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my dear friends welcome to dark town population unknown but decreasing with every passing story dark town is your typical American Midwest urban metropolis but one with more than its fair share of mystery and intrigue first up we visit credence a young boy whose mother is about to give birth to his siblings but as we know things are never quite as they seem here on the streets of dark town so what does it have in store for young cretins let's find out till now first story this evening what in heaven's name of you Don the shrill voice echoed off the walls of the small room credence flinched taking him I want to make sure he wouldn't be cause he pressed his eye back to the key on inside the bedroom where his mother father the Township priest whom he'd been instructed to call father as well and two fat ladies who was something called midwives the priest was glowering at credence his mother she was exhausted after her labor and could do nothing except look at him with frightened eyes credence wasn't exactly sure why the priest was yelling at her or why she was crying he wanted desperately to run into the room and hug his mother but he didn't dare ages ago when the fat midwives had arrived and helped his moaning mother into bed his father had grabbed him by the shoulders and told him stay put sorry had through four hours of horrid screaming he'd waited outside the doll frightened but curious now the house was silent save the joint wailing of the newborns and the priest sinner blasphemous wench the priest shrieked waving his Bible this way and man's my wife is no such thing greetin's his father roared the priest rounded on him who really explained that monstrosity then the priest pointed at the bundle in one of the midwives arms a red squealing contorted blob squirmed inside the blankets the two twin girls were conjoined between them they shared two arms a torso and four legs they cried pitifully life already bringing them pain so fresh into their existence when credence his father said nothing the priest grinned in triumph he pointed a Creedence his mother again you've had relations with an incubus woman in the name of the Lord you would be stoned for your sins Creedence gasped he knew even at seven years old what stoning was how could his mother have done something to deserve that he began to cry quietly torn between wanting his mother and obeying his father Creedence jumped to the sudden loud noise from the front door he seemed to shake the entire house the adults on the other side of the bedroom door were immediately silent Creedence swore that the blood rushing past his ears had never been so loud it was almost thrown to the floor as the door he was leaning against opened his father stepped out into the hallway listen inside the bedroom the priest began to pray quietly the knocking repeated more insistent this time creedence watched as his father walked down the hallway to the stairs and disappeared down them moments later he heard the front door open and then shouts as if his father had let someone inside odd they weren't expecting guests Creedence come here his mother yelled to him but Creedence could not move he spotted something climbing up the stairs and suddenly felt like the air around him had turned to glass if he moved he could cut himself what credence saw next played his dreams for weeks after a live preacher came into view Creedence couldn't tell if it was a man or a lady the thing barely looked human it was thin downright skeletal in certain places his hair was long black and greasy its skin or the little that could be seen of it was ashen gray like a corpse it was clad in a white shirt and dark slacks despite the circumstances credence thought it look very fancy its arms were covered in white bandages its fingernails long and black like talons and his eyes his eyes were covered by black goggles the thing stalked to war credence it bent its head sideways as if confused by his presence credence shifted under his gaze his stomach dropping straight through the floor he was certain that this monster was going to do something terrible but then the thing was moving away from him and into the bedroom the priest shrieked as it entered oh you demonic pest without so much as turning its head the thing grabbed the priest by the face and flung him across the room as if he weighed as much as his Bible he collided hard with the wall producing a very satisfying thump before slumping to the floor the unruly distractions seemingly out of its way the creature turned to the midwives who are now trembling with fear he moved to warden slowly but with purpose it reached for the twin girls who had become considerably quieter since it had entered the room heart in his throat credence startled himself by finding his voice Hey the creature stopped turning his head to face credence as if to say yeah will you hurt us the creature shook its head and creedence wondered for a split second how the damn thing understood him at all he swallowed hard choking out another question are you really a demon this time the creature merely shrugged turn its attention back to the babies reaching for them and gently pulling them out of the arms of the stunned Midwife it pulled them to its chest with surprising tenderness a small smile forming on its lips has it rocked the twins gently back can fall greetin's half-expected the thing to start cooing at them after rocking the babies a few moments more the creature gently placed them on the bed then it did something credence thought was very strange he pulled out a coil tape measure from his breast-pocket and measured the baby's length and width once that was done the creature gently picked up the twins again depositing them with care in the arms of his mother then it strode from the room through the hall and back down the stairs the front door shut with a bang as soon as he was sure it was gone credence ran Full Tilt into the arms of his mother hot fat tears streamed down his cheeks as he frantically demanded to know what had just happened his mother held entirely inside that was the Undertaker the what Undertaker it's well a spirit of some kind that lurks in our town it's a death omen said cretins his father as he reappeared through the doorway it comes to a house and measures someone for a coffin then it leaves and comes back again when the coffin is done usually the poor sod is already gone by their credence can believe what he was hearing so if the baby's his father nodded solemnly and his mother began to weep the twins live for two days more every second of it painful it was almost a relief to everyone in the house when they took their last shaky breath at the very least the babies weren't suffering anymore after that passing Creedence stayed home to count with his mother while his father went to announce the death to the priests the priest had been adamant that the twins were still a cambian but it held off from stoning credence his mother apparently being flung into a wall does wonders for judgment his father hadn't been gone ten minutes when that same knock from a few days before echoed through the house credence got up and tiptoed to the front door his father had told him when the Undertaker knocks knew best answer and he took that advice to heart people who didn't answer the door made the Undertaker angry and that wasn't ideal he opened the door and sure enough the Undertaker was waiting on the other side under its arm it held a very tiny coffin it extended the sad little pine box to credence who took it without a word and promptly shut the door and that wasn't the last time credence saw the Undertaker occasionally he saw it knocking on the door of some unfortunate person's home sometimes it had a coffin sometimes it didn't it came back to his own house twice once to measure his dying grandmother and once to measure his older brother who'd caught a rheumatic fever as the years went by people began to desert the tiny town credence saw less and less of the Undertaker when he finally moved away from the town he hadn't seen it in almost three years he was glad to be rid of the sinister omen that a small part of him was upset as if he was homesick for a place fraught with bad memories so he began to tell the tale of the Undertaker to his nieces and nephews and eventually to his own children the story continued down the line for generations eventually lending itself to might and and Who am I well I'm not giving out any personal information to strangers but I can tell you that I am Creedence is descendant and now like my mother uncle and grandmother before me I too have passed on the tale of the death omen The Undertaker take what you will from this old story believe it or don't I don't really care but I'll advise you to remember if the Undertaker knocks you best answer nah so good of credence to pass on the traditions to the younger generations now we move on further through the streets of dark town finding ourselves at the house of young Alex a boy he was tired after a day of fishing with his older brother he goes to sleep and sleeps well but wakes the following morning to find that circumstances have changed greatly what does the future hold in store for him that's fine now I'm gonna start the story off by saying it's completely true and you can choose not to believe me but I'm telling you it really did happen I'll start the story six months ago my brother Jake and I were fishing at a lake not too far from my house trying to catch some salmon it was an awesome spots and he would take me there a lot he took me lots of places and he used to hang out with me quite a bit he was my big brother my best friend but that day everything changed while we were fishing he got a mysterious call from a blocked number I couldn't hear what the conversation was about as he walked off to take it but it sounded tense it was getting late we hadn't caught anything yet so once the call ended we both agreed to head back when we got home Jake headed off to his camper van which is right out at the back of the garden it was a beat-up old thing but he really loved it some nights he let me stay in there and we play video games it was nicer on the inside than the outside as he done it up pretty nicely with a little bit of money he had from doing freelance photography it was pretty good too he didn't make much money but he was doing what he loved I was well still I'm only 16 so I just worked at the local McDonald's I didn't make much either but it was enough to keep me happy anyway Jake headed off to bed and I did too I was pretty tired and I had to work the next day I had it past the kitchen to get to my room when I saw my mom in the kitchen making some dinner how was the fishing honey she said happily yeah it was great mom didn't catch anything this time you can never catch anything she exclaimed I laughed and headed up to bed you're not hungry she added no we already ate I replied Jake and I had stopped off at the local McDonald's on the way home I shut my door and landed on my bed falling into a deep sleep the next day I woke up and headed out the back to ask Jake if I could borrow his car to go to work for the day as I knew he didn't have any jobs on that week however I was shocked to find my dad brick paving a stone area where Jake's Caravan used to be I stumbled in my tracks Oh where's Jake what happened to the caravan I asked confused my dad turns to me with a confused look what are you talking about he asks in a grouchy voice the RV where'd it go I reply it confidently don't know anything about no RV boy he continues placing bricks down on the ground I head back inside to see my mom in the kitchen again but this time she's staring out of the window facing the front of the house hey mom where's Jake and what happened to the caravan I asked she turns to me with a worried and confused look honey who's Jake my heart sinks into my chest she opens the fridge and starts making breakfast um your son Jake I say cautiously as if to remind her she ignores me and continues by opening a jar of peanut butter mom a huge joking right now she interrupts me honey stop I don't know anyone called Jake he's a friend of yours when I stand in the kitchen with the both scared and confused look on my face my mom was getting older and maybe she just forgot him for a second but no how could you forget your own son and that doesn't explain why my dad didn't know what I was talking about either don't worry about it I said heading off up the stairs I walked through the hallway looked at the large array of family pictures along the wall my chest tensed and I felt butterflies in my stomach when I saw the pictures had been rearranged and some were even missing I couldn't see one photo of Jake anywhere my parents were obviously playing some kind of joke on me I thought I rushed into my room and grabbed my phone I look through every one of my photos one photo of Jake could be found I swiped through all my contacts and couldn't see his name anyway even all our messages were gone I was freaking out this had gone way too far whoever was playing this joke on me had been through my phone and that was a big no for me I ran back down the stairs seriously mom Jake's obviously gone through my phone haven't you guys heard of privacy come on where is he I say slowly losing my patience Alex you're worrying me are you feeling okay she said softly I look at the clock and notice the time whatever I'm late for work can I use your car today then I asked what's wrong with your car she said confused I don't have a car I say exhaling and rolling my eyes what about the Nissan she points outside that's Jake's car I snap at her whatever I'm taking it anyway he's obviously not here I grabbed the keys off the kitchen bench and head to work at work I couldn't take my mind off Jake why would he joke around like this what if something happened to him what if I was going crazy why would he move the caravan was he moving out I had no idea then I remembered Jake's Instagram that he used for his photography I looked up the name Jay Jay photography nothing was coming up now I was worried he had over 10,000 followers that took him three years to accumulate you wouldn't just delete his account like that yeah maybe he'd blocked me yeah that's the girl I was working with if I could look him up on her phone but once again there was nothing what was going on once my shift was finished I headed straight home still no sign of Jake now I confronted my parents many times and all they did was look at me like I was crazy it's been three weeks now there was no sign of Jake anywhere it's like he never existed no text messages no photos nothing my parents were starting to think I was going crazy I needed to find out what had happened to him I've contacted the police but they say he's over 18 and they can't do anything about it he has the right to go missing they say I'm convinced something terrible has happened to him he wouldn't leave me like this we did everything together he had so much going for himself I was convinced my parents were involved I would try to talk to my dad but every time I mentioned Jake he would get angry and tell me to stop talking nonsense I asked my neighbors if they'd ever seen him just to prove that he had existed but most of them are elderly and wouldn't no help at all I just couldn't find any of Jake's stuff anywhere as it was all kept inside his Caravan other strange things started happening around here too like one night I was walking past my parents bedrooms go to the toilets when I hear them whispering to each other I couldn't quite make it out but I distinctly heard my mother say my eyes widened my quickly tiptoed back to my room as fast as I could I lay in bed trying to figure out what she'd meant by that but they've done something to [ __ ] was I next I stopped trusting them after this I knew they were involved somehow I'm not crazy I would always catch them looking at me from the corner of my eye my idiot dad never leaves that God he's built the Gazebo patio area out on the area where Jake's Caravan used to be I always knew that didn't I Jake they couldn't wait to get rid of him always trying to get him to move out always arguing with him no I took y'all him most of the time he had it tough as the oldest child they've always been more strict on him they ever were on me then one day while I was at school I remembered something when Jake and I were kids we used to play down at the old forest at the back of my school I skipped class and headed to the forest I was looking for something an old tree that we used to carve our names into it was a large pine tree right in the middle of an opening i rant where I remember the tree being one was tripping over in the process sure enough there it was a large bark stripped oak tree with lettuce carved into it and right next to my