"The People Under The Sea" Creepypasta

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in September 2018 the US government was contacted by a professor Phineas Corbin of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration concerning a particular incident in the Antarctic involving several graduate students one of whom was a former protege of his at the University of Southern California the incident he described involved sentient beings traditionally referred to as an engine by Japanese whalers their existence in the public well widely debunked is fiction is in fact true fall however there were long thought to be extinct the US government's knowledge of these creatures extends more than eight decades into history and beginning with an encounter known only as the New Brunswick incident in 1924 acting on this information a Department of Defense task force was assembled under the codename operation Trident and dispatched to an area near the end Arctic known as a breeding ground for these creatures the outcome of this mission was never released to the public and it has been kept under lock and key at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency the following account was written by a a competent in sobre saber with over 10 years experience in the US Navy we're looking in the wrong direction for an intelligent life as we speak remote-controlled Rovers and high-powered telescopes are scanning millions of square miles of dusty Martian terrain for some sign of life beneath our oceans and there are things that would Marvel you and terrify you at the same time things that we share an uncanny bond with that I enlisted in the US Navy just a few weeks after graduated from college with a degree in marine biology and a minor in oceanography and despite the narrow scope of study within undergraduate degree I knew a few things about the sea but nothing could prepare me for what I would encounter coming from a small California town near the coast you can appreciate that the sea has been a big part of my life since learning to swim at a relatively young age I spent some time overseas in Afghanistan in non-combat roles but I really distinguished myself doing humanitarian aid missions to the Caribbean my performance impressed some of my squad commanders in before long I was assigned to a special Department of Defense tasks Forrest along with a group of academics and researchers from various universities in the UK in the u.s. I remember the briefing be you know one of the strangest ones I'd ever attended as I along with my three hundred-plus squad mates were required to each sign and not one but two memorandums of understanding not to divulge anything we would learn in the next hour I remember it to this day our commanding officer was a short squat bold like of a man he was a veteran of a hundred conflicts some that you've never heard of a few that didn't even happen according to official government logs many of the men in the large auditorium and didn't fit the regular army lock many of them had scraggly beards a wild hair scars on their faces and a few were even missing teeth Special Forces Antonio touched me of course Antonio isn't his real name but let's just call him that for now he was one of my squad mates and one of the best friends that somebody could ask for he like myself was curious as to the secrecy behind his briefing with all right kids before it was pilots and sailors lending a helping hand in hearts and minds but this time is different some of you uh and most of you in fact are going to be familiar with this goat rodeo the co Saada his cold blue eyes seem to have a light of their own under the projector light I lifted Antonio and he just looked as curious as I was two years ago a research vessel containing close to 20 scientists and grad students from the u.s. disappeared for two weeks within the Antarctic Circle the vessel with a total of three survivors were found aboard what was left of said vessel while their colleagues suffered a terrible death pausing before continuing I could see he took this very seriously as most other things now the official story given to the relatives of the deceased and to the media through our channels was the vessel and all aboard ran into intense weather and struck an iceberg with most of the crew died on impact in the remainders dying of hypothermia with the exception of the survivors of course gentlemen I am here to tell you that that story was total [ __ ] policy Tigana I could see the old man taking a deep inhalation before continuing we have reason to believe in a damn good reason at that that a species of semi-sentient underwater creatures were behind this particular attack he must have seen the curious glances and raised eyebrows even in the dark of the auditorium because he spoke up why should you not ladies if what has been available to me through the CIA and Navy archives and this is not our first tango with these things either for a long time and they reconsidered extinct but at least one of them is still alive and that is why you all are here and zero 400 hours we will be leaving California and going to her Thailand in this instant my primary objective will be to escort an offer protection to a group of a civilian researchers I repeated not to engage as they try to make contact with the Spang in case you don't know her Thailand is one of the few land masses in the world located quite literally in the middle of nowhere and technically an Australian Protectorate and it's uninhabited most of the year within the exception of penguins and seals and if you're curious about what we're looking for well here's a sneak peek with a press of a remote on the slide changed from a map of her dilantin to what I originally thought was the carcass of a beached beluga whale but that was before I noticed the arms holy Christ someone at the opposite end of the room exclaimed it was dozens of feet long beached on a rocky coastline its pale blue skin look sickening as it's human-like eyes bulged from their sockets and we're ventral flippers were supposed to be I saw were two toned two muscular arms protruding out of the torso above which lied but I could only describe as a mass of human hata its body ended in a large tail almost identical to a sperm whale it was so unnatural I was revolted but I couldn't take my eyes off of it and as I saw dozens