"I work on an oil-rig in the North Sea, There's something hidden beneath the waves." Creepypasta

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the sky tonight is blacker than i have ever seen it before it swirls with slow malevolence growling and warning my scarf is pulled up to my eyes but my cheeks and nose are still burning pink with the bitter cold regardless i'm in line with the others waiting to board the ship that'll take me from the rig the winds tonight are too powerful for helicopter travel so a ship it is it's a military vessel royal navy the grey white waves crash against its hull spray carries on up to the union jack and sign stamped on the side i'm not sure if the ship's military nature makes me feel more or less afraid but i don't have a choice seven workers are always selected to board always and tonight i am one of those seven my name is wreck i spend alternating months working on an oil rig in the north sea the work is not as boring as you might expect the pay grade is actually rather good the boredom is the worst part the isolation interspersed with moments of intense stress and lightning-like panic we get wi-fi on the good days but it's spotty at best if you like your youtube videos at 144 p with 20 minutes of buffering time then the rig is the place for you there's about 200 of us at any given time and honestly it's kind of nice during the day in rare hours of warmth the sun sparkles off the pipes and the railing in white and bright yellow the mood is cheerful everyone has their purpose everyone has their role and then there's the other times the other times you'll find yourself stood on the bridge in the grim hours before dawn frozen in place as you desperately trying to fix the shitty job the engineer before you did on the generator that powers the crane made all the more difficult with the torn and battered gloves that limit the motions of your already shaking fingers the protective goggles quickly steam to the point of uselessness so you take them off only for the icy rain to lash at once into your eyes what can i say there's good days and bad days can't complain my shifts on the rig are typical as i mentioned one month on one month off we get helicopters back as a squad of about 20 or 25 we go our separate ways once back on the mainland and then i'll see some of them again next month when we return to work occasionally some of them will get moved to other rigs it's pretty straightforward but there's an anomaly one that i've always wondered about i've asked around but no one is able or perhaps willing to give me a straight answer five days before the end of my shift on the rig seven of my colleagues are selected randomly or otherwise i don't know they are chosen late in the afternoon told to gather their belongings and then by night they are gone move to another rig is all i'm ever told on the matter when i can actually find someone to give me an answer at all this happens without fail five days before the end of my shift every shift and has done since i first began the work earlier in the year the people that are selected i never see again most times if i even know them by name at all they are only acquaintances but sometimes i've known them personally i had the details of a man who was chosen four months ago and a good friend of mine guy named figgs was called for the previous assignment but they've both stopped answering their calls most of us use crappy phones offered by the company during our shifts on the rig so it's possible the devices were just ditched in favor of better models upon their return to the land but still i can't shake the unease i'm not sure why i seem to be the only one concerned not that it matters now anyway today marks five days before the end of my shift and for the first time i find myself as one of the workers selected normally when i'm able to catch their departure for myself they leave by helicopter but tonight the sky is too fierce so the aforementioned military ship has pulled itself up alongside the rig why exactly our departure has to be on this particular night why our journey is important enough to warrant a royal navy battleship to personally escort us to the new location i don't know i asked some of the other six my fellow chosen colleagues but they know just as little one by one we are ushered down the line out of the biting rain from the edge of the platform and into the body of the ship as the storm hammers down overhead we are led through cold and narrow metal corridors and into a meeting room of sorts where we awkwardly take the offered seats the ship groans and churns the engine rumbles steadily from down below and two men make their way between us to the front of the room one walk slouched his beard and hair scruffy mid-50s perhaps i recognize him he makes appearances on the rig from time to time but he's not a regular lodger nor do i know his name he places forms on the desk before us as he meanders from person to person the other man's pace is measured and deliberate straight-backed he turns at the head of the room and takes us all in in cool silence he wears an immaculate white shirt beneath a blue gray jersey and a naval cap also in white it is ringed at the base and visor in sleek black and shining gold and his shoulders are bedecked with equilates in the same colors once the scruffier man has handed out the last form he stands on the opposite corner chewing his tongue as he looks us over the man in white steps forward gentlemen my name is john irons and i am in command of this destroyer destroyer what the hell why would a tiny team of oil riggers need to be transported on a bloody destroyer i'll get right to it the forms before you now if signed will bind you to the official secrets act your involvement in this operation will be entirely secret you will be forbidden to discuss the operational logistics machinery or any self-assumed purpose of the assigned rig even to members of your own immediate family for all intents and purposes any military involvement in your assignments will be purely extraneous operating on an ad hoc basis in the event of threat to life weather events the captain clenches his jaw and scans the room left to right you have all been selected for this temporary position based on a combination of factors including your specialist knowledge your time served and the results of your personality and psychological assessments you are welcome to refuse this assignment if you choose to do so you will be escorted off the ship and back onto the rig where you will see out your allocated time if you accept the offer you must come to a decision in the next few minutes it is recommended that you spend the journey time reading through your contracts if upon docking at the assigned rig you decide that you no longer wish to sign the document before you then you will be given a room and confined to your quarters for the duration of your service and may remain confined for a period of up to an additional two weeks depending on the schedule of the ship in question is that understood his question is followed by a strange silence one which eventually breaks into a series of low mumblings and bewildered nods from the people around me should you choose to accept your pay rate for the following five days will be increased tenfold and will in practice be worth the equivalent of two and a half months of solid service my colleagues exchange a series of glances and raised eyebrows the energy in the room changes somewhat you will be expected to perform your role to the best of your ability of course the captain continues and as discretion is of the utmost important to ask as few questions as will allow you to see out your duties his sharp grey eyes stop on mine just for a moment before flicking over to meet those of the fellow in the corner the scruffy man who occasionally visits the rig my rig a chill passes through me but i say nothing i will now ask if anyone would like to refuse the offer assigned and return to the rig now is your one and only chance to do so nobody moves nobody speaks i thought about it i really did i swear this whole thing has me set very much on edge and this assignment this offered assignment this man this military guy who the hell is he to issue us job terms and warnings on ultimatums a part of me wants to scrunch the document into a ball and throw it in his face and march proudly back onto my rig where i belong but this opportunity to venture out into the unknown this is some real exciting [ __ ] i don't even care about the money that much to be honest i have been given a chance to see behind the curtain to find out what happens to the seven who leave the rig to find out what's so important about our destination mysteries have been presented to