Freed from Sin and Sickness | Mike Hoesch

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hey good morning everyone thank you so much for joining me today here on healing journeys today uh my name is mike hesh and i have a good word for us today from our father and uh through his word and by his spirit so hey i just wanted to remind you we are going to have a conference in may may uh what was it the 21st and the 22nd it's in the phoenix area uh i invite you to join us there i'd love to meet you and spend that time with us in fellowship there's going to be ministry through worship through all of our the speakers that we have here i mean our regular speakers and just want you to really uh plan to come and be there it'll be very edifying for you and a time of refreshing as well so please come i would love to have you it's plenty of time to make reservations and i heard recently also that uh arizona has um removed their mask mandates so we'll be able to uh actually see one another our beautiful smiles and our beautiful faces so looking forward to seeing you there so thanks again appreciate that and um so today i have a word from our father i kind of wanted to uh pick up on a couple of the points that were brought out in the last live stream and um i encourage you to go there if you didn't catch that i had a i had quite a few questions about um you know that people contacted me and they wanted me to expand a little bit on some of the points so i just felt led that that was a good idea and i appreciate that input from y'all and uh and again i want to say while i'm on that topic i want to thank you all for you know joining me i so appreciate you i see you signing in and and it just blesses my heart that uh you have the same desire that i do to hear the word of god to embrace those truths and let them become active and alive in your life and so thank you for joining me i thank you for the the comments you leave hey also just on that point of comments i also had some folks contact me and uh you know again i apparently you know and i saw them afterwards i didn't see him but some people were are carrying on a whole conversation uh during this time of teaching and i don't think that's good for you and i don't think that's good for the other listeners the others ones that are tuning in so i just encourage you if you have a comment uh it's awesome but make it brief and uh and if you want to have a conversation with someone in the chat section just give them your email and have them contact you after this remember you're joining me today with all the others because the spirit of god has led you to this and the spirit of god wanted wants you to hear something that's being said and the enemy doesn't want you to hear that so he'll use feelings in your own body he'll use comments anything he can to distract you from hearing the truth that will make you free so i'm just encouraging you to uh you know use this opportunity uh to tune in to what the spirit is speaking and ministering to you so thank you appreciate that so um the topic today that i was going to talk about i entitled uh what did i call freed from sin and sickness now the obvious question is and i'll ask you do you still sin we do sin and the bible says that we even get sick and we're going to talk about that so if we've been freed from sin and sickness then how come we still sin and how come we still get sick it's a very valid question isn't it yeah think about this i'm going to go to a scripture that we're all familiar with go with me to first peter chapter 2. and notice this very important points here in first peter chapter 2 verse 24 it says who his own self speaking of jesus who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed past tense you know the bible is very clear that when jesus hung on the tree that he hung there for everyone's sin in fact the bible says in second corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 that he who knew no sin hath god made to be sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of god in christ jesus so very important to think about this in that context if we can sin then how is that possible if we've been freed from sin and if we can sin whom jesus has freed us from sin then is it possible that we can get sick too and if both of those are possible yet we've been freed from them then how is it that we can live in what christ has done for us instead of what is possible through sin and sickness how do we make that separation like one of the questions was if we were already healed then why do we need to rebuke sickness and rebuke disease well in the same way that we've been re uh delivered from sin we've been delivered from sickness and disease so let's look at how we were delivered from sin let's go to first john here since we're so close in first john chapter 2 in chapter 1 it's important to note that john is writing unto us concerning our fellowship not our relationship but our fellowship you know relationship is something that you have through the new birth and it's unalterable it's unchangeable just like the seed that your father planted into your mother and turned out to be you or me that's unalterable you can never remove that seed out of yourself okay you're always gonna be the child of your father and the child of your mother and uh whether you like it or not that's the way it's gonna be and john is making the same point he's he's not discussing relationship that is secure through the finished work of jesus christ and us being born again but what he's talking about is fellowship how we relate to our father and his son jesus christ that's what he's talking about so let's say here in um in chapter 2 verse 1 it says my little children these things write i unto you that you sin not and if any man sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins okay so the point that he's talking about here is he's saying look