Clandestine (Full Movie) Crime, Suspense

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[Music] [Music] good evening okay already force them yeah yeah yeah you know be honest with you I'm not always perfect on the road no [ __ ] no sorry about the stench I've been creating the tank out not doing a very good job well you know you'll be surprised that with people what kind of Duff people still leave on their TVs right you know why we stopped you tonight yeah you know you can never tell how fast you're going in the tank I don't think it was the speed we clocked you going 20 you didn't hear people do big behind it no I heard the siren I heard the sound like I said you know it's tough to tell on the tag maybe you should get a hearing if your grandmother can help you the care your tank like that [Music] stay where you are [Music] [Music] hey mister mrs. Nixon how are you tonight good thank you no no that's nothing surface there's no disturbance nothing to worry about you guys can go on ahead have great night okay thanks take care [Music] whoa sir excuse me it's an active area man I have to ask you to leave they don't oh sorry you are agent Tom McEnroe DEA melville nope me work you see what happened to the Mellow guys we're all on terrorism [Music] okay [Music] [Music] wonder what was our hide your spine yeah officer Hodges responded when he saw the driver man he then apprehended the suspect and that's notice the smell coming from the back and he seemed to start coughing well yeah we all did yeah but him mostly see all right well they're monitoring his lungs I want to work on this case I know you'd say that I want to talk to the guy I mean what is the DA think do you get a chance to look in the back of that van he's a kook right as [ __ ] stinks why are they just now sending someone from HQ they're not just sending us we've actually been here for over a year we have reason to believe that there's a large network of meth cooks on Long Island biggie Hernandez has a history with dealing in use she's cooking especially Jim a girl per your request we made the accommodations here at the precinct for you and you team I really especially as Scott as a remoter stuff in excellent thank you cool I want you to work especially jamak a role in this one good good okay yes so what's first where do we start this is gonna be unlike anything you've ever dealt with before okay hey honey is your mom home baby don't answer the door I told you that mrs. Hernandez what is it these guys [Music] this is bananas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] immaculate house but it still gets on all the surfaces in the back around and you just sign this for cataloguing thank you yeah so you never know what you're gonna run into sometimes they hide stuff in all types of crap yeah you know whatever okay honey yeah did they scare you yes yeah well you know what you're safe now everything's gonna be okay this is older protective stuff you want to look for you never know what the hell they're gonna hide it in ya know some rights for instance over here oh well okay hey sweetie case here animal thing purser yeah can I hurt the puppy are you know officer Cooper I'm like I got this one agent McEnroe all right kid hand over the dog I think the puppies clean it's just checking to see if she's sick I'm doing my job mall cop hey thanks John Wayne okay all right let me chat with you over here for a second sure hey honey sprays day I know I just give her a big hug she'll be fine are you okay yeah what's your name agent Jack Farrell New York joint task force okay hey do a lot of initiative yeah last one was operation resale heard of it yeah the finger lease but yeah that's it yeah yeah I was impressed oh those good work thanks thanks so much social agent McEnroe you're welcome you're welcome yeah so uh you get a lot of mall cops out there look I'm sorry about that but you know don't mouth off to me right like they don't see what we see no they don't see what we see right these guys are trained in chemical warfare on trains agent Ferrell they're also trained to deal with lunatics that go in the malls and start shooting up people for no reason he also worked the perimeter of Ground Zero on September 12 so how in any ways that less than you what I wasn't saying that don't waste my time keep your mouth shut we don't freakin bully little kids and we don't treat local cops like [ __ ] look I wasn't saying that they're any different you know what you're gonna pack your [ __ ] you're gonna get the hell out of here I'm gonna call headquarters and have your dumb ass reassigned douche [Music] daddy how are you no sleep yet I'm scared Charles again yeah you know that's just some stupid movie by a guy named Stephen but I just stopped thinking about daddy I know I know if I could take it out of your head I would try thinking about try to think about something nice like Kenny the shark smokey these friends with that girl and they go to school together here right yeah you wouldn't think about it so much if you weren't chomping on your nails all time had a good girl don't think about getting okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] you're kidding right are you something happens in movies it's like 700 o'clock how's the charter school biz good except this time tomorrow I'm grading papers and literally no none of the answers however the hard edge streets in Long Island you ready for the class no don't tell me you forgot no I didn't forget anything you didn't I didn't I remembered now I'm fine I'm there