us mysteries that demand solving i have to know i just have to know so i stay seated i listen to the dulled roar of the wind through the walls perhaps that's how they convince the seven to stay every time maybe the money is just so we can rationalize our decisions a tense moment passes then the captain looks over our shoulders and nods at someone at the back of the room i turn in my seat to see an officer raise a radio to his mouth as he steps through the door speaking into it as he walks down the corridor and a minute later the rumble of the engine below grows like a rolling thunder and the ship i can only presume as there is no windows in the room groans into slow life the captain nods to us and then the man in the corner and takes his leave strolling away at once and so we begin our voyage to the assigned rig plowing onwards through the storm i read through the secrets act before me as we make our journey over the waves there's some seriously cool concepts in here makes me feel a bit like a spy though there's some terrifying stuff too the time drags on i wonder exactly where it is we're going left with nothing but the sounds of the engine the flicker of turning paper and the occasional grunt or cough from my colleagues my mind begins to wander they swirl with curious dark clouded thoughts dread creeps up on me it ebbs and flows coming and receding like the tide and i start to wonder if i've made a huge mistake we were forced to decide so quickly i tug at my collar my stomach turns i look up and meet the eyes of the man still stood in the corner i clear my throat and stood up in my seat excuse me mate don't i recognize you i see you on the rig sometimes the man is silent for a moment then scratches his beard i work takes me from rig to rig you have a lot of good locations less stormy than most and what about the ones we're going to will it be stormy there i ask the man's size not with frustration perhaps just with tiredness yeah yeah it'll be stormy all right the others seem a little emboldened now the seal is broken and the questions start coming which rig is it will any of us have been stationed there before no the man replies no you won't have been there's one ain't charted officially it doesn't even exist is it military-owned then like a secret navy supply of oil is that why we've been taken by a battleship the scruffy man's eyes dart to the door at the back of the room and he rubs his nose it ain't an oil rig as such the machinery and the systems will be similar to what you're used to however as the captain said for all intents and purposes any military involvement in this assignment is officially ad hoc in the event of emergency less said the better etc if it isn't oil i ask my blood for reasons unknown pumping fierce then what is it what is its purpose and why is it a secret silence falls and the man in a low voice replies honestly lads you don't need to concern yourself with the rig's true purpose nor do i recommend you try to understand please i don't even know myself i swear it and it's better this way i appreciate that this is a frustrating answer but i must emphasize that it is in all of our best interests for you to just do your work take your money and go the [ __ ] home do you understand me i nod quietly and the crew alongside mumble their acknowledgements the gears in my mind begin to turn and grind bitterly as the curious ship sails on into the night it was well into the earliest hours of the dark morning by the time we arrived the sky still black and angry as we depart the destroyer i slip and stumble against the rail as the ship rocks over the surface of the swirling sea we all signed the secret axe of course how could we not the captain lights the ship alongside us and as we huddle awkwardly on the rain-soaked platform of the rig he goes to exchange some words unheard with a man in a uniform i do not recognize obscured mostly anyway by an enormous blue jacket i splint my eyes through the downpour and take in my surroundings the rig is colossal bigger than the one we departed and hectic even at this time of night the place is alive with people and heavy overalls and military uniforms soldiers can be seen patrolling at every level of the giant metal derrick rushing to and fro a group passes right by us most of us have the british flag emblazoned on their arms but a couple towards the back have norwegian insignia instead lamps and searchlights illuminate the rain and thick heavy streaks as they scan the bridges and platforms distorted shadows thrown across their surfaces by the rails and pipework but inside the derrick protected by the great iron skeleton there is no pipeline for any oil there is no hose that i can see no drill line at all i raise a hand to my eyes to shield them from the rain i take a step away from the group and stare even as a powerful beam of light washes over my face inside the crisscrossed metal tower is an enormous monstrous chain the largest that i have ever seen each link must be the size of a car at least it is colossal and terrifying in a way i do not quite understand and standing here on the platform only a few meters away i find myself feeling very small very small indeed the chain disappears behind the beams of the tower that supports it and below the surface of the platform it extends presumably deep down under the sea for whatever purpose i don't know i am suddenly slammed into from behind i stumble in shock and turn to see who pushed me a roaming light shows me a man with a hard hat in his outstretched hand his eyes bloodshot red and shadowed with dark circles he's a mess and when he looks at me it feels like he's staring right through me are you lot the takeover crew then he croaks out in a voice hoarse beyond exhaustion i exchange looks with the men around me yeah i reply on easily yeah i think we might be a siren suddenly sounds at the far side of the derrick a loud and obnoxious whale and we jump and start an alarm well as new arrivals do the embattled man before me does not even flinch he just closes his eyes and starts shaking his head no he mutters then louder no no no [ __ ] no more he slams the hard hat into my stomach and marches past the soldiers have begun bellowing orders but i cannot hear them above the wind and the blare of the siren the platforms in the pipes light up alternatingly in orange and blue fear ripples through me as the platform beneath starts to shake captain irons from the ship is suddenly in front of us sparking orders he's hastily reading off a list of names telling my colleagues where to go and in a chaotic scramble they do as they're told this does not seem the time replaced for questioning of rolls the ground shakes i hear the waves crash against the legs of the rig and for that to even be possible for me to hear them above the bellows and the roaring gale and the shriek of the siren they must be colossal indeed i can see some of the sea out of the corner of my eye and it's a picture of wild dark and churning fury but my gaze is focused on something else blood pounds in my ears to join the cacophony i'm vaguely aware of the captain shouting my name but i failed to copy his orders he stepped forward now shaking my shoulder vigorously but i cannot move i'm frozen in place in blind terror and do not even know why there's something about this rig that isn't right it isn't right at all and i cannot tear my eyes from the great chain the terrible chain obscene in its size is no longer still it grinds and shakes with the storm and i watch in disbelief as it starts to unravel as if something of some unknown force is dragging it desperately below the surface the great chain grinds its monstrous metallic howl reverberates through the platform that i stand upon with shaking legs the chain is moving there's no doubt about it something is pulling it slowly down below the surface i can see a section unraveling i watch as it feeds reluctantly through a series of monstrous gears from an adjacent slightly smaller tower the captain is still shouting into my face the rain and the beams of passing searchlights wash off the shine of his gold black visor his words eventually start to break through the whale of the siren and the rush of the waves and into my petrified days reg rig it is reg isn't it i yeah that's right the captain's eyes flash as he nods drawing back a little look to the right of the tower reg just behind you you see that gray cylinder i do waves of the sirens orange and blue light roll across it again and again yeah i i see it the reservoir right for the hydraulics the captain laughs out loud a disturbing and ludicrous sound amidst the tumultuous relentless chaos smashing he says clasping a rough and heavy hand on my shoulder and you feel your feet on the ground you