MSFS 2020 | AEROSOFT CRJ | TUTORIAL: How to fly a simple flight in the CRJ

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[Music] hello and welcome to phil but flies in this buy it and fly it tutorial video i'm going to show you how to get up and running in the airsoft crj for microsoft flight simulator as quickly as possible i'm going to fly a real world flight air france hop 7503 from toulon yeah to paris alley the flight plan route is in the video description down below if you'd like to have a go at it yourself i'm going to show you only what you need to know to get the aircraft set up and to fly it properly i'm not going to explain how everything works in detail or check every switch i'm going to start with the aircraft in its preset turnaround state so i know what's been set up already and what hasn't but while i'm going to sacrifice a little bit of realism with the flows and checklists for the sake of brevity i'm going to do my best not to sacrifice any when it comes to setting the aircraft up correctly or flying it properly this tutorial isn't intended to replace the excellent manual or the detailed series of come fly with me video tutorials produced by the dude once you're comfortable with the basics that i cover here i'd urge you to go and check these out to learn a lot lot more i'd also like to say thank you to aerosoft for providing me with a pre-release copy of the crj which has enabled me to have this video ready to go on launch day anyway that's more than enough waffle for now let's get on board and get underway so here we are in the cockpit i've set up a few custom views to make things easier you might want to do the same if you're not sure how to do that i have done a quick tutorial on it and there's a link now at the top of the screen so the first thing we're going to do is move over to the efb we're going to turn it on by clicking on the blank screen wait for it to load up and once it has we are going to go to the aircraft page this is where you can choose between different states now i've got the turnaround state set as my default you can choose any of the others if you wish but for the purposes of this tutorial we're going to click on turn around to make absolutely sure that that's the state the aircraft starts in so we're all starting from the same point you'll notice that in the turnaround state we have the wheel chocks in place we have all the doors closed and we have the ground power cart connected if you want to and i do you can open a door at this point so i'm going to open the passenger door and we're going to make sure that the guard rails are up as well if we pop outside you can see the stairs lowering down next we're going to move up to the overhead panel and we're going to start the apu so to do that you push the power fuel button and if you look at this screen here you will see we've got apu in byte which means it's going through itself test and apu sov open so that means we can now press the start button and once it's started which we can observe over here it will provide power to the aircraft and bleeder now that the apu is online we can move over to the efb and we can disconnect the ground power car we don't need that anymore because we're supplying our own power while we're over here we're going to move on to the performance page and we're going to set up our weights and balances so we're going to start off by changing to zero fuel weight for the sake of simplicity and we're going to type in the zero fuel weight from our flight plan which is 27570 kilograms so click in there click the backspace button and we'll type in 27570 and then press enter very important to press enter or it doesn't work properly and we're going to change our fuel as well so again click in there backspace and we want four three three one kilograms of fuel press enter again now what we're going to do is set the payload in the simulator and you'll see the aircraft shake a little bit as it loads our zero fuel weight and our fuel into the aircraft itself and that's all we need to do over here for now but we'll be back here before long let's move on to setting up the fms via the cdu down here the first page we're going to look at is the pos init page which is where we tell the aircraft exactly where we are if we go to the next page we can copy one of the gnss positions into the scratch pad go back to the previous page and paste it here into this field that's that done we'll move on to the flight plan so we need to put in our origin and destination airports so we're starting off from l f t h and we're ending up at l f p o parasoli we can put our flight number in which is air france afr 7503 and we'll press execute now we're going to set up our departure so to do that we'll go to the departure and arrivals page and we're going to be taking off from runway 2 3 today and we're going to be following the julie 2 whiskey sid we'll press execute again and you can see up here on the mfd that our flight plan is starting to take shape we'll go back to the flight plan page now and we'll go to next page and you can see that our sid is up here and the final waypoint of it is over here so from julie we're going to go direct to the mic romeo mic vor which we'll put in here and then we're going to follow an airway uniform mic 976. to p-bat p-i-b-a-t and we'll put that in there and that is where we join our star so we'll press execute for now and then we'll go back to the departure and arrivals page to set up our arrival now you could do this on route if you wanted to but i would suggest at least the first couple of times you're flying the aircraft you should probably do it on the ground to give yourself one less thing to worry about later on so we'll go back to the departure and arrival index and go to the lfpo arrivals page and we're going to be landing on runway 25 runway 25 via the ils and we're going to be following the pbat9 whiskey star via the mol 6 whiskey transition and once