II Samuel ~ 19:31 to 20:10

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all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our praise God we're ready to get back into our father's word this book of Samuel first and second how fascinating how fascinating that our Father gives these examples that our people win through allowing us to grow and learn from them you see when you see a mistake made take and your father blesses when you when the mistake is corrected or ratified and see you know mark it in your little book I don't have to experience that I don't have to get beat on the head I think sometimes people like to get beat on the head the way they continue disobeying the way they continue making the same mistakes that our people have from the beginning you deserve to get beat on the head if you do that that's why it's so important that you grow familiar with our father's word whereby you know how to please him whereby he can bless you whereby he can answer your prayers he's not going to accept through faith on special occasions you're because blessings will not remain upon you unless you grow familiar with what it is he wants you to do and do it a good starting place naturally then would remain study his word and learn what it is you're supposed to do well how do I start start study the rest will be added unto you we thank him for this word you know so many people today call it and it's alright the Bible well that's what the Bible says I almost and god forbid that this should be taken as sacrilegious but almost in some ways dislike the word Bible I don't think it expresses an elbow English vocabulary but it's our father's word D word see people say well that's according to the Bible no it's according to our fathers word it puts it a lot more personal the Bible is His Word and people pass that word off that's the Bible on the Shelf ever since it was a little kid gathering dust it says no your father says and I pray that you're mature enough that you understand what I'm saying when I say I almost dislike that word Bible because it misrepresents the personal emotion between our Father and his children from his word to them I almost wished it when you saw a Bible advertised they would say his word this particular version of his word his address well I just you know be that as it may that's just a little thing that I feel that has been brainwashed into children from childhood the very beginning even to adulthood the Bible says no correct yourself our Father says all right let's get into 2nd Samuel chapter 19 a word of wisdom from our Father David it would seem that because of the guilt that he is weighted down with that he forgives cybo for having lied to him those ABBA provided foods at a very critical time and cybo apparently willing to work again with Mephibosheth mephibosheth could care less about the land he loved David wanted to please him it would seem that that love that was between David and PIPA Seth's father Jonathan carried over in that but it would seem that David because and you'll remember our end the analogy that the thing your father wanted you to know from this a man cannot rule you because David was not forgiving because of a price he had paid on the cross as his ylim his future to the Messiah that would come through that root of Jesse and David but because of his guilt because man does have guilt David is already appointed another in the place of Joab to command his troops playing politics it all has a way of catching up with that thought in mind let's pick it up with verse 31 as David returns to be king in Jerusalem from across the Jordan River where he fled to prevent bloodshed verse 31 chapter 19 second samuel and both vilo the gileadite came down from rogue Elam and went over Jordan with the king to conduct him over Jordan remember this is the wealthy man that had taken care of David provided for him with it during you stay across the Jordan 32 now book bottle is illa was a very aged man even fourth gear score years old he was 80 years old and he had provided the king of substance while he lay in Mahan M and for he was a very great man he was wealthy had great wealth but I want you to remember God I want you God has a way of tipping you off when he bring in as a subject it's not entered for not may hot night in our name may hot night in in the Hebrew tongue means two camps are two hosts and you're going to begin to see strife and division in the camp of Israel whereby you will have the house of Judah and the house of Israel it'll be divided so with that thought in mind I just wanted to tip you off to what the Hebrew manuscript state and take the foundation of the old man and let's go with it 33 and the King said unto Baal or Zilla come thou over with me David towards has come on home with me and I will feed thee with me in Jerusalem I'll take care of you the rest of your years he was appreciative 34 and Mozilla said unto the king how long have I to live that I should go up with the king unto Jerusalem at how long and he's thinking in the terms of serving him how much service could there be in this old man that's 80 years old 35 I am this day fourscore years old and can I discern between good and evil this is a gross mistranslation and definitely he knew the difference between good and evil in the moral sense what he's saying here can I still even determine between that which is pleasurable and that's which is reverse of pleasurable all right in other words enjoy the things of youth all right are the things of life I'm too old to enjoy the things of life