are you seriously those kids are obsessed with you we have a ton of questions yeah tell them when they're more obsessed with this damn barker who's Dan Barker the fireman I always lose to the fireman not always [Music] your mother's a nice lady no she where's my cousin you know you don't look anything like her where's my cousin do you tell her that you make meth why would I tell her about something I don't do where's my cousin she's okay is she clean yeah you cooked that [ __ ] around her sticks the countertops food stuffed animals you sell hmm well there's one of our agents found some really interesting things in the back of your van oh yeah yeah besides the ammonia that put officer Cooper's partner in the hospital we also found a really cool chemistry set in fact there was so much of it we ran out those little wait eggs I have paperwork for this stuff funny enough these matched some items we found in the cabinet under your sink so you were saying that you don't manufacture yeah that's right well then who does cuz you were on your way somewhere guys Oh I'm gonna let you simmer on these Nicki [Music] I know where the hell it is where the hell are you Edie so cool hey good seeing you yep Special Agent Megan all should see him what's up we got your call no souvenirs last two nights okay in the agent agent Scott brass okay hey a lot of pictures tell me what swatch fine place is clean right that's the official line okay swear to god fellas there's someone else in there what if it's another kid kids get hungry oh yeah still a whole lot [ __ ] here no did a truckload today another truck coming tomorrow there's place is packed well I don't know what to tell you but there's nothing here nothing I guess I'm old enough to be hearing things huh telling you fellows it's like Amityville in here [Music] do you yeah I told you okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay get up get up get out of there slowly get up how long were you in there couple minutes I left right before the rates really sergeant bellman said he heard you the night before oh yeah is there than two why were you there cuz you guys showed up and I got spooked no why were you looking for something the bathroom I'm finding her more than a little annoying yeah and she's twitching she looks clean yes she does why were you hiding because I thought you wouldn't find me does this happen often you hiding from long for now if anything I can't get people off my back I was just visiting with mrs. Hernandez okay about babysitting Nicki's younger cousin and she owed me money so I was just looking for it Nick he's never mentioned you well we're just friends officer never file again thank you mrs. Hernandez didn't say she was expecting you she mentioned you guys either you were there looking for money you sure as opposed to Tommy I got nothing for you you know you got me I guess I'm cooked [Applause] you see this that's why you don't fit with handcuffs she looks clean I'm a steamer smells right she does something historic at Suffolk Community maybe she takes care of Nicky's paperwork she hasn't said anything what's this charger maybe we should wait I agree but she's been arrested twice for possession and use she has emergency room visit with a method mention do you think she's more involved oh yeah no one is in grown woman has it a crime staying overnight maybe she's running just let me go in there and get her to cooperate well well well sergeant Billman found her car [Music] you gonna like this guy he's old-school it's on how are you all right it's good Hill car here yeah it's found out with the DEA agent the female female great she's here what she's found yet hi John no hands man is she clean job so Cooper yeah especially your Marvin Scott your lieutenant tells me you're on cloud nine Oh just kidding how's officer Rogers Thanks he's restless it's on grass so she's clean she's far from clean you smell that yes disgusting she the Saints she's been doing something she's either a cook or a killer but she does her homework the only thing I did find was a small piece of aluminum in the back of Hill Park don't use any of this if you can talk to her maybe you can find her stash house find the stash house maybe some dealers we find why the cooks need so many people driving their materials around the best the two labs went out in 2008 it's only a matter of time [Music] [Music] dear God year-and-a-half later daddy's oh hey yes can I see your badge just watch this in the back okay pretty hmm shiny right oh boy just cleaned it coloring book I know but it's daddy's work it's time for bad for you buster Anna what do we say about such a daddy's gun that's right think about it this way Farrah Nana's fan and alcohol surgical tube speakers the whole night the only thing it didn't have was the drug not even so much as some cold medicine so it was a mountaintop without evidence we can't argue that there was nothing but alcohol some school stuff and your formula there and some [ __ ] bill of lading from Suffolk humanities chemistry department it was good enough for a warrant plus Hernandez says he doesn't cook anymore well then who's cooking that's the question I have some calls coming in about their Nana's house they are extremely worried I'm going to call ice okay listen you call immigration on this guy couldn't just assure that he's never gonna cooperate whether I said so then what could we do let's cut her loose let's cut Giulia loose and see what breadcrumbs she follows she's buddies with Mickey Hernandez and she's got a history