that's done we'll press execute again and now we'll move on to the legs page to check for any discontinuities or any other problems so we're going to just step through the flight plan and here we have our first discontinuity you'll also notice that the p bat waypoint appears twice we don't want either of those things so to get rid of the discontinuity and the duplication we're going to click the line select key next to pbat which will put it in the scratch pad and we're going to paste it over the top of the first p-bat and lo and behold discontinuity and the duplicate waypoint are both gone we'll move on to the next page now and while we don't have any discontinuities we do have a vector's leg so for this arrival you would have to follow the vectors of atc but we're not flying with atc today so we'll have no one to vector so we can get rid of that in the same way if we go to the next page and copy the waypoint after the vector's leg and then go back to the previous page we can paste it over the top of the vector's leg and lo and behold we're going straight from this way point to this one here we'll press execute there and the next thing to do is to check through your flight plan visually on the mfd so to do that we want to switch it into plan mode and we do that with the format range knob on the left here so the outer knob changes the format there's the plan mode the inner knob changes the range and i'm going to reduce the range so we can have a better look at what we're doing there is a little bit of a gap here that's nothing to worry about the aircraft should fly this departure absolutely fine anyway i hope and now we'll move back down to the cdu and we'll go to the mfd advance page and we'll step through each waypoint on our flight plan to make sure it looks pretty good or at least exactly like the uh simbri map looks and it does so other than that little anomaly near the beginning here we have a continuous line we don't have any weird turns or any other anomalies so i'm pretty happy with this we'll switch back to the previous mode we were in there it is and we'll continue down with the cdu so the next page we want to look at is the perth init page so we'll click here on perth click on perf init and this is where we put in our weights now we can enter these manually or we can go back to the efb and we can click the copy perfinate data to fms button back down on the cdu you will see that our weights have been filled in so all that's left for us to add on this page is the cruising altitude which is flight level 360. you could add the cruising altitude to your alternate but because we're flying with the few clouds preset today and the weather's entirely predictable i haven't bothered with an alternate to keep things simple on the next page we can add our winds we'll add the cruise component which according to the simbury flight plan is -29 of course this isn't really what we're going to experience because we're not flying with real world weather we're flying with the few clouds preset but it's a good demonstration we'll press execute again and we can have a quick look at the next page so you can alter your reserves or your taxi fuel here but we will and the estimated time of departure but we'll leave those blank for now because they're not essential next we're going to move on to the v-nav setup so in here we have pre-filled the default target speeds for our climb on page one and all we need to change here is the transition altitude so for too long here it's 5000 feet the next page we have the target speeds for our crews and we're not going to change those and our flight level which we put in earlier and on the final page we have the same things for the descent now we're going to use flight level 6 0 as our transition flight level put that in there press execute again and that's the vnav section done if we go back to the perth page you'll see that we have the option here to fill in a flex temperature now unfortunately there's no way that i've found calculator flex temperature for the crj so i tend to leave this blank and just use full toga power you can also make them up i know the dude recommends i think it was 47 degrees as a fairly typical value but for today we're going to leave that alone and that's our cdu setup complete we're going to move up to the overhead panel now and we're going to sort out some lights and some signs so we're going to turn the no smoking and seat belt signs to on because we've completed refueling we're going to turn the nav light on and if it was dark we could also turn the logo light on next we're going to set up our v-speeds now this is very easy on this aircraft we'll move back over to the efb go back to the performance page and you can see that our v-speeds have been pre-calculated over here now we could tune all of these in manually but we're not going to we're just going to press set all and lo and behold all of this v speeds have come up over here we'd also want to set our altimeters but because we're flying with a few clouds preset this is correct one zero one three millibars we're going to check and set our trims so if we look over here we can see that the aileron trim is in the green the rudder trim is in the green so that means they're both neutral and we just need to set our stabilizer trim now if we go back to the fb we can see that we want to set 7.2 for the takeoff trim so let's do that now that's that done and now we're going to flick a few more switches to get ready for departure these can all be found on the originating check uh checklist which we'll come to in a moment so the first thing we're going to do is up on the overhead panel turn the windshield heating switches to low we're going to arm the emergency lights then we're going to come down to the pedestal panel and turn on the your dampers engage the stabilizer trim and the mac trim i'm going to assume boarding is complete now so i'm going to go back to the fb back to the aircraft