that are pleasurable that's what he said can die servant taste what I eat or what I drink my old tasters about played out on me can I hear anymore the voice of singing men and singing women can I pick up on the joy my hearing is gone therefore then should die servant be yet a burden and to my lord the King what why should i burden my king at my age I don't have enough service left in me what he's saying 36 thy servant will go a little way over Jordan with the King which was an honorable thing to do and custom and why should the King recompense it me with such a reward in other words you don't owe it to me I had the the food and and things that preserve thee and you were welcome to them 37 let thy servant I pray thee turned back again let me go on back home that I may die in mine own City and be buried by the grave of my mother not father I'm sorry my father and my mother but behold thy servant Kim Hyung are in the Hebrew Kim him Kim him means longing or pining brats he was pining for more a more acting life or longing for a more active life and he had there across Jordan let him go it is thought by most scholars that it was a son of his be that as it may probably was let him go over with my lord the king and do to him what shall seem good unto thee 38 and the King answered Kim ham shall go over with me and I will do to him that which shall seem good unto thee and whatsoever thou shalt require of me whatever you choose need to do is what it says that will I do for thee in history it is written that he probably gave that David gave King him a plot of land there in Jerusalem in Palestine and he built an inn on it my dad doesn't mean anything I just mentioned that in passing 39 and all the people went over Jordan and when the king was come over the king kissed Bob Mozilla and blessed him and he returned into his own place 40 and then the king went on to Gilgal and kim mountain went on with him and all the people of Judah conducted the king and also half the people of Israel they went with him they were glad to seem but listen to this and listen carefully any time there has been a split such as there was between at Fulham and David this is what follows if you're not real careful if you're not a strong leader and by Joab coming down on David saying get out there or you're not going to have any people left it opens the way for strife listen and learn from your father's word 41 and behold all the men of Israel came to the king and said unto the King now understand what we're talking about here the house of Judah had already taken David back as king remember blood of my blood the ten tribes though had not so a jealously arises between Judah and Benjamin being the house of Judah so called and the ten tribes which are called Israel here there's strife between the two pick up on it and behold all the men of Israel came to the king and said unto the King we have our brother and the men of Judah whether I'm sorry why why have the have our brother in the men of Judah stolen me away and have brought the king in his household and all David's men with him over Jordan in other words why are they stole you know your King is your king all right actually this is a false accusation because Judah did not steal him away Israel had stole itself away with Absalom primarily well while Israel was still talking about it Judah went into action and accepted David back as team and a great many of them never refusing him king 42 and all the men of judah answered the men of israel this is the house of judah in the house of israel let's not call that yet but you might as well start thinking in those terms because that's what it will lead up to because the king is near of kin to us he sees him he's of Jesse Jesse's of Judah he's closer kin to us that's what the men of Judah state wherefore then be angry afore this matter have we eaten at all of the king's cost we haven't consumed one part of the spoils we haven't taken any money's from him or hath he given us any gift we're innocent we haven't taken anything 43 and the men of Israel are that house answered the men of Judah and said this answered means they were arguing there was strife we have 10 parts in the King now just hold it right there in your mind 10 tribes these are the 10 tribes that shall become the house of Israel the 10 tribes that will be taken in the Assyrian captivity that will go north over the caucus mountains and will later settle Europe many of them later migrating to this great nation of America and they would become even as it is written as numerous as the stars of heaven in the fans of the feet so you see part of the original split of the ten tribes and Judah with Benjamin or the majority of the remnant of Benjamin staying with him all right now back to the thought we have ten parts of the King and we have also more right in David than you in other words we're kin tribes in your - so we've got a greater right to him than you do why then do you despise us that our advice should not be first head in bringing back our King question again this is a false accusation because it's left off and followed Absalom and the words of the king of Judah were fear so the men of Judah rather more furious were furious Oh then the words of the men of Israel and this drive though it would be patched at times would continue and what about 50 years hens they'll be split into two separate kingdoms Kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah and so it is even to this day that the two are separate houses and as it is written in the prophetic writings of German of