name was Jake's I knew it I knew he existed I headed back home to confront my parents but was met with an out-of-place white van on our driveway when I walked in I heard people talking in the living room as I turned the corner I see a tall old man wearing an even older suit sitting down talking to my parents while two mean-looking men in white uniforms stood on either side of him the old man wide-eyed started talking well he is the man I've been hearing all about how are you Jake my heart stopped who the hell are you my name is Alex I say as confidently as I can but it comes out shaky and unsure my mother and father looked at each other concerned sit down Jake come on my mother holds out her hand yeah come on son everything's gonna be okay my dad says walking over to me get the hell away from me I say stepping back nervously the two men look at each other the old man's signal attempt to get me as one of the men approaches me I shove him away come on Jake it's easier if you just come quietly one of the men says I tried to run past him out the door but I'm stopped by my father that was the last thing I remember before getting pricked in the arm and quickly drifting unconscious I've been in this facility for six months now things are much more clearer now that I'm taking my medication I understand now that I'm sick and this is the best place for me that's what I thought until 20 minutes ago before I received a visit from my parents they've been coming to see me every couple of weeks but today was a particularly beautiful day and I was allowed to go outside in the big courtyard I was enjoying the view when my mother said she would love a photo of us all together she went and asked one of the nurses to take the photo of us where my father leaned in close and whispered into my ear he whispered something that shook me to my core and knocked me out of any daze the medication had got me under such a beautiful day it's too bad Jake isn't here to take our photo say cheese you guys the nurse yells smiling from behind the camera my mother leaning in closer to me to get in the photo I stared at the camera with a cold blank expression I was staring at the camera my mother gave the nurse to take the photo the same camera that my older brother Jake used to you well you'd expect a little more from your parents than that wouldn't you what do they have up their sleeves intriguing indeed now in tonight's final tale from dark town we move on to our demon a hoarder in the classic sense of the term her house holds many secrets soon to be revealed to her niece but will there be a positive resolution to the situation let's find out as we once again venture through the streets of dark town ever since I was a young child I always remembered my aunt Helen as being a major compulsive hoarder the few times my family and I would try to visit her it seemed as if the mountains of miscellaneous items would get taller and more threatening every time we stop by if you've ever seen the TV show hoarders you'll notice that many of the featured hoarders are middle-aged to senior women who were overweight and holding grudges from decades ago what was my aunt Helen even though she was struggling with a mental illness I couldn't bring myself to feel sorry for her after all she had brought this upon herself cluttering up her only living space if we wanted to help her she had to want the help we were offering but every time we tried she majorly declined yes I knew that her husband had died but that was years ago sure I would think that by now she would have moved on at least a little bit it had been several years since I'd last visited aren't Helen in more recent years she'd always declined to show up at family gatherings and parties I just assumed it was because she felt slightly ashamed that we all knew about our well that she could barely leave her house in the first place it began to worry me as time went on because I just simply figured that she was lonely but I still couldn't wrap my head around the whole hoarding thing so once a week I decided that I would call her to see how she was doing I even considered planning a visit even though I was terrified of seeing what her house actually looked like after all these years at past I began calling her every Wednesday just to make sure she was all right even though it took her a while she always answered the phone and I never had to call twice in the background of every call I could hear the muffled sounds of her crawling over heaps of collected items it was at that moment that I would always ask her if she was alright and she dismissively said yes she was just fine I've been calling her for about a month and a half when my aunt's tone of voice began to get somewhat panicked and afraid in the most recent of course she picked up the phone on the very first ring which startled me there's strange car outside my house it's been there for a day or two I've started to get worried she said her voice shaky and panicked I simply told her to calm down and everything would be just fine I wasn't really that worried about her I was thinking that maybe she was delusional or something I carried on with my life not thinking much about what my aunt had said over the phone that was until the next Wednesday rolled around I said about my normal routine of calling aunt Helen I was surprised that she hadn't picked up the phone at all she won't waste picked it up even if it was on the last ring I decided that maybe she was taking a nap so I figured that I wouldn't bother her she just tried calling her again the next day again I called but no answer now I was really starting to worry I decided that I should face my fears and head over to her house to make sure that she was doing okay the drive wasn't far from where I worked so I arrived there in about 10 minutes or so I could see a rusty peeling gray van sitting in the street beside her house I pulled into her cracked with a driveway and took a gander at the house she lived in for most of her adult life it was painted a dingy peeling white with dusty windows and weathered shingles it wasn't the outside I was the most worried about that I swallowed hard and made my way up to the front door lightly knocking no answer I knocked again but louder this time still no answer I took a deep breath and decided to step into the house I began trying to push the door open but it barely moved I pushed again harder this time and the door only moved a tiny bit more I tried one final time using all my strength to push the door open just enough to squeeze myself through I gagged and nearly vomited at the putrid smell that filled my nostrils smelled like rotten food decay and fecal matter all mixed into one dinner - at the door behind me as I trudged slightly deeper into the house all the lights were on despite it being daytime which I found slightly witted I've now realised there was a pile of junk about 4 feet high blocking the doorway just looking at the mess and clutter made me begin to feel anxious and claustrophobic I had no idea how my aunt had managed to wriggle her way around the house there were piles and piles of junk and knickknacks piled all the way up to the ceiling the piles consisted of anything and everything you can ever imagine food wrappers and old boxes stuffed animals with matted fur and mounds of tattered clothes I surveyed the scene in disgust all the while calling out for my own I covered my nose and mouth with my shirts and began to make my way up and around the huge mountains of forgotten every time I called out I received no answer in return beads of sweat began to form on my forehead as a feeling of panic began to form as a lump in my stomach as I was about to venture into what I assumed was a living room the smell of rot and decay began to grow stronger making me gag I thought I was prepared for anything when I walked into that house but nothing could prepare me for what I stumbled upon next there was armed Helen but not as I was expecting to see her she looked a lot larger than she had the last time I'd seen her bloated with post-mortem gases a single bullet wound dotted her head while swarms of flies buzzed around her lifeless body the sight and smell hit me like a ton of bricks and I couldn't help but turn away and vomit I stumbled outside and immediately called the police thinking that my aunt had ended her own sad life by turning a gun on myself the police showed up shortly after thinking that it may be suicide as well the only thing that was strange was that the gun in question could not be found I didn't blame them of course as it could have gotten lost in our heaps of trinkets and junk he's no help to me and my family to clear out her house as a team anything below the uppermost layer began to rot making it easier just to shovel it all out like clearing ashes from my fireplace the fridge has been filled with rotten food and more than a fair share of dead critters and insects my cousin I were able to locate at least two deceased cats as well as something unidentifiable but as I was clearing items out of one pile I uncovered something even more startling after removing an old newspaper a decaying human hand making me stumble back in fear I immediately called the police once again telling them that I'd made another startling discovery after a thorough investigation of the course of a week they were able to inform us that the body was identified as a man with an extensive criminal record the car that had been parked outside when I first showed up was registered under his name a few stolen goods were found in the back of the van as it turns out this man had picked the lock of my aunt's door so he could get inside to rob her that explains why the door was unlocked when I'd showed up a week later the man snuck into the house not expecting to find a huge hold but some valuables instead he had been armed when my aunt caught him sneaking into her house so he shot her and tried to make his way out but was buried alive by decades of old junk I'd always thought that my aunt's hoard would kill her not of bullets of the head but the hoard was like a monster in a horror film not only consuming her life but also ending somewhere else welcome back my dear friends to darked him a man falls asleep in the luxury of his Darktown apartment but when he awakes he finds himself in a different world will he ever be able to return listen and see Tara is coming home to fight that everything you own has been replaced with an exact copy renowned horror novel writer Stephen King is quoted the same perceiving threats through natural intuition helped our ancestors to stay alive most of the time we can quickly guess if something is a threat to us or not such as a falling Boulder or having a gun pointed at us there is that space between what we think is a threat and what is not one this is vagueness or ambiguity a dictionary definition for ambiguity is the quality of being open to more than one interpretation in exactness our brains can't exactly guess if something is a threat by looking at it like a creepy mask or a clown yeah there is nothing wrong with a mask or a clown there's just something a little off about those two things it's just aren't natural let's say that you walk down the stairs to get yourself a glass of water in the middle of the night after everyone else has gone to bed it's so dark in your house that you need to have a hand against the wall just to get downstairs you start to hear little noises that you normally would have ignored because you've heard them so many times all of a sudden you hear and feel breathing on the back of you on there when you thought you were alone and turn around to see nothing there well something happened to me that might never be explained this experience wasn't some kind of lucid dream or a hallucination it was real I was in shock and it took a little while for my mind to reason that itself and accept the alien situation that I was in how else would I just wake up one night with a tattoo of the number three on my upper thigh in a place that I've never been to before a week ago from tonight I woke up to find myself strapped to a chair with a black blindfold over my whole face I thought I was hearing voices that sounded exactly like my own next some unknown force took off the blindfold and I found myself in a dark room or I could barely see a single thing a light then abruptly appeared and made a humming noise and I saw that I was in a small room surrounded by six other people all of whom looked exactly like me we were all silent we had no idea what we could say that would be relevant to what we were seeing hello a muffled voice said over an echoing speaker you are all probably in shock at this moment and have nothing to say that would put any of you at ease you may notice the similarities between yourselves who the [ __ ] are we we all said in use and then sharply went quiet because we were so shocked to have had the identical reaction Jim it's all right your reaction is completely normal who we are is unimportant it's the question of who all of you are is what you should direct your attention towards are all of you you or are all of you individuals just like someone you may make awkward eye contact weird on the street the mysterious man was not making any of us feel better after all we're all woken up strapped at shares in a dark room and found six other people in the same situation but all looks and talked exactly like me and I have nothing to worry about that's madness like I said before anything that I say by this point will not aid in caring any of you down so it would be useless to even attempt to do so there is just one explanation I will give you before we all leave there are seven of you joining us here today all of you appear identical down to that little freckle you have on the back of your left I looked over to my left hand and saw that there was that little freckle right underneath my pointer finger the truth is that almost all of you are copying there is just one exception by this point I was for some weird reason actually starting to calm now I must have been the real me isn't it obvious you are all by this point assuming that you are the real you am i right this is where you are wrong how could I be wrong I must be the actual job I know that to be a fast I have all of my memories don't I what were the rest of these people think we took the original one of you and copied your consciousness into the six other bodies that we created and then we strapped you all to one of these chairs you will all be set free and you will not be harmed by us ever again but there is one catch one of you will be able to go back and live your life the way it was before and all of the others will need to start over the ones of you who aren't so lucky to end up back in the place where they fell asleep we'll probably start planning to go to where you live now and replace yourself with a person who is living the life that you've believed to be your pawn we will make sure that you're not able to harm the one of you who gets to go back to the way things were no this can't be happening I remember saying to myself there was a one in seven chance that things would go back to the way things were what felt like only a few breaths and links ago after the man stopped talking everything faded to black and I woke up in a bed that was not my own across from a huge glass wall out looking snowy mountains my chest dropped into my stomach I wasn't at my house my girlfriend wasn't right next and instead of a German Shepherd at the foot of my bed there was a laptop that looked like my arm with a piece of paper on top this is what the paper said dear number three welcome to the Dolomites this beautiful mountain range is elevated at ten thousand nine hundred and sixty eight feet above sea level and is where you have found yourself living you will find a safe in the closet that will contain all of your financial papers passports a birth certificate turned other things of that nature you do not need to worry about working we have provided you with enough wealth to live comfortably for the remainder of your years and there will not be a language barrier when communicating with the locals you will not be able to do a reverse search of your face online but you can follow the original job online and will be able to peer into his life but it will not be possible to you to contact him in any way now go out there and go on some adventures find a special friend and treat yourself every now and then you are still young and you have many more years in front of you I felt so stuck I haven't left my three-bedroom house yet groceries were delivered yesterday so I've been fine I'm just sitting in front of this window looking at an old photograph it has all the photos from my first birthday all the way up to my last few days of my old life but there was one