page and we're going to close the passenger door and because i know that our parking brake is set we're going to remove the wheel chocks as well so we don't forget later on so if we go to the checklist tab i will show you what the originating checklist looks like these are all the things that we need to check and i would urge you to check these um certainly this is what the tutorial flight will tell you to do and it's what the dude will tell you to do and you absolutely should do it but as i'm aiming to get us off the ground as quickly as possible today we're going to well you can take my word for it that all of these things are absolutely fine we're almost ready for pushback and startup now so i'm going to bring up the before start checklist and you'll see here that we've done most of this or it's been pre-done for us by the turnaround preset we do need to set the landing elevation however now this is a little bit of a fiddly one for you to see so what i'm going to do is pop out this panel here with right alt and click and the area you're looking at is this this field here landing elevation now that's actually set to zero and uh indeed the elevation of the runway here at too long here is only six feet above sea level but i'll show you how you would do it you would just twiddle this knob here until such time as you get the landing elevation you want so we'll close that now that's done and in preparation for engine start we are going to turn on the left and right fuel boost pumps we would now do the before start checklist and i can tell you that all of that is absolutely fine and then we'll move on to the clear to start items we'll assume we've been cleared to start now so we're going to turn all of the hydraulic pumps to either auto or on i.e their lowest position and we're going to turn the beacon on because we're about to move and that's it we're ready to push back you will notice that we have the master warning light and the master caution light flashing we've got two warnings up here and two cautions and these are all things you would expect to see at this stage in the game so we'll just cancel those so they don't distract us and i'm going to use pushback express to push back you could of course use the atc menu as usual so let's get underway cockpit to ground go ahead we are ready for push back and engine start roger release parking brakes released pushing back we don't have a push back tug with this today for some reason i don't know why it's probably to do with the identity line and you can start your engines at your discretion okay so uh we could of course start our engines during the pushback that's pretty much the standard way of doing things but to be honest i find that a bit much in a new aircraft without also trying to show you what's going on so we'll we'll get the push back out the way first and then we'll start the engines once we are stationary again so a lovely push back there and the parking brakes set so we are ready to start the engines so the engine starting this aircraft is pretty straightforward all we need to do is go up to the overhead panel and we'll start the right engine first so we'll put push the start button and then we're going to come back down and we are going to monitor the m2 wait until that gets to 20 and we're going to make sure that the itt is less than 100 degrees and once that gets to 20 or higher we are going to flick this red switch and move the throttle lever to the idle detent there it is 20 now don't move it back beyond the idle detent once you've once you've done it or the engine won't start it doesn't particularly matter if you're slightly above the detent i don't think so that's engine two stable and we'll do exactly the same with engine one the left engine start button monitor the n2 and the itt and get ready to flick the switch and move the throttle lever when we get to 20 n2 there we are and we'll wait for that one to stabilize as well now that the switch has automatically returned to its position we can bring this one down to idle without fear of accidentally killing the engine so there we are engine one's almost stable as well and we have got rid of all of our warnings so everything's looking good now that the engines are supplying electrical power and bleed air we can go up to the overhead panel and we can turn off the apu which is done by first of all pressing the start stop button and then pressing the power fuel button and we can do our after start flow now so we could set our anti-ice if we needed it over here but we don't today and we're going to turn our probe heat on left and right and we're going to arm our nose wheel steering over on the left here we can have a quick glance at the after start checklist and you should go through this but i can tell you it's all fine on this flight now we are going to set our flaps now we're doing a flaps eight takeoff so that's two clicks on the flat lever down here do our flight control checks here and to do that we would bring up the flight control page here but we're not going to bother with that today you can do that in your own time i'm going to double check our trims that's always worth doing so we've still got our stabilizer trim set and the aileron and rudder trims are green if we have a look at our taxi checklist this is a list of things we should be doing while we taxi but we're going to do them right now to give us less to worry about later on and i'd recommend you do this as well for your first few flights so we are going to arm the thrust reversers which are located down here we are going to turn on our taxi light up here and we're ready to taxi to runway 2-3 so we'll release the parking brake and we want to be taxiing with an n1 of 30 or less and we want to be going no faster than 15 knots as we taxi this aircraft and no more than 10 knots through tight turns you can monitor your ground speed over here you'll have to forgive the harsh breaking i am reliant on a trigger