What did a crush do that made you instantly lose interest in him/her?

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ah slash ask reddit what did a crush do that made you instantly lose interest in him her she asked me if i wanted to go to a concert with her then then she wanted me to pay for both tickets that i knew she got for free promptly laughed at her and told her she can duck off with some other idiot it's funny how fast the ugliness on the inside can overcome anything good on the outside she did me a favor that day if you invite someone and tell them to pay not only their part but yours too there's something wrong we were out drinking he got drunk and started fighting a guy that he thought had been harassing me the guy said he didn't harass me i said he didn't harass me my crush still tried to defend me never lost interest faster i worked up the courage to ask this girl to go on a date she said yes on the date she proceeded to spend the whole time gossiping about anyone and everyone she could talk bad about i still remember the moment it clicked that she was just super shallow and mean it's a bit different but i had a moment when i was younger maybe 15 or so when i realized that my mum was like this anytime she could talk [ __ ] about someone she would and no one would be safe it would be especially bad at family dinners almost like her only topic of conversation was talking bad about someone this was when i realized that i'd probably be reducing contact with her once i'd moved out he tossed an empty drink bottle onto a random lawn as we walked down the street i went on a date with a guy and he stuck his gum under the table at a bar wtf we were in our early 20s and out of college working at adult jobs and this mother ducker couldn't even grab a napkin who does that here's a light-hearted one i developed my first crush when i was in second or third grade this was right around the time when pokemon were first becoming really popular so naturally i was obsessed with them i had the cards the game boy games etc one day i overheard the girl i had a crush on talking to her friends at recess about how weird pokemon were and thus in a flash a young love was extinguished fast forward about 22 years and my wife also doesn't like pokemon because life is strange she was going to her party and i said you seem pretty unenthusiastic about going she replied with don't use big words unenthusiastic 14 letters she was right man that's not a small word threw rocks at a cat because she thought it was funny that's no way to show appreciation to a funny cat this guy that i'd been talking to for a while on tinder who i thought was cool cute but he never seemed down to meet up one time he randomly messaged me to say he'd gone over to someone's place and they'd had sex three times i think he was trying to make me jealous but it just made me feel a bit gross i've never understood this if you're trying to make someone jealous which let's face it you shouldn't be doing anyway go with something simple like someone was flirting hard with me and i kind of enjoyed it basically saying hey i'm into you but met this chick guy and we banged would just make me think okay so they aren't that into me then and gross you can have them then i'm ducking out told me she has a crush on my brother i'm sorry luigi it just wasn't meant to be your princess is in another castle your tower belongs in another princess my brother and i look exactly the same it's difficult even for our parents to tell us apart one day this girl came up to me after seeing my bro and said he's cute i mentioned we look the same she said i'm ugly we were five had planned to marry when we got elder with a pancake cake and everything i was invited to his birthday party and he and his friend was climbing a tree with him being higher up suddenly he pees down on his friend we never got married a pancake wedding cake brilliant i wish i had read this before i got married not my crush but someone who had a crush on me or so i was told she asked for my birthday and i told her she then calculated that i was younger than her by a week or so and straight up said to me i did have a crush on a guy but then i found out he was younger than me so now there's not crush damn dude it was a teenage crush he had multiple girlfriends who didn't know about each other disloyalty is not cool found out she was a cousin we were in class together and it was all a pure coincidence neither of us had any idea until a family member casually mentioned to me doesn't her name go to your school well crap i grew up in a small town and one of my friends was related to everybody in middle school he told his mother about the new girl he was seeing and she had to break the news to him that he was dating his second cousin i had a crush on the guy in fifth grade he found out about my crush and made a really hateful nickname for me and teased me about my body got all of his friends to tease me too realizing he was a garbage person sent me straight pretty quickly this is a serious response he threatened to kill me and himself if i broke up with him we were alone in the house and he was having some sort of episode where he spaced out became robotic and dissociated this made him act very slow and lethargic he had mental issues i grabbed my stuff and ran never saw him again but i know he was hospitalized i'm married now and he hasn't contacted me since i actually hope he's doing better crush on a girl my junior year off college she liked to heavily make fun of people and i mean hard like to the point i would say hi to someone i knew after we walked off she would have some remark she went from attractive to not wanting to be around her really quickly i had a crush on the girl who lived across the street from me who i had already been friends with for years once we were teenagers she learned a new skill how to cut real deep with words like slicing your calf muscle with words holy [ __ ] this girl could make your depression go into overdrive with a single sentence and she got a lot of practice you forget to ask her how her favorite show was the day after a new episode aired and she'd go over every sensitive subject you have when she told me the day of my grandfather's funeral that my grandfather only died to get away from me that's when i finally told her to go duck herself and that's when i learned that she can dish it but can't take it he drove like an idiot while i was in the car i literally thought he was going to kill us and he was road raging the whole time this was on the highway too i asked him to stop driving like that and he didn't never going out with him again tortured a house fly and gave an oral book report trashing my favorite book at the time for being boring and having too many words and then started bragging he could have any girl in the school he wanted shortest crush of my life didn't defend me when his friends tried to assault me just laughed with them this is a long version of the story i have never been popular was always bullied and stuff one of the things people told me was that i was a prude because i never had had a boyfriend at that point apparently some of my classmates got inspired by that and started a bet whoever could do me in a slang word in my language that can mean anything from making out to sex would win every contestant put in a certain amount of money at the height of the contest it was about 100 euros that would be their prize all of a sudden i was invited to popular parties people tried to make me drink random people started talking to me flirting groping more and more people became aware of the bet so even people i'd never talked to or who were complete strangers to me started to hit me up it was weird i was still in the dark about the bed and i didn't get why some guys sometimes even girls wanted to hang out with me or wanted to see me drink luckily for me i don't drink but