"I'm A New Ranger For The US Forest Service, Strange Things Have Been Going On Lately" Creepypasta

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/H2O_StruckMars 📅︎︎ May 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Toy Story. Strange things happening

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AlphaBetaEd 📅︎︎ May 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
before I begin there's something you have to understand about the woods I'm talking about the deep a backcountry 50-plus miles out from any station or sign of a civilization after a certain point everything begins to blend the longer you spend out there the smaller and smaller you become until you're just another part of the environment a movement through the valleys and Peaks it's deep personalizing ego killing you forget things about yourself and instincts guide you it becomes natural but it also makes you look like a lunatic that's why we never spend more than eight days alone in the backcountry at a time that's a deaf my first a few months in the job or everything that I wanted plenty of time outdoors mostly upkeep on trails in the backcountry yeah along with checking up on some old stands the Forest Service had acquired in the fifties the pine beetle epidemic was especially bad in my region this year so I spent a lot of time marking a mortality rates in the area amongst other details for the most part I love my job I'm a bit of an introvert so time alone indoors working is perfect for me but there have been a few moments that still make me uncomfortable to think about a couple weeks after I started oh I woke up early and I drove down a pretty rough a forested section of the back country with lots of elevation I was trying to check on a site that some backpackers who would just returned from a week-long trek had reported seeing bonfires and a few nights ago they said the fire seemed a few hundred yards off the trail and yet there looked like people around the flames and aerial team couldn't find any signs of fires like the backpackers were describing so they assumed it was falsely reported even so we had his serious burn ban in a fact and that was sent out to double-check and make sure I was about 20 miles in before I found these section of the trail I needed to go down cover Tanner Nathan destroyed in some sort of landslide it must have been recent nudity backpackers over the aerial team noticed anta and someone would have I definitely couldn't drive through but I was only about two miles from the site so I grabbed my pack checked my water and i radioed deforestation from ATV and not them know that I was hiking the rest of the way in I probably should have waited for a crew to come out and clear the road but we were all really concerned about a fire and I won't lie I was upset at the thought of backpackers being so careless you couldn't miss the signs coming into the forest warning about two forest fires and announcing the burn ban there is no reason to be reckless and so I hiked out there it was only about 10:30 in the morning when I said Alton I expected it to take about two hours to get to the area where the fires were reported the elevation increase was drastic so I deposit every so often to catch my breath after hiking for a while I paused for a moment and realized that I wasn't on the trail anymore this isn't that unusual if you've ever bagged patch or even gone on long hikes before you know that it's easier than you think to stumble off the trail even for someone experienced I'm one of the newest and youngest Rangers but I spent a lot of time outdoors backpacking in hygiena and normally have a great sense of direction so I wasn't too alarmed to not to know exactly where I was you get used to being lost the thing that alarmed me was noticing a pink hue lighting up the forest the Sun was about to disappear beyond the tree line that covered the mountain to the wise I didn't think that I had been hiking now on I had gone maybe a mile and a half in an hour or so I thought but nonetheless it appeared to be almost a 7 p.m. now I quickly decided the safest thing would be to head back south towards my ATV which stored all of my overnight gear and come back tomorrow that would be embarrassing to explain teeth of the Rangers that I lost track of time but it would be worse to get stuck out here all night without the right equipment I might freeze to death besides they would start wondering why I hadn't checked back in after so long and I grabbed some loose stones off the ground and I left a sign to indicate that I had been here and I set off in the direction that I thought I wanted off the trail from I quickly found it but it was a section match I hadn't been through earlier somehow I found my way farther north and funnily enough I saw a yellow trail marker not far up the Montana I realized it was the marker for the next 10 mile section in the area that the fire reports in mentioned the Sun was almost touching the mountains now but I decided to hike up to the marker at least it stay for a few minutes and then quickly head back before it got completely dark I realized this wasn't ideal but at the time it's even better than going back with nothing to report I hiked the few dozen yards of the marker and I looked out over the valley to the east it seemed empty nothing unusual I took a sip from my water bottle and I waited another five minutes I still didn't see anything so I decided to head out I hadn't gone a mile before I smelled smoke coming down the mountain I looked around but I couldn't see any smoke columns it was kind of unsettling the sunset was so rad everywhere that I liked and it seemed to glow so really getting worried I stumbled the last mile back and I immediately called it Anna the night was darker now and without any trace of fire in the valley despite smelling this smoke from earlier I decided to spend the night on the trail in case whatever caused it caught up agonda I set up a temporary camp with a one-man tent and I waited the night out nights in the backcountry are different than camping in other places at the back of your head and you recognize that you are completely alone for dozens of miles you end up listening to the night differently you everything you hear suddenly becomes important because now you're just another part of the forest vulnerable at some point I woke up from a dream that's how I can't remember now but I recall feeling unsettled I poked my head out of the tent in crawdaunt stickily can look around for a minute I didn't see anything but it's hard to explain exactly how I felt it was almost like I was being observed but very lightly as a part of the background it was kind of disconcerting