We NEED An Emergency MEETING In Minecraft Among Us

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xxitachi1234 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I made a toturial: https://youtu.be/3O8Z8v9vm0I

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/StupidMyz 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
in this minecraft among us one person is an imposter so just when you think you're safe with a friend they'll turn and betray you in this game of minecraft among us me and my friends must uncover who is loyal and who is a stinky liar this impostor has a brand new server to play on and knows when to strike can me and my friends toss them into the lava before it's too late okay for this game i got some big brain energy coming i'm gonna win i'm gonna win this one sorry sorry my you know i don't think you got this you know who's got this what me whether it be crewmate imposter i'm ready to go okay okay well i i want to bring something up to this table noy has been out to get me lately so if he outs me or something please let it be known that he's not he's a liar and has proven that he's a liar [Applause] okay all right oh okay all right all right oh no no no no no stay away from me oh chart course i'm literally right here okay all right i'm gonna go chart my course let me do that real quick the chart in the course all right perfect perfect yay all right honestly let's see all right oh okay fix wires all right i gotta go find some wires to fix oh it's so snowy out here look how nice it looks oh it's oh oh there's a lot going on here okay uh uh oh i have a big big brain moment all right [Music] okay no no no no i just i just i just want to tell you guys something all right something something very important all right okay we're listening what's up what happened i love you guys and i just want i want to give you a no hug no no i was really scared i want to make sure everyone i just want to make sure it was okay that's good i appreciate this but this is do you see the word emergency written on this also i i you know i think this uh that was good timing anyway i wasn't feeling good i kept running into pierce and annoyed too many times and i was uh i didn't like it well let's stop following me wherever i go huh you're the one who's following me i'm sorry no you're the one who's following me everything about that huh oh okay that can kind of suck you're acting kind of sad the oxygen room okay sorry i'm just saying oh my gosh anybody follow me oh look at that no no no no okay all right let me get out of here uh where are the wires on this i don't know this map that well okay uh little snowman so cute guys guys if this is another i love you meeting you guys what happened i don't know but he was saying that noi and pierce was following it oh oxygen room just to you know get us some oxygen i was nowhere near ian when he died i was an electrical i was all caught up in some wires and whatnot i was not i was like outside of the drop ship i was i was literally trying to look for some wires i can't find the wires i need to find the one i'm putting this out there i was buy weapons but i didn't see anything so i'm pretty serious of youtube i'm pretty sure youtube you don't need your hands to tell us [Applause] okay all right ian did say that pierce and we were acting weird so i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna take a chance all right right in front of my thumb right in front of my son all right i'm gonna take a chance oh no no no wait you're going for another okay you're going orange like the most untrustable yeah you're right oh my god no no i am so sorry i'm so sorry oh my god i'm sorry but you gotta go i feel so betrayed oh no oh oh no oh okay um hi this is your fault you voted for him sorry look at that you voted okay oh my god wow i said it and then no i said it and then you clicked i didn't click i wasn't done i was thinking of okay fine whatever you said it first it was like okay here i go i know something happened annoying that's okay oh why is question outside of there oh okay okay wise where's my first oh let's see um there we go there we go there we go there we go all right perfect perfect okay good good good all right so i'm gonna why is kawaii out there being all weird oh pierce no no no no no no no stay away from me oh stay away stay away no no no no no no no prime okay all right uh let's see what i can do and then oh watch why she's so weird where's she where's she just no no no no no no no i'm i'm running this way i'm going this way no no don't want to don't want to she went after me oh no she came back oh no okay all right oh oh okay we get it we love us we know jeez wait no i'm reporting a tip yeah exactly where is max i saw i i had mac and then she just died oh my god no so weird when you hit her in the back of the head with something huh yeah i know right no right in front i saw you over there don't you didn't know what i don't know what you're talking about i was just sitting there innocently staring off oh my god you were staring at me through the window while i was flipping the wires and pierced i saw you over by electrical and then all of a sudden she came out and then all of a sudden i saw quite connected but i did she was dead you were out of the area but you didn't see me huh i mean no i was kind of pretty focused on what i was doing she's trying to lie to you oh my god oh my god wow here's pierce pierce look at your son now look at me yeah look at myself look at me who doesn't have a son who's not responsible guess who guess who lost their son guess who lost their son yeah well look at my son look who's irresponsible now just trust me trust me we have two sons okay you you two vote i'll pick my third all right well obviously i'm going to vote for aphmau because she's a demarian over mack's body wow okay [Music] quiet chad i'm sorry i'm so sorry what yeah i'm pretty sure i presented you with a solid case yeah but alpha hugged me earlier and i kind of really needed that goodness weak oh god i hope i'm right i'm hoping right up over right [Music] my god oh my god see how about you scared me there it'll be like personal favors and things like i i thought i thought i really made a mistake there that was not so good i really just flipped a coin but being honest i didn't know both you're really suspicious [Music] oh okay oh okay all right all right i'm the imposter oh my god okay i don't have any tasks oh my god okay uh we come over here and okay okay what what oh my god there's something over here oh no the light i'm the first one over here i gotta fix them oh we gotta fix this oh no oh no okay uh let's see what happens okay who done it okay oh no you were just there this is why we don't pile on you please definitely here and you know what i think it's kawaii oh yeah yeah i'm i'm here for that because quite true it wasn't kill me last round very [Music] for the skills it means yeah definitely voting doesn't even have to think about