the reason he's writing the word unto us and sharing what the spirit has laid on his heart with us is so that we can choose not to sin where we can make a decision hey i am being tempted here now do i really want to accept that temptation and if i accept that temptation what is going to be the result of it so uh i won't teach on this topic i've been teaching on it in in my sunday class but uh about he's not talking about relationship in other words if we sin it is not going to change our relationship with god but what will sin do well sin will have the same effect in your life that sickness has when it comes into your body it becomes a separation from the life that you have because of what jesus christ has done so the point that john is that i want to stress here that john is also stressing is that we have a choice to sin or not to sin and if we do choose to sin and we realize wow this is not right then go back to chapter 1 there is a cleansing from that choice there is the father is faithful and just to forgive that sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and why is he faithful well he's faithful because the finished work of jesus christ already took care of that sin even though that was done thousands of years ago in our time in god's time it's still in eternity so it's still like a present moment with him that our sin is forgiven has been paid for past tense okay so uh paul makes the same point if you'll turn with me to galatians he makes this exact same point in galatians so flip back there with me galatians chapter five you know uh as a result of me being very very sick and then getting healed or receiving healing and being set free i went back and looked into the word of god at all the things that i thought i understood at all the teachings the doctrines the things that i thought i understood and i realized that much of what i had received in church were doctrines that don't agree with the finished work of jesus christ so when once i began to receive revelation such as i'm sharing with you today man i had a brand new bible i began to see the completed work of jesus everywhere instead of seeing everything as what i needed to do to have favor with god or to get in his graces or to be accepted or all that that uh strife of uh and sin consciousness and and condemnation all those things that just drove me into strife those kind of things melted away once i understood you know the point i'm sharing with you today along with many others and galatians was one of these chapters that really came alive to me and i understood some things that it was saying so i want to go to galatians chapter 5 verse 16 on the point about like john said hey look he said i'm writing the word you we could say it this way the word was given to us to help us to choose not to sin but if we do sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous he paid for that sin he was the propitiation for that sin therefore even though we do sin even though it's god's will for us not to sin if we do sin we have forgiveness for that sin because it's already been placed on christ so think about that in the same way with sickness and disease sickness and disease can come on to us because and i'm going to get into these points because our bodies are not yet redeemed so in the same way that sin can come to us sickness comes to us also but the same victory that we apply to being forgiven of our sins when we even sin that same victory is available to us over sickness and disease so let me read this it says in verse 16 i say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would but if you are led of the spirit you're not under a law okay you're not bound anymore to do works or perform in a certain way to have fellowship with god once you became born again you were sealed we're going to go there also by the holy spirit of promise so what paul is encouraging these folks here as john was was hey look choose to walk after the spirit because your spirit is completely totally brand new you're a new creature in christ all things are passed away and behold all things are become new and because we are this new creature in christ every part of the inheritance that jesus procured for us that we are joint heirs with him in we have the ability to exercise and to receive that inheritance uh whenever we're walking in the spirit and we've talked about this in the past so i'm not going to go into that point so notice here in ephesians chapter 4 paul makes this same statement uh i mean he enforces this choosing part in uh ephesians chapter 4 verse 27 where he says neither give place to the devil if he's telling you not to give place that means it's possible to give place to the devil and how do we give place to the devil well it starts with like peter said in 1st peter 5 verse 7 he said that the devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour okay so both all these writers are telling us hey look there's a devil out there and he is seeking whom he may devour so keep yourself off his menu by doing what by walking after the spirit of christ that you're born of in other words walking in the spirit is your hedge of protection against sinning and sickness and disease okay that's your hedge of protection okay because that's going to not give place to the devil you might say well wait a minute if you're saying that the only way sickness can come to me is giving place to the devil then wow we could walk free from sickness and disease but is it that is that the only way that you can get sick is by the devil directly affecting you because you gave place to him no that's not true in fact i shared a live stream earlier on the man in john chapter 9 who jesus said that he didn't commit sin and neither did his parents but yet he was born blind so how does that happen well you know in in a chapter let's see where is that in it tells us let's go to romans chapter eight