Online Weekend Retreat with Mooji 22 - 24 January 2021
(with subtitles) I'm Giving You a Big Secret -
Don't Fight the Mind! 22 January 2021 Satsang Excerpt [Mooji reads] 'Dear Mooji, Oftentimes, I'm in my office and I'm really overloaded with work.' Yes, many people are like this. 'This is when the stress and mind come, and I am lost. How can I overcome this, Mooji? It seems like I have a strong identity, that my mind needs to be quiet, so then I can be peaceful. With infinite love and gratitude,
Marek' Don't wait for your mind to be quiet. As you are made aware
of your natural state of being, by not getting entangled in the mind stuff, stay like I'm doing now. And I'm going to do it with you. Right now, even as I'm speaking, there's nothing you have to do. This is the wonderfulness of consciousness. Whatever resonates, resonates. Understanding is taking place naturally. You're simply here. Pay attention to notice just the sense of being. It's no big deal. I'm not telling you to do something complex. You are already the state of being. It's not going to come in from somewhere. It is already here. The reason why we doubt it
is because much of the time we give our energy
to paying attention to the mind. And it is as though
the mind sucks all your energy and pulls you into personal identity, and sends you on all these journeys
to do this and to do that. So now, as you're here with me, when I say, Stay as you are, don't touch any mind stuff, any intention, even the intention to wake up to the Self. Just remain empty for the moment, like that. You can hear my voice. Don't even try to become 'being'. It is already. Simply, you are here. And when you allow yourself to not get entangled with the mind stuff, don't log into its energy, then everything nicely begins to slow down,
by itself! By itself. You are noticing just the space of being. And it is so natural! Because it is so natural, you don't give it any importance. Because it is so effortlessly natural. The mind is trying to make you
into some spiritual doer, 'Oh, you have to do this and stop doing this, and get rid of this, and become this',
and all these things. You don't. Just pay attention to your natural being. You can do it now. It is just here. And even if some thoughts come and say, 'But that cannot be anything!
I've done this before, nothing happens ...' Let the chatter go on, but don't engage with it. The more you practise this, which is to let the mind chatter,
but don't give the attention to it ... Just stay empty of that. In the beginning,
it might feel like there's a reflex to engage with the mind. But gradually,
you get better at staying out of it. Don't get into any street fight with your mind, or accept any of its promises. Just stay as you are, empty,
for a moment. Don't touch any thought or any intention. Please remember this that I'm telling you. Don't pick up any thought to do something, or to change anything, or any wishes,
'Oh, I wish ...' Don't do any of this. Just stay like this. Just be one with the natural sense of being. And if you don't go with the mind ... This is radical, by the way.
It seems even revolutionary! Revolutionarily simple. You're staying as you are. And you see all the energies that were like dust particles
in the space of the mind begin to just settle down in your noticing. You are not settling them down. You are already settled. And all the noise of the mind is slowing down inside the beingness itself. This is very natural. Very natural. Then what? Then nothing. You're simply here. You can watch, a thought may pop in, 'Oh, it's time to go and do this'. But you notice, it's just a thought. It is just a thought. The more you pay attention to the natural and simple quality of being, the more your discerning ability
becomes sharpened. These are simple things. And it bears fruit immediately. This peace of being remains with you. Sometimes you feel like you're caught off guard, and suddenly
there's this mind storm and identity. Again, stay just as you are, again. And as many times
as the mind might appear to be attacking, an equal number of times
just come back to this place I'm pointing to. Simply come and stay here. It may seem to be overly simplistic advice, but it works every time! What you are doing may not feel like much, or it might feel too difficult, also. But what is happening, is that you are allowing yourself to recognise and be conscious of your Being. This is true self-consciousness,
it's being Self-aware. And that is your fundamental power,
being Self-aware! Don't think you have to go and study lots of books and put a lot of concepts in your mind. That just feeds into the mind, very often. Follow this simple advice. Why follow this simple advice? Because it's not difficult for you to change the quality of the mind-consciousness simply by abiding like this. And you will see, the more you do this, the more established you become
inside the heart energy. And from here you will see that life, your outlook and your energy vibration change and become much more soft, more spontaneous, light, open, fearless. Please follow this! For years, and years, and years
I am sharing these things, and it is just as fresh today. Stay with it. If you listen and you follow, tomorrow you can show me
the fruits of your understanding. This is how effective it is. And I stand by what I'm sharing with you. I'm not telling you,
I hope to see you in six months, then you can show me your progress. No. Tomorrow you can show me your progress! This is how confident I am about it, and how much I know the truth of who you are, beyond the superficial,
personal, changeful appearances. This is the fundamental nature of consciousness. OK? So, thank you. [Mooji] Sometimes you may have heard me say ... When we can be together like this and impart simple pointers
that are grasped inside the heart, you may have heard me say, You are the seeds of awakening
in a sleeping world. But these seeds must become mighty trees. This happens very, very naturally. When the seed is in a good place, when it has water and light, everything is automatic. Your growth in understanding
is largely automatic. It is not to do with
how much mind power you put to things. Therefore, I've not asked you
to learn to visualise or imagine anything. It is not needed. Clear, sober understanding, and applied pointings
are already fruitful and potent. Stay with this
and it will stay with you. Copyright © 2021 Mooji Media Ltd.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this recording may be reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.