for now at least and i'll spare you the entirety of the taxi i will pick up again with you when we're at the holding point so here we are at the holding point for runway two three i thought it was about time you had a bit more uh outside beauty to have a look at but we'll get back in and there are a few more things we need to do before we set off so up on the overhead panel we need to turn on our flow auto override double check we don't need any anti-ice and this is microsoft flight simulator so air on the side of caution but i'm feeling bold today so we're not going to turn that on and before entering the runway of course we need to turn on our strobe light and we also for the sake of simplicity going to assume that we've been cleared for takeoff so we're going to turn on our landing lights as well back down here we're going to turn on our flight directors we're going to set our altitude and because we are not being controlled by 80 seer and there are no at or below constraints on the sid we're going to just set our cruising flight level of 360. there it is i think 36500 that's not what we want that's better flight level 360. we're going to set takeoff mode so at the moment we're in roll pitch mode we can do that either by clicking this button on the side of the throttles or by clicking this screw here which acts as a click spot sorry this top screw here which acts as a click spot and now we're going to line up release the parking brake trying to keep that n1 below 30 if we can which i find very tricky with my little uh slider on my joystick in fact this is the first aircraft that has made me seriously consider investing in a proper throttle quadrant so you'll notice down here on the pfd uh now that we're in takeoff mode the flight director is basically commanding a pitch up attitude and it'll keep us heading in a straight line on runway heading okay and we're going to pause here for a moment and we're going to talk through the takeoff so when we're ready to go we are going to move the throttle levers up to the takeoff go around position which is here so it's not full forward that's the mistake i made first time around it's one click behind full forward we're going to rotate of course at our vr speed which is 137 and we're going to aim for a 15 to 20 degree nose up pitch to try and maintain v2 plus 10 which is 155 which has automatically been set as our target speed we're going to raise the gear as soon as we have a positive rate of climb and from 600 feet we are allowed to use the autopilot if we want to so we're going to switch to speed and nav mode and then engage the autopilot when we want at a thousand feet above the aerodrome level which here is going to be a thousand feet above sea level as well we're going to accelerate 250 knots uh retract the flaps so the flaps are attracted to 180 knots and to zero at 200 knots and then at 10 000 feet we're going to accelerate to the 290 knot optimal climb speed now this is where things might start falling apart because i'm not very good at flying this aircraft i'm not ashamed to admit it i've been i've been at it for three days now i think and i do a lot of things wrong so it's going to be very much a case of do what i say not what i do and when i say do what i say i mean what i've just said here on the ground not what i say when we are airborne and i'm getting a bit flustered anyway let's uh let's give this a whirl shall we so we're going to release the parking brake i've been using my keyboard shortcut but if you want to do it by hand the switch is down here we're going to increase the throttles to about fifty percent of n1 check the engines are stable and they are and now we're going to go into the toga detent and you'll see it indicated down here on the pfd and we want to be maintaining nose down pressure on the yoke at the moment till 80 knots then we can begin to relax it there's v1 and rotate so we're going to smoothly increase the pitch smoothly increase the pitch a little more and we're up so positive rate gear up and we're going to follow the flight directors for now we want to make a left turn so we're going to turn on nav mode here what i didn't do was synchronize my heading i absolutely should have done that before take off and that will guide us around to our initial turn there's 180 so flaps to one i'm going to engage speed mode to try and maintain v2 plus 10 and following the flight director and trying to keep the nose here okay so we're well above 600 feet now there's 200 knots retract the flaps and i'm going to engage the autopilot a little bit of a judder and we'll see how it does in nav mode here at following this rather strange looking departure route so we're going to accelerate up to 250 knots now adjust the speed here and you'll notice the aircraft brings the nose down to increase our speed and we're going to bring the throttles back to the climb detent like that and you'll notice that our altimeter setting is flashing and that's because we've passed through the transition altitude so we're going to set standard pressure which today is going to be exactly the same by pressing this knob here and you'll notice that the aircraft hasn't been at all phased by this gap here it's going to follow our course very nicely and in fact while we're down here i'm going to increase the range not with that one but with that one so that we can get a better overview of our flight plan so once the gear is retracted you should also switch off the uh taxi lights although they go off automatically when the gear is retracted so there isn't a huge rush to do that i don't believe there are a couple of things i forgot to do as part of the climb flow which i'm going to shoehorn in here now the first is to turn off the thrust reversers and the second is to set the fuel cross flow switch to auto and i think we're all in need of a a little bit of outside view aren't we there she is climbing out over the ocean it really is a fantastic playlist