Patriot: A Nation At War (Eye for an Eye) | Full Action Thriller Movie

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[Music] i'm serious [Music] asset insight he's fatter than the last time i saw him body shame in space it's called a physical description supported by the behavioral record and psychological profile maybe you should go back to spy 101. cut the chatter he's heading to you all clear confirm the identity of the subject anton venkoff identity confirmed relax he's the second assistant to the russian ambassador of tunisia not vladimir putin wait he's stopping he's talking to someone danny is that you danny assad down repeat venkov is down agent sellers down repeat the status of asian sellers he's dead stay in position extraction team on road agent [Music] ah what did he give you where is it mean altar what are you on [Music] the doctors have cleared you to speak with us today are you up to it yes i'm up to it it's a miracle you survived yes sir what's even more of a miracle i think is that three hours passed between the time of the airstrike and when you showed up at the safe house how do you account for that i can't you can't [Music] okay miss anderson i don't think you realize what's at stake here you're shell-shocked maybe the doctors have you on too much medication maybe it's your time of the month i don't know so let me enlighten you anton vincol the asset you were monitoring wasn't making a routine update vincolf was delivering a list of the identities of every russian field agent in every country of the world to a courier we have yet to identify it was a global list the holy grail of the western intelligence community our community funny thing is nobody in our community even knew it existed what does that tell you not sure i'm following there's a shadow group among us you a part of this shadow group are you not no sir who else could it have been you are the last agent standing correct [Music] yes [Music] the russians have no involvement asparagus the performance miss anderson if it were up to me i would take you outside and shoot you myself enough [Applause] with all due respect mr chairman the shadow group is still a theory yet to be creepy i know how difficult it can be i served as a field agent for 20 years you don't know who to believe who you trust even your own people do you have a point jessica yes sir sometimes the most direct route to an answer is a direct question agent anderson the list has yet to be recovered do you know where it is no three hours you sit under a drone strike and see how long it takes you to get to a safe house i serve this country with my life nothing more no your teammates gave their lives not you stacy anderson you are hereby disavowed by the government of the united states of america you will be given a new identity transportation to the city of your choice and 1500 severance stacey anderson no longer exists watch your back [Music] [Music] sarah sarah tara relax appearance will be here any second i he's something i know for never never hmm delicious cheryl lip smacking good thank you she's a keeper kenny don't let this one get away how did you do me i bet it was very romantic not exactly we met in the office got the copier okay you don't even know the full story he couldn't figure out how to open the toner cartridge clyde barely knows how to operate the tv but um after that we just clicked every song that i loved he knew by heart everything i wanted to do was on his bucket list he's my best friend well that's pretty amazing where are you from sarah nowhere really we moved around a lot well i'm sorry dear but that sounds a little vague what it's a perfectly normal question you two have been living together how long a year almost two and this is the first time we've had a real face to face you guys were in japan for a year it's a short 11 hour plane ride away most home toilets in japan have a built-in bidet they call them wash less but the public restrooms still have what they call floor toilets it's a hole in the floor oh my god you guys this is like a nightmare ahead last night i'm just trying to get to know the person who's living with my son the truth is he really doesn't tell me much it's okay the truth is i don't tell him much there's not much to tell um i never knew my dad my mom had me really young she was in the military i'm an army rat i grew up on a military basis well that must have been very difficult for both of you you know i'd love to meet her one day she was killed in action oh i'm so sorry it's okay it was a long time sacrifice for a noble cause it's not my place but i know two people who belong together when i see it and i just want to say one more thing and then i'll shut my trap there's nothing you'll know in 10 years that you don't already know into okay i'm done when i said before about the bidet i didn't realize you might not know what that is dad we'll get you overseas yet till then take care of each other i am so sorry i'm sorry i can't tell you everything about my past i'm not trying to be secretive i just it's okay no it's not yes it is i don't care about your past everybody has a past there's things about me i'm not proud of it's easy to follow the wrong crowd when you're young what that's exactly what happened i fell in with the wrong crowd you know me even if you don't know the details you know me i know you and you know me sarah thompson hey thanks for calling me back yeah i got those projections i really think a mix of print and online is the way to go for this one great all right you guys have a good night thanks boss you too dave hey did boss seem weird to you just now no seriously again we can't choose when and where our lives changed forever three years ago for me it was right here sarah will you marry me yeah yes thank you why are you saying thank you i don't know i don't know what to say now except that i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you it's