Immortal (2019) | Full Movie | Tony Todd | Mario Van Peebles | Dylan Baker | Agnes Brucker

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(school bell rings) (doors rumble open) - [Coach Jacobs] Chelsea? Hey, how are you today? - Look. Makes you wish you could run faster, doesn't it? - Shut up, I run faster than you. - Whatever, you know you want him. - Ew no, I don't, gross. - Come on, the way he wears that whistle around his neck? - Ugh. - I wish I was that whistle. - Sorry, Mr. Shagis. - Okay. - Sorry, Mr. Shagis. (door latches shut) - Cause that's the difference between fiction and literature. One has deep meaning, symbolism, allegories. While the other is just going for a quick thrill, cheap laugh, or sucker punch cry to get those emotional reserves kicking enough to make you feel like the 20 bucks you plopped out to buy the book was worth it. Now, they're both fun to read. - I think we have a really different opinion of what fun, is Mr. Shagis. - What do you like to read, Kyle? Do you read at all? - I mean I, I follow a lot of people's feeds online and stuff. -(class chuckles) - And while we could debate the literary merits of a Twitter feed, I think the snarky giggles you're getting from your classmates is enough to render your position on the matter futile, wouldn't you agree, Mr. Rudolph? - Yeah, whatever. - And ducks a burn. (class chuckles) - Yeah. - Why did they make people even represent stuff like that, though? I mean, how's that even work? Isn't it kind of stupid? - Ah ha. (chuckles) Forgetting for the moment that you suggested that a great literary classic, like ''Lord of the Flies'' is stupid, you have a valid point. Why use an allegory? Why represent characters and worlds as something else? Why don't just say what you wanna say outright? Anyone? Kyle, you got an idea? Why would an author use an allegory? - So guys like you can get a job teaching it. - I'll let you have that one this time, since you're going through such a tough time at home. - What are you talking about? - Well, I assume since you haven't taken a shower this week, that the water company cut you guys off. (class chuckles) Yes, Jamie. - Maybe they write allegories because what they wanna talk about is taboo. - Excellent. Even further than taboo. What if it's illegal? What if it's dangerous? Can you imagine why someone in an Islamic extremist country, where they stone people for drawing pictures of Mohammed, might wanna write in code, when they're talking about religion, huh? Anybody else. Yes, Jordan. - What if like, their point is hard to make or not something people agree with, too quickly and they need to, I don't know, like paint a picture. - Very good. That's a great point. If you're saying something that everyone agrees with already then you're just preaching to the choir. But if your theme goes against the grain of society, you might wanna ease into it slowly. Excellent. - Okay, Mr. Shagis. But like how does the author even pick who's going to be what? - All right, everyone, close your eyes. Close your eyes or you get a F for the day. All right. Imagine Apple, as in the company that does the iPhone. Imagine Apple as a person. How old would Apple be? Anybody, shout it out. - [Classmate] 26, definitely under 30. - Sound about right to everybody? (class grunts) Okay, what kind of car would Apple drive? - A Tesla. - Yeah. And what religion would they be? - Apple's definitely an atheist. (class chuckles) - Where do they like to eat? - Whole Foods, and sometimes Chick-fil-A. - Open your eyes. Does everybody see about the same kind of person? - Yep. - All right. - Now think of the car company Ford. What kind of person would Ford be? - Some old guy. (class chuckles) - Watch it! I drive a Ford. - Exactly. - (laughs) Coming up on the rebound, good timing. Everything has an identity. And identities have personalities that can manifest as people with ease. And it works in the reverse. Take Chelsea. - Me? - Blonde, fit, odds on favor to win every track meet she runs in, if we were a novel, what could Chelsea represent? - Hope. - Freedom, a better life. - The American Dream. - Big shoes to fill, Chelsea. - Mr. Shagis. - Yeah - If Piggy in ''Lord of the Flies'' is supposed to represent science and intellect, why is he so annoying? - Oh, exactly! Yo I mean, he's like this fat, little obnoxious dude who always had something to say that ruined the party. -(class chuckles) -I was rooting for the other boys to kill him myself half the time. - That's a great point. Why is it that we paint good guys in such infuriating clothing? Every hero with a conscience has some debilitating physical deformity or a self-confidence problem while the evil, Satanic torturers of the literally world get to wear capes of leather and, have shiny, jet black hair and drive great cars. What do you think it says about us as a society? That the bad guys are always more fun. -(school bell rings) -Think about that question, we'll pick this up on Monday. Chelsea! (class shuffles and murmurs) (door latches) I'm not keeping you from anything urgent, am I? - (giggles) No, I was just going to run some laps. - You know, your mom asked me to keep an eye on you. With