Forgiveness and Severance - Breaking Soul Ties #6

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[Music] i am way beyond a fanatic i'm god possessed get it straight there ain't a demon on the planet that lights mark barclay anymore if that's you clap and shot one say i am god possessed [Applause] you better get ready did you bring a bible what a tremendous day to be a christian and i hope you are wondering if not ask the lord to come live in you right now call us and we'll tell you what to do next and you can change your eternity and your destiny forever please do it plus you'll never be sorry that you walked with god and beat all this darkness all this evil and be able to live a good life while you're on this planet right now we're in a series called breaking soul ties i'll hold it up for you in case you want to get it i recommend that everybody everywhere has this series and listens to it over and again why because soul ties seem to be one of the number one things that the enemy uses you get a wrong tied soul to another it's disastrous plus in this series we're teaching on how does a human stop from vexing his own soul most people live with a vex soul they kind of do it to themselves there's a way out of that i teach it in the series and so i'll teach it here some on the telecast i want i i want you to get it all that's why i'm here pray for us will you if you can send a letter a testimony we love testimonies send some financial seed you don't have to but when you do it's a great blessing get your bible and get some notes and get ready we're going to study the bible and it's going to be awesome on soul ties say i believe everything that my bible says no matter what the devil says no matter what people say and no matter what my circumstances say tonight i am a believer therefore i'm a receiver and i do believe that i will receive absolutely everything that god has for me tonight in jesus name say amen i think we all clap again real good come on hallelujah oh yeah well we're um teaching tonight on how to break soul ties and sever things that are connected to our soul and i'd like to turn uh like you to turn to matthew 11. matthew 11. we're going to talk about how to sever cut surgical surgically spiritually surgically remove things that have lodged in your soul hallelujah hallelujah and there's only one real way to do this and uh one is to cut it out and the some things you just have to cut out yeah cast it out you got to get rid of it and uh sometimes you can't do that without forgiveness say forgiveness forgiveness is one of the most powerful surgical tools that we have to heal ourselves to heal our soul and to separate ourselves from people who who are living in our soul now there are some people that should be in your soul your your lover your spouse your kids your grandkids your great grandkids these these they have a right to be part of your memory part of your well-being part of what you're feeling seeing and yeah sure absolutely they can share your heart and you can share your heart with them hallelujah but other things other people you got to get them out of your heart they got to go man they might be in the room with you they might be where you work they might be in your past but you if they're in your heart you're having issues and those issues will terribly ruin your garden they will postpone you and so we're going to talk about that tonight and ask god to help us and then we're just going to pray when we're done and ask god for enough grace to forgive everybody no matter how much we'd like to hurt him wouldn't it be more fun just to hurt him just get even but you can't do it you're a christian so even though it'd be more fun it's not the right bible thing to do all right mark 11. here we go verse 24. mark what did i tell you oh you should have known better than that how long have i been your pastor okay i'm going to mark i'm sorry mark 11 i am going to matthew but later mark 11. i'll give you a second to get there you're like matthew mark so it shouldn't take you long matthew mark 11. this is this was dr hagen's most famous verses i couldn't tell you how many times i heard dr hagin start his message on mark 11 23 and 24. so maybe we'll start in 22 how's that and jesus answering unto them or said unto them have faith in god say it out loud have faith in 23 for verily or surely i say unto you that whosoever that's pretty strong talk yes that whosoever shall say unto this mountain that's the barrier of life that's a that's the thing that's in front of you that's the thing you can't seem to get rid of the opposition the mountain be thou removed and be cast into the sea look at this now and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith so you can't just go around yakking a lot you got to believe what you're saying and after you say it you got to keep believing that what you just said is going to come to pass 24 therefore therefore i say unto you what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them 25. and when you stand praying tell me what it says shout it at me really loud if you have ought against any all right normally you don't have ought against any unless they help cause the art isn't that right most people don't just sit around and say i don't like that person i think i'll hold a grudge against it no usually 99 and 9 10 the reason you're having problems with another person is because they lied to you they betrayed you deserted you did you wrong turned something against you stole from you you know something there's some wrongdoing ought means some wrongdoing there's a violation now jesus knew this would happen didn't he yeah yeah the most famous prayer remember his disciples said teach us how to pray and what did he teach them our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name do you know it thy kingdom come thy will be done on this earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread oh so right in the midst of your great god and give us food and drink and money we're supposed to forgive you that's what he said yeah our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name you're great you're god that's what we're saying right give us this day our daily bread that's money man that's a job daily bread means pay the bills put some food on the table man right let your will be done in my life here on the earth man god just like it is in heaven yeah right in the midst of all that then he says forgive us one verse and says debts one gospel says forgive us our debts as we forgive the debtors the other one says forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us a trespass is a violation you cross the line now we got to declare something here before we go much deeper the lord is not talking about your little insecure feelings that every time somebody looks at you wrong you get your feelings hurt you're supposed to grow up and not live in a 20 30 40 some year old body and still have the heart of an 11 year old that got offended because dad said shut down shut up be quiet thank you for your enthusiasm about my message tonight see so a trespass isn't you get being touchy or or someone looked at you wrong or they walk by you because they're thinking or they're busy or something they didn't wink pat you on the