Iona Locke - Praise Ye The Lord (Full Version)

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father in the name of the lord jesus christ we call on the greatest power in the universe we call on the greatest teacher in the universe we ask for the anointing of the holy spirit give us bread from heaven that we may eat thereof and live you and you only know what we have need of at this self-same hour father we move out of the way father we step back out of the way father we humble ourselves we humble ourselves before you father blot out every transgression we want a clear word we want an on-time word we want drama father we want logos to come alive you daddy i said of yourself i am the living brain we can eat of you and live and live and live for an eternity we ask right now in this room in this place in our hearts in our eyes in our ears in our spirit because your word is spirit and it is life we pray your anointing right now we love you with all of our heart somebody that loves him like i love him come on let's just say lord i love you i want to say lord i love you will you put your hands on your ear and say yes lord will you put your hands on your eyes and say yes lord will you put your hands over your heart and just say yes lord will you just tell god touch me in my spirit and say yes lord can you repeat after me and say you are my god you are my king you are the master of everything and that's the reason i sing to you somebody say hallelujah say hallelujah say hallelujah say hallelujah god is almighty god before you sit down i'm just going to ask you sister vicky was singing a song of worship and i'm just going to ask you i know how many made worship earlier today you just made worship amen i'm just going to ask you just a phrase it's a song that we sing at home and they sing it across the body of christ and i'm not a singer i sing at i'm a congregant i sing congregational so i'm going to ask you those of you that know it it just goes like this you are my god [Music] you are my king you are the master my everything [Music] you are the reason that i sing to you [Music] [Music] now before the music plays are my god you are my king you are my king you are the master you are the master [Music] you're right hallelujah [Music] you got it now throw your hands up and we want to sing it together to the lord you got it you got it come on you are my god [Music] my everything [Music] harley [Music] oh [Music] come on come on sing it to him you are [Music] to you [Music] come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are my god you're my king [Music] you're the master of everything it's the only reason i have a song it's the only reason i have the ability even to say hallelujah i'm amazed at you i glory in you hallelujah tell somebody that's my god that's my god the one that rules everything but one that controls everything look at somebody that's that's that's that's my goal tell somebody that's the reason i sing and sing harley [Music] how many worshipers we got here one more time saying you are you are [Music] you are my king you're the master [Music] i see you come on tell him tell him tell me [Music] praises to his name oh come on come on come on did you open your mouth and tell him how to do it can you give it to it can you give it to it come under the old shot come on just because he's king give him some more praise because he's healing giving your voice because his way make a give him some more praise if he's your savior give him some more praise if he's coming back for you give him some more praise if he's the end i am come on give him some more practice if he is alive if he's the first in the last give him some more praise he'd be the soon coming king give him some more praise if he is the lamb that was slain give him some more break somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] give him some friends oh you gotta give it up his king you gotta give it up he's big and he's king of pigs you gotta give it up hallelujah hallelujah to the presence of the lord god to your hope we may take your seats we thank god for him being god and we thank him for having all control and all authority it's an honor and a privilege to be here before the king the king of kings we give honor to your executive prelay we thank god for this man of god who god is using in this end time church age thank god that god has raised him up and is using him in a mighty awesome way we give honor to he and his wife the mortons i thank god for them how about you how many you like good leadership how many you can give god praise for good leadership huh [Music] and we give honor to the ecclesia which is your executive board of offices we thank god for them your first and your second presiding officers we thank god also for your bishop uh of the great state of michigan we thank god for him we thank god for him and we appreciate also again our friend sister vicki winans and we thank god for pastor whinings being here on today we had a good trip down together we had a chance to share and listen to all of the blessings of the lord and all we did was just talk about the miraculous moving power of god and he's doing great things reach over and tell somebody and say you know he really is he's he's doing great things he's doing great things we thank god for the spirit of jesus christ in this place we we beg to not be before you very long we're we have a word from the lord the lord has spoken to our hearts and we just want to be a faithful steward and deliver that and uh move expeditiously out of your agenda but i'm going to ask you if you will turn with us just for a few moments i want you to see something here if you will go we have several passages so i'm just going to narrow it down go to the book of jude and