I'm 45 years old and still haven't played wrestle with a woman yet. - (Reddit Ask Me Anything)

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read it ask me anything I am a 45 year old man who hasn't ever done anything sexual with anyone and always had terrible luck with women ask me anything not sure why you're getting down voted for answering law anyway what is the furthest you've ever gotten with someone dating a girl in high school for a few weeks school trip at some dance I met this cute girl and I danced with her and we exchanged numbers and we would call daily for three weeks days before I wanted to visit her she got asked out her best friend again and she ended things with me they brought many girls home from clubs and bars but none wanted too dark just to clarify since you've brought girls home from clubs what do you say to get them to go home with you I'm trying to figure this part out since they go home with you but it doesn't result in anything idk usually just say like want to see my guinea pigs or something sounds cheesy but it's works somewhat so how many guinea pigs are we talking here are they well kept in the cages clean or is there an overpowering smell of 100-plus guinea pigs when this woman walks on the door I ask because this could totally be the turn off point maybe stop going to clubs and bars to meet women if I was you I would be going to pet stores instead I'm just saying know your demographic to guinea pigs no smell I am aware of I'll try a pet store hound dog if you're getting to the bringing people home step and they don't want to have sex you might want to re-examine your living environment a decent living environment that's mostly clean with some animals I gotta agree with the other people here if girls are coming home with you from the club there were probably at least a few that were ready to do the deed can you tell us what a typical evening was like once they got to your place maybe we can help you spot something in your approach idk I would say a mostly clean apartment with one other room mate that isin't usually though when I brought some with me I would bring them through the door and ask if they wanted a drink of water or juice I don't drink really they usually say yeah and I guide them throughout my entire apartment show them my guinea pigs and dogs and sit on the couch watching something together after ten minutes I try to escalate but they decline after 10 minutes I try to escalate but they decline what do you mean by this specifically like you show them your guinea pigs and then hold her hand coppaFeel what trying to figure out where the sticking point is for a woman here i guess i try to slowly make out or cuddle or even sometimes feel them up but that's when we are on the couch together hm what do you think the sticking point is there has to be one if you are bringing women home and then they nope out very quickly sorry I'm not trying to be rude I'm just really curious usually once they've gone home with you you've done a lot of the work already do you have a good female friend you can ask that would be my biggest advice honestly or if there's a woman you went on a date with that you are still in touch with they usually just say they err and interested in me I've asked a GF fot mine but she has no clue what do you mean anything sexual do you mean you've never poached the egg spank the monkey marched the penguin pet the cat polish the banister shuck the corn softened the peach ha ha let's just say the most I've done is hugged have you ever been on a date before do you have friends do you go out and socialize what do you do for a living yes men and they go out well in my opinion but the girl never wants to duck or get into a relationship I have quite a good social life with my coworkers especially I am a barber I used to go out clubbing into bars during my twenties and thirties but now sometimes I go out to the bar I also have been lifting for most of my life so I go out and do that but yet 12-7 I work and I work out before and then just chill at my apartment saving more and more money because I don't need to spend it on a GF law why do you say you have terrible luck with women then if dates have gone well how do you know they aren't tryna duck ever made the first move get rejected seems like you have a somewhat normal life hard to believe you've never gotten any action idk they usually just decline a second date I've asked friends if I did anything wrong but they say not really long your friends only have your spective to look for what might have gone wrong seems like a probable blind spot I guess but hey I am sure I am doing most things right this will probably be weird but maybe you should ask the girl if you did anything wrong they will give you the most honest and accurate answer I am just not interested in you slash a relationship right now do you mean bad luck or do you mean you have fundamental personality flaws you're unwilling to fix it's a bad luck and maybe some more minor personality flaws it's not like him obnoxious but I am just not smooth with women what do the women you bring home look like what do you look like what does your place look like what does happen when you bring them home women tend to be white and sometimes really attractive but it's a iseven usually I am 5 feet 10 with now light brown but used to be like dirty blonde most of my life and straight hair where is slightly receded but I still got a full head of hair I have green eyes and I have some acne scarring from my teen years I never fixed place is just a mostly clean apartment with a roommate I usually show them around offer a drink of water or juice since I don't drink sit on the couch with them and watch TV and try to escalate later they move away and say no you're bringing these girls home from a bar or club from my perspective 27f if I'm going to a club it's to get absolutely trashed and have a good time with my friends if I went home with the guy and realized he doesn't drink