SESSION 4 : The Mega Church Anointing

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tonight I want to just talk about one more thing that is needed for the megachurch vision and that is the megachurch anointing how many one the megachurch anointing if we have time I will share with you the megachurch principles by the first steps to the megachurch anointing is the prince the step of a vessel change change in your vessel second Timothy 2:20 in a large house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and earth some to honor and some to dishonor so God's house contains different kinds of vessels first of all different substances I used for the vessels second of all the step the vessel may be to honor or to dishonor all right you shall be a vessel of honor and you shall be a vessel of gold now when do you wear when do we put on the gold the golden vessel is used for special occasions great occasions God has plans to use you for some great occasions God has plans for seven wonderful church services which is a special occasion you be the one speaking God has plans that for seven occasions in certain stadiums all over the world you are the one that is chosen to to use tourists on special occasions where there be some international guests and is up whatever God has intended to use you because the golden vessel is used on special occasions you are the next vessel to the usual fidelity Wow so in a large house we have all these vessels now what you must realize is that coca-cola why have you closed the windows all over there you feeling cold Wow as it is beautiful to have a school that is natural air conditioning now listen when there's going to be a vessel use it must be the appropriate vessel if you bring me a calabash and you've poured in some coca-cola when I look at my ass see what is this is oh this is coke you said you wanted to cook when I look at the calabash I said oh are you sure this is cook what is this Isana Beto Matt damn it is it all the same thing at sunrise what hungry I was Madonna and what is Pete OH all right now if you come to present me with you want to say this is coca-cola and you present the coca-cola servings of green green plastic bottle will you be happy with that coca-cola especially they're giving you in a country which is known for swindling people I don't want to mention countries like that and they give you such a green bottle and they say it's cook you say eh hey whoa you [Music] may not want to drink that coca-cola isn't it so now if you add coca-cola all right oh you are a vessel and you want to be used to sell coca-cola what you need to change into a glass coca-cola bottle with some red sign or plastic that's beautiful right there you want to be used to sell coca-cola you need this red band you need this red soft and you need to be see-through okay if pour some of it into this one for me pour some into that blow it again you guys are doing a great job hey pour some more forcible okay okay supposing you something say Wow okay you are that coca-cola here it is the blue is not working this paper would Eve was pure have a pure it's also not working and that coke even doesn't look right you get it so if you want to be used by God to serve coca-cola you need to change from this blue bottle with this blue paper into another vessel like this which has clear plastic red paper and a red top and a red top that when you take off the top alright it does it leaves a little red thing at the bottom there alright and then also I mean yeah the shape of the bottle I mean this was a bottle with a very long mouth and a very broad whatever like I've tried like a scone will be very comfortable with it no so there are so if you want God to use you to set setting liquid sudden annoying things you need to change the vessel and the vessel is you how you are some of you your vessel does not read books like you are not the reading side you get what I'm saying so if you want God to use you - setting unloading things and powered if you are fair using the user said it it's only a vessel that reads books like a reading less person cannot be used in such a ministry you get what I'm talking about if you need the spirit of wisdom and knowledge counsel understanding alright are you listening to me and so you need to change you need to change into a different vessel appropriate for that so now if your vessel is used to sleeping with all the girls all right you need to change your vessel because if you are the container of the anointing you see that we have the Bible says we have this treasure in earthen vessel so it's like there's always going to be a treasure and the vessel will always be effing like not so impressive you get what I'm saying but you still have to undergo the change in the vessel and that is what God is working on some of you see I'm not the prayer side that's why I brought you here to pray for 27 hours so that you would say again that you are not the praying type are you glad you've been here praying all this time has it been a good experience very good how many of them appeared as long as this before all your life most of us have not prayed like that before so you got to learn how to be the printer or on that type that goes out every day from early morning till the evening I come back and you want God to use you you're gonna have to be the type who doesn't go out all the time stays at home waits on the Lord walk about in the house in your thinking shorts you get it just just roaming around the house and shade olive Azula balloons balloons about developers Eva sobbing of a lava zoobel a hippie lava lava Zuba libre de la parada I Love You Lord Allah Allah I like staying at home with you lord I like working with yellow ribbons Oh Brava you're not going anywhere you're not watching television you're just in on your house just you and the Lord just you and I alone together with a lot well decided miss / 8 o clock imagine the Muhammed go somewhere there must be some somewhere to go there must be a move because I need to move back i I don't know how to say the house are you listening to me you're gonna have to change the bed so you're the type that steals money from the offering like you steal money everywhere you get a chance you steal you may have to change because God has a plan to use you for ethnologist million dollar ministry this is a multi-million dollar ministry this is a multi-million dollar ministry it is a multi-million of army we are building over 1,000 church buildings we must be a multi million dollar check build now if you eat God's plan to using a multi-million dollar ministry and you are used to stealing a thousand here and there stealing a hundred here and there you know you're going to be dangerous when you standing in