by Ezekiel in Chapter 37 of that great book of ezekiel then shall both sticks be joined into one and be one stick in the hand of Almighty God chapter 20 lesson to learn anytime you have two factions fighting you know what I've told you even in your homes when a husband and a wife start arguing you got Satan standing by laughing Satan most often now listen to me this is serious it's very important to peace of mind and this is the method of operation that Satan uses as part of the key of David the lesson you will learn learn in the very first chapter of this chapter 20 are extremely important because they can either bring peace and happiness to your family or you can continue being deceived by this earth age and he that rules it ground rules strive you have two parties that means you have a split between two Satan will always force in another to give you a three-way split or to add to the confusion and that third party if no one else will be himself so bear in mind you've got Judah and you have Israel our lene Judah and the men of Judah are extremely angry now they're ready to do something first chapter 20 verse 1 who appears on the scene and there happened to be there a man of Belial you know who Belial is Satan or extremely evil witch that is Satan you had a man there of Satan you didn't matter what tribe he was from it doesn't matter what culture YZ is from it doesn't matter what church he belongs to he's of Satan Satan has influenced him and no doubt possessed him anytime that you have stripe an argument over nonsense but you see this whole argument was over nothing David was returning to Jerusalem David had proved over and over that he loved all the children of Israel and that indeed he was king of all tribes but you got strife people are like they like to be children I suppose so presto on the scene a man of Satan what does he do whose name was chibok - good old Hebrew name it means oath and all the old he will take in the old sea will issue very appropriately named for the moment the son of bike huh Rick Bakura okay or Vic at least let me go with this again bit Quran okay alright how how sharp or you did I digress enough that I threw you off big crock a Bingle might underline that a Benjamite and he blew a trumpet and said we have no part in david let me stop him and i feel some of you want to simply said Benjamin perhaps you didn't follow I'm not I don't want you to read over this you have the house of Judah and you have the house of Israel and now you've got a Benjamite which is a part of the house of Judah so you've got a three-way split friend you understand what I'm saying Satan uses division to throw in a third party and if there is a man of Satan around and strife is on the scene he's going to move to take advantage of it he'll blow the trumpet and while everybody else is confused with the strife whether it be in your own home and family or in your neighborhood they'll take advantage okay he blew a trumpet and said we have no part in David neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse which that means the roots from which the Messiah would come we have no inheritance in Christ you might as well say every man to his ten so Israel when I said vikre my thought was going back into the Hebrew do you know what it means it means firstborn birthright do you see how confusing things can be and yet God hidden in his manuscripts he lets you know that your birthright is sure and he shows you how this one that would take an oath and even of the son of one call firstborn which is a double fruit which means birthright the chief birthright and we have that how deceiving Satan can be and you know what these dumb clucks will probably do they'll probably go to their tents and pack up and leave with him all right that's the way people are you get somebody that's got a loud mouth and a strong voice and a spirit that seems to have the answers they'll follow verse two regardless of what Father's Word says because they don't know what our father's word says too so every man in Israel went out from after David and followed shiba oath the son of the bit cry but the men of Judah clave unto their king from Jordan even to Jerusalem so there you got your split again you got part of Benjamin splitting off you got the house of Israel now some Judah three and David came to his house at Jerusalem makes it home what does he do and the King took the ten women his concubines who he had left to keep the house and put them in ward remember what happened Absalom went into them openly and publicly at the sight of all Israel and lay with them when David returned he took the ten the concubines and he placed them in ward and fed them which means he placed them in a separate house and took good care of them he fed them but went not in unto them so they were shut up that doesn't mean in prison it means shut away from the rest of the kings of wives unto the day of their death living in widowhood I truly believe with all my heart that these ten are symbolic of the widowhood of the house of Israel those that had a tenth part with judo only having two parts but it is symbolic of them that they were shut up because they don't even know who they are today why it's real simple they understand their father's word they call it to bid bit the Bible in other words ask many children what is the Bible well it's what we keep our family birth dates in you're going to have a birthday you could always look at it and tell just what it is that's what we use the Bible for is to keep our family tree my dear little one your family