perfect [Music] you're not planning a big office surprise party are you no maybe the boss forgot something hey buddy the olympians are downstairs oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay sarah i'm gonna get inside of this sarah sarah ken about my past there are a couple things i probably should have told you like what like my name isn't sarah stacy anderson stacy anderson stacy anderson i'm not going to kill you but i will kill kenneth if you do not cooperate we want the list give it to me i go away wait here where are you going this is what we're supposed to do [Music] uh what the hell's going on well in about 60 seconds there'll be four more guys coming and they won't be as nice as this one four to five maybe six i'm not sure what the standard team configuration is these days oh [ __ ] breathe honey deep breaths i'll explain just don't move okay unless someone's about to shoot then it's your big strategy don't move unless someone's about to shoot no that's not my strategy that's your strategy you need to pay attention ken okay [Music] the toner [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] uh sarah dandy i am we gotta go leave your phone on your laptop your car keys i'm sorry sure when you say go you don't mean go to the police or go home or go to days for a drink no man that sucks a drink please can't help this ken no one can look sir i love you i really do i'm a little freaked out and i just need to lie down and process audience we'll rest soon sweetie do you need to go now sweetie i don't know you yes you do they'll kill you ken please trust me now we trust you now chet what's your name we don't have time for this your name stacy where are we going stacy [Music] we're still in the car i guess that's an improvement we're a vector we need to keep our faces off the cameras around the building let's yes wow so you like an assassin i am a sales rep for a pr company oh yeah me too [Music] [Music] this next part exposes us so for the next 20 minutes i need you to promise that you'll stop being angry anger is a distraction and distractions get us killed we need to focus deal deal everybody's staring they know no just seems that way happens it'll pass so so excuse me sir thanks bob i'll follow up when i get back came across an item in my newsfeed that might be of interest my office no thanks sure it's 11 am somewhere calories sir yourself what'd you see in your news feed jessica something about a disgruntled employee shooting up a pr firm in los angeles you knew just came in director's having me fly there tonight is she dead amazed at how sentimental you are about this i know you worked in the field but you never knew her never worked with so what is it about her that would make you scan the news for the last five years searching for any mention of her name we ended her life we took away her career her her purpose her livelihood her security unjustly i think i know how that feels you retired from the field with the highest commendation i was forced out it's a young gal's game jess you knew that when you were young yeah well so did she but she didn't get accommodation she was thrown to the wolves and now the wolves have come she's a traitor jessica working for a shadow organization inside our own community it's more powerful than you know she's running but i'm gonna find her i'm gonna terminate her on who's authority the president look if she's working for the shadow organization why would they take her out they didn't that was the russians how do you know that i still have a few friends in the field there's another possibility i'm always it wasn't the russians it was the shadow group only she's not working for them or the russians and she's out there alone i want the list she has it that was coming her way she [Music] deserves come on jess don't go soft on me now has it been that long sir whenever a prospective asset offers you a drink you never say no besides she's not alone she's with her boyfriend well bastard to all the poor bastards every single one of us i used to be a field operative for the cia i was on assignment in tunisia standard operating procedure for over a year we worked our assets they worked theirs it was routine peaceful they there's nests there's got to be them so it's north korea kuala lumpur it's china in tunisia it's the russians but it stays balanced it works we had made contact with the second assistant to the russian ambassador of tunisia he agreed to give us information basic stuff nothing major but after a year somehow he stumbles onto a list of russian operatives the global list every undercover russian agent in every theater in the world jackpot was his way out but something went wrong in the transfer i retrieved the list just before they dropped a bomb on my head i remember that like five years ago i saw it on the news i thought it was isis it was the russians not isis not the russians oh there's a shadow group in the u.s intelligence community a group working against even the most covert mandates nobody talks about it or maybe they just won't talk to me i'm convinced it's real and they're behind all of this my entire team was killed in the hours after the ponding all to get the list and you have it jesus sarah it was my insurance policy they couldn't do anything to me because they couldn't be sure what would happen to the list if they did and they couldn't coerce me because i didn't have anything to lose until now i'm so sorry ken i never should have tried to live a normal life it was just so nice i've never had that before [Music] never expected it because i never thought i deserved it [Music] there's a lot i haven't told you the whole story about not knowing your father your mother in the army you're moving around all the time that's all true i was recruited when i was 18. i thought it would mean something give me something make me feel better but it didn't my whole goddamn life i have just been so