I'm Better Than This: Part One | Dr. Mark Barclay

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well good to see everybody tonight good to have you here good to have dr barclay here i'll be no stranger to this house you know i was thinking a little while ago somebody asked me earlier today said how long have you known dr barclay and i said oh probably 15 20 no 30 35 i don't know how many years back a couple he's not even going to go there he says he's not that old but anyway now you know i i appreciate good friends you know i appreciate friends that love god that uh live right and stay scriptural i like that but uh beyond the friendship i so thank god for the gift and the calling on his life and his faithfulness to that and i appreciate god sending him to us tonight and uh and we're going to just pull on what's on him i told him i said you come in here this just make this your house this is just just give us whatever god's got it's going to be just right it'll be perfect and so so uh well i think we ought to lift our hands and thank god for the gift of god and we received the gift father we're grateful thank you for sending dr barkley our way we uh we celebrate him and his life and ministry and call and anointing and lord we just we just gladly rejoice and receive from that gift and thank you lord we'll all go home another way and we thank you for it dear father in jesus wonderful name amen amen amen let's give him a hand let him know we appreciate him coming praise god thank you mark i love you man glory glory to god his name give somebody a high five and say i discern he's coming after you tonight amen and then uh be seated god bless you hallelujah hallelujah oh my lord i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you lord praise god good to see you everybody i'm glad you're serving the king of glory we're dealing with a lot of people who are lukewarm it's prophesied and we're dealing with a lot of betrayers prophesied deserters prophesied seducing spirits a lot of people today they might have a love for god but they're just they're seduced that's prophesied in the scriptures people are deceived that's prophesied in the scriptures many are turning their ears away from the truth looks like you're not you know you wouldn't come to this church with the brzees you surely wouldn't come if you knew i was here maybe they didn't maybe they didn't tell you i was coming i'm not sure unless you love truth and like it pretty straight but that but it is prophesied that many will just turn their ears from the truth and be turned onto fables a fable is not a fantasy it's a twisted truth it's uh twisted mean you take a string of truth and you put another one with it so it depends on how you turn the string whether you see the truth or the error that's a fable the bible says for these people that will turn their ears away from the truth that's the bible that they will be turned on to fables they would be turned unto fables the bible predicts that the day of the antichrist would come you're in it i just had uh one of the men running for president and actually i've had more than one but this particular one called me and said you know uh what on earth is going on dr barclay what is the world coming to i set an end an absolute biblical prophesied end and i said you boys and girls in washington don't seem to get it because you don't walk with god but if you start walking with god you not only know what you know in your education but you'd be able to see into the spirit realm i prophesy over you that unless you're spiritual you won't see what's coming it'll broadside you like the guy running the red light he'll just hit you that's what satan wants now we are i was telling him i said you know we're in the day of the antichrist sometimes when you say antichrist people think this being that's going to appear and he is and he has a false prophet that tells me he'll be religious military commanders don't have prophets the smart ones do but you know they're not known for that but religious people religious leaders he's going to have a false prophet and i said anti-christ sir means anti-christian that's what america is going towards now don't be fooled yet we're still uh as of yesterday the last information and not a poll but a study done we're still almost 80 percent christian in america so if we're 80 christian at some level why is 1.2 changing all our laws wow i'm just coming right out swinging aren't i we are on the day of the anti-christ it's even come to america but we're also on the day of the christ you're gonna both are manifesting at the same time i might ask you honey what bus are you riding on what pool do you swim in because if you want to you can say i love jesus and just live in the realm of the anti-christian anti-anointing antichrist or you can just get off from that bus at the next stop or dive out the window and say i'm of the christ isaiah i told a vision here one time i was here before about the visions of two clouds that i saw and how god visited me in 1987 here in tulsa at a meeting with dr hagen i was one of the speakers of that like uh camp meeting thing convention thing and uh it was in line with what isaiah saw isaiah 60 61 are two powerful chapters but god spoke through isaiah and he said darkness would cover the earth and in the end times and gross darkness upon the people but the glory of the lord would be seen upon you now seed means you don't have to announce it to people you don't have to your lifestyle is going to prove that you're a christian not your mouth only our lifestyle so right now some people can't get a grip on this right now in this earth there is both the spirit of christ and the spirit of the antichrist there's a dark cloud that's covering the whole earth you're not going to stop it as predicted by god you can