it was all very uncomfortable my crush and i went on a school trip together with the rest of our year and all of a sudden things get out of hand people groping me now the supervision of the teachers is half gone people trying to ask me if i ever kiss someone the most scary experience was when a couple of guys cornered me in the park and told me very detailed how they wanted to have sex with me some of them were my classmates some of them were friends of my crush one of them was my crush you can imagine how scared i was as a 15 year old no adults in sight only me and these 10 16 year olds i was hoping my crush would defend me he was a nice guy never laid a hand on anybody always friendly but he just laughed they were telling me how they would rape me and he laughed it took two more months before another girl had the courage to tell me what was going on she used the word doing and i was too flustered to ask if she meant the light version or all the way when i told the teachers about the bet about all the people who were involved about how no one told me anything about it not even the girls they told me i had no proof was imagining things again and that boys will be boys with hormones what can we do about that it all stopped when i got a boyfriend that very summer who was five years older than me and would later turn out to be an abuser he looked like he was 30 though so i guess most of the guys got too scared to lay a hand on me but yeah that's how my crush lost my interest used a baby voice when speaking to me or who's a good little girl huh is it you i better die yeah ice here a car and i yay i will snap your neck like a twig dude she knocked over my lego death star she had to go the ultimate sin she started posting videos of her making out with drunk old men to her snap we're both in college bully me to depression you all right there it was years ago so i'm better now but it did leave me super cheated and prone to mistrust you shouldn't play dungeons and dragons you know when you cast the spells in the game you're actually casting them in your spirit and that lets the devil get into you i was like wait and i'm supposed to be the one who can't tell reality from fiction long distance only online crush boyfriend we were playing a modified ttrpg in the early 2010s and we made the horrible mistake of playing versions of ourselves same names ages etc lots of [ __ ] happened but the thing that really made me feel like [ __ ] was when i felt like a third wheel with him and his best bro we were playing in a survival setting so we would delegate shores to make sure we had supplies fuel ammo etc by the end of each day every time my bf would choose to go with his guy friend for things i didn't mind the first couple of times but i did kinda want a day where the two of us hung out since again this was a ld relationship never happened the one time i forced the issue and said i was coming along to hunt or something they just ignored me and did their usual thing jokes on me though turns out bf was deep in the closet and hanging out with his guy friend in game was him living out his fantasy of having a boyfriend we are eight or so and he asked for a pen so i gave him mine he chewed on it instant turn off alcohol and cigarettes we wear 13 back then rejected me don't keep trying when you know it's pointless guys honestly best response advice if i could go back in time and give my former self-life advice it would be this take your shot if it doesn't happen move on she saw an oreo in the cleaners dustband picked it up and ate it that's called being resourceful sounds like a keeper to me not me but my wife before we met there was an event in salt lake city and she was from northern washington she had a crush on this guy and decided to join carpooling with him and couple other people they stopped to grab some fast food and went back on their way well as soon as he finished eating drinking he tossed the whole bag out the window while driving after that she barely talked to him and once they got to slc she left him and joined some other friends and went back home with them instead a long road trip is one of those things that should be mandatory before marrying someone some guy i went out with kept trying to convince me to sleep with him even after repeatedly telling him no some people just can't take no for an answer hey we still good for tomorrow sorry my boyfriend wants to come over great way to find out she both forgot about our plans and had a bf i had been seeing this girl for two months in college and things were going all right i was helping her move when she decided it was the moment to have a serious talk she sat me down and in a very serious tone told me she had been doing some digging she confronted me with the fact that i had dated black women i kind of thought it was a joke at first i guess my brain couldn't comprehend that this was still a thing no she was dead serious and explained to me that while she had nothing against black people she didn't believe in mixing races i was dumbfounded i got up and walked out a mix between sudden and extreme explosive road rage and a misogynistic rant that came out of nowhere he's an ex now but he's gotten worse showed his true colors obviously moved to a different school got someone pregnant accuse me of cheating because i had female friends had a crush on this girl who was dating someone at the time i was hanging out with her and she kept checking her phone later she announced she was upset because her so hadn't texted her first that day so they hadn't texted at all she was building resentment over literally nothing useful insight into what a relationship with her might have looked like smoking my folks both smoked and died from lung cancer saw it coming as a kid complete turn off and buzz kill she asked me to prom i said yeah two days before prom i actually don't want to go with you but i already bought both of our tickets as the guy i expect you to pay me back for them i tried to explain that's not how transactions work she kept telling me it was my responsibility i asked if she was smoking crack never heard from her again they poked fun at my mom going to a primarily white school him and a group of his guy friends always made fun of how she dressed and how short she was i didn't super know him but he was a part of the group that did and that's all i needed to know my mom is this sweet short asian woman who loves to smile and yes she sometimes wears goofy clothing but no one makes fun of my mama no one i have a boyfriend told me how her cat was sick so she snapped its neck to put it out of its misery told me that while he thought i wasn't dumb that i couldn't be smarter than him because i was female and a few months younger our test scores entrance exams and work history later determined that that was a lie went on a date with a guy to a chinese restaurant and as we were leaving he threw trash on the ground when there was a trash can a few feet away then we went to his house to watch a movie and he picked his cat up by the scruff of its neck and threw it not a set it down to get it off the counter kind of thing but a legit throw across the room i left right then and there and told him why he called me a beach and a tease for whatever reason never gave him the impression i was going to sleep with him that night and was yelling at me as i was backing my car out of his drive i got to the end of his road and blocked his number whoa you made it to the end you're a ducking beast i'll cast you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content bruh it's free and that's a great price
Channel: Sir Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, sir reddit, doctor reddit, reddit and chill, giofilms
Id: FPcagbIPfa4
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Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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