I wouldn't stay for sex I'm absolutely not having drunk sex with a sober guy unless we are already in a committed relationship it's awkward and uncomfortable we either both need to be sober or both drunk especially since I don't know you a guy being sober while I'm not as a red flag and if I'm going home with a guy from a club I am guaranteed drunk this is just my experience and I am just one person I don't know what other girls would do okay it's just I am not really that much of a drinker I am sorry I'll start stocking up on some beverages some good advice up there the SiC up with some vodka or rum or even beer for the ladies you can always just pop open a beer for yourself and drink it slowly yep I am usually that guy who drinks a mix of juice and Shirley temple's and some fruity flavored beer like that beer lemonade but you're not a fan of ultra halal if these girls are a seven what are you on 1-10 scale this is very important maybe you are just shooting too high maybe about a seven idk if you are a solid seven then something isn't adding up I feel like it has to be your personality or making them feel awkward or something idk probably this vibe I give off or that for some reason women just don't find me decent looking where do you live and who do you live with do you have regular social interactions with friends and/or family why haven't you been able to approach any woman are you extremely shy or have social anxiety have you tried to get any therapy for this have you considered hiring a sex worker to jump-start you getting intimate with someone I live in Long Island New York born and raised yes I do as a barber I talk with lots of people family I am not too close with besides my mom and brother and some family gatherings I have approached hundreds of women in my life with zero lark I would say I am very confident with women but not the smoothest guy but I am also not rude or obnoxious I guess I am unlucky law not really into hiring a risk or because of morals but maybe in the next few years if I do it will probably be with the same women three times or so and the first one is learning how to please women and other two times just to get the feel of what it like but it's not on my I'm JND atm how do you feel about it I hate it and still desperately looking as are in your and a bar I'm sure you have to have friends can any one wingman for you or do your friends know can they set you up on a blind date I'm from NY and I know sometimes women come off as uninterested or play hard to get here is it possible that the social cues got read wrong friends have set me on a few but not men it didn't really work out download a cupid and make a detailed profile that's honest then lower your standards and try your luck on they're not a fan but I'll try do you have any female friends or family members you are close with do you feel like women are overly complicated in a mystery to you what are your thoughts on feminism and the big focus on gender in media yes I do and em I guess sexually yes but they are just normal people I think women are too overly praised on the media with guys praising the duck out of them on sites like Instagram but not really sure what feminism is or the big deal about it this is the only red flag I've seen here no one should date women if they don't know what feminism is or the big deal everything else seems normal Opie you mentioned that all you've done was hugged do you not just lean in and go for a kiss worst case you wait for the awkward pause like Seinfeld have many times they head moves back ok we're building up the details here do you move in for a kiss straight up while you're both sitting on the couch read your other responses on your home set up or is there any other buildup like your arm is already around her or similar I have no clue why I think no this but if one she's comfortable talking with you within feel your breath distance and or two you're able to converse by whispering into each other's ears usually at a club or noisy bar for some time and or three you're able to put your hand on her though just right above the knee she won't move back when you try to kiss her rooting for you here buddy so the more details the better I'd say I sit close to then but the second I try to escalate like touch them or lean them they reject my advances okay I'm trying to get a better understanding of what they're seeing these are women you did not know until that night you got their attention and they agreed to go home with you are you the kind of guy who connects by being funny or are you the artist type you've mentioned your barber so I imagine your conversational yeah just conversation I am not really funny but I do drop jokes when I can do these women compliment you like what do they say cause asking them to your place you must have gotten some form of verbal affirmation or confirmation do they drive have you ever gone to place I have gone to some people's places but it's rare they usually drive me to my place since I don't drive some do but rarely oh wow I'm stumped plenty of things to try out hope one of them works for you please get back to this with progress or lack thereof did you ever consider prostitution not really I want a girl who wants my dog not my cash I guess my idea of human nature is needing that human companionship is that something that doesn't interest you or are you against online dating secondly how were your parents growing up sorry if I'm digging deep here but this is pretty interesting to me I want human companionship parents were great but they didn't really love each other they just used each other for the k1 visa and business bro you made it to the end you're ducking mad lad I'll cut you a deal smash LIKE and subscribe for more curated content might it's free and that's a great price
Channel: Sir Reddit
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Id: SuNl73hlbNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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