front of a million yeah when we bought the Kadesh I remember we wrote a check of 1.5 million dollars cash yeah and it does mine is an iconic we could use it for other things as well and so if God is going to use it for multi-million trust you with millions of dollars of his money you gotta be a vessel that doesn't dip your fingers into that no matter what can I take it said you have to bend over backwards to be honest when you are in the ministry you got to bend over backwards to be honest I mean all these aspects but you tell lies little little lies you lie about this you lie about that there are people that is like there are people who don't need to lie but like you lie because like you you sort of feel that lying is rather the right thing to do oh there's a lot of how many realize that that's how you you've been after now that's before I said it raise the one finger like this and I'm going to give you a prize receive your prize let us receive the blessing amen many people you ask them something that truth is not bad but they were like they are phrases that truth will always bring a pro have you experienced that before raise your hand if you've experienced that before yes by default I love the people live like I used to being chased but doing something wrong oh my good god I or whatever those educated before I realized is something different later you asked us about why did I have to say all I really need to tell like so you cannot come to the congregation and be telling life in certain annoying things are you listening to me yeah so I don't know what kind of unknowing thing you want volume you see for maybe I want God usually the anointed of the beautiful pastor's wife you mean you may have to change your vessel and some of you are antisocial vessel like you keep to yourself you have only three friends I myself and me three or few stay together most of the time you don't go out you don't interact with people I myself at me hey and you want to be the pastor's where I want to be a multi-million dollar ministry pass test megachurch pastors wife and you are both a thief and accuser liar you don't read books and I see so shallow poza I mean you got to change a whole lot of things are you understanding me so that vessel needs to change some of you are ladies but you are too much of a lady to female for the ministry when I preach and I say something and it's against women you sit and what about the men in your head you say what about that man you have too much of a woman to be useful to God when you think that way everything I say you say what about the women what about the men it's like if I mentioned Ghanian that you say and what about this Nigerian I mean why do you think that way if I didn't I generally say what about the gang here then you are too Nigerian or to Ghanaian yes because God's God's gotta use you some of you are too airways to be of any use beyond the valta lick after the lake you can't work again because the airway is too much that what is too much the airway is too much so after the bottle lake saga Papa is does is your ministry's finish but that should not be the case so the principle and the step of vessel change you've got a change you've got the vessel needs major Reformation and confirmation you need to conform with seven things to be able to carry I want to be a vessel you work through ah wanna be more like me I wanna be F sec I wanna be a vessel I wanna be a vessel you were sooo I wanna be more on the side that cancels the treat I can't free for long or after five weeks I didn't go out I wanna do better you were one people Lord I want you to use me too many such a grown up as well as two young people Laura I wanted you you to use me to minister to grown up and do young people I don't want to just Minister the young people you may have to change your vessel for that kind of anointing yes how what would you have to change about your vessel your haircut what kind of haircut make grown ups not so easily we received is there anybody with such a haircut jump jump one Joe come with your haircut give us your haircut brother give us do the church growth style yeah what about Jamie do you have one of those this time no answer who's Gabriel who's Gary yeah now if if you want God to use this alarm I want you to use me to speak a grown-up and you come with this head time when you speak to the gunner they'll look at you and say what is this crazy guy but if you are going into the ghettos and to where certain types of people are and it's a lord you see among the down-and-out sinners and duels that are lost in darkness and drugs and meta and wickedness and evil then you stand up you may have to change your vessel and get this kind of si [Applause] what do you think true or not true yeah do you understand what I'm talking about I wanna be more like you Jesus I wanna be more I wanna be more like Jesus I wanna be a fencer you were I wanna be bored I wanna be a vessel I wanna be a vessel I wanna be a vessel I wanna be a vessel I wanna be a vessel you work through I wanna be a vessel you work through like you use I wanna be a vessel you work through yeah there's so many changes in the vessel you can't serve with this crap place to visit us to on special occasions every time I speak about special occasion I remember whether the Lord used me to speak in Korea to the whole Olympic world cup stadium full of people and I thought wow here's a hundred thousand Koreans just about to speak to them Wow I want to be a better God use me to speak in Japan well I wanna be a better he used me in Singapore special occasions he used me to speak in Malaysia he used you to speak in Penang he used me to speak in Bolivia in speaking at Weymouth iris use me to speak in Colombia they usually do speaking and in Panama usually speaking so where to so many places I want to be a dancer I want a beer that I want to be a better you see them praising people yoo-hoo fetch water with a basket you know you cannot fetch water with a basket he want to be a vessel that's gonna carry water he cannot be a basket uh-huh are you understanding what I'm saying yeah and sometimes you want to be a vessel that God is gonna work through then you may have to be like dr. Oggy dr. Oggy come this way yeah now you stand by right by them done right by them now you're gonna be our 50 years old soon a few years a couple of years now how are you brother 26 22 22 21 now you want to be a vessel God works through you may have to wait till you're like six 4045 so you have to keep your vessel for another 20 years of polishing and refurbishing another 20 years till you get to this age and then God will use you to have a church with canopies outside like he's experiencing now talk to two thousand plus people every