and very much enjoying it so we're approaching 10 000 feet now and when we pass it we can increase our speed to 290 knots which is our optimal climb speed oops there we are it's 290 and the aircraft's lowering the nose again to allow us to accelerate we can also turn off our landing lights now and because it's nice and smooth we can turn off our seat belt sign as well and don't yet remember if it's the left or right one it's the right one there we are so that is off and as i totally forgot to sync the heading mode we may as well uh do it now it's good practice to push the center button to sync your heading to your current heading whenever you make a turn so a word about the fedex would probably be handy here this aircraft doesn't have auto throttle so while you are climbing and you are in speed mode all the aircraft is doing is adjusting the pitch attitude um to give you your the speed that you've dialed in once we get up to cruising altitude we're going to have to manually adjust the throttles to maintain the speed that we want so we're now passing through flight level two five two six zero and we are approaching the crossover point when we need to switch from speed hold to uh mac hold so when this figure reaches 0.74 or 0.74 as you may remember from our v nav setup at the beginning so 290 0.74 during the climb we need to switch to mac rather than speed and i'll show you how we do that in the meantime i'll sync my heading pressing the middle button again and there we are mac point seven four so we're just going to push the middle button of the speed knob and you'll see that our pink two nine zero has changed to a pink m seven four so that'll maintain 0.74 mac in the climb and indeed that's also what we're going to be using in the cruise as you can see on this next page so i'll join you when we get up to cruising flight level again and i'll talk you through throttle management okay so we're coming up on flight level 360 now uh i've just had a little beep to alert me that i'm within a thousand feet of the altitude i pre-selected so i'll show you what happens when we get there so we've got altitude select capture flashing now and the aircraft will begin lowering the nose to capture the altitude what it won't do is anything with the throttle so you'll notice that our speed already is starting to creep up above mach .74 so this is the point at which we need to bring the throttle levers back from the climb detent and we need to manually adjust our power to maintain mac.64 as closely as we can and this is something that takes practice i haven't had a huge amount of practice at it but i'm i believe that i'll get used to it and i think you will as well so i'm just making very small adjustments to try and maintain exactly mac.74 but you know if you're a little bit over a little bit under in my opinion this is based on no real world experience but in my opinion it shouldn't worry you too much so we're a bit under so i'll add a little bit more power you can see my uh throttle adjustments showing up in the n1 gauges up here and in the end as long as the winds remain constant which they will today it should be possible to set um a throttle setting that allows you to relax a little bit and not have to constantly make adjustments and that's not bad as we are there so i will uh cut the next bit out again and i will join you when it's time to start preparing for our descent and arrival see you shortly so we're roughly 100 miles from our top of descent now and there are a few things that i like to set up before starting the descent that probably by right should be done as you're descending but there's a lot going on at that point so we're going to do them now firstly we are going to set the landing elevation i'm going to pop out this screen again right alt and click that done we are going to go up to the overhead panel and we're going to do use this knob to set the landing elevation which at all is 287 we'll call it 280. and we'll close that now and come back down to the pedestal in fact where we are going to use these radio tuning units to tune in the ils frequency now this will probably be set automatically but the tutorial says you should tune it in and to me that makes sense to be on the safe side so we're going to tune it in in the recall field by clicking this button and the ils frequency is 111 decimal seven five okay and we'll switch that over into the active next we are going to set our decision altitude which for this runway is 487 feet all the while keeping an eye on our speed we're getting a little bit low so we set the decision altitude down here push the button in and in fact that's going to set our decision height we don't want that because we're not doing a category 3 or anything like that push it again we'll get rid of that and in fact first we need to move the outer knob to mda instead then we can push this button and use the inner wheel to tune in 487 feet give or take we'll call it 490. so that's set up here now finally we're going to sort out our approach speed so we'll come over to the efb again go over to performance and much as we did with the v speeds for departure we can do exactly the same with the landing speed so it's calculated our vref as 140 knots we'll press set all and that's all we need to do so let's talk through the descent now this aircraft has advisory vena and what that means is that it's not going to descend for you automatically but it is going to tell you how fast you should be descending between waypoints and then it's down to you to follow that guidance using vertical speed mode so to get an idea of what is ahead of us we can come down to the cdu and go to the dire intersection page and that once we get slightly closer to the top of descent will show us in fact it's already starting to show us what sort of rates we can expect uh to have to use to get between the various waypoints if we go to the mfd menu page now we have the option of what we want to