Dispatched (2020) | Full Movie | Dean Cain | Jeff Moore | Gary Lee Vincent

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[Music] [Music] hey can't you see i'm doing this for you settle down bruce watch my six [Music] ten four settle down [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] carl we're ready for you are you ready you got this [Music] mr thomas this is a relatively important inquiry i hope you don't take this lightly i don't do you understand mr thomas yes yes ma'am mr thomas tell us a little about yourself sure um i was in the military for almost five years uh army um after my service i uh became a police officer here in bridgeport i was married had two beautiful daughters um and um i loved being a cop ex-military army do you me too infantry second battalion how about you special forces green beret get out of here you married yeah two girls [Music] you yes i am i have one son finally got him into law school he wants to be a prosecutor you booking me puts him away huh something like that you see that what he just blew through that yield sign oh wasn't that bad it's kind of iffy you really want this to be your first stop yeah yeah sure i'm sure all right all right now look what they teach you in the academy and what we do day to day is oftentimes two different things remember that go ahead i'm gonna call please peter one i got a red license registration proof of insurance what did i do you just blew through that yield sign back there i yielded back there didn't you see that license registration and proof of insurance i'm not asking again and i'm not giving you anything pig i know my rights get out my face come on take it back [Music] [Applause] [Music] getting one i'm going to need a k-9 unit to back up the county road stop i've got a gun and possible drugs over the chief you sign this for me it's a good thing you guys found drugs in there i know he got a little excited smashing a window on a minor traffic violation it turned out to be a good call but come on i know he'll be okay i've got him keep me in the loop i will thanks g well uh needless to say i had some learning to do but overall i thought i was doing okay can you be more specific i do have your police files right here see bloom community center there was an outreach in march yes um a number of officers were performing community service programs in an inner city neighborhood and on that particular day as we were leaving there was one apartment that well it just looked suspicious [Music] coral what are you doing let's go take a look all right carl look just talk with him don't go in okay [Music] he's going in [Music] [Music] later we found a tremendous amount of drugs in the apartment it states here after the raid bust whatever you call it chief walker indicates this was your first warning for excessive force yes tell us about that uh well the chief chief walker called me into his office again i don't even want to know the details of exactly what happened out there i'm glad it worked out the way it did and i'm glad that everybody's safe now that being said officer thomas we at this department have a zero tolerance policy for excessive force is that understood officer thomas yes sir [Music] officer sayers wants to be removed as your field training officer and then i got the mayor who wants to give you an award for disarming an eight-year-old and getting another weapon off the street are you ready to be on your own officer thomas yes sir don't make me regret this sounds like you had quite a temper you could say that tell us about that mr thomas um tell us about this jeffrey hans it says you physically assaulted him jeffrey um maybe emotionally but we first met when i was on patrol in the bloom community center [Music] [Music] oh so how did this help him he may not have realized it that day but from what i gather he's not the only one you helped [Applause] tell us about this guy billy um billy and his girlfriend were strung out on drugs he stabbed her next door neighbor his girlfriend's father was a retired police officer so we were dispatched [Applause] oh get down get down get behind you get behind me sarge is this yes this is retired sergeant dudley's house thomas listen to me his daughter is in the house we believe still with the suspect i need you to go to the back right corner of the house and secure that keep it covered do not go anywhere else keep it covered srt's on its way how do they get here so quick well my dad is a cop pup you know i can't believe you stabbed my neighbor you said it was at work [Music] free so he finds the handcuff key yeah just before i arrested him he found a key and put it in his mouth smart kid what about this bar fight that states here several patrons were assaulted by you i was just defending a young lady depending i just stopped in for a bite to eat and some guys in the back that were making a lot of noise and uh giving the server a hard time [Music] i'll get it myself i've been coming here for three years i've never seen her cry you got a problem calling me trash yeah trash you on duty you want come on man uh so how many got hurt uh we arrested six maybe seven how many got hurt mr thomas i don't know so what happened next nothing the video oh yeah there was a video all right listen this is off the record that's fine but we do on a statement chief walker is that one of your officers where did you get that the your tape doesn't show the seven minutes prior this the big brawl