psalm can you do that uh jude and psalms we thank god for uh some of the abyssinians that are here with us on tonight and we have a wonderful tape table that's been afforded to us by this very fine executive board and we ask you to please stop by the tape table there are some wonderful things there that can minister to you and to others that you just feel like they might need a word from the lord a word from the lord and sometimes when people have heard enough from you sometime a tape would do it for you just a videotape so just stop by the tape table i'm going to ask you to look at jude and go to psalms 150. something very simplistic but something that is in the catalyst of god psalm 150 and jude when you have it say amen let's read jude first shall we and when you get to jude i i would i'm asking to ask you just to read 3 and 4 and 24 and 25 verse 3 and 4 and verse 24 and 25 you got it come on verse 3 and 4 from our elder brother shall we beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation can we read together it was needful for me to write unto you and to exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints verse four together for there are certain men crept in on a wedge who were before of old ordained somebody say ordained ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness and denying the only lord god and our lord jesus christ can we say amen i'm going to ask you if you look at just a little about these false teachers when you look at verse 5 just peruse it very quickly it'll talk to you just about their nature how you can really know the characteristics of a false prophet or a false teacher when you look at it you'll see that in verse number 11 and 12 that they're really not concerned about your soul as much as their own personal enterprise uh move quickly with us to verse 24 and 25 now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you thoughtless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy somebody say exceeding joy look at somebody say god is happy about doing good things in me verse 25 the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and ever somebody say amen say amen again now let's backtrack and uh just remember that text and let's go to psalms and go to psalms 150 and we have been together in service a lot and we have quoted this song uh as praise leaders can we say it together praise ye the lord praise god in his sanctuary praise him in the finance of his power praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with the sultry and heart sounding symbols let everything that have breath praise the lord praise ye the lord can we say man now i'm going to ask you to stand this time and put your bible in your seat and stand now look at somebody next to you just put it down and just quote after me tell them praise ye the lord praise god in his sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with a salt tree and heart praise him with the timbre and dance praise him with the string instruments and organs praise him upon the loud symbols praise him upon the high sounding symbols look at them real good and say let everything not have breath praise the lord look at him and say you praise the lord tell him again you you you praise him you praise him somebody shall hallelujah [Applause] because they said holiness was here and most times when holiness is there holy ghost is there reach around and ask somebody do you have the holy spirit if you got the holy spirit you can show not praising look around again give him some praise [Applause] come on come on here oh no no no no no come on give him some praise [Applause] this is the topic of the message look at them and say praise ye the lord now you got to stop there because it's emphasis on it look at him again and say praise ye the lord nobody else nothing else look at them again and say no no no get out to nobody else praise ye the lord not your mother father sister brother look look at him again one more time come on come on praise ye the lord [Applause] no no no no that's not about you your organization come on look at them again to say praise ye the lord look at oh my goodness yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah tell him you praise him if you praise him it'll help me if you praise him correctly it'll help me if you praise you've been a blessing you praise the lord look at him again and say you you you you ma'am you sister don't let them ignore you say you baby you praise the lord put your hands together give god praise give him the praise [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah while you're taking your seats while you're taking your seats and hallelujah sisters brothers i'm on a time check so i got to move very quickly sisters and brothers i want you to hear something that the lord woke me up and talked to me very earnestly and sincere about the word of the lord came and after it came of course you know the lord to take you in a whole lot of study and um to make sure that he validates what his message is clear first of all you are the beloved you are the beloved of the lord you need to tell somebody you are greatly loved by god you and you you are the beloved you are the beloved you are the beloved you are the beloved you are the beloved of god so i address you the way the lord has addressed you to me you are the beloved you are the chosen generation and sometimes people forget who they are and when you forget who you are you can be easily manipulated you can be easily compromised so when you just quote the scripture to them say you are the chosen generation a royal priest did you know you're a holy nation yeah you are peculiar now i know oftentimes in times past we have literally taken that word and abused it but that word peculiar just signifies that