lonely and then for the first time i got you into this i will get you out of it [Music] you should keep this this is all because you really don't want to marry me i thought i knew you you do i swear well let's say i do how are we gonna keep gun-toting shadow group assassins from crashing our wedding we're gonna do what i should have done in the first place get the list and give it back to the russians [Music] [Music] so [Music] you're punting like dog sasha i'm sorry sir but you said the level 7 messages will not be sent electronically perhaps we should move your office closer you were right watch out does this mean she has the list perhaps it means someone certainly thinks she does how in the height guitar tasha have there been any developments not midnight the only certainty is that someone makes second assistant bangkok believe he discovered it by chance we do not know who gave him access but there is yet no evidence of involvement by the best actually actually well sir the lack of any evidence that our system was happens unusual what are you saying sasha someone in our own community has betrayed us no you need them what i say is that i am not competent enough to find evidence of the us involvement this this is paid business this is the business [Music] fine take care of the person bring back what was taken from us and dominate her for the trouble [Music] with pleasure [Music] so [Music] so where were you checking the platform making sure no one got on i'm sorry i didn't know where you were it's okay how come jim showed me that i don't know i don't like to look at it but i can't throw it away september 27th huh libra that explains a lot wake me up next time okay you needed to sleep got a long way to go [Music] you're not to tell me where we're going are you it would be a tactical mistake [Music] it's okay such relax i know that you are dimitri's man and that he is great faith but i need you to do something for me keep it just between us can you do that yes i am curious by nature i'm not sure if you know that it does be no favors in my career let me tell you but curiosity is a thing that doesn't leave you alone it tests actually pastors until you must satisfy it so this is not me asking but my curiosity if the unimaginable is in fact imagined and one among us is working against us someone very close to us perhaps if this person managed to expose the lease to vanguard for some secret purpose we don't yet know working among shadows into which we cannot see it will satisfy my curiosity to find out who this person is are there methods that you have not yet used but that you might use now to find out if this unimaginable person exists yes [Music] know thanks for saving my life there's something i haven't told you yeah your favorite color isn't purple you don't hate curry they'll be waiting for us what how do you know because this is the last stop and they haven't boarded the train so you know for the past hour why didn't you tell me it was important you didn't think about it you needed to relax don't bother me sarah you know i hate that my mother does that are you finished no what's the plan not dying the man on the platform the couple behind us the guy in the blue shirt sorry see things that aren't there again no you're two for three you missed a couple others but otherwise pretty good i can't do this you remember the spain trip the what madrid we went to the oldest restaurant in the world boutin we were only there for a day we had one chance to have a once in a lifetime experience but they were booked solid and just as we went to leave that guy called us back in do you remember he led us to the kitchen to a secret dining room that's right do you remember what we talked about for the first time in that dining room our future um sarah i think we should focus on the present we are dear [Music] for the next 60 seconds i don't want you to think don't think no what do i do concentrate [Music] move this she's heading towards the west exit [Music] all teams west exit come on sarah [Music] what is this dead center of a dead zone last time i checked anyway no cameras for a mile in any direction ready we're jogging we're running for our lives one mile as fast as you can and you know secretion stuff so aerobic put this on wait why do you have two you knew this was gonna happen do you see any shoes in here that would fit you both hoodies are for me would have put one on in the parking garage and swap the other one out on the train and gotten away just fine you think guns going off is some kind of a thrill for me it's the worst case scenario but it's what we've got here so i'm improvising i'll hold you back you're the wind beneath my wings now get your head down and let's go yes i'm missing directly how long ago i'm will's up in 20. i'll find her in the shadow group before he gets off the plane agreed sir but dimitri mentry app is a spy not a politician russians know the rules if he gets in the way i'll just put him down and they won't say a damn thing about it yes sir thank you [Music] is this the drop-off i mean the pickup how do you say it it's just a bargain yeah i know but why are we here for a drink the place we're going doesn't open till morning we'll be safe here till closing later if we can make friends wow so you're a drinker sorry old habit people in the field drink it's a thing i get it shaken not stirred and the cool factor the anxiety it's just a little bit nerve-wracking not knowing if someone's gonna put a bullet in your head at any moment blessed is more dangerous than anybody realizes for the russians for the world you're a child sitting in your bed at night and you're deathly afraid of the dark but you've got this one flashlight keeps the room lit keeps your worst fears from coming true keeps you safe then someone comes and takes it away everything goes dark what do you do wait for morning you're a child you don't know when morning is and even if you