"I Will Never Go Cave Diving Again" Creepypasta

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[Music] I've always been a bit of an adventure junkie the weather it's jumping from a plane at 16,000 feet or a simple hike with a dear friend and I cherish it all for the thrill of provides and the memories that it forms so and Martin an old friend of mine came to me with a unique proposal and I made sure to listeni a Martin is an anthropologist for the better part of the last 25 years his explorations have focused primarily on blue holes deep flooded networks of underground passages and some of the most remote places on earth he asked me if I would join him on his next venture in place of his assistant who wouldn't be able to make the trip I was skeptical as I had little experience with scuba and zero in a cave environment I was up for the challenge but also a bit nervous about being dozens of meters underwater and tunnels about the size of sewer pipes I was assured by Martin that it would not be that way however he said that the dive was an open cavern at night and there were no plans to do anything too crazy I accepted after a bit of deliberation and I completed the six months course geared towards cave diving safety soon after I found myself on a plane bound for the Bahamas I met the team on the island of Andros and we headed out together we arrived at the nearest parking lot and unloaded the equipment after lugging some thirty kilos of equipment in Howard through the monkey trails we finally arrived at our oasis and at first glance it was just a hole in the ground filled with water I would have never guessed that that little pond plunge to over sixty metres Diana the water level was about five meters below the lip of the cave and was orchestrated in a manner reminiscent of a toilet bowl an oblong circular ledge made of limestone leading to a five meter drop into the water below the only way in was to job and we geared up at a last-minute powwow and then took the plunger there were six of us that entered the pool in addition to Martin and myself was yay viur his right-hand man in clothes Franta the tank a local guide who was an expert in the area and the camera crew consisting of Rory and his wife Donna at the Alpha pool where we entered was over 60 metres deep but from the surface Inlet has all been endless our primary headlamps illuminated only patches of the abyss crystallized stalagmites jetted from the walls and ceiling like spikes in an Iron Maiden and the sides of the caves were dotted with narrow corridors and slim cracks in the wall some plant analogy specimens existed but not many but we took her time on the way down pausing and glancing around the area huh Rory and Dawn filmed over the rock while slowly and taking long wide passes to capture each nook and cranny behavior laid the guideline huh I coil of reinforced twine designed to mark our paths some five meters below us a dense canopy of orange haze came into view huh and the coloration was due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide huh bacteria feeds on animals had fallen and drownin excrete the foul substance it is a poisonous substance that smells like rotten eggs it makes your lips tingle when prolonged exposure can cause brain damage on the other side of the hydrogen sulfide cloud was the oxygen free zone and this was one of the main draws for anthropologist like Martina the water at the bottom most regions are completely devoid of oxygen this means a natural decomposition does not occur because bacteria and other microbes can survive and biologic material can be preserved for much longer than it would be at the surface the caverns serve as a type of time capsule in an anthropologist gold mine the margin touched on him begins doing around on the muck and the cavern floor some 30 meters down the random clumps of silt in violet composter into an underwater torrent that soon clouded the area his assistants joined him soon after and began their soiree into the soap pile of the team ended up finding several well preserved specimens including the skulls in various remains of a rocky Guana a leatherback turtle a wild hog in several types of small birds and fish and an albatross and a bukhara deer the discovery of fish remains meant that at some point if a cave was connected to another waterway perhaps it still was by far the most interesting discovery however it was one that was not immediately recognised a large almost basket-like bony plate with bumpy ridges along the outer shell it was thought to be a large turtle shell and put the curvature of its shape made that unlikely unfortunately here it was entirely too large to haul back to the surface the martin theorized that the shell belong to an extinct of a million creature known as that legal of tadhana to think like a giant Ice Age armadillo with the head of a wombat if Martin's suspicions were correct it would be the first remnant of a glyptodont ever be discovered in the Caribbean ax the beast went extinct some ten thousand years ago but the findings seem to bring that analysis back into question and maybe the ellipses on stayed around a little longer than previously believed now we performed another several dives over the next few days be going deeper and deeper each time we exploit several side passages as well that branched away from the Alpha pool and at one point we are traveling down a tunnel when we came to an extremely narrow fork in the road huh the path to the laughs appeared to widen to branch out while the one to the right appeared to narrow even further and continued onward and much to my chagrin Martin chose the right-hand path the opening could not have been more than a half a meter in diameter Martin went through a followed by three others and it was by Turner I chickened out tank swam up behind me and just shook my head gesturing for him to proceed he may be okay signal and ventured on through while I stayed behind him I mean heard