you belong to god you're god's own you are a peculiar people that should show forth should show forth should show forth the praises of your god or him or his marvelous light or his marvelous works that he has done in your life in times past you have been picked out selected and chosen to produce that just that you praise the lord praise ye you you praise him you praise him don't tell everybody else you praise him you praise him sisters and brothers when i heard the voice of the lord it took me through several incidents and passages that the lord wants to share with us on tonight so i share with you god's word and i pray god that you will indicatively uh lay there in your spirit so that you'll have an opportunity to regurgitate it when you have meet up you're going to need it real real soon reach around and tell them we're getting now you get you got to do this praising you you praise ye the lord when god speaks to you about who you are to him in relationship of who you are to him he talks to you about you being his beloved in other words you are dearly you are a dearly well beloved individual you are a dearly beloved corporate body of believers when we deal with this kind of a definition it talks of it in its greek context which is also called philia now filio talks about a moral more social sense of love but it also has derivative definitions the derivative definition is the one where we want to talk with you about tonight uh it talks about it as god making up his mind in his will by persona and duty to love you in spite of you you see uh agape looks beyond your faults and sees what you are and still loves you filio with its derivative makes up in god's mind a duty to love you in other words he covenants to love you he makes himself willed to love you he wills to love you regardless to what people say think do or perceive concerning you god considers it it's my duty to love him i i just got to i've made up my mind to love him he stands in a very kind of relationship where it is chiefly formulated not by the heart content which is filial which moves from the emotions of the heart i love you because it's reciprocal you love me back you love me back so i love you but not in this derivative this definition of the the other part of filio says in it's a head love more than uh emotional love that uh if you don't do something then i won't love you know this is a head love i thought the thing through and decided i'm still going to love you you know i looked at you waited saw behind the screen moved the facade of who you are and still decided to love you somebody ought to tell god i want to thank you for that sisters and brothers in that we mark your hearts with the word of god say beloved of god you are dearly and beloved of god talk to yourself and say i am his beloved i'm the beloved i am the beloved of the lord now when we talk about what god has for us on tonight it deals with the issue of praise it deals with the issue of uh praising and magnifying god and oftentimes we move simultaneously from praise to worship and from worship to praise and sometimes it moves in such a thin line to you can clearly do have a clear demarcation of what praise uh begins and where praise ends and where worship begins and where worship ends but i want to share something with you um when you look at the act of acknowledging god and that's what praise is it's i acknowledge what he has done and i am going to award his virtuous deeds and his acts and when i weigh and acknowledge what he has done i end up praising him because i've evaluated that no one else could have done what he has done and in praising him it becomes my highest adoration to him because i can't pay him i i can't buy him something i he owns everything i i i i can't run around and get him a coat or a dress or a pair of slacks or some shoe there's no gift that i can give him praise is the highest excalation you can give for virtue for virtue and deeds that are recognized and done when people stop praising and magnifying god it's because they have stopped recognizing taking inventory looking at the virtue and the deeds that god has accomplished in their life in this normal everyday rat race oftentimes we are going so quickly and the time is moving so quickly before us until the enemy makes us so rush rush until we do not sit down effectively and praise and magnify god that's one thing that i really enjoyed about the old church the old church took their time to worship and to praise god now you might have been there for five hours just in praise and worship but they took their time to investigate his virtuous deeds and then lay accolades and adoration and apply thanksgiving unto everything that the lord has done they didn't sing a lot of different kinds of songs sometimes and praise and worship they just say look what the lord has done and they might sing that for a good 20 25 minutes until you have an opportunity to investigate and soak the words in and begin to take introspect but time you pulled out all of the things that god had done you were in an emotional frenzy you were in a shout your feet were dancing your hands were clapping nobody was begging you is there another testimony is there another praise is because you had a chance to allow the song to settle the fact that he deserves my adoration sisters and brothers when we examine praise oftentimes the bible warns us about praise to man only because it has a tendency to turn man's heart away if it is not done beneficially in an effective way and if the one you are praising does not have a level head praise has a tendency to bring spiritual imbalance or uh ego traumas it and and there is a word that happens to cause implosion uh if we do not praise the individual correctly so the word of god tells us