"I'm A Marine Archaeologist And I Discovered Something Strange Deep In The Ocean" Creepypasta

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I'm a marine archaeologist which means I spend my days retrieving and restoring and occasionally interpreting recoveries from shipwrecks and drown cities it's much less exciting than it sounds and most of my time is spent in TD Alma that was until recently last year and the discovery of a vessel in the North Atlantic the exact location I'm keeping quiet to avoid people prying into where this might be as it was all over the news led to the most bizarre artifact of my career the personal diary of a captain sailing on behalf of royalty and nearly half of the 19th century the papers were heavily damaged and it's only through technology developed in the last ten years that we've been able to restore the contents to readability but still one it's slow-going and most of the Diary is being processed however what we have managed to unearth is so strange and quite frankly terrifying that my team is hesitant to publish our findings in the usual scholarly journals as its contents to fly explanation and might tarnish our reputation the language is a bit stodgy here as one might expect for the time but still eminently readable and the entries up into early August of 1834 or boilerplates and even mundane it is at that point that things take a turn down below I've replicated the beginning of what we were restored thus far about sack Jana and with some pertinent details and names changed to avoid people trying to find evidence of this record the captain and thus find out my identity if there's interest I'll post more as it becomes available captain Artemus Jones August 5th 1834 beyond the poor children ield only a darkened tremble with sky the ship bobbed and slapped the water like a placental mass the train froth of the impatient swells ran down the narrow glass like desiccated fingers and reminded me of how close I was to the infinite blue darkness below the sleep had come fitfully over the past few weeks and like a stranger to my betta every dream was of the Oceana every thought of the sea when my eyes closed I was reminded of the deeper and then of her Larissa how your absence wounds me a dagger in my chest I longed for every crevice to smooth every caress you were my be Kenna deadly angry and beautiful and strange as each crashed of wave on the hall I can still feel the slip of your fingers as they fell through mine golden hair like sunlit paint in the water as you sank sir it came the voice from behind me he grew up and tired huh and I turned my head just slightly enough to let him know that I was aware of Emma the fog is too heavy no landfall I nodded and he disappeared with the rough creak of the door closing behind him this wouldn't do and not what the pains coming to the mana the barrows of lemon juice had begin to turn huh and soon the blights would take over the ship some member harder than others but eventually all would succumb to the scurvy and given much more Restless wandering scurvy is a desperate man's disease and we had past desperation some time ago oh my lava and my pirouettes of soul and what's Horrors I would undertake to find your lips pressed against mine again huh to feel your bosom bare against my chest instead all they can do now is see of you in this inky blackness that swallowed you we were told of the island that beckons us eight months prior it was a land of golden dreams in the promise of great wealth and power the book or what was of the book but had become a few fragmented and bird pages of ancient to Syriana accessible by the worthy and the brave it contained wonders a few eyes at Sina and possible towers of stone and metal weapons of lightning and fire and a radiant pool that healed all sickness and abated death the remains of that home had come to the attention of Her Majesty and by the way of spice traders that have bestowed it upon her as a gift of honor so that their nations might exchange goods freely there were those who said that the book was only a fairy tale a story told only to astound but her Highness was convinced of its true Providence she collected the best of her navy and selected the most loyal for this important task by finding the lost eyeliner her power would not only be extended but eternal yet these endless months have worn on us the men are becoming Restless angry in salina as spirits darken so too does my command I could not yet think of deadly mutiny nor would any man or board dare speak of it but it exists as a phantom that haunts our thoughts yet such ghosts can all too quickly be made flash and I cannot allow that to happen if these stories are just that and then we must make landfall soon at any portent I fear what might befall us the weather at the grip of sickness or acedia sora de either the end of us all despite the suffering of the crew I am beset by my own torture the sweets purple kiss of opium was the only love ride known for some time now WA a gentle affair at first to smother the grief that burned my nightly thoughts it was now the only way that I could sleep no longer just an analgesic but a necessary rite of passage to daily functionality I had been warily watching the once abundant la pomme sticky tar and that I had kept in a polish lockbox under my bad huh diminish into a pathetic grimy ball the symptoms of withdrawal for my increase in these stingy slices and to the