your dad. - I really wish you wouldn't do that. - Yeah. Um... (chair shuffles) Forgive me but, uh, I saw Mr. Jacobs grab your shoulder. - What? - You had something on your face. Something that said it wasn't a welcome touch. Chelsea, if you've got anything on your mind this is a safe place to talk. - He's a good coach. - I don't doubt that. - It's just that... we don't really have money for college and, if I... if the story everyone remembers is me getting my coach fired, who wants to recruit that on a scholarship? - Did he--? - Can we just drop it? - Have you told anyone about this? - Just a couple of friends. But, it wasn't like rape or anything. He just grabbed... Jesus, I shouldn't have said anything. - It's okay. Listen, Monday morning, we're gonna file a report in the office. - No. - [Mr. Shagis] We have to. - No. We really don't. - Listen to me, Chelsea. The guys who do this will always have something they can hold over you. That's why they do it. Because they think they can get away with it. You understand? You're an amazing runner. You get good grades. Firing or not, you're gonna get a full ride to a great school. Do you hear me? Meet me here an hour before school on Monday, okay? Have a nice weekend. (suspenseful techno music) (girl murmurs) - Yeah I feel good, it was a good practice. - Ms. Jensen! - Good luck this weekend, ladies. - [Girls] Thank you. - Bye. - Take care of yourself. - You guys too. (somber piano music) (plastic rustles) - There's my girl! Great practice today, Chels. - Thanks. - Great practice. Hey, hold up a second. Where'd you park? - I'm in the front lot. - All right, let me walk you to your car. - Oh, it's fine, it's really-- - No, no, no, it's no trouble. You're over there? - Uh yeah, but, I gotta-- I can use the walk to cool off. - I'll tell you what, hop in my car, I'll give you a ride. - I'm good. - No, it's not trouble. Come on, come on, go on. - No thanks. - Easy. - See you tomorrow, coach. - Okay. Bright and early. (car beeps) (soft whish) (soft thud) (metal clanks) (footsteps rustle leaves) (suspenseful music) (Chelsea shuffles) (Chelsea screams) - Feel free to scream. There isn't a soul around for miles. And don't worry, this primitive little weapon, isn't really my cup of tea. Meant more as a precautionary deterrent than anything else. - Why are you doing this, Mr. Shagis? - You know, it's funny... Everyone asks that. The truth is, you don't even know what I'm doing just yet. Sure, you have an idea that it's dangerous. But, the details escape you. You have to admit, this is the real world. There are no allegories, no symbolism, no archetypes-- just people. You know, one thing ''Lord of the Flies'' got right, there is a savage beast inside all of us, even a normal old guy like me. Especially in a normal old guy like me. In fact, it sits dormant in our minds, growing with silent rage at every indignity that life doles out to us. You know what that beast is most concerned with? Survival. And when you take away the possibility of death, that fear goes with it. But, we'll get to that in a minute. Stand up. (leaves rustle) Oh, right. Listen, I'm gonna cut you free. Don't do anything stupid, like trying to run or take a swing at me, cause then I'll have to shoot ya. And you'll ruin the fun for both of us. (grunts) You understand? You can answer. You can speak. Tell me you understand. - I understand. - Great. Get up. It's fully charged. Now there's a four mile radius dead zone around us. So you'll have some sprinting to do before it will work. But once it does, you're pretty much home free. Now, we've been driving all night, by design. And you probably have no idea where we are. Don't worry, open up the battery compartment for a second. Yeah, those are your latitude and longitude points. You can give those to any 911 dispatch. Or tell your mother, and she can tell them. She can call it in, whichever you prefer. Either way, they should be able to come find you pretty quickly. Go ahead, close it back up. (plastic tarp rustles) You know, the sport of it all, as I said, gets diluted if you resort to semi-automatic firearms. Modern weaponry in this country is just so idiot proof. It gets frustrating. When a six-year-old can pull a trigger and slaughter half of his classmates. There's a sign that safety precautions have become secondary. - What is this? - This is my small arsenal of weaponry. All of which, I assure you, take a modicum of skill or even craftsmanship to operate with any kind of effectiveness. - Please. - And in the spirit of full transparency I should mention that I've take the liberty to wire up a small handful of booby traps at various points along your escape route. But it's very much probable that if you pick some circuitous path that avoids them all (chuckles), you'll be good. For it be ''A thick a forest indeed.'' - Mr. Shagis, I just wanna go home. - You know, you're the first student I've brought out here. The pedagogical relationship definitely adds an element of tension to the situation, don't you agree? In truth, I thought about you in this regard before. Alas, I didn't have a scapegoat. But when I saw Mr. Jacobs lay hands on you and your eyes go