have your bearings i uh yes yes captain brilliant that's your stational trap off you go on the double he tips his cap and strides off across the platform back to his ship i watch him go for a second then i feel the blood return to my legs let's go reg they're counting on you i hear from behind yes right this is my assignment here we go here we go my feet splash across the surface of the platform as i head for the nearest metal mesh stairs fastening the hard hat i'd been rudely gifted onto my head the entire ground is like a rippling mirror illuminated in flashes of white blue and orange as soldiers sprint past me in formation their shimmering reflections below run with them distorted by the sheets of ice my hands slip right off the watery rail as i send i stumble past my fellow workers i've already lost sight of the six i arrived with they could be anywhere by now i crossed the bridge over to the reservoir i can see the pipes and tubes to the hydraulic cylinders not quite the same as the ones back on my rig but similar enough a sudden crunch from behind has me swear in fear and swivel at once and through the iron cage of the tower the massive chain suddenly jolts down an entire van sized link disappearing out of sight and into the shadows below good christ what the hell is this place i mutter breathlessly cold rain streaking down my face i fight my way through the storm to the cylinders there's a team of about nine or ten difficult to tell all swarming around the pumps and control valves a guy in goggles looks over to me hydraulics he calls through the rain a great boom of thunder shivers through the sky to accompany the scream of the siren ah [ __ ] uh yes i think that's me i call back the goggled man nods and points to a section of cylinder open that [ __ ] up see if it's working quick as you can mate jesus i pushed through the bustle of my new comrades adrenaline pumping and i turned a hastily look through a box of tools for equipment i'll need to remove the covering a searchlight beam from afar scans across my immediate surroundings and i catch a flash of blue coat thrown about in the wind as its owner passes me by crossing from an opposite bridge it was the guy the captain was talking to earlier down on the loading platform i turned to look up at him drill in hand it's embarrassing is what it is the man in the blue coat says to the officer at his right as he strides past he stands tall and walks with grim purpose fourth sirens night is this a piss take this is the kind of shoddy control i'd expect over on the danish rig not the bloody uk eh commander the goggled man shouts rain flying from his lips as he stands up straight and the commander tips his hat to him in return status the commander bellows back rigid and hands quickly clasp behind his back as the wind drags his coat about his shoulders i don't have a good look at his face but i can see a thick white beard whipped around his jaw no major issues here commander goggles replies hydraulics understood to be clear [ __ ] sake the commander mutters casting an eye shrouded in shadow from his visor over my new colleagues then what the hell is the problem here too much slack on the chain he turns to the officer to his right find out what ukb and the norwegians are up to the amount of times i've had to tell norway to sharpen their [ __ ] this month's bollocks to it let's bring this [ __ ] under control i don't want to deal with the fifth siren tonight the commander in his entourage clattered their way across the bridge i watch him raise an arm and gesture angrily to the groaning chain looking like little toy soldiers beside it as they pass by we were gone through the night the rain eventually begins to fall back into a more bearable drizzle the sea calms and starts to settle the waves against the rig's legs grow decreasingly violent and the siren mercifully cuts out the chain too is steadily brutally hauled back up through the tower and mechanically re-ravelled like a fool i'd expected my shift to end there but for me to be allowed some desperately needed rest but i was mistaken my shift continued on through the night it turned out there had been a minor fault with one of the hydraulic systems after all but since the siren had ceased we couldn't work out if this particular malfunction had been responsible or not we agreed collectively not to mention it it was not until the silvery light through the clouds above suggested that the sun had risen that i was dismissed like a zombie i marched to my signed dorm and collapsed onto a narrow bed against the wall and fell at once into welcome and total sleep i was the first one to awaken my bunkmates were all snoring away i rub my eyes and bring my legs over the side of the bed gently cracking the joints in my arms and back a clock on the wall tells me it's 12 20 pm 5 hours of sleep great i run a hand down my face but i actually don't feel too bad a piece of paper taped to the wall below the clock tells me that hydraulics team b are expected to return to work at 1 30 pm i'm assuming that one's mine based on the accompanying time that we were dismissed someone has scrawled across the paper in pencil in the margin it's today's date along with commander's orientation 1315 i quietly opened the door and after a quick splash of water to my face a change of clothes and an admittedly rather gross brush with a borrowed toothbrush i decided to use my spare hour to look around the rig the weather was calmed and whilst the sun is not exactly shining it's pleasant enough for now the rig is just as busy as it was last night but the air of panic has dissipated thankfully during my walk i encounter one of the six from my previous rig we shoot the [ __ ] for a few minutes i learned the location of the lockers where our belongings have been deposited and immediately regret my decision to use the toothbrush of the unknown soldier it's remarkably easy to tell which workers on the rig are new arrivals and which have been here for longer you can see it in the lines on their face in their eyes and expression the way they carry themselves the soldiers however are unreadable i ponder their purpose as i make my way through the inner corridors of the rig's hub if you walk like you have a clear direction in mind you typically won't be bothered i've found i'm intrigued by what appears to be a small library nestled within the walls a cluster of shabby bookshelves hold a range of battered books there's some maps here too of the north sea and of the rig itself taped to the wall it says i'm studying one of these maps when something catches my eye a word scratched deliberately into the metal of the wall alongside it's not obvious but now that i've seen it i can read it as clear as day figs it says figs a brief sharp surge of adrenaline passes through me could this have been carved by figs himself by my friend the very friend who was selected as one of the seven for this rig last time it must have been shirley knowing that he was here sets me grinning and i shake my head in disbelief why would he carve his name into the wall i look around the room i undo the tape on the adjacent poster and peel it back but there's nothing but blank wall behind after a moment of consideration i grab hold of the little bookshelf directly behind the scrolling and grunt with effort as i push it to the side sure enough hidden behind and against the wall are series of further carvings i'm not sure why but i feel compelled to shut the door to the library room so i do so before squatting down to study what has been written there's a number carved here 41 1 34 a date perhaps not like any day i've ever seen maybe it's a military system i'm not familiar with there's also a drawing a crude one it looks like a little square about to be devoured from beneath by a larger bizarrely s shape or half of him at least a semi-circle with a split for an open jaw it's literally just a bunch of lines carved into the metal but it unsettles me in a way i can't explain next to this drawing is the phrase don't trust potter in capital letters potter who the hell is potter the sounds of footsteps in the corridor beyond bid me to grab the bookshelf quickly and drag it back into place workers push through the door and i nod to them upon my exit before they have a chance to ask what i'm doing 41 134 don't trust potter a drawing of a semi-circle and a square they all mean something i'm sure of it figgs left them behind i know he did with only 10 or so minutes left until the scheduled briefing by the commander i decided to dwell on my findings on the rig's larger bridge and an excellent vantage point for views of the surrounding sea i can see a few battleships dotted around in the distance from here one of them could well be the destroyer