that was going on before my office was even responding it doesn't show any innocent people being hurt this is one of your officers officer carl thomas in fact chief walker we've been aware that this officer has been cited many times for excessive force that clip is completely out of contact sir off the record sure if you show that clip on the news tonight you're going to cause a firestorm [Music] what do you want we interviewed several members of bloom community center we have several affidavits from residents there all identifying officer carl thomas [Music] hold it under wraps for now as far as officer thomas goes i agree he has to go he'll go but but let me do it my way [Music] you agree to that sir [Music] i got a reporter showing me a video of that and they want to put it up on the news i got the mayor up my tail they want you gone everybody wants you going for that listen to me one more shot one more shot and if it's a problem you're gone is that clear is it clear officer thomas yes sir good get out of my office [Music] mr thomas carl okay carl how can i put this seems that you have anger issues i was in my past please let me finish deep rooted anger issues our report states here that you and your father didn't have a very healthy relationship you attended anger management classes yeah a few look carl i know this is a delicate topic but we have to go there so could you tell us a little about your relationship with your father sure i understand my father was a good man he always wanted what was best for me at least that's what he said he just had a really bad temper what's wrong with you get out there you know i taught you better than this [Music] take your hat off got good news carl you made it you made the team boy doesn't hurt to have your own man's coach but you're gonna have to work real hard we'll practice every night in the yard you and me boy why don't you clean up this mission try trying nothing you're not here you don't know [Music] we don't always remember the days but we remember the moments i don't remember when my father first hit me [Music] i just remember that it always spoiled the moment [Music] it's really nothing what it's no big deal it's not nothing dean's list top 10 yeah stop what just having a little fun this is the only time i get to play with my grandchildren that's so great bruce did you hear that carl your brother made the time to say i heard yeah stop messing with the girls what i don't know why you get so upset about the little things you're always like that he's flying for no reason are you kidding me i want it from you except i don't hit carl do you need to take a break no i'm okay you know how much longer this is going to be you know russia be somewhere it shouldn't be too much longer carl can i get you some water would you want to get him a sandwich too look i'm just trying to help the man out this is intense okay okay good may we continue this officer sayers jerry can you tell us about your relationship he was my superior he uh he conducted my field training we didn't always get along i don't know what it was just just didn't always seem to click [Music] is this where you say i told you so so do they have you on desk duty now no just getting caught up on paperwork all right how's marrying the girls good good praying for you carl [Music] [Music] hey what was that we're praying for you asking about my family don't act like you care about any of that back up you don't give a d what's your deal man you have a problem with me no carl i don't have a problem with you i'm a good cop all this talk about me have an anger issue [Applause] listen i know what you're going through i've been where you are you need to change man you're a good cop carl what but what never mind what listen a bunch of us are going to a trip somewhere slater a faith man you should go what don't laugh it's a special minister from out of town who's faith here i'm not sick i'm not sick we're just afraid [Applause] what's it going to hurt [Applause] methodist church on jefferson seven o'clock [Applause] i'll see you there is this it yeah i was so mad did you hit him no he invited me to a church service some traveling preacher from out of town a faith healer or something like that did you go well at first i blew it off but then i thought you know what the heck could use a night out maybe good for a laugh right was this some kind of joke to you at the time it was i just didn't really believe in that kind of stuff i didn't really believe in anything but it turned out to be one of the most important days of my life he'd really think i was going to go to church hey carl welcome to church hey jerry i'm so glad to be here [Music] christ jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] thank you pastor thank you you may be seated turtles mean your bibles to matthew chapter 4 and verse 23. and that says there jesus went throughout galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among the people news about him spread all over syria and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases those suffering severe pain the demon possessed those having seizures and they're paralyzed and what he healed them amen hallelujah that's right let's sing it one more time ready here we go he lives he lives christ jesus lives today he walks with me so there he was this loud over-the-top character [Music] i thought this was some kind of joke of you or something he's waiting for the snake whale to be