in 27 and verse number 21 in proverbs that we are to be careful when we're praising one another because it could end up being a snare it says like this as a fining part of silver or as a furnace of gold so is a man with his praise a man wheeled treasure a fine gold or silver vessel sometimes people hold too long onto praises and accolades that have been given to them and that causes their head and their egos and their emotions to swell and they think more highly of themselves than they ought to and then what god sees happening is a process that science calls implosion implosion is a scientific term along with us explosion uh you don't see them exploding outwardly but you see an emotional spiritual collapse on the inside what praise does to an individual who does not have word knowledge correctly about how to fear god and make sure that you give god all the glory and what it does is it spoils them and causes them to explode from the inside now the word implosion also happens in astronomy in astronomy and scientology what you see there in the implosion in the heavens is what we would use as a dark hole when a star is dying a nova or a supernova when a star has been brilliant for years shining for years and you don't know where the star went you you've been looking at it and you just don't see it anymore some people in ministry and some people who are on the singing field and some people who are missionaries have received self-praise and took it as fine gold and silver and forgot to offer that thing back to god and say if it had not been for god who was on my side and what we have seen is a nova a star that was rising going into a scientific implosion they are creating an inward vacuum they suck in praise like some egotistical self-centered self-centric individual as if they needed to survive they need it sometimes we get praise junkies you know people who can't make it until you are patting them on the back they won't come out to you padam they won't stay in it until you pat them and they won't hang around to your pattern scissors and brothers it causes a spiritual implosion psychological analysts say when a person is imploding or in the process of implosion one of the writers say there which is a scholar in his own field of science by the name of lebanon says this about implosion when a person is imploding they become fearful fearful of losing fearful of being behind the scenes they fear others getting praise or they fear that someone else is going to walk away with the cap and the ball and the game they feel like somebody else is going to be set high on the shelf and they're going to into demotion and people don't see them on the front line so something that's going on wrong no no what the scientists will do which is in the science of psychology they take the person who is imploding and set them in the midst of their fear and they cannot deny that they have the fear because to deny you have the fear of being wanting to be seen or known or have a great name or being some important somebody they make you deal with your fears to reverse the implode sisters and brothers most of the times we hide them by still covering them and laying them with accolades and praise when you layer a believer with false praise or false idealisms that they are this wonderful person that they cannot do without i can't do without you you are my right hand my left hand you're my eyes my feet my heart sweetheart you are lying and the truth is not in you the only one we cannot do without is god he said i will not i shall not i cannot share my glory with anybody reach up and tell somebody it's going to be all right you praise it you praise him sisters and brothers in that particular concept then god talked to me after implosion about another particular term in which the bible talks to us about men who creep in to systems unaware that's an implosion system now when you look at something as fine as this beloved group of gathering this august body of believers in this 21st century the spirit of the holy ghost began to wake me and shake me and say i'm disturbed i said about what he start naming definitions of implosions and praise and men ordained unto corruption who are creeping in by the side door sisters and brothers i want you to know now you know i'm not here so i i haven't talked to bishop or sister or any of your uh other prelay or your executive order i i'm just honored to be here in the name of the lord jesus i come under only one auspices and that is the auspices of the holy spirit i am god ambassador i want you to understand something about your god now there are certain men who have crept in by the side door now the bible declares and god said they are ordained of old to this damnable corruption what their desire is is because they have been ordained of years gone by years it has been eons and eons that this preparation and this time was coming you are not on the scene in this great august number of believers just because one day our bishop had a vision and just stepped out no this vision was before the foundation of the lord this thing was seated in him before he knew and understood fully the vision sisters and brothers like he was ordained before before the foundation of the world we move into the process of the year of the lord and this is what makes it crucial when you hear of the year of the lord or the killer of god it means that there's a time span in which god is about to do something it doesn't mean 365 days it is not a solar year a calendar year when it talks about the day of the lord or the year of the lord or the time of god it is not chronos where we are indicatively looking at particular points in the schedule it is a mass of time it's a massive days of months and years which is halo and for the time