that's a good place to start romans chapter eight you know the bible says that even though we are born again and we are sealed by the spirit ephesians chapter 1 ephesians chapter 4 30 that we are still in mortal bodies okay uh romans chapter 8 verse 11 tells us this 8 11 of romans one of my favorite scriptures it says but the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead no it says but if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you the word mortal there means dying okay do you know that we're all made up of the earth even though we've been born uh out of adam we are all from the dirt okay we're made up of the same elements our physical body that the earth is made up of and the bible says in many places uh isaiah 51 i think it is tells us that that our bodies like the earth are wearing out like an old garment okay think about an old garment i have a a bunch of jeans that i've i hate to part with them but uh you know i've worn them and uh you know i wear them and i do work in them and they eventually wear through they're very comfortable but you know the knees are worn out uh you know there's tears in them from working and catching on things and and you know i was i was way popular before wearing those jeans before anybody else before they started charging you 120 to tear your jeans up i mean come on i i think let me borrow your pair i'll do it for free anyway no but our body's wearing out because it is mortal uh let's go back to ephesians chapter one i just want to read you this to give you some foundation in the word to what i'm saying it's so important in ephesians chapter 1 it uh it tells us in verse 13 that uh in whom you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom after you believed you were sealed with the holy spirit of promise he goes on to say which is the earnest of our inheritance until the until the redemption of the purchased possession okay now when a couple of obvious questions here is an earnest of our inheritance so what is the earnest mean if you've ever purchased a house they have what is called earnest money and that is the money that you put down to secure the property unto you until such time as all the negotiations and the vetting for that your finances etc are are accomplished and that means that no one can buy that house out from underneath you as long as you've placed that money down in other words that secures that house for you let's say you're buying uh you know a 300 000 home okay so you you want to buy the home uh but yet you still have to get all your paperwork together you have to get your finances together everything so what you do is you give them three thousand dollar check and you say i wanna buy this house now the minute the seller accepts that three thousand dollars even though it's not near the value of that home what he's saying is by through accepting that is i cannot sell this home to anyone else as long as you know you've i've received that money and at such time that this contract is complete i agree to sell this home to you and i cannot accept any other offers no matter how much they offer me i am legally not able to sell this house to anyone else even though you've only given them three thousand dollars and the home's worth three hundred thousand dollars well that's what our father did by sealing us with his spirit in other words he didn't just seal us spiritually he said look i'm sealing you with my spirit so everything that you are now is protected uh and belongs to me and can never be separated from me okay but our bodies are still mortal they are in a state of decay so he gave us his spirit as we just read in romans 8 11 to give and preserve life to that mortal body to fulfill the promise of life that we have here on earth okay you go to psalms 90 10 and it tells us that um we have given 70 years and by reason of strength 80 you can go back to genesis and you'll see that god said the years of man would be 120 you can go up to moses and see that he lived you know to that 120 he would have lived beyond but anyway the point i'm making is here the spirit the spirit of god is what was given to us to fulfill that promise to our physical bodies okay and the only way that that spirit has place in our physical body to do what god has given it for is with our agreement and the way we agree with our father is through walking after the spirit in other words we're living according to his word we're walking in his word and letting his life be the life that we're living and when we're partakers of that spirit with him then the spirit has freedom to give and preserve life to our mortal body so if we're like we see in john 9 i mentioned this guy had sickness and disease even though he didn't sin god made provision through the born-again experience where we could still have assurance to live out all of our years but that is subject to our will okay and that's why there's in fact most all of the new testament is more about how to walk in the inheritance that we have because we're born again then it is about uh you know getting converted so that you can be born again more of the new testament is how to walk after the spirit and fulfill the desires of our father that he placed in his spirit for us to live to and through in order for that to you know in order for us to experience the fullness of that so having said that in romans chapter 8 verse 11 it says that uh we are still in mortal bodies it shows us here that god sealed us and that there is coming a day where he's going to get the full it's uses this term it says until the redemption of the purchased possession in other words all of us belongs to god because of the spirit it tells us in corinthians it says that we're not our own that we've been bought with a price that we should glorify god in our body and our spirit which belong to him okay and the way we do that glorifying is by walking after the spirit so here