grotesque pipe that I smoked from were building an intensity each day even as I lie awake now the same kind sheets are at once at Stifel e haaa and yet inadequate for the cold shocks that rumbled through me like phantom winds aside from vacillations between feverish and inflamed sometimes within minutes of each other and my muscles are lead in a mutiny against me seasoned into tremendous cramps and knowledge vicious of starving wolves I will again attempt arrest one of my few remaining pleasures August 7th 1834 and the shrieks began sometime in the night the teeth of the ship ground up into the water a grim caterwauling of creaking boards and reinforced iron bands holding everything together but only just and underneath the crashing Thunder of waves was a terrible Hellena a gurgling screeching noise rose and fell with the Oceana unnatural and ano Deena I awoke from my thin rest with a start a sudden cramp in my leg sending shocks of horrific pain to my body symptoms of the black illness Claude I'm here to remind me of my habituation and my agony was almost as loud as the monstrous yells from outside as my composure returned I dressed and I made myself known on deck the whole ship had been roused by the strange noises and the madnes already tortured by their failing bodies looked at me for answer to whatever fresh wickedness this was my resolve was tempered about the soaked sweat of the opium ills befallen me but I bore down and I had such sufferings from Lama for me to be competent to purpose and thought was all that held this shift together and at times I felt the very Hall would crack in half if I showed the least of concern rain tickled my cheeks as I pressed my hands to the ship rail staring out into the oppressive night despite the weather I could see the heavens through the breaks in the clouds and the stars captain I nodded to my first mate noticing the venire blood coating his gums and the scourges preying on him faster than most of the crew and I only spared a moment's thought sir losing my loyalist Mane's and the consequences thereof the stars made no sense here and they sat in silent judge Fanta shattered flecks in the dark NASA what is this unfamiliar Twilight about my hata the North Star at vanished and all of her children replaced by strange constellation sets I'd never seen a pockmarked into the sky as haphazardly as birdshot and despite the sun long exit in the day a burning glowed beta's toward the horizon huh reddish golden hue huh and yes not as sunlight something else entirely might this be what we see and one of the scream surrounding us the sound warbled and dug deep as a sharpened blade a nauseating garble of broken glass It was as if a cavern to hell it opened in the depths of the ocean and the cries of eternity tortured souls bubbled up like an abyssal choir warped and deformed by the layers of water between them and us starboard all heads turned at the shout admit Shipman Harper and pointed forcefully over the edge of the rail to the waist below I rushed with the others to see his fright and was greeted with the stony blackness of rough waters I demanded he'd tell me what he saw and only then witnessed the fear in his eyes it was like a man but wretched scaly and dark and terrible captain it it had arms but not like us loose and slippery like sir and its face was the worst of all I could only see blackness in his eyes blackness and evil and I don't know but but speak I commanded it it seemed to almost smile at me sir a horrible grin of razor teeth and teeth that were meant for me I don't know how I know but I do and that creature what it maybe is out to happy dead deader worst captain huh it means to pull me into those empty eyes and have me as a part of engine and deranged she gripped me by the shirt collar and tired and begging with this every breath that I saved him from this horror he had be holida I flung his hands for me keep your countenance and I roared up I ordered a to nearby men to take him below deck and have him rest but I can't forget the pale resignation hanging over him as vultures to a wounded animal I noticed then that the awful wailing which had broken our dreams had seized all at once leaving only the patter of rain and wind I was too thankful to question anta and maybe the least bit superstitious I asked if any others had seen what he claimed stone faces and shaking heads answered me I stole another look over the edge of the ship into the frothy mark beneath us ooh but I saw only dark Acin what will you have for us sir with a little vigor Romania I directed our heading to the light in the distance and that all crew not on night duty returned to their bunks uncertainty murmured through their eyes but they complied nonetheless I used what little reserves I had to make my way to the quarters and I fell into an erratic and dreamless night it would have all been just so much sickness induce visions and little rust a towel and a except that after the Sun rose Harper was nowhere to be found he had been placed to rest in the crew quarters and panic to ensure that the abomination he swore to have seen was coming to claim Emma a good dr. Steadman gave him a dram of laudanum to help him rest and the last year was seen he was slumbering in a fitful sleep in the morning his bed was found soaked with feeted water smelling of the file is Putra cents trail of that black is liquid oh the leading from the base of his resting place to the porthole