span it is called kerose it is an unbelievable moving of god without deceptiveness where there is a distinction of after this year it's over no the year of the lord spans until god says it's over you understand so when god said this is the year and the time of the beloved of god but there have been some who have crept in crept in by the side door i didn't call them there i didn't send them there they came because they were ordained from the pits of hell to get on the inside and cause implosion sisters and brothers it is not that we fear what comes to us visibly it's that secret hidden thing that we don't know that has crept in see if we knew he was coming we would have watched for him now if we knew what he looked like we would have pointed him out if we knew what she was wearing we would have told you the color but these men have been ordained of old ordained to this damnable erroneous heresy what they do is their job is to subvert the tentacles of the faith the tentacles of the faith are very important faith is one thing that we believe so that we can receive it is not for we could receive a car or houses or lands or those are things the bible says if you would just first seek thee the kingdom of the lord all these things would be added but most of the times we seek the things and not the god of the faith so we have a subverting of what the faith is there is faith and then the faith of our faith is the death burial and resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ come on y'all got to go with me quick i i know the lord said some things but he got to show me how to preach fast now listen here i want you to understand something they have crept in the holy spirit said god woke me up heavy weeping and crying now how many you've ever had god cry it's not a pretty sound it's a weeping that gets in your spirit and you ain't sad it's a cry you're not depressed you're happy but god gets in your spirit and begins to weep he says they have crept in they crept in they crept in unaware now the thing of their facade is they look like us they dress like us they preach like us but they are not of us they won't continue with us but they won't continue with us after they have damnably brought in erroneousness of the tentacles of the faith their job from hell is to subvert the faith to cause you to believe a lie to walk away from the truth and the gospel of this scripture to turn your back on the principles of this faith and cause you to believe something else that's not even written there not a great big mistake majesty in the prelays of heaven i declare unto you it's a subtle evil it's a creeping it's a moving with slickness it's a getting up under you it is a convincing of you that they are holy but they are not holy they have been assigned from hell to subvert this thing when you look up it will already have been done but i've been sent here to say the devil is alive it won't happen hallelujah their job is to make sure that they wear their disguise well their hearts are really not with you brother they're not with you they can't be with you their father is from somewhere else now those that are born of god and have the seed of god in them they don't sin because the seed of god is in them and god has no sin in him if you say god has darkness you are none of his because there is no darkness in him now sisters and brothers what they do is make an excuse in grace well i'm just human well god knows my heart wow he knows i'm just ordinary man damn the believer the bible says sin not be ye holy as god he is holy sisters and brothers you can't change that that's the subverting of the faith this faith believes in jesus as lord this faith believes that he died and he rose again this bible declares that he alone is a healer this bible declares that sickness is of the devil out of the pits out of the belly of hell this bible declares devout sinner you will not see him you can't go to heaven with your sin on you gotta pull it all off baby pull it all off because if holiness without witch no man woman boy or girl shall see the lord shall hallelujah shout out glory sisters and brothers so the lord went on to say ah we do our arms in public as the pharisees he said no no don't blow the trumpet when you bring in your arms and do things because you have your reward already these are other tentacles of the faith then he turns around whatever you do in secret the lord your god will reward you openly for it he said the heart of the servant of god is that man or woman who is his highest joy is to give god praise and honor that's matthew 6 and verses one through five about our arms psalms 150 and two declares that you and i ought to praise him for his mighty acts and then praise him for his excellent greatness there are many forms by which we the 1997 church in our modern era in this christian decade listen beloved of god there are many forms by which we praise god our hands our dance our music our shouting our hymns our prayers are stretched out before the lord but sisters and brothers there is no way that we were able to put on all of that holy regalia except god order it now in the old covenant when the saints praised god when you get in the book of genesis they did not praise god with ephod and ah with uh yiram anthuman they did not praise god that way when you get to genesis chapter one and also going all the way up to genesis chapter 12 you see moses are coming on the scene but then right there you see someone making a covenant by the name of abraham at that time his name was now he becomes abraham when he understands covenant principles says that brothers hear and hear distinctly did he have an ephod no did he have a mighty no was there a ram or a red heifer no he built an altar and called on his name and god