passed out how do we know [Music] something strange something powerful [Music] magical he placed his hand on amy's shoulder [Music] and just like that he healed her he healed her eyes [Music] i can see you i can't see then he looked at me and he saw a man a man screaming for help and it was lost he touched my shoulder i could see i could see my life [Music] my pain my fear my rage anger [Music] he showed me love [Music] and then he showed me god wow okay wow uh let's take a break i think it'll use a break say 10 minutes why don't you take a breather carl i'll come out and get you one more ready i'm not buying it buying what his redemption a person can't live a life of hate rage and anger and just [ __ ] like that in one night haven't you heard of miracles i say we give him the benefit of the doubt and let him tell us his story this isn't some job interview i know i know there's a whole lot more to this story i mean look at all this let's hear the rest of story before we make a verdict hey [Music] i'm fine no don't do that i appreciate it they're not calling witnesses no i didn't tell them that well that's good right honey i need to get back in there now i really appreciate it i i really do i just think it's too late at this point okay i love you i know bye mr thomas i've been looking at pictures of your family let's talk about them you can start anywhere you like let's see um mary and i were married before i became a cop we had two beautiful daughters i keep thinking of that scene in my head over and over again when i came home from the church service and um i think i was just drunk on jesus [Music] what is it what's going on the most incredible thing happened tonight i really wish you and the girls would have been there i found jesus it was just amazing you found jesus i found jesus i know i wouldn't have believed it either i wouldn't have believed it either i went to this healing service no um and uh it was a church thing uh remember the healing ceremony do you remember you don't remember because i didn't tell you amy she was blind and she couldn't see ken's wife he really healed her she can see she could see i mean she could really see i saw it it was real it was a miracle oh please you're gonna wait it was a miracle i need to tell the girls no i need to tell the girls no i need to tell the girls no no no no no please don't wake them up okay honey um all right i just can't sleep right now i can just see things so clearly now but let's talk later okay go to bed i love you i love you i love you [Music] girls good morning honey i made you coffee like snacks what are you doing making breakfast girls so last night your dad became a christian what do you know what that is is that like a catholic thing um no well it's time it's too early and it's too much girls run off you're going to miss the bus huh go now [Music] what what's going on really i don't know [Music] i feel different i am different carl i'm just not sure how comfortable i am with you sprouting all that religious stuff to the girls when you really don't know what you're talking about that's really more of a priest job don't you think maybe [Music] honey [Music] we'll talk later [Music] morning hey how are you good morning [Music] how are you doing good thank you carl how are you great thank you [Music] morning hey how's it going carl man how's he doing buddy great good that was really incredible last night yes it was i guess it wasn't [Music] you know carl god is real and last night we got to witness him at work he really healed her yes he did [Music] he sure did how does that make you feel that's awesome that's awesome that's good listen i'm going to be in court all day today but afterwards i'd love to get caught up sometime yeah i'd like that all right thanks man see you later good morning i felt like a new man like a ton of bricks had been lifted from my shoulders the sun shined a little brighter the sky was a little bluer it says you started handing out bibles at work if by work you mean jail then uh yes i um i thought the inmates could use it they could use a little hope i mean couldn't hurt right hey guys no bowling tonight oh they came you're gonna love this what is it [Music] bibles i'm gonna pass them out in jail i got 200 of them you're serious about this for what that's for you [Music] jesus loves you and i do too i think that's where i went too far what do you mean went too far well not with the inmates they were very receptive to it but mary not so much what are you doing hey uh i was just writing down some bible verses they're just really stuck i was thinking about going over to see my dad tomorrow see how he's doing you want to go see your father yeah carl i am so happy that this whatever it is jesus please let me finish when i married you i married a cop i knew that and we have been for the most part happy what i didn't know is that you have a lot of anger issues i'm not that guy anymore please call [Music] i accepted that the abuse the language i figured that's just what i got as a surprise but this new carl this church carl that's a surprise i'm just not prepared for don't get me wrong i am really happy for you and i love god too you know that but this this is so extreme and inconsistent i just can't carl i just can't what [Music] what i can't be married to you anymore [Music] i file for divorce [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry to hear about that that's rough tell us about this guy that's