only a few steps away it is rare that I fear anything in the seas but man sickness or storm but this McCobb night had shaken me I could not believe that what had happened was anything more than a man driven mad by too many days out in the sea flinging himself into oblivion to complete his fatalism he had one of the water and it's rotten odor and the cries rising up from the waves in the night if this is beyond the normal ways of the world then let this be the only time it shows itself to us all we can do was sail on and wait I'm sorry I have to stop for now ah the original transcription of the papers is on an air gap computer in our restoration lab in the university and all USB connections are logged so I have to manually transcribed everything out of my own laptop which is pretty time-consuming and besides that it's late here and I'm all alone in this cramped basement space I know what happens in the next part of this diary and I don't want to be here by myself the slates when I write it I'll continue this soon I'm not one to believe anything paranormal I am a scientist of sorts anyway at the least I have a PhD so I should be concerned with provable fact or at least with the best understanding of the historicity of a document but this diary is beyond bizarre being here at night and transcribing the word of this man long data a man whose stoas and starts living and his mine with it his unsettling every place is different after dark especially a university basement with its labyrinth and maze of hallways and doors the Lighting's shutted to a bare minimum to save on electrical costs I keep feeling like I have eyes on me and something just at the corners of my vision it's just nerves it's me spooking myself out with what's probably only the mental decline of a man suffering from opioid withdrawals in scurvy but I would imagine even the most hardcore skeptic would be hard-pressed to read through this next section and a musty underground realm all alone at night and not be the least bit on edge anyway sorry for the long prologue I just wanted to get that off my chest this next bit that I gathered before kalana tonight starts right after the last entry the 8th of August 1834 the Sun is gone from the sky hours before it was meant to leave if Jung Harper's disappearance was a tragedy this is surely an omen presswood is a good man he has been with me in some capacity for the length of my career sturdy strong and tall he's been called him that damn big tree in both a gentle jest and cursing his uncompromising nature he is imposing when needed and loyal beyond measure it baffles said his it's the body most ready to fall to the blight I've been lucky to see only the beginnings of scurvy at the ends of long journeys on the Seas the symptoms were bothersome but not ruinous you know I see the end of this vital beast of a man as he wears before my eyes and in his disintegration my own is neared back every bumper nick heals the slow as a ship in stillwater bruising into spreading purple masses deep in the flesh I have read of what's 2 comma gums will bleed uncontrollably and teeth will ride to their premises following I'll test the bone disconnects from their socket from decay the bruising belied darker turns under the scanner I'll ruin his play that dirty begun eating away at us a broken bone would be the end of any man as it would refuse to heal and soon reveal Greg and his cavern such would bleed and collapse veins I am ashamed of with my cowardice in the face of this horror so desperate was at arrest and remove my mind from its effects that I carefully scraped every interior wall of my box of opium before melting the edges of the pipe to get every stray formation even my considered efforts were only enough for the mildest relief with my frustration I threw the pipe with force against the wall shattering it and leaving me with shards of bacon glass to travel eventually to my feet some bitter night the lights on the horizon grows closer it is on the slim hope of strange luminescence that we hang our dreams and desires whether it be the fabled land of the taxer just dry land in greenery and we should be thankful either way in those hopes my weary mind spins tales of my lost love somewhere in this lethargy I felt your fingers touch my chest it was soft as delicate music one like embers in sunlight but to mere imagination trembles of my madness larysa I would need been moments seconds to tell you how I crave your lips online and beg forgiveness for any trespasses against you if only things could be different if only I could have loved you better you left on your own accord you went to that boat to leave the seas to leave me but you slipped and fell into the waves without waking me from my angry slumber I can still imagine that to fretful glance as you clawed on the shap wanting for purchase on the slippery wet ax but finding the water too heavy a foul my heart was embittered towards the water yet I remained drawn to it perhaps my punishment for your death assist tortured water beneath unfamiliar skies and my body of trophies and maybe I deserve it the 9th of August 1834 I didn't sleep again last night there were two more disappearances the Williams brothers bunk mates were absent at the sly taunt of light that the Sun it gave us more mount Duras waters so to his sheets spread to the walls of the ship oddly the trail of liquid didn't lead to a porthole but merely splashed against the interior