I'm Rank #1 in Roblox Squid Game

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okay let's do another squid game there's like a million of these next i've already won that one that was a little too easy i gotta say a bunch of dumb idiots in there [ __ ] drinking milk [ __ ] and diapers [ __ ] studying algebra what was the other one fish game fish game was apparently a popular one that's the one we just won oh here fish game day two what do what are we what are we doing right now hold shift oh what what is happening is this part of the the game like this is round one oh jesus christ i see i didn't know that there was a sprint in this game because you can't sprint in here that's a pretty cool port of [ __ ] skin i like that very nice i'm out i'm literally leading the pack i am disgusting okay nevermind there's clearly some speed run routes i don't know about i'm coming in hot still though oh my god wait that guy's that guy's so good he's made some crazy parkour oh my god they're still going oh i see yeah [ __ ] it [Applause] that's gonna cost me some time [Applause] oh you have to [Music] [Applause] [Music] how do you climb up here okay i'm nuts what [Music] we've already won one of them oh my god it's jim wool again shut it down we got a [ __ ] criminal in here oh wait this is different oh it was a massacre gee oh my oh oh god jesus christ [Music] oh my god the whole lobby got oh i'm getting [ __ ] that's pretty intense how did we how did that guy not get shot damn this lobby's getting annihilated he is oh there's two cheaters oh i see now easy oh she blew it oh no you can do it come on kid she's so close oh no oh no that was gonna be so big for her wait is that it you only play one game one game equals one win and it rotates just jump through this this seems easy how do you even fail this oh i just figured it out oh there it is i see oh i went for the risky one and got it oh god oh god huge play again that's what i'm known for baby those big plays i'm stuck oh close close close there's gonna be another one coming in almost immediately there it is yup i've mastered it oh god there's three huge reflexes that's what makes me an adult who all we got in here oh we got a [ __ ] tight group what the [ __ ] just happened did i win make your way to the first game okay i'll do my best you've got it eva tone yep it's just you now buddy oh he's a hacker oh that was fun i guess let's [ __ ] run today we will be playing red light this one seems very easy [Music] never mind she's going nuts oh oh my god oh god they're everywhere [Music] too easy i'm just gonna wait i want a buzzer beater no they shot the [ __ ] food truck come on thick meat you [ __ ] got it kid it's linus tech tips no no god thick meat and linus boy oh he was so close no not that face it's jim wool oh this is a [ __ ] boogie man just get away from jim wool at all costs yeah yeah yeah i [ __ ] blasted him this is my territory don't do it stephanie oh god it's jimmy oh god all right thank god oh oh oh god i'm getting double-teamed jim help oh god oh god don't do it wait how did i lose that good luck jim i'm on your side let's go jim oh god they executed chloe you got it jim oh no they're everywhere and you got the umbrella jesus christ come on jim no god no jim i'm leading the pack wait what what just happened what what is jesus holy [ __ ] okay i'm good i don't know what happened there but that was terrifying i'm just gonna play it real safe oh i almost almost didn't make it oh god no aaron you you had made it ah everyone's doing so well excellent work the entire class is doing one oh god it's thick meat again this guy had a real rough go of it last time oh no he didn't move he didn't move at all no thick meat linus he actually didn't move come on cool boy you're doing great give up the hustle cool boy congrats oh oh here we go i really want to see how this uh honeycomb one works well i got it's cookies here i guess okay this one's for jim okay we're looking good we're looking real good that was the tricky part staying in the lines what what is happening i'm staying in the lines what is going on what happened what i don't understand i don't get it what did i do wrong [Music] you ran out of time oh i didn't even notice the timer ah one of these lobbies another pretty epic prank [Music] all right well that's probably enough roblox for the night then
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,567,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tNXDceetsiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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