of our ponds sticking out of its back and this is what you are up against boys we don't know what they are how long they've been here but soon make no mistake they are not human they will kill you and eat you the first chance they get this big bastard washed ashore in Argentina sometime in the 80s I don't know what crater of how these things popped out of it but we will send them back to the depths from which they came or die trying the room erupted with cheer from the mana he goddamn I don't need to see Alice as much as I think I do before we dismiss let me introduce you to the scientists leading this goat rodeo professor Sam Hawkins from Eton College he has a lot of experience in this sort of thing and he'll explain further on what he intends to get out of her trap a tall slender man had possibly the same age as the CEO I took the podium he looked frail almost sickly and he spoke in a heavy a cockney accent right myself with ton of the researchers from various institutions will be leading the expedition like the goodly Admiral said your purpose in this expedition will be purely for escort to protection under no circumstances are you to engage these creatures the Admiral stood behind amendment I could see his wrinkled face twist into a scowl as professor hawk and said what he did we will be aboard our own research ship equipped with various instruments at the bleeding edge of underwater monitoring along with an unmanned drone to allow for a clear resolution gentlemen your role in this affair and mind you will be purely reactionary he and I stressed under no circumstances will you be required to engage all must threatened I felt some disgust at his last remark I've heard of incidents of various military operations across the globe with that very same [ __ ] rules of engagement policy rapidly escalated the number of casualties of US servicemen within the next 48 hours I am long with Antonio were aboard a u.s. Navy frigates with three others and a research vessel on our way to one of the coldest places not very thin like other modern warships our vessels were equipped with all necessary weapons everything from guided harpoon torpedoes missiles and cannons to a 50 caliber machine guns and rocket assisted torpedoes despite this each vessel also came equipped with four massive harpoon guns mounted to the port and the starboard at the stern in the bow when I was on the deck I would often walk past the harpoon guns and stare at them huh I wondered if all our other weapons failed what good would an oversized fish knife like this do for us as a thank-you I heard a voice behind me you know it's a secret to the harpoon right I turned around and I saw one of the scruffy Special Forces soldiers standing behind me with what looked like a mixture of an odd grin and a scowl edged across his scarred face pointed to the black pointy fixture at the tip of the harpoon uh it's a plastic explosive Japanese whalers have been using them to catch whales a few years back it's supposed to explode on impact at the fat bastard's I guess we weren't taking any chances with these things the soldier introduced himself as Max and whether it was his real name or just another alias he used I'll never know and but we became close friends on the expedition he told me that too this wasn't the first off-the-books expedition that he was a part of and that such unexplained occurrences that needed a swift quiet resolution were happening with more frequency as a weight more than being a friendly face and watch duty max made me think I distinctly remember on one occasion he asked if everything that we were doing from the Amazon fires to our rampant pollution and global warming was awakening things that otherwise would have left humanity alone it's sort of like when you lift up the heaviest rock in your mom's tomato garden you see all sorts of squirmy wriggling nasty things maybe that's us right now with all this pollution just lifting the rod to see what's been here all along in the days and months that followed on our journey I couldn't believe what we were on our way to do what we would encounter part of me felt proud and was excited to see one of these things up close but then I remember the black and white picture Watson and the Admiral showed us in the briefing room and I felt a shiver course through my body I remembered it's bulging eyes and massive bizarre frame even dad it looked menacing and I thought that it wouldn't be too bad if you get through this mission without coming too close to Juana as we approached her die Elena the climates are dramatically changed almost every weekend our we had to wear our park Aiza the coldness hurt your nose and throat it was unbearable but I soldiered on we finally got to her Timon out in the afternoon a heavy grey clouds hung overhead as we first sighted the rocky coastline the first reconnaissance unit went aboard within fibia Sasabe achill x' and hovercrafts setting up a base of operations complete with communications equipment within minutes I assisted in coordinating the movements of supplies from the free gate to the island on the water I couldn't help but look overboard and wonder whether these things were just beneath us and how easy it would be for one of them to snatch our vessel out of the surface of the water the thought of it made me shudder more than than the biting cold Antarctic wind could a while on the island - we use shortwave radios to communicate it was in a very large island so we made a full sweep on armored personnel carriers and other vehicles within 24 hours our Co didn't lie being on her - Alan was an eerie experience not much by way of vegetation it was hundreds of square kilometers of rolling volcanic soil a real no-man's I had to the lack of pretty much anything and that gloomy gray clouds has seemed to hang perpetually over the island and surrounding icy waters filled me with a sense of uneasiness and rata and that I couldn't claim put my finger on her there's a reason this places uninhabited antonio said i'm breaking my concentration I looked over to Anna he looked really funny with his white parkas zipped up all the way to his eyeballs men aren't supposed to live out here it could drive somebody insane he sat and clutching his m4 to his chest for the first week everything was pretty boring besides keeping watch and assisting with the movement of supplies