stop you don't have to live in it and but it's going to suck some of you in because you don't listen you don't receive correction and discipline you're not sharp enough you may not be i'm not cursing you by the way but i am warning you you may not be powerful enough to resist its draw in this vacuum this filth already right here in the great christian nation we have our government says we're not christian i don't know what studies they're studying especially if you leave the borders i'm a global missionary if you leave the borders of the united states you know what the world calls us the christian nation that's right that's what we're known as so right here in the christian nation we have literal even protestant preachers teachers pastors telling you don't read your bible don't read parts of your bible don't follow jesus he's too harsh his teachings weren't for today i keep hearing all of this and i'm thinking fables error heresy and a bunch of dumbbells funding that y'all looking at me like what'd they give him for he came out here that's the day we live in it is dark humans are doing to humans things that aren't really even human it's disgusting it's degrading now we're passing laws to protect the filth we have boys and girls in black robes that have missed some sunday school classes and they're literally passing and making laws to snub our god and out rule his rule and you know what they claim it modernism i hear this ridiculous phrase post-christian america they're we're not post-christian we're 80 percentile you dig a leg who came up with that statement we're not post anything it's a lie that's being propagated by the spirit of the antichrist now if we were even 51 we're the majority but when you're 80 percentile the others aren't even in the race but but the antichrist we can't deny it it's at work in even some of our churches and even many of our churches and pastors are teaching that sin is okay i just had this big debate i don't mind debates i'm kind of a scrapper you know so i had this big debate with some preachers and about you know that were saved by grace and we should never use the sin word we should never use any ouchy words like repent and you know you're just condemning people and you're just being judgmental and you don't have any love and you know all of that and so i said well here's your problem boys and girls you you're bragging on the grace of god and so am i you can't earn the grace of god you can't earn salvation it was bought and paid for there's nothing you can do to get more loved by god but then again that's not the issue and when we preach a message that's only 50 percentile it's an incomplete message if you go to if you load your family in the car and you have four doors and you only close two hang on for a wild ride i hope you strap those kids in you preach a partial message that that i'm not going to deny with the fact that you can't earn your love you can't work your way to heaven you're saved by grace it's a gift of god by the way it's through faith you're saved by grace through faith faith without works is dead how a roman says you access this grace through faith but what if you don't have any works to your faith your faith is dead how do you access the grace this is not this is like second grade christianity i'm sorry to insult all you bible students that know that this is just kindergarten stuff but it seems like a lot of the body of christ needs some kindergarten teaching all of those of you that didn't know i was coming tonight please come back for another service and don't judge the church according to the guest speaker amen uh you'll hear the same thing from mark buzee uh so here we are here we are in the day of the antichrist to get to my point but also on the day of the christ you get to choose now something that's hardly ever brought up is the other fifty percent of the real story but jesus brought it up how many of you remember jesus just checking he's not preached a lot and he's not he doesn't attend a lot of our churches across the country so i just thought i'd see tell me again if you remember jesus and who he was okay well hallelujah amen well a memory of him is great how many of you walk with him and follow him and ah i knew i was in the right place tonight praise god jesus christ said in john 14 if you love me stop pause we're not talking anymore about how much he loves you we're talk he's asking a different question i'm glad you know how much he loves you i hope you know how much he loves you i hope you know the horrible price he paid to save your soul i hope you do understand an unconditional grace and a beautiful gift of salvation and other things that are in the grace of god i wish you'd study titus which is in the new testament unless it's one of those you scratched out in the book of titus it says the grace of the the grace of god which was given to you for salvation so we know it's saving grace it says it is so was given to you so that you might deny ungodliness and deny i'm quoting it worldly lust titus 2 even now in this present age so the grace of god wasn't this idea that you're just you say a two-paragraph centered prayer ah like a sheep and go live like a pig the grace of god also sure it gave us unconditional love and salvation but also empowers us to deny not be in denial but to deny and resist ungodliness and worldliness whoa give someone a high five and say he is preaching to you right now he's telling man is he zeroed in on you praise god amen but the part of the message we don't hear hardly anywhere today is what jesus said it now i'm glad we all know and we're being taught again how much jesus loves us but jesus said how much do you love me how much do you love me john 14. jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandments so first of all he must have some commandments