slide missing in the photo well I guess it was symbolic of something then I went into Facebook to find Joe and at the top of his wall he had a hundred and twenty likes Wow I said to myself I had never gotten that many likes before the photo was of Joel on one knee proposing to our girlfriend of seven years maybe that was supposed to be the last picture in the photo but I will only be able to see how one of the seven Joel's lives the rest of their life through a Facebook at an Instagram page I will never be at my wedding I will never be able to meet my first child I will never be able to sit down in the chair in the office of the job that I was working to have all I can do is start of us humans live in a very strange world which inspires so many questions even the best of our thinkers don't have explanations for we seek out answers launching rockets into the depths of space never to be seen again we send boats into the deepest parts of the ocean in order to discover new places but our brains are just too fragile to handle some horrifying truth where do you think he was the lucky one you've got to return to dark town maybe his luck was in not being the one through town yeah in our second story this evening we investigate it's a case of sibling rivalry gone bad I've always hated my twin brother Richard there was a liquid hatred that slithered through my body like an ice-cold vapor his speech his mannerisms his style of dress cause me to cringe with disdain years of living in his shadow enduring his endless taunts of sickening arrogance planted the seed of revulsion and the desire to rip his heart out his kids he was blatant favored by our parents while I was labeled the difficult one in the contempt we felt for one another because of this palpable through the years our conversations were always peppered with snide remarks and criticisms there was never any warmth or shared moments of affection just a barrage of accusations and hidden agendas the day he died I rejoiced I'm sure that sounds heartless maybe even a bit psychotic but it's the truth there was no outpouring of emotion or tears of sorrow I lacked any feelings of remorse I felt Rich's death was inconsequential a minor distraction which was easily disregarded I viewed my parents overwhelming grief as TDs their constant whimpering made me want to vomit I would sneak onto my breath whenever they would mention my brother's name and then crumble into an emotional their devastation was always met with the drawn-out war and a vindictive swell because I knew how much these people despised me I was a reminder of what they have lost and it was delicious at his funeral I looked on with eyes clouded with amusement as I watch my mother make a spectacle of herself by collapsing onto Rich's coffin and repeatedly screaming why as my father tried to console our eyes met and again I smiled for I knew the truth they had murdered the wrong son yes dark town has its share of mysterious goings on that's for sure now on to our third tale for this evening a man has been suffering bad dreams for almost all of his life will it be any different this evening let's listen I'm fine now it caused itself the Onyx the black the darkness it is an ominous and otherworldly thing slowly and painfully driving me to my grave since I was a child I can remember our first encounter with clarity the bulb in my night light didn't burn tails daddy and mommy were already in bed no one was left to protect me the creature walks hand in hand with a darkness of night undetected unexpected yet perpetually feared you see this entity preys viciously on the weak of mind the innocence the unknowing it is undetectable in the first moments of his arrival no warning is given no chance to prepare it is simply there with you whether you want it to be or not it's followed me for years now the twentieth anniversary of when it first showed itself to me is approaching and it knows I am near the point of surrender the Onyx is mastered the art of enforcing psychological exhaustion upon its victims things go quite smoothly through it when it is known you since your childhood as it has me most people would recognize it upon seeing it it has no real shape or mass it's just that dim wispy cloud of hellish darkness crawling up your bedroom wall and lure me in silent way to your surrender to weariness from the day I'm very much aware ever the fact that it watches me invisible during the day blatantly surrounded in the night the moment light is extinguished with a simple flick of a switch it exists dominant Eve the Onyx has been gracious enough to inform you that tonight will be my final encounter with it not that it's going anywhere only me I have no say in the matter no control I am under is merciless command I'm given no choice but to accept my fate and my final towers to lie in agonizing wait of the final visit of the Onyx I'm starting to shiver Oh God I can already feel it the sensation of several weights laid across my body is abrupt and powerful pressing me into the mattress I can't move my muscles are stiffened to stuff I dare only to move my eyes I watch is the Onyx slivers under my closed door and into the room it watches me from the foot of my bed I am helpless instead of ulnar ibly with its insidious contemplation it makes its way to the side of the bed then arches its grotesque form / slithering what feels like a skeletal hand over my body it's ours over me and its darkness overtakes me in its entirety one it's delicate mantle of blackness glides across my face I'm reminded briefly of a gothic and tattered bride's faith the Onyx hovers to the darkest corner taking its usual route of the wall and onto the ceiling of love nightmare it stares triumphantly down on me it stays that way for some time seeming to relish the mud finally it begins its descent I close my eyes several sharp objects almost like claws dig into the sides of my face leaving behind what I'm sure angry and bleeding gashes I can't help it I scream the skeletal hands are closing over my skull then suddenly what feels like a third hand the decked with needle-like fingers forces itself down my throat I gag and shriek hoarsely as the spindly fingers dig through my science burning and tearing with every careless movement distinctively I feel the hand move with purpose as it closes over my panicking hearts it has me the fingers tight my vision turns plan a strangled cry beyond my own recognition escapes might have destructed throat the claws gripping my head begin to tighten as well pressure builds inside my brain has the skull begins to crack I experience every little splits every microscopic bright warm liquids trickle down the sides of my face since my eyes into my open mouth my body is made a guinea and then there is nothing they find me like that a few days later eyes glazed and mad with anguish sculling shot with unknown fluids leaking out blood seeping from the ragged lips and gathering in a large pool on my bruised on moving chairs mysterious pink black stain my skin in various places my heart they discover is oddly missing gone no where to be found I could have done this the office as an investigators ask one another the remnants of my eyes roll around rapidly in their sockets looking frantically in all directions it's right in front of you I tell them but their ears are deaf to my warning their eyes are blind to the things of this netherworld of darkness and ceaseless torment i watch the creature follow them out as they leave the gruesome scene of my my the creature my second shadow my lifelong stalker my execution yikes it's all around it will never leave you take my word take the world of its claim the victim you will see just wait until dark so when I tell you it's only a story and wish you sweet dreams I do so dearly hope he doesn't end up for you like you did it for that poor man now I want through our final story of the evening one of dark towns fine members of the police Constabulary is worried about a strange figure that he sees outside his apartment he's also worried about home invasion where this all leads let's listen and find out it's true what they say monsters do exist they have always existed and will continue to do so I live in our minds infesting them with suicidal and horrible thoughts some of us give in some of us don't it's the battle that never ends but there are more strange and fearsome things the things that lurk in the shadows and only come out when it's dark on our planet I feast on us on our fear our guilt and every bad emotion we have this is a story about one of those things those things that want to destroy our people kill us torture I stare at the TV screen just some classic [ __ ] about politics again my mind wanders off to several different thoughts my wife my job my family I work for the local police station and since there are rarely any crimes in Vista we mostly eat donuts drink coffee and get fans although I wouldn't call myself that I go to the gym every day and try to eat healthy although it's a night and I have a bag of chips with me a thought comes rushing into my mind it was about a case we had last month the man was washed ashore he was dead obviously and covered in bite marks and in some parts of his body there was flesh ripped out his eyes were gone as well we thought sharks but they don't usually just buy some dead prey and leave it no no something quite off about this bizarre incident we had to close the case since there were no suspects and the man's body was too destroyed to identify I felt a breeze of cold air the moment I sat up from the couch the kitchen window was open and got up to close it then as I did I saw a figure standing outside looking at our window I was a bit creeped out I'm not going to lie I hesitantly closed the window and then shut the blinds thinking about how creepy this actually was I gaunt and opened the bedroom my wife was long asleep so I kissed her on the cheek dress down to my underwear and silently got into bed and pulled the covers over my body I was awoken about 3:00 a.m. from knocking on the door we lived in an apartment on the fourth floor so it wasn't likely that any homeless person could have gotten in yet I got up put on a pair of shorts since it was summer outside and went to look I heard the knock again and this time it was more violence I said hello and immediately regretted saying from the other side of the door I heard an old man's voice go brown he'll get run they will eat and then there was silence I listen for breathing but there was not in fact it was way too quiet more than it should be we lived under a bar and people go there every night I was really creeped out when I once again felt cold air rush of my back I look behind me and saw the window in the kitchen open again what I closed it when I went to sleep I walked slowly to the kitchen and through the window I saw the same figure still standing there I shut the window fast locking it with a lock that we had over each window I shut the blinds took my gun from the safe and put it on my nightstand just just in case I went back to bed but it's needless for me to say that I didn't close my eyes once again that night the next morning once I woke up my wife was cooking breakfast already I entered the kitchen still tired from the sleepless night said good morning to her and asked if she had opened the window at night she denied doing it so I was left thinking about this whole day long I won't bother telling you about my wording because it was boring as hell nothing ever happened in this small town I got home before my wife because she works at the mall and she comes home with aims I had about three hours myself so I decided to check out the window once again I opened the blinds and let the Sun Shine in the dark figure was obviously gone nothing seemed off or out of the ordinary the window wasn't broken or anything and I had no explanation as to how it it opened if none of us had done it we don't have strong winds here not ones that'll blow but a shut window definitely not I was confused things like this just don't happen I don't believe in ghosts or anything like that I decided to throw some bad thoughts out of my head and go out to smoke a cigarette and wait for my wife to come home since she only works a few hundred metres away from here she's on the phone once she gets home we order pizza for dinner watch a movie and do a doll star talk love drink a bit we go to sleep at around 1:00 a.m. and I check the window before we do so it's shot no figures standing outside this night I go to the back door and check the lock on the door as well locked and no sound outside I go back to the bathroom turn out the lights and jump into there I feel calm I wake up my watch is unplugged I turn around and see the bed beside me empty and cold sweat is rushing down my spine my wife is gone my bolt operating man I feel the cold again I grab my gun and walk out of the bedroom what I see it's terrifying every window is open wide open the cool air is blowing in I proceeded to close every window and as I do I call for my wife no answer I check the bathroom and every other room nothing finally the kitchen the window is the last one open there I walk inside the dark kitchen pointing my gun at the window it's an intruder I proceeded to tell myself but something inside me knows this is something wha I don't dare to turn on the lights in the kitchen I'm scared that I might see something I will well I don't know I slowly approach the window then I see it it's my wife well her face to be exact a minute later it's gone I want to call how to her but I can't my mouth is dry my hands with the gun is now shaking I'm at the window and I see the figure it's sitting on the tree it's not a man it has six eyes and way too many arm it sits there smiling with his huge mouth I don't know what to do once mine can only process what it's understand then suddenly the creature lunges at me trying to grab me with his long and nail covered fingers I fire a shot at it the bullet just bounces off so I try pushing it away from myself it tries to eat my face but I use all of my strength I have in me to push its jaws away from me then an idea sparks into my mind I'm gonna burn myself in this [ __ ] with it now flat as a gasoline tank it's not much but it might be enough to light this apartment on fire I know this sounds crazy but I think it's the only chance I've got with all of my strengths I push this thing off me and throw a kitchen knife it is it screams a terrifying scream and growls in pain this gives me the split-second to close the window and rush out of the room and shut the door behind me I feel pain in my raisins blood is soaking in my shorts as well I take the gasoline container from the washing room and open it splashing the gasoline all over the floor more surprises me is I hear no sound from the kitchen whatsoever I empty half of it and proceeded to walk back to the kitchen I wait for a moment then brace myself for the worst and walk inside my wife is standing in front of me she wraps her arms around me and starts whispering to me they almost believe that it's her but there is one thing since when does my wife have red eyes I scream and punch her away immediately her skin starts peeling off revealing the creature I smile now splash the remaining gasoline around me and on the creature as well it stares at me for a moment I look into his eyes of hell then I pull out my lighter and just as the thing jumps on top of me I drop it on the ground I feel sharp pain and then I'm falling into that black abyss local newspaper reports for killed in apartment fire the fire supposedly started from the fourth floor and lit up the whole building it took two days for the fireman to completely extinguish the fire which could have been caused by a gasoline explosion the bodies of four persons were found all one man the most destroyed boy had bizarre marks moths of the man's body will bid now and his eyes won't go we joined a man who has a little time to reflect on the decisions of his past and how they have led him to his current predicament five minutes that's how much air I have left in here give or take a few seconds of course I don't have access to a clock to see how long I've been in here I do know this room holds enough air for roughly 10 minutes total once sealed completely I wasted my first five minutes trying to escape her feet I am well aware is impossible and actually quite you bid I've resigned myself to this fate unless she has a change of heart which is doubtful to say the least she caught me completely by surprise I'm almost in or of her planning I never once suspected she was anything other than what she appeared to be I guess that's why they say you should be cautious of who you meet online four minutes now that's if I can remain calm I know what to expect but will it keep me from pounding my fists against the