Sunday morning so that may be the only thing you have to change is life to grow from a 22 year old to a 45 year old so that God can use you just need time to become a little like you be there and maybe there's certain ministry you can't do till you're married like he's mad you you guys are not married you may need to marry and like stabilize one lady is it like one woman is like a hundred members and you got to stabilize her all right and when you stabilize her then you've got a hundred members under control and then you you can you can move and maybe that's that's basically the next thing that Todd is gonna expect when you like to be like a married person I remember one of our pastors he said as soon as I came back to the mission field with my wife just when he when he was not married but when he got married and he went back with his wife the church exploded yeah that was all they were waiting for they're waiting to see him arrive with his beautiful wife when he came with his wife everybody said glad I got remember who that was actually as soon as he arrived in this chair just just breast out you know because there's a difference between a married person and an unmarried person being married shows so many things together beloved is one to have it be louder that's all like somebody says I love you I'm committed to you I'm gonna marry you Wow it shows something about you the ability to speak the ability to lead the ability to convince the ability to to to to to to to charm at least one person yeah God is going to use you to speak and enchants thousands of people beautiful west of the Lord you gotta be able to do it one person amen and then to do an engagement and pay for it yeah and then I forgot to do a wedding become Vincent breakthrough with the family the different issues this is a whole thing's an achievement so brother if he you know was at time he did not have even a beloved today you see him here then you see him there now you see him now you don't every watch that film now you see it now you don't yeah and then one day he came along he brought this beautiful girl and said listen I want to marry this lady I got this lady and I want to marry her and he married her he said it he married he went a Nigerian number of times when a shared with family members fathers on this side or that side this side of that side he overcame the delays and everything survived and finally the day came and they got married Lord I got now he's a different vessel he's like he's a responsible man this is his wife he comes to church with her I mean it's different his situation is different from the chiba-chiba giving you like your secular circumstances yet you are different now different from him then you cannot compare yourself with him in the settings and again what I'm saying is a different vessel how many understand what I'm talking about do you understand yeah so that is all I'm talking about vessel change change your vessel sometimes you just have to grow five more years in the same belief no change five more years like this you know I've been pushing in university for a long time and I'm still preaching in the university I've been pretty to young people and I'm still preaching to young people I was younger and I was preaching the young so sometimes it's just the same thing longer longer things you haven't seen you're going to see gonna see is the saying you haven't not believed the right you haven't like you have not been anointed been anointed or the anointing is there but it's like the best self is going to be formed in five years but people give up before the fact that's why I say you need patience you need to tell the devil devil I'm more stubborn than you you have met your match yes this is Hitler that's his talent yes subong vet is highly stubborn are you excited all right lucky ladies you know when you see a girl who's married she's like he's more humble looking did you know that he's like she's kind of mellowed like sometime when all of you guys have screamed and I look at this rule this is a married rule here that they just be looking quietly in half they're just cooling this cool taking that time just watched everybody scream they just all they are saying is in the ahead is it's an owner poll so I want you to go out of this camp say my vessel is it's different and some of you you see your gun in but you are too ghanian to be international so you need you need to become a little more international do you understand what I am talking about and you need to change thing as all the things need to change things if you can't change you see the thing in if you can't change some makeup things minor things but they are major enough you cannot be exchanger this is this is wonderful and sometimes you tell people they just can't change it yeah anybody who does well in Sinking you see the person's being changed if you if you have Isis you see the person change right before your eyes yeah I'd love to show you some videos when you see what I'm talking about are you understanding when I am super nice yeah so keep changing vessel okay some of you being like you're pornographers I mean you listen it's not it it's not it will not you will not be compatible with something you need compatible bit like small boy young man so you are not married you are on the phone checking pornography and so on and you come to church another a may be compatible with that but a certain and that kind of ministry if it is what you are doing it wouldn't really work so well with that I hope you understand what I'm talking about yeah you got a change you say I'm a girls man what is it girls ladies man ladies man was a ladies man what do you mean by I'm a ladies man the ladies man you have trapped ladies nonsense I mean but if you buy your ladies man with nothing I love you ladies man you are ladies special about you stupid Irish I call your name did I mention your name can you be upset with me when I didn't mention your name if you just keep smiling look straight no one will know does anything to do with you alright got on opposed on oppose you can see all right some of you you gotta change your your your your your tribal instincts are too strong some of you here you are you are northerners maybe I ignore them you don't even know that you have a complex everything you are defending when Muhammad came into power you said our time has come but a fellow fancy when present note came into power Indonesia what time has come easy but you have a certain complex so you have a manner our time has come this our time you think that we are only watch man you think that we are only the cruelty card we think that we are only watch give up sellers you think we always pull at least so if you don't even realize that you