there so I went back to sleep pretty quickly aerial recon flew over the next morning and still found Athena about midday the team arrived to clear the land side and the other Rangers and I began searching the backcountry at the end of the second day we found it a chunk of the forest had completely burned down it was tucked into a valley to the northeast only a few hundred yards away from where I can't the first night and but I missed it behind it it was maybe 200 yards across and 300 running down the mountainside you think this would be too large to escape notice' but it took us almost two days to find Anja even Anna the aerial team missed it all together this was a strange fire - and burned in an almost a clean line down the mountain ridge forming a recognizable rhombus and normally forest fires around here aren't intense enough to completely kill off the fully grown pine trees but this fire had been haaa everything was scorched total mortality it almost seemed unnatural but we couldn't find anything in the ashes to explain Anton I wondered if I had missed something for a few days after we laughed but eventually after talking with the veteran Ranger isn't I decided it was just one of those things that can't be explained apparently it's not all that uncommon from what they've said it according to that if you spend enough time in the wilderness you start to see things seeing you I didn't know what they meant by that we didn't have time to talk more and I haven't seen them much science a week after that time I found a couple of idiots trying to start a cooking fire at one of the trail heads I yelled at them probably harsher than I should have had they seem to generally feel bad about engine apparently they had missed all the signs I decided to let it go when I began to leave but before I drove out Houghton I saw the spark in catching a fire in the rear view mirror infuriated I drove back and got a litter but the campers were just as confused as me the fire pit was completely colder and looked the same as I just seen Anton empty and unused after making him clean up the twigs and leaves that timaya tried to use confused i watch around the entire trailhead but didn't see any sign of a fighter I figured it was a trick of the light in the rearview mirror and I laughed I convinced myself over the next couple of months not to worry about the weird fire stuff and nothing outside of the ordinary happened until a few days ago I was on trail maintenance with another Ranger Laurie and she had been working as a ranger for almost ten years so I generally followed her leader and we were about to 15 miles into the backcountry yet checking on some primitive campsites for backpacking ASA we were currently at camp site number three there's eight in total and they form and large.you over 90 miles around me one of the larger mountains in the region it was getting into fall so it was supposed to be empty while we worked our way through or checking up on site quality all afternoon I'd been cutting out a new trail from the campsite up to a spring that had changed course recently the shadows were beginning to grow long but I was close to finishing so I kept cutting away about half an hour later I broke through and I walked onto a boulder the ground slanted into and watched the head of the spring and just in sight up the mountain de it looked like a deer path he entered its way up the spring Canada so I started off when I got there I almost threw up the spring flow would clearly anartha but just to the right of it a section of the ground to turn to weathered stone in the middle a skinned ear laid in a pool of blood it was splatters and other pools of blood scattered everywhere and the nearby vicinity I've seen plenty of dead animals before but this one was messed up something had skinned a deer and very clean Leah and I couldn't find any other signs of damage it had bled to death in God that there was blood everywhere but it's actual hide was and nowhere to be seeing in it flies were starting to circle the media - didn't look like it had been dead for long I quickly hike back down these several hundred yards that I cut out and found lower end ax I was back from working and making dinner I paused to catch my breath and told her that I had to show herself ain't it she looked concerned so we went back up to the spraying when we got there the deer was gone and I couldn't find a drop of blood it I had been gone maybe an hour at the most it didn't seem possible Lauren assumed that I was messing with her so I played it off and I tried to forget about it but I haven't forgotten about it and apparently Lauren told my supervisor Jonathan net he asked me to come back to the forest station so tomorrow I'm driving out of the backcountry he sounded it different though almost like he didn't really want to call me Anna I guess I'll see how it goes and I'll update this one I can't I don't think I should be alive I met with my supervisor yesterday and at first it seemed like it really might just be a formality yeah she didn't say anything about the deer we made small talk for a while but finally he broke the safety of our conversation by pausing insane you're probably wondering why I called you back a few days early in this rotation I nodded slowly and he continued well we've been really impressed with your performance and I found the gun approval from HQ so congratulations you passed your three-month performance review enter now a permanent Ranger with us this caught me completely off guard but I quickly masked my relief and I think Tenma we talked a bit more about the increased responsibility and he gave me my next assignment with the team I was feeling pretty good it shook his hand and I was on my way out before I shut the door behind me he SATA before you leave and you mentioned you saw some oddly skinned deer out there did something scare you the blood drained from my face and I thought about telling the truth with it but instead have muttered something about it being a dumb joke Jonathan nodded his head thoughtfully and though he didn't like satisfied for my answer he did impress me he just said it that would be an unusual thing to find measuring each word out carefully while looking past me distantly yeah that felt like the end of our conversation so I shut the door behind me walking away as quickly as I killed without sy seeming weird something was off and for some reason I got the feeling the whole meeting had been about asking that last question I should have driven out of the mountains and back home after that meeting it but something I'll be back on the drive back into the mountains oh and I got caught up in the beauty of your rising