat of magnification your school your brother your father Texas me what you believe that you believe God you believe in Jesus yes the shield anointed Thank You Cyril don't keep a little suit why do you have it for one why do you have a small seal another big one let everybody see that's what you are that's what you believe in that's who you are some arobin's came to my neighbor they shot in there papa papa please be holes in the roof when the Ambro base wins when they were afraid they are stolen your car stolen your money they made everybody lie down I see did you that I was a pastor and as I wasn't led close as I was telling that you use you can seem in the spirit if my bishop and in December in Chinese so I said let us pray these unbelievers when we invite them they don't come to check I say let us help us perform with the soldiers and everybody but they know that it's a pastor's house when you come to my house sometimes you share the night people pray a bailable a better better better way than the other there is a party house it's a cat house it's a creature of a political community why shouldn't I be an opera house when you're having this corner store and telling people to come out boozing having a fair Christian bosom pop master nobody could talk about that people are go to South in my house brain in my house it's a Christian house I thought it's a Christian home after my syllabus getting bigger bigger when I'm driving my shielded sticker on me I believe in God I belong to God I also topping the missile disturb and listen I belong to God I belong to Christ I belong to God who's I a man who might have everybody knows it why shouldn't they knew it about you he said in the name of Jesus kahu's I am and whom I said in other ways you will say I belong to God Who I am means I belong to God I'm knocked out that's what I my life is if you already full-time ministry doesn't matter let them see your big shield your master sister I say you are knocked out sister your God told me to tell you listen to tell you I shouldn't besides go to me to be shy of what I'm telling you now that the only thing that matters in this world is to live for me to stop me to focus the only thing he told me don't be sorry if you look like a lesson ahsoka off his falafel nothing but I'm telling the fact go to miss Forbush I tell them that apart they have important it is worth there's nothing else only their only thing only what we have what he is for us is happy are you oh right I'll tell you there's nothing there's nothing nothing nothing is at him nothing nothing there's nothing except him what he s who he does a person who's who's I am I belong to God he stood up as a protocol I mean that my booty shaking all of us are dying but I want you to know I belong to God is that in the thought of the prisoners still no I belong to God Oh imitating you I belong to God I belong to go and not your seals that Christianity come out see the people standing there the other side to say I'm having sex with my anus even if you are doing me do it but they come out bully devastation the up key Olympic Games Olympic air for people who use their inner perfect that is a kid you know sir and you are sigh come on come on what iswhat is always provided one they will be fired about acedia politician you can't distinguish now we're in attack every year through pompous and part is rooted not here because they not have become total off and be and the pieces are just talking out so they put harder and it's hockey and he's trying to tell us when i am gay and I stand for if I believe in it yes what I was freedom whatever and you just make your skater smash you like a tile present I am small one is that you wait that's right it what am i hop it and don't working like that nobody knows what you think nobody knows what you believe who really knows who you are what a shame I believe in God Bose I am I belong to God I believe in God I belong to God oh they're not told me to tell you there's nothing okay nothing except him him there's no comparison at all for one minute between anything you have ever forget hub seek hold natural physical marital panel so academic whatever there is nothing it takes us not even the slightest comparison I wish I could offer you a vision to see heaven but if I was to open your admission to see her and after when some of you who still don't believe that is why instead it's why I saw happening that's why that's why Abraham said remember and that's why he said they have Moses and the prophets I did not believe them they would not believe me so my rose from the dead I always used to feel that it was unfair that the Lord would not send somebody from the dead but now I know that if they don't believe and it was true he does not believe the one standing there they will not believe if someone rises from the dead they will not believe a vision they will not believe all these things I believe in God I belong to God I thought I belong to God I'm bought with a price you you are actually packaged how come you are do your own thing when you belong to God and you applaud you a bot hallelujah amen how many dimensions of the Mushaf do you have only three one is David when he was mocked out for kingship - is what a pillar that was anointed in the house of God number three is the shield three was the shield okay number four yeah that painting painting of the house three is the painted of a house God makes you beautiful it makes you it makes you beautiful it makes you nicer amen noticeable are you there chapter 29 and this is the thing that thou shalt do unto them to hallow them to minister unto me in the priest's office take