come and months watch my lips commandments not suggestions jesus must have some commandments that if you want to show that you love him you keep these commandments next verse those who love me keep my sayings that means you live them keep means to live not just think about them or have a bible on a show so far now we're seeing jesus say hey you all know how much i love you and the price i paid and salvation but how much do you love me if you love me you'll keep my commandments those who love me will keep my sayings those who keep my word and ways the next two verses down three times in four verses jesus says okay you know how much i love you prove to me how much you love me this is not what's being taught broadly therefore we're getting half of a package so it's not just about how much he loves you darling is how much you love him is he could have sat in heaven and say i love you i love a whole human race uh heavenly father send me a heavenly father says i don't know you're my only you know i don't i just don't know i mean they love us we love them but to hell with them i don't mean that as a slang i mean you know to to damnation with them and he didn't he did something about his love you're supposed to do something about your love towards him and not just receive his love now i've been married to this girl i chased in high school and uh i dated her we were pagans christians court they don't date but we were pagans we weren't christians so we dated and i dated her for uh i know some of you date but it's because you're paganized if you just repent of your flesh and your sin and get out of each other's bed god will bless you you're judging me no i'm judging what you're doing you say thanks for those stairs they kind of help steer my message the bible says we judge no person to damnation but ye i'll quote it ye which are spiritual judge all things what things things that are being said things that are done things that are undone we you can't raise your kids without teaching them proper judgment of what who to trust who not to whose car to get into so when you say you're judging me shut your face that is not what i'm doing i come to help you tonight amen i i said amen i'm just circling the airport to see what runway we're gonna really go into so this girl of mine i dated her for five years and when we were 18 she married me she actually said yes it blew me away but she did and we've been married now uh we're almost 46 years now that we've been together and we're still in love with each other now you do what you want to but i chase my girl and i may look old and wrinkled but i still like to just grab a hold of her and kiss on her just hold her tight and when i go to kiss on on vicky you know you know vicki when i go to kiss on vicki i don't want a mother's cheek or a grandma's forehead kiss my grandma on the forehead kiss my mama on the cheek but when it comes to my wife i want hot lips y'all dismiss i'm headed for home praise god hallelujah amen there's not something heated and good and strong if i run home you know and throw my arms around vicki with passionate embracing and she gives me a limp hug and i go to kiss her and she offers a cheek here's not something right about that something's missing somewhere same thing if we treat god that way he's he's hugged us he was tortured for us at a professional roman military torture chamber we're not talking about waterboarding baby we're talking about fillet alive and he did that for you and me and he died on the cross you know the story of calvary i hope uh most of you do and that's how much he loved you and then we're going to give him a limp hug no hug back no john 14. i receive your love i receive your salvation i receive my eternal security you know my eternal salvation i receive healing i receive i receive i receive now i'm not going to follow you and i'm paying no price and i'm certainly not going to be uncomfortable and i'm not going to submit to your word or your preacher that carries the word no no i'm not doing none of that i just claim your grace and that i'm okay that's the olympus hug that's worse than a forehead and a cheek but that's what the body of christ maybe not you personally but that's what the body of christ seems to be doing to our master there's multiple problems with this one of the biggest ones going back to the dark cloud of isaiah that this dark cloud is going to cover the whole earth and gross darkness is going to get on people now how do you make sure that's not you well i'm a christian you don't know any perverted christians well i no darkness will get on me i'm born again you don't know any perverts that are born again of course you do there's a lot of christians that have perverted their ways tainted their cleanse garment they can get out of that if they want i'm not judging them to hell i'm just saying so yeah how how are you this is the question that mark barclay asked mark barclay how are you going to stop from the suction and the draw of this filthy stuff that that just eats the flesh what stops mark barkley from being a liar a pervert sexually perverted whether it's pedophilia adulterous homosexual whatever it's all sexual perversion according to the scriptures what stops mark barclay from drifting back backsliding cooling off being consumed with hurt anger unforgiveness because that's what's in the dark cloud demonic forces are in that dark cloud what stops me i'm born again i am born again i've been water baptized my pastor even held me down extra i don't know if that works but he tried i'm baptizing the holy ghost i'm a bible man i've been chasing jesus christ now since 1972. i don't fool around with it i love my salvation i'm not ashamed of anything that jesus christ has done in mark barclay's life i'm not a man-pleaser i do not care what sinners think about