door when my chest gets tight who knows we'll see soon I guess she knew just how to cater to my tastes blonde hair blue eyes goth chick something about the lights dark contrast appeals to me it helped that she look familiar I couldn't quite place you she was at first she played a good role and got the best of me she knew just how to make me feel comfortable how to stroke my ego and lull me into a false sense of security she seemed fragile broken desperate just how I liked them I guess she just seemed easy three minutes I don't know if it's in my mind or if my breaths are becoming harder to pull into my lungs and less satisfying ones together it's only a matter of time now anyway she was so charming to me so sweet and humble but she held that broken air about her like she would do anything I told it I even considered asking her to join me in my work as an assistant of sorts she was just so damn obedient not like the others before she didn't try to run off alright like a [ __ ] to me I think that's what did it that's what made me let my guard down so young and beautiful my old eyes were blinded by lust and strangely hope for the future hope that she would be the one that I could keep teach and mold into the perfect life means life can get lonely for a man of my tastes two minutes now there's no denying that the oxygen level is dropping my chest is starting to burn and panic is clawing at my brain insisting I try again insisting if I plead long enough she'll open the door I've kept it at bay so far I'm not pleading I won't work she sees me for what I have we'd been dating for a few weeks when that feeling of deja vu I got with her started to really pick at my brain it practically overwhelmed me but in my line of work questioning these things can get pretty messy if I do happen to recognize someone I knew before well that's just something best left unsaid I finally placed her at the last second right before she sealed me in here she had wandered into my study as I slept open this hatch and then waited for me to come looking for her how would she slipped from her restraints so easily how had she known where to find the secret latch to release this hidden vault these are questions that will haunt me now in this final minute or so of my life the air is hot now thick and almost completely devoid of oxygen my chest is burdened by an unbelievable weight black dots shower my vision it won't be long now such a shame that I didn't recognize her face just a day soon he would have been her in here struggling to breathe her last but it's too late to think of what could have been there's barely even time to think of what is she hidden wait until I was in place staring perplexed to the open vault then she made her move knocking me over the head and shoving me in here I only just had time to turn around and glimpse her face framed by the doorway eyes flaming with hatred only then did I realize where I'd seen that face before years ago she was my first I was young reckless I know now that I was also too kind I forced her inside this same volt that will come to be my - but I like the little girl there she couldn't have been about three years old there's no way that she could have incriminating me and at the time killing a child was a little too much - stung so I drugged her blindfolded her and left her on the side of the road a hundred miles away I'd never known what had become of her until now my final thought is my vision fades my chest feels about to explode is of those same hate-filled eyes staring up at me from the face of her mother they say we never forget a face and how true that seems to be petit was a little bit too late for him and now we move on to a family of four brothers who are rejoicing in the excitement of a huge lottery win but as we are in dark town we'll see that not everything ends well three years ago I won the lottery and within four months I'd learned to never trust anyone my three brothers Jerry called and chosen and I won the Powerball lottery we claimed it anonymously and split the three hundred and ninety nine point four million dollars between the three of us of course after taxes we only took away around 71 million dollars each every week for 10 years we'd been throwing in $50 a person some weeks we'd win a couple of hundred dollars but others would only take a couple of dollars despite losing money we would still throw in the same $50 a week after week without a second thought the very hope that someday we might be able to just live comfortably without having a job was more than enough motivation for us so that's why we never gave up or even gave the $50 expense of second thoughts we started the lottery pool when I was 24 years old he became a thing one Christmas morning when we all realized that we were spending around $300 a month on lottery tickets already now before you judge all of us I want you to know that since we were young our father had spent almost all of his paycheck on lottery tickets we captured that same passion but luckily for us it was in a more moderate way Joseph and I have always been the closest since Paul and Jerry were both more than 70 older than us Joseph and I only had a two-year gap between us it meant that we argued and fought the most but at the end of the day we never complained about having to share a bunk bed with each other no matter how much we argued that day we would still talk to each other until we fell asleep every single night we were the ones that actually got everything set up for the lottery pool and he was the one that convinced Jerry and Paul to join in so that we could have a better chance we made ourselves a few simple rules in case we won and how we would go about getting the tickets number one we always used randomized numbers chance above law number two we will buy the tickets in a turn-based system Jerry Joseph Paul and then me number three no matter who turned in the numbers we would always split the winnings 25% each number four if someone was unable to participate that week they would not be included in the winnings for ten years we faced almost constant failure the most we won was around $1,200 but if you added up all the money we'd spent until then it felt like we were just throwing our money away for some reason we still kept doing it without any sort of hesitation the person who was in charge for that week to purchase the tickets always found the $50 from each of the other people so ten years later and I went into the convenience store that was right by my house and purchased the 200 Quick Pick lottery tickets that Wednesday i sat in front of the TV while the numbers were being caught I wrote the numbers on a notepad and scanned through every single tickets when I found one ticket that matched every single number and in the right order I stared at the two pieces of paper I checked the ticket over a hundred times just to make sure that the ticket I was holding in my hand was the impossible goal my brothers and I were shooting for I called all of them within 10 minutes and within an hour all of them were standing in front of me staring at the lottery tickets Paul asked me if I was pranking them but I convinced him that I really wasn't Gerry's whole body was shaking with what seemed like absolute excitement and Joseph walked up to me and gave me a hug while telling me that all of our lives would finally get better we all decided that the cash option will be the best for us to split equally and once we got the cash the first thing we did was split four ways on a new house for our mother and father I have never seen them so happy than the day that we surprised them with their new house my father fell into tears while trying to explain how much it meant to him while my mother gave each of us hugs while telling us how great we were to them with all this newfound money life was great to me until a month and a half later when Paul was found floating in his outdoor pool his neck had been sliced open with a head of a rubber duck poking out of his open neck Joseph came over to my house the next day to deliver the news and when I heard about it I just wanted to cry over the loss of Paul he may not have been close but he was the one that always made sure we did our homework and that we made good decisions every time any of us thought about doing something reckless Paul wouldn't try to stop us but he would try to talk to us and tell us that he thought what we were doing was absolutely foolish the paranoia didn't really sink in until the death of Jerry two months later he was found in the middle of our local park clutching a rubber duck his stomach was ripped open with both of his feet stuck into his midsection he had been dead for eight hours before someone noticed that there was a dead body on the park bench the day after Jerry's dead body was found in the park I noticed that joseph has stopped talking to me altogether just to make sure I texted him over 10 times and called him three times but I never got a response I remembered playing with ducks with Joseph in the bathtub when we were younger we took baths together I remember that Jerry and port will always make fun of us for playing with such childish toys in the bath but we were never really affected by their taunts I didn't want to think it was Joseph actually killing both of our brothers but I didn't really have any other person to blame I know I didn't do it and I know that we claimed the lottery winnings anonymously so all of my worry was on Joseph I know that we were family but you don't know what people will do for that extra bit of money we all have more than enough money to live off but obviously Joseph didn't think it was enough for him for the next two weeks I double-checked everything I did and everywhere I went I was filled with paranoia since I knew that Joseph knew where I usually like to go and what I like to do I kept staying vigilant until the yesterday yesterday I woke up to the news of Joseph's death he was found with a knife cut from his neck to the bottom of his midsection the bottom half of a rubber duck was stapled to his stomach and the top half of the rubber duck was sewn over his lips they were two words cutting to his forehead a little ducky when I heard the news of his death my blood ran cold and I found myself filling with an overwhelming sense of panic little ducky that's exactly what my mother used to call us hmm was that a case of keeping your friends close but your enemies closer mm-hmm no one can be trusted in dark town so on to our final tale this evening a man unhappy with the appearance of his home decides to do a little bit of decoration but not in the way that most of us would imagine my walk past the noose in my living room every day it's been dangling from a hook I've hammered into the ceiling over the coffee table for four months I've walked past it every morning as I leave the house and every evening when I come back from work learning how to fashion a think was easy I almost couldn't believe how many DIY videos were on YouTube I made mine with an extension cord I didn't hang the noose to kill myself not then really I just winded up there for companies to have a reminder that there was something there but would let me escape everything if the time came where I needed to it was like having a radio that you never played or a chair you never sat on it was just there a piece of furniture waiting to be used things have been not so good for a while not finding a lot of fulfillment in my job haven't spoken to any friends in god knows how long but worst of all my wife started cheating on me earlier this year the guy she cheated with is in his 20s bartender from in town fella at least had the decency to wait until I left the house to [ __ ] her but they still made it pretty obvious to the neighbors she would scream loudly I've been told her and I hadn't made love in over three years hell he only even spoke to one another maybe once or twice a week on the day that I found out when some sheepish neighbor took me out for a drink and broke the news to me I put up the news I did it while she was sitting on the couch watching TV she said in nothing as I stood up on the coffee table Howard the hook into the ceiling and draped the knot extension cord ovaries I stepped down looked at her gave a little smile and left the room not one word was said the two of us walked past the news every day for the next few months sometimes I'd find us staring at it concerned but she never said anything to me her demeanor towards me became a lot friendlier we started talking well one night we even had sex it was passionless and neither I was finished but hey it was something neighbors told me mr. hotshot bartender was still coming over but less frequently now there was a different kind of screaming going on whenever he was over constant arguing things weren't going so good with them I just went about my business but always focusing on the news sooo I kept thinking to myself soup all the neighbors god bless them sent me letters telling me to keep strong that my wife was in the wrong to consider leaving her and finally finding happiness all sorts of nice things were sent how I didn't deserve her how she was a terrible person how I shouldn't let this get me down but even being surrounded by all this kindness nothing comforted me as much as the new student it was a guiding light for me a sign of comforts it still is even more so now one day I'm sure I'll use it now I'll have to cut the wife down from their first bone she's been keeping it warm for me since she found all those nice letters I won't pass the news every day on our last visit we ended up in the suburbs and witnessed some poor unfortunate events that led to murder this time we ventured slightly further out and into the largest wooded area of dark town and specifically to a path known as Sara's trail what secrets does it hold and what might we find there let's see I've lived in this town all my life and I've never experienced anything more life-threatening and horrific than when I traveled through Sara's trail I was only 16 at the time and a real adrenaline junkie to me the trail was just a convenient path that made travels from my friend Clara's house to my house shorter in time the trail began near the local Walmart where the back of the store led into a forested area and it stretched all the way to the other side of town where most of the housing complexes were including mine my history teacher had told us one day during a lecture but the trail was the remains of what used to be railway tracks constructed for the old railway system but rotted away after years of neglect use of the business being sued in the 1920s apparently there had been a train that derailed killing about 200 people in the spring of 1923 this was because the track had not been laid properly and the business neglected to fix them but that wasn't the only dark history behind the Train if you ask locals about the trail for those who had been living there during the summer of 1967 they would tell you the story of Sara and Bloor she'd been in grade 12 a real ambitious our students she'd worked on the church mural downtown her signature painted among the rest of her peers as remnants of a lost spirit at youth one like she decided to sneak out which according to her mother in later interviews was unlike to attend the end of year party being hell by the prom queen of 1967 during the party Sara decided to leave early and make her way back home using the trail her mind in a drunken state people at the party claimed that they didn't even see her leave of course at that point they were all probably so drunk they didn't know which way it was up they found out the next morning that Sara Bloor had not returned home that night posters were put up search parties organized my grandmother who told me the story had been part of the search she told me how they searched that whole stretch of trail all areas of the forest the town searched for a whole month but no one could find a Blue Lagoon one day a teacher from one of the search parties stumbled upon Sara's bracelet lying in the grass a kilometre off the trail a few centimeters from that was a severed arm were rotted and crawling with maggots the nails were painted a lime green around the arm the trees and leaves appear to be smeared in dried blood the creepiest part about it was the fact that one tree had the words them painted on it of course they discovered it was Sarah's blood and her fingerprints she had been the one who painted the words the cops investigated for years looking for a suspect they never found her body or the person responsible rumors spread around town some said she was murdered by a crazed local farmer and her body was ground up into meat and sold on the markets other said she was murdered by vengeful spirits of locomotive 99 the train that had derailed everybody had their