looked at it as worship he would stop in hell and build an altar get there and go to calling on the name he called him a name for everything that he did and that was worship jehovah rapha there was no e4 there was no mitre but he was worshiping calling on the eternal absolute name of god in the old covenant worship as we know it with foreign came after god delivered a nation of people from slavery once the slaves were loosed god talked to moses and put in the form of format for worship since we have formats we cannot just run to our houses and just build an altar where we want to and call on the name and consider that worship accept me the way i am because this is my worship no there is a form and a format by which these slaves have to be recognized as worshipers of god in this format came all this other stuff like lavers and brass and altars and mercy seats and boxes overlaid with gold that got stuff in it that won't rush sisters and brothers are thinking the table of showbread candlesticks veils colors like blues and scarlets and this is and brothers this game gold and silver sockets then there came certain kinds of fragrances and incenses that had to be burned and altars of incense and prayer without ceasing and lights that cannot go out then came the format for worship but before genesis chapter 12 you just grabbed onto god and said i just want to love on you i just want to thank you for being who you are to me but god put some order and some defined specifications on how you get to me you're not going to take your own slave mentality and just reach out in touch no no this is not a tnt or marbella this is the high holy awesome god and if you're going to get to him now you're going to follow the format and the formula on how to get to god reach over and tell somebody you praise him sisters and brothers please recognize here the rituals were delivered to moses moses delivered the rituals to aaron and eliasa and to his sons and after that point then we see law we see ordinances we see precepts laid its line upon line line upon line you cannot allow yourself to just worship god the way you want to give me the specified praise if you give it to me the way i specified it then you'll get that specified return now sisters and brothers after they had worshipped god oh wow watch it you'll see here in the book of deuteronomy which is the deuteros of god where god repeats over and over again remember the lord don't you walk away from me from chapter 4 under chapter 15 god over and over the class don't you ever forget who it was that brought you out don't you forget who it was that brought you through don't forget who your healer is your supply your waymaker watch it you're getting ready to inherit promise but you have to remember god or you will lose it all you're looking chapter four he cries out take unto yourselves good heed verse 15 verse 23 take heed to yourselves verse 26 i call heaven and earth and the witness take heed to yourself verse 31 verse 33 you move on to chapter number five likewise he says four fight and six and six and said hero real the lord our god is one god thou shalt love him now he goes on and on chapter number seven verse one two three he said remember the lord thou shalt make no covenant with any kind of foul beast any mouth any animals any heathen chapter number seven he declares thou shalt be blessed above all people if you remember the lord chapter number eight verse number two and thou shalt remember all the ways which the lord not god you've got to remember chapter number eight verse number 19 verse number 11 beware and don't you forget god verse number eight verse number 17 remember do not forget or i will not establish you chapter number nine verse number seven remember hallelujah and it goes on and on and on sisters and brothers why you think we caught in the mess we in because we don't forgot who it is we are praising we're praising everything and everybody but we're not praising the one that needs to be praised he said here i'll give you some peace so you can remember exodus 23 16 the feast of pentecost living against 23 5-8 the feast of passover lebanese 23 34 44 the feast of tabernacles number 28 16 the feast of weeks 29 and won the feast of trumpets leviticus 23 2 and 3 the feast of sabbaths 23 and 27 the day of atonement so you can remember who brought you out you thinking this one and that one you better thank god because if it had not been forgotten hallelujah you would have been swallowed out touch somebody and say he brought me out sisters and brothers i want you to understand something then god said look at this they forgot i'm the red heifer they forgot i am the redeemer you haven't done everything but you forgot there's a helper in town a heifer that died for you i haven't burned outside of the gate for your separation a helper for your cleansing all of this format was in order so you will remember about the great plan of salvation new testament worship no it's quite different from that in the old testament you had to remember the landmarks and the markings so that you would never overlap and lose the absolute inheritance that god gave you but something happened to the worshiper somebody crept in and told them let's go visit the canaanites hallelujah when the bible said when they explored canaanitis worship they changed the worship of god watch it now they changed the formats they changed the boundaries they changed the outline and decided to do it the canaanite way they danced like canaanites sang like canaanites played instruments like canaanites they clapped their hands like canaanites they twirled and jostled their bodies swung their torsos like canaanites and god said then they moved into the spirit of idolatry they start looking at god through strange