me i saw a post about you on the internet what are you doing on a puke site you little gossiper what are you doing on a little what are you doing on that site well i heard from who always remember one time i was with dr sumrall you know one of our dads and if you know the name lester sumrall he's in heaven now but what a great man and i'm with him and we're standing around after a meeting and this young preacher comes and said brothers i'm wrong i got to tell you about this guy that you know this preacher and uh and and brother sumrall said what he said well you know i got to tell you this and it comes from a good source and brother sumrall looked at him and said vomit comes from a sour belly and walked away well that left me and two other guys standing and i looked around and i said that's right hallelujah amen you won't be able to stop this filth these sexual perversion demons are you kidding me man they're everywhere you don't have to chase porn they just dump it in your mailbox we scrambled all the time to get new filters and and talk to the ip companies and and you got to stop this infiltration we're not dirty people i'm the guy i actually had think about this i'm the i'm the most well-known preacher in my city let me tell you that in prop maybe in my state and i get a playboy magazine delivered to the ministry mailbox in the name of reverend mark t barclay oh you were there huh i scared the living daylights out of postmaster postmaster general mailman and playboy because i've never subscribed to such a thing in my entire life then i found out that one of my critics signed me up to mock me in my city hoping that's that lie would go all through the community oh he's not the preacher of righteousness he we happen to know that he subscribed to playboy magazine oh don't look sad it was a wonderful fight i loved every minute of it yeah it's vicious folks you can't be a man pleaser what do you care what do you care about people who slander you and spit on you and defame you most of its lies probably all of us lives but at least most of us lies and you care about you want to please them you know you know brother barkley they they hit the on the dislike on like button like on mike i got i got some deliverance for you the next time they hit on like ditch them d facebook is like a video game you can just eliminate them you're gone i listen i there are people breaking down because someone didn't like him on the social side someone said social sites should become extremely popular in the world and especially america because you can create a person you're not and tell everybody you are and unless they really know you they just think you're what you say you are not what you really are another young preacher he was pretty good he said the reason that twitter and facebook and things like this i'm not against them by the way personally they could be a tremendous tool to evangelize the world if christians would grow up and use it for evangelism and not a not a spew site like spew tube instead of youtube or d facebook instead of facebook don't blame the companies that's a great tool blame yourself for being dirty filthy gossiper malicious gossiper tail bearer and all the other things that bible says about people who do those kind of things mark pastor mark can you send four deacons five security guys start my car and aim it to the airplane uh the natives are getting really restless in this meeting praise god thank you appreciate that so this is not this is not complicated the gospel is not complicated living as a christian it's not it's not complicated it's been made very simple by god if it's complicated for you it's because you've dirtied the waters you've muddied the waters and if you're anybody in here scuba divers or deep sea divers or such snorkelers when the water's all muddied you can be a professional diver and when you're in that mudded water good luck charlie now the book of psalms is going to help you someone you should live by this this is my theme verse of my entire life it's one of the first verses i ever memorized as a christian and it go if you turn there if you will psalm 1 verses 1 through 3 and it says blessed is the man it means woman it means human sometimes man means male sometimes you know a woman is female sometimes when it says man it means human blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly he does not walk in the counsel he does not take advice and follow the advice that's ungodly you know how many church people can give on godly advice and then you wonder why you're not blessed blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly he does not stand in the way of the sinner you know you like go to the casino and go do the things that stand around he does not sit in the seat of the scornful whoa could we preach on that for like four weeks scornful people we don't sit in the seat of the scornful no no it says you know his delight is in the law of the lord which you and me means the word of god and in that word does he meditate day and night then he'll be like the tree planted by the rivers of water he's going to bring forth his fruit in due season his leaf is not going to wither whatsoever he doeth shall prosper but verse 4 is my favorite this is not so for the sinner this is for god's kids now if you walk under ungodly counsel there's a lot of verses for this one of my favorite verses on all this is the verse that says if you run with a fool you become a fool but if i say run with paraphrasing you know fellowship that's your best friend if you run with or hang out with the righteous you become give me five minutes and you don't know i'm judging your mouth and i'll tell you who you're running with because the foolishness comes out of your mouth the foolishness comes out of our actions the foolishness comes out of our