own theory on what had happened to Sarah Brewer and they had their own stories to tell about the train a few months after her disappearance her family spoke up about hearing what sounded like a girl crying in the war in that backyard every night when they let the dog out of course they were ridiculed for their claims people think it was just a hoax and all but then more people came forward a girl named Jessica claimed that she warped the trail home one evening and saw in the distance of strange lights that have illuminated the darkness she said that as she got closer she could hear the cries of a girl she ended up running back to her friend's house and getting her mother to pick her up but the scariest counts was the one that happened to a classmate of mine Jimmy was coming home from a party one night taking the trail by himself apparently has heeled closer to the end of the trail he could hear the screams of a girl he described him as painful desperate shrieks for help then as he got closer he could see in the distance a girl he said she wore a pink dress her skin pale Thursday she had reddish blond hair and red eyes that were bleeding she had stood frozen in the middle of the trail staring at him he told me that her mouth had been open eyes wide as she screamed at him blood dripped out from where her arm had been severed off Jimmy had run down the trail not bothering to stop until he got back to the party he swore he would never take the trail ever again so why had I taken it to be honest I was a skeptic sure Jimmy was a great guy but he always drank too much at parties and people liked to make up stuff like that for attention besides that particular night Chloe and I had been home alone as her parents had been out of town for a party and my parents worked out of town so they couldn't pick me up so the trail had been the best option I'd left Chloe's late around 10:30 it must have been and made my way to her backyard where the trail began I remember that particular night had been really hot and I'd taken my blue hoodie off hanging it off of my shoulder as I walked the woods have been pitch black the only source of a light coming from my flashlight he was an old gray thing that barely lit the power so I was pretty much in the dark I must have been twenty minutes into my walk when I began to feel cold I was confused as there was no breeze or any songs from the cold air it was like all of a sudden I was freezing I pulled my hoodie on my body's still cold as I walked faster I was looking around there the dark suddenly feeling suffocated my heart began to race adrenaline rushing through my veins I sped up as the woods grew darker around me the flashlight had suddenly began to flicker and the stream of light doubled I hit it against my hand rapidly the light still flickering the path was black now the outline of the trees around the night sound suddenly became louder the crickets chirping in my ears the sounds of a twig snapping I was extremely on edge I gave up on my flashlight and instead began to run my heart booming in my chest and that's what I saw it's the light in the distance illuminating the end of the trail it was a green light smoking like dry eyes I'd frozen in place the fear overpowering the shapes of people walked out from the lights it had been a row of six black figures with pointy heads and pure red eyes I didn't know if they were human or not it was too dark to tell they moved slow almost like zombies towards me I could hear whispers around me suddenly like they were in the bushes at either side like they were surrounding me I began to turn to run when I came face to face with the bloodshot eyes and pale-skinned a girl stood right in front of me her white eyes staring at me blood covered her skin her mouth was wide open her teeth all missing as she screamed her right arm dangled like you to his lifeless her left arm was missing a bloody stump in its place I gasped falling backwards as I ran off the trail into the woods I had to get out of there off that trail my reasoning skills were planted by my consuming fear I must have tripped a couple of times through the woods over branches and bushes until I finally made it to a backyard the back porch light was on they look like people were in the house my lungs had burned from my escape I made my way to the house looking behind me in fear i jolted as the figure stood a couple of meters away just watching me they were motionless pure blue I began to run again tripping over the porch steps I'd bang the sliding door tears falling from my eyes I turned around again intimidated by the figures red motionless stairs the owner of the home had open the door shocked at my fear it was a woman whose husband had been out of town her children was sleeping and she said she was up late getting laundry done she asked me what had happened why I was so scared and if I wanted to call my parents I told her about the people in the woods now they were still out there watching the house she investigated looking from behind the sliding door of the woods I told her they had pointy heads and red eyes she began to look at me skeptically replying that she saw nothing I couldn't believe it going to look to see for myself I thought maybe the glass made it hard for her to see so I was prepared to point them out but to my surprise they weren't there anymore the woods just stared back at me dark and normal the woman had asked my telephone number and it called my mother she left work immediately coming to pick me up across town she had interrogated me asking if I'd taken any drugs or alcohol got into anything I wasn't supposed to I begged her to believe me that what I saw was true the next day she caught the local police station and gave them my statements they searched the woods looking for the pointy-headed people and the bloody girl they found nothing they concluded in their minds that I was either crazy or looking for attention my story was also passed around school people calling me crazy all the way to my graduating year that was 1999 now I'm a 34 year old writer still living in town I chose a house however closer to downtown and away from the woods despite that I find myself traveling the forest during the day searching I have obsessed over that experience trying to figure out an explanation going through tons of articles at the library hundreds of books on the story of the town I discovered more about the town's history during the first world war there have been an elementary school just off the trail that had burned down one day during class they killed 11 students and a teacher who had been trapped in the growing smoke and could not find their way out the ages of the Dead students were between five and nine no one knows how it started or who was responsible then in 1950 three teenagers hung themselves out near the Falls deep in the woods a surprise to the residents who described the students is full of life and ambitious none of them had showed previous signs of depression or suicidal thoughts yes it seems the town had a dark side all connected to those woods I speculated for years trying to figure out the reason for all of the deaths I still don't know why so many horrible things had occurred near there or how it connected to my encounter the only thing I was sure of was that the girl I saw in the woods that night was Sara and her spirit must be stuck in those woods forever suffering it made me sad thinking about how she had to spend eternity roaming the wards where she had died what about those pointy-headed people the image of them painted in blood always popped into my brain did they kill Sara did they kill the teams did they burn the school but were they were they even human all questions still unanswered and did I even want to find the answer those things that are in the woods are evil and a better left hidden I know that but part of me needs to know needs a conclusion that's why I'm writing this as a possible goodbye note I know what I'm about to do is dangerous and I obviously don't know if I'll come back from my trip I just know that if I don't go to the trail tonight if I don't discover what those beings are the unknown will make me go crazy so I say farewell to my family and I hope they can forgive me for leaving and finally see that all those years I was right about the woods I love you more and I know that even though you thought I was crazy all these years you continue to care for me and stand by me dad I'm happy that you and Mom are still together all these years and I hope you can both forgive me I just want someone to believe so that whatever evil is out there in those woods can be revealed and then no more death or destruction can occur I can't live knowing what I know just standing by as innocent people die and for the people reading this other than my family I'm telling you now if I die in those words it was the evil that killed me you need to know that the trail is a death sentence and that Sara still works her dead red eyes watching anyone who walks past all of their dead eyes of watching I'm telling you never ever walk Sara's trail unless you want your blood spilled around the leaves and trees of the woods never ever walk Sara's trail unless you want to become part of the forest and part of them well you heard everyone better stay away from Sara's trail but that's not the only place where we're gonna find strange goings-on a little further off just by the woods we now come across a young girl he was trying to keep safe during a thunderous lightning storm one-mississippi two-mississippi three-mississippi for your charm may be gone but there's no need more I live in an isolated place the big old neighborhood where the homes are further apart and ravines corral yards deep my house is isolated even more from the others separated by a screen of oppressive pine trees swaths of dead grass and acres upon acres of ragged trails my parents never let me explore those paths they said people often lost their way even in our neighborhood why just last month a little girl had disappeared during a massive storm sir my parents had been incredibly distraught about since moaning about how important it was to heed those warnings word was she was never found I was smart enough to listen by stayed inside under my covers and watched as the Lightning toward jagged white-hot paths across the sky a few moments later the jaw tingling boom of the Thunder would sound my parents were asleep in the room above mine they taught me how to gauge the distance of a storm wait for a flash of light to fill the night sky count by mississippi's and divide by five for every five seconds the storm was a mile away I had a tough time with numbers other than five we were only just learning how to divide in school I counted to ten Mississippi this time before the thunder rolled over me filling my ears with a cacophony of brass rules the sound didn't scare me in an odd way it was rather comforting affording me the false security of the brick and glass that separated me from the elements neither the blinding lights nor the deafening tremors could reach me I looked up at my ceiling watching the shadows of the trees shutter across the rough white paint an eerily beautiful science my ragged fleece blanket was knotted in my arms my head cradled in an overly plush pillow I lay prone waiting for the next crash of thunder it filled my ears at eight Mississippi this time I rubbed the blanket with my cheek struggling to do the math about a mile in a bit away as the Thunder died away a different sound permeated my perfect a creek followed by a dry scuff then silence again my neck has prickled my curled in hard regains myself another flash spread throughout the room I felt thankful feeling the familiar fear of nature's staggering power wash away any unease I counted again clutching my blanket close five-mississippi the storm was closing in the Thunder a harbinger of the damage that would follow another flash illuminated my room through the big window offers in my bed I made out the purple outlines of the spouse trees beyond shuddering briefly as I imagined being out there among them at least I had my home my room my bed another peal of thunder washed over me for Mississippi's later when it died I heard yet another creak of the floorboards I remained frozen convincing myself there was no threat if I could not see it a fresh flash of light blazed through my bedroom and for a fraction of a second I made out a flicker of movement just to the right of my window I stared at that spot in my bedroom trying to detach some imagined entity from the well of shadows formed by the corner of my room just as my eyes settled on the darkness of that spots a new flash bloomed within the darkness and I was blinded once more groaning I squeezed my eyes shut I wasn't scared of thunderstorms dogs were other kids were even my parents are jolted from the occasional crack of thunder I did not I observed them measured their distance took comfort from them it took me a few moments to discover what was wrong with that last flash no thunder echoed afterwards I tried to recall my count but realize they hadn't done it I waited for the next spire of lightning to blaze across the trees beyond and actually sighed in relief when it did but in that moment something else caught my attention as the lightning filled my room a secondary burst of light seemed to pop up just beyond the fringes of my window I peered hard into the trees as their purple black outlines were electrified across my vision but nothing else appeared with another groan I buried my head against my pillow and peeked out from under one guarded Island the thunder rolled across my room with a three-mississippi count this time but again an eerie creak seemed to dog at its heels I scanned at my window searching for any flicker of movement but none appeared there was nothing there only mother nature in all her or inspiring power waging a war of electrified plasma and sonic concussions against the earth I began to doze my guarded gaze dipped in and out of consciousness blurring and refocusing on the window in my mind I kept up the tally wondering when the storm would hit us those flashes bombarded my pilots casting spectral outlines of the trees against the weird red void I got when I tried to squeeze my eyes shut I found I was reaching out more with my ears for any discrepancies cataloging the thunders ripple was just as a flash flickered across my reddened vision exhaustion must have dulled my senses because at some point I began to realize that Thunder didn't always match up with the lightning flashes sometimes it would just be the flash followed by a creep I struggled to erase the creaking from my mind burying one fear under another but he was getting harder to ignore fear paralyzed keeping me from reaching out into the darkness of my room to confront my suspicions I kept gazing out of the window praying for the next flash of lightning instead the next flash popped up to the left side of my head I saw in the window an outline of some sorts vaguely humanoid and thin I yearn for it to be a tree with a growing sense of dread took hold of the logical part of my mind it was something far worse remaining still as a mannequin I peeked from the cubbyhole of my covers and under my eyelid and applied the lightning distance principle to this new phenomena the flash ten Mississippi another Creek another flash seven Mississippi another Creek each pulse of light bringing to fruition the things gangly black limbs in my window it was getting closer to my house there was another flash this one coupled with a lick of lightning five Mississippi I couldn't hear the creek this time due to the Thunder but when the booming raw died away I almost screamed there was a breathing sound raspy dry almost hungry he was coming from my left again i clenched my blanket to my chest trying not to salt from the revelation the figure was in my room I've been observing his reflection in the light of the flashes another blaze of light charged the room for a moment followed by an additional worry ice coiled around my spine as I felt my covers gently crinkle and my mattress dip ever so slightly another flash accompanied by that disgusting breathing and a very faint whine of a Polaroid camera I didn't move couldn't move you don't roll over to face a terror it went against every animalistic instinct we had instead I lay there feeling long slender fingers coil around my sheets the things wait shift even closer I squeeze my eyes shut abandoning my people lightening bloomed once again against my window and the outline of something grotesque hunched over my bed took shape against my eyelids he breathes de noisily the camera dangling around his neck I shuddered as I felt his mouth touch the base of my neck and then his tongue slip up along the batteries in the window I could see him practically