one young Bullock and two Rams without blemish and unleavened bread and cake and live in tempered with oil and with earth and living unlighted with oil of wheat and flour shalt thou make them and I shall put them into one basket and bring them in a basket with a Bullock and the two Rams an earnings two turns out bring unto the dog that have metal of the congregation and I'll wash them with water amen all right now you see here the anointing of the bread the bread the unleavened bread was also anointed are you listening to me are you listening to me the unleavened bread was anointed hmm the death the waifus you see there must come a time when the word in your life is anointed no matter whether you speak softly or you shout I'll use my rather female voice or male voice whatever your voice is either bread and leaving bread speaks of the Word of God as - there are two things in this unleavened bread what you eat and what you minister you must come to the place where the Word of God becomes anointed for you you see before I was since I had a Bible but I didn't used to read it or understand it but after I got saved are you listening to me the Word of God came alive but even now the Word of God is anointed for me you know God actually speaks to me through the word by my Bible readings my pitches are mostly my Bible readings and my quiet times you must now know how to get buttered bread from the Bible buttered bread is different from bread without butter how many have not eaten butter for a long time raise your hand no eating butter for a long time Oh raise your hand most of you have not been eating better what do you eat your bread with you don't eat bread gonna piss okay everybody should buy butter when you go home try it bread and butter and then bread without butter there are two different things and that is how it is when you read your Bible without the Holy Ghost and without that paint and that rubbing oiling of the weight is different one makes you sleep one makes you set up I certainly one of the things that makes me most elect surprisingly is when I have an oily bread but at Living bread to eat I become a week later because I've got Butthead and live in bread to eat one of the things that makes me sleep most is what I grew eat their unbuttered and live in bread is very better amen I don't know how I can help you to get better living there but I'm gonna try a book a tape and a Bible you see a preacher is ministry anointed wet so when you have a book and a tape with your Bible in but as the bread so you can take the Bible to be done leaving bread and then the butter which makes it easier to eat is the book and the tape that's why Bible reading should always be with a book and a tip to help you why do you think God gave us pictures of the web when he gave us a web - huh why do you think he gave you a teacher when he gave you the web what do you think nowadays the person and I really enjoy receiving from it's Rick Joyner I because I feel that God has anointed him for me so I also fully accepted so if I am holding a book or a tip I don't know how I become anointed as I read watch because it is guides me to the scripture sometimes that worries in what he's talking about but it brings that thing so the Bible becomes oily and anointed for me it's powerful how many have notice that you sleep when you read the Bible does the unleavened bread is a slipping tablet if you can't sleep with the New Testament if the step is still not coming move to the Old Testament and within the Odessa may if you are still mostly to move towards Leviticus and other rounds like that you will be highly blessed with a deep sleep there should be no cause for a Christian who cannot sleep once you have your Bible Christian you cannot sleep when you have a Bible and live in bread is the most effective video of today but if you can take a revelation oh there is nothing that can make me sit up like this in my room in the middle of the night or at any time with life when the word house coming to me and I get a revelation so sometimes I'm just looking like I want something sometimes when I'm alone somewhere and brain and I'm just a lot because a strategy I don't know I come alive into this life in the Wed is annoyed that living bread the waifus me you listen don't try you are not greater than anybody I was reading Regina he said he said I listen to testimony on anybody just like poor poor Hanna scrolls and the books and the parchment it's a blessing as it is a blessing I see you receiving that blessing huh and then you must now begin to be somebody who gifts bucket bread do you want to give bread to your children with butter on it when I was my daughter to eat the bread I put a lot of butter on it because I know that when she taste the butter she is going to become she's got to like the bread everybody don't forget to buy your bath now it would it will be assigned to you just butter your bread and see huh what I say that when you speak the way people just look at you they start to sleep you are minister and minister of unleavened bread without anointing and without oil may you become a minister of butter bread do you know how to become a minister of buttered bread the things that you have received that we're anointed the same I didn't say for 30 seconds mood if you wanted the same things commit down I'm always sharing things then I I'll in a lot bother to tell you more than that but I'm telling you that I'm always learning sharing things that I have learned and the things that I shared at a most powerful I think that I've learned not often I can't reach directly to somewhere where I lent it how many has experienced