responses a fool does not submit but the bible says a righteous man does so we can tell in a heartbeat are you foolish you're running with foolish people or are you submitted to the things of god now years ago and those years kind of kind of tick along you know years ago i worked for the uh for the united states marines and i'm a marine combat vet from vietnam 21 months and then i train marines i trained recruits for a while but i told my boss i'm going to kill them instead of train them find me another job so they didn't like that so they got me another job one of the things i did is i trained marksman shooters for the for the marines and special time special missions of combat and in that uh i became kind of um i don't know what the right word is kind of like you know the word got out about me throughout the shooters and and uh snipers and stuff that this guy's a really great instructor and i would have professional i mean these are the best of the best all marines will say is a rifleman you got a qualifier you know but these are the best of the best of the best of the day and they would come see me and they would ask me hey hey hey sergeant can you uh i know and this is what they these are sinners most of them they would say can you help me i said what do you need he goes well i'm shooting the target from a long distance but here's the bullseye and i'm hitting it but my patterns are really wide so in a real life and death deal one bullet one kill or we all die today i can't have even though if i shoot 10 bullets and eight are going in the bullseye what if i have a day where it's one of the other two uh my team is dead in the water we'll we probably won't get out of country and this is what they would say to me i remembered this from all these years they would say i know that i am better than this say it i know that i am better than this one more time i know that i am better than this and uh that's what they would say to me and i say well come on to the range and they would come and i'd say lay down you know we have what we call the prone position for you civilians that's laying down and uh and i i they lay down here and i'm the instructor and uh i'd like i'd say all right rack a couple of rounds and fire at the target and let me watch you shoot you know why they came to me you can't watch yourself shoot how do you criticize yourself you're just going through all the action sight alignment cheek breathing trigger pull all the in in the in my illustration all of the science to shooting properly you can't watch yourself shoot and i'll tell you something you know why you should be coming to church criticism you know why those professionals came to me to be criticized for me not to congratulate him that they shot ten rounds and eight of them hit the bull's-eye they come to me to find out why the other two didn't you know what they would say these are sinners man the sinners shouldn't be smarter than the church about these things they these sinners would say now judge me judge me criticize me watch me shoot and tell me what i'm doing wrong because i know i'm better than this so i'd watch him i'd say well fire a couple of rounds and i'd get ready sometimes i'd straddle him you know here's the rifle sorry for the rump here's the rifle you know and bang it'd go off and uh my britches would blow in the breeze you know and and i'd and and then i would uh i would scrutinize them everybody say scrutinize i would criticize them everybody say criticize i would judge them everybody say judge them now in all the time i did that i never once had a navy or marine or army shooter some of them shot for competition in the national competition i never had one get up and say i'm out of here you got an attitude there's no love you judge me i come here for help and all you did was judge me and you never congratulated me for when i hit the target you only picked on the rounds that didn't hit the bullseye now i never heard any of that crud until i got running with god's people in fact these men who said i'm better than this got up every single time and said i don't know how to thank you barclay thank you i knew i was better than what i was doing and they told me if i'd come see you you're the guy to fix me and i just want to thank you for the your scrutiny your criticism your judgmental thank you because now i'm leaving you better than when i came and and you know they want to pay me they don't i so i can take any pay i get paid for this well you know we were sinners at that well we'll buy you a case of beer deal send your friends i don't do that now and i think you're a fool if you do but we were sinners i was a sinner i was a drunk i lived in the bar i got saved i live in the church you know why you know why drunks go to the bar it's where their fix is that's what they do i used to do it you know why christians go to church this is our fix this is what we do now as a sinner and a drunk we never went to church and you church people should never go to the bar you've been diverted honey you've been saved you're supposed to be free just pass someone out just reach forward say man i told you he was after you tonight he's not just tell him you're not preaching to me right now man he preaching to you right now elbow someone say i just wish he'd straighten up and fly right not one time pastor mark did any of them ever get up and accuse me of wrongdoing they all thanked me thanks for thanks for the scrutiny thanks for showing me my weakness thank you for improving my performance and seriously that's why i learned this saying every one of those they're not this is not i'm applying it to church but they didn't they were sinners almost all of them thank you i knew i was better than that say it i know i'm better than that say it say this time say it this way i know i'm better than this