with dealers and manufacturers right so we'll release Hernandez too if Julie is coming down and we can get these two together we might be on the side come on what tell me you're not pushing the kids what tell me now Julia or I will come on McGruff okay I'm not pushing the kids okay let's go to your house there's a house across the park when do I get my car back whose house you're gonna party and play I'm stuck what you know what that means huh yes there is Julia I was gonna be dead yet yeah you were gonna be a Fed yeah so funny about that what happened when do I get my car back your car has been impounded as evidence you sure you don't want me to take you to a shelter or something what no wait it's your class ring I'm promised to another that's your boy kind of looks like you my daughter had cheeks like that I swear if we didn't know any better you thought we had to ice them she used to crack me and my wife off Perry tattoo where is he now your [ __ ] business don't even think of giving me money it's for a dinner other than I don't take handouts Julia if in your travels you walk into one of your friends houses and all the hairs in the back of your neck stand on end that's billions of years of evolution telling you to leave [Music] [Music] [Music] disgrace there's like nobody in there doesn't surprise me there's no way that's gonna be happening in the suburbs right what are you gonna start with let's look for I guess although what household doesn't have sudafed in a milk carton in their home odds are I'll just leave with usual see a kid playing in the front yard and it smells like piss call the police the guys are killing the zombies over the house so we needed a ref you know yeah where are the tents over there when do I get to meet them yeah you don't want to meet them I'm gonna go say hi she really wanted to tell me what I don't know but she was insistent so what's this some woman's story I'm trying to get an appointment with him it's not that easy why am lie you tried getting me to point with him man I have to do to the secretary certain Arab agent McEnroe and agent Scott yes I'm not a cover Oh Lydia Cooper ghost boy it's nice to meet you it's a pleasure meeting you both I hear you're brilliant I will give me elementary school you think she'll start something it's a pretty safe bet they got a dope any idea why there's only 25 people here I can assure you I told my class parents and the school sent out an email announcement as well well they probably were just worried they missed the season premiere of American Idol okay we're used to this from neighborhoods like this I can't understand why you'd think that sometimes I think that small steps or strides right nice meeting Eva so what's this guy's story data Assemblyman what do you mean what's the story well what's his deal what's he about I'm trying to get an appointment to speak with him it hasn't been easy oh why was I here he is agent McEnroe some women bought us nice to meet you yes this is all my sim women my name is lieutenant Lightner my name is lieutenant Lightner I there's some local officers I'd like you to meet you today sir oh okay we'll do that but before we even start there how long of the day is this gonna take eight no longer than it out well as you can tell my community already knows that where I put a pharmaceutical issue so actually you read about your initiative mr. bata call me did you call me sure let's get the ship on the rails or that the shot went around so we're showing them a train on the rails okay look I appreciate we appreciate you taking the time today but I'm not saying boxy fun isn't addictive but [ __ ] it's just a serious GHB that is no no hhb yeah well you know usually you know this shit's many basements you serious just talk to us Larry Curly and Moe laid a trap for me today I thought it was Christmas they said Solomon yeah thank you sir consuming a fastball was guessing curve my name is Asim amendment Dean betta and I'm missing them for district 3 and I'm happy to be here now I've been told we won't take too much of your time today but we do appreciate you coming here and we're open any suggestions comments or questions you might have about this issue [Music] you have me right here we have agents on Scott lieutenant Lightner ended up there from the Drug Enforcement Agency they want to talk to you about our recent discovery in our community just pains me a great deal to tell you this methamphetamine is here right here I like to say that even for myself as a veteran or anything but I've seen my fair share of things between Long Island and Washington DC and it's these concerns drugs and our kids that incited me to take steps with my pharmaceutical initiatives this last January know it's bad enough when someone is prescribed vicodin for no reason at all but it is quitting them something else entirely when our cold medication is across the counter cold medications like sudafed are absolute poison now that's why we're here today that's why I'm here hope that's why you're here that's right they're here and I've always said to be forewarned is to be forearmed we should all be honor thank you hello everyone thank you for coming today I have a special agent Margaret spot and this is lieutenant Jason Leidner from the Suffolk County Police Department fifth Precinct you're all here I assume due to the recent news that we were able to uncover what we call a stash house for a group of manufacturers of methamphetamine and although this drug is everywhere we are concerned that clandestine labs