smothering me his greasy clothes ragged with dirt and mud he had a scratchy beard and his breath smelled of rotting meat as he placed one gnarled hand on my thigh it began brushing upwards his lips hovered just above my ear pulling back my dark hair and touching the skin I wondered where you disappeared to he said in a crusty whisper thought them words claimed you he rolled me over fully the malicious grin splitting his pockmarked face glad you survived he held up his camera we can have some fun now right I stared back at him wordless heroes the camera to his face and took another picture then he screamed I guess he must have finally seen my face the flesh sloth off my skull the tendons wrapped tight around my right cheek and jaw the black socket of my left eye he gazed back at him condemning and joyful he stumbled back off the bed blubbering like a baby I slowly followed he'd come for me the month before during another storm he'd taken pictures of me for god knows how long warming slowly into my bedroom and stealing me into the night he knew the paths that twisted every which way beyond my home Chiron no one would ever find us but I'd escaped I fled into the woods during that storm but soon I too became lost I'd fallen asleep counting counting for eternity and then I had awoken once more it was during another storm I knew where to go my parents grief could never be mended but I could still make things right I knew he'd come searching crawling back to my room like a cockroach and here he was sobbing pitifully at the foot of a little girl's bed I stepped off the bed slowly watching him scramble back towards the window there was nowhere he could go flash of lightning glinted off my alabaster skull echoing through my mind as I knelt down beside the creep mercy does not await you I interned in a dry voice your remain shall never be recovered never relinquished never thought to rest he looked back with wild yellow eyes I rested a skeletal hand on his shoulder now come let us have some fun in the woods he cried out as my grip tightened and screamed blindly as my fingers pierced into his tendons hooked his collarbone and dragged him behind he kicked and flailed writhed and sprayed garbled prayers into the night but the Thunder drowned him out he couldn't stop me deep into the woods we traveled further than any sane human might go at some point he passed out from the pain the camera still dangled around his neck filled to the brim with memories of his past atrocities I came to a stop in a small clearing where a tree split by lightning sat there I slung the bumbling creep at the base of a tree and slapped him to make sure it worked he looked around blindly crusty features thick with fear I lifted him into the splintered front of the oak and pierced his arms and legs with the shattered wood there he screamed and fought but unable to move as I stepped forward and took the camera from his neck one picture a flash in the night by murmured raising the camera to my socket and taking a candid that is all anyone will remember you by I stepped up and wrap my fingers around his greasy neck before slamming the camera into his mouth shattering his teeth and lodging it into his jewels pictures continued to roll off illuminating his chest and throat as he wept and struggled weakly I backed up smiling remembering the pitches he'd taken of me I counted the time between each flash it's living further and further into the woods one-mississippi two-mississippi three-mississippi lightning flared and the Thunder roar and I disappeared into the night police would never know what happened to the little girl and disappear there will be an area-wide search missing posters the whole nine yards but no one would ever find anything the only thing the parents found that was remotely interesting was a bit of dirt in their child's back in a room that had been locked for weeks and a single solitary photograph buried under her blanket a picture of a shattered oak tree and one simple phrase written on the back one-mississippi two-mississippi three-mississippi for your child may be gone but there is no need to more hmm in that story revenge really was best served cold now in the final of our three stories for this evening we move a little further out towards the city cemetery where the goings-on are even more strange the young man recalls the events of the past and his time spent in the cemetery on the last day of July 1993 I saw my first reanimated corpse I've been spending my summer vacation with my grandfather the head caretaker for the largest cemetery in the county while my parents were overseas visiting relatives in exchange for a weekly stipend of $75 I was to spend my mornings performing various chores around the cemetery grounds including cleaning Moss from cracked and forgotten headstones and collecting wilted sun-bleached flower arrangements for the garbage that particular morning was spent preparing for a burial and helping my grandfather repair a headstone that had been vandalized over the course of the previous night we've been working on it since mid-morning and when we finally finished the Sun was high in the noon sky after we finished cleaning up I went to look for a comfortable spot to take my lunch break and read an old Lovecraft collection purchased the day before from a used bookstore meandering through a field of monuments and headstones I made my way towards a weeping willow tree that stood out against the dark coniferous forest that ran the perimeter of the cemetery before the willow there was a small green tent folding chairs flowers and a rectangular mound of dirt remnants of that morning's burial a small green aluminum sign was pegged into the dirt a few feet from the opening it's tarnished copper lettering identified the graves inhabitant and lifespan as grace fillings 1914 to 1993 finding the shade of the tent to be inviting I made myself comfortable on a couple of the folding chairs beneath it I wasn't two pages into the story dagon when I heard what I thought was a strange muffled sound of a thumping beginning to resonate from the capped burial vault in the grave before me I looked at the hole and immediately dismissed the thought that I'd heard a sound coming from it I was about to go back to reading when I heard of the game curious i sat down my book walked over to the edge of the grave and listened with intense concentration a few seconds later I was rewarded with not only more thumping but a stifled scream terrified I stumbled backwards tripped over a row of chairs and then bolted across the cemetery towards the memorial garden benches where my grandfather usually ate his lunch I arrived out of breath and panicked I told him of the thumping and screaming he looked at me like I was insane and had me lead him to the grave go get Henry run boy I sprinted through a maze of headstones and mausoleums towards the large aluminum storage garage that housed by the cemetery's landscaping equipment and a small office um I went earlier my grandfather had knelt down beside the grave and listened just as I had done before he would lay to describe what he heard as the most unnerving experience of his life a voice from beneath a burial vault can I burst into the office startling Henry to drop one of the bags of peat moss he was stacking in a wooden bin splitting open at his feet Darren why Deacon I didn't let him finish between gasps for air I told Henry that my grandfather needed him right away sensing trouble he quickly forgot the bag and we took off running Henry followed me with his fervent apace as he could muster for a man of his age and stature where my grandfather spotted his coming he shouted for Henry to bring the goddamn backhoe around Henry who would work for my grandfather for twenty years and had never questioned one of his orders ran down the gravel road to where the backhoe was parked away from that morning Morris I joined my grandfather who then proceeded to lower himself into the grave and straddle the vault he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted into the vaults hello can you hear me we're gonna get you out of there he was answered by a muffled shriek off in the distance I heard the back hose diesel engine sputters a life with an oily growl minutes later Henry piloted the machine over the stone pegged horizon his dented chrome exhaust pipe belching a thick cloud of blue smoke that trail behind it when it arrived I stood back and watched as my grandfather instructed Henry who manipulated the backhoes arm into position over the grave Henry jumped off the idling machine and removed a chain harness hanging from a makeshift steel hook on the side of the can he connected the harness to a loop of steel weld it's the bottom of the scoop and then climbed back into the back hole my grandfather directed him to slowly lower the chains into the grave hooks dangled from the ends of the four rusted chains as the backhoe lowered the harness down into the grave when the hooks were resting on the surface of the Volks camp my grandfather waved for Henry to stop he secured the hooks to the rebar loops protruding from each corner of the lid and climbed out Henry brought the backhoe steel arm up with a hydraulic why lifting the cap off the burial vault the rumble of the engine had drowned out any audible sound of movement and it wasn't until the cap was resting on the grass beside the grave and the backhoes engine switched off but we could hear the blood-curdling shrieking and furious thumping from within the stained hardwood casket I watched in terror as Henry reluctantly climbed into the grave straddled the vaults and used a screwdriver to force open the locking mechanism securing the caskets lived as soon as the lock was sprung the top lid sprung open and caused Henry to scurry from the grave with a startled grunt he cursed under his breath as he came to his feet beside my grandfather and beheld the ghastly sight before us my grandfather taught me to look away but I could not keep myself from staring at that loathsome display the elderly woman in the casket was thrashing her hands around her wild frenzy as if she was fighting off an invisible attacker every muscle in her body twitched with uncontrollable spasms her eyelids fluttered her irises and pupils concealed by white plastic caps the mortician had used to hold her eyelids shut yellow tinge skin sagged over the emaciated sunken face screams came through curled lips and teeth artificially clenched with a crisscross of white suture thread the wig she had been buried in and slipped off exposing a railroad track of stitches that orbited the back of her head an autopsy had been performed her brain removed and waved her head crashed against the burial vault tissue spasms opening a deep gash on the side of her head pink embalming fluid welled up and dripped from the wound Jesus Christ what's wrong with her eyes Henry asked his voice waver my grandfather ignored the question sudden love the gate Henry if anyone asks we're closing for emergency maintenance get the gas can and some matches from the office on your way back when he returned from the garage Henry joined my grandfather at the edge of the grave he handed the gas can to my grandfather we washed with Nam shocked as he emptied the entire can into the grave and over the woman who was still very active and was now hissing at us he tossed the can aside and snatched the matches from Henry's nervous shaking hands stand back he commanded as he pulled a match from the book and struck it against the thin brown strip on the back he used the match to light the rest of the matches in the book it flared to life in his hand and he flipped it into the grave igniting the gas with a loud even though I was stunned by the unexpected blast of heat my eyes never left the site of the impromptu cremation I could see the woman still flailing in her casket even as she burned the plastic caps on her eyes melted down her blackening face like tears of white paint on cracked asphalt the sutures on the back of her head snapped and a scalp curled back as it burned exposing ivory cranium the embalming fluid in her body boiled and foam from cracks in her charred skin it took 20 minutes for the woman to stop moving she and her casket was still smoldering when we recap the vaults and quickly filled it in when we had the backhoe part in his usual space next to the garage we collected ourselves to the confines of my grandfather's office we sat in silence at his desk as we pondered what to make of the horror we'd all just witnessed my grandfather broke the silence he stated that we were to keep the day's events of Secrets that we would all carry to our graves before the end of the summer we would find two more of what we began referring to his moving burials and it created the reanimated corpses we never spoke of the cemetery secret to anyone nor did we discover the reason for the atrocious things we found twitching and writhing in the two weeks ago my grandfather died from a two-year battle with lymphoma in accordance with his last wishes he was buried in the same Cemetery he'd spent so many years caring for I visit his grave every day when I'm sure no one is watching I press my ear to the ground and listen a young woman finishes a long hard day at work in a state of exhaustion she struggles to remember where she parked her car that morning surely that can't be too big a sign of trouble ahead can it well this is dark town so we shall just have to wait and see I work in an insurance company I was in the midst of finishing my temp to perm assignment and working major overtime my boss of course didn't mind as we had a lot of projects to complete and she needed someone willing to stay in work the late hours I didn't mind because well let's face it college loans were killing me and I needed the extra money my coworker John was also attempted pal stayed late with me to help finish the massive project which was jus that day after coming in early working through lunch and leaving at 9:00 p.m. we had finally completed the project as we left John noted that the hallways were eerily dark even for it being 9 p.m. on a Friday night I brushed it off with a joke that there were probably ghosts and war demons running amok and this was their way of telling us we had to leave when we finally made it down to the parking lot I panicked for a moment as I couldn't see my car but as I passed a tree I realized my tiny Fiat simply hidden behind the massive trunk of the tree as I walked closer to my car I noticed that it was facing the wrong way and stopped walking John who wasn't paying attention look back at where I was standing and asked what was wrong I maybe it's just been a long day but I swear I didn't back my car into that spot I said tiredly shaking my head and continued walking you just finished a 13-hour shift with no lunch you're exhausted in your blood sugar is low you probably forgot that you part that way this morning John said trying to ease my worried I sighed yeah you're right all right well see you bright and early Monday morning we waved goodbye as he climbed into his car and drove off I stood at the front of my car and poking my head to the side I stared at racking my brain trying to remember how I'd parked him this morning I rubbed my eyes and in defeat I sighed once more shook my head at my silliness and climbed into my car it was too warm for an April mind so I rolled the windows down and contemplated putting the top down as well in hindsight I wonder if that might have changed in it if maybe this whole thing never would have happened instead I turned up my music and drove home as I was driving home I called my mother to let her know that I was finally leaving work she was at the beach house with friends but it was still good to hear her voice hi mom I'm finally leaving work I said as I rolled up the windows and turned on the AC hi sweetie long day for you she said over the background noise of what sounded like a few of her neighbors gathered around the bonfire yeah came in early work through lunch and I'm I paused as I heard a jingling noise it almost sounded like someone clinking two quarters together or shaking a dog's metal prong collar are you ok my mother's voice came through the speakers of my car's Bluetooth oh yeah no I'm fine it's fine sorry I'm just really tired I told her silently chiding myself for listening to too many horror podcasts at work mum went on to tell me about the dogs now everyone was just going down to the beach house as she was talking that same clinking that same jangling continued every now and again mom do you hear that hear what that jangling or clinking or whatever it is a Duchess's tags clinking together I don't hear anything and Duchess is outside with your father okay it's probably an old spoon down on my floor or about to be murdered whatever if I have murdered at least I won't