it says that there's coming a day not we're in that day but there's coming a day of redemption where we're going to be loosed away from the mortality of our body and as it says in let's go to first corinthians this also makes the very same point in first corinthians chapter 15 i encourage you to read the whole chapter because paul's addressing this question of mortality uh about and uh so first corinthians chapter 15 um he makes this point and he says uh in verse um let's start in verse of oh wow verse 42 it says so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption so if you're if you're to leave your body before jesus returns in other words if you're you give up the your physical life here before a christ returns then you will be buried okay and your body will see corruption okay but it says it says here that when that happens it says in verse 43 it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body that's the point i wanted to get to so just as we're recreated in the spiritual part of us we're made new creatures so one day our bodies will be redeemed and be changed in the same way that jesus's body was changed from a physical mortal body when he was here walking on the earth to a redeemed spiritual body but yet it was still flesh and bone we remember jesus after the resurrection when they thought he was a ghost he said hey a ghost doesn't have flesh and bone as you see me have here so we're going to have a body that is flesh and bone but it's going to be made alive by the spirit and it's not going to be bound by the natural physical laws of this earth it's going to be able to move and exist in the same way that the spiritual part does it does right now so he goes on to say it says in verse 48 as the earthy such are they that are earthy and they and as is heavenly such are they that is heavenly as we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly in other words he's saying uh just like jesus just as jesus bore the physical body here on earth and after the resurrection he was his body was changed so ours will be listen to what it says verse 50. now this i say brethren flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god neither doth corruption inherit incorruption he said i show you a mystery not all will sleep in other words not all are going to die and be buried in the ground he said but we shall all be changed in other words listen to what he says in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trump shall sound and the dead shall be raised in corruption incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruption must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so paul is relating the same the point i'm sharing with you is that uh there's coming a day when this body which is mortal corruptible dying will put on incorruption but that's as he said in ephesians chapter one is for an appointed day when christ returns that's what's going to happen when christ returns we're going to be changed in the moment in a twinkling of an eye and then we'll be caught up to be with him and so shall we ever be with the lord as it says in thessalonians so again here we see that even though we've been redeemed and we are freed from sin and sickness we are still in a mortal body we still have to choose to live after the spirit to not sin and to be freed to walk in the freedom from sickness now it doesn't mean that sickness can't come to us again you're an immortal dying body but what god has given us through his spirit as we went over last week is he's given us authority over all the power of the enemy so if you do give place to the devil and he comes into your life and brings death and destruction which is all he can bring then we have specific weapons that god has given us we talked about these weapons last week and this weapons these weapons are spiritual and they fight a spiritual enemy which is the devil and the devil uses spiritual uh corruption to inf uh to oppress our bodies to where they actually physically manifest the spiritual corruption that he has brought into us now that's why we've been told in the scriptures over and over and over again that we need to guard our heart and how do we guard our heart i pointed to my head for a reason is because what gets into our heart comes through our mind it's what the enemy's speaking to us that if we receive and cooperate with that that is going to give place to the devil it starts with one simple thought think about all this corona virus covid19 we've been hearing about uh for over a year now okay you have to agree with that thought that oh wow it's a terrible deadly disease i don't want to get it and you have to give place to the thought that that is something that can hurt you in order for it to hurt you okay you have to give place to that it can't just overpower you how do i know that and if turn with me isaiah 54 verse 17 makes this point very clear isaiah 54 uh verse i'm going to read into it because it's important verse 14. i also did a live stream on these verses which is so important i encourage you i put the comments i put it in the co not the comments in the description below i put the link to this and i encourage you to click on that link and check this out uh verse 14 says in righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear now i'm not going to teach on all this i did already but notice when he says we'll be far from oppression when we don't fear so in other words fear is a choice you have to choose to agree with fear and once you agree with fear you've given place to the devil but listen to what this says it goes on to say and from terror for it shall not come near thee behold they shall surely gather together but not by me whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake in other words the lord is saying i'm not going to bring sickness and disease into your life i'm not going to bring oppression of any kind