"The Ocean Should Remain Unexplored" (Feat. Let's Read!) Creepypasta

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the distress call came how long ago I asked the commanding officer as I suited up 20 minutes ago and the crew was on a mission in the sub when something went wrong and they sent a distress signal they went to radio silence since that the officer gave me a stern luck which told me to hurry up what depth Jackson my mission partner asked around 1,500 meters the sub as a new type n room was designed to go down to 2,000 meters so even if they sink further down due to malfunction or exterior damage and they should be okay since the bottom is roughly at 1,800 meters below the surface your mission is to rescue of any survivor is ax in case there are no survivors assess the damage to the sub and secure the black box any idea and what caused them to send the distress signal I asked not sure the commander responded this is what they sent he pulled out a small device and he clicked a button a panicked voice started speaking over the divisor this is the s 158 we have a hull breach urn in need of immediate rescue we are a southwest of your position distance unknown death 1500 meters sent the voice cut out you'll have a GPS tracker and your submersible would should locate the Saba he put away the device Jackson and I jumped into the vessel the dolphin as it was dobbed was able to withstand a tremendous amount of pressure and go down to 6,000 meters it was not originally designed for search and rescue and but due to the urgency of the situation HQ had no choice but to let us man this vehicle on the back side of the submersible had a depressurization chamber which could attach to any other submersible and externally and transport staff in an hour we'll keep in touch via comms and get moving then the commander's sad and we close the hatch muffling the outside noises Jackson and I sat in our seats and got ready to dive his job was to pilot the vehicle and mine to operate the depressurization chamber Jaxson press some buttons on the machine and the submersible Honda life various screen started glowing showing depth solar activity and status of the vehicle I felt a little uneasy suddenly the deepest I've ever been was 800 meters when looking for undetonated missiles but the usual mission had us going no deeper than 200 meters here we go Jackson announced and the submersible went under water leaving the Rays of Sun above ascending golfing the entire interior of the submersible and light blue gonna take us a little bit to reach them he said the descent is always slower I stared out the glass panel seeing a school of fish curry away from our position as we descended it the sunlight rapidly started to fade away in the light blue color which surrounded us was very quickly replaced with a progressively darker water look at the bright side Jackson smiled at least we won't be going to the abyssal zone then let's just hope the crew members made it I would hate to be in the position right now stuck at the bottom of the ocean and complete dark NASA not knowing if rescue was coming I shuddered at the thought Jackson shrugged well but then managed to put their deep diving suits on they should be fine clothes can go even deeper than the sub in that situation didn't seem any more appealing than the one I had just met Genda being at the bottom of the ocean with God knows what lurking around tons of pressure that can crush you in a second and no way to get back up being forced to wait for a rescue Kira maybe they managed to escape in their submersibles and we just missed them it was getting so dark so fast and Jackson pressed a button to turn on the headlights and which illuminated our interior in the area in front showing particles dancing across the beams I glanced at the Deaf modulator and I noticed that we are at to 280 meters the dark blue color quickly became black and all we could see outside was part of the ocean which was illuminated by the headlights any remaining sea life that was seen up until that point was long gone now and I thought about the creatures who lived in such eternal and consuming darkness devoid of all light saved for the ones produced by themselves 570 metres 580 metres and the increasing numbers on the depth modulator painfully reminded me of Anton we are putting ever-increasing distance between ourselves and the surface and descending deeper into the unexplored abyss with every passing second the darkness surrounding us seemed too thick and highlights barely penetrated enough to see in front of our cell home so the pressure at this depth would be enough to crush us within seconds and the only thing protecting us from that was the heavy glass on the submersible I try not to think about it as we descend a deeper 900 meters Jackson was quiet I wondered if he felt as uneasy as me but if he did he was hiding in pretty well I saw a faint light from a deep-sea creature bobbing up and down in the distance before it disappeared out of sight you think it's an angler fish in jackson remarked I'd love to see an angler fish in person did you know they actually grow up to be larger than the average human yeah I indulge Denman even though I really just try to stay focused on the mission yeah and here I thought up until recently that it was like something you can keep in your aquarium home 1,500 meters we're close now Jackson said the bottom can't be more than 400 meters away so chances are we'll find us up there in a matter of minutes and we finally saw something else besides the dark water hold up I think we're here I pointed through the glass to the flat sandy ground illuminated in front of us by our headlights all right sub should be around here Jackson steered the submersible in the direction of the little dots on the radar and we slowly started moving in that direction no sonar activity that's not good and we squinted our eyes desperately trying to look past the short range of illuminated area of our