say it i know i'm better so who's going to watch you shoot honey if you want to be better and you know you're better than what you're living going through dealing with who's going to help you who's been assigned to your life to help you the guy at the gas station the beer the bartender your best friend they can't make it themselves that's why they're running with you that's like your own kids parenting each other instead of listening to dead that's how dumb it is so it's just a fair challenge if you know you're really better than what you are and i believe you are then aren't you going to go to somebody that knows how to do this why do you think jesus christ gave gifts onto men apostle prophet evangelist pastor of teachers to to perfect the saints 4 so you do the work of the ministry be no more like children he got offended pastor looked right at me during the hard part of his sermon oh clear it up and blow your nose and knock it off you're supposed to be grown up christians i respect you tonight because most of you don't like me and you're still listening to me these are really really really serious times the devils for real these demons are wiping out churches you know what's weird about america we have right now the largest churches we've ever had with the least amount of church attendance over all in the country church attendance overall across the whole country is down by a large percentile but in pockets we have some of the biggest gatherings america has ever known and i'm going to tell you that 8 out of 10 of them are not clean and there's no power and nobody's life ever gets changed because it's a one hour party jesus didn't he he wasn't tortured and died so you and i can have a party he tortured and died to give us power over sin not enjoy sin we have liberty darwin we really do we have freedom from sin you don't have any freedom to sin it's a betrayal you crucify if you do it on purpose the new testament says you crucified christ the fresh and anew all over again he's trying to help you if he won't receive discipline what do you think it means we're in this church you might be visiting we're in this church so for a minute we all belong to pastor mark what do you think the bible means sorry for getting in the darkness guys what do you think the bible means when it says submit and obey those aren't cuss words don't go around town said barkley was in town and he cussed submit and obey those that have the rule over you who watch over your soul who must give an account he's been hired to scrutinize you he's been hired by god to criticize you he's been hired by god to correct your path why do you think the holy spirit said to timothy through paul now son you're young but don't you let anybody despise your youth you correct you reprove you rebuke he's not talking about animals at the zoo he's talking about people in the church the amplified bible says you are quoting it timothy you the preacher of the word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong that's his duty it's his duty to point out your weakness he's a good leader if he says you can fix this honey this is what's hurting you you know you gotta walk down shut your mouth now quit doing this that's his duty to rebuke reprove correct well i let no preacher correct me it's okay we're not a cult we'll do your funeral that's all right we love you it's not a problem we'll be there when you're arrested and we'll be there when your car crashes and one of your babies die you've got to understand god's not fibbing when he said he that breaks a hedge a serpent shall bite him a serpent isn't a rattlesnake man it's a demon and you and i are going to live in the last of the last days when this darkness is everywhere and gross darkness is getting even on church people and you're gonna you're not you're gonna do something that that you can't deny that suction and that vacuum when the lord already died to anoint you empower you equip you enable you armor you give your weapons the the gifts of the father the gifts of the son the gifts of the holy ghost the fruit of the spirit the come on man the armor of god the name of jesus then you got revelations inspirations manifestations demonstrations how about dreams how about visions how about speaking in tongues straight into the throne room of god we all we got that you're going to be arrogant and independent and be cain king killed his brother he wasn't mad at able he's mad at god next time someone goes after you say they're not really mad at me they're mad at god can't kill god god take it out on a human the new testament says don't go the way of balaam or the way of cain why is that in there why is don't go the way of cain in the new testament when it's an old testament story because god said don't you new testament people in the end times go the way of cain stand up here a minute let me put my hand i just touched you and i felt anointing going on you father i thank you for this young man i put my hand on him right now i thank you i see some things turning around for him i don't think his mind can see it yet but i see it with the eyes of the prophet lord i thank you some things are going to turn for him and it's going to turn he's going to turn stronger towards you than he ever has but he but some things are going to turn and start falling into his lap and he's going to be so grateful and say only god knew this only god could have done this in my life and lord this young man needs a breakthrough he needs your blessing he believes in he doesn't need to be blessed to believe in you he just needs you to show up at this time in his life and i speak that over him and i pray that over him in the name of jesus christ of nazareth give him a good hand clap i decree that over your life in jesus name amen praise god hallelujah amen where were we at cain