belonging to captain irons i can see another two rigs like this one spread out in the distance and if i squint i can just about make out the rough form of a third far against the grim horizon there's a guy stood nearby eating a sandwich first person i've seen since arrival not actively engaged in a task of some kind he seems in decent spirits but his eyes are glazed and tired he nods at me and i nod back then he gestures to the far away rig with a sandwich that's the norwegian rig he mumbles no rig they call it ah i reply i'm not sure what else to say my name is reg nice to meet you mate hey he replies you too pal dan anything you can tell me about the chain dan what chain he asks and i throw my brow in confusion i'm about to gesture to the colossal metal links held in the tower when he chuckles at me i'm just screwing with you mate i know what you mean but i don't have any answers for you i'm afraid no bloody clue they're keeping something locked down that's all i know it moves with the storm he looks out at the sea and it's always stormy here you've been here long ten days i'll be done in another four second time they've assigned me to the rig to my surprise i feel a flood of relief ah so people do come back from the rig then and of course they do the idea that they wouldn't i silently brand myself a fool of course people move on from here why wouldn't they second time i ask how long was your first shift five days they keep troubling your pay with every subsequent return apparently he takes another bite chews thoroughly and a man needs it so what's up with the military presence he shrugs who knows keeps the russians away perhaps whatever they're up to here it's important [ __ ] clearly i mean look at all this a trio of helicopters flies overhead as he spreads out his arms i watch them pass yeah maybe i shift on the spot and think about what i saw scrawled on the wall would it be unwise to bring it up to this guy to dan screw it you know anyone called potter dan he gives me a strange look and pauses no he replies you can't say that i do though i only work on the uppermost deck so my pool of acquaintances is relatively small the military police here are nicknamed the plotters if that's of any meaning no no but thanks anyway he eyes me again his expression changing and he stands straight up you know you ask a lot of questions reg to be honest i'm wondering what you're even doing here they don't normally send blokes like you not in my experience i laugh awkwardly but dan does not return the laughter he just holds my gaze for a tense moment then shrugs and looks back out to the sea i breathe i guess your skills are just in demand right now he muses realizing the time i thank the guy for his conversation and head down to the briefing by the commander i'm cutting it fine but thankfully i'm not the last to arrive he doesn't say much really just roughly goes over some basic logistics highlights important duties for the day and officially welcomes us to the rig it's not a particularly cheery welcome nor is it particularly interesting he mentioned that we would all be subject to a lengthy debrief in norway upon the end of our service and then there's something else he says something that stands out something i dwell on well into the day whatever you may hear he says scanning the room one eye bright and shining like polished brass the other blinded a scarred white grey whatever you see it is suggested that you push that [ __ ] aside and save it for the debrief i would remind you that the british government takes dissension from the official secrets act very seriously very [ __ ] seriously indeed his eyes meet mine as do i and i'm worse than those [ __ ] in london i can assure you the tension holds the air still and thick and heavy then it breaks away like ice with a sudden clap the commander nods and gestures to the door it's clear that the meeting is over my day is uneventful i learn little else and make no mental progress on the mysterious scrawlings presumably left by figs himself my shifts are broken up into six hours on six hours off rough and it's night time when it gets rougher the rain returns the swirl and the seeth of the storm as if it's angry about the rig's very presence in its waters i shiver as i check the lights on the enormous control valve before me the tension now is palpable far beyond anything i experienced in the commander's briefing this is something else all teeth are set every pair of eyes itching to glance up at the silent siren soldiers and workers alike all on edge waiting waiting praying that the siren doesn't go off the impending potential shattering of the piece is perhaps worse than the shattering itself and eventually of course it does the siren cuts through me like a knife and the world of metal around is casting glows of orange and blue orange and blue all along the bridges the rails the metalwork and the gears the multitude of platforms in the giant towering derrick skeleton and the chain groaning inside the chaos returns it's stressful beyond words but the problem wherever it came from is after 15 minutes or so fixed and the siren stops we breathe a collective sigh of relief as the brutal orchestra of our contemptuous domain cuts us some slack for a while because after another tense hour it sounds again and then after that it sounds again i feel sick this is relentless is this why they're so desperate to get us here because the previous crew were literally fit to collapse but this time the siren does not stop it just keeps on wailing screaming its distress out into the night [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] loud the frustration we feel grows into anger anger which quickly breaks down into shivering nerves and then melts further into cold fear why wouldn't it stop where's the commander the guy in charge of our section goggles as i've nicknamed him removes his helmet and runs a hand through his hair again he shouts check through it all again have we missed anything the train drove to my [ __ ] it swings slowly to the side and crashes into the side of the metal tower that contains it the vibrations of the shock thundering through the entire rig oh hell goggles bellows and dismay where's the [ __ ] captain and then there is another noise a boom that ripples through the air from the distance i rise on shaking legs and lean over the rails looking through the rain out to sea a warship of some kind closer than before but still a ways away is firing upon the churning waves its turret lights up in brilliant white and then half a second later they are followed by the booms and the rattle of fire there's something in the sea more ships are coming through the haze i can see them i can see their lights and the water between them shifts and swells in ways that don't make sense the dark waves rise colossal i wipe the rain from my eyes i can't quite make it out and i realized everyone is distracted distracted by the light show out at sea the workers have shifted away from their stations i can see all around if i'm going to look for answers the time is now so i seize the moment and with a quick look behind i sprint away through the shadows of the rails keeping my head low keeping my head low i make brisk pace down the shuttering stairs i cross the platform trying to look like someone who has a clear goal in mind and i'm about to push through the central hub of the rig when four helicopters fly overhead my mouth drops to fly in this they must be insane but they're carrying something between the four of them they're carrying the length of the colossal chain the same type as held in the tower and weighed down at either end by what i'm presuming must be massive gargantuan anchors i know i shouldn't be wasting my moment but i can't help but watch as they fly out to sea illuminated fleetingly in the glare of the warship fire and then they hover in place as much as they can given the weather and the chain is released it drops down through the dark towards the swirling sea and smacks into the surface with a crash the spray slow and massive as the iron sinks blood pumping i turn and push into the hub the map i saw in the library i recreate as best i can in my mind and i orient myself i head to the staff quarters the officers i marched with purpose past the groups of hurried soldiers careful not to make eye contact and at the end of the corridor i found what i'm looking for the map in the library had to be marked only as a door with no room beyond but that was impossible and sure enough there's a room here shrouded in darkness filing cabinets line the walls there's a desk attached too empty except for a bottle of vitamin d tablets but this is good filing cabinets personnel files in here perhaps maybe i can find information