eyes as beasts and as foul as things that creatures something they can handle with their sin in them watch it now they started the implosion because they allowed someone to tell them let's go visit the canaanites the bible told them don't take their worship don't take their praise don't take their daughters don't take their sons don't sing their music don't dance their dance don't clock don't dress don't even act like a lot because the day that you do is the day i put you out hallelujah somebody say help lord say hell lord put your hands together and give god praise yes sir i'm just about there and y'all forgive me for talking fast but sisters just trying to be obedient but sisters and brothers this is where god began to weep and said listen we're just starting this and there was an implosion across the body of christ i said god i don't understand he said listen very carefully there's a weird music kind of a weird dance going across the body of christ i said i don't know what you're talking about he said yeah you did i said i don't i don't understand he said listen there after that then i start getting signals from different ones saying wow you know we went over here and uh uh the pastor and the leaders were dancing whirly dances i said no no no no no no no you don't you don't want to ah they said no no no they was doing the butterfly and and they were doing it to gospel music i said no no no we don't mix clean with unclean we we don't mix holiday but unholy then uh dj from washington dc stopped and said listen now i'm having problems here uh we can't play some gospel music and so what do you mean by that can you help us with this because the music is uh the track of the funkadelics and um uh they're playing and saying certain kinds of funkadelic lines and the beach is uh heavy they speak from the unsaved group the funkadelic wait wait wait now give me the track what you talking about i will give you the track and the video now sisters and brothers want you to hear something where we are the generation that passes on to our teenage generation behind us now the bible says that we are not to move the landmarks and whatever god has set down as a boundary and a limit and a precedence then we can not move our inheritance now the only thing we have as an inheritance is god almighty we're not rich and we're not famous or important but what makes us stand above the rest is that god happened to have chosen us to be his royal priesthood and his holy nations sisters and not brothers here all beloved of the 21st century church what will we hand to our teenagers if we are doing worldly dance in the church now i i i i i have to say what god said because i heard one pastor say well uh there's no other way to get the young people if we don't uh do worldly dance now i heard this bible declare and now this is infallible and then in the book of hebrews the pauline writer declares that he is immutable uh in him is no shadow of turning now if what he says in his books that says he's the same yesterday today and forever we are creating an implosion we will shine only for a season but our stars are going into supernova you'll only last for a little while because there is an inheritance that has been handed to us and we cannot move the boundary i don't care who it is what will we hand our teenagers when we hand them a weak sloppy a church without tentacles and teeth a church that cannot heal a church that is weak that is dwarfed that is mutated because we were not strong enough to hear the gospel when it says if i be lifted up i'll draw all men unto me will we use the world system where the bible said woe unto them that go down into egypt oh no no we have never needed the world to do nothing for us he never asked the world to lift him up he chose a nation he chose our people he chose our people and put himself in them christ is not weak he's not sniveling he's not a coward he's not coward and jelly back he is awesome and almighty he is absolute god he is the ubiquitous god he is the eternal god and he's not weak yesterday and he's not weak today and he'll not be weak tomorrow jesus christ is the same what are we handing our children we are handing them unsaved people singing the gospel it's all right if you're singing the devil is a lie the bible said let the red thing those that have been redeemed out of the blood of the land everybody can't sing our history everybody can't sing our song the bible said when they were captured going down into canaan they required of them a song they said no no no we can't see the lord's soul in a strange land holiness without which no man shall see the lord shall hallelujah [Music] [Applause] now listen the bible declares to us make a difference between clean there's a line that says clean unclean black white holy i'm holy when you mix the two it's called profane you cannot mix wholly with profane [Applause] you can't un hand the unsaved person to mike and tell him sing about god how you don't know in this bible say if you love me you will keep my commandments just because you call them save the bible said you shall know them by the fruit that they have this bible said we're making excuses where god cut a line he cut a line we're having the weak tentacles in the face you can't dance unless you're doing a holy dance the butterfly is unholy it's an unholy dance given in a holy place and we feel like because we say jesus it makes it the gospel the devil is alive certain men are crept in unaware and because you are proven and if i approve it the teenagers open their heart because they say they approved it so it must be all right you can't approve what god has disapproved [Applause] we got our own dance we got our own song we got our own music and sometimes musicians think you don't know