deep in despair, I'm sure your blabber mouth friends will obfuscate the issue as they jabber on about how he got handsy that one time. - Please, (cries), please. - Guess now is about as good a time as any. (claps) Earlier, when we were discussing the savagery of men, you may recall I mentioned losing the fear of death with the possibility. As it happens, I discovered one rainy night, when I was hit by a speeding car, that I have certain resiliency to the transition into the next world, whatever it may be. I should have died right there on the spot. But a few minutes passed and I came to again. Not much had changed, except my outlook on the world. I thought it might have been a fluke but suffice it to say, there were some other occurrences and, eventually I began to experiment. I took notes and I got to the place you see now. Armed with the knowledge of timing and having honed my skills as a hunter of men. Now, in a moment, I'm gonna raise this gun, to the side of my head and pull the trigger. The bullet will rip through my temple, taking particles of bone, brain and skull with it as it exits on the other side. I'm telling you this, because it may frighten you. You might assume that I am dead but I assure you, you'll have anywhere from three and a half to four minutes' time before I come to again. My wounds will heal and I will begin to hunt you in the forest. I would suggest using that time to get a head-start. Think of the blast as the starter gun to a race. People have made the mistake of trying to come up with a clever plan but I assure you you won't think of anything in the few minutes you have that will likely save you. - You can't be serious. - Additionally, if you try to take my weapons, I'll be forced to use the more primitive firearms I have hidden. And they have significantly more aim and effectiveness, so you'll only be hurting yourself in the matter. Are we clear on everything? - I... - Any last questions? - Why me? - Oh, sorry. Uh, I thought that was obvious. You run fast, and I was up for a challenge. -(gun blasts) -(Chelsea screams) (gun clicks) - Shit! (suspenseful music) (Chelsea whimpers) (leaves rustle) (machine beeps) (loud thud) (Chelsea pants) (leaves crumple) (Mr. Shagis groans) (Chelsea pants) (leaves rustle) (Chelsea pants) - I had higher hopes for you, Chelsea. To say that your performance was lackluster would be an understatement. - Oh, please, Mr. Shagis, please. (Chelsea groans) (gasps for air) - Maybe I wasn't being fair with all these booby traps. (sighs) It really shouldn't be this easy. - What did you do? (groans) (breathes heavily) - Well, this changes the game now, doesn't it? (Gary hums like a car) - I'm out of control. (Vanessa laughs) You're gonna have a great life. The life I never had. Full of joy, and wonder and excitement and love. You gonna be strong, wise. (smooch) You're gonna be happy. Just kicked, did you feel that? - You always were quite the sweet-talker. (gas igniter clicks) (pot bangs) (eggs whisk) (food sizzles) - No more than a normal user, I guess. I mean, it goes out occasionally, but I got nothing but static. Like, the guide isn't even coming on. Can you send someone out? Yes, the box is on. (soft thud) - Oh, shit! (Vanessa groans) -(water runs) - Thank you. (door bangs) - What are they saying? - Got agitated, said I wanted to watch the game, told them I wanted it fixed immediately. - But they don't come out on Sundays, right? - Well, apparently they have a couple of guys circle the area on weekends now. But the gal said they're backed up so they're gonna try and fix it remotely. - They still might come out today? - It's no big deal, we still have time for everything. (pot bangs) - Babe, what if today is not the right day? - No. Don't do that, we just have to bump up our schedule. - Baby's not due for another few weeks, we have time. - Yeah, still here. Hang on, let me check. Look, I gotta adjust something on the box, you know I have to play along. But when I'm finished, we have breakfast together. (smooch) Yeah, I'm walking over. (suspenseful music) (static buzzes) - Babe? There are other ways to survive. We can file for bankruptcy, there's food stamps, we can buy our clothes at the thrift store. Eat pasta until things get better. There are other ways to do this. Everything happens for a reason. It's only money. There's other ways to get by. Things will pan out. - Stop! This is happening, Vanessa. I'm not okay with just getting by, especially with the baby. I'm not gonna be some shit father who tells his kid he can do whatever he dreams and not provide him a means to achieve it. I'm gonna be a better father than that. - I know. - Vanessa! If you don't want to do this, that's fine, I will do it on my own. I will make it work without you. - No. - End of discussion. I don't wanna have this conversation again, we clear? - Yeah. - Good, let's play out our day. - (sighs) Everything has to be just like a regular day. <i> I take out the trash and catch</i> <i> the neighbors on their morning run.</i> - Hi guys. <i> Make small talk about the weather, and ask them</i> <i> if they have cable issues too.</i> <i> They're gonna talk about the baby.