on potter or about the chain i know i'm an idiot most would just take the money keep themselves to themselves and go home that's presumably why they get selected but i'm not one of them i'm just not i run a hand over the cabinets all locked of course curious steel padlocks are attached to each and every door all in the pattern of zero zero dash zero dash zero zero a light bulb goes on in my head i recognize that pattern it's the same as the numbers figs wrote on the wall four one thirty four alright [ __ ] it i mutter to myself cracking my knuckles before setting to work starting with padlock number one and working my way down then across don't fail me now fakes i work fast and i can't be more than a few minutes but the time feels like it drags on i'm expecting to be rumbled at any second for some officer to barge in and arrest me but they don't and on cabinet number seven the padlock snaps open i grunt with desperate glee dragging the door open and rifling through the folders and files within i grab a handful of them and drop them onto the desk flipping them open and trying to absorb as much i can i don't really want to stick around frustratingly the files aren't arranged alphabetically there doesn't even seem to be any coherent order at all there are pages and pages of reports some with reports scrolled across in pen or black redacted bar stamped over them all drilling operations that site are skying 3 to cease immediately report to commodore r cleese december 1986 i flip through another i'm careful not to let the rain water drip from my face onto the paper urgent redirection of uk nuclear program trident budget to arsegn3 discovery 17 to 18 recommended pending january 1987 i don't have time to take in all the text i just absorb what i can personnel to be assigned to new rigs uk a plus ukb for no longer than periods of two weeks maximum standardization with norwegian and danish rigs plus d-a recommended greater personnel numbers suggested during winter months entities true nature to remain at highest level of classification i expel a breath of air from my lungs in a cold and unwelcome burst entity i lift the file up towards the room's sole source of light it flickers as the wind howls outside and the siren blares the scrap of torn brown paper falls from amidst the file and lands on the desk my heart pounds as i pick it up and read it through it's a segment of a poem hand written in fine ink alfred lord tennyson 1830 it says at the top below the thunders of the upper deep far far beneath the abysmal sea is ancient dreamless uninvaded sleep the paper is torn and the palm ends there it's almost like i'm watching myself from above as i stuff the papers back into the file with pink tipped and trembling fingers as i slam them back into the cabinet and remix the combination on the lock and stride pale faced and stomach lurching back through the corridors i realized that i have made a terrible mistake i should never have agreed to make the voyage here i should never have signed the secrets act and i should never have allowed myself to get caught up in this madness the entity's true nature the entity don't panic is all i can tell myself as i return into the storm as the rain batter is renewed against my head and my back as the lightning flashes and as a terrible and alien roar sounds out over the sea it stops me in my tracks it is by far the worst sound i have heard since my arrival and i've been privy to a great many disturbing sounds it echoes out over the riding waters and up into the swirls of the sky and a great jarring force from below suddenly throws me to the ground i slip across the surface of the platform scrambling up onto my elbows barely able to believe my eyes as the edge of a huge iron wheel is forced up against the far side of the rig from beneath i watch it as it smashes into the crane one which promptly disconnects from the rig with the sound of tearing metal and crashes down down into the churning sea the chain grinds against the tower all around me now is pure panic and with a cataclysmic crash i am powerless to do anything but watch as the great chain wins the struggle and smashes through the side of the skeleton tower in a shower of broken metal it tears through the edge of the rig it swings round towards me and it brings with it an enormous wheel from below dragged around the edge of the cracked far platform and my screams become one with those of the siren and a pair of rough hands grab me by the back of my jacket i am hastily hauled across the platform through the rain as the chain swings by it becomes clear that the links run through the colossal iron wheel and between them they tear up the edge of the rig and smash the loading bays and the remaining cranes to shreds as easily as if it were made of paper the roof of the rig central hub is destroyed in a hail of shattering beams and concrete as the chain crashes relentlessly right through it the hands released from the scruff of my neck and i slumped to the white ground with a splash none of this feels real i'm in a dream a terrible swirling nightmare i turn to look up at my savior and a flash of lightning out at sea illuminates the profile of the commander his good eye shining in keen copper the other shrouded in shadow his coat is torn and his beard is whipped wild to your stations lad he bellows in a voice like the rippling thunder glancing between me and the chain this night's not over yet i tell you now i scramble back through the puddles and grab a hold of a nearby rail trying to bring myself to stand what the hell is this i shout at him what are we going to do our duties he barks back more helicopters fly out overhead struggling through the wind as the shuttering chain is steadily dragged out to sea overhead the rig trembles confirmed commander the officer shouts catastrophic failure in the accused section but it's too late they say there's nothing they can do now they'll be dealt with come the morning the commander replies tell me about the pneumatics the emergency reels what have we got pneumatic reel 1 is gone commander the officer replies completely destroyed reels 2 and 3 are fit for operation though reel 3 has been damaged get them affixed to the tower or hell what's left of it soldiers sprint past and manic squads across the platform the battleships fire into the waves and great rolling booms both of them the officer asks uneasily but commander the chain's current duress would suggest he stutters if if we lose both the reals get them affixed the commander roars now [ __ ] now the officer swiftly brings up his arm into a salute and sprints off through the broken shifting shadows of the rails and metalwork don't make me ask you again the commander grunts at me then he turns to take his leave but i call out after him foolishly and desperately over the groan of the storm never in my life have i felt such dread i'm drowning in it it feels like the end of the world what is this place commander you have to tell me what's down there i know all right i know about the entity what is it what are you hiding the commander stops in his tracks his coat ripples and thrashes in the wind in time with its distorted image reflected in the flooded platform below he lights up from all angles in glaring orange and then blue orange and then blue random bursts of white from the searchlight from the lightning and from the artillery fire of the distant warships accompanying the colors of the siren in intermittent flashes the shadows thrown are ever-changing and void black he swivels on the spot and marches right up to me i stumble back in alarm but he grabs my collar questions questions questions he mutters loudly above the clamor i hate when the questioners are brought on board the rig you know that i [ __ ] hate it his eyes are wide and mad as he begins to drag me across the platform his worn and hardened features his white beard their deceptive i now realize the commander is strong and must be years younger than his looks would suggest you know where they love questions reg that is your name isn't it the submarines his words register sharp a tide of panic crashes against my broken constitution i try to fight the commander away but he trips me throws me to the ground they're struggling for crew he says they weren't prepared for active deployment tonight i was about to order them down anyway but you know what i think they'd benefit from your expertise you're of no use to me on the rig tonight visions of being trapped in a submarine flash through my mind claustrophobic cold unforgiving metal surrounded by only the icy churning black waters in the horror beneath the waves the pressure growing as we sink deeper and deeper no no i won't i shout his features are shadowed once again but his silhouette