slopes twisting valleys in graceful swaying pine trees my whole life I've come to the mountains with problems and ideas that I need to think over and they said I'll make everything simple in the shadow of these mountains I've always been able to realize how small my worries are and I find content I briefly thought about - driving home but once I got a few miles in I was never going to go back I still had work to do here and by the time I got my assigned a location I wasn't worried at all anymore mine met up with the other Rangers at the campsite and they had set up near the trailhead and found out they decided to celebrate my pseudo promotion at first I didn't think I was in the mood to party but the atmosphere was so nice and I had a few beers and a few hours later I was pretty drunk I got to talking with Ryan ax another ranger who had been on the job about - as long as Laura Anna on the tailgate of a truck away from the rest of the team we were overlooking the valley that ran four miles north where we would be working for the next few weeks there are lots of different types of Rangers and but I've always found the quiet wants to have the best stories Ryan was normally one of the quiet Rangers but he chose us this time to open up to me I had been telling him about the rhombus fire from a few months ago and he was nodding in familiarity at different points of my story and when I mentioned walking off the trail there losing track of time he looked alert I laughed it off as a dumb mistake but he'd took it seriously I've heard of losing time like that before but never so close to the forest agenda I've always heard it to happen in deep in the forest like 100-plus miles out and you weren't that far the same to disconcert Emma he took step of his beer there's more - I've heard it goes way back to a Native American sea vendor but they called it a wandering they said that the people who became Wanderers first wandered through the woods from Camp to camp never staying anywhere overnight preferring to keep two caves and hollows throughout the Potenza they eventually accomplished what they seek in a way becoming a part of the wild they adopt animalistic qualities and disappear from society the reappearing here and there and stories and folktales separate from time Nisha casada those are just old miss but I do believe there's something off about to these woods and I don't know I wanted to bring up the deer but I didn't quite know how to broach the subject Ryan ended up talking about something more interesting so I kept listening the thing with the fires is weird though he sided don't let yourself be convinced it's not those backpackers said they saw multiple bonfires with people around Alma so why would they lie about us something like that Ryan had also been there while we had searched through the ashes and knew that it wasn't really resolved though it was filed away as a natural wildfire whole thing sort of reminds me about this woman that went missing out here maybe five or six years ago some backpacking truck turned around after 40 miles when and one of their people got sick well that wasn't until they returned to the trailhead that they realized that if they were missing and one of their party members a young woman vanished at some points on the way back and no one remembered seeing her leave or when she had disappeared she was gone somehow no one noticed a search-and-rescue team came in to help look for her and even they admitted that it was bizarre we all wanted a foul play might have been involved how does someone disappear without being noticed over a four-day return track he shrugged inside we found her a few weeks later and not what we expected - normally these type of people show back up around trailheads and primitive camp sites along the trail after a while but not this girl we found her way up in the mountains above the treeline and honestly and we probably never would have found her on our own we were only out there looking for anything because someone reported a huge smoke column coming up from behind this peak we went to check it out and we didn't find any fires but we did spot a bright red jacket one exactly like the backpack rusada she had been wearing it you ain't dead over the next couple days we brought more people other search and rescue teams and eventually he found what was left of her closing his eyes he paused for a momento someone inflater alive it looked like from these scratch marks gouged in the ground around her she was already rowdy Anna she had been there for a while she wanted so far to almost 70 miles from the trailhead she went missing Anna sometimes people go in the wrong direction but 70 miles wrong her group was shot police investigated it but it was obvious none of them had any part in Anton I said speechless and it couldn't be a coincidence the deer was not the first ax a family of owls began hooting down in the valley and we both listened for a moment that was a long time ago though I try not to think about it too often de suddenly he looked nervous like he had said too much anyways I'm pretty tired I'm gonna go catch some sleep he patted my back and he walked away there was no way of it I was sleeping now so I decided to walk down into the valley to clear my hat it it was laid but the moon was easily bright enough for me to follow the trail to Helena I watched maybe half a mile before moving just off the trail to sit on a rock ledge that overlooked a high slope watching the star is at the pine swaying gently in the wind I began to relax i sat there for a while and closed my eyes trying to empty my mind but very gradually and not nervine feeling begin to watch over me here it was very slight at fair instant like the Sun sabine observed i felt before the forest fire but he grew stronger until I was almost certain that I was being watched by something intelligent I was still laying on the rock scared to move in startled whatever this presence was my science teacher in elementary school told my class about this when I was a kid but I never actually experienced the feeling myself he told us about the Wildcats an apex predators that stalk their prey so officially that you can't see that but you instinctively know that sir they're there your brain subconsciously observes that very small details that on their own are meaningless but together our unsubtle aina because they mean one thing something is watching you WA and you don't know what or why I remember thinking it was cool at the time but now it was terrifying I tried to remain calm while I thought about what to do but realized I only had one option I stood up and I started sprinting back to the trail in towards the trial