have a complex yes so so and you is like easily offended you don't even realize that because why not now it affects your way of thinking and that that beam and northern us no one is thinking know and even is conscious what I why not now accountant but you are always controller you think I'm a kebab seller you think Arabic regime and we think that my name is Allison Obama or something like that you know I'm not whatever you you you have you have a yoga comp and something smaller you are offended that is not offended yeah I've seen a number of northerners like something small that they are offended you can even joke with them yes now you wouldn't know what it is and realize that the path is too much of a northerner to flow normally so actually I'm going to stay in Avro go this way I belong you know I said yeah I belong in San Paulo or I belong in Baku you know before you realize your vessel is not compatible with an international miss your origin and national ministry yeah because everybody you feel everybody feels you I give up Salah [Music] and no one has thought of you as a security that or a watchman but you are thinking of that they do they look down on us they feel that we are this they said our time has come hey and and that's not a good thing some of you asked you are so a we and you got to change the awareness of yourself it's too much the awareness is too much it's too deep and when we thank God you are you are from there but it shouldn't color everything about you everything everything everything everything and then on top of that you'll be proposing to somebody who is not from there not knowing that that is your main whatever it's like I need to speak my language in the house and my mother doesn't like what happened and you've got to propose to a Fanta girl ah you don't understand what I'm talking about am i saying too much too many things I shouldn't say what I'm saying so we thank God you are anyway relax you get it yeah we also add onion diaper from green on a week and the world is not only made up of those on the right side of the left side of the lake you don't have to be too much conscious of that we love and enjoy gonna tell somebody enjoy gonna hand me a gift just relax it enjoy gana we are in the whole country amen are you listening yeah so please relax and enjoy Ghana change your vessel we want really certain things your vessel has to change yeah your vessel has to change alright are you ready to change your vessel sit down thank you gentlemen [Applause] are you ready to carry the oil are you sure you are ready to carry the oil are you going to work on your vessel some of you going to need to do repairs on it better for the next three years so your vessels going to be ready in three years time for certain drops of oil oh yeah that's why I'm encouraging to be very faithful for a long time things are going to some of the things it's just about time like you want to be a better that was going to use like that type of thing must be at least 13 years but when Jesus began to be thirty years but he was eight years or whatever twelve years in the temple people were listening to him but it's like that kind of anointing you need at least to be thirty years so he began to be about thirty years and then the power came on here so some of you is like like thank all of you for your zeal now but for the next nine years 21 to 30 you're gonna have to be faithful to try to do this do this do so many things and stay in a certain will be success you know then it's that you don't even understand how things start to change I can remember remarkable changes in my life and ministry at the same point I don't understand the reason why I changed true true in fact I remember one day somebody came and called me somebody call me papa somebody call me Papa no one had ever called me a father before in the church I mean this lighthouse said no one ever called Bishop pal pasta Reverend no daddy no no Enrico Masada any other names for father Papapa da da dee da da not nothing 11 suddenly from that time many people began to call me like a father become friend to me as a father yeah I remember the first who called me that I was as if spiritually I just changed from that time I became like a father but I wasn't a father before although out select pasta is that different people recognized in different places once my mom present came to me and he says if I was prophet caca I said I don't want to call him Bishop because it doesn't define explain your relationship with me very well I want to call it Papa or whatever then he actually was assessed as just and quietly two numbers as I it doesn't define my relationship with you well explain who you are to me yes and then another person and not about everybody on their own so it's like suddenly changed you see but there are certain things and you some of you you are 21 years old and people are calling you Father it's like quiet father Wow Papa cancer your feet how many are going to go for vessel change Wow what a blessing let your hands how many minutes more prayer do you have 10 minutes 10 minutes left all right let your hands and just listen I want you to just pray one of my favorite prayers with me Lord let your will be done not mine I let your will be done let your hands and call on God [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] and [Music] [Music] as you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I want you to pray for something one of the streets of our campuses named above that finish what you started about everybody to pray that God would give you the grace to finish whatever you started you see how young you are like in 10 years time used you will be on it and it's like you'll be finishing you get what I'm saying lift your hand and ask God help me to finish what I started as I've started on this road to save you make a change like a church after you finish what about started now to the finish whatever I'll finish what about static I'll be the finish button [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh yes [Music] hallelujah now we are getting to the hand of our prayer but I want us to pray again one of the names of our one of our little streets here fulfill thy ministry nature now is going to help me to fulfill my meaning whatever you have called me like I don't know what you are for me to be but I want to fulfill my ministry as God let healthy happy to hear you you will answer this prayer by only what you say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah they're getting to the end ask the Lord now to help you in the way you come into the campus you come on a street called give dice up holy highway you know sometimes only fish like this you go out and maybe you may only give 10% of your