about in that area totally my thumbs as I waited for the group to return at one point so I had Lee I've caught something that sparkled on the cave wall I moved towards it to get a better luck I soon discovered it to be a small rusted chain necklace with an intricate pendant attached I took it and admired in my hand think he may be another member of the crew lost it it had no visible markings and the style was one I was not familiar with oh well I stare enamored with my discovery something shifted from the corner of my eye I turned to see an indistinct chatter slither out of sight and like a snake made from obsidian huh it was impossible though huh we were far below the oxygen threshold and no creature could survive down there at least not one that required oxygen and must have just stemmed from my overactive imagination left alone in the dark that's what I chose to believe anyway the team returned several minutes later and how we had sent it back to the brim of the Alpha pool something was different though the other members of the dive team had grown unusually quiet especially after a successful dive even yay Viera the most vocal the team was now stoic Martin pulled me aside after him I was informed why he we found something huh he spoke the words without an ounce of a usual enthusiasm huh Martin swallowed hard and glanced back to the rest of the team he went on to tell me how he had continued on that narrow corridor and after several minutes came to a dead end it was there that he found it in a pile of silt and mock a vibrant strand of yellow polyester stood out a pile of Bones wrapped with a black and yellow tattered garment laid discombobulated on the chamber floor these bones were different though huh one look at the skull and equipment and he knew that they were human huh the Martin discovered soon after that it was a fellow diver an accident sleep bad or a grim reality of the profession huh a lot of good lives have been lost to the deaths of blue holes it seemed that this man whoever he was suffered that same fate his equipment was shredded almost beyond recognition but fragments of his dive suit and his mask remained he must have been down there for quite some time we talked over the discovery of the lost dive Rena took a moment to pay our salary respects I told them about the necklace and displayed it around as well and March and remain silent and not eating his dinner and remaining distant from the group after a few minutes I decided to go check on Emma no one's ever been down there that far before her he looked me dead in the eyes when he said it a word grimace on his grizzled cheeks at least not that we know of he clarified here I had been under the impression at the entire system had already been thoroughly explored and mapped out but obviously and that was not the case I had no intention of returning to that godforsaken hole after the discovery of the deceased diver Martin understood but him wasn't ready to call it quits after all there was one more passage that needed investigation and Martin theorized it to be the most grandiose of them all a realm of submerged majesty unscathed by human hands one which upon a return it would be named for us I don't know how or why is where has managed to convince me but I soon found myself suited up once again huh floating at the surface of the Alpha pool and we performed the usual routine in one by one huh my colleague sank below for one more dive we made our way back to the same tunnel as the previous escapade this time at the fork we took the left-hand path Martin took the lead and stepped into the corridor each methodical kicky took stirred a flurry of silt into the water in no time visibility became nil as a group stumbled up line the onward crumbling Tabriz rained down from the roof as we press Donna and I lost all sight of the rest of our crew and my heart began to climb yet again as the dense clouds piled around me and I clutched the guide line for dear life with my left hand while my right moved along the tunnel wall for several minutes I stumbled along blind in the fog with only my sense of touch guiding the way the poorest rock then suddenly turned into a smooth almost squishy sensation and I retracted my hand out of instinct my curiosity drove me back I felt along the wall until the squishy sensation returned and my hand began to clash with us suddenly the thing jerked and I floated wriggle away and my heart sunk like an anchor and I hustled forward huh now with a new sense of urgency and I bump my head several times as I moved but finally the dense fog dispersed and I emerged from it only to be met with an empty chasm of and this black that stretched beyond sight in every direction let's go I have to see the murky tunnel from which I had kama in the stone wall which stove a dozen two meters down a margin havior Rory and Dom are all drifting a couple meters out surrounded by nothing but the void we regrouped in March and removed a glowstick from his pack he cracked it and stared for a moment before releasing his grab the neon green candle drifted downward further and further and we must have watched it sink for nearly half a minute before I finally appeared to come to rest at the bottom and by that point it was only a single green pixel on a 4k display and it must have been hundreds of meters deep the light then vanished entirely and it likely snuffed out from the immense pressure below we lingered for a moment waiting for Martin to decide on a plan a muff would squeal then escaped on slips with a flurry of bubbles when we turned it on to see her frantically tapping Rory and pointing downward we've looked down and started disbelief as the glowstick appeared to begin to rise upward from the bottom I began to back away towards the tunnel and now with my heart clamouring and mine screaming for me to get the hell out the light continued to a Satna see me to pick up speed as it went it looked as though it had changed colours from