john light john light really that's his name um we met in a grocery store i think he stole cigarettes or something like that did you beat him up no no i was a changed and i thought i could help others at least i had to try [Music] [Music] by yourself [Music] [Music] open [Music] four fingers i told you i didn't do nothing that's how you get your kicks huh you arrest innocent men yeah they just put you in the freezer for nothing huh left hand tell you what it's life you're living you keep it up you're going to die you threatening me pig hot pig you're threatening me no but you know what jesus loves you and he can change your life you're one of them holy rollers huh you can save my soul is that what you're gonna do save my soul i'll tell you what you ever need anything you want to talk give me a call number's on the card you're going to take michael that's right michael yeah come on did he ever call yes he did i think it was uh christmas day oh come on [Music] officer thomas hey it's john knight hey john how are you doing [Applause] this is jesus you talk about i don't get it how can he save me how can he save someone like me do you know what i've done do you know what i'm capable of everyone i love dies everybody i'm an animal that belongs here john god loves and forgives us all did you know the angels in heaven rejoice when someone gives their life to christ even me even me john trust me okay there's redemption for us all all right you have your bible with you turn to jeremiah 29 11. okay all right god loves and forgives you for everything that you've done there's redemption for all of us okay he's gonna forgive me me for everyone everyone [Music] john there's no limits to what god can do he can turn your life around i want to know this jesus you already do and he knows you [Music] you just have to trust in him hate what is evil hold fast to what is good we uh held bible studies in the jail love one another with mutual affection i felt the presence of jesus in the room rejoice in hope be patient and suffer more importantly i think they did too persevere in prayer when john's time was up i gave him a ride home [Music] what's this i just figured you needed a ride home i'm free yeah [Music] he was a changed man he was a better man carl are you still in touch with him yes i am we we talk often he is the pastor at a church in arizona that has a passion for prison ministry i'm really proud of him okay so you found christ you say you're a changed man you have a new outlook on life so what do you do now well i um i saw a flyer in church it was for a celebrate recovery program now i know that's for addiction recovery but even though god had healed me i didn't want to go back to that old life so i went to a meeting the first one didn't go so well all right guys if you could please have a seat we'll get started donna i know she has an update and a prayer request that she would like to share with the group donna thanks guys i'm glad to be back with you guys as you all know my husband is an alcoholic but he's doing better but it just requires so much that girl's call are you law enforcement yes can you cover me donna please continue what are you doing here i don't know do you know what this is it's not police related i promise yeah it's a ministry to help people with issues do you have issues i could have subscriptions to my issues that's not funny i have anger issues really bad angry first of all who are you i'm carl well carl think about this for a moment a cop with a bad temper walks into a celebrate recovery meeting full of people with alcohol and drug addiction are you even slightly aware that most of these people have been arrested they've served time probably in your jail i wasn't but none of that really matters i mean whether it's booze or drugs or jail i mean whether i'm in a uniform or not i mean he could overcome all of this i know he can heal all of us you have one chance one chance [Music] over time it got better i met this wonderful woman vicki we eventually got married she has two beautiful children one boy one girl or just one big happy family excuse me this is a private hearing we haven't even got to his father's death yet excuse me sir i understand but i'm just not sure you're getting the full picture here please allow us to say a few words on his behalf no that's not how it works we need a committee vote we have to have guidelines and parameters we are the committee and i'm the committee chairperson so let's take a vote all those for allowing these witnesses to testify mr thomas's behalf say aye aye aye all those against no eyes have it you will each have three minutes who wants to go first so i grew up in a bad neighborhood in town like the bad part and bloom community center yes so when i met um first state your name for the record uh jeff jeff hans continue so officer thomas patrolled my area a lot and everyone knew him too he we always called him the bad cop um i i didn't really care for him in fact i kind of hated him but um so one afternoon he's servicing a warrant for my my arrest and uh uh something something happened um did he hit you were there any witnesses no no um so what 111 arrived at bloom community center suspect jeffrey hans wanted for malicious wounding got a tip he might be an apartment two three two over i didn't know no i know this kid i got this over i'm cool that was a good one [Music] thought about getting into boxing i've been in a fight a time or two listen