that before it's so powerful people are so blessed and you must you try to say you know this way I like this hope you know this way I got it wrong but it's like it's like what they said we are so blessed yeah you look so powerful and so wise and so powerful and so annoyed now you have to come down as you know there's a brother that I left you from the sauce but is it God has designed this church such that you need me and I need you and I need somebody and we all need so much so that nobody can Stannis's I'm a grip you are nothing you know original for we're we're so written from so bucket bread share the bucket bread to your children listen you people when you have listened a man who doesn't have a car he doesn't have anything but he's anointed is when he proposes to you you somehow sense that you are the future there's something amiss you substantial come from you do you have a car no father do you have a house no father you have money no father what do you have nothing and there is a girl who has been waiting to finish school tomorrow him to marry it see but there's something on him that makes him sort of substantial you don't know what it is that's not about sake somebody with the wit it does anything that you can what do you have is just nothing nothing at all at all you been able to get somebody to follow you to marry papa yes of course [Applause] of course yes why how come you're able to get somebody to follow somebody with nothing this is and she knows I have a future the future what gives somebody like this a future mr. wood is a would question would come [Applause] what do you have you have been able to convince her nothing you have nothing does he have the word if you're a man of the word if you accept it the chapel Shepherd yeah you've been sharing the way yeah sure so when you proposed where did it take long for her to see something if you if you watch hours in your QD a few days I mean of course you have to give some otherwise in some ways even though she say yes already she has to do something otherwise to be like she was waiting by when the breakthrough came she couldn't control herself look the way it makes us very substantial there's something about God and His Word when you speak his words you have nothing you are nothing you a new body but you are powerful because you are good with you and God in you and that is why you must laugh and I tell you people who pray a lot that don't have the word they don't become pastors they do not become pastors isn't it inevitable Mataji well when it comes to say something or maybe somebody's dead or something bad has happened or something good has happened and there they just tell them let's do wet it's not this doesn't give us a revelation tender for my sire caliber this person has guided into the bubbles is sometimes from different people died so as to save them from a second problem that will come and I believe today the city cannot happen for the Bible says all things work together for a say something Sudama shava shava shava shava you will have wet you do have buttered bread to give to your children and when you open your mouth to speak to it will be unbuttoned read if anyone will come no I tell you you can you can walk in and want a big dick pic anointings as you will learn to take the butter that God is giving you something to help the word to work for you and for others I lent it I received it I walk in it I benefited from it and I'm still benefiting every day you sit in my car you hear tape you come to my side you see books I'm reading and learning and receiving shamelessly shamelessly and he tried to say you want what I've received to stay start sharing it sharing bubbles and exhorting one another we must exert ourselves all the time when Christians me they must talk about the web when you read listen when you meet a fellow Christian on campus or wherever talk about the web don't stop other things hallelujah how are you god bless you listen that then you you status it and then and are you blessed and blessed it is well this I was a dog life is well hallelujah the Spirit was sharing certain things then you begin to share a lad you receive and if you don't have somebody you can talk to like that fine people who want such things they'd be my people that I'm friends with they they enjoy speaking about the Bible God my work get finished shortly even my people my officer everybody around how's that sharing the work if you don't like such things you can't stay for wrong I don't have anything else to say and I don't want to criticize anyone I don't see anything but about anybody I don't have any discussion to make about anyone just the way sometimes we can be efficient we are talking about the wedding it's like angels have coming the presence of God is death by the revelation the battering of the bread oh let you wet the anointed now you see on the other hand this same wet can put you to sleep think about the words of Jesus so oily that's 2000 years I didn't bother to write it himself and he never told anybody to write it it's written and here we are we will be with anything that he said life comes into the chest no anytime I'm having my but always there must be red letters in my quiet time always always that letters John Matthew Matthew somewhere I want to share what he said he said so many things he was the son of God ASIMO spirited he hath life in himself I'm trying to find out what it means I have life in myself life may your heart open may you become a buttered bread giver and a buttered bread receiver are you going to do it bring your Bible you see this is a Bible it looks unleavened don't you see this type