hall leaving only a dark stain no one saw them vanish or heard any frights of sounds and leaving their absence as mysterious as young Harper the men I refused to sleep in their quarters as they fear the silent unseen movements of the horrors that it seemed to pull more of their comrades to their watery death we all congregate on the deck now only going below to retrieve our dwindling supplies the 10th of August 1834 [Music] for the past few nights and the screaming has woken all of us we simply cannot rest the men and begun stuffing wads of cotton ripped from their shirts into their ears but it says if the sound enters our very minds perpetual darkness us although we have the son is abandon us loved us to our own devices and horrors a fever grips me shaking and angry first made press what is being battered as anticipated his body creaks at the very hall grinding into the crash of C pustules have formed along his back and neck losing sickly greens and yellows that smell of disease and death and with a black spread of blood pooling under his skin mostly running through the length of his legs how is its old friend I asked but he could only just nod saving his reserves to suppress the misery that wrapped around him the supplies had been exhausted leaving us all to our own pains the only lights at the dwindling oil lamps and the approaching glow of blood Brad in the distance never closer the stars seem as indecisive in their positions or existences crackling fire we can no longer navigate by anything other than the ceaseless movement of the light that terrible light I need to sleep I need to sleep I need the 11th of August 1834 that same dream over and over she sinks into the angry blackness yells at me shrieks in horror and I can only watch frozen as her face pulls into a terrifying grin of anguish and laughter until their skin tears inflate ribbons of flash revealing a grotesque bleeding hollow of a mouth and empty eyes perhaps the opioid pains are abating them the chills are relaxed in him the crippling shocks through my muscles have eased yet the needling of scurvy creeps up behind it walking on spider legs into my nerves my mouth eggs my teeth quivering do they lose seven that can't be so I've been paid more frequent visits by Stedman er whose medical expertise is failing us without a way to abate the crippling starvation of mine that the sickness brings gimme some joy give me some hope maudlin sorrow I've never beheld such bright and terrible lights in the night sky I long for the safety of the bright Sun or even only the crimson sickness at looms larger every day I've heard tales of green and wavering lights in the northern skies but this is more than that awful color Ursa colors like no man should see hovering above it as if it's ready to drop and press into us we no longer sleep we can't we spend our time on deck wrapped in torn blankets wandering aimlessly like lost spirits my ever faithful first mate our loyal press whatís shivers without control now no matter of heat or cover diminishes his pain his eyes had begun to run drips and drops of mottled gelatinous blood at their own desire rendering and blinded by his own black and refuse a spasmodic lurching corpse that has now realized that it's already data the shrieking noise from the water is unrelenting more and more men have reported seeing the malignancies that splash and circle in the churn of arcane waves I remain without knowledge of them save for the vague descriptions that were given their arms are simultaneously rigid yet slithery as a hundred serpents they may have twisted claws and cracked skin data nonetheless Quivers and pulses with disturbing new Benson as if made of choking worms but they all say the same thing the eyes the terrible black eyes even the slightest gaze into their horror be waters and saps and he resolved from even the bravest man all the men that have witnessed them have pulled together in the center of the deck rocking endlessly whispering godless mutters that to sound like their own to moment any comfort or solace I try to give has met with blank stares and indifference with no will love to help those that can't be helped and I leave them to their misery let this end the 12th of August I was asleep that I dreamed it again but I will get the Sun of shallots and splashes as was told by the Bleak half-blind press way each man tormented by the black eyed visions of these monsters that surround us with her profane noises stop the repetitive motions and stata unresponsive to speech or touch they walked to the edges of the darkest brother arms and they fell forward into the water I woke to the rest of the crew yelling and scrambling to grab them up my mind fogged and lost for moments there were only splashes it screams whipped into the crying yells at the demon ocean creatures presswood bless his frail bones managed to grab Browne Smith his lanky frame all of 19 years in suffering all the more for it others piled on and fought him as he thrashed spit and bit those who did to try to stop him from his BAMF will desire to end his life I squared myself to him and I smacked him brought in the face studying him for only a flash of lights until his eyes born to mine like daggers to flash all roads lead to the island he said it with such a simplicity and he's an understanding that everybody took it back giving him just the time he needed to spring to his feet and plummet off the edge of the shab