did it's infinitely far away so you create your own morning and launch the first strike against the u.s and western alliance and make everything so bright it'll never go dark again but that's crazy everybody knows a nuclear war isn't winnable where'd you hear that tv it's comforting but it isn't true with the right strategy and the willingness to suffer losses every war is winnable even a nuclear one oh wow that's uh that's unsettling will really stop after this won't they want to tie up loose ends or something i'm not a loser i don't know anything what about the shadow people what'd you call them the shadow group they're ghosts how'd you hear about them i was accused of being one of them but you're not no i'm not i don't want to ask but i have to is there anything you haven't told me i said it didn't matter suddenly you knew me because before we run for our lives and you killed like 20 guys nine oh okay only nine sorry grossly overestimated number human beings you actually with your bare hands and guns know everything that matters everything guess we're not staying yeah making friends takes a little more effort it's okay i know a good place will be safe [Music] good [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i hope you are getting some work done and not texting boyfriend all day [Music] yes [Music] you need to work on your definition of good place what can i do for you i need to pick up a long hole what's a long hole lh595 trying to trick me right did my parole officer send you here not unless he's been planning it for the last five years check the package 59525 i paid the full nine [ __ ] so unless you want that arm broken in three places i suggest you get your ass up and go get my package lucy none of your goddamn business her fiance fiance huh congratulations don't ever do that what again someone more information than they need to know okay what you want a receipt no i want two u.s passports no more than three years old that's gonna cost you extra two u.s passports easy peasy they changed the laminate the overlay and the watermark but they didn't change the readers you know what the readers check a no-fly list jesus i can put a carton of eggs under that scanner it'll wave me through every time i don't trust him what if you already opened it took the list did you check it is there a problem no because you're doing a lot of whispering i don't like whispering i just asked you open the package to see if the contents were there of course the contents are there why wouldn't the contents be there it's okay no it's not okay my integrity is being called into question here opening i'm good no it's not good because you're whispering and you're talking [ __ ] behind my back now let's get this over with open it which i want you to see oh okay fine now open it [Music] [Music] stacy nice to finally meet you [Music] [Music] ken stop stop [Music] we said a lot of years on you so goddamn hard to get so paranoid you know what they say just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not allowed to get you three times before me just stay paranoid space i guess to understand we'll go a little soft on the outside i don't know how you did it i was ready to blow my brains out every day towards the end at there i finally got to blow someone's brains out just gotta check something then we're good to go [Music] what the hell stacy what is this this whole time are you kidding me what's the password cause you know me so well and i know you isn't that what we said stop actually what's the passcode what is it [Music] oh team you kept talking about it that's what you want me to think it is but there was another time you we can on the crosstalk there's a woman with a baby in a stroller she was with her mother mother said the baby's name and the look on your face he meant something to you you can never figure out what your mother was elizabeth case officer was joan every teacher was peggy not one alice and a whole bunch i don't have to kill you quickly no you don't you want to see how soft i've gotten let's find out you're a goddamn psycho you have no idea yeah i had some idea [Applause] [Music] so will concert tom osborne kind of surprise you coming out here like this i was diverted seems there was an accident at the train station incident it was a goddamn mess check the tapes hey hey i'm talking to you hey talk to you excuse me sir can i see that dispatch l639 at the validation crime scene i need authorization on a thomas osborne credentials are center intelligence agency i've never seen central intelligence ac credentials before except on sorry sir it's doing my job you're the only one excuse me sir of 17 officers on the scene three who asked to see my credentials you're the only one who called them in well those guys probably know what those credentials look like a lot of sharp guys in the situation by the book and loyal wow what do you make of this officer dale a bunch of dead people yeah no tell me what you really think whoever did this at skills you've seen the security footage seen the marksmanship hearts and heads these are kill shots goddamn precise i've never seen anything like it and i've seen a few things whatever these guys came to do they weren't up to the task you think they're all working together i do different ages different dress different backgrounds same guns what kind of guns foreign never seen them before thank you officer dale i want to make a career change and give me a call loyalty has to be for the right cause otherwise it's called complicity you sure you don't want me to take you someplace more scenic no this is quite fun this very lovely city what is this area called um skid row lovely well i'm gonna have to stop for gas soon somebody you don't want to talk to [Applause] stop the car in five minutes don't you care where you're going i know that i'm going stop the car in five minutes okay listen here sacramento i don't know they drove into