the last time i arrested you i was a little rough on you wasted humanity right i'm sorry about that look you're not a waste humanity in fact god loves you and he has a plan for you you just got to give your life to him my grandma says that stuff your grandmother's a smart lady are you trying to get me to confess to something or no god changed my life jeffrey so he can change yours could you not cough me in front of my brothers and sisters i'm trying to be a good example are you clean i'm clean he apologizes to me and then he starts witnessing uh to me about jesus [Music] so fast forward a few months later and i run into him and vicky on the causeway he invites me to lunch you're really freaking me out dude it's just lunch so do you all work together [Music] yeah i guess you could say that see i'm i'm job security for your husband so uh i do bad stuff but you arrest me for it okay jeff's a boxer i'm a good one too trust me right now [Applause] still living at home with your folks i haven't heard anything about you in a while so i figured you were staying out of trouble [Music] what's up i'm trying man i really am it's been clean for about two months now trying to get a job but it's tough you know he wants to give me a chance we will jeff right yeah so there's a program i know and they they take people young people like you it's not a halfway house and it doesn't cost anything it's there's a place for second chances i can make a call carl and i can take you there [Music] today always today [Music] what do you say i think he gave me something that no one else had really given me before [Music] that was a chance and i was i think that one chance was all i needed because i mean i mean you can look at me now i'm clean i i'm going to college i'm the first in my family to do that wow what are you studying son a pastoral ministries so you want to be a pastor yeah yeah is there anything else you'd like to say about mr thomas um just that i think he's a good cop okay okay who's next state your name for the record retired police officer jerry sayers you were carl's partner you can say that what do you have to tell us well i would like to state for the record that officer thomas carl is very much a changed man i personally witnessed his transformation and you were the officer that got him to go to church well i extended the offer he's the one who responded himself so his conversion was real let's just say he hasn't missed one sunday and his impact on the prison ministry is no less than astounding and his police work he did get a promotion didn't he that says something just a fat one he like he likes him hey thomas come see me please how you doing okay i gotta be totally honest with you i honest i did not think that you would uh ever be able to control that temper of yours i was wrong okay great so no complaints no i'm getting more complaints on you than ever before [Music] i'm sorry but what do you think is gonna happen when you're stuck in the jails with bibles and tracks and telling everybody god loves you am i in trouble sir no no you're not in trouble a little god in this place is nice [Music] now i got one more thing for you you're up for review next month i was thinking of promoting you vicki is going to love that what do you think about this i think it's great okay get out of my office yes sir [Music] thank you officer sayers you're welcome one last thing when you invited him to the religious service was that the first time yes or no no no it wasn't i remember one time we were coming off a shift i asked carl if you'd like to help that evening with the prison ministry he was pretty emphatic he said he would rather put them away than to help them in any way but that's before jesus got a hold of him and he hasn't been the same since okay you back there name billy walters so you're the kid with the handcuff key yeah so how'd you do that so after i was arrested i was transported to jail you see i spit the key out and i locked myself so you escaped everything all right back there yeah everything's perfect okay all right sir step one up i went to the creek bed down in the ravine and officer sayers and carl found me there's a lot of people looking for you billy when we arrested you at the house the other day i just heard this voice telling me something it was god and he wants me to tell you that he loves you and he died for you and everything that's happened in the past you can put that behind you and make a fresh start nobody has ever ever told me that they love me not my father not my mother and now a bridge poor cop is telling me that god loves me yeah you know something else i love you too man you can get through all of this just put your faith in god so he told you he loved you and he didn't even know you yeah did you find that a little weird i did then but not now crawl came to visit me and i became a christian and then i had to go before her who's she she's a judge that sentenced me to 10 years in prison okay that's all the time we go thank you i'm proud of you [Music] [Music] your honor oh no no i'm retired although it is an honor to be here well what would you like to tell us i was a judge for 25 years you know in that time i thought i'd seen everything so let me let me backtrack see officer thomas was known as a tough officer but a good one [Music] there was this one time i was dealing with some of his traffic violations and uh a single mom had come up with an excessive speeding ticket it was in