life and you share that message that so many people having comes they've been there they've been heavy head but they didn't do it lift your hand [Music] [Music] goddess querida spray I tell you God is carried in chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga [Music] [Music] that [Music] the name of Jesus now listen when you've given yourself holy to the Lord or you've come to such meetings there's a scripture which says that we should walk worthy of our vocation 1 our calling after give thyself wholly Street you comes with working wedding Boulevard let your hand and ask God a lot too much is given much is expected help me to walk worthy of all that I've been part of all these prayers all these ladle of hands all these messages obligations of Christians make a check 10,000 children of God are the Lord's that we work worthy of such wonderful things [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah now whenever you pray myself forget to bind the devil now I want us to find three Devils that worry you in your life think about it carefully one day the Lord revealed to me some Devils that we are at war seven of them yes I wrote them down this one this one is that this what they are trying to make me do so think about your life very carefully three Devils if pornography's one says take this demon of pornography like secret Devils or stable what are they are open or secret devil poverty some of you poverty you understand some of you fornication some of you there's a spirit is a boy whatever I don't know what it is harassing you mention the three you'll be surprised that they are three devil and they are actually on your case let your Hannah begin to bind Satan's power in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh yeah now I'm going to lead you to pray for something that would never be refused like of all the different things you have asked for some may be refused but this one will never be refused do you want to know what it is it is prayer for grace grace because grace is undeserved already and did that help so there's no basis for a deserve you haven't done anything or whatever you already not qualified this is what we are asking for what we don't deserve let your handle receive grace as an offering what you don't deserve to help you grace you don't qualify our part in this great [Music] [Music] [Music] grace grace grace grace turn - your grace - your grace give us faith forgive us Lord grant us grace what we don't detect your health we don't qualify we don't need that hi my love [Music] thank you long in Jesus name now today Mack a mouse tool in many of your life because you have never been this way before never afraid like this before the vaping for such a come before this your hand and thank God that ask this milestone this Mac is the beginning of wonderful things in your life thank him for here is your prayers thank him for the beginnings of a new level a higher level and better level something good in your life in the name of Jesus in our system in the name of Jesus [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] let your hands and Sun God you know where we first came here there was nothing here you have been here you have seen God raise up their campus thank God for this wonderful miracle of this place thank you Jesus thank you lord [Music] I reckon so [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah thank you we are nice [Music] [Music] we get you afraid bring in the brain we get your friends and we get afraid we like it we give you son bring in the plan we get around we can't afraid [Music] hallelujah now six effects the kingdom of God all this time we have been praised we have never prayed for anything that we need is it not true we are just praying for the work of God lift your hands and go that all your needs I haven't mentioned your issues and your issues your pinching issues we are taking care of it right now lift your hand and thank you in advance but that whatever my issues are I thank you that my life is in your hand and you are in control of my life I thank you for a better life because I know you because I said it and because I follow you I worship You Father [Music] [Music] [Music] father thank you for all these wonderful campus walking company here for the past few days calling us you praying for 10,000 children to be released from prison from darkness to know you through us we thank you for increasing the churches to more than 10,000 churches more than 1,000 building more than hundred million souls more than hundred million books more than hundred bishops thanks for great foot bonus we lift our Honda with the lord help us to fulfill this ministry about to live to see the fulfillment of the day when our Bethel is change and we are able to carry this great anointing we are grateful I thank you that they don't give me one of these little children Oh fall by the wayside because of your angel your power that is relief for everyone here Lord not because of anything that we are cause we know we are not at all by your grace your angel your power the Holy Spirit your great help you are bless us Lord we were born without gifts we're born without anything good but you met us with your mighty Holy Spirit and here we are your present trust in you by great change in a great blessing we give you son so we thank you for others now you use us to touch the lives of others I will not live life of selfishness again constant just about our own small lives and all those more issues we give you thanks we give you free let everybody this we'll get married long let everybody find a beloved Lord answer and solve the complex issues that are around our life our parents our hopes our houses our life about beloved about marriages and all the financial issues that we are experiencing bless us O Lord with access if it is darkness let a life begin to shine and to us O Lord so that we may experience your blessing the grace of apostles from among raised our pastors teachers evangelists and mighty prophet give us dreams as visions let us not be in need of your mighty gifts as your Mike is very let your spirit fearfulness like a waterfall Flo is overratted to US law let your presence be served in a tangible way as we walk out of this place god be with us in the tightness pass away Oh deliver us from evil from oxidation cases deliver us of package surprises copy defenses unexpected gunfire and God sauce at unexpected machine guns at such a daunting never fall off from the exact two laws of the future and they is about yet to fall upon the sons of men we ask you Father we ask for divine escape from fastest calamity from earthquake from terror by night or by day wicked man wicked women and wicked plan we test Confucian into every wicked