display on the mfd and this is a good point to set it to vnav so what that will give us is some information about the waypoints on route and our altitude constraints it's also good practice to check on the legs page that the altitude constraints in the fmc match the altitude constraints on the chart and for this arrival they do so all that's left for us to do now is wait until we hit that top of descent or we're very close to it and then we can start making our way down so as we get closer and closer to the top of descent i'm going to change the range so that we can get a slightly clearer view of what's going on so we're about we've got about 40 miles to run now and because we are in altitude select mode we can lower our selected altitude without the aircraft doing anything so i'm going to do that now and take it down to 10 000 feet you can see i still haven't been syncing my heading that's something i really have to get used to 16 15 14. there we are there's 10 000 feet and the reason i'm choosing 10 000 feet it's what the tutorial says and it's a good idea is to make sure that you don't send descend below that altitude uh when you are doing more than 250 knots but of course if you were flying with air traffic control you would dial in whatever altitude you're cleared to you'll notice now that this uh information has popped up at the top of the mfd showing us that we've got four minutes until we hit the top of descent and 35 nautical miles left to run so just before we reach the top of descent i am going to engage vertical speed mode but i'm going to leave the vertical speed set to zero and you can see our vertical speed up here this way as soon as we pass the top of descent we'll be ready to set a vertical speed and start down i'm going to go back to the direct intercept page and we can see that our initial rate of descent should be around 2 300 feet per minute and as we pass the top of descent you'll see we have a white snowflake appearing here which much like a glideslope indicator is going to tell us whether we're above or below our vertical profile so i'm going to wind the vertical speed wheel down to 2 300 feet per minute and at the same time i'm going to pull back on the throttle levers because as obviously as the aircraft descends our speed is going to increase you'll also notice down here that we've got a blue donut which tells us what our target vertical speed should be so with these pieces of information the snowflake the blue donut and the suggested vertical speed given on this page here we can manage our descent to hopefully get down to the correct altitudes at the correct time so i'm going to adjust our vertical speed because i was too busy talking to starter descent when it should have been started so now we're not descending as quickly as we need to be so that's now showing 2 700 feet per minute and you can see that we are much more closely aligned with the blue donut now you can drive yourself quite mad trying to accurately follow the vertical speed at every moment and in my view it doesn't have to be spot on you can see that the important thing is that we are at or below flight level 280 by the time we get to this next waypoint here so let's air on the side of caution and go for a slightly faster vertical speed rather than a slightly slower one if this was an at or above restriction of course we would do the opposite and you can see that we are doing pretty well our snowflakes roughly in the middle our speed is slightly low but pretty close to 0.74 mac and we'll just monitor this on the way down and make adjustments to our vertical speed as and when we need to we can also prepare for the next leg so the next vertical speed that's suggested is 2000 feet per minute so as we get to this waypoint we can start bringing back our rate of descent to smooth that descent out and you can see that our next altitude constraint is another at all below so we need to be at flight level 180 or less by the time we get to okrix so again just making adjustments to the throttle to make sure we don't get too fast and you'll notice that the aircraft has automatically switched from mac mode to speed mode but it hasn't done this at the right time and we are now flying too slowly so we'll just increase the speed up to 290 knots and it's something else to remember to keep an eye on during your descent so we are now past that waypoint and we need to reduce our descent rate to again line up with that blue doughnut and to make sure that we're roughly following this guide here so 1700 feet per minute is what we're going for there we are 1.7 showing up here and actually the blue donut is asking for slightly more and we're slightly above our vertical profile but it's all smoothing out when you pass away point everything will go all over the place but as soon as you get a little bit away from it you can start relying on these figures again so don't worry too much about getting it spot on straight away give the aircraft time to work it out and don't forget to sync your heading bug which i still do so every time you make a turn you should be pushing this middle button here so we're passing through flight level one five zero now and as you can see uh we are approaching a speed restriction of two five zero knots at the next waypoint so i'm going to start bringing the speed back now i'm going to decrease the speed bug to 250 as a reminder there it is and i'm going to sync the heading bug because i haven't done that for a long time and while we're here i'm going to decrease the range a little bit on the mfd so that i can get a clearer picture of what i'm doing and of course as you adjust your speed your target vertical speed is going to change as well so i'm going to reduce our descent rate a little so 1.3 is equivalent to the 1300 feet per minute that it was showing here although it's now showing 12. so we'll bring it back a little more but as i said earlier as i implied earlier you can drive yourself