we gripped the sides and we watched as he fell into the waves yet he did not sink he looked back up at us and we watched we all watched as the stage and grin on his face crept to a black toothless ma who's in black blood and viola matific sludged the colour of infection his eyes fell into the back of his skull and the skin on his face was torn by the lancinating fingertip sets were only bone sharpened to deadly points underneath the muscle and scan went out to redder pink as with mana but bilious greens and blacks scaly and pulsating and rhythm with the Adama table see the sound that escaped what would have been his mouth was the most horrid kind of nightmare that I had ever witnessed it was the descendant all it inquired that too taunted us for many nights except no longer muted by the soul of water loud piercing and deadly but we all were tossed about in the mail storm and just as quick he it was gone swallowed by the heaving profusion of water and without need to discuss it we all left the dike and collected ourselves together in the crew quarters and we sit encircled in the center of the room watching with grim determination for what we know to comma for we have all seen the face of the black-eyed ones and we know what befall is all who are caught in their gaze all right I can't do this right now this sounds in this place it's just the university's old pipes I'm sure I may never have noticed them before because I've never been so on edge or here in such dark acid I didn't realize that it was nearly three amma far too late it you know sometimes when you're alone you hear somebody say your name like the faintest whisper maybe just behind you that keeps happening but I'm sure it's nothing regardless I'm going to cut my losses and head to my warm and comfortable badet and try to get a few hours before I have to be back up and working again in the morning I'll get back to this soon I promise I hope and I'm having trouble sleeping I can get to sleep button it keeps getting interrupted by the same dream I'm not a robot to neo Shannon it's cloudy overhead oh I can't tell if it's going to be daylight soon or if it's just about to turn a night the water is dark impenetrable but calm I tried a row but I can't seem to go anywhere all around me is endless black water and silence under a gunmetal sky and then I hear it the sound from below it's growing louder but I can't tell what it is a whistling but deeper bubbles start to rise from the depths in surround me more and more as the noise now shrieking angry rises up to meet me I try to roll but my bones won't budge more churning frothing now a rumbling something big approaching from underneath not knowing what else to do I look over the edge to see if his giant figure in the blackness below round and terrible a giant mouth opening wider and wider as it comes for me and just as the surface breaks and I see these large horrible teeth row after row in a cavernous mall leading to infinite darkness I wake up I'm probably just tired just getting in my hat I'm convinced these dreams will stop if I just finished when I started him I complete the rest of this diary the last few entries hadn't been formally compiled yet so I'm doing it alone here and the dark but I don't know how this went but I need to find out for my own sanity the entry skipped many days and the contents of those hours unknown it begins without a date the rough churn of water cracked as the ship beached on the sands black sands sparkling iridescent an unnatural color that's I've never beheld in the few who remained on the crew threw themselves from the bow one ran into the embrace of the strange Island that we had come upon an impenetrable wall of obsidian stone prevented any of us from progressing beyond a few yards into the beach it was sheer impossible to climb and wrap the island like a lover in his cold a jacket arms the land was barren a tree fruit to leave her substance it was Ferren land with no more warmth than a star the sky but we were all tired and rotting from the inside upon arrival the men had touched down into the waves but I refused I would never touch that water it was unnatural and I would not let across my skin I held off until the waves abated before going onto the sands as I went inland my long-suffering first mate called to me sir come at once his voice was frail yet carried in a still air I followed its source and I discovered the entrance to a cavern seemingly carved into the rock not deep but hidden by the OPAC stone in darkness I stumbled into its mouth and I saw press with leaning against a rock wall supporting himself as best as he could with the pains that came from mr. K below him was a charred body twisted as if writhing in agony when it was set ablaze the body smote as if somebody had just extinguished the fire the smell was noxious in hora de the smell I recognized from dark times past breast wood pulled the tuff of his shirt over his nose a vain attempt to smother the odour his head caught and he bent over the wretched figure to remove a piece of partially burned paper from its hand upon its removal the fingers of the hand simply decayed to flakes of ash that's flooded to a damp rocky earth he examined it confused captain I'm not certain but I recognized your hand in these words the scrap of paper was charged but the smudged ink on it was legible and it was indeed my writing all the words led back to the island without haste I fell to the