are popping up here on Long Island I'll take questions in a gov'ment oh no no no no no no no how in the hell did a stash house get into our community and what are you going to do about it in your ivory tower lieutenant quite honestly ma'am they're everywhere it's the tour we're concerned about oh I just got thank you there are a few things that we need the community to keep their eyes on okay and by all means if you see something say something first and foremost if there's anything that seems off to you okay I got your neighbors whether it be a lot of random visitors that you've never seen before but odd times of the day and odd smell coming from their house or even their trash even spots of dead grass we'd really like a call from you after seeing the outreach of this drug just being here a shorter time as as we've been we can say that it is a growing addiction and it should be a growing community of white concern no we'll take it yes mrs. Hernandez officers I understand what you're trying to do here today but after being kicked out of my own house I'd like to know how you're planning on preventing it or are you just gonna wait for all of us to call you mrs. Hernandez we came to your home because you had a drug dealer living there as well as a ten-year-old girl yes I remember who used to live with me officer but not every house smells like you're in and not everybody who uses meth needs to just be arrested yeah it's around my kid they do agent Scott right okay so you said that math is everywhere that's correct so where have you all been then I mean the last time we heard of federal agents on Long Island was when the terrorism threat was that orange where was the DA while all these labs were just popping up or was the growing meth problem not on your list of concerns local police on Long Island are well-trained ma'am and the DEA is stationed right in New York City we're doing everything we can now I understand where you're coming from I doubt that very much officer Cooper but I do appreciate you saying it you and your niece are better off in a house where Nikki's not doing business nikki is a good son and a good cousin he would never do anything to hurt us okay but you can't say that about everyone who came around right including the federal agents that scared my niece half to death better them than an addict staying with family yes good I'm glad you two receive family doesn't mean safe officer Cooper and I'm just as tired as ever I understand agent McEnroe but I don't believe math is everywhere I understand your reservations Mrs Cooper but the facts might surprise you you know Tom my husband's gonna come into my class we do a presentation on being a police officer mm-hmm you mentioned that yeah I want for you to join us I can go - don't dear God bon says the kids love me see everyone else wants it mm-hmm yeah no not that's not me come on I'll be plenty a bad coffee and stale muffins oh well that's very tempting Mrs Cooper uh look look if you choose to charge a different breathing you're used to I think it'd be good for you see [Music] [Music] okay here we go Scott is linear is in the kitchen waiting for you I'll be upstairs what are you gonna do watch the game it's a listening device now what I've ever seen before that's because I designed it impressive McEnroe it's on I am linking you in now I swear to you I looked at this house when I was in the market not a bad area good seeing you no more experiments [Music] no kind of surprise that expected you guys that big like suvs mice a little neighborhood could know where yeah good point hey I heard about your father I'm really sorry he was a great professor the reason I got in not too bad at science either what I heard you got arrested julia is everything all right yeah it was stupid trespassing [Music] that is priests hey what was the name of that guy that you Oh is used to quote I think it was a scientist Rutherford there's a physicists why do you ask we're just thinking about that in school you and your dad were a suspect he discovered the atom's nucleus wasn't even that long ago his whole thing was like things aren't just dense you know we're not just circles of soup little dots floating around in them something that holds us together let's hold you the story of him in the Curie's right they were having dinner together and Pierre Curie brought out a tube with radium lit up the whole garden all Rutherford could see was help cure his hands from all the experiments my dad though he loved that [ __ ] ten days gone right most of the time I'm just waiting for us to blow up the world why don't we let junkies tell us thanks she was impressively clean looking for a junkie it's not a good enough reason for me or for me sergeant I say she's in pretty deep so that's it trespassing nothing else yeah pretty stupid huh you should be more careful I know you always make a point to tell me when I'm here you should listen just be careful all right you like DC yeah I guess see a lot of action there well I'm not always there but yeah so what do we do for what if we find a lab call fire department and the hazmat Scott takes care of that I'll tell you don't put a gun in your [ __ ] explodes Jesus I got a kid wife these last few days I'm thinking I'm raising my family here look coop I don't and I don't know you that well yet but you know this shit's everywhere wait black for rich doesn't matter anymore for me honestly this is just another town yeah this is my town [ __ ] what's happening here maybe they're taking a shower together ooh I get