into your life he said they're going to come unto you but i'm not bringing them jesus put it this way in john chapter 16 verse 33 he said in this life you will have tribulation but he said be of good cheer i've overcome the world so jesus said just like this is saying things can come to you in this world but i've given you a victory over them because i have overcome them so again back to the same point the way you overcome sickness and disease even though it's knocking on you even though it may knock on your door is to walk after the spirit to use the weapons that we've been given in the spirit to walk victorious you know those weapons are offensive as well as defensive we talked about that in the last live stream that god gave us the sword of the spirit which is the word of god that's an offensive weapon okay it's not to clean your teeth it is an offensive weapon to destroy uh the works of the devil he gave us the shield of faith and that shield is there to quench the fiery darts of the wicked it we shouldn't be using that shield to dig out the darts out of our flesh we should be using the shield to quench the fiery darts of the wicked and how what are the fiery darts of the wicked their thoughts okay we hear them every day if you listen to mainstream media it's loaded with the fiery darts of the wicked okay and if you let one of those into your flesh what's it going to do it's it has a chance to give place to the devil if you allow that dart to remain but praise god listen to what it says here verse 17 he said no weapon that is formed against who no weapon that is formed against thee i'm of thee you're of thee these are promises and privileges we've been given again go back to the last livestream against thee shall prosper and every tongue that rises against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage or the inheritance that we have being a servant of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the lord now this on our side of the cross is so much more meaningful because now we it's not just his righteousness but we have been made the righteousness of god in christ jesus so we're not having to get god to rebuke the devourer for our sakes but we've now been given that righteousness through jesus christ and we're not servants we are children of god and the inheritance that we have includes those weapons to stand against sin and to resist sickness to cast it out and to walk in the spirit and walk in love joy peace gentleness meekness temperance faith goodness all of those uh all of that fruit that we have been given as part of being an heir of god and a joint heir with christ jesus isn't that awesome wow that's just like i gotta pinch myself sometimes to see is this really real yes folks it is really real real it is awesomely real as alma fudd used to say so think about it the sin the sickness both of them can enter into our life even though we're born again and spirit filled and they can come into our life and there's only one thing that the devil has to offer and that is death death and destruction john 10 10 the thief which is what all the devil is is he comes to kill steal and destroy and what does he have to offer go to hebrews chapter 2. in hebrews chapter 2 he makes this point the writer makes this point in hebrews chapter 2. listen to this and it's part also of what jesus has accomplished for us which i also i read last week it says listen to this verse 14 it says for as much then as as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also speaking of jesus himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death that is the devil so if you give place to the devil you're giving place to death in your life do you realize that all sickness is incipient death in other words any kind of like even a common cold if it's allowed to remain and to multiply in your body and to get a foothold in your body it can actually bring forth death at some point because there's no life in it so if it's allowed to remain for a long time and it's gain strength in your with your cooperation and with your physical body it could actually take your life away a simple common cold so all sickness is is a form of death everything and it came from where it came from the curse but we've been redeemed from the curse in other words it has no right to remain in us in the same way that we were redeemed from sin as peter put it who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree in other words he bore them away and by whose stripes you were healed in the same way that we've been delivered from sin we've also been delivered from sickness but both of them still have an opportunity while we're here on this earth in these mortal bodies to have a place in us if we allow that but it says that we've been redeemed from the curse of the law because christ was made a curse for us so all of the curse mentioned in deuteronomy 28 and even those that weren't mentioned specifically you know like modern diseases such as aids and and whatever else man has created and uh and you know released on the people uh those things were are still part of the curse that the devil through sin was able to get into the world and that corruption continued into the world until it's at the point it is today and uh but it's the original source of of that corruption came through sin and was multiplied or propagated or however you whatever word you want to use by the devil because the earth the dominion of the earth was turned over from adam who had it was given to him by god he surrendered the authority of it over to satan and all satan has to offer is death death destruction and loss okay so do you want any part of that well you don't have to have any of it that's what i'm talking about we can choose to walk after the spirit and even though sickness or disease might come into our life we have weapons that god gave us where we can stand against them but