twisted figure on the ground and I caught up the corpses jaw until it cracked open with a retching and nauseating sound I looked inside the mouth and I nearly left my body was shocked press would bent to me and placed his hand on my shoulder what is it sir and I told on the bag two mothers on the bottom right of this defamed body were missing as they were in my own mouth it was me the body was mine I'm so tired did the clock on the wall stopped taking them this basement is darker than before let me see okay this is strange I can't find my way out of here it's always been out the hall turn right turn right again and then take a left up to the stairs but there were no stairs I turned right twice and I found only an empty hall with locked doors the thinking I might just be punchy and sleep-deprived I backtracked and what the other direction but there was only another wall I went down every hallway that I could find I even drew a crude map to find my way but there's no exit I tried every door sought out a window a bent anything I even attempted to break the glass portals on the doorstep on the water I mean the exit [ __ ] I'm so tired I have to keep going in the ocean calls to me the waves are home to the dark ones with their red black eyes those eyes are where I must rest soon soon I will show you captain presswood collapsed and I turned to Amon he had only time to point behind me before thick chunky vile vomit from his mouth onto my chest his body seized into terrifying spasms as he choked on the blood drowning him from the inside soon enough he was still I looked behind me and beheld the man standing at the cavern entrance so there wedded by darkness inand unsettled in red glow their shapes at chief data no longer man no longer anything Humana the light from an unseen moon called the slime machine of water covering their transformed scanner they were hunched animalistic breathing as if underwater captain come outside come to the water the voices of them blended like slurry viscous in suffocating and they spoke not in words but in globs she waits for you in the darkness of the Seas captain I stood and I spat my words Adama then show me cowards never come and speak these words to me a slithery 'no sick and noise as they sculpt away no answer for my challenge I thought that my torture had ended but no no there was yet one more horror to whisper sweet songs to me the low-teens sinewy voice that Rose was not distended and aggrieved as the others but was as beautiful as sunlight it was hers oh my love my terrible beauty I pulled myself to the mouth of the cavern and I lived in to the eternal rain at night I could not see her I could not see anything but the song was her I recognized it I remembered it I called out to her I called larysa please come home to me I would spend a thousand years in that inky blackness to ferment I could hold a regatta to touch her soft lips with mine to listen as she spoke to me with her voice as melody but I knew to find her again I must venture forth I must leave this place this frozen comfortin that the waves take me I with this I must sleep I must have one more night of rest to know what I must do they have all gone and there is no Sun or sky there is nothing but this place an echo ever greater whale in the cavern of the ocean black but I see now with truer eyes than ever before wood though I succumb to my misery to my desire to end this torture then all I need to do is follow the lead of the burn corpse that held the paper bearing my words yet I am compelled elsewhere if I were to do so it - damn myself to oblivion then Larissa would never be mine again oh and I heard her song and words in the waves and under the screams as the others became those beasts that I thought were monsters the men are not God and nor shall I be I can wait I can imbue the words of this document with purpose and understanding for all who witness it because to escape this place one must common my stata and to know who I am others must read these words in the same way that I read the words from the accursed book that was gifted to her majesty the same words that drew us here by understanding them and they also understood me for a man-made invention to the Seas to explore with his curiosity he need only seek with his mind and the strange mutterings and the dark will find him all by themselves as they found me and I would write the last of these words and place him in the ship to set a draft the one who finds Emma compelled to seek out the finality of my story will know me and I will know them there's these the words I see no more the man I was in the mirror this face will do for now this place is strange with glowing windows of text and color here Oh who read these words are as I was as this body was but they shall slumber in the black eyes of the deep as I once data but I am now awoke Anna I can hear the beat of your heart the throm of it in your ears your breath quickens your pulse louder and faster by knowing the words that I have written you have invited us into your mind we know you now we can hear you we can see you you shall know us all soon wait listen for the sound of the Oceana and when you hear it you shall be with us [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 298,340
Rating: 4.8125615 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: zuVb9LP7izc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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