Immigrant SHAMED FOR Her ENGLISH ft. @The Royalty Family | Dhar Mann

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Silly_Meeting 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
los angeles highest in other news los angeles high school all right cut the word is school it's not that difficult i'm sorry from the top everybody no problem sounds speeding camera rolling and action in other news los angeles high school is now cut olivia will you just get in there and show her how it's done please uh are you sure not all our viewers have perfect english i mean they probably like her accent the ratings are bad enough already do you want them to tank even more i mean no you know what i don't have time for this get in there please sorry okay you out come on hurry up chop chop chop ladies sit down okay you ready action in other news los angeles schools are officially open i'm sorry you know what caught cut everybody you know i don't want to hear it okay just sometimes i don't understand why i hired you in the first place why don't you go work in a nice latin kitchen somewhere maybe huh okay from the top again everybody and action in other news los angeles schools are officially open you haven't even touched your food i know i'm just not hungry come on forget what that producer said don't let him get to you yeah mom you should eat all my life i wanted to be in camera and now that i'm finally um i get told to work in a kitchen it was humiliating i can't [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i hate my accent i wish i spoke better english stop your accent is what makes you special you should never be ashamed of who you are here's your change was there something wrong with your food no um the shrimp is fine i'm not hungry okay great i'm sorry can you say that word again um shrimp did you hear how she said that [Laughter] andrea wait that was really mean andrea slow down i should have never even come to this country don't say that hey buddy can you wait in the car for me what am i here for just so people can make fun of me because of my accent it's not my fault i grew up poor only rich kids learn english in my school school this is so embarrassing no it's not please don't let anyone make you ashamed of who you are i love your accent i wish my boss felt the same way forget your boss you don't need him you said your dream is to be on camera right yeah well you can be an actress you can be a youtuber you can be anything you want to be the important part is you don't change who you are for anyone how am i going to pay my bills look i don't want to tell my son but i'm behind the rent again so i have to keep this job hey look at me everything is gonna be fine i promise let's just go i'll drop you off at your place all right we're going to start recording in five people copy that um boss i'm trying to send this text message but it won't go through that the wi-fi password changed i'm sorry did the did the what change the wiffy i think you mean wi-fi yes wi-fi it's really not that hard i mean didn't they teach you english in whatever latin american country you come from yes but i don't get a chance yeah no never mind i don't care just make sure that you don't mess up on the air got it i can't help it if i have an accent am i supposed to feel sorry for you i mean if i remember correctly you were the one who applied for this job take it easy ona roy she's trying her best no i am tired of being nice to her i mean seriously why would someone want a job in front of a camera when they cannot speak proper english we'll be fine yeah olivia will you come take over please so that we don't waste any more time it's okay no hiring you was a big mistake someone who cannot pronounce the word school or the word wi-fi should not be working in front of a camera what do you mean i should have done this a long time ago pack your bags and go you are fired what no please i really need this job i have to pay rent i have to feed my son well that is not my problem is it come on roy you can't be serious yeah she doesn't deserve that her accent is not that bad i am not giving her any more chances this is the united states of america and nobody wants to listen to this crazy thick accent on the air i'll be fine honestly i'll be fine i'm going to make it on camera with or without you you're not going to stop not stop me the girl who cannot speak english is going to make it on camera what a joke well there's the door you know where to go what are you waiting for come on chop chop hey i got your text is everything okay honey can you give us a few minutes okay thank you i got fired from my job oh my gosh i'm so sorry no it's fine you were right i should never have to feel ashamed for who i am i use for the best i'm so happy to hear you say that so what are you gonna do now i have a plan i'm going to okay one second oh hi cotton where's the rest of the rent you are 350 short do you have it i don't i'm sorry i will get it look i don't know how it works in mexico or wherever you're from but here in america it's colombia whatever here in america you need to have all the money the first of the month do you understand yes i promise i'll get it soon okay i knew it from the moment i heard your accent i knew it would be a mistake to rent to you i should have listened to my gut excuse me how can you say that to her oh is your name on the lease no then stay out of this you need to have the entire balance you owe with next month's rent including the late fees no please don't do this to me no exceptions and if you are even one dollar short i will be filing for eviction comprende i can't believe she talked to you like that someone should report her look if you need to borrow some money no things are hard for you too are you sure yes i'm just so sick and tired of people like her and my boss making me feel bad for who i am i'm not gonna let them do this to me anymore exactly i'm so proud of you so what were you saying about that plan well even though i'm not a reporter anymore i still want to be in front of camera so i found some open casting calls it's for an acting job i'm gonna audition yes i love that i appreciate your su your support of course i'm always gonna support you no matter what and i can even help you record your auditions okay is everything all right i heard some yelling yeah everything's great for on i was just about to record your mom doing some auditions you want to help me out yeah all right okay andrea just pretend you're sofia vergara what would you say that's a good one um okay hello my name is sofia bergara i'm a very lucky woman i have a wonderful home and a beautiful family that's so good keep going there is nothing i will change in my life except for the dog butler i hate the dog butler sometimes i think he's the devil el diablo was that good you did wonderful with ali and fair on support andrea is more excited than ever to go after her dream of being on camera andrea continues practicing her lines for an upcoming audition even though she struggles saying certain words ali keeps encouraging her so she pushes forward when the day of the audition comes andrea is so excited to read lines in front of the casting team except when she goes to pronounce certain words she struggles and everybody starts laughing at her they call her names and make fun of her accent andrea is so humiliated she leaves the audition in tears can i have your phone i want to watch youtube hold on your mom's about to get home okay well how'd it go horrible they just laughed at my accent didn't even care about my acting baby i'm so sorry but listen