plan and every bad decision that is taking about us attend addictive room let yourself go be scattered and let them live off idea we're together again let us disperse with the corners of the earth also that in magic mischief against us we cast them to disappear to Ouisa to fade away to be found no more to lose their positions to beat this most appropriate place to be removed from their houses to be buried as we forgotten in the name of Jesus [Applause] let us suppose that arrayed against us cutter in the name of Jesus we rebuke you Satan the Prince of the air we bide your power together we reject your plasma rise we are we block them in the name of Jesus we are not every wicked run and divide and sisters images are we are comic deception we uncover traitors we uncover treacherous man we asked about wickedness and we say we have escaped by the blood of the laptops because recipe and a lot of people let the power of God rests over us let the Angels be assigned to everybody here one one one one one one one one one angel to one man one angel to one girl one angel to one boy send more angel does reinforcement so for to surround us so with your angelic powers and life let there be a bright light around us give us from the evil day keep us from wickedness that is yet to come and before the sons of men upon the earth o Lord save us grant us long life that we may save you and that much fruit for your glory and cross down the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you thank you for life thank you for victory in school victory in exams victory in financial pain please treat family issues victories parental issues victory beloved issue victory marital issues this is having children pitch with hobby cars city building houses city's prosperity victory have come into our hand in the name of Jesus our levels would never be the same at the heart came from today a new level is relief thank you long thanks for your blessing click every one of the children here father as a special project everybody here Lord take them one by one as you came on the day of ethical and give everybody a tongue of fire give now to every one of these examples are critical to fire that will never go out and like that will never be did and some others will never be quite in the name of Jesus let everybody here be exact a project for you O Lord let it be 1 to 1 angels applied or one-two-one one-two-one one-two-one yes we thank you for divine protection divine help for your children for the little ones for all of us keep us O Lord to see good days the lip-read medical team rejoice about many great things that I do I great God so the cities are the best decision we thank you we thank you Father we praise you honor we give you praise now giving us what we need we'll eat our hands now to receive all that release from about our eyes are fixed on you our game our gaze our gaze is fixed on you our case our eyes our heart is fixed on you about the father of life the Heavenly Father he that was in the beginning he that created heaven an end our eyes our you and our hands are listed to receive all your goodness the blessings of Abraham of Isaac and Jacob the patriarchs we will see this now in this last day into your wax an apostle will be lead again Hanna Vasya will be knit again none of us here will be deed again because of your supplier your blessed the jesus did not pray take us home safely long thank you for 10,000 children Jesus everybody shouted a man [Applause] [Music] you babysitted shandola baba father thank you for your blessing thanks a million for your blessing you have escaped I said you have escaped [Applause] [Music] your level has changed whatever keeps you at a low level is destroyed you'll never be found that they place again in Jesus name because you didn't speak for yourself the Lord Himself articulate about his project to seek for you what you didn't speak for yourself where you prayed fervently for what is his mission and his bedded has now taken it upon for your mission and your bed is your difficulty here not my little one fear not but the Lord will do it better that you can do it for yourself the Lord will do it better that you can do it for yourself hallelujah amen get a lot of clapping shot off in the future in the future those of you who take ministry as your weight you will come across businessmen who have taken business as their career then you sit down with them at a table a dining table and you do a calculation then you will discover that you choose to serve the Lord they seem to be a big difference he changed you and he who chose to save my money during the calculation the figures will reveal and expose the difference between he dies says the Lord and read extensive notes and you will be forced you will be forced to cut the calculation shot less laborious by the figures that are just about to be released you see those who are patient and patiently ready to serve God whereby an however it comes you will find this vision to be true and whether habits get your camera I take a picture with the person at the table but don't Sally why because a vision has happened yes you may think it because he's a visitor or you are a visitor but is it because you've discovered to update your amazement the calculation of his life and the calculations of your life are not even on the same level you have to shorten the discussion less it is revealed how much the Lord has wonderfully cared for you God has made you victorious my voice and just like you if this is a seven you honor you for choosing him when you were Gnostic where you are not dying when we were not in a crisis when there was no trouble in your life you chose him that I like you God I like you I prepare you you will show you he also likes you as you are making your first choice well he is choosing somebody to bless and there are options because you when you were taking you take God assess when you'll never guess in a little the hand of God will take your knees as a test to goofy when that happens also take a picture but you see that God chose you fast [Music] I'll bet Wow be humble be humble and be wary of crowding be wary of big things that makes you great or that people feel a great we well areas where they sell this area that the lasers people who have come a stain beware of that place when they say please the card are the lasers people who have come this the car they used beware beware of that car my not hiding choose the low choose the low and walk with the lowly of the earth where the Lord just to lift you out it will lift you in such a way that you used movie sounds a lot a lot you I'm passing me lots no don't do that but he will lift you up do not be you're doing you see that he has lifted you up we will try to fight