headlights trying to spot any signs of debris but there is nothing but it to a desolate ground which seemed to stretch endlessly in front of us [Music] and then all of a sudden we saw Hutton and came out of nowhere so suddenly that so we almost crashed into heta a huge military submarine just sitting on the ground that doesn't look good Jackson Vermont let's see the damage he stood her on the sub and became apparent that it sank due to some serious external dimension the hall looked like is some animal have literally chewed its way Anna making a gaping hole and a gente holy Christ the fuck happened here Jackson became serious so big animal or something looks like some of the submersibles ejected so at least they made it that far and he steered the submersible above and over to the other side of the Saba and then abruptly stopped they both stared at the site in front of us in disbelief the sub was sitting right at the edge of a cliff which dropped into more endless darkness Wallowa stretching as far as our lights allowed us to see I thought this was the bottom I looked at Jackson oh yeah he stared at the crater that's what the commander said just then a lot of beeping Sun came from inside our submersible and I nearly crapped my pants thinking that we had suffered some damage or had an incoming threat what that can't be right Jackson Satta what I impatiently asked there's a distress signal coming from one of the submersibles from the sub alright let's go find Delta I started to relax a bit knowing that we weren't in any immediate danger Jackson looked at me his facial expression told me what he was about to say wasn't good news it's coming from 800 meters below us what the hell is going on down there I asked baffled don't know Jackson shook his head but whatever it is he's not safe down there as submersible can go down some but not that deep so he must be in a suit down there we gotta go help Emma as much as I hated myself for saying that I knew that we couldn't just leave him down there we should contact HQ for backup first at least my partner responded and there is no time it could take us a while to find him and he's running out of oxygen what God knows what's down there and we need to go down now alright fine let's go Jackson's side and with a brief hesitation started steering the submersible directly down to say that I was scared shitless was an understatement here we were diving deeper into the midnight zone were barely any creatures ventured a but let alone humans it all made me feel so vulnerable and small and being in such an inhospitable place to mankind there's a good reason why we can't swim all the way down here without our technology I thought to myself staring to the abyss before me check this out Jackson shook me back to reality he pointed to the sonar which showed no activity on one hand that put me at rest but on the other hand it made me worry about that missing person who sent the distress call see this circle on the sonar Jackson pointed to a ring and the outer layer that shows potential threats like walls and rocks we can run into but it's circular and it's all around us I replied precisely and it appeared as soon as we descended below the cliff f me I gasped this isn't a cliff at all it's a sinkhole yep what the hell was the ass 1:58 doing here I muttered to myself we were approaching the depth of 2300 meters nothing changed visually compared to the previous 1000 meters but we still felt uneasy being so far below the surface we should have seen some life by now in Jackson's boat they're supposed to be all sorts of sea life detected on the sonar but we saw nothing not even the tiny creatures it's strange maybe this is a predatory territory or used to be when we approached around 2500 meters in depth we started to notice a very faint red lay blinking in the distance below us that's it that's our guy for sure Jackson said and sped up the submersible and the red light would flicker on and off intermittently every second and as we got closer it grew in brightness when we were close enough to the light to identify the source we stopped holy Christ Jackson said as we stared at the busted submersible which unmistakeably belong to the crew from s1 58 it lay sideways on the floor and the glass was completely shattered and the command console broke enter and then I caught something else at the corner of my eye every time the beacon would flicker it would illuminate something on the ground close to the vehicle Jackson stood a vehicle in that direction and stopped to Ghana the audibly gasping damn it I grunted at the sight in front of ASSA a body of a dead man and a deep diving suit lay before acid he was missing an arm and a leg and his torso was half-eaten the hammer was cracked open and his open eyes stared blankly in shock damage we were too late I shook my hata here's a camera on him let's see if he has any valuable info Jackson said and maneuvered the sub toaster and he pressed some buttons and he used what we call the hand and to extend a robotic can from the bottom of the Saba and he controlled it clumsily until he managed to grab the camera off the soldiers chest and retract the hand inside once the water had drained I hope in the panel at the bottom end I retrieved the device I plugged it inside of the console on a video started playing the camera followed a man from first-person perspective on a submarine which was breached frantically running and panting while screams of his crew members were heard in the background he jumped inside of a submersible closed the hatch and quickly ejected himself into the water muffling the dying screams behind he steered his vehicle operate as a ferocious creature what could not be from anybody human followed behind and then for a split second and we saw something huge swim across his view in front of the submersible and before disappearing out of sight the soldier gasps loudly and his breathing became even more shallow he glanced at the death modulator which