it what shrink him coupe your girl's a kook what why else is she serving drinks in the bathroom she's cooking guys shit's [ __ ] up dump it [Music] this is quite the deal you have here man is to go off down the street right into our guys we got him nice do you guys hear that Hernandez basically knocks his girlfriend nearly unconscious in the bathroom the runs down the street right into us isn't that awesome so if you have going on here hmm and who the [ __ ] are these two [ __ ] stick number one and [ __ ] stick number two who are you guys oh oh come on you're at the bus stop yeah we're just chilling everything he came up to us and was like okay another cigarette I better like hang out and get beers and he's gonna do like a party thing late like he came he came up to us and he asks us for cigarettes in one of him he wants shut up just shut up we have going on here test me brother I'm clean I will test you brother only a junkie [ __ ] cooks while tweaking you want shut up just please stop stop with you [ __ ] in your bravado alright just stand there shut up this is my house I have rights no it's your dad's house alright we already looked you up we know your dad died he left you all this stuff nice inheritance nice way to just piss it right down the toilet bowl with your drugs so just please stand there and shut up I think the freaking [ __ ] that you are you guys don't flush huh your beef nice house by the way see I want my lawyer give a lawyer so Stan I don't give a [ __ ] suck my [ __ ] later so how do you and Julia know each other all right coos I'm gonna be upstairs your boyfriend isn't doing so well why is he like that you that's why now Julia's not before you say something you'll regret it's not hurt what your fingers my kid does that you threw me under a bus you should be thanking me for what your boy Lukas terrifying you we're joining the party hmm I mean you you threw around really well to save your own ass before come on is that really this is unnecessary not necessary who makes your [ __ ] besides Julia feel good over there I'm not telling you anything you don't give a [ __ ] you know driving a rickshaw Julia you're a criminal no I'm not yeah you are you're the user and a cook and we found your prints all over a bathroom investment why was Nikki so pissed no no she knows the guy she orders this [ __ ] I just bring it you sell it no no okay we use it give receivers D she's why I've never snorted thick cheese Nicky but evidently you have he deals for money he makes a good coin so he deals yes he knows every one I just hang out when I'm cooking so listen I'm gonna cut through all the [ __ ] this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna charge you with possession and then because I'm bored I'm going to charge you with intent to sell and then I'm gonna push some buttons I found on Julia and I'm gonna get her to wear water she won't she might what you want me to wear a wire I'm going to work for you I'm not doing it I'm saying a piece of bills Nicki Lucas pays their bills does it pay yours give me some more names I'll let you walk Julia come with me she would have been the middle of something here off the spot stand up we have someone here for you all me [Music] [Music] [Music] what what's this candy town we love candy we love babies candy can we play whatever whatever my what you now [Music] did you win you want show me show me one more time Wow hey Perry what game is that hmm that's neat isn't that neat mom you know be really great mom is if everything goes well you guys can hang out more often would that be fun [Music] do you remember that I said we were gonna have some special guests today well they're here so let's welcome them as I mentioned to you guys my husband officer Charles Cooper has been on the police force in Suffolk County for ten years now and he was nice enough to bring some of his brave co-workers with him today so without further ado I give them the poor hey guys thank you so much for having me I've taken the liberty to bring some key staff people with me to the far left is special agent Thomas McEnroe and this is my superior officer sergeant Edward builder so I'll go first few gentleman don't mind I have been on the Suffolk County police force for ten years since 2003 I actually enlisted to fight overseas after 9/11 but my eyesight's not that good so I thought well all those brave men and women who helped people out at the towers being a cop was the next best thing yes Travis what do you do that's a good question well when I started it was mostly beats tough traffic and notice how the lights were out but then guys that got really exciting after responder distress calls and help people in need every day was just an adventure you never know it was gonna come at you but you you have to be careful enforce the law and and help those who need help did you ever shoot anyone you know what kids the job is not really about the I'm sure there are some men and women who come on to be police officers for the wrong reasons really good cop can go through his whole career and never take out his weapon how do you like that Thank You sergeant thank you why don't you guys just throw some questions out now I'll feel them out okay okay mark are you real cop no not anymore I was a cop and then I left I joined the military when I came back from overseas I decided to join the DEA we are a le [Music] home is covered mrs. Reynolds I'm sorry were they together okay I ready please take your seats doesn't have a great dates go okay red remember we talked