cain don't go the way of cain god said to cain on that day you know it's all about an offering but it really was all about an attitude cain you know was a uh the bible declares cain as a as a farmer and abel as a rancher if you sin you got to understand something about god he's a bloody god your god is a bloody god don't you dare ever again listen to these modernist preachers telling you we should never teach on the blood america is tired of hearing about blood you know don't you ever listen to that again our god is a bloody god from genesis to revelation jesus trip was a bloody trip five times he shed his blood if you sin it takes blood to cover it well you're not covered and the devil knows it cain had to go to abel in order to barter his vegetables to get an animal from his brother because no matter how you beat beets or carrots and lettuce or whatever you can't get any blood to cover your sin now obviously cain must have done this before yes because god said when he when he rejected cain's offering that day god said well why are you angry why are you wrong any other time i bless you why what's your problem you know we would say what's your problem you think i'm just going to let you offer anything and i'm supposed to accept it i reject your offering you've got to look like can god do that you don't have to receive your time he don't have to receive your offering you can sow it he don't have to bless it he will bless it he wants to bless it but don't sit there and think i'm a great christian and god just has to bless me and he has to receive my tithe and he just has to answer my prayer because i said so because i'm his kid really well i would compare life like that to any humble gospel worker that's in this room and show you the difference of how humility and submission brings you into the the real war room of god and how that other stuff keeps blockading your life i'm not rebuking you i've come to help you so cain gets mad and just leaves god said why are you mad any other time you did this that wasn't that wasn't the first time cain ever brought an offering to god he got mad went out and somehow through the whole ordeal there's no sign he was mad at abel he just went out and you can't kill god through a tantrum somehow killed his brother you know what cain's real problem is america 2016. i'm going to serve god the way i want to not the way he says to in that book and bless god he's going to have to receive me and because this is me and god god you're just going to have to receive me whether i do what you say or not whether i live according to the bible or not that's the way of cain and so that's why the new testament says don't don't you go the way of cain you serve god the way i tell you to not the way you want to and what has happened even in the great united states of america and i only i don't say this to criticize them i say this to warn you we have preachers now that have not fixed cain's and the way of cain they have built mega ministries supplying for cain and saying well just come over here you can serve god any way you want to there's no rules over here oh they got rules over there you can't commit adultery and you and you know they won't do the gay marriage and you know you can't be a deacon and be drunk all the time that's terrible that's bondage come over here cain and you can serve god any way you want to as if they have permission to give people the let me help you with this no human being not even your favorite famous preacher has permission from heaven to to teach you to live any less than what this says right here can i have a hand clap at least on that hallelujah so you're better than this there's more anointing for you than what you got yes there is yes you can be more accurate than what you even are you can be even more deeply led of the spirit than what you are now step out here a minute sister purple here come up here father i thank you what's your name darling your first name tracy for the for the recording father i feel led to put my hand on tracy uh-huh i am gonna kick with my foot the lord says and i'm bashing through this wall that keeps getting you pinned in so so that it tries to smother you and stop you oh no no no no the lord says you're my prime daughter and i'm kicking through this wall and you are going to have the courage to break through the hole i make to the other side and i'm going to use you more than what i have in times past get ready to be more highly anointed get ready to be more valuably used get ready to have more favor and get ready to hear my voice more clearly than what you've ever known before now breathe on her and just put that inside of her that's what i pray on and impart this to her lesbo now pray church limos of leader legenda and the lord says and i've heard your prayer and i choose the answer to questions come up here right on the head come up here father i thank you what's your name darling robin because they're recording you know i don't want you to get ben's word you've been bad you're going to africa for 21 months we don't want ben's word amen is there a bend in here oh thank you jesus wow lift your hands to the holy ghost will come upon you you've been coveting more anointing and coveting a gift of the spirit i'm going to impart it to you tonight the lord says supernaturally and furthermore write it down things are not just going to be okay they're going to be the best they've ever been yeah what's that lord i'm dispatching an angel right now to your household and i'm dispatching an angel to your family and i'm dispatching laborers into the fields of your family and those that don't serve me will have an awakening and they'll have they'll be approached and they'll be given an opportunity and that's my covenant and my promise to you now breathe on her holy spirit and just put this