</i> <i> While I'm outside, you're doing the laundry</i> <i> and I do some light gardening like I normally do.</i> <i> - [Gary] And right about then I'll get my weekly car wash.</i> <i> Just a normal Sunday.</i> <i> Now listen, I've left some notes.</i> <i> Some things to give the baby for different stages</i> <i> of its life in our safe deposit box.</i> <i> Whatever happens, do not open it</i> <i> until that insurance check clears, all right?</i> <i> - [Vanessa] Okay.</i> <i> - [Gary] You're the only good thing that's ever</i> <i> happened to me, you know that, don't you?</i> <i> - [Vanessa] That's what you keep saying.</i> <i> - [Gary] It's true.</i> <i> And you deserve a good life.</i> <i> Both of you.</i> Nessa! (door creaks) -Nessa. -(keys clank) Vanessa! What the hell? - He just showed up. - Unbelievable. - Yeah, he said there was a cancellation in the area and he just popped by. - Oh, he just popped by? How long has he been up there? - Not long, like 10 minutes. - How am I supposed to fall off the godddamn roof trying to fix the cable if it's been fixed? (Vanessa hushes Gary) - I think I found it. May I? - Yeah, please. - You must be Gary. - (chuckles) That's me. (Vanessa chuckles) - I'm just gonna check on the laundry real quick. - That's a great idea. - All right, you're back in the game. Some faulty wiring, normal wear and tear stuff. - That's great. - Jenetta over at home base said you were trying to watch the game, I hear that. What game you trying to watch? Right there. - I don't really like to talk about it, superstitious. - Superstitious. Maybe I should be more superstitious, man. Quit talking about my games. I'm at the bottom of every damn pool. - Really great that you guys come out on weekends now. - Great for you, not so great for us. But you gotta provide for your family, right? - Yeah, you, you know what Hank, hang on a sec. - Ah, no man - No, no, no. I insist. - We're not even supposed to, brother. - I promise not to tell anyone if you don't. - Thank you. - Told you-- he loves his football.(chuckles) - That's me. - There's no football game on today. (Gary laughs) - Not, no, no, not American football, soccer. Football, I love the passion behind those commentators, really gets me going. (Vanessa chuckles) - Okay. (Gary chuckles) - Hold that for me. - Yeah. I imagine you got a lot more stops to make, huh? - Well, like I was telling your lady, you guys caught me at a good time. I had a cancellation so... I was able to squeeze you in. Next one is an hour-and-a-half away. - So if something happens you can't come back? - Yeah, you should be good. Listen, there's an online survey. Every good rating helps, if you like the service. Unless a kid hits a baseball right into your dish, you're cool, man. (loud bang) (TV static buzzes) (suspenseful music) - Hey. (tool box clutters) Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Stop. - My stupid belly. (Gary chuckles) It's a boy. Just thought you should know because I know and I just... - Boy, huh? - (sighs) Yeah. He's gonna be super tall, (chuckles), he's already so big and tall. - That's good. -That's good. (Vanessa sniffles) (somber music) I love you. (Vanessa sniffles) (door rumbles and squeaks) (suspenseful music) (water showers strongly) - [Vanessa] Honey. - Mm. - [Vanessa] I'm pregnant. (loud rumble) (loud crash) (Vanessa sighs) (Vanessa pants) (blood squirts) (Vanessa retches) (suspenseful music) (Vanessa groans) (phone beeps) (Vanessa groans) - He did it. He actually did it. I know, I can't believe it either. No, I did exactly what you said, I was just, I just tried to force him to not do it. And it just made him wanna do it more. (laughs) I know, I know. I just wanted to call and hear your voice. (sighs) Okay. Babe, it's going to be the three of us, you, me and the baby. I can't tell you how excited I am. We're gonna be a real family. (sighs) Okay. Okay, I got to go. I got to get back in the right head space. (sighs) I love you too. (phone claps shut) (Vanessa sighs) (Vanessa groans) - (screams) No! (Vanessa pants) <i> - [911 operator] 911, what's your emergency?</i> - Oh my God, there's been an accident. My husband! <i> - [911 operator] Ma'am--</i> - I think he's-- you have to come, please. Please come. <i> - Ma'am, are you in danger?</i> - No, it's my husband, he fell. He's outside, I don't know, there's so much blood. Oh my God, he's not moving. Please, you have to come. <i> - Is your address still 3848 Goodland Avenue?</i> - Yes, yes, just please hurry, he's in the backyard. <i> - Okay ma'am, we have people on the way.</i> - You have to come, please! (sighs) (groans) (soft bang) (broom thuds) (Vanessa sighs) (groans) Are you okay in there? (Vanessa sighs) (water trickles) No, no, it's too soon. (Vanessa groans and screams) Okay, okay... (phone beeps) <i> - 911, what's your emergency?</i> - Yeah, (pants) I'm going into labor. But it's too early. <i> - Ma'am, did you report another incident</i> <i> at this location a few minutes ago?</i> - Yeah, yeah, yeah, but something's wrong. The baby... (groans) <i> -Ma'am, ma'am, we already have medics on their way,</i> <i> but I need you to stay on the phone with me</i> <i> and tell me what's happening.