about McKenna remember when we talked about it yeah okay [Music] thank you at the end of the day kids we are all here for one purpose which is to keep drugs away from you out of your homes and away from your families and that's a job worth having Thanks thank you especially agent McEnroe let's give them a hand please [Music] Cooper was the situation with the young boy they came in late good he's had some problems at Ella's family but nothing you're gonna want to keep your eye on him I think his mother's probably using [Music] well I didn't think they were gonna warm up to us I think they warmed up to you two guys were there like they see not him tell coop his girlfriend is here she ready to talk not to us does that mean she won't even open the door she looks fry but you'll only talk to poop [Music] what are you doing do you mind what's wrong I didn't touch it what is that it's trying to white but I swear it in touch and I wanted to but I didn't I'll pee in a cup I seen a cup so I have to talk to you about it's a bad house I'll take you there it's not that easy Julia we need a warrant well that's not really gonna help anybody I thought you guys wanted names we why are you when you annoy you and the wiring what the this is the same guy that taught me how to make Paco yes it's me with the chemicals that make cocaine in Peru he sells it to stupid people like cocaine prices Julie why is the house bad there's a kid there she's young and he uses herself would you meet this guy uh Juliet I've been running but he gave me the heroin and then he brought the kid out to show me Jesus can we please just go to the house especially just God will wire you and then Google he calls her as angel [Music] Oh yeah the girls contact it's a slimeball yeah notice pimping back in 97 daddy beat the weapons charge I don't know look at his rap sheet we'll get him in [Music] you've gotta be a move to get arrested in Newark oh [ __ ] [Music] Megan [Applause] nice alright alright compromise I'm gonna put my gun away I'm putting it away you put the knife down now just back away back away back off [Music] can't get inside [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just gonna check your eyes all right sits hurt Nate your forehead your nose all right I'm just gonna give you the slice back it's not gonna hurt you don't worry it's just gonna be cold all right I'll just put that to your forehead then you mine look to your right for barb it's checking the house this place is a nightmare house a little [ __ ] here my guy was terrifying man he knocked the [ __ ] out of them and we should have a break we are cutting her a break sorry I found some PCP on the counter well that explains the muted strength from Henry sure you really need to come upstairs to see this missing persons drop the parents case a few months ago she's 15 she's got track marks on her arm oh hey give me that sweetie it's okay you know you're scared it's okay huh all right yeah you're safe you're safe in a straightedge okay it's over now it's all right that's Eric that's it you can give it to you give it to me my name is Charlie okay what's your name honey what's your name it's okay you see we have seen it's okay yeah you're almost there it's all right you're safe now you're safe it's okay yes you can trust us all right we're all here too we're here to help you see there are a lot of us here we're all gonna keep you safe now okay come here and your darling right over here it's okay baby come here [Music] I come here because everything's alright it's alright don't hit me oh gosh okay everything's gonna be okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm getting real tired of the square dance Julia Nikki says that you sell you say he does you say he cooks he says you do when did you better start telling me the truth so I go put the other one in jail I work in a lab in Medford this stuff I make his red pee meth [Music] that's the shake and bake stuff no it's better cleaner it looks nice goes in real nice to house it meat it's a longer process but we just make batches and batches of it [Music] and the guy that owns the house he's a pharmacist somewhere on that the North Shore I go to him and I buy the stuff that we need and then Nicky goes in how does he control the record of you by Nesta you're gonna work with us do you understand me you understand me got it you're not gonna smoke or inject it you're gonna stay off that [ __ ] and try to get clean [Music] agent Scott will urine test you twice a week you report to me and coupe is there any way I can avoid talking to you No [Music] you help me put this guy behind bars I'll make sure you get your kid back you mean that yes [Music] hey Joey good to see ya good to see you are you bent I'm uh I'm good we're gonna busy yeah no that's good how's it going it's good enough bit yeah I was Daisy doing Daisy's doing great she misses her sisters okay mom yeah well I tell you what maybe we'll have a playdate for a playdate that would be great I think Daisy would be up for that listen I dropped the prescription to my mom I put reform asleep right it is in yep okay as I said what yesterday so right yeah it's in there come by any time cuz I saw it yeah I saw it yesterday so I was like wait until your mom if she gets that headache yeah bad like before her doctor needs to hear about it I was telling her thanks very much okay thank you see you Joe [Music] [Music] [Music] alright who's killing who's dying fellas I'm killing I've died five times well that's Avastin treatment all right guys Hey hi