it's just one audition you don't understand the casting director even said that i will never make it in camera and that i should just stop trying i knew this was a big mistake hey don't say that fran do you mind no i'm not leaving mom don't listen to any of them who's knocking now well you got my money look i lost my job okay i'm sorry but i'm going to another i don't want to hear any excuses do you have the rent or not oh sorry i thought you knocked on my door oh it could happen to anyone listen miss karen about this month's rent i may be a few days late and oh grace don't even worry about it i know you're good for it i'll even go ahead and wave the late fee for you again thank you so much have a nice day you too thanks hi how can you be so nice to our neighbor but so mean to my mom listen kid this is grown-up business you wouldn't understand i tried to be nice but you've left me no choice you have 24 hours to pack your bag and get out i don't like her 24 hours that's it it's over i don't know why i thought i could ever make it in this country please don't talk like that no i tried to be reported i got fire i tried to act i got laughed at maybe you should just go work in a latin kitchen or go back to colombia with ferran no you and faran can come stay with me you can't just give up now you've come too far then what am i gonna do huh youtube not now farron you can watch youtube later no i mean you could start a youtube channel what are you talking about you can make lots of money on youtube and it'll still be on camera actually he's right we don't need a television network or a casting director all we need is a camera we can make all these videos by ourselves are you serious but people are gonna laugh at my accent do you know how many people in the world have accents they're gonna love it even sofia vergara has an accent exactly all you have to do is be yourself can we please just try what do you have to lose monic you guys are right let's try it go ahead and record [Music] what's up guys it's wait what do we call ourselves how about [Music] royalty we could be the royalty family a royalty family i kind of like that i like it let's go with it hey guys what's up it's the royalty family i have farah here with me emily say hi hey guys hey what's up royalty family what's up um i know i have an accent but i hope a lot of you can relate andrea or the royalty family decide to start a youtube channel and record their first vlog the next day even though andrea got kicked out of her apartment she doesn't let that discourage her she keeps recording vlogs with ali and pharaon they upload their vlogs on their new youtube channel the royalty family and before long the channel starts to explode people love how much they can relate to their content and especially andrea's accent andrea ali and farron can't believe it they keep making vlogs and instead of andrea feeling bad for her accent she learns to embrace it and they all have so much fun together their content gets better and better and over time the royalty family becomes one of the biggest channels on youtube racking up over 14 million subscribers they launch their own merch get major brand deals and even buy their own mansion but most importantly andrea becomes so proud of who she really is and then one day they come to pay a visit to andrea's old apartment complex okay guys and we just got to my old apartment complex and oh my gosh you're andrea from the royalty family yes hi you have an accent and you've got colombian yes um i moved a few years ago and to be honest it hasn't been easy for me here people give me a real hard time because of the way i speak oh i'm so sorry to hear that no don't be i was very sad at the beginning and consider moving back but then i found your youtube channel and after seeing how proud you are of your accent and how successful you become it motivated me to keep going wow really that makes me so happy oh this is my boyfriend nice to meet you wow i wasn't expecting this hi roy i don't understand do you two know each other yes um she used to work for me a long time ago listen andrea i just want to say that i'm i'm sorry for how i treated you back then i i was wrong about you man that's okay i forgot about that long time ago it's fine good because my girlfriend loves your youtube channel she watches all of your videos i i cannot believe that you got this big thank you so much how did you do it i i mean i thought you would give up being in front of a camera because of your well i was going to do that but then someone reminded me that having an accent is what makes me special and that i should never be ashamed of who i am i love that so much i'm never going to forget it um hey listen why don't i um give you one of my business cards that's okay she's not interested we we have to go okay bye nice to meet you name i can't believe that just happened she's like my biggest idol come on let's go i will go ahead and remove that lazy for you oh thank you so much i really appreciate it oh hi you no no uh if you think i'm gonna rent to you again it's not gonna happen well actually we're not here to rent then why are you here we came here because we just bought the building [Laughter] what are you talking about that is not possible well actually we have the purchase agreement right here we closed escrow this morning and you can take a look at it and you can even call your boss if you'd like let me see that oh my gosh why i i can't believe it how did this happen well you see this is family business lady you wouldn't understand [Music] hey guys i hope you love this message please tell us what this was about this video was about to inspire you guys to teach you that everything can be possible if you work for if you work hard for it i'm still going through this a lot but it's all good it makes me unique it makes me different if you have an accent like me don't be ashamed of it that makes you who you are and i don't know keep working harder keep making your dreams come true if i can do it you can do it too i love that that was so well said is there anything that you want to add yeah we wanted to make this video inspirational just to let you guys know that you guys can do anything you guys want and i wanted to say that i'm so proud of you like just seven years ago she couldn't speak english we would we would talk to one another on google translator and i i don't know i'm just filled with emotions and i'm so proud of how far you've come made me cry you inspired me to work hard each and every day you inspired me to work hard each and every day and now you're inspiring me to work hard each and every day and we want to inspire you guys to work hard and you can get through anything that you're going through because we honestly we believe in you guys and you guys can do whatever you guys want in this world believe in yourself that's the most important thing i love that that's all so well said is great advice i hope you guys love this video please remember that we're not just telling stories we're changing lives what this video is all about is something that really hits home for me the fact that you have an accident a girl who cannot speak anymore you're unique your accent is what makes you special still a lot of hope for them and that's that's the message that we want to spread
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 25,554,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, royalty family, dhar mann collabs, being an immigrant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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