</i> - Oh, my God, oh, my God, I can feel the baby's head crowning. <i> - Okay, deep breaths. Keep breathing.</i> (screams) <i> Okay, keep breathing. Are you sitting down?</i> - (pants) Yes. <i> - Okay, good.</i> <i> I need you to get on your hands and knees,</i> <i> can you do that for me?</i> - No, no, I gotta call my... <i> - Ma'am, are you there?</i> (phone beeps) (loud thud) (somber music) (sirens wail) (bangs on door) - [Medic] Medic, hello? (bangs on door) - Vanessa! (dramatic music) (blinds clutter) - All right. Just a reminder, as much for me, as it is for you. We have to be on our best behavior, okay? This is not a film set, we're guests here, okay? (camera clicks) (Grant clears throat) - Well, this isn't intimidating at all. (chuckles) - We can take as long as you need. And once Jacqueline here gets you all dolled up in makeup, you'll wanna show off those big beautiful eyes on camera. (Ted kisses Mary) (clears throat) Mr.-- - Ted, just Ted. - Right, Ted. We spoke on the phone. - Alex, right? - Yeah. So, we'll need you to get makeup too. It won't take very long, maybe five to six minutes. We'll get you in the chair after your wife. She should be 45 minutes or so, you know, women and their makeup. - Can I offer you guys any coffee? - You guys takers for coffee? - Sure, thanks. - There's some great advantages to scheduling... otherwise unknown events. Like when Mary was pregnant, we scheduled a C-section. I was able to carve off some time from work for me. So that we could do the nesting thing. - How many kids do you guys have? - Oh, I, um... it wasn't a successful delivery. - I'm so sorry. - No, that's okay. Dying is a lot easier than making a life anyway, or at least more fun. We jacked up some credit cards on a bit of a world tour vacation, courtesy of VISA. - That's brilliant. Where did you guys go? - You name it, we went there. Spain, Italy, all the European hotspots. - Then we headed down to Australia. And we bopped over to New Zealand. (chuckles) By the time we was finished, I thought that I could handle both accents pretty well. But then, of course, I lost it by the time we got back home. - He thought he could imitate the accents. It was terrible, it was really embarrassing. (chuckles) Don't tell him I said that, he still thinks he blended in. - She was always the one who took care of me. Made me soup when I was sick. Drew me a warm bath, to ease the stress from work. It's funny how the tables have turned. - Some days on our trip, I just had to stay in bed. But he was a trooper, he never complained, not ever. - [Ted] We have lived here for over 20 years. - [Alex] Wow. - It's funny how the-- how the wood and the drywall can become part of your identity. - Secret? Gosh, I don't know. You learn tricks along the way. No matter how mad he gets, I know Mac and Cheese with crunchy breadcrumbs on top will win him over. - She makes literally, the world's greatest Macaroni and Cheese. - Sounds like you two are really in love. - Yeah, we sure are. - Yeah, we sure are. - So, it's your turn. Just a couple taps of powder and we'll be ready to roll. I'll grab the pot. - I'm sorry, this is just weird. - Totally normal. Just look at me. We'll have a conversation, the two of us. Try to pretend the camera is not even here. Can you tell us about what it was like when you first were diagnosed and when that was? - Well, a couple of years ago, I started to have these ridiculous headaches. They were... I mean, I've had migraines in the past, but this was much worse. And nobody believes you at first, they just tell you to throw back a couple of ibuprofen and you might as well be eating M&M's. - So Ted, same thing as Mary, try to pretend the cameras aren't even here. Okay. Tell me what was going through your mind the first time you heard the diagnosis. - I hear a lot of people in their 20s and 30s who go through this, talk about all the things they want to tell their people that they love, and I just never had that experience. My husband and I don't have that many close friends, and, not much family to speak of. (sighs) So my first thought... - I went through all the different stages of grief. I mean, denial lasted for a while. And then you... you pour yourself into all of these experimental procedures. But I think that's technically, part of the negotiating stage. I mean, I'm not sure. - I guess my first thought after the panic settled in was, if I had known this was coming I would have eaten more hot dogs. - (sighs) You have to be there for them. And you have this urge to, to read up on things and become a nurse of sorts. And that sense of normalcy that you once shared... I'm sorry. It gets sacrificed really quickly. Really quickly. - Pain is a strange thing. At its core, it's there in your body as an alarm system to tell you if there's something wrong. But if there's no cure, no fix for the pain there's no effective way of turning it off. You can't just tell your body, I know I'm dying, so, calm down. - The truth is, every pill you take has a side effect. And it may dull the pain, but... All of a sudden you're not able to go to the restroom, normally. So... you have to take another thing for that issue. And then that