was rapidly decreasing from 1,400 meters he was reaching the surface but then there was a loud crash which shook his entire vehicle and don't wast knocked him off his seat his sub stopped moving in its data it started to sink slowly no come on not now he frantically slammed buttons as multiple warning messages appeared on the console screen sir the Saba couldn't start no he slammed his fist on the keyboard the Deaf modulator was rapidly increasing now 1300 1350 1400 1500 1700 more and more warning messages kept popping Alton as a last resort the soldier entered command on the keyboard to send a distress call the creature which hunted him was practically toying with Emma swimming around his vessel growling and hissing we couldn't see anything except for an enormous fishtail which would pop in and out of view occasionally in seconds the creature disappeared completely and could not be seen or heard and the soldiers stood up and peered out of the window looking for the creature but then something even worse happened a crack appeared on the glass in front of Emma and the soldier recoiled as the death modulator screamed warnings about being deeper than team save but before he even had time to react more cracks appeared to Nana the entire glass burst open filling the inside of the submersible with water then there was tumbling upside down and before we realized what was going on the soldier was out of the vehicle and dropping uncontrollably into his inevitable demise with nothing visible around him the next few seconds were filled with footage of Hamlin staring down at the black nothingness under his feet as he forcibly sank deeper and deeper panting and desperately flowing his arms and legs to slow down his fall my stomach turned in knots as I watched him fall for what seemed like hours soon though his feet finally touched the lifeless ground and he collapsed softly to the floor he looked at his surroundings 'ah hyperventilated and desperately trying to find something other than the darkness surrounding him the submersibles beacon appeared in his video soon and with a loud crash it touched the ground not too far from Edmund he started to inhale in exhale in a controlled manner stabilized in his breathing as he took slow steps towards the now useless submersible he spoke finally in a somewhat Skol manner if anybody finds this I am captain Conley at the ass 158 my entire crew is dead and I am the only survivor and probably not for long and we ventured down here for a mission but instead found something much worse we woken up from this forsaken sinkhole and now it's after us this is a warning to anybody who finds this recording seal the same coffin buried this creature and had to tell all units and explorers to stay the hell away from this place as far as possible if this thing ever sees the light of day and will suffer far greater casualties than one criolla a soft growl resounded from nearby and calmly spun around just in time to see something for a second before it it lunged it Anthon I couldn't take a good look at that putz whatever I saw in that split-second did not match the description of any deep sea life that I had ever seen before and the remaining few seconds of the footage were a black screen filled with County screams and the creatures rapid biting it and then everything went silent and still Jackson and I looked at each other and just believe I was about to tell him to get us the hell out of here and back to topside and to which he agreed it but then he looked at the sonar and cursed I jerked my head toward certain I let out a son-of-a-bitch myself there was one huge dot on the radar and it was heading straight for us get us out of here Jackson double-time I shouted are you crazy there's no way we can outrun that thing look at the speed it's moving at Jackson pointed at the sonar and the red dot was getting closer by the second fire the decoy and Ayana wait we wanted to get close enough for that he turned off the headlights instantly engulfing us in total darkness save for our cockpit which had the console buttons and screens glowing what are you doing I asked the red dot was no more than 300 meters away and it was moving at an insane speed we need to lure it away from us Jackson responded having our lights on won't help with that 200 meters a vicious scream echoed all around us without a doubt meant that the Beast had sensed us and was coming right after us making the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up it had felt discouraging knowing that the only thing that protected us from the inhospitable waters had a deadly predator and was the tiny cockpit which we were confined to unlike Conley we had no deep diving suits on board so if our submersible got breached and we would die instantly I remembered captain Colley falling helplessly into the abyss and being stuck in complete darkness without any help and I almost felt a sense of relief for a second to the thought of instant death from pressure the shriek of so loud that my ears hurt Jackson slammed a button and instantly a flashing decoy was fired from the vehicle moving at high speed while emitting a low beeping sound for a brief second before in the decoy disappeared too far out of our line of sight we saw a huge fishtail illuminated brightly before being devoured by darkness again I glanced at the sonar and I realized that the dial was now moving away from us all right take us up but very slowly I said to Jackson squinted my eyes through of the impregnable dark NASA Jackson turned our sub around to avoid even the Consulate's from attracting the thing and very slowly started to son Damon you've been moving so slowly in the submersibles engine made an alarm and loud noise but still though seeing the death modulators numbers decreased slowly and lifted our spirits and despite knowing that we were nowhere near safe grounds I grabbed the radio while Jackson operated the southern pitch-dark HQ come in I radio then I held my breath for a