shines bright against the thunderous night sky so you know about the entity well you're not the only one who knows things reg i know that you abandoned your station last night i know that you shrinked your one duty to the rig and i know that the hydraulic section during your departure has catastrophically failed with every no he takes another step closer his voice rising my heart lurches in distress get your ass in that [ __ ] submarine and maybe i'll forget a few things you understand me now on your feet are you a man or a [ __ ] dog he hauls me up and drags me through a corridor of criss-crossed pipework and down onto a lower platform on the opposite side of the rig a section with an edge that remains crack-free unharmed by the drag of the colossal and broken iron wheel he squats and hauls open a door in the ground with a clank it reveals a rusted ladder that extends down toward the sea he looks at me oh god my options whirl around in my head to the beat of the siren's whales i force my rain-soaked fringe from my eyes what the hell do i do what can i do could i run somewhere and then what if by some miracle the rig survives the night they'll find you eventually won't they there's nowhere to run to and you'll be court-martialed can civilians even be court-martialed would i just be shot on the spot or worse forget being court-martialed this is about your life i swear with frustration and what if the chain pulls the entire rig into the sea what then a submarine might literally be the safest place for you but why the commander's change of heart what the hell is his game here all these thoughts and more froth and bubble like the foam of the great waves below but at the end of the day there's no point pretending that my decision wasn't already made in times of intense stress chaos and disarray when your options are as complex as mine it is just easier to simply follow the orders of the person in charge maybe with hindsight i would have acted differently i would have come up with some genius plan but i don't have that luxury in the fire of the moment so i furrow my brow i call the commander a prick and i ease myself down onto the ladder bracing myself against its icy rungs see you on the other side the commander shouts at me i see him raise a radio from his belt to his mouth he kicks the trapdoor closed as i begin my shaky descent down i climb wrung by slippery rung the sounds of the sea below grow louder there's a monster down here i'm sure of it what else could it be the entity wrong after wrong shouts a megaphone distorted voice from below breaking my train of thought and i nearly slip from the ladder in fright i grab a tighter hold and twist my neck to see below there's not much of the ladder left it goes down a couple more meters and then the end is lost to the swirling swelling waters the uppermost hub of a great grey submarine has surfaced beside it rocked subtly in the churn i didn't even hear it rise a man in overalls has opened the hatch on top of the hull his upper half visible he waves at me hydraulics his voice blares through the megaphone i nod as obviously as i can i force the fear from the lungs to shout out a reply yes [ __ ] yes that's me great jump your replies jump i can't bloody well jump shouldn't there be a boat or a bridge i can't hear you mate megaphone replies come on quick as you can i bang my head against the ladder in anguish but before i can psych myself out any further i use the adrenaline to the best of my ability powering down the remaining rungs of the ladder turning calculating and i push myself off my legs kick through the ice and salt of the sea air my arms flail and i land with a thud on the hull of the submarine megaphone reaches over and grabs my jacket he hauls me through the hatch and down into the vessel's body i used the rungs of the submarine's ladder to slow my descent but essentially crashed to the floor and reigned so deep i roll onto my side coughing i'm in hell i choke out not yet you're not megaphone replies grimly helping me to my feet he then climbs the rungs reaches up and draws the hatch closed with a slam the sound of the storm and sea are muffled instantly largely replaced by a low and all surrounding rumble terry he says sticking out his hand i take it shivering reg thanks for coming down reg we appreciate it yeah well i didn't really have much but i feel my surrounding shift i flinch as my ears pop one after the other we're going down this is all so sudden all of this it's just go go go it's insane only moments ago i was watching the chain get ripped out of the tower itself what could do that what kind of thing has such power what if the whole length of the chain unravels what then the recent memories flash through my mind and i have to grab a hold of a nearby line of pipe to keep myself from staggering terry looks at me with sympathy hang in there mate you're better off in here than up there trust me they tell us they're losing the chain i nod breathing deeply in and out in and out come on i'll show you to the exhaust valves they aren't operating quite as they should be wouldn't normally be caused for major concern but you know these are relatively uncharted waters if you'll pardon the pun i don't respond but straighten and follow him to the engine room further below the rumble of the water around us is paradoxically rather calming if i don't think too much about it terry continues we're glad to have you our normal hydraulic skies were stolen yesterday for maintenance on the hoder the what he gives me a look don't you know the drill it's an acronym hydraulics operated deep drill we call it hodor military folks sure love their acronyms i remember what i had to read in the report in the secret file all drilling operations to cease immediately 1986 report to commodore r cleese i thought they stopped all the drilling yeah for oil obviously but the hoarder's tiny they send that thing down on rare occasions for samples from the seabed bewildered and struggling to process i come to a stop in the engine room terry clasps me on the shoulder and directs me to the tools then takes his leave telling me where to find him if i need him and so like a programmed machine i just set to work i do what i do best it's why i'm supposedly here after all i look around me as i work there's no windows i haven't seen any since entering the submarine i quite like it i can sort of pretend that none of this is happening i can pretend that i'm back on my own rig working happily i haven't been blackmailed into a military submarine i'm not trapped hundreds and hundreds of meters beneath the sea i was never sent on an uncharted rig into the middle of the ocean i'm not at risk of losing my life in a world of unimaginable nightmares and i'm not at the immediate mercy of an unspeakable terror that sleeps beneath the surface except it's not asleep anymore is it reg i push these thoughts aside and work as best as i can on the hydraulics before me i don't know how much time passes but once i believe i have completed my tasks to a satisfactory degree and head through the submarine corridors they are narrow and cold the clanks of my footsteps echo and reverberate softly around the walls they're also curiously empty i always imagine military submarines to be busier i do however find some other people when i push through a metal door at the end of a corridor and into a room near the front of the top of the submarine a room affixed to the central hub the level of light is low and green the room is illuminated by a series of dim bulbs overhead to my surprise the front of this room is curved and not made of metal it has instead been built with glass or at least some other thick transparent material beyond is only the deep and dark of the sea the submarine's weak beam lights catch on nothing but water there are five others in here with me one is clearly the captain a man in gray he turns in his chair and nods at me another is terry who smiles i'm still taken by the glass what the hell is this i ask military subs don't have walls of glass do they i thought they were solid metal terry shoots me another questioning look well of course they don't but this isn't a typical sub is it some of the other members of the crew have turned to look at me with similar curiosity one of them i realized to my bewilderment is shrouded in what appears to be religious robes of some kind i feel like i'm losing my mind i choke out what are you doing on board well i'm the submarine chaplain he replies cautiously raising an eyebrow what you mean like a priest or whatever why would they need one of those on a submarine everyone is staring at me now the confusion on their face is even greater perhaps than the confusion on mine it becomes clear that i am not the