and as soon as I hit the trail I heard a distant thumping of some sort of running gauge behind me in that send me up the trail faster adrenaline allowing me to ignore my lungs which were beginning to burn I glanced over my shoulder once and saw some sort of us that my humanoid has shaped figure running after me here it looked like it at the skin of a deer but it seemed to conform to a different contour than that of any animal I've seen its back was painfully twisted forward its skin ragged and pulled down to host which it used to move unnaturally quick over the trail I couldn't see its face in the moonlight but I could see elegant antlers arching on both sides of its head I ran harder and I finally saw the campsite ahead I burst into the clearing and I crashed into something in front of me a high-pitched breathless gasp but told me it was Lauren God I'm so sorry I said get into my Fiat and giving her a hand there's a her jaw dropped and she pushed past me to look down the trail into the valley I followed her gaze and looked over my shoulder a huge wall of fire cut the forest in half a mile into the valley the forest was Bernina strange trails have appeared in the backcountry in areas that are supposed to be completely undeveloped I first noticed one a few days ago following them when they cropped up here and there only identifiable by the cleared vegetation and a worn topsoil pass but these aren't in normal trails they loop around to run uphill and distort sense of direction by winding back and forth through steep valleys I must have explored 20 plus miles of these trails over a couple days but at times I go back through an area and it would be different at first I thought I was just a misremember aina but then I started paying attention to curves and other points of interest is shifted in certain ways they weren't completely different just enough for me to notice yesterday I swore a path that run on the other side of the stream that I was going down and then on my way back I couldn't even remember which side it had been on to begin with it was just to my right now wa I am scared to mention this but I have two deer carcasses have become a normal sight around here I see them almost daily sometimes and they're there days later riding away but sometimes they disappear without a trace after several days of finding deer carcasses I had enough and I pulled out of the valleys the trails were in and I hiked back to thee starts over the backcountry I'm not sure if I even want to report these to HQ I've been on an extended solo track is surveying and monitoring and wildlife risk in the remote forests to the north so I really could just say Nevada and I would probably be the only person to ever find them before they became overgrown again however it the trails got here I hadn't seen anyone around to maintain domina so soon enough they'll be impassable and slip back into the wilderness and fade away with time to quickly address my last post the forest we were going to work and had some sorts of the spontaneous combustion event ax that rapidly lit a huge wildfire across the valley our team quickly moved out above the treeline and called it and over the next few hours and into the late morning aerial teams dropped fire suppressant and eventually contained it in the valley we walked through later that evening when just these smoldering ashes remained the set almost been an intense a total mortality fire and we never found the cause either beyond that natural circumstances created the perfect conditions for a fire I didn't mention anything to anyone about the thing that I saw the night before but I kept an eye out for any charred disfigured bodies the other ranchers and I were pretty shaken up after the whole ordeal and that our supervisor didn't seem to sympathize he told us that there had been an unannounced controlled burn and that due to some clerical error we got sent out to the Iran plays the seem to totally out of the norm to me but no one opened the question Deborah they gave everyone the next day off but when we returned he split everyone up to separate assignments across the forest I ended up on a solo track in the north other than the trails it's been a quite as I Mendte I wish I could talk to Ryan about the thing that I saw and but I haven't gotten a chance it almost seemed like he avoided me after the fire the more I've thought about it I think whenever I saw it there was the dart trick in my eyes it doesn't seem that unlikely that some deer got spooked when the fire went off it and ran up the trail and I mistook it for her something outs in the moonlight as I glanced over my shoulder but I have become a little paranoid since and seeing the deer thing it validated my concerns from the first fire something is out there and I won't let it scare me away from being here I'm just a more careful law always carrying overnight gear rations for a few days plenty of water and even a rifle and we're not really supposed to carry guns but if I get in trouble for it I'll just say it was for bears better to look foolhardy Donna to let them know what it's really for I guess that brings me to the realization that I don't trust my supervisor at all I've got a strong gut feeling that something's up with them though I just don't know what yet I'm not sure how much I trust the other Rangers either they seem to readily accept at Jonathan's explanation about the fire that almost killed all of us if there is some sort of cover-up or conspiracy going on there's no telling how high up it goes or who all is involved anyone could be in on it and have incentive to keep quiet and I should also tell you I'm probably going to get pulled for my post in the North in the next couple of days unless something changes a young girl what's missing yesterday in the southern part of the forest they've kept it quiet so far but if they don't find her cylinder they're going to pull us all in to help look for her normally if they believe this kind of into search and rescue WA but I heard from one of the Rangers who works closely with Jonathan that some big people in administration aren't happy with another missing person so we're getting looped into this to whatever was going on between the dead deer bizarre fires and strange trails and missing girl alsa it all feels connected as much as I want to I know I can't leave now whatever is going on it's messed up and I won't stop until I get to the bottom of it I spent all last night downloading low res satellites and topographic maps of the forest where the girl went missing since I haven't worked there that much whatever people were even doing down there is beyond me it's a mostly forested and mountainous