it oh my god i'm trying i'm trying to save you i'm trying to okay all right you know what i'm i'm all right you know i'm i'm skipping i'm gonna skip i don't even know i didn't see anything i don't see anything i can't i you know what i still feel good about that because uh i wanted revenge anyway yeah karma i don't suspect the thing all right i actually got actually i'll do some other kill oh there's a ian over there oh okay okay i'm going to this room oh this room here let me see oh oh yes this yes yes oh my god i uh hey everyone oh um guess what there was something great i am so ashamed i am so ashamed i saw it mac ian was standing over noy's dead body in in an 02. no you were dancing over a dead body he was always dead trying to report it wow why didn't you report it why didn't you report it yeah yeah i went wide i was flabbergasted i was trying to do the thing uh and then you showed up out of nowhere i got scared thought you were going to kill me all of that it's uh i didn't do it 20 you too sorry i'm voting [Music] hi [Laughter] okay all right you know what i need to be smart this round i need to be smart and i need to make friends let's get oh that's perfect that's the perfect way to make a friend i just gotta find someone oh oh yeah yeah okay well you must have got a med scout i gotta come over here for my basket anyway all right so hey hey look look i'm good i'm good all right i'm gonna i'm gonna do a little dance do a little dance for you all right now watch this watch this look i'm gonna get my mid skin oh see see see i'm good i'm good that means that means i got my skin i'm all good and everything all right all right we good we good together okay good good good oh oh okay guys i didn't see anyone around him okay well well affirmative and i were together in the med lab we weren't doing tasks yeah we were doing it yeah uh it couldn't have been us i was swiping the cord for the thousands time and it didn't work but don't okay i want to talk about it i was hoping to confirm [Music] i didn't get to see everybody in the beginning so i don't know 100 so i'm gonna skip this time all right i'm yeah i'm gonna show some mercy okay gotta keep an eye on everybody make sure everything's good make sure everything's good over here um oh walking through here oh where are we going oh yeah we're good we're both good are you guys med scan i got my med scan so we're all cleaned up we're all checked out ooh what is this place over here oh this is so nice oh okay i gotta fix wires i'm gonna fix wire okay oh he's fixing wires too good good fix the wires here okay oh oh oh okay okay oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god kill that mouth i killed that though kill half mile right in front of my eyes uh-uh that's not true i saw kawaii-chan kill laugh now right in front of my eyes no no no no i have already done this and it was not me and i definitely know that i saw you killing her uh i was completely innocent last time i found the body come on we all right we know kwai chen's been bad before you i'm voting for her so quick to vote wow that's pretty suss at you that's pretty sus yeah if you wanted to kill me earlier she could have we were an admin together it's reasonable all right you know what you're out of here get out of here bye see you later oh yes oh come on not again see you later bye bye bye at least you got it right okay okay okay all right i got a strategy here i got a strategy this time look at everyone walking around with their kids oh my goodness they're so precious except for kauai chan i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure that because she don't have one she she she probably she probably the murderer all right let's take these little beans come on little beans let's go over here all right so hey i'm gonna use that there's a security camera area around here all right so if i come over here all right so i just gotta sit down and watch the screens oh look at this all right nothing going on over here ooh the moon okay cool oh what's happening what's happening over here wait did pierce just push the oh my god oh my god is that even allowed no no they left a child alone oh my god i gotta get out of here i gotta report this i gotta report this i gotta report this i gotta go i gotta report this i know so what happened i saw what happened okay okay we got we got we got okay pierce i saw what you did you push them right in the lava i know exactly what you did all right mac is there good max my alibi i'm running over here i'm gonna get this emergency mini button because i don't trust anyone anymore i saw what happened okay okay why are we here everybody all right uh everything's not all right everything is all right ladies and gentlemen i have i have some big evidence some big brain evidence to bring to you obviously we call it a merchant he is not late you know what he is all right he is he is dead always like and you know what you know let me tell you guys let me tell you guys why did you report the body i didn't report the body because i saw it over the cameras i was in the camera room i was in the camera room and you can't deny i saw you push him into the lava is that even legal is that even allowed i think that's not even possible i don't think you can actually do that can you yes yes i saw you do it i saw you push the little console button and he went right in the lava and i know i know what you did i saw you on the camera yeah and i'm pretty sure you can't do that okay follow me okay no no come here i have the biggest piece of evidence it's gonna make you cry it's gonna make you the sad okay okay he's so sad it's gonna make you feel sad follow me you should really pick him up what are you doing bud where are you here's chris how about you stand over here let's let's prove this right here here i'm a mama grab no grab son i'm pretty sure that ian was just a neglectful father it just uh walked off how about you stand right here how about you stand right there how about you stand right there i'm feeling fine i i feel like i don't really need to just just experiment i just want to try something you know just to see how this was you know what fine i'll prove to you you can't use this to kill anybody in the game see it's perfectly fine now i'm going to start walking off here and just finish oh bye see you later wow oh my god that was really cool [Laughter]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,773,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aphmau among us, aphmau minecraft among us, minecraft among us, among us, among us gameplay, among us game, among us imposter, minecraft funny moments, among us funny, among us memes, aphmau, minecraft, among us traitor, minecraft among us game, among us prank, minecraft prank, among us minecraft prank, trolling my friends in among us, minecraft pranks funny, aphmau minecraft prank
Id: 3rI37LZQUlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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