have to pay off my student my husband's mom didn't find that last comment particularly funny your fear is too tiny to feel a murderer just remember that huh anyways I have to go have a good weekend I love you I bade her goodbye and told her to tell Dad I'd said hi as I pulled up to a red light and click the button to end the call I glanced my backseat I put one of the seats down earlier in the week and I could almost see into the truck a murderer could so fit into my car I said to myself as the light turned green I kept the music off but rolled the windows down again as I accelerated I heard the jingling again I groaned in annoyance and twisted in my seat to see if there was anything back there nothing it was empty yeah what the hell I said angrily another stoplight and the jangling began again Oh for the love of God I said frustrated hi if you're gonna kill me just do it already nothing I sighed in frustration and continued driving this time I turned on the music nice and loud as I pulled into my driveway I turn the music down and rolled up the windows I was humming the rest of my favorite song and gathering my phone and purse when a hot searing pain erupted in my ribs I gasped I couldn't suck in any air to my lungs my hands went to the source of the pain I felt a knife sticking out of my ribs I couldn't bring myself to turn my head but I felt someone's breath tickle my ear fear overtook my senses and I sat there frozen until I forced myself to look into the flies and mirror as I looked into my back seat my eyes met a pair of blue eyes a man crouched behind my seat smiling and emitted a breathy laugh I guess a murderer really cannot fit in your car he breathed into my ear for our second story this evening we remain in the heart of dark tale but moving on to the hospital a young medical worker comes face to face with an unusual patient and takes matters into her own hands let's see how it ends it's called the Hippocratic oath I pledge myself to uphold this when I became a doctor do no harm is about his brief a summary that can be created for this agreement no matter who the patient what they've said done or believing I can never turn them away it seems like an obvious decision to always help a person in need but we all get tested at some point for me it was my son's murderer four years ago he rounded the corner in his truck by my son's elementary school without paying as much attention as he should have my son was killed on impact the image of his mangled body on the road forever burned into my mind the sickening crunch and assorted screams along with it the killer walked according to the judge my son was not fully within a crosswalk as he crossed the street towards me meaning the man was not reliable absolution from the court must not have been enough to clear his own guilt however as the face that lay in front of me that I will never forget was identified under a different name in the three months since he arrived under my care he has not had a single visit either he cut ties with everyone he knew or they cut ties with him maybe both and I don't blame any of them for he arrived comatose from a cocktail of sleeping pills pain medications and some chemicals yet to be identified for three months he has remained this way but not for a lack of trying to parcel as much as I want to end his life every day when I see his static face to stab his eyes through with scalpels to cut him open and remove everything but his black heart I don't I care for him like I would any other patient because I am a professional and I honor my oath every day I check on him first when I arrive and last before I leave I keep him alive because that's my job he has yet to become brain-dead so I hope you as some idea of what's going on that I am keeping him breathing albeit through tubes because I fulfill my responsibilities something he never seemed to understand I hope he's at least somewhat conscious beneath is dead expression the time is passing normally for him so he can reflect on his mistake and realize how much worse he is in comparison to the rest of the civilized world but at the end of the day there's nothing more I can do I won't end his life but I can't bring him back to the world either all I can do is let him lay there like furniture keep him from falling apart but I suppose I'm lucky in a way I was lucky to be the first encore to care for him lucky that he has no visitors and lucky that no one at work recognizes that John Doe I put in his room as night closes in I make sure his IV is fully enough to keep him resting easy through the night I turn off the basement lights and take one last look at the charts I brought her from the hospital to read that one section that lets me rest easy as well do not resuscitate revenge it seems in dark town at least is a dish best served long and slow now for our next story we move away from the city center and out into the suburbs a young man stayed out too late at night and tries to sneak into the house unobserved let's see if he makes it I walked into the house through the big front door careful to shut it quietly so as not to wake anyone upstairs oh I might be now later than I'd expected so I tiptoed cautiously up the stairs imagining myself as a mouse quietly putting one foot in front of the next I knew that if I woke anyone up I'd be in big trouble i sculpt down the long upstairs hallway I'd walk through so many times before considering how late it was there were no lights on in my hallway but I didn't need to see to know where the walls were I reached out my hand in the darkness and took hold of the cool silver door and soundlessly entered the bedroom just as I gone into the room I had a noise coming from downstairs a million and one thoughts rushed through my mind as I quickly ducked underneath the bed everyone in the house was asleep or at least I should have been it was extremely early in the morning no one knew I'd gone no one should be up and that's what scared me it couldn't mean something falling from one of the cupboards could it no I decided definitely not there was someone else in my house I crawled slowly underneath the bed all of the way into the middle as to avoid being seen and then I waited a few minutes later I heard the footsteps coming up the stairs one by one they thudded their way slowly menacingly so that Tom though they weren't anywhere near me yet I was all the way at the end of the hall hidden underneath this bed I glanced the right stared up at the glowing red numbers indicating the time on the alarm they read 150-200 I hadn't realized how late I'd stay down the rhythmic thumps of the footsteps cautiously making their way up the wooden staircase would have loved me to sleep if I hadn't been so on edge nervously wondering who it could be I had a door creak open on the other side of the hallway there were three more doors before this one so I prayed that whoever it was would think I wasn't there and leave before they reached the door which concealed my existence for the time being I look towards the brown door which guarded the room I was I prayed for it to stay shut I prayed that I would remain hidden I don't care much for tight spaces so as my breathing became shallower and labored I became increasingly more nervous thoughts like what if they hear me and then calm down they don't know you're in here yet floated across my mind I can't know I'm here I thought I was upstairs and they were downstairs they have no way of knowing this is where I am I heard the creaking in the hallway is the next door and I heard rustling coming from inside the room whoever it was was searching for something for me presumably no not for me whoever it is doesn't know that you're here calm down Sean calm down although apparently no one was in that room because before I knew it the footsteps emerged back out and into the home and the next door was being opened the slow and nerve-wracking footsteps echoed in my mind that was when I knew they weren't going to stop looking I fumbled in my pockets as quietly as I could but something I could use my fingers brushed against cold plastic my phone but then my stomach dropped my heart sank of course I couldn't call the police as my attention slowly turned towards the Braille door again I heard the footsteps approach the door I watched the light streaming as the entrance to the room inched up into small feet and would their way in I inch further back away from them as a natural instinct when I was still surprised this wasn't who I pictured these feet belonged to a little boy the little feet stumbled to the top of the vent I could feel the little boy shaking the two figures above me shaking them into consciousness I slowly slid my knife out of my jackets front pocket readying myself trying to avoid the light which was now streaming in through the open door and catching the blade I was surprised he'd made it back quicker than I'd expected but now's my chance I'm so sick of people thinking this house belongs to them the little boy began to speak as I slowly in daddy the little voice belonging to the feet with I think there's someone in our house well some people just seem to have a real problem of letting go of the past then others can't help but look forward to the future and that moves us on to our final story this evening Jenna a young girl is days away from celebrating her birthday so what surprises to her family have in store for her and what does she have for them the tall grandfather Club bellowed four times through the two-story house as the County school bus pulled off from the driveway a young girl named Jenna McClure said on the carpeted floor of the second level playing in solitude with each of her stuffed toys outside of her bedroom Jenna was a joyful and quiet child that belonged to a broken family her thick curly locks were of the darkest Brown reaching just below her waist in length the girls wavy bangs just barely grazed over her long brown lashes casting a shade over her large armed colored orbs her tan skin resembled that of a silky fabric and she was of a fairly average size for an eight year old female the rest of the world seemed non-existent as she played and loved but she secretly longed for someone else to play with no other child at school or in the neighborhood would even consider playing with Jenna due to her past as Jenna and her friends would play with their dolls and stuffed animals Jenna was persistent on playing haunted house or murder mystery whenever she decided to have her friends over for slumber parties she would tell ghost stories as night fell and scare the other girls to the point of Tears these things frighten the other kids and cause them to avoid her in every way possible but that didn't shake Jenna too much because she was used to being alone and it wasn't like her older sister Gabby would play with her no don't shoot Jenna cried dramatically pretending to fire a gun at one of the toys as if on cue the stuffed cat fell over on its side causing Jenna to break into a fit of kittens not so loud Jenna her grandmother called from downstairs and the little girl sighed at the end of her laughter sorry Nana Jenna loved her Nana dearly but she was a very strict woman who didn't think little girls her age should play with toys even so her grandmother always took the liberty of caring for the two girls while their mother was away Jenna dwelled within a standard house in the suburbs along with her sister dog grandmother mother and her mother's fiance even came to visit every now on the game although she never saw her mother very often as she only came around to visit every once in a while which was typically when she wasn't drinking at her fiancees house the only reason her mother had gotten engaged for the fourth time was because she wanted financial support Paul her mother's fiance was a very wealthy man who happened to own a multi-million dollar company or was a kind and generous man that treated genuine Gabby like they were his own but possessed an extremely wide history of medical problems the familiar resonance of the front door opening and shutting made the walls rattle and thumping footsteps soon followed the footfalls ceased when they reached the spot in which Jenna said Jenna's eyes trailed upward to her 14 year old sisters blank expression a single backpack strap hung from Gabby's right shoulder her hazel eyes matching the dullness of her appearance Jenna stared into the eye that wasn't curtain'd by her evany head then flashed a toothy grin out of pure knee-jerk reaction Gabby's monotone look melted into a scowl making Jenna frown and slink back from her sibling satisfied with her action she gots Gabby turned and continued on her way to the bedroom Latian Jenna couldn't help but feel as though she had done something wrong to her sister but Gabby had no logical reason behind being so cross with Jenna except that they each held a separate biological father because of this fact Gabi wouldn't think of Jenna as a real sister so she certainly wasn't going to treat her like one things were seldom in Jenna's favour but she held on desperately to the remaining happiness she had left like her soon-to-be stepfather Jenna's ninth birthday was in two days and she couldn't wait to celebrate it with a party no persuasion could be made with any of her friends to attend the gathering but she made the entire household promise to come so Jenna was content all she desired was to share a special day with family and toys minutes turned hours of fiddling with dolls and jazz still hadn't heard from or seen her mother all day the warm Friday sunset eventually faded over the horizon tilting the land to be lit with only and bright for me the time for sleep drew near Anna tired yawn escaped Jenna's mouth as she tiptoed into her bedroom the room was dimmed with a colorful night light casting thin shadows onto her sisters sleeping fall not far away taking extra precaution not to awaken Gabi or her grandmother across the hall she soundlessly slid over to her white dresser and pulled forth some pajamas once she slipped into a violent nightgown she crawled into bed and curled up to her tattered stuffed Fox Gabi's bed and Jenna's bed were parallel to one another with a white nightstand separating Jenna had a large plethora of toys that occupied her bed but her Fox was the overall favorites Jenna's mother had given her the little Fox as a gift for her sixth birthday and Jenna hadn't parted with it since it didn't take too much for Jenna to nod off snoring lightly as crickets sang from outside their bedroom window the girl tossed and turned in various Arrangements during the night seeking to expel the strange nightmares Jenna typically had odd dreams but this occasion was exceptionally brutal and realistic vivid images of her mangled and mutilated family members attacked her subconscious but what bewildered Jenna the most was her mother's fiance because he didn't seem to be harmed in any way but merely sprawled out on the ground twitching and gasping for reasons unknown otherwise the concept of death had never particularly disturbed her and it had always come across as interesting the next morning Jenna woke with a start her lurching into a sitting position on the mattress at the sound of a feminine shriek resonating throughout the house her erratic breathing came to a halt when she noticed the absence of her elder sister in the room only a lumpy comforter resided where Gabi won swallows throwing her blankets to the side Jenna hesitantly emerged from the bedroom and into the hall Gabby are you there she piped up the words somewhat slurred by her loose to a small feet pattered against the springy carpeting to delve further into the morning's events finally coming to a standstill when she arrived at top of the stairs she could perceive a commotion of some sorts of rising from the dining area downstairs but deafening sirens that screeched in the distance ultimately convinced her to scramble down the staircase Jenna quickly peered over the stereo into the kitchen her eyes immediately beholding the scene before the man that was meant to be her new father was extended along the tile twitching and gasping uncontrollably Jenna's mother was pacing from one end of the kitchen to the other compressing her inky hair into her slim fingers all the while Gabby was kneeling on the ground her hands holding Paul's head in a gentle manner Jenna couldn't seal the tears that flowed from her eyes and cascaded down her puffy red cheeks of the sight the sirens gave an indication of being closer than before flashing red lights flooding through the windows at an identical pace Jenna's grandmother immediately bolted toward the front door from another room and hastily yanked it up allowing doctors and medical assistants to speed into the house critical determination edged onto each face Jenna took note of how Paul had ended all