there's a play for you in the refrigerator chicken again you have to watch your cholesterol I'm telling you if you don't stop eating I know I know I'll thank you for it later anything good today [Music] [Music] [Music] reading in the dark where have you been sorry I'm late you don't have to wait up for me leave having you know I'm not gonna be around when you say you will be Olivia this is important I know it has coupe but your kid doesn't see you yes she does what is this it's a book I'm supposed to read it doesn't need to be downstairs because to a four-year-old this looks like a coloring book okay I'll hide it better nope now you're gonna stop bringing it home no you won't talk to me that way I'm not bringing anything home that is my job I get it charlie I know the story a person is different when he becomes a cop than what he was before but what do you've won what do you want to be like agent back around you want to not have a wife to come home you want to not have a little girl to come home to you don't get it okay this is the first time I feel like I'm doing something important in seven goddamn years I know you don't know that that's the whole point those people out there that I see every day they could be us I get it charlie you don't need to bring him in you keep bringing a mitt and bringing them in could be our kid no you keep this animator [Music] [Music] miss me yes I did Nikki we need your help no I'm not giving you [ __ ] come on Nikki we got you out of prison we did it in a way so that no one would think that you was in any way be working with us we will split you in your Sunday best you gave me some water Nikki it you go in front of a judge in two days it's better that you cooperate now then we have it set up so that if you do help us nobody will know nobody in prison is gonna know if you don't help them what happens happens well you know once you take a look these let me think [Music] [Music] don't you think Julia deserves better red phosphorus is on a matchbook and in order to speed up the process Julia is in charge of removing it for the cook in the basement okay so here's what you're looking for actually let's start with who okay first we know Julia is a smurfer who's he he according to Julia is Arnold chip for Vicky he is a pharmacist secular and che pharmacy in Coram New York don't get up Daisy I got it accordion Julia he's brilliant Amy's daughter Nikki glad you could make it hey sorry I'm late yeah he gets her everything from sudafed to herbal extract pills everything from there on is in home so well I throw away to trash and various dumpsters throughout the city well at least as far as he knows let me see it you have some on you now he gives the right to Nikki he assumes it just goes straight to the buyers what's with the dog she's a nice dog she it's just an extra doorbell actually we usually keep her right outside just because everything stinks so you guys chemists yet well I'm gonna help out in the lab and then Julia brings the red pain pills over I know you guys all think this guy's brilliant but has it occurred to him yet that he probably shouldn't be doing this in a basement well it's summer so he keeps the windows open working with you two in this house he's able to make about four hundred thousand dollars worth of meth you realize that okay so once they grind up pills they filter it to get the ephedrine or pseudoephedrine I owe you thank you I want this take it I just want the money chip that's all there daddy adul wait now I trust you hey you keep it we're making good then he takes the red pea from Julia and begins the whole process sounds like a process already now I took the liberty of making some photos so that you'll understand more or less kind of what you'll be around what to look for okay lots of glass these are uh these are the pictures from that book the only thing I understood from that book okay mechanical stirs vacuum adapters RB flask state bowls the whole night pretty much anything that you see that isn't a wooden spoon assume that it's beef or bad I also made some copies giving out just some more things of what to look for a strong smell of urine or unusual chemical smells such as ether ammonia or acetone large amounts of lithium batteries especially one that I've been stripped and another thing would be a jars five jars because the Matthew makes us fairly pure he's able to sell it for like a hundred and fifty per gram to dealers and he gets that much sometimes more how much is that in hits that's over six hundred hits per batch he makes you know he's making some more tomorrow so we'll be there all day when can we get chip some want some more information on him can I have the dog I want more pictures of the lab not as easy as it sounds I know it's not as easy as it sounds I want more pictures of the lab you'll be fine Nick he's not a violent guy how many times do I have to hear this douchebag isn't a violent guy anymore times agent Scott all right it is a slippery slope son this guy and had to take pictures I mean the only guy in there with a cell phone is chip to begin with I want more pictures of the lab I don't know how else to say it I want everything we have before we bring this guy before a judge I want you guys I want whatever dealers we can get is that understood good let's go so I will be here till late tonight any questions you know feel free to direct them my way and I do appreciate you guys giving me a moment to explain all this thank you guys I gotta take this I'll be right back hey hey feeling okay okay hey