type of person they were expecting to get sent to them their silence is sharp the engine grinds the sea rumbles and then several of them lean forward and start asking me questions at once wait you were briefed right you've done the exposure training you do know about the entity right did you even get the psychological assessment no i stammered in return i really don't i just wanted to [ __ ] the man in gray shout suddenly running his hands through his hair who the hell sent you down here exactly the commander did i reply with frustration for [ __ ] sake what the hell is this problem this is [ __ ] insane you shouldn't be here i know i sputter out and retort the chaplain steps toward me he takes my hand in his and speaks earnestly are you a religious son are there any spiritual convictions you feel comfortable drawing from no not really i reply look if someone could just tell me what's going on i would really really really appreciate it is there a message from the bible i could read out for you something to ease your soul the chaplain asks i pull my hands away in grimace i'm sure he's only trying to be helpful but to be honest his presence here is freaking me the [ __ ] out what kind of submarine needs a chaplain i don't even know any bible passages not really i know a couple maybe the classics in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth from dust we came and to dust we shall return the lord giveth and the lord taketh away he sure does i mumble this last passage out loud the chaplain nods at me yes the book of job chapter 1 a work of true literary prowess alfred lord tennyson himself called it the greatest poem of ancient and modern times alfred lord tennyson where have i heard that name before the gears turn in my head i can see before me so many pieces of the puzzle in my mind's eye i just cannot fit them together the eyes of the crew bore into me as we stand there cast in the grim green glow of the submarines luminescent bulbs i'd like a reading from the book of job then please i say quietly as the submarine pushes through the deep the chaplain nods and draws a small bible from his pocket certainly lad any particular passage the numbers scratched on the wall in the rig library returned to the forefront of my mind 41 1 34. uh yes actually i mutter chapter 41 verses 1 to 34. the chaplain froze his brow but nods i'm not familiar with that particular passage i must admit he thumbs through the pages and as he scans over the lines he pauses and shoots me a look i hold his gaze and perhaps reluctantly the chaplain begins his reading his voice is low and somber every word a wave upon the rocks can you pull in leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope the atmosphere in the room tightens at once but the chaplin licks his teeth and continues uninterrupted the cadence of a speech like drums dark drums drawing us down into the deep can you put a cord through its nose or pierce its jaw with a hook will it keep begging you for mercy will it speak to you with gentle words will it make an agreement with you for you to take it as your slave for life can you fill its hide with harpoons or its head with fishing spears if you lay a hand on it you will remember the struggle and never do so again any hope of subduing it is false the mere sight of it overpowering none are fierce enough to rouse it who then is able to stand against me who has a claim against me that i must pay everything under heaven belongs to me the chaplain's chest rises and falls in time with the beat of his words but i am not audibly aware of his drawing in of any breath he dutifully reads on through the verses when it rises up the mighty are terrified they retreat before its thrashing the sword that reaches it has no effect nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin iron it treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood his reading brings me to nothing but distress i can see this distress reflected in the faces of the crew around me their features caught in the shadows of the rippling green but they can no more ask him to stop than i can it is hypnotic the chaplain goes on but sure as the night must fall with the sunset he too must eventually draw to a close and he does so with a voice that shudders and ripples down through my core nothing on earth is its equal a creature with no fear inside it looks down on all that are haughty it is king over all who hold pride shapes emerge through the darkness ahead the external beams of the submarine reveal a section of the great chain through the murk and i watch as we drift past it there is energy in this place in this submarine in this secret world beneath the stormy seas i dropped my gaze to meet the eyes of the captain the man in grey please just tell me i whisper tell me about the entity a beat passes the man in grey turns his back to me and looks out into the water adjusting the submarine's course but he replies the entity was discovered by the oil drills in 1986 he says somberly we don't know what it is to be frank nobody does i admit however that it is entirely possible that the folks at the top know more and are just keeping the information a secret the sonars give us an idea a rough picture of the entity's form but we have never been able to see it all at once we believe it to be asleep but it's always churning ever-changing writhing within the deep a shiver passes through me the man in gray speaks on the entity seems to be more or less alert with the varying cycles of the moon and different seasons of the year we use firepower when necessary to try to push the entity in directions we deem desirable and keep it down with the chains there are further chains connected to the other three primary rigs ukb the norwegian rig and the danish rig the chains are easier to attach at the beginning he swallows it's harder now they tell me they're afraid afraid that the entity is going to wake up though given tonight's report from the rig it's quite possible that the entity's sleep has come to an end my head throbs and my mouth has gone death dry but i lick my lips and give voice to my clouded thoughts so why don't you just destroy it nuke it or whatever surely it must be more more cost effective and less dangerous than whatever the [ __ ] is being done right now right it's not about the entity itself rick says terry to my left what do you mean how can it not be about the [ __ ] monster the the massive sprawling intel suggests reg that the entity is sitting on something slumbering above it something important important beyond our understanding the current working assumption is that the entity is situated above what we believe to be a gate of what manner exactly we don't know but the fear is he sighs the fear is that if the entity goes if we actually succeed in destroying it then whatever lies beneath the gate it would be wide open i finish unguarded perhaps terry nods and we don't know what might come through the other side he says quietly shadows dance in the corners of my vision a deep and terrible cosmic fear rushes through me i have never before felt such a sudden and powerful surge of vicious realization of understanding of seeing for the first time how utterly truly tiny i am how comically insignificant i am barely comparable to the smallest spark in the shortest wire and the most purposeless machine in the entire rig bile rises up to my throat and i choke it down my stomach contracts and my breaths come sharp and shallow in time to the sudden beeps of the sonar i am vaguely aware of everyone rushing back to their stations i can feel the submarine further adjust its course the chaplain is muttering under his breath a low and steady chanting and the shifting gray black shapes beyond the submarine's windows light up a little brighter with the boost of the beams the beams reflect off massive lines of chains all interwoven and connected dragged across the submarine's field of vision through the deep they're huge so impossibly huge in the water in places places beneath and around the chains hardens it shimmers in ways that don't make sense it absorbs the light like the black of space and yet somehow seems to return it in strange new patterns across its form shifting gray to green to black over and over i cannot look away i'm aware of shouting voices the vessel shutters and fires torpedoes are launched through the water ahead and when they connect with their target with the terror beyond size they flash just for a second providing only the briefest glimpse of their surroundings they show me colossal writhing long and interwoven limbs jointless and furious a flash further sections of chain that ensnare them pulled taut grinding a flash great black and shifting rune-like lines and markings across these