movement by now his face taking on a gray issue during the time they lifted his body onto a tall gurney a young brunette woman that wore black medical scrubs approached Paul's body and removed the stethoscope from around her neck placing the round end on his chest to inspect his heartbeats strangely things seemed to settle down quite a bit after much discussion between the grown-ups Jenna observed in confusion as they drew a white sheet over his hands probably so he wouldn't get cold none of the doctors or nurses acknowledged Jenna's presence while speaking to her mother in hushed tones but it didn't take long for all to file back out and head off from the house toting away the only death she had left Jenna's mother trailed after them hurriedly not bothering to give her daughters so much as a passing glance before slamming the door on her way out the sirens of the ambulance did not recur Jennifer owed her thin brows instead of fearful gaze on her Nana who ordered the two sisters to play upstairs until told otherwise they reluctantly abided their nose orders and trudged up the carpeted stairs unable to fully grasp the situation the atmosphere felt sense of awkward - Jenna her little ditches fidgeting nervously as Gabby remained silent Gabby sauntered her way into her room feeling the uncomfortable I said on her a while plopping herself down on the bed Jenna followed close by standing inaudibly beside her sister what happened to mr. Paul mommy and Paul are coming back right Jenna inquired sheepishly a voice faltering some at the end Gabby arose from her position on the mattress towering over the little girl as an unnecessary bile simmered with inland / through her emotions don't you get it mom doesn't care what happens to Paul just as long as she gets ownership of his company she hissed striding toward Jenna in an attempt to seem intimidating it's all fun and games to you isn't it Paul isn't coming back I doubt he Eric ed are you anyway any guy who has money can take advantage of love besides I don't think he would bother wasting his time or an ignorant life little brat like you your mom will never be a mother to me so don't you think for a second that I will ever call you a sister and with that statement Gabby jerked her hands forward and rammed her palms into Jenna's shoulders knocking the girl clean off her feet her arms flew from her sides to catch and heist her weight on instinct but the action was proven futile Jenna's head made harsh contact with the bottom corner of her white bedroom producing a sharp cry from her jenna was well aware that Gabby tended to unleash her anger on others but she had never attacked anyone physically like that Jenna could only lie on the floor stupefied by her sister's endeavor to harm her Gabby however wasn't faced in the slightest and stomped out of the room without another word exchanged Jenna was speechless when more tears proceeded to fall now accompanied by ones that resembled pain small droplets of crimson blossomed where the wood of the frame had allows Jenna's skull so the girl shakily stood from the ground to retrieve a paper towel bitterly muttering I never want another dad ever again the day dragged on with no sign of Jenna's mother or stepfather for Erin's janitor and Gabby was served a few snacks here and there but breakfast and lunch with disregarded once again the grandfather clock chimed in the hell's this instance signaling that of eight o'clock Jenna felt obligated to steer clear of Gabby and entertained herself by petting and pampering her Tory folks she couldn't bring herself to read Gabby out for the act she had committed Gabby genuinely unnerved Jenna and Jenna wish greatly for Gabby to like her so she kept her mouth shut it was just a little push as far as Jenna wanted to think Jenna's had snapped up at the creak of the front door of me and she was up and rushing down the stairs in an instant she stood eagerly on the bottom stand poking her head around the end of the railing to view her mother and they both sat at the kitchen table chatting emotionally over a glass of wine Jenna made up her mind to leave them be and perched herself quietly on the final step her head hung low she only overheard a conversation about financial problems and funeral prices in their discussion but she eventually caught on to the situation more tears began to swirl in her glassy orbs to which she quickly wiped away there was nothing more Jenna yearned to hear so she sluggishly returned to her room struggling to keep her bloodshot eyes open along the way Gabby was already dozing off as per usual leaving Jenna to perform a nightly routine in silence she was pushing herself to the limits in an urge to stay positive after all she had a birthday the following day and she had once promised Paul that she would always keep smiling no matter the circumstance servants so Jenna did whatever it took to make herself smile again remembering fondly the sparkly and multicolored party decorations she had for her birthday and even if Paul wasn't there the rest of her family had given their workmen and Jenna's faith remained with her family on lands unfortunately the nightmares tumbled through Jenna's head in her slumber yet again mirroring those of the night previous but this time they didn't trouble Jenna in any formal fashion the dream seemed strangely comforting and it was almost as if she didn't have to be alone anymore omitting that she actually was a lot something didn't quite feel right but it made her smile the next morning Jenna didn't hesitate to jump straight out of bed already smiling in an anticipation she took one quick glance over at where her sister would have been doing a double-take Gabby wasn't where she'd left her but another vacant bed was left another shrugging her shoulders Jenna skipped to her dress and ripped her from the bottom drawer after sifting through the contents of the compartment for a while she pulled out a purple dress for her party the dress had thin straps on the top the bottom flowing down to her knees and a few rows of purple ruffles were aligned vertically on the bottom maja the words happy birthday was stitched across the chest in big white letters with a few loose strings fluttering as she moved to bounce then she slid on a pair of flat charcoal dress shoes each shoe wearing a little black bow of Tim lastly Jenna brushed the tangles out of her long hair and raced clumsily down the stairs where she presumed everyone will be waiting - Jenna surprised she was accompanied only by an empty living room darting her eyes around in puzzlement she wandered into the kitchen supposing her family must be waiting in another room again she found a lifeless area Jenna began to panic and investigated the space for any sign of their location while she searched the girl came across a small note that was taped to the fridge and curiously plucked it from his plane Jenna read the note aloud girls your mother and I have gone out to eat with one of your mother's employees Mike be back soon sincerely Nana she had difficulty pronouncing a word or two but understood what it meant although the know didn't share anything the concern Gaby's whereabouts hey Gabby Jenna bald placing the note on the kitchen counter Gabby are you here she asked a game raising her volume but her inquiry fell on deaf ears there's no response king Jenna's eyes fell to the floor maybe she's at a friend's house she'll probably be back soon she assured herself tugging on the refrigerator door there was a vanilla birthday cake from the icebox but Jenna said neatly in its respective place on the table removing the lid to put nine candlesticks into the Sakura in the food item Paul had allowed Jenna the choice of her own cake at the grocery store earlier in the week along with the purchase of a small present that she wasn't admitted to open until after they'd eaten the cake she gathered up her favorite toys at the table hung her birthday banner across the dining room wall set purple flowers along the counters aunt Wallace and a little glitter never hurt anyone Jenna managed to finish up within half an hour right about nine o'clock in the morning with a glimmering purple cone hat strapped to her head she set herself down at the kitchen table Jenna didn't even want to leave the table until her family got back so she kicked their heels and patiently awaited their return six times the grandfather clock rang informing inhabitants that the Sun would begin to fall in the sky but Jenner had not moved from her spot at the kitchen table no one came home in those nine hours or even took into account the girls there she was deathly quiet inhumanly motionless barely blinking her sunken eyes that continuously stared at the white wall in front of them the clock's ticking pendulum was the only noise made throughout the subdued house almost mocking her loneliness Jenna knew she needed to smile but she felt not like something inside of her had broken her eyes flickered down to the chalky pairing line that rested innocently next to a bowl of fruit her fingers soon crawling forward and grasping it tightly she then carried out her nearly disregarded promise and smiled from ear to ear during the next few hours Gabby came marching up the back porch from her friend's house jamming her key into the lock on the back door hey max she greeted her dog petting the fur on his head however max only snapped and snarled at the door in return instead of jumping him barking happily as he normally did Gabby rolled her eyes wrenching the heavy door open and closing it after crazy dog she mumbled and threw her back down on the floor right away she noticed how eerily silent the house was but didn't think much of it mom Nana Gabby hollowed out recalling her mother's car that was parked in the driveway of course she knew her sister had to be somewhere nearby Jenna clotting over to the stairs she scanned the different rooms that she passed ultimately finding no one Jenna her voice was lower she stepped cautiously up the staircase skimming her hand over the beige wall while taking weary strides toward her room a flimsy object of some sort crunched under Gabi's folds cocking a thick brow the teenager bent down and lifted a purple party hat from the ground as she was examining the specks of red that dotted the paper head where a small but audible hum originated from behind her wooden bedroom door Gabi shot a menacing glare in the door tossing their hat into the other direction Jenna I know you're in there she flung the door open in annoyance a fragment of hallway light spilling into the ugly room an awful metallic sense permeated her nostrils when she entered but she simply dismissed the fact Gabi fingered the wall on her left to flick the light switch discovering that someone had stuck countless layers of tape over the switch to keep it off oh you've got to be kidding me she grumbled stepping off to the side and peeling the tape from the plastic suddenly the bedroom door slams shouts causing Gabi - nearly leap out of her skin she could just faintly hear a heavy breathing in front of her prompting her to take several steps backwards Gabi's heart began hammering in her chest her nerves dancing frantically to the beat Jenna come on this isn't funny she received no reply from the darkness that surrounded her in a rather abrupt manner the switch to the lights was clicked on without any further warning triggering Gabi to squint her eyes in the haze of brightness once they adjusted to the lighting Gabi's eyes widened to the size of her bald fists Jenna was poised a short distance away a wide malevolent grin plastered onto her smooth face one that seemed luminescent compared to the rest of her dark aspects her chocolate name was Matt it scratches covered her limbs and flakes of dried blood clung to the skin on her cheeks the fresh crimson substance coated the majority of her legs and dress while she clenched have stained glistening kitchen utensil in her right hand her other arm cradled a bloodied stuffed Fox who lacked a single button eye with white stuffing protruding from the ribs in its fabric Jenna's shoes left scarlet footprints in the tan carpet as she stalked toward her sister realization slowly dawned on Gabby and it took every fiber of her being not to scream when she laid eyes on the room around her smeared handprints of red lined the walls lamps were knocked over and assorted items were strewn across the floor to insist the obvious signs of this drop the intense odor shot uncomfortably icy chills down Gabby's backside adding to the below ambient temperature that this specific room helped Jenna look I don't know what the hell is going on here but you better tell me where Mohammed naina are right now Gabi demanded beginning to back away from the shorter girl Jenna's smiles seem to increase and she paused a few feet in front of gap what's the matter [ __ ] you aren't smiling Jenna cooed taking another step do you know what happens to people who don't smile Gabby's face paled significantly the adrenaline in her system causing her arms to coiling defense as she set aside her dignity and implored no please get away come on Jenna we're sisters this is crazy Jenna chuckled through her gritted teeth a wry smile sculpting her lips oh is that so no I don't think it is your mom will never be a mother to me so don't you think for a second that I will ever call you my sister she taunted her older sibling using the reminiscent command in a singsong tone Gabby's feet appeared like they were glued to the floor a look of unadulterated horror sweeping over her refined features as Jenna continued you know you were right Gabby it's all just fun and games Jenna was small when compared to her sister but she was nimble and accommodated plenty of energy Gabby screams emanated throughout the house for the duration of the night haunting echoes sounding as though she were pleading for hours even if she was lifeless within minutes the magenta candles on Jenna's birthday cake were the only source of light in the house with each of Jenna's immobile family members and blood-soaked toys gathered around it everyone wore radiant party hats thanks to Jenna and were thoroughly dressed in red they all sat at the table in a pitchblack kitchen but Jenna was the only one capable of seeing her birthday song when the time came she couldn't have undone the bow on Paul's birthday gift quick enough revealing a sparkly set of ruby earrings which she swiftly drove through her unpierced earlobes in the excitement of owning her first pair the pain and the god-awful scent didn't trouble Jenner in the slightest given that she was finally alongside her family and a sizeable grin suggested that she was the happiest she had ever been go on admit it you fell asleep this thing - that didn't you well actually that was the plan I've been thinking about doing this for quite a long time now we're doing the several hour long in the thunderstorm kind of story so you can just relax and fall asleep to your heart's content did it work I have no idea really I mean you might be listening to this if you fall on my sleeve will you well anyway so yeah that also takes elements of something I was doing before a couple of years ago trying to develop a anthology style which in which load of stories that weren't particularly connected could all be taking place in the same universe Darktown so there was some something I've done before which I've cobbled together in this video a few new things so if you manage to listen to the whole thing without falling asleep I hope it felt like it was in one universe for the want of a better word well if you like this I'll probably do it again in the future takes a lot of effort but I know you guys like it well I hope you guys like it and if you do it's all worth it as far as I'm concerned well stay safe everyone I'm on patreon so if you feel like bugging me a couple of dollars that'd be lovely if not in these troubled times and don't worry about it you should be here to enjoy yourselves and it shouldn't put you at any financial burden whatsoever okay speech done you'll take care everyone working in real soon till next time sweet dreams and my bar
Channel: Dr. Creepen
Views: 298,278
Rating: 4.782074 out of 5
Keywords: dr creepens vault, dr creepen, nosleep stories, creepypasta, scary stories, asmr stories, nosleep horror, creepypasta horror, 3 HOURS OF HORROR STORIES, Fall Asleep to These Scary Stories, asmr rain story, asmr rainstorm, horror stories to sleep, dr creepen sleep videos, true horror stories told in the rain, true scary stories, Scary Stories to Help you Fall Asleep, scary stories told in the rain, true scary stories to fall asleep to, true scary stories to fall asleep too
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 0sec (11460 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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