a dead zone whoever that is they really [Music] there must be cameras i'm thinking you're not as good as i said you were it's very bad if the americans can see what we can't i'm hacked into their system right now what we see is what they see actually the only thing that they can see but we can see more so the driver reported the drop of franklin's center at 10 24 pm center she's very smart the radius of cameras around the dead is roughly one mile adjusting to walking time not working running what is record for faster smile [Music] by human [Music] three minutes 43 seconds start there okay this will greatly increase the time necessary to find them sir if i may suggest [Music] that wake up [Music] you need to eat so you're gonna eat this about to shove it down your throat so you're not with the russians i don't know because the russians would have me on a plane back to russia by now with the full cooperation of the us government half of which are russian spies exactly you're part of the shadow group finish we've got a long way to go what were you military cia nsa how did they get to you what line of [ __ ] did they use to convince you what convinced you i was done ken i was out i was in love not gonna ask if any of it was real i thought you loved me again [Music] sleep what's the password [Music] is as i started smiling we're almost there you said that an hour ago make a sound i swag with a bullet in each of their heads do you understand [Music] it's a mile radius when they're dropped off there's 126 cameras that we'll need to check unless they're still there let's find them goddammit [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] how's your life you have to do better than that you gotta be kidding me a secret mountain hideaway a bomb shelter we already have plenty of those not one the russians don't know about not much use to be underground can't come up for a thousand years we need the passcode stacey let's leave right now me and you throw that damn thing in the ocean and live on a beach until we die my life has more purpose than that it has to no it doesn't there is no cause ken there is peace and there is war and that's it aren't those worth dying for stacy only one of them let's go [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] if i knew what you were looking for maybe i could help you find it [Music] is that it it agent wilkins an eye for an eye thomas tooth for tooth dimitri and i said she was keeper didn't mean it literally she installed and destroyed the passcode on the file then mailed it to a long-haul dead drop [Music] well this is the surprise to say the least this wasn't your mission there was a complication yes i heard three hours clever stacy wet check just the shoulder through and through [Music] and the nose before i kill you i'm going to try to talk some sense into you field agent to field agent woman to woman my involuntary retirement from the field was a promotion i didn't like it but what was i going to do i took it i would finally get to see behind the curtain i would finally get to find out the reason for things what i saw sickened me adolescent petty criminally ignorant and pathologically apathetic so i decided to blow the whole thing up it's the best thing for everyone except for the millions of innocent people that you'll kill stacy please listen to me with an open mind we are not at odds your loyalties are misplaced war is inevitable and it's a war we're going to lose unless we know exactly when it's coming so it's a war by definition we must set an ocean but a nuclear war isn't winnable everyone knows that last chance stacy okay okay try to change my thoughts exactly the passcode is alice [Music] i don't understand stacy you just come all the way here just to die the list wasn't my mission i came all this way to kill you [Music] whoa [Music] ah [Music] finish it finisher what are you doing aj anderson she's getting away there's so much you don't know i don't agree with these days i love you so it doesn't matter don't talk i just gotta know one thing the passcode if you play me didn't you yeah pick alice i did the files are fake so the passcode has to be a fake [Music] i'm dying here stop whining [Music] [Music] this one's a keeper yeah keeps trying to kill me i'll be dead [Music] so [Music] foreign this was a tough one not fair [Music] the list safe [Music] to be used again if we need it [Music] and did you treat [Music] i had to do a bit of house cleaning [Music] [Music] what's next [Music] china two weeks [Music] i'm ready now [Music] three weeks [Music] stacy we have contingencies there's a life you can still live i'm living it sir [Music] come in [Music] hello officer dale thank you for answering the call please have a seat i'll be with you in a minute [Music] three and a half weeks no more no less yes sir [Music] thank you for coming officer dale [Music] i'd like to tell you about the world as it really is and what you can do to save it i'm all there sir [Music] you should know it requires great risk and greater sacrifice [Music] so [Music] hi dad [Music] you okay everything all right yeah that was a long one yeah sorry we have a visitor hi mom sweetheart [Music] [Music] dad it's okay it's all right he's with me he's with you oh sorry about that come on son i'm not gonna shoot you now [Music] john pleased to meet you nice to meet [Music] you i'm alice nice to meet you david good to meet you david come inside we're about to cook some dinner mary beth why don't you show david around the place while we go set things up david very best you don't like it [Music] i like it a lot [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 165,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Patriot: A Nation At War, Eye for an Eye
Id: 4U8dUegq6Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 43sec (5923 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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