the blessing we will try to find you when that happens take a picture when the day comes where the Lord chooses to lift you up against even your own wishes take a picture that this is a picture of a prophet that I received when men are running to a country here from godfest before you also join them yes when then I ration remember take that is the god of this world so it makes waste for people and it makes doors for people so hear from your father when the spirit leads you go there yeah for this world many work desire to prosper never prospect they wish they would not tell me listen for many of us our parents are brokenhearted because they're disappointed people they are disappointed but they would tell you because we are their child you disappointed when everybody's doing something don't reassure yourself cause it's a crowd never reassure us off in a crowd a crowd is not what you have to follow what he that follows the crowd follow the Lord as many as are led by the crowd they award all who follow the crowd have perishing the crowd they just want color they didn't follow the clown he says we'll go by what loc that'll be your story and your picture in Jesus name Amen are you ready to work I see a foot step the foot is a big foot and your your food your small food is about to step into that big foot there are big foot steps that don't belong to you but someone might be either new but God has chosen for your life to go into dancing lets out when people come back to check what happened they will see those big foot steps and those who know you well would they cannot be you who came by because of the kind of footsteps you left behind it's like is too great for somebody like you but you see you cannot fight it is that he shall lift you up when a mightier than you picks you and little without stopping back you are being lifted up walk in their footsteps don't try to create your own foot step the foot that is too small this mat is too small and we come back we'll be left behind by your ministry pick up my I pick up not be left behind because we came far bigger than your natural footstep and your footprint it's coming I see something coming I see something coming it's like a wave of oil and you are being carried in that wave of oil I see it coming it's like a wave wave of the waves wave after wave wave after wave where does the Wiz stop struggling and slow I said stop struggling against blue the plants are wrong anyway to flow with this blood I thought your plants are wrong it will to flow with this plan your plants are wrong flowy this plan blessed classes are now being released about your life new blueprints of your future are build wicked Hollies if akalabeth uh little falada falada I see people it's India Indonesia Bangladesh other Asian nation I don't know how you got there I don't know how you got those places but surely the Lord will use you patiently to have as many things for him don't rush to come back no rush to come back you haven't finished your way face oh you finish because if you don't finish and you come back you come back to Encinas you'll come back to nothingness finish finish finish what you started finish was both valid to human be patient right your own horse but everyone has been given a horse to ride the horse is your method of going faster something has been given to you to make you go a little faster much faster so guess of the horses start working when you should have been riding your horse what is yours your heart is that which makes you go faster and better that you would have gone naturally by your own way so get on your horse don't don't sit on the exactly the space that I think waited for you your own horse has come and walk with that horse keep going only to eat other horse don't never get on the horse when you get on the horse your life will change it going to be so slow and Assam you'll be so tired all the time their life will not be as it ought to be because you've gotten off the FASTA gift that was given to you to make you go faster muda further and higher thank you Father for these gifts of the horses in the spirit he said I saw a horse at black holes a feisty horse as I read hooks as a rider but today you are the rider and the heart of beginning for you to go forever to go faster to go further to go higher don't get off your horse it's comfortably on your don't struggle with gift where they are giving to you don't struggle with gifts when they are giving to you don't struggle with skips and natura what God has put into you Anna's giving to you don't fight with it Oh fight the gift is a grace of all [Music] Mondo's can imagine delhi-based alababama ba-ba-ba-ba briga santa lucia eleven [Music] if they know baccala everything [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful she's beautiful but it's to what you need [Music] she's beautiful she's fully beautiful but if she what you need Beauty doesn't make people happy many who have Beauty have no happiness [Music] she's beautiful but is she what dings so therefore don't be taken in by too much beautifulness be taken in by the wonderful spirit god is great wisdom for your life it's science and it's attractive nice you notice it noticing other than what you need stop following what you notice and start following you calamity awaits those who follow beautifulness attractiveness shine don't follow it follow the spirit let your hands and fun gone or whatever hear spoken to you about today [Music] receive the mighty holder holster [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] give God thanks amen father thanks a million for all your goodness your blessing upon our life you are too good to us got to wonderful too kind there are patients launch first I pursue have patience steady with joy we maybe see that in the presence of the Lord [Applause] well we are blessed you prayed for 27 hours you got a new vision new job if you transfer from accounting accountancy to mega church pastor e patiently yes you fought Devils privately any for the big ones the territories Lions which are guarding your areas will have to relocate and give you space they're gonna need a lot of space operate in Jesus name [Applause] hallelujah now everybody has been given two things of each one into flame your head and also an angel one angel per person so I see for ya it's a one to one blessing as you go the angel of the Lord is going to help you you'd be surprised cooperate with the angel god help us arrived in your life you are young but you see the mountain young peasant you see the mountain mountain that is not easy to find but you'll be able to climb me by the help of God even when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane he was struggling the prayer the angel of the Lord appeared