the chord [Applause] they play unholy music in a holy [Applause] sanctuary the bible says there is a formula a outline that is approved and called in worship i said well god i don't want to bishop you have to give me the privilege to go forward i'm out of time okay sisters sisters and drivers because because you you just say well this is this is gospel because i said jesus the lord woke me up and said iona just because you put jesus in the phrase doesn't make a gospel [Applause] the gospel is an anointed story authored by the spirit of the holy ghost we are worshiping god now with our heads we're worshiping god with our intellect and god is upset because it's destroying the tentacles of the faith we are becoming so engrafted into the world until you cannot tell christianity from christianity [Applause] everybody's a christian but not everybody is christian sisters and brothers there's an explicit difference because this is a high moral integrity of discipline if it wasn't we wouldn't have such a tough time doing it but it's because of jesus christ that's in us we keep making advances day by day if we let everything go so she can have sex and this one can keep going in the choir and this one can have this brother's wife and still be a deacon and this one can direct the choir and he's straight homosexuality this one this one can sing because of their talents and she's a lesbian you know it i know it we all know it but nothing's done what are we handing the next generation the bible said content for the faith that was watched delivered this is not what jesus gave us we have to correct people even when they're big tithers when they bring in big offerings even when they're talented even when they have 52 gifts so what when you correct them you save their soul and you deliver them out of the gates of hell people are contracting full-blown aids in the church in the church in the church they grew up in the church born of the church they got aids in the church with other saints [Applause] it's all at war on the family what are we handing our teenagers how are you gonna have a christian nightclub we don't have nightclubs the bible said men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil turn all the lights on let's see what we are doing what certain men ordained they've been ordained to subvert the tentacles of our faith well how you gonna win them let's we gotta give them something they young give them what they gave us come on to the altar your flesh is out of control repeat and when you finish speaking in tongues repent we can't man be pam be our young people we offer them a weak christ hi r kelly don't sing gospel how whitney houston gonna sing gospel how how how are they gonna sing the gospel and we just smooth it over smooth it right on over the devil is a lie we're gonna call black black and white white holy holy and unholy unholy you're gonna sing amazing grace on sunday and knock the boots on fridays the devil is alive they come to church and we're going to give them all kind of accolades they don't get nothing here the only one we praise here is god yeah i know my visitation is over but you wouldn't walk all night you ain't been sleepless for weeks with god upset because there's a demon that they're encrypting there's a demon encrypting and we are validating it as pastors as leaders we are validating it now this is our right to know you got to do a little this to win him no he only gave us one thing for the sinner repent repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the lord jesus we don't change this thing we not changed so now everything goes you can tie them live you can give your offering and fornicate what this is not the word now we i mean worldly dance in the church this is not sanctified this ain't under the anointing of the holy spirit you know we shouted under the anointing of the holy spirit we just no we breaking it down [Applause] israel did the same thing and got evicted the bible said they danced around the calf until they were naked till they lost their place in god till they lost their anointing you keep on you will lose everything he said i call heaven and earth into witness when you forgive me you are evicted [Music] sisters and brothers what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing we are the people of god you are the beloved you are his beloved you're his own how are you gonna worship him and then cuss and fight and steal sisters and brothers god's heart is weaving because these men have been ordained of old to come in and subvert the faith john said it like this to his generation he said love not the world neither the things in the world because as soon as you start loving the world the love of god or the father is not in you that's this book that's our faith when you start loving the world we just you know doing all the dance i don't know them the lord had to take me to the tv and said now look i said i don't even know what that is but christian's doing it y'all know don't you don't you know when i start looking he said y'all have gone too far you have gone to far there's no way our teenagers can respect us when they see what they see in the club and then see the same thing on holy ground shall we worship god together thank you [Applause] now under him who is able to to present you faults [Music] shall we stand together look at somebody and say praising [Music] who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory and matches dominion and power both now and ever and the church of god said
Channel: UnitedToDance
Views: 65,924
Rating: 4.8329535 out of 5
Id: pjxeedhtRVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 31sec (4531 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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