mad trying to get the vertical speed absolutely spot on and i have decided based on nothing well common sense says that it doesn't matter whether you're uh you know 100 vertical feet per minute either side so there we are there's our 250 knots we're there nice and early okay so we're approaching 10 000 feet now and obviously we don't want to stop there we are at our appropriate speed 250 knots so we'll reduce the altitude down a little bit further in fact you know what i'm feeling bold so i'm going to reduce it all the way down to 3 000 feet which should be our glide slope intercept altitude and that way we can keep following the white snowflake to make sure that we don't bust any constraints and we'll be ready to start the approach when we get there 10 000 feet i should turn the landing lights on and i'm also going to turn the seat belt sign on which i probably should have done a little bit earlier to be honest to give the cabin crew time to get ready normally do that at twenty thousand feet but uh yeah this aircraft you've got so much to think about particularly when you're recording a tutorial that things slip your mind as you've noticed and my speed's getting a little bit quick now and we've got a very very shallow descent at the moment in fact we should be climbing we should have maintained one zero thousand feet until mln apparently although the chart doesn't give us a uh restriction for that so i can't see any reason why we can't carry on down slowly so it's calculated our vertical profile and filled in the gaps basically okay and the snowflakes gone down our desired vertical speed with this blue dot here has gone down to about 900 feet per minute so we'll start back down again now and increase that vs to 900 and as you can see up here we've got 34 nautical miles to run which should take us about six minutes so pretty soon we need to start thinking about bringing back our speed for the approach and i'm going to go through the flap extension speed so i'm going to talk through the whole approach in fact so before we hit our approach fix we need to be at 200 knots then we bring our speed back to 190 for flaps 1 180 for flaps 8 and 170 for flaps 20 and then at glideslope capture we put the gear down and increase the flaps to 30 when we hit 160 knots and then we'll extend flaps 40 before we get to 1500 feet on the glide slope and we're bang on our vertical profile at the moment the snowflakes right in the middle so everything's going swimmingly you will have also the eagle-eyed among you have noticed a loke will be tuned down here and that means that our ils has been auto-tuned as i thought it probably would and we've now got blue needles showing up down here um which means that loc one is on standby and that will switch over when we're ready to make the approach and we're passing through our transition level now so one zero one three is flashing so press the middle of the barrow button to switch to local pressure as opposed to standard and of course because we are um flying on the few clouds presets that's still going to be one zero one three which is handy and i'm still not syncing my heading with each of the turns i'll do it after this one and i'm going to start bringing my speed down now to 200 knots still keeping an eye all the while on our vertical profile so i can decrease my descent rate now if i want to and i will but of course if we'd been cleared by atc to 3000 there wouldn't really be any need to just keep it coming down nice and smoothly as we have been but for the sake of this we'll try and uh try and keep our descent right on the blue dot give or take so you'll notice that the reverse flag is popping in and out and if i move my joystick throttle a millimeter or two um it'll try and go into reverse but because we've got the uh thrust reversers locked these aren't going to move we're not going to get any reverse thrust so just ignore that for now so there we are at 200 knots more or less nice and early still descending gradually down to 3 000 slightly faster than we need to but i can see no good reason to slow our descent rate at this stage i'm going to decrease the range again to give us a better view and we're now on an intercept course to the uh approach now the tutorial tells you that you can arm approach mode at any point once you're on an intercept course and i'm sure you should be able to but what i found in the past is that it will cut the corner quite a lot and all of a sudden you won't be on your vertical profile and things go wrong so i'm going to leave it till the last minute to arm approach mode we're at 200 knots or below 200 knots now so i'm going to extend flaps one and we've got quite a long final so i'm going to keep the speed up probably once i get more used to the aircraft i'll leave that flap extension till a little bit later but i like to be prepared and i really really don't want to mess this up and go back to the beginning and record it all over again okay so now i'm going to arm approach mode there it is and it will start making that turn but it's not going to cut so much of the corner that we need to be worried so we've got luke 1 and alt s capture flashing because we are armed we've armed the load mode and it is capturing localizer if we look out the window we may even be able to see the airport yep there it is so we're going to keep the speed coming back again it's very early to be decelerating but i'm gonna do it anyway there's 180 and there's flaps eight the second notch you can see that indicated down here and that will do us for now i think we'll try and keep the speed at or above 170. and it hasn't done a great job of capturing the localizer but hopefully it'll sort itself out so it's captured the glide slope and it has captured the localizer because it stopped flashing so this that's worth remembering this aircraft will capture the glideslope before the localizer if you arm approach mode right so we're going to reduce the speed now