region with an incredibly rapid elevation increase of a several thousand feet it and I spent a lot of time looking this up because I couldn't believe it but the area that the girl was missing in is also supposed to be mostly underdeveloped besides an old mining outpost that was forcibly closed in the 30s after environmental concerns the Forest Service's normally pretty lacks as far as conservation goes but from the old news reports I found it this place was responsible for killing off large amounts of game polluting the entire watershed in spreading horrible illnesses amongst the miners the search effort is in coming within miles of this place for whatever reason but the nature of its closing makes me wonder if there's something more to it and most of the old mines around here closed during the 60s after it became apparent that there wasn't an abundant amount of gold in the mountains none of these mines were very careful about conservation and like I said the Forest Service normally doesn't stick their nose and so how this one closed it struck me as odd Ryan's story about the Native American Wanderers got me curious about other folklore from this area and but I haven't been able to find anything States in the West and really most a federal Nature Preserve do a pretty good job of documenting a Native American culture and view it as a responsibility due to their tragic treatment but I couldn't find much besides a list of a few tribes that may have passed through here in the initial land migration a thousands of years ago I dug a little deeper and stumbled across an old nature themed internet forum talking about weird stuff in the woods that mentioned a strange trails this poster was someone home setting off cheap government land in the mountains who discovered a huge system of trails they were all a little larger than two your pass and let off the pollsters property and through the forest for over 40 miles these didn't select the trails that I had found but they were similar enough to keep me interested they specifically mentioned that these weren't documented in any map so how could such an extensive system of trails remain undiscovered I wanted a message to the post area but as account was deleted years ago and this was written back when the internet was all anonymous so they made sure there weren't any identifying details in his post to lead back to him the rest of the thread seemed like mostly speculation one guy asked if there is a sizable deer population claiming large herds break down in a smaller family said sometimes inadvertedly create these type of trail systems the original pollster didn't think that this was the case though and they hadn't found any evidence of recent activity or a large a deer population both of which would be necessary for something and this extensive the same went for the trails I found another user suggested that they stay as far away from these trails as possible saying that they've seen the same thing and that they heard time holes if you go in the trails main twist behind you trapping you end and no matter how far you wander off the trail you'll end up back on these same trail eventually a trail will open with a pathway out again but you may come out at a different place and time than you entered it I'm aware it's the internet and there's no reason to take anything out here is true but this sounded eerily familiar and the forest is just weird in that way the trust is often stranger than fiction out here stories around the campfire usually based on some distant truth sometimes a more disturbing now I promise not to tell too many campfire stories I'm sure you've heard enough but this one is my personal favorite and my biggest fear and it goes something like this you're backpacking in the mountains one day which are notorious for unpredictable weather high speed winds and storms asleep and rain can form around the peaks without any warning all backpackers know this if they're even remotely experienced so everyone always carries gear and equipment to safely survive any type of weather that you might experience this isn't such a big deal on a day hike but if you're going on a multiple day track it's essential today you're backpacking out on a smaller trail off the main path through the backcountry and winding up to the crest of a Montana you didn't see him marked in the map anywhere but you were curious and it didn't live too intense ever so you decided to check it out for a few miles after a while you spot another backpacker in the distance he's by himself coming down the mountain towards you while you're hiking Appa nothing is alarming at first but then he gets closer he's wearing a white balaclava and a green rain jacket and rain pants covering black hiking boots you wave at him when he's about a hundred yards away but he doesn't seem to notice he gets closer and you realize that other than his clothes he has no gear at all no backpack or even a water bottle he walks by you with his head down not saying anything and speeds up once he passes you almost are trotting down the mount etna you briefly wonder if he's camped out somewhere but you don't remember seeing a tent or supplies anywhere you walk another mile thinking his camp must be somewhere up ahead but you find nothing and then movement catches your eye and you spot on the crossing over the hill in front of you were coming down ahead of you again suddenly everything about him feels wrong and you take off quickly down the trail back to the main path you see him again an hour later but this time the halfway up these steep valley the trail crosses the top of he's struggling to climb up the rocky mountain side you hear him loudly moaning and coherent noise to fill in the valley and call out to Emma but he stops making the noise and goes quiet a unnerved you get back to the path and hike the rest of the track faster than ever before sleeping very little you don't see a Magana when you get back to civilization a few days later you talk to the local Rangers about what you saw at the unmarked trail but they have no record of any trail exists in area or anyone else who registered to hike that particular backcountry track though it was a self registration system 'la they tell you they'll send someone to check out anta and let you never hear back from them and that's fine with you and that's pretty much add there is a lot of variations of that story everyone who's been in the wilderness is afraid of meeting the impossible man he shouldn't be there but he is the forest is overflowing with stories like that practically half the time Rangers spent socialising it we just tell each other stories in many cases outside the forest I