of Bible huh do I enjoy when you read this Bible hey hey if I have this table I can read it too the words are very very good nothing hey god bless you better buy this Bible look only see the big Bible a typical big times become very fat like this it can help you because there's some extra butter on the side the living bread and living babies in the middle and then the butter is on the side to help the thing to be eating easily really will you buy a butter when you go home so if you don't I said no my dear no planta butta butta dimensions of mashach hallelujah amen was the next one quickly Oh gentlemen thank you I'm sure your beloved are very happy with they don't know why is the way that they I have is not your faces [Music] all right the next one how many do we have five then first case of the 1916 I'm giving you seven thirteenth nineteen to 16 and jehu the son of nimshi south our unknowns to be king over israel and elisha the son of shaphat of Abell Meluha so now i'm going to be prophet in the room amen once again you can see here the marking out of Elisha to become the profit but that's not when he became the profit he was just mocked are you there oh you are not understanding what I'm reading it was in first kings when was it that elijah elijah was taken away in second Kings chapter 2 and this is first Kings and they are telling him go and anoint Jehu to be the king when anoint Elisha to be a prophet what did what was it the only thing that it was was a mocking out that you one way or another somehow someway will become the prophet is it not powerful stupendous so that's another one you are mad out for your job for your ministry as a prophet the first one they did was a king now this one is being measured - that's a pasta King is a pasta now it's being mastered to be a prophet there are greater revelations weather for Hagen was called into the ministry after a while there were now more revelations coming up more and more and more revelations there was a time that he began to receive visions of Jesus he had a vision until 1950 or so 1952 after that the law so now I'm not going to appear to you like this again from now as you have to have operated another way but he had being called to be a prophet long ago so you see let's wait amen for the greatness of the things that God has ordained and planned for your life because he has planned great things for your life the butter for the salad are you encouraged by the mashach huh I'm blessed by the machine I know that I've been marked hmm even if I don't seem to be much and I've just been given two lunatics to pasta lunatics and even the race actually comes to that statue just claims to mention his talk at all let's play my instrument it's a blessing to be mocked by the Lord you got to be a proper one day you relax second case that are to come in 40 years time you would be second gives us a to come about 40 years and you just come along shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room J I came that one to came up later hmm is it not stupendously amazing hmm you want to be marked out by the Lord hallelujah I'm blessed how many are blessed and blessed I tell you I feel encouraged I feel that when carried up in a beam us out and I'm not going to stop I'm not going to be tired I'm not going to give up I'm not going to change my mind even if I even if people just give me a funny job I'm still going to carry on but I know that I be marked my shark I said dimensions of my Shack Pillai painting you are painted actually one of the meanings of the way is to paint is not even to anoint but to paint it means to actually paint something yeah brushes used to paint you they're not amazing wonderful to pen dose I see the mocking after I see the mocking are you blessed with a mocking and there's not a wonderful thing to be marked by the Lord I'm blessed and blessed I can't even go home now because I know that I'm a shock anointing is upon my life amen TL Osborn said I have no gift is it in one sense we are so spooky that we looked so much for these things instead of just being practical and just doing something I understand as you keep on walking and whatever is presented to you and taking decisions that favor that anointing you will come to a high place because you see one day David was going to kill Abigail Hoffman kill everybody and a video that you are going to be the king I can see that you'll be mocked if you do is it will be good one day to worry you don't kill this is so baby took a decision that was in favor of the anointing but he knew that one day he will be flowing in that kingly you actually see it even it is for a short time you see it hallelujah I love the mashach I said I love the mashach anointing I received the Lord just spit paint me more Lord painting I don't know what you are painting before I paint me one day I went to somebody says he had painted his house petal when I go to the house Peppa Lou I was surprised I've not seen a purple house before and he said I don't know what was I don't know what reason he gave for painting his house that color like pepper pepper but the next time I went to South as we're driving as soon as I saw the pepper heart I said ah that's a house I noticed the house I knew it was marked out with the paint you stand out in the chase that hundred thousand but you stand on I see you standing on hallelujah Amen arrived next point and as a last point anointing of the vessel amen Exodus 30 verse 26 we can read from verse 25 and thou shalt make it an oil of holy oil mints and pointment compound after the eyes of the apothecary and it shall be an holy anointing oil and thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation that's 27 in the table and all his vessel and the candlestick and all his vessels and the altar of incense and the altar of burning of offering and with all his vessels in the liver in his foot and thou shalt sanctify them that they be most holy whatsoever touches them shall be holy listen to me all the vessels are anointed God I want to be a vessel you work through I wanna be more like you if anyone's pledged himself from these he shall be a vessel sanctified meat for the master sees I want to be a vessel you work I wanna be more like you one day I called a brother and I said to mom sending you as a missionary it was working somewhere you know what he told me it will be a nice vision that he had I always remember he said one day I don't know like submission he had or something that he experienced he said one day he was driving to West a flower and then he saw a lot of box is it s in web pots standing by the root side and I said show them it's a cat room I think it was a vision that these pots and vessels will stand there in the rain in the Sun in the weather for months and for years unless somebody for the awful film somebody comes out and says this one I want this one take this one for me and chooses a particular vessel and it said the fact that you have called me it's a great honor because and one of the vessel that was standing by the root side and of all those persons that have been bitten by the what they leave it out there being bitten by the rain by the Sun lizards oscillating sleeping in dev web sighing them moving around people are going over sand dust everything is moving except for me to be shortened and caught go as a missionary I am one of the four that was her be standing there forever and somebody came and said this one this one the one the one behind that one on the left I like that one it is it being taken out of the ring it's been taken out of the sunshine is been taken out of the dust it will select ran away from the lizards taken away from the snake and has been put especially as a special vessel is going to somebody's house for a special use what an honor where can you get such a promotion if you are a vessel by the roadside will you ever be promoted like this what an honor and sometimes the reason why you'll be chosen as a vessel out of all the vessels because you think it nicely is that you solid knowing the table another and his vessels the Alta and his vessels the candlestick and his vessels all the vessels that are use in the house of God and knowing that shall anoint them shimazaki bran a symbol called a brand a lease for the circum vessels painted shining out of these selected and chosen set up acts for special use and they shall run and they shall walk with the Lord they shall be on it for this addict taken away from the ring and are taken away from the sunshine therefore counted an honor to be called upon to be chosen to be selected for there is no higher honor in this world and to be call by him who sees all things in whose hands are the hats of men that you were chosen and called yes it is a high honor a great honor a blessing a promotion a lifting for even to set me in the house of lunatics is higher than saving the world in the house of normal people is higher to fight with gulia and other animals if it is for me says the Lord become that vessel become that vessel rise and paint paint and anoint yourself stay away from the dryness that comes when there is no anointing moving to the presence of the spirit and be anointed be an anointed child and anointed vessel unknowing pet by the Lord to stand and to do well well there are many that would drink from you many that would drink clear water from you many that will be refreshed so you shall be used to pour water on testing souls souls that are dying darkness and in deserts you shall be used to bring quench the test of many necessity yes you shall be used to by those that have not bad and washed away the sins of their lives you shall be used you shall be used for a chosen vessel it's a vessel like the Apostle Paul the blessed vessel called anointed chosen Saint use Shindo Shanda cool what I shall come from you in the heat of this life you shall cool down a life and the souls of many many many many many many are waiting for you to be filled as a vessel vessel I can work through a vessel big sizes and small sizes are needed all sizes are needed of vessels special ones an ordinary one all shapes all sizes all varieties unneeded say the Spirit of the Lord therefore humble yourself go on go forth come under my great influence and be painted that you may be a painted vessel and you may be chosen and selected what a blessing what a favour thank him right now for his blessing and his anointing blessed be the name of him who died in who rose him who took away our pain in our shame blessed be the name of him who lay upon that cross and rose from the dead blessed be the name of Christ Jesus blessed be the name of him who calls us select us chooses us for his glory for his honor JLo Bradley Cinco de llobregat tell Amidala Jenna maison de l'air ad Dolan disable a cheater a llama Nando
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 2,156
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2004, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, DAG HEWARD, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, GHANA, ACCRA, PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: elL91TRmGGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 5sec (6245 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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