feeling is it any good yeah it's real good don't you quit did and then I didn't again how'd you do it I just realized it was too good you should take pictures of them I don't understand you're upset because you're saying you didn't know about this issue hmm both myself and lieutenant Leidner I've been trying to speak with you long before top meeting I think that you and McEnroe decided to start a fire with the community because you you fell asleep on the job excuse me my wife George initially yes but meth labs stash houses come on you're the guys that pulled out with Melville post my 11:00 I mean leaving you with it with the Department for counterterrorism yeah I suppose hindsight is 20/20 in a Special Agent McEnroe don't creep out how I say names you're a stranger here don't with me I hear this is my top I don't care if all of this is at the beginning the middle three quarters it's all asleep in the middle of it but you end this [ __ ] you end it fast you give me grief I'm gonna give you grief we've been here in this town working our asses shot the [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up and listen to me don't [ __ ] with me nothing by you I have one less thing to say your dumb ass okay this is not my [ __ ] or my districts it's yours so you get off your big fat [ __ ] ass do something about it or I'm gonna call everyone from New York City to DC and bust every informant you may think you know and you're in that [ __ ] macro visits to first names i name in a hurry now you understand that Scott you only your voice at me you want to talk to me you talk to me that's right baby you be careful are you talking to you'd be surprised to worry about what or else what do you think you are who you think you are do you think you are I'm the person who's gonna sit on your head in squeezing you're right pop your head off yeah I wouldn't be the person puts a bullet you play you get that right and don't want you paying me I'm telling you I'd be more concerned on you I don't try you're a freaking fraud man right security right call security don't worry young leave it this is dumb [ __ ] in here I don't know trying to kill me this is a terrorist threat no kita it was lovely farming really [Music] Jesus [Music] you smoke sometimes we said finally definitely Wow Scott call to arrange hazmat look at the warrant good sooner we finish this thing it better finally started wearing you yep well if you still want DEA once you're done let me know and put a good word in for me I'm sure the city could use somebody like you someone like me there's plenty of lost causes that need open the city coop we put her in a lab neck that's how we solve the problem how we win the war at this point there is no winning the war is just arresting one guy in a basement you must stay where I am daddy it's me [Music] right there still no good you guys getting anything yeah no not really I think it's because we beginning this static old egg do you think it's the heat or something I think it's because they're in the basement [Music] you should call and say what exactly say you want to see your kids man I don't know just any oh that's a terrible idea Nikki what about you Julia would you see your boy if you could Oh technically I can [Music] what great thank you that's awesome no swat it diverted due to a bomb threat great yeah that's gonna make this really enjoyable I'm gonna move up a bit all right I thought doll gonna shut up guys if Daisy can see you then someone else probably can this is freaking ridiculous [Music] [Music] guys [Music] [Music] the fire at least three in-house surely we're good friendly stop [Music] [Music] okay officer Cooper round two I need for you to speak clearly for us and tell us exactly what happened at approximately 11:30 this morning 10:00 Malone Avenue in Medford was found on fire in its basement we had been watching the residence for about two weeks because it was under suspicion of being a clandestine methamphetamine lab we were going to buy from the cooks this week with the assistance of our two confidential informants then with their assistance were able to obtain a warrant for arrest of chipra Becky Nicholas Hernandez was found dead do the what the paramedic said was a collapsed one [Music] Arnold chip rebecky is in intensive care about their degree burns [Music] Julia goodhill was found that at the scene after suffering severe burns there are traces of various toxic chemicals and shattered glass on our hands face and within our pool thing so in your opinion was there any way this could have been prevented now No I don't know Charlie come on talk to me here agent Scott said there was no way to stop it that it was user error like most Smith fires maybe we could have gone in earlier no one can quit this [ __ ] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Popcornflix
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Keywords: clandestine, clandestine full movie, clandestine movie 2016, clandestine movie, popcornflix crime thriller movies, popcornflix crime movies, free movie on youtube, Popcornflix, Full movies English, popcornflix full movies, free movies popcornflix, free full movies on youtube, crime movies, full movies for free, free movies, free full movie, crime movies full length english, crime movies based on true story, Popcornflix movies, Popcornflix thriller movies
Id: CeC-jYyPSXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 1sec (7081 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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