back so you think you're being rejected see these this is this is a whole different category that's why i want to point this out this is not people transgressing against you or trespassing going too far this is just you being touchy immature you know inferior feeling and you got that's a whole different thing than what we're going to talk about tonight though that is a thing and we have talked about this in fact i spent one this is number six time we've uh talked about soul ties and what to do about them and one night i i don't know man i suppose i probably spent 40 some minutes just talking about things inside of you your view of yourself and get get your feelings in line man so tonight when we're talking about severing other people from your heart and we're going to talk about forgiveness we're not talking again about you didn't get your own way you didn't like what what they had to say and you're touchy about it see that you got to grow up in that you got to deal with that remember hurt feelings are nothing more than a violation of personal pride in other words it's your problem if you if you're if you're arrogant someone's always going to bug you not salute you high enough we don't blow a trumpet loud enough when you come in the room but that's not us trespassing you now jesus said if your brother sister fellow christian if he sins against you what who knows this what are you supposed to do if someone sins against you jesus said if your brother sins against you rebuke him for it quote unquote if he repents forgive him for it if he doesn't take it up a notch kick it up a notch but see most people miss the rebuke him part how does your brother know he trespassed against you trespass against you how does he know he violated you if he if he crushed you and you walk away you go back a week later two weeks later a month later and say well you really hurt my feelings the other day and you know what he'll say what are you talking about oh don't play that with me you meant to hurt me you did that on purpose did what on purpose see this was meant to be christianity was meant to be an adult level situation now i know there's a verse says you got to be like little children but that's talking about your belief in god not your behavior in the sanctuary give someone a high five and say man did he just nail you with that but there are things that there's things that can happen people do cross the line sometimes they get mad they're hurt or sometimes they don't they they they you tripped the trigger man you tripped the lever and their response to you was heated fast sharp now remember the bible says what a forest fire book of james what a forest fire your tongue can cause with one little spark one little response and then walk away so you got to remember so i want to keep you zeroed in on this not everybody's going to worship you think you're the hottest thing in the church not everybody's going to agree with you not everybody's going to think you're the most awesome person they've ever met your ideas are just golden they wish they were born like you to your family now there's some people around here that think that in their head and if you think that in your head then when people are around you you feel offended or put out because they don't you know i don't know what the right word is they don't uh they don't kiss you on the cheek and they don't you know you're the great one among us see and then you get your little feelings hurt or you get turned sideways or you begin to say nobody loves me i have no friends here man we talked about that this morning well then what is this forgiveness stuff all about it's about your brother or sister who did you wrong they violated your space what's that mean they messed with your husband or wife they messed with your kids they stole something from you they set you up they set a snare for you to fall into they tailbared they gossiped against you to pull friends away from you oh man i can give a list of about 5 000 things if you want to spend all evening here of what people do to other people that the bible would call a legitimate trespass that you really did hurt your brother now we better talk about this for a minute sometimes you and i we get our feelings hurt or we you know get kind of turned sideways or put out with somebody something they did something they said something you heard they said but you know the bible says a fool utters his whole mind but a wise man keeps it in till it's all over with let me give you the definition when you hear something and you see something and you don't have the definition yet don't jump to conclusions and start yakking about it you know someone comes you can say do you hear what someone so said about you no i didn't well do you wanna it shocks them if you say no if so and so said something about me and they wanted me to know it they would have told me not you they wanted you to know it not me unless you are known among us as a traveler a trafficker that if we just if if if brother so-and-so tells you something he knows it's going to go through the ranks in about three days and somebody's going to come and call me because he doesn't have enough guts to just tell me so he's going to run the little the little oval track here and make sure that i'm in the loop of it somewhere you ever hear the word clicks you know what they are they're little groupies just little groupies they have something in common and usually it's good and they cross the line because they share information that other people should know about you then it's a violation amen amen see now we don't do this here man with woman woman with man in the ministry we we don't do that but just to illustrate if i assign somebody to one of these men here ushers security to take my vicky around town to run some errands and provide you know some help whether it's security or whatever it is uh there's no violation in that now we don't do one man with one woman just for the sake of the of the picture the talk no appearance of any wrongdoing however there'd be probably nothing really wrong with it but just because you're driving my wife around and you're running in and out of the stores and you're providing some help doesn't mean you get to cross the line and start start treating her talking to her flirting with her holding her hand or expecting that you can because you're on duty with her that now you have some special access to her right so for you to help me help her is not a trespass it's a blessing but if you cross the line if this gets goofed up and it goofs up your feelings and your perspective you'll start misinterpreting things that people say before you know it you think it's flirtation or you think what are they really saying to me what's what's between the lines now you're trespassing the bible's clear on this if your brother sister crosses the line if they literally trespass against you if they sin against you you're supposed to rebuke them that doesn't mean kill them stab them shoot them throw them out of the cart 45 miles an hour and watch them bounce does it i'd like a better amen on that please all right you're scaring me for a minute no it just means that you got to let them know rebuke means set you straight hey don't don't say that like