would be inclined to say that word of mouth is unreliable but spend some considerable time in the woods and being alone will change your mind people's experiences and gut feelings are different to nature roar you trust stories because the farther you get into the mountain and forest less relevant time and truth bacana what exists out there just exists out there and what you think should or what is supposed to isn't pertinent at the reality some of us like stories with a conclusive ND ensign and but I've always preferred the morning ambiguous valensa somehow they feel more plausible especially lately I can't make sense of anything here but back to what I do now there are unusual things going on in the forest and they're tied together hopefully the girl shows up alive Solana um but I somehow doubt it once I get reassigned down there I'm going to see if I could sneak away and check out this old mining outpost it seems like a good start if you don't receive another update to assume lawar instant and stay away from strange trails in the forest sorry for the lack of updates I tried to explain as much as possible but I don't have much time to write at the moment Jonathan and some other upper admin guys are getting to Basecamp later tonight enna Lauren and I are supposed to show them around so we can fix whatever we need to for the big day tomorrow I got called down after a couple of days like I thought I would the next morning I left early from the northern ranger station and drove down through the mountains to save some time I decided to cut across the plains that sit between the mountains to the north and south a small 60 mile area of no elevation gain I drove out from under the shadow of the vast Valley and the plains opened before me the sky cloudy and these southern mountains towering slightly blue in the distance their Peaks climbed up higher and higher as far as I could see behind me four slopes a few hours later and I was driving back and forth along the valleys edge only a few miles out from the temporary search gap low clouds have moved in shortly after I got into the mountains and applied at the sauna miniscule droplets of water drift into my windshield I smoked a cigarette and I cruised through these steep section of the road but let my foot off the gas one I saw something weird up ahead the road was sure Reina liked it what in the heat but it was overcast and you'll be outside the road almost seemed to just flatten and graze seeped into the edges of the shadows underneath the pine tree that hung over the road I got closer I hit my brides to get a better look a flock of some dark birds erupted from the branches of the pine tree coming towards my truck before us whooping up into the sky behind me I tried to look into the mirror spot I didn't see where they had gone I turned my head back around inside a few lone pine Knolls that suspended in the air drifting down slowly but the road look normal again so I continued wearily to these search kayamba after a few minutes I had figured I'd be close enough to listen on a camp frequency with my small handheld radio so I checked my notes and I turned the knob a few crackles and I heard a dispatcher talking to a search team I propped the radio on the dashboard and I kept driving not too long after I turned on a smaller dirt road that's why two down into a valley and after maybe a mile of a snaking road it opened into a large primitive sites meant for camp erisa it was still pretty empty you only a half dozen two-man tents and a large pavilion tent I put him to a spot behind another Rangers truck and I got out now I checked in with Laura Anna who was in the large open 10/2 talking over the radio to the team she looked up when I came in and waved to me I came over and she pointed to the large map that they have laid out and were marking off into individual zones but that's not what I was helping her with it I was called in before the other search-and-rescue and Ranger teams do help set up the camp for that ma I spent the next couple of hours do you know the training and clearing away some camp sites that plants were beginning to reclaim that night I sat around a small camp so Florin and we made dinner I was going to excuse myself to try and sneak away to the mine but Lauren said something that I wasn't expecting I should have believed you about the deer she said it I found them to since then and other things over the years she looked uncomfortable talking which was disconcerting coming from someone who had always been confident out here did you tell Jonathan I asked half interrupting her tell him what she asked us sounded a little confused about the first year he mentioned something to me about it that day he promoted me in before the fire I didn't tell him anything about the hata she said it I didn't say anything I just sat there on my heels staring pastor thank you Anna how'd he know it was impossible there was no one else out there but to Lauren and Mia but that wasn't right something had gone to the deer too there was an uncounted party you know what have you seen it I asked after a while now she looked away and then over her shoulder here there is no one else in the camp except for me and her and but she stayed crouched next to me can still open well I've been working here eleven years now there's a lot that happens here that said they don't tell anyone uh she sat at a low voice who's they I asked she just looked at me for a moment before continuing slowly yeah I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary for my first few years but after a while I started to notice things she brushed her dark hair behind her ear I grew up in these smoky mountains and I thought I knew how the birds behave in places like this she pointed around to the hills darkness fallen over the valleys now that the Sun was behind me Peaks to the west but I've never seen Birds act like they do here it's unsettling they talk to each other and before they notice you they seem mostly normal and then they see you and they just stare sort of an Thalia she got very silent each word a whisper right through you like they know what she shook her head they're intelligent and expecially be larger birds of prey I swear I've seen the same hawk in the Northeast for years and every time I see it I get the sense that it remembers me and isn't just being territorial anyway I know places change over time but every now and then I would go back to an era after a while and landmarks felt to be out of place not obviously just was dead angled off maybe and of course and there is the search for the woman that went missing five years ago we searched from Monza she said quietly there was no way she got