gift right on the inside of her limo gondaliana thank you lord she's going to help a lot of people in the name of jesus this is going to help her but i see it lord she's going to help a lot come up here right here come up here darling this is like i don't know is this a ladies night or something come up here what's your first name father bless christie i'm going to put your mind at ease the lord says it races and it runs and it's dealing with you wrongly and you're going to correct that mind now i know you're trying the lord says i see you washing it your mind with the water of the word of god but it's just so relentless to chase you and and your brain listen to what lord says your brain is lying to you i'm going to touch your mind and it's going to slow down and then i'm going to run through your blood oh thank you lord i'm going to run through your blood and i'm going to touch your body and i'm going to improve your image of yourself and you're going to have more confidence not only in yourself but in me and i'm going to be able to use you even more la mo si blata anoint her in this lord i thank you touch that mind touch her body touch run through her blood just like what you said what's that the lord said speak to your organs i speak to your liver i speak to your kidney i speak to your heart i speak to your bladder i speak to the organs of your body be healed in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and and do your job that you were created to do organs in jesus name give the lord a good hand clap oh come on clap good clap good hallelujah pray everybody shout hallelujah shout amen we run to the glory say it run run to the glory and you won't get sucked in this dark cloud hallelujah praise god what do you do young man follow me praise god i want to get you over here in the light where i can look in your eyes you're a contractor like a builder any good at it i guess so people tell me i am people tell you you are that's pretty good yeah that's a good thing hallelujah lift your hands are you you're born again i take it you look like you are you've been water baptized yet yes sir wonderful got sin in remission are you a sinner no it's it's gone it's gone you tithing or stealing from god no reason to fake it man we're at the altar amen praise god we might as well get it if you show me you you're going to show me the check work and prove it the checkbook i'll take your word for it if you're dumb enough to lie to the prophet at the elders of god ananias then so i don't need to see your checkbook are you baptized in the holy ghost isn't that great do you pray in tongues that's my favorite part i love speaking in tongues man that's awesome a fresh a wave of anointing will set on your life and just like you build things i'm going to anoint you to help build my kingdom you're going to be even more valuable yes your money because if you keep obeying me you've seen nothing yet son of the prosperity that i'm gonna set upon you you'll be known as a very rich man unless you mess up your walk with me i plan to use your money to fund my kingdom but more so i plan to use you to be a builder in my house and a pillar in the house of god and one of the commanders in my army la most of liberty here comes that anointing on you now feel that feeling just receive that that's god jump all over him i pray holy spirit put this thing inside he loves you lemon don't look pray church come on limos of libya yeah i thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you for this young man bless him bless him that's what i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh man seek out she can't stick with him just a minute right here just stick with him a minute come out here little darling right here stand right there back up one step that's good what's your name danielle cool how long you been a christian how old are you so most your life that is wonderful you're blessed hallelujah praise god you got a man are you married huh you don't want to be oh you do want to be okay you go to this church i thought so yeah i'm going to pray over you then i'm going to pray that all these dumb-minded men get their eyes open and start chasing you in god may you have like a dozen to select from they must be blind i mean a woman like you love god spiritual holy pretty you want to chase god and they you go to this church and they go to this church they must be blind i don't get it lord open their eyes now if you're in here stalking a woman and you're a pagan this would be a bad woman to chase unless you really want leprosy we're talking about a holy man holy man right we're talking i discern the reason you're not married right now is you won't compromise for some cheater and liar and worldly god because you're called by god and you've got to have a man who's called by god hallelujah put your hands to heaven the lord said i'm going to seal upon you my deal with you and i'm going to use you more i'm even going to use you in world missions and i'm going to use you locally and i'm going to use you to steer a lot of young people there'll be a fresh anointing on you now to help steer young people and i'm going to bring this holy man into your life and he will love your god and cherish your god because it will be his god and you will live happy and don't you ever say again it's too late don't you say your best years have passed you by you're in the perfect will of god and i'm about to bump the two of you together thank you lord for it thank you now she has private things she covets and you breathe on her right now with that i pray that just breathe on her lord that's what i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 7,479
Rating: 4.8198199 out of 5
Id: WopzQ0SjwT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2016
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