i'm going to extend the gear and i'm actually going to use a little bit of speed break to slow me down here because i think i was very prepared earlier on and then all of a sudden the glide slope captured through me a little bit um for some reason so there's 170 there's um flaps 20 should be yes flaps 20. and 160 there's flaps 30. i'm just going to remind myself of our vref 140 okay so we can extend full flaps now and we can do the landing checklist very quickly or the landing flow i should say i'm going to go through that now and i'm going to tell you exactly what needs to be done so basically we need to arm the thrust reverses that's the only thing we haven't done and now we can concentrate on the approach and i've let my speed get rather low very low in fact worryingly low oh dear as i said do as i say not as i do so we're going to whack in a fair bit of throttle to get us back up to 140 possibly even slightly more and we are nicely lined up which is good okay and i'm going to turn off the autopilot now and fly it down by hand we're a little high according to the papis although we know we can't always rely on purpose in this sim just trimming a little trying to get that speed up still there's 140 and now we're a little high 400. this is not a stable approach and i should probably go around but it'll make you feel better about your own uh should you not instantly be experts at this aircraft a bit like me so we don't need too much of a flare in this so we're just going to reduce the throttle and let it settle down let the nose wheel come down and we'll use full reverse the spoilers will deploy automatically and we can go straight for some manual braking once all the wheels are on the ground which they are now that's 60 knots so we'll get rid of the reverse thrust keep the speed coming down and we'll take this taxiway on the right so of course the question now is do i go and film this entire tutorial again so that i can do a nicer landing or do i just let you see the reality of how i'm flying this plane at the moment i think i'll i think i'll go for the latter so now we are off the runway we'll retract all of the flaps and the rest is pretty much like you would do with any aircraft so we're going to go up to the overhead panel turn off the landing lights and turn off the strobe lights as well we can start the apu just as we did before power and fuel and then start stop and we'll taxi to a gate the only other thing we can do or we should do i should say is turn off the probes the probe heat i should say and once again we're trying to keep our throttle below 30 of n1 we're trying to taxi at 15 knots or less and 10 knots or less round sharp corners we can get rid of the flight director now if we want to and as before i won't make you watch the whole taxi i'll cut this out and i will join you again at a gate and when i say gate i do in fact mean stand uh so now we're parked up uh in fact before we park up before we pull into the stand we should really have turned off the taxi lights so we'll do that now and we're going to come over to the efb and go back to the aircraft page from where we can set the chocks so there we are chocks are now in place we're going to go over to the center pedestal and turn off the thrust reverser switches and now we are going to turn off the engines now to do that it's basically a reverse of what we did when we started them so we're going to flip the little switches up and pull the lever back to shut off didn't mean to press that button never mind we're there now so those are switched off we can go up to the overhead panel turn off the seat belt sign turn off the anti-ice if it's on which it isn't we can also turn off the windshield heat if we want to now we can turn off the fuel pumps and we can turn off the beacon light and finally we come back over to this side and turn off the nose wheel steering and now we are safe if we want to to open the doors so let's open the passenger door uh we'll open the cargo doors i'm in a sort of a door opening mood for some reason i don't know why i will open the service door as well and here we are all done so in just over an hour i've shown you the bare bones of how to operate the crj this is being recorded on my fourth day of flying it and as you saw not everything went perfectly this is not an easy plane to fly and it'll take you a good few flights to feel confident with it i hope this video will help you on your first forays in the crj and also provide some reassurance that you're not alone if things go wrong but as i said at the beginning it's no substitute for the manual and it's no substitute for the dude's videos they are much more in depth and somehow he seems to be just ever so slightly more competent at flying the aircraft than i am what i'd recommend is that you use my tutorial to get comfortable with the basics the flight plan is included in the video description if you want to fly along and then dive deeper into the aircraft with the dude and with the manuals there's a lot to learn and it's hugely rewarding learning it however you decide to use it i hope you found this video useful if you did do please click the thumbs up button share it as far and as wide as you dare and subscribe to my channel for more crj and microsoft flight simulator content you should come and join me on a live stream sometime they're a lot of fun anyway thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you again soon here on phil but flies bye-bye
Channel: FilbertFlies
Views: 78,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aerosoft, CRJ, Aerosoft CRJ, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, FS2020, air france, air france HOP!, hop, HOP!, CRJ 700, MSFS 2020, MSFS2020, tutorial, lesson, easy, simple, basic, easy tutorial, simple tutorial, how to, full flight, how-to, how to fly Aerosoft CRJ
Id: tv_t_YXJQmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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