leads to another issue. And the whole time you're trying to... keep track of time and figure out, well, it was three hours since the last one. She hasn't been able to hold anything down. - Do you feel an obligation or, perhaps a responsibility to fight? - Yes, yes I do. I've been fighting for several years and most of that time on an undiagnosed. And truth be told, I've give up several times. But it just keeps doing its thing. Sucks the life out of you and then manages not to kill you. - What is your response to most of the states in the US still outlawing physician assisted suicide? - Well I don't see how, if somebody is in pain, agonizing, paralyzing, lingering pain that doesn't go away after a few minutes, a few hours, a few days. And if somebody has the solution for that pain and they deny that person the solution, how is that not torture? I can't understand it. I don't see the difference. - My response? "Fuck you." How's that? Am I allowed to say that. - If that's how you feel. - Yes, it is. I'm sure there's a nicer way of saying that, but it would weaken the point. - I appreciate that. In full transparency, I don't think I'll be able to use that for the edit. - Okay, how about this. (clears throat) The suffering you feel, makes you forget about time. It's so overwhelming that the concept of the future is lost on you. And a moment of pain, intense pain, becomes an eternity. So ask yourself if you, if you had to choose between an eternity of pain or dying on your own terms, what would you choose? Can you use that? - Yeah. We can use that. All right. (clears throat) - So, did you get everything you need? - Yes, we did, it went really well. She was great, you were both great. - So, how long does it take to put this thing together? - A week, at most. I'll send you both a link when it's ready. (somber music) Oh, she won't be around then. If I'm not being too bold, may I ask when? - Today. We had planned for today. - Wow. Something about today makes it so much more real. - Tell me about it. - I'm sure you're aware there are spousal support groups, and our foundation runs weekly meetings you could-- - I've done the research, I've read all about it. - [Vanessa] Okay. - Thank you. - All right if I say goodbye to Mary? - Of course, yes. - [Mary] It's okay, this is what I want. - Hey. You guys are really brave for doing this. - It doesn't feel brave. Feels like we've run out of options, really. - Well, I just meant being on camera. A lot of people are gonna see this. Makes a difference. You know, our last piece had over 10 million views. - Wow I didn't realize that. - Yeah. Sir, it was an honor to meet you and your wife. - Goodbye. -(Alex sniffles) - She's pretty special, isn't she? - Yeah, she sure is. - Thank you for sharing your story with us. - No, thank you for helping us share it. - Ted. - [Ted] You forget something? - You said it was today. - [Ted] Yeah. - Do you want me to stay? - [Ted] No, no, no. 'Cause... It's not about what I want. Mary has been real specific about it being just us. And I'm okay with it. - Okay. (sniffles) Look, I'm gonna be right around the corner. Like five minutes from here, really, so, you just call me and I can just come over. I'll be so close, please. (Alex sniffles) - Ciao. (lock clicks) (Ted sighs) (Mary groans) Pain steady now? (Mary groans) - I'm ready, honey. - Are you sure? You want another cup of tea, a piece of your favorite cake? - It's time. - I'll go get everything. - Yeah. (breathing shakily) (plastic rustles) I love you. - Oh, I love you too. You're gonna be okay. - Yeah, (sniffles) yeah. (pants) I'll be okay. You deserve this. (sighs) Are you, ready? - Yeah, I'm ready. - Okay. (plastic rustles) - Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute. - What, what is it? - Can, can you just explain to me how it works? - [Ted] Honey, you said you didn't wanna know. - I changed my mind, I do wanna know. I wanna know how it works, okay? - Okay. I put the bag over your head. - Completely over my head. - That's right. I put the bag over your head, and then I secure it at the base with a rubber band to prevent any oxygen from coming in. - And what about the gas? You put a hole in there? - No, I just slip it underneath the bag's opening. The rubber band will hold it in place. - Okay. So, how long does it take? - The body has an involuntary urge to breathe. And with no oxygen in the bag, me pumping the gas in, should be a matter of seconds they say, till you're unconscious. - A second? - It could take a minute or so. It should be painless. - (weeps) Painless? That sounds nice. - I heard that, people found like this look like they went peacefully. - Oh, God! What I put you through, making you read about all this shit. - Oh, it's okay, baby. I'm just blessed to have had you in my life, all to myself, for all these years. (plastic rustles) The bag. (Mary weeps) Okay. Okay, sweetheart, breathe out all of your air. -(Mary exhales) -(plastic rustles) (gas hisses) - Ted? - (plastic rustles) There's somethings wrong, I can breathe. I... Ted? Ted? Oh, oh, Ted, what did you do? What did you do? (weeps) What happened, what the hell happened? Oh, God... (plastic rustles) Come one, come on, come on... (pants) (groans) Oh, Jesus! (Mary groans and pants) Oh God, I hope it happens fast. Oh... what? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, no, no... (Mary weeps) No, don't leave me, don't leave me alone. (cries) (hopeful music) - Hey, Mom. <i> - [Warren's mom] Happy birthday to you.</i> <i> Happy birthday to you.</i> - Thank you, Mom. <i> - I hope it's not too early, honey.</i> - No, no it's not too early, I was just going for a walk before work. <i> - Where are you walking?</i> - (chuckles) I'm at the park. No I'm just, thinking about birthday stuff. Getting older, being single, what it all means. <i> - I hate when you worry like that, sweetheart.</i> - I know. You know, I was actually thinking about that story. Remember that time Dad took me here when I was really little? <i> - Oh...</i> (car honks) (door creaks) (ominous music) (Warren inhales deeply) - Jesus! (Warren groans) Oh, God! (Warren groans) -(bones creak) -Ah! (bones creak) (Warrens retches) (keys jingle) (door creaks) (loud clatter) (Warren groans) (phone beeps) (soft clang) (disconnect tone beeps) (Warren breathes laboriously) Hey Mom, it's me. Sorry my phone died. I guess I forget to plug it in last night before I went to bed. <i> - [Warren's mom] You scared me honey,</i> <i> I couldn't call you back.</i> - I know, Mom, I'm sorry. <i> - Are you at work then?</i> - No, I'm back home. I decided to call in sick. I'm gonna take a, you know, day for myself, maybe watch a movie or something. <i> - You should make yourself a nice breakfast.</i> <i> You always loved a good omelet on your birthday.</i> <i> I wish I were around to make it for you.</i> - Yeah, me too. (gas igniter clicks) (knives bangs on board) (screams) (water runs) (Warren screams) (knife clatters) (phone beeps) (Warren exclaims) (water splashes) (water bubbles) (coughs) (glass clanks) (soft pensive music) <i> - [TV] Fifteen to four.</i> <i> Yup, right on schedule.</i> <i> It was when the grave diggers started their path,</i> <i> that strange things began to take place.</i> (sighs) (soft pensive music) (car tires rumble) (knocking on door) Are you the guy I spoke with on the phone? - Shh. - Forgot. (machine beeps) (machine beeps) - Yes, we spoke on the phone. When you said you had the license plate I thought that meant you wrote it down or you took a picture of it or-- - Does that make a difference? - No. So where should we uh... - Table's fine. - The car is registered to a Sonia Isaacs. She bought it three years ago with her husband Chuck's money. He's a litigation attorney. They've been married six years, no kids. They vacation, mostly in tropical places, twice a year, recently Bora Bora. She volunteers at an animal shelter. She's on the board of a charity. She was pulled over for a DUI but her husband had it dismissed. Might be the reason for the crash. - I just wanted an address. - If you just wanted the address, you wouldn't have called me. You could have got the address with a couple of clicks and 20 bucks. - Oh. I wish I knew that before I paid you your fee. - I guess the word "information" means different things to different people. - Yeah. I guess it does. - Look, before you get buyer's remorse, I'm gonna give you a bug kit, here. - What is this? - All you need is a little bit of double sided sticky tape, you just stick it under a desk or a chair or whatever. The battery lasts five to 15 days depending on how much audio you have to be disseminated. - So how does thing work? Do I have to get a receiver and be parked outside her home or something? - No, no, no. This is basically a simple cellphone. There's a little opening here, where you have a SIM card. It's prepaid. You can get it at any convenience store or online. When it hears conversation it calls you, and you just listen in. That's all you have to do. - You gotta be shitting me. - Here, I've already programmed your number into it. I turned it on. (machine beeps) Say something. - What? Okay, testing one, two, three. (phone vibrates) - You should hear my voice now. Is it coming through okay? - Well, that's terrifying. - What I would suggest, is that you put it in your contacts with a name that you're gonna remember, so when it calls, you'll pick it up. - What else do you have that I might need? - I have everything. Do you have any questions? - Yeah, these lock picks, are they tough to learn how to use? - Just takes a minute. Plenty of videos online that will walk you through it. - Right. - Anything else? - Can you get me a gun? - What kind? - I don't know. - When you figure it out, give me a call. (door bangs) (lock clicks) (Sonia giggles) (engine starts) (door creaks) (suspenseful music) - [Sonia] Chuck, did I tell you about the garbage disposal? - [Chuck] No, what? They didn't fix it? - [Sonia] So the warranty guy quoted us around $430 to fix it. - [Chuck] Is he insane? You can get a brand-new one for 80 bucks. - [Sonia] Come on, Chuck, I'm not in the mood. I'm just not in the mood tonight. - [Chuck] God, you're never in the mood when we start, but when we get into it, come on. - [Sonia] I know, I know, but I'm just really tired. Ah! Goddammit! - [Chuck] What's the matter? Did you sleep