Sprint million angels were always good bidding you from now you're busy strength your life will always have angels as part of it today there'll be a miracle [Applause] amen amen what a blessing so be a person of prayer prayer I tell you it's very important every business there because you need to deal with things in the spirit look when you work very hard with your own life you're not going to get much God is the one who is going to step in but he has stepped in your life is turning into a different direction one day I met a lawyer in England I put my hand on his shoulder and I said I've changed your job that was a a job changed I'm amazing remember one of the things you want fire is a unique fire you'll be a unique person may be a unique minister your flame will be a special flavor in your angel I think it's probably an additional angel to the one that you had when you are born that's what I feel that angel helped you a lot he shall give his angels charge contained you in all your ways and help you many people have seen angels around me some one day I came to church and somebody saw the Angels changing a bigger one most and a smaller one was it was big but it was smaller change ly changed on the carpet a colleague on I was coming for a miracle service and there was a switch the Angels changed yeah colleague on a car park I will always remember I sort of remember that they are then evening I came you saw the switch of the angels and it is something happened here tonight with the sending of angels whose little boys and girls like you a hug you are now children of destiny destiny children you have to come to this come for this angel and for this person in this fire yes remember when we had obligations come I said we didn't finish yeah that's why we had to come back we came for this so now as you go out you are going with to financial help [Applause] keep watching those of you who like film film yourself your life is good to be a wonder what we would like to do not leave you hello you know one of the things about God is like your private things and the things that you like concerns you like private things God knows all of those words is them expect expect expect yeah so that's what I wanted to tell you also that you know anything private those issues if things in your situations and complex thing you deceive you see that just more but a complex issue that is why you can be small go to use it for something great to small present like you look at the kind of issues that you are dealing with at this age so expect great things [Applause] expected to one day I thought I was a sista I was in the hotel I came out of my room I think I don't know what's up alpha and I just look at her and I said you are placed she was trying to have a job at no job everything no child mucha then I just look at her and I just saw that she was placed that just that was it that was the end of her yeah some of these things but they won't be happen if you can't even tell the switch between the natural and the Super Nintendo we are seated in heavenly peace at the same time so it's like there's a constant switching from mum pong to heavenly to back and in and out and another that's why when a man of God is talking to you have to be careful he may have been from sanely from another place it's like a something is saying casual but it's not casual the way of casual prophets west of or for your mission of things casual profits you miss it all the time so cooperate the spiritual any problem you can't overcome this is the beginning of that problem time in your life time I sell this time and if when you go out and you see an old problem just it's the problem you are dying prophesied death to that problem what time you are dying for the little water you know you are dead by the way you remember during this little time of prophecy we had at the end here there was a lot of take pictures yeah it's very important for you to think I didn't know it till I grew up if I had known and I would have taken pictures so many pictures I didn't know I let I had Mike medicated take pictures very important take a picture because you will see you can't even believe the change Nelson you can't even believe it as I said take pictures take pictures and especially when the things are happening take pictures yeah prophecies are being fulfilled in so go home with joy go home with rejoicing your day of triumph good news good tiding why not because of like this type of general prophecies that are coming up you are this you'll be visited no because you are now you are like an a Mac 7 max ever marked this asleep your head in an angel what one isn't so happy one two one you will escape a revolt in Jesus name are you listening god bless don't forget prophesied death to every old problem of your life when you see Vladek brother you are dead I breathe death on you Jesus name there's something musically called fading into state to fail it's good to state going to I see practically practically Jesus name did you understand what I'm saying now I'll tell you a secret the most difficult and painful things of your life is watch them carefully because they have a way of bringing the one death of the greatest blessings your life how many know that this is a beautiful wonderful things first laugh most of you don't even know how it came about the how it came about it's a mystery a mystery the mystery to most most of you most almost everybody how but it's like a wonder the whole church looks at first love like a whole of lighthouse it's like it's like you've become like the headquarters yes true so whatever makes you cry and it's a type of crisis for you watch it very carefully even as it dies it to have an effect on your life and that insects would be wonderful golden Wow Jesus name are you glad we enjoy a fast lap Chet wouldn't those four years ago there was nothing like Spacelab church not at all doesn't Isis yes the only thing that is this is the Kadesh yes yes if you don't exist another exists in anybody's mind it came into my mind certainly on a particular day yes and I was not in Ghana yeah any skin for a reason Wow so don't worry I'm telling you one day Zack are coming for in Jesus name you're black [Applause]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 1,799
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2015, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, MAMPONG, GHANA, FIRSTLOVE CHURCH, OBLIGATIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN WORKER, 10000 CHILDREN OF GOD, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: dU1V3tpVfo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 4sec (6484 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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