titanic appendages i can hear a song it flows with the roaring beyond in the deep the melody jarring at first changes rapidly it becomes quickly soothing and the sound of it makes me feel it makes me feel calm it comes with none of the dread i felt with the words of the chaplain instead it makes me feel whole like i matter i take a step closer to the glass the submarine weaves its way through the chains a flash i see the material of the great twisting limb pull taut over something skeletal the size of a mountain a flash i see one of the limbs thunder through the dark water right in front of the glass the submarine takes a hit and i stumble to the floor a siren blares but i still do not look away a flash and i see an eye out there in the dark i look into it and it looks back into me the membrane peels back and a brighter eye pushes through the pupil long and rectangular this pupil breaks apart into smaller circles beyond count as i watch mesmerized and it splits open further the surface of the eye rolls back to reveal only darkness pitch void nothing and the world goes black i dream only of the song its melody does not dissipate when i awaken i am in a medical bay of sorts i'm not sure where the presence of the commander at the far right side of the room would suggest i am back on the rig a window is visible in the corridor beyond the open door the pale light that streams through would imply that the rig survived the night for a moment we exchanged no words then i break the tension you saved the rig then i the commander replies my head spins my joints ache like hell the song is still playing you found a way to calm it the entity there's always a way the commander replies grimly his eyes do not leave mine he clenches his jaw another pause then thank you i whisper the man's eyebrows shoot up his surprise that these words is clear thank you he repeats and what the hell would you be thanking me for you knew i wanted answers right i reply with a weak grin but you weren't able to tell me directly that's why you sent me to the submarine so i could find some the commander chews his tongue he does not return my grin is that what you think he replies quietly his voice strained a flicker of emotion passes over his face regret pity or perhaps guilt he turns away you seem like a decent guy reg he says to me i'm sorry they sent you here truly and i'm sorry i sent you down to the submarine in the state you were in last night you would have done nothing for the rig but drum up further panic and whilst the failure of the hydraulic section cannot be placed entirely on your absence we do not know how the night might have unfolded had you remained at your post i swallow the sounds of the song fade momentarily did anyone you know did anyone die last night i'm not sure if i even want to know the answer but my compulsion for information bids me to ask regardless the commander's size 14 from the rig and we lost a destroyer the choppers were still plucking survivors out of the sea a destroyer they lost an entire destroyer i try to imagine the chaos that took place on the waters whilst i was beneath the surface in the submarine how did it go down did the entity breach the surface was the warship torn in half like a toy smashed into pieces by a length of rogue chain crushed into shrapnel to the drums of the hammering thunder i wonder if it had been captain iron's destroyer i wonder if he made it out alive there's no way my absence was responsible for the destruction of the tower for the damage caused by the chain there's no way there's just no way i was part of a team of about 10 10 others i couldn't have had that much impact there's just no way but still these rationalizations do little to ease the guilt the song helps it returns it soothes me the commander tips his cap his expression grim and makes to depart but he pauses at the door and turns back to me one last time reg he says do yourself a favor just keep your head down do your work and take the ship to the debrief in norway in three days time his good eye shines with sorrow before he turns to leave and quit snooping around i know you were in the back room cabinets if i catch you in there again i'll throw you overboard an attempt at a joke i think he chuckles awkwardly and i chuckle back but the air is one of sadness the song helps it mellows me i listen to it play through my head as the commander leaves and his footsteps echo away down the corridor and for the next two days i follow the commander's advice i try my hardest the chain is gradually hauled back in pneumatic reels are fixed and groaning under the strain supposedly hopefully doing their job helicopters bring us parts and grids of metal for repairs the platforms are cleared of debris the work goes on i am present only in body my mind twists and turns and constantly swirls i dwell upon the mysterious scratchings left by figs on the library wall the true nature of the entity the things i heard and saw in the dark beneath the icy waves i think about the files locked away i know the combination i could go back i could try and learn more the gate i could try to find out what lies beneath the gate i wonder how they manage to stop the entity if it's truly awake and the song just keeps playing i find myself humming along to its haunting melody other workers shoot me a glance as the day progresses i have to keep checking myself the song agitates and stresses my thoughts and theories into a favor i begin to wonder if there are ways back onto the submarine just for another look one more look at the entity that's all i need just just one more look one more look i think about that eye terrible and yet incredible the following nights are uneventful as i had come to expect but none are so chaotic and wild as the night that the chain was torn from the tower the storms rage on but the warships are not called into action they watch cautiously from the sidelines out at sea as the waves crash ceaselessly against their halls and on the fifth day i find myself here in the break room enjoying a rare and not entirely within the rules burst of wifi recording my experiences into this email to you figgs apologies for the formatting i wanted the words to flow as my thoughts did at the time the events took place i'm breaking the secrets act here so don't screw me over besides the connection keeps dropping i'm not sure if this email will even get through to you maybe if it does this will be the time you finally reply to me i hope you're all right wherever you are a window in the wall beside me shows the approaching storm that gathers in the distance lightning crackles suddenly against the horizon and the hairs on my forearm rise i've taken a risk and gone against the commander's advice an opportunity has risen you see the hoder the little drill that terry told me about is going down to the seabed tonight to collect samples you can fit people inside it about a dozen or so i requested to go down with them down to the bottom of the sea just for a chance at another glimpse a glimpse of the entity not that i told them of course i was refused but i was informed by one of the officers that the pneumatic operated deep drill will also be going down a little later in the night for the same purpose i presume i've had a little look around it's a strange looking thing like a big metal square well not that big big enough for maybe six or seven people connected to the rig via tubes and pipes and cables the floor is made of two different metals with a crack that runs down the middle and they need volunteers they're here in the break room with me now waiting to be allowed on board they're all chattering excitedly asking all sorts of questions guessing what they might find or see down there in the dark and i'm going with them i have to know i have to i just have to i wish you could hear the song figs it's like nothing i've ever heard before it's beautiful it's beautiful anyway i'd better sign off here i think they're calling for us hopefully i'll get to see you soon all the best greg [Music] you
Channel: The Dark Somnium
Views: 684,869
Rating: 4.8135071 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, scary stories, horror stories, scary story, creepypasta stories, creepy pasta, creepypasta reading, creepy stories, nosleep, creepy story, nosleep stories, the dark somnium, scary stories from reddit nosleep, ocean creepypasta, creepypasta ocean, oil rig creepypasta, deep ocean creepypasta, scary ocean stories, ocean scary stories, scary creepypasta ocean stories, nosleep creepypasta, creepypasta narration, nosleep story
Id: nmJaxTH9Nvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 37sec (4597 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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