funny in your neck? - [Sonia] Hey, can you take a look at my car today? It's making a noise. - [Chuck] What the hell am I gonna do? I'm not a mechanic. Do we really have to go to that stupid fundraiser? Why can't we just send a check? - [Sonia] Cause I'm on the board and I have to go. - [Chuck] Can I at least expect to get laid at the end of the night? - [Sonia] Yeah. I think we could make a deal. - [Chuck] Come on, you said. - [Sonia] Do you have any idea how exhausted I am? For our next vacation we should try something different, like Greece. Baby, did I tell you what Anna said to me today? - [Chuck] I swear if I have to deal with another one of these stupid in-house council jerk offs. - [Sonia] I really like this new trainer at the gym. (Sonia and Chuck moan) - [Chuck] Okay. - [Sonia] I love you so much. Oh, baby, I love you. Oh, that's so good. - [Chuck] You love me? - [Sonia] Stop it, stop! (laughs) Stop it, like serious, seriously. - Would you mind locking the deadbolt, please? Actually, why don't you raise your hands up for me? You can just let the mail and the keys fall to the ground, that's okay. (loud thud and clatter) And the deadbolt. (deadbolt clicks) Won't you come over here, have a seat on the couch, get comfortable. (footsteps thud lightly) That's right. Husband Chuck will be home in a minute or two right? I just wanna have a little chat with the two of you then I'll be on my way. (door bangs) (door creaks) Do me a favor, close the door behind you and lock it. - What is this? - You don't have to get hostile. Everything is okay, Chuck. Everybody is calm, especially me. -Just lock the door. -(deadbolt clicks) Come on in here, have a seat. Nice and slow. Now for everybody's safety, I need to make sure you keep your hands where I can see them at all times. On your knees is fine, be comfortable. - Is this about money? Is that what you want? - You probably don't remember me, do you? Poor choice of words, I should have said recognize. Last time you saw me we didn't exactly meet and probably... I don't think I was looking too hot. - There are no drugs in this house of any kind. - Chuck, I appreciate what you're trying to do there, but it would really be a big help if you could just stay quiet a few more minutes. It would really speed things along. Your wife, Sonia, hit me with her car a few weeks ago. Right outside the park. I was just walking down the street, she ran me over. It was my birthday. - Honey, what's he talking about? - Yeah, I figured she didn't tell you. It hasn't come up in any conversations. But she forgot about this. (license plate clangs) Now the hit, I can forgive. I'm guessing that was an accident. But, after that she got back in her car, turned on the engine and drove away. Leaving me there to die in the street like I was some kind of roadkill. - You don't look like you're hurt? - Yeah, that's the thing. I thought I was dead. Or at least about to die. And then, don't ask me how, I felt just fine. Only I haven't been able to eat or sleep since then. And I know that sounds like an exaggeration but I mean it quite literally. When you don't eat or sleep, your days get pretty long. I find that nothing really affects me anymore. I don't have any ambition, or drive for anything at all. Except balance. - Is there anything I can do? - I bugged your house. Wanted to get to know the two of you a little bit better. You'll find a microphone thing, taped to the back of your nightstand. I gotta say, you two have a pretty great, normal life. Like the kind of life I'd wished I had, before all of this. You were just never going to tell him. So I had to. That's why I'm here. To let him know exactly who he's married to, a murderer. Yeah, I think, that's all I have to say. Don't do anything stupid. - Are you okay? Of course we're going to the police. - But I ran him over Chuck, I did. I ran him over and I just left him there. - Sonia, you saw him, he's fine! - No, he's neck was snapped, okay. It was broken, it was clearly broken. You were probably drunk, you don't know what you saw. - I wasn't drunk, okay. I do, I know what I saw. - Well he's fine now, okay? We're going to the police. We're gonna report this. He had a gun in our house, Sonia! He could come back. So I'm gonna go get the bug, all right, you get the license plate. - Chuck? - [Chuck] A gun, Sonia! Go start the car, I'm gonna call Jim from the DA's office. - Okay. - Yeah Jim, it's Chuck. Look, I've got a little issue and I need to come into your office and talk to you about it. No, I can't tell you over the phone. No. No, I can't. (car rumbles) (Sonia cries) - Oh, my God, oh, my God! (suspenseful music) (music plays)
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 387,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep C Digital, Movie, Full Movie, Movie Trailer, Film, Tony Todd, Dylan Baker, Samm Levine, Tom Colley, Jon Dabach, Immortal movie, Immortal full movie, Immortal feature film, Immortal, sexual misconduct, thriller, thriller movie
Id: LdnY98udLp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 48sec (5628 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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