where they found her by herself no freakin way I get the weirdest feeling that there's something out there she started breaking down two cams to over I worked on that trail for four more days after you left I saw a deer the next afternoon with it and then another on the last day wrapped her under tree it's a rib cage was messed up she finished collapsing they still stand and placed all the components back in their bag making sure the tank was Tybee closed not your turn not many Rangers were so open to me about what they had seen so I had a good gut feeling to trust her and filled her in on these strange trails that I had also seen and what I'd found out about that I even told her about the weirded deer creature that chased me through the woods before the fire though I made sure to mention that I couldn't be sure what I had seen you looked like you'd seen a ghost maybe you did she muttered and in shrugged I don't know what to make of all of us we aren't the only ones that know about this Dava but no one talks about it last year some guy made a big deal about an incident between having another Ranger and he said some weird stuff to me he was reassigned a couple weeks later but I heard that he was seeing another ranger who I know hasn't heard from him stanza just be careful she said it I'd bet my chicken I debated whether to fully trust or not there's a place that I think we should check out I said uh Lauren raised her eyebrows it's an old mine but I noticed it's not included on these search maps for some reason it's only a few miles from the trail that she went missing on it a few miles down a steep valley into AG origin she said it well yes but all the terrain out here is messed up to move to run foot a new way ASA just as likely she got there and beside it said this place has a weird history here her brow is furrowed and I could tell that she was considering Nanta not today she said I had to stand the radio while B to search teams get back but tomorrow after searches and for the Naya when we can slip away I nodded my head and Lauren patted my shoulder before standing and walking back under the large tent and checking in with the search teams over the radio that night I couldn't sleep it the edges of my consciousness were restless and cycling through thoughts eventually I fell asleep and I got a few hours of rest because the next day I knew someone was moving around in the large tent making breakfast I slipped out of my sleeping bag and got ready yet I hate breakfast quickly yet and then tagged along with Lauren and a search-and-rescue unit to climb down into a gully people sometimes fall into and get lost at trying to get out of on the height to the gully and these search and rescue guys told us things fall out all the time and it's a 60-foot drop for several miles so not much comes out we walked another mile through the pine trees before they started to peter out and suddenly we were above the ridge line looking over the forest and on a long line of peaks to the northwest we walked a bit farther and broke off the trail once we had reached the marker a searcher placed earlier down a steep rocky hill about 50 yards and then the gully opened before us a 60 foot deep and 100 foot wide chasm carved on the mountain while one of these search and rescue guys has started setting up a rope for us to rappelled down I climbed up the hill onto a small outcrop to look over the gully better it was huge with a dry streambed at the bottom the search and rescue team mentioned it runs in term Italy in the spring I watched for another few minutes eating a granola bar not really expecting to see anything yeah and that didn't for as long as i sat there until these search and rescue guys started wrapping down one by one Lauren made me go first and once they gave me the all-clear blah WA I backed off the ledge and down the vertical rock face we don't rabble all that often but I've done it enough to feel comfortable going down so I made it quickly and got off the Rope all Lauren came down she bounced down smoothly and we took off the harnesses and began hiking down the gully the searchers decided to go up the gully worried stayed closer to the trail so Lauren and I walked southeast in the opposite direction we found lots of old bones here and there but nothing that didn't look like an animal you would expect to find until I found what I swore was the lower portion of a human jaw I only noticed it because I almost stepped on Anton it was faded and smooth it had been down here a long time I looked closer and I called Lauren over here we both weren't 100% certain so we radioed a search and rescue WA they hiked down to us and agreed that it was a human jaw but that it was far too old to be who we were looking for we canvassed the entire surrounding area with a search and rescue for another hour but still couldn't find any other part of that skeleton the rest of the afternoon uh Lauren and I followed the gully until it opened into the valley and found no sign of the girl or anything else of interest besides the jaw when we returned to camp after hiking around the long way they had already bagged it up and sent it off for DNA testing so hopefully we'll find out who it belong to or maybe close the case out here there were almost 20 of us out there looking that day with Morris supposedly coming to after dinner I met up with Lauren and we told the other guys that we were going to make a supply run for a few extra things which gave us a little over four hours to burn before it anything seemed suspicious Lauren got into her grape a copy and we headed back out towards the main road when we made it we took a right turn deeper into the mountains instead of back towards the nearest town the mine was much higher up about half an hour through these steep roads forty-five minutes later we were stopped on a ridge looking over the peaks I'd be hasty map I drew out earlier my knees trying to figure out if we had missed the turnoff nah forget it I said it keep going it I think it's up ahead down the sec's Valley Lauren pulled forward and we kept going for another half-mile away from the ridge line and into another series of steep surrounding Pine slopes are you sure the road was in that spot that I slowed down and asked you is this the spot earlier it looked like it led over the top of that slope and into the right she stopped at the site of a rusty metal gate to stand in amongst all grasses that were covering the road Lauren pulled over and we got out to inspect the gate we couldn't get it to budge not that it would have mattered the road was impossible at this point I checked the map again it's not too far not even a mile I said it and we still have