that again what are you saying to me how do you want me to interpret that because if you don't if there isn't if there isn't some sharp hold it right there then the other person doesn't know that that maybe that they crossed the line maybe they didn't do it intentionally maybe don't maybe they don't know that's a line that you have see the other problem when you talk about severing people out of your soul and getting rid of them not out of your life out of your soul and or forgiveness which is similar we have to make a determination here always all day long all the rest of your life did they really mean to do that and do they know they did it because a hurt feeling or a disappointment or a feeling of rejection is always accusative it's never cushioning it's always accusative in other words your immediate response is well they hurt me well they said that well they're not for me well they're they're they're moving against me see that's your mind man that's your soul getting all oblonged and weirded out and how do you know they they meant to do it's like i've illustrated this before it's like this guy i guess i offended him so i asked him i said well man honestly i did not mean to do that and i ask you to forgive me he goes you did too mean it it's like who's living in here me or you isn't it amazing i said no no no wait a minute no wait a minute i don't want to argue with you i want to ask you to forgive me but how do you know what's in here you don't live in this i live in here it isn't your soul talking right now it's my soul i'm telling you my brother i honestly did not mean to offend you i i i actually not sure how yet i offended you seriously what i do that cuts you so deep man oh don't play that game with me you know you meant it no i don't know i meant it because i didn't mean it and if i meant it shouldn't i know it yeah i should but see a lot of times people bounce back see and and and you don't have that opportunity to shut the door on it because their offense you know the br the bible says it's easier maybe to win the whole city than it is to restore relationship with someone who truly honestly has offended you has committed offense against you now given about your little hurt feelings still listening now why is this so important brother barkley jesus said when we stand praying to forgive i mean it starts out big have faith in god stand up there and talk to that mountain get out of here and believe your god will do it then all of a sudden it ends up with a when you stand to pray you ever notice the stand word why not when i kneel to pray why not when i sit to pray why does it mean stand because when you stand to pray you're making declarations that's why i played the young man earlier he was he was standing up man he's making a stand he's on his feet he's at attention and he's mean in business with this jesus said when you get to that kind of prayer not the fall on your face weeping before god though that's good uh you know knelt before god and huma this is when that part's done and you stand and you're decreeing to this mountain now i am right with god you get out of my way that's when he said when you stand to exercise that kind of authority you forgive me forgiveness could actually be one of the most difficult tasks that ever faces a human you got to really work at being a forgiver do you know what forgive means the word for means first or before the word give means give give up give in that's why it's so hard man that's why it's so difficult well i'll say i'm sorry after they say they're sorry well i don't mind meeting with them and we'll have a little peace table you know like two countries at war and we'll negotiate this and as long as they admit what they've done i'll forgive them you know there's no verse in there that says you don't forgive them till they admit what they've done that's a different deal taking it to the church and the leadership of the church if it's a church spreadable matter a lot of you bring stuff to us that's none of our business and that's why we don't jump in and become referees in your lives it's not a church matter it's not a pastoral matter it's between you and somebody else are you this quiet because i'm because you're listening or or what now this verse here says if you want to look at it you can maybe you should in the in psalm 66 turn there please psalm the 66 psalm hallelujah turn quick come on 66 song this is this is only one of the reasons but this is one of the reasons why when you stand to be authoritative in the spirit realm and pray you have to be a forgiver you got to give in first you got to make sure that you gave up the battle first not for the sake of the other person for your sake when you forgive somebody it's not for their sake as much as it is for your sake to set yourself up properly praise god psalm 66 verse 18. if i regard iniquity in my heart now most bible scholars believe that most of the time when you see the word heart it's not talking about your blood pumper heart it's talking about your spirit and your soul together they say makes up your heart if remember i taught you in this series humans you're a spirit man all humans are spirits you live in a body and you have a soul feelings your soul or your feelings your desire your intellect your reasoning your volition which is your willpower you are lost your choices your dreams all of that is not in your spirit it's in your soul that's why it's so important that you work on your soul or you keep you know flapping all the levers and pushing all the buttons to live a miserable life and stay introverted and pull back and always be offended by somebody [Music] [Music] i absolutely love bringing the word of god to you like this i hope you were able to watch the entire broadcast if not jump on our website and make sure you know when the next one's on and the next station we're all over the place on television and you can come visit us if you want there's information on the website about that as well i want to remind you to get our series that's what we're teaching on how to break wrong soul ties once you tie a soul to a soul it becomes extremely difficult to break that thing that's why a lot of people though they're good people they live wrong they get in a lot of trouble they live in depression and darkness they can't figure out what's going on and it could be also besides the soul tie they are vexing their own soul the bible talks about this we've been talking about it in the television series but you can get it and go in even deeper so order it now call in get it you know what to do get on the website bookstore breaking soul ties you got to have it i pray you know my jesus and if not accept him right now say lord come live in me come live in me change me redeem me change my path from damnation to eternal salvation he'll do it he turns nobody away then call upon us we don't want anything from you we'll help you tell everybody you know about the telecast about the ministry send a seed when you can and i will see you on the next telecast amen [Music] you
Channel: Mark T. Barclay
Views: 580
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: _2T4Un_JSRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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