a school zone so it was very serious [Music] well in the midst of testimony officer thomas revealed that his radar detector was faulty [Music] and then he just smiled well i had to dismiss all of his cases you know that's that's not the reason i wanted to chime in today i see billy walter's case was a big deal in our town well rightfully so he had stabbed an elderly gentleman he broke into a retired police officer's home multiple drug charges and on and on [Music] well i had closed the courtroom i didn't want didn't want any press [Music] officer thomas do you have a second sure now you're the arresting officer for billy walters and he's here today to find out the fate for his crimes are you here to witness justice being served i'm here to testify that mr walters has accepted christ as his savior and even though he's done many horrible things in the past god still loves and forgives him you're serious the defense calls officer carl thomas officer thomas you requested to be here today and testify on the defendant's behalf and just for the record you were the arresting officer correct yes continue your honor i'm not here to get you to reduce billy's sentence nor am i here to be a character reference for mr walters i'm here to be a witness for jesus christ because of jesus billy is a different man than he was two years ago when billy prayed and let god into his heart he became a new man and if god can change billy he can change anyone [Music] anything else officer thomas no ma'am thank you do you have anything dad miss dawkins thank you [Music] i find this testimony genuine and i thank you officer thomas for your sincerity thank you mr walters you are very lucky to have a man like this in your corner i hope you realize that [Music] thank you officer thomas you're [Music] dismissed i've never seen anything like it thank you mrs harris you're welcome mrs thomas did you want to say something on your husband's behalf yes please carl has already told us how they met and how they had kids and all that let her speak all right all right the thing i love most about my husband is his love for other people it's unconditional nothing showed that like the way he loved his father mr thomas was a tough man very strict never smiled but carl he knew it was because he wanted what was best for him carl just never felt good enough i wish so much that his dad could have seen the man that i met he didn't meet the new carl no he never had the chance [Music] hello yes i'm on my way i'll be right there hey bruce dad's doc just called it's not good i got the call when i got home his dad had a stroke when i went to the hospital his dad wanted to see carl and tell him that he was sorry i accept your forgiveness i [Music] he knew carl changed thank you for loving me he knew he met christ thank you for love amen and he wanted to change also amen he wanted to know jesus too you were a child of a king today dad he wanted so badly to tell carl that he loved him he died moments before carl got there [Music] look my husband is not perfect he's made mistakes [Music] but i assure you you will never meet a more passionate man a changed man a man with a purpose what is that purpose mrs thomas it's right here is to change lives [Music] by directing them to jesus christ [Music] [Music] okay thank you i think unless you have something to say gary i'm good is there anything you'd like to add mr toms okay we'll be back in contact with our [Music] man [Music] several weeks ago our executive team was sent out on a mission to find the individual to lead our prison ministry programs someone with compassion someone with knowledge of incarceration someone that understands second chances someone that god had already predetermined that person is former police officer carl thomas i'd like to read from john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever that's you that's me whoever it is believes in him will never perish but will have everlasting life [Music] i'll never forget that day when my friend cried out i can see i can see that's when god touched the eyes of my heart so that i can see i can see that jesus is real that he's alive when i asked jesus into my heart i felt nothing but god's love peace and joy come in all that anger and rage inside of me go out i asked jesus to forgive me he not only forgave me but he washed me clean of every terrible act every sin i committed i became a new man that day i became a man with a purpose and that purpose was to go out and tell everybody but how jesus saved my soul how he changed my heart how he took me out of that dark place i was in and if he did it for me he'll do it for you [Music] guide every step feed every thought teach me to love whatever the cost your spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] has always been a mystery [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody but jesus i'm living for the world to see nobody but jesus [Music] you
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 40,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Gary Lee Vincent, Dean Cain, Jeff Moore, Barry Michael Dailey, Dispatched movie, Dispatched full movie, Dispatched 2020 movie, Dispatched 2020 full movie, Dispatched 2020, christian movie, christian film, religious movie, religious film
Id: OZTmR9zbK7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 55sec (4555 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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