a few hours all right let's check it out Lauren said the Sun and set behind the peaks long ago and now he fog was curling out so we couldn't see down into the valley we swung out our day packs and after walking his short way found a rocky path that led straight back into the cliff face then I saw the opening of the mine with twisted or rusted machinery laying on the ground and surrounding the entrance ax it looked like when the place had shut down everyone dropped through things and laughed and no one had been back since we walked over to the entrance in peered anna a danger keep out sign had been chained to a metal door framed over the entrance but now a dangle too uselessly off its hinges against the left wall we pulled out our headlamps and put them on the beams foo back into the mine spotlight any dust slowly drifting up from the Dobson Lauren pulled out her anemometer and we began hiking down hello can anyone hear me I called Alta my voice echoed emptily Bella tunnels this was a huge mine with several deep shafts easily hundreds of feet deep I couldn't find a recent map besides the one that was created in its early days so after the first few forests I wasn't sure what to expect it we had no idea what condition this place with Vienna we crept through collapsed beams and timber misplaced on the rock floor here and there and eventually found a way down to the next floor it was a metal staircase and spanning a chasm drilled into the rock and both sides and supported by some timber below I picked up the largest rock that I could find and tossed it and the stairs didn't budge so I crept down carefully over the chasm that the stairs it's phased this layer had a cool dry after so Lauren and I followed into today's slope led a slowly uphill it was getting kind of sketchy with beams sagging around it indiscernible rock and then it opened up into a wider room with another shaft running down through the center peering in I couldn't tell how deep it was this place had gotten deep over the years none of this was on the Nava but then unlawful noise output up the tunnel directly ahead and Lauren and I immediately track the direction ahead this room was some sort of a haba the vertical shaft was filled with ropes and creates a intersected by beams in different rooms for several floors above I could faintly see moonlights at casting edges of grey lines in the top floor how long have we been down here we edged closer and stopped when we heard the noise agonda this time we pushed forward and around the corner cables are out too tightly on the rocky wall and found a girl bound and laying on the ground I could smell blood she didn't seem to be conscious it sounded like she was having trouble breathing I now to check her pulse on the noise on a tuganda I looked back at Lauren startled it wasn't her it sounded again and this time closer and in enough detail for me to notice why it was so strange our headlamps are pretty bright but after 50 feet they start to dim considerably and we just see shapes and farther than that and faint and dr. Tomlinson and then Athena something was ambling through the darker tones of the shaft away from ASSA it reminded me of the guttural sound of someone breathing in deeply after coming back to consciousness but kind of warped in a weird shot pitch that made it sound like limp rain I looked back down this was the girl and she wasn't that bad so I picked her up and I put her over my shoulder here the line was still staring down the tunnel horrified the tones were sharpening into a sickening shape that was moving closer Lauren Kumada I said jerking my head towards the way that we came she looked back at me and twisted her back back around and pulled out a ganda Jesusa I said what the heck are you gonna do with that she just stared at me and we started back the way that we came as quickly as I could carrying the girl Lauren walked backwards carefully over the rocks and temporary never taking her eyes off of the darkness behind dasu the sound faded away and eventually we came to the stairs over the cassimy the stairs were narrow maybe a foot and a half just enough for one person to go at a time and the lack of railing it may be hesitant to carry her across like I was I set her down and I gestured to Lauren to grab her vieja I grabbed her under the arms and began walking back up the stairs I finally stepped back and I felt rock under my foot and took another step as these stairs groaned the rock beneath me suddenly cracked and dust rose into the air as it plummeted down I mean back and still holding onto the girl and I rolled until the tunnel behind me the striking of the metal plummeting down these stone chasm was deafening it and it went on forever reverberating around me I slowly managed to sit up and crawled over to the edge the dust in the air drifted away in lazily and I saw Lauren laying on the tunnel below me now as she made it back somehow but the metal staircase was just a fan to ring in now but another strange high pitch was emanating from the tunnel behind Lauren she looked on horrified her headlamp swinging around wildly from my perspective over her light spun towards me and we lit up each other I'll find a way around she said solemnly and then she walked back into the dark towards the sound and what was coming silence enveloped around me so thick and made me uncomfortable to breathe I called out to Lauren once in a hushed whisper but I heard nothing I couldn't wait any longer I shouldered the girl again in jogged heavily up the tunnel I could see moonlight ahead it but then I heard the noise warping ahead of me blocking the way out my heart sank I turned around and the next thing I could remember Lauren and I both woke up in her truck outside the road to the mine there is no sign of the girl we look like crap and so they realized where we are like waking up from a dream but it must have happened that's all I have time for just know that we both survived and we're okay for now but things are moving in directions that I didn't expect and I may not get many more chances to ride I can't say where exactly for my own safety but just stay away from what old places in the woods places forgotten you you [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 403,510
Rating: 4.8398347 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, creepypasta reading, scary story, scary stories, creepy story, asmr reading, reddit stories, horror stories, reddit, reddit scary story, reddit horror stories, mr creeps, mrcreeps, r/nosleep, audiobook, paranormal, reddit scary stories, horror
Id: OS9ue9WVFtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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