and there wasn't much else to do from the coastal observation post I could see the research vessel plane what appeared to be in white spheres that sank beneath the surface and out of sight they look like Chinese paper lanterns but I later found out that if it were sensor is equipped with a 360 degree camera and other doodads they drop them all over the Colston further out apparently to keep closer tabs on whatever the hell we were out there hunting for hours later at around 11:00 p.m. we had our first encounter at those things from what we gathered via communication with the free gate end that was anchored out at sea there was a confirmed reading from the research vessel they were described in a DES up to 40 meters in length and that it was swimming further beneath the surface so it didn't pose a threat to the vessel sir the coastal installation from the 10 so we could see the vessels on the horizon err with a pair of Knights packs I could see the research vessel and take a violent hit as if struck by a cannon it tipped to its side and for a second I thought that it would begin taking on water and but it regained its balance frantic voices and Static filled the constant ask lieutenant grander tried to decipher what was being said through the radio a more than one was all I could hear and it was enough for us I looked back over to the ones column see and I saw the delicate waves now turned to choppy and rolling through the specs I saw what I originally thought were chunks of ice poking up from the surface of the water but after squint ena I saw that they weren't icebergs at all and they were white where light tails and I could swear I also saw something that looked like a massive had one or two people out through the water even the huge heavy frigates began to move but before I could think of anything the dark Antarctic sky lit up for almost a straight five minutes s and the thundering sound of the rats filled the air even from the coal sign a half a mile away I could feel the shock wave of a massive cannon as a volley of explosions were heard sending rocket after rocket beneath the surface before this guy could return back to dark NASA I could hear over the radio the faint sound of moneena it sounded almost pitiful and it had an odd human-like quality to Hetson freegate to call so commands and we have a confirmed head they're returning back beneath the surface stand by for instructions from the comm stanza and we could hear crosstalk between the research vessel in the free gate and based on what we are hearing the professor Hawkins was none too pleased with the explosions of course eavesdropping on a conversation between the senior officer commander was an offence punishable by court-martial but I didn't care and neither did the lieutenant as he stood there glued to the radio on listening to the argument goddamnit Admiral what the hell did I tell you about your role in this mission pure the observational law that could have driven them further underwater where we can't reach data Hawkins charged don't lecture me on rules of engagement Sonny those fat [ __ ] almost sank both our vessels of fighting take action they wouldn't have done that Hawkins interrupted oh how the hell would you know that professor have you been clear with us on the nature of this mission you've been awfully secretive on all the details leading up to this suddenly the radio cut two Cylons [Music] did they know that we were listening in on them and they switched to a different frequency I saw the lieutenant checked the radio cable spots and they all seemed to be connected and what happened next as stays with me to this day the COS voice returned but it was much more frantic the holy Christ man I need sight on the starboard deck I rushed out of the tent in time to see you what I can only describe as long a thick white tentacles climbing up the side of the free gates rapidly moving up the side of the ship using my binoculars I could see something now wholesome the head of what looked like a beluga but it was entered there was nothing whale like about that head or that face it had a human face the face of a fat man complete with eyebrows and all that hung over deep a sunken eyes but the worst part was the mouth which I swear was curl up into the most awful grin imaginable revealing rows of yellow teeth what the hell was I looking at I muttered to myself as I saw the ship shaking violently in the distance I could hear screams from a theatre Arctic wind as my heart skipped a beat it the bodies of sailors along the dike began dropping into the water I saw the thing impress its face against the hall its huge mouth wide open but still curled in that twisted smile as it caught two of the sailors in its mouth without warning and two loud explosions filled the night air as there was temporary light Agana the two free gates fired a volley of anti-submarine torpedoes and 50 caliber rounds of the thing I could hear a thundering roar like a long loud gargle as the tentacles quickly slipped off the ship's rally instant the head once smiling Joe Vuli twisted into an awful campaign and anger mixed together distorting the blubber here fat face and ways and no human phase should be able to move the longer I lifted the same the more it looked like a sick joke from God a parody of life from the Constanta I could hear lieutenant call him here you have to hear this rushing over here I felt like I was walking on a dream after what I had just seen no sooner had I entered and I could hear something it's over the radio and it started like talking at first I thought about asking now what language this wise and then I realized what I was listening to it was no human silence but it was definitely a sentence and they were words they sounded as if they came from someone who was trying to hold a conversation underwater a lot of gargling and blubbering Watson they were strongly intelligibly and the days and nights said I've returned to the u.s. I've thought about those words and those are not words that any human tongue a shudder could reproduce I've typed it several times into Google Translate language detects software but they don't come up with anything they sounded like manjo Kovach borg scanner maybe it was just gibberish and i tried writing down more of the words but before I could scribble all of a dominant notepad I could do the Admirals raspy