a neon green to more of a blue tent and the light also seemed to be changing shape rapidly as it bending from side to side dawn began to move towards me but the rest of the team stared out transfixed by the glowing spectacle huh others began to back away one by one as the light drew nearer eventually how Marcin was the only one that remained and the light finally reached stunnin our headlamps revealed it for what it was an eel or a lamprey of some sorts and maybe two feet in length and solid black the blue light that we had seen was imprinted along its belly as some kind of bioluminescent display the creature began a circle marked and slowly as if curious the marchin appeared almost enthralled by the thing it was without a doubt nothing like any creature I'd ever seen probably one which should be entirely new to science the creature then drifted a few feet away from margin and began moving in a strange motion and the best word I could use to describe it would be a sort of dance it would pause briefly and then wiggle quickly before pausing Agana it repeated the same motion over and over staying true to its pattern uh it was almost hypnotizing to behold ah despite the interesting viola iphoto dread began to mount to my stomach a miniscule flash then caught my eye from below ah there is another wanna and it was rising towards us another flash to life a second later followed quickly by another soon dozens of them began to emerge and follow suit with the others ii soon joined the first beside martina in straightaway began the same peculiar display in perfect synchronization with the first a third joined dead and then a fourth i had looked on again and my heart lurched into my throats the entire area below us have begun to glow as hundreds of the things became illuminated in rows like a flock of dazzling blue embers in the middle of them though a much larger light took form he began arise sparkles of blue flashing upon it in a dazzling performance martin had finally seen enough he turned to join us fun it was too late and as soon as he had moved one of the eels lunch for Emma he coiling itself around his arm and digging into his flash a dozens during the attack within seconds as it turned into an all-out feeding frenzy and I heard Martin scream but there was never any hope of saving Emma and the rest of us fled immediately back into the dingy so laden passage at lettuce Anna Donnellan first have followed quickly by Xavier and amia I moved as quickly as I could through the passage blinded by the slurry but carrying only about escape at all cost behind me I heard a torrential commotion as the voracious creatures pursued us there is a sudden burst of energy from behind it it was like an underwater sonic boom followed quickly by the clanging a metal meeting Rock repeatedly the tunnel itself began to grow napur tossed as what I can only assume was the bursted air tank began to clang around wildly and I found they burst from the tunnel huh and we entered the bottom of the alpha pool I clawed my way frantically through the depths in a desperate bid to reach the surface for a split second I peered back over my shoulder as a muffled scream gurgle from the cave I saw a tank there frantic has a massive slippery black serpents began to tear him apart parts of his face and body was stripped of flesh in seconds even only skeletal remains in their wake he seized his struggle and the mob enveloped Emma I'm so sorry tank and the words economic - I turned in I made a mad dash upwards I felt them closing in behind me as a smell of rotten eggs filled my nostrils several razor-mouth script out of my leg as I swam breaking into the red mist of the hydrogen sulfide ax I thought I was done for her when the mouse releases the grips I tuned as I cleared the putrid air and I saw hundreds of the vile glowing things staring back up at me they continued their same dancing motion hundreds of them in perfect unison Oh a much larger shadow bulged in the cluster this one was massive at least ten times the size of its cannon it did not wiggle like the others it drifted silently and bearing a mouth of hundreds of razor teeth and ornate almost ruined like splotches of neon blue and its ganna its mouth shudder from its head hat as what can only be described as an umbrella of hook teeth gleamed in the sparest cavern light I could sense its hunger but also something else the way it drifted was methodical and the little ones cleared a path as it came through it was almost like they were communicating my saving grace was that it and its minions refused to cross the red barrier of the hydrogen sulfide ax I kept an eye on her a large one huh the brood mother and I rose to the surface and I burst from the underworld and back into mine the Don Xavier and myself were the only ones to return from that dreadful place the pain he'd sent me daily for those we lost and I wish that we had never entered that godforsaken place it's not safe the cave itself has since been sealed off with no one allowed to reenter it and the members we lost her still down there forever entombed in the murky dives I still don't know how those things were able to survive down there the only explanation I can think of is in Donnelly the most troubling the cave must connect to another water source I am told this story to several sources but none of them ever take me seriously I'm done worrying whether people will believe me some days I don't even believe me I just hope for a whore sake but the cave is not in fact connected to any other waterway like I believe it is I can't imagine what would happen if those things ever got out needless to say though I don't think I'll be planning another cave diving trip anytime soon [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 140,008
Rating: 4.8667107 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: Ph4D1bnNytM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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