tree goes a lot further back than what some relative of yours has written in that Word of God or we're reading of it now somewhere you fit in the children of God and the house of Judah the house of Israel are some of the other peoples and tribes that are all God's children and you need to be familiar with the word whereby you know what it is that God would have you do okay that ends that thought now remember and you got to keep up with me now we had in the last chapter division in two parts in the first two verses of this we have a vision to the third part with Satan's little prince Sheba leading the fold now you'll remember already that David removed Joab his trusted nephew his proven soldier and placed a Meza amasa over his troops he documents the fact that he keeps his word in the next verse chapter verse 4 chapter 20 and then said the King - am I saw a symbol means a men of Judah within three days and be thou here present what this really I want I want you to kept the whole part here you assemble the men of Israel I'm going to give three days and don't be late you be present and on time in other words she was taking his people and going over the hill with them and he wants to get in pursuit five so a mace I went to assemble the men of Judah but he tarried longer than the set time which he had appointed him you stand now this may see was never a commander-in-chief for David he was commander in chief for Absalom the enemy he doesn't really care about David he's been hurt and ridiculed he thinks and besides there is the influence of the devil on the scene Belial so he doesn't obey verse six and David said to have a shy now shall sheba the son of vicar I do us more harm than did Absalom take doubt that take thou thy Lord servants and pursue after him lest he get him fence cities and escape us what it says unless he gets into the defense cities and we lose him he escapes from as he hides from us getting before he gets there verse seven and there went up after him Joe ABS men Joab was going to sit by they followed along behind and the Cairo fights and the Pella fights and all the mighty men and they went out of Jerusalem to pursue after sheba the son of big cry verse eight when they were at the great stone which is in Gibeon what is the great stone lookout place what happens a Mesa went before them and Joab garment that he had put on his was girded unto him and upon it a girdle with a sword fastened upon his loins in the sheath thereof and if he went forth it fell out I don't want you to miss this I want you to get it real good because it would seem that Christians have been brainwashed with such smooth talking suckers that they seem to lose contact with reality and understand that a covert activity that covert activity has been in progress from the beginning of time that's the only way God's people react to conquer the enemy it's a very godly thing to do you understand it's of God's Word why because in killing one man many times you can save the lives of thousands just like if you take a murderer on this first lick if you do it according to God's Word and fie or cooking or injecting or whatever you're going to do he won't kill another and you'll save innocent lives by doing it God's Way others will see and fear and these things will cease to happen among you now David loves Joab there's no doubt but playing politics he pointed this this hypocrite in Joe ABS place and when they and in refusing to get the army to seek Sheba because no doubt he's a partner of his a partner of Satan's man he hides up at the big rock and all of a sudden when they come he bounces out there and says follow me you understand he's already proved that he's on the opposite side do you think a man like Joab has been a while a traitor to lead so we have a covert activity you understand what I mean Joab being the mighty soldier he was girded Joab wasn't in habit of allowing his sword to fall out of the sheath all right you know you don't live very long if you're that awkward this was a covert move and the outcome will be the guts I'll just put it a little graphic for you the guts of a Mesa laying on the ground all right he clumsily drops his sword Joab didn't do that all right but then this this traitor pops up on the scene this is the way you deal with traitors all right you don't get all squeamish like you think Christians have been protected in this nation and very few of them have seen combat to know that the freedom of this nation is paid for with a price and then do things that must be done to keep their little Susan hearts and squawkin ignorance quiet while they preach on with their - things that's not the way it is in real life and unfortunately most Christians do not face the reality of things they just haven't been there well I've never heard a preacher talk like that well by George you have now haven't you friend like it or lump it that's God's Way covert is very honorable in God's Word it was for Joab and it is to any man that helps protect the rights and the heritage of this great Christian nation in this Hemisphere and don't any of you squawk about it you'll always have the Liberals they can squawk enough on their own all right well I think this is a wonderful thing that his sword accidentally it was no accident Joab let it fall from the sheath verse 9 and Joab said to Mesa art thou in health how are you feeling today for him my brother and Joab took a Mesa by the beard with the right hand to kiss him restart to give him a friendly little Eastern hug as he had stooped over and picked up his sword and as