voice over the radio once again look alive ladies we have one headed towards the coast be prepared to take evasive action looking through the specs Agana I saw a huge mass of white barreling towards the coast just a few meters from the shore at this point take cover you [ __ ] I heard the lieutenant yelled Antonio as he tried to duck behind a pile of rocks near the water's edge but it was too late just about a kilometer away from where I started I saw it burst from the water dragging its massive body ashore on two large flabby arms and must have been at least ten feet each in length I could see a network of what I thought were blue spindly veins just beneath its pale flesh it was hideous like an awful caricature of what a human should look like it snorted and a grin Teta eventually find it Antonio as he tried to press himself against the crevice in the rocks all that remembered hearing was a barrage of gunfire from his carbine and awful screaming as the thing lifted my friend into its mouth I winced as I heard the muffled screams from man that things Pat Robertson still alive as he was being chewed and swallowed whole than in an instant I saw its head turned in for a brief moment I saw its bulging black eyes it might have only been for an instant but I could feel a chill the absence of anything even remotely related to humanity what the hell was I looking at where did this thing come from I saw its flabby lips curl revealing blood-stained teeth with chunks of flashing and clothing stuck between lamina and then another volley of gunfire from behind me and as I heard the screech of a rock engine the thing lifted its arms as it tried to move forward its lower torso didn't dented legs or a long tail but in dozens of thick long tentacles the rocket missed as it reached for me the explosion of the shell snapped me out of my stupor as I darted behind the firing line and towards the Times I could hear the lieutenant ordering the men to keep shooting them as I could see streaks of blood appear across the thing's body with another vaguely human roar I saw it collapse with the heavy thought as it breathed this last brass I could hear what I thought was soft muttering from its throat despite having murdered at least three of my fellow sailors one of which was a close friend to I felt a strange kind of sympathy for it it has I looked at its entire body I saw were the torpedo would hit leaving a deep wide gash when our field commander made the necessary headcount there was only one casualty Antonio I felt shell-shocked like I was in a dream and I would wake up in a VA hospital at any second but the biting cold of the Antarctic was my only wake-up call that and the sense of gunpowder and sulfur that seemed who's out of this dead things body we spent the next few months on this island tracking and monitoring these things and that time man we only had two actual engagements with Hamner one I'd see where the ships fired an anti-submarine torpedo at at 10 when I tried to ram the research vessel and another on the land the encounter on land was more bizarre as we saw a do something in biology I was taught about genetic phenomenon called polymorphism which basically describes a change in organisms appearance sort of like the kind of physical differences you'd see in species of Jaguars and so on when chasing one of these things had flopped out of the water I saw a long will light tail being dragged behind it but as we caught up to a time the armored personnel carrier I swear I saw it I saw it grow legs I will probably need a psychiatric evaluation by the end of this but the other men in the carrier can also swear to it on the tale from its Taurus all one and dead crew two long legs before sprinting over the snow and disappearing through the scope I scanned the horizon looking for it but I couldn't find anything how the hell am I going to write this in the field report and I heard one of my squad makes muttering the personnel carrier we all looked at lieutenants who looked equally perplexed we all saw the same thing nothing fancy and don't get cue with it just write what you saw and we'll back you up we loaded the corpse of the thing into the free case after clearing camp using a makeshift pulley system we cleared camp and put this God forsaken experience behind us despite the initial tantrum professor Hawkins seemed to more or less pleased with the outcome he seemed convinced the surviving creatures which he believed to monitor no more than 3m retreated to deeper waters but Noah theory could explain and the strange language we heard her even the experience we saw with the Sprinter the strange thing is leaving the island at least seven sailors who were involved in the firefight with the creature reported having nightmares always the same one being trapped by the creature in the same spot and being eaten and digested slowly all the men were confined to the sickbay with only a medical staff present and naturally and the commanding officers tried to keep this quiet but when you're aboard a ship things tend to leak we were all sworn to secrecy and after our mandatory few reports in one on one interviews with several high-ranking official osa describing the events when we were separated we were never given a full picture of what we encountered her what they were where they came from I never saw max again but ever so often I remember something that he told me causing me to think long and hard he said over time scientists have often believed that humans had an aquatic phase in their the evolution that somehow we had adapted to survive underwater from an early ancestor and maybe that's what those things were a distant cousin but maybe they were something Allison he said scientists always thought that those things were just a species of human that adapted to live and survive as way awesome did it ever occur to the scientists that it might be the opposite a species of whale at adapt to live and look like humans it was absurd no doubt about it but what was the alternative if a civilization of people can melt ice caps by the millions in a lifetime what was the alternative [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 158,557
Rating: 4.8294716 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: 3bgL6ykmc78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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