there's two important things to note here is that you must be aware of your weapons and you must know how to use them and both of them come through the word of god the word of god gives us understanding and knowledge so that we can be a partaker of the divine nature that we have been given through christ jesus that's what peter shares with us i think it's in um it's in second peter chapter one okay now uh if you i'm not going to go into them or look up all the scriptures now you can do this yourself but if you'll go through the old testament you'll see and the new testament you'll see that many were the afflictions of the righteous as as paul said but god delivers delivers us out of them all how does he deliver us out of them well he gave us a way of escape through the new birth when we became his children by belief and so if we continue to believe his word and trust in that word then that word becomes a a strength or a weapon for us to defeat the enemy remember jesus in the wilderness when he was being tempted by the enemy he didn't just say well i'm the son of god get out of here devil you can't do that to me no he didn't say that he went back to the word of god because he had isaiah 54 17 also and he said that and he knew that the words that rose against him in judgment he could condemn them and how did he condemn those words by by bringing up out of his heart what he had written on his heart which was it is written in other words this is what the word says this is what i'm standing in agreement with i'm not going to accept that thought from the enemy i'm not going to cooperate with it and what happened he remained free he remained free from the oppression of the devil because he didn't give place to the devil when the enemy challenged him he captured the thoughts coming into his mind during that in that time in the wilderness and he brought them captive and then when he was out in public and the enemy was trying to work against him he also used the weapons that he had also then and what did he do in one case we say we see that he rebuked the the the evil spirits and forbade them to reveal who he was okay so he used the power and authority that god gave him under the inspiration of the spirit just like you and i can do the spirit will stir something in us to stand against the enemy to rise up against the enemy to resist he'll bring a word to our remembrance though all those things the spirit is leading and guiding us to allow us to walk in that freedom from sin to empower us to walk in uh free from sickness and disease amen this is the heart of our father he wanted us to be completely free so that we could be free to live his life and be a light in this dark world just like jesus you know jesus was a a shining light he was a bright light in this world of darkness and people were drawn to him because of that light and others fled away from him because they loved their darkness and because their deeds were evil they didn't want to come to the light so we're that light today jesus said that we are a light in this world and we shouldn't put a basket over our light or we shouldn't hide it in a closet but we should let it shine bright and the way we let it shine bright is to walk after the spirit and when we're walking after the spirit we're not giving place to the devil and even though we're in a mortal body and sickness and disease may come to us we don't have to allow it to remain we can stand against it we don't even have to let it in because the spirit will give us direction and guidance speaking to us saying hey look uh you don't need to do that or hey look out there's this trying to come against you and what's going to happen well what's going to happen is we can use the weapons of our warfare to that voice rising against us and we don't have to let it into us we can just flat out say no devil get thee hence you're an offense unto me because you savor not the things that be of god but the things that be of men amen so i hope that helps uh in fact i know it will if uh if you go back over and and look up these scriptures i've shared you'll see that even though we're in a mortal body i mean even though we've been redeemed uh and we've been freed from sickness and sin we still can choose to sin and we can still allow sickness and disease into our body but we don't have to if we will use the weapons that i've discussed here and we'll walk after the spirit then we'll be empowered to not only walk without sinning but we're also be able to walk without without sickness or disease taking advantage of us or having dominion over us so i hope that was all uh i know that was good and and i just thank you father for quickening that those truths to everyone that hears this teaching and i thank you for doing that father amen so i just want to remind you please uh go to the website register it's a free event but please register for that event and join us uh may 21st and may 22nd uh in the phoenix area i really would love to meet you and and it's gonna be uh it's a two-day conference so you can either come both days or if you can't make it both days just come on saturday or or just come on friday and and meet us we'll all be there all the speakers for healing journeys today and we'd love to meet you and and just fellowship with you there so so god bless you uh and uh have an awesome rest of your day you
Channel: Healing Journeys Today
Views: 6,628
Rating: 4.9292035 out of 5
Keywords: sore, cancer, malignant, malignancy, cancerous, tumor, chemotherapy, radiation, treatment, sinner, sinning, herbs, herbal treatment, dermatologist, dermatology, neoplasm, malignant neoplasm, benign, cancer center, deadly, lethal, flu, metastasize, metastatic, metastasis, tinctures, ooze, oozing, bleeding, draining, complexion, low heart rate
Id: mI7j2H24HBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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