reply this is what position and the voice over the radio crackle to life but it kept cutting out you cut out repeats HQ another sentence filled with static in no audible words ensued HQ repeat I said again but all we got once more was static shit I shook my head and the signal must be affected in the sinkhole I'll try again when were out of this hellhole we're at 1700 meters and going up in just a matter of minutes and we were out of the godforsaken sinkhole and way past the busted sob when we started to relax and Jax didn't even turn the lights back on that was a huge mistake though because the moment he did there was an ear piercing scream coming from below us shit go go I yelled in Jackson put the sub in a full speed practically sticking our backs and Abba ciouds the dot appeared on the radar Gannon it was closing and fast we were still a whole kilometer from the surface and there is no way that we could outrun that thing the scream stopped but they were replaced by the sounds of something massive ripping its way through the water something crashed on the side of our vehicle knocking me out of my chair a humanoid hand with clawed fingers appeared at the edge of the glass making a scratch mark on anta and then the whole creature came into visibility right in front of us it was smaller than we had anticipated but far more terrifying than I could ever imagine it almost looked human with a head that resembled him that of our own species save for two tiny holes with a nose should abandon it had a humanoid nagging torso and even arms its entire body was pale but muscular its eyes were completely black and despite not having any pupils I could tell that it was looking straight at me his seeming showing off sharp rows of teeth the thing shook our submersible violently in making Jackson to Mead tumble out and down in the cockpit warning messages started popping up on the screens and I heard the distinctive sound of glass cracking this is it I thought - we're gonna end up like Kylie but in all that mess and Jackson somehow managed to slam the decoy button which launched another distraction the creatures shooted its face from the bright light of the decoy and then went after Anton slapping our submersibles already damaged glass with its enormous fishtail on the way Jackson said at the sub and sped up agonda that was our last decoy Jackson sad and gripping the controls so firmly that sand veins are bulging vilely from his hands I glanced at the sonar and I realized that the creature was to me back for us again come on baby come on Jackson yelled at the vehicle darkness dissipated and the water was gradually becoming blue illuminated more and more in front of us and never in my life had I felt so relieved to be out of that goddamn dark NASA before we knew it the vehicle popped out of the water so violently that it practically jumped and then dope back into the water making a slammer heads forward and we looked at the sonar no activity from the creature looks like it's gone Jackson said yeah well we must not wait for it to return I replied we spent back to HQ and then glancing at the sonar every few seconds to make sure that that thing wasn't following us the next few hours were a blur they explaining to HQ what we had witnessed and how the entire s 158 crew was data being questioned by high-ranking officers and even men in suits and eventually signing some papers about non-speaking abouts what we saw to anyone the sinkhole was apparently sealed with explosives but that's all the info I managed to get from my commander Jackson and I were forced to take a short leave after that and we were forbidden from asking any questions related to vs 158 mission and the creatures that we had encountered down there but then a few months later I decided that I deserve some answers so I barged into the commander's office and demanding information I'm not leaving until you tell me what s 158 was looking for all the way down there and what the hell that thing was I said the commander's side from his chair after a long pause he simply sided mermaid what I found that thing was a mermaid he repeated it the mythical creatures which sailors have been citing for centuries the height chuckle button then I realized that he was serious he stood up and he turned his back to me looking outside of the window the s 158 had a mission to investigate the sinkhole and bring back any Intel that they could find there were sounds coming from the hole and crew members described it as singing so they went down to investigate but instead it turned out to be the home of that creature they usually stayed down pretty deep so it's strange that they came to the top of the sinkhole to attack the sava they and my eyes widened in shock the commander turned to me we had been studying them for a wild hour and the higher-ups agree that said they're too dangerous to engage so orders are to avoid them at all costs that's all I know now if you'll excuse me I've got work to do when you are dismissed commander I dismissed he slammed his palm on the table and I knew that there was no point in arguing I often wake up at night thinking about that fateful moment when the mermaid creature decided to go after the decoy instead of finish us off I see it's black eyes and pail feature with a facial expression that's so hateful it can rip through metal I often wonder what would have happened had to decided that we were more interesting as prey instead of the decoy would we end up half-eaten like Kali rotting at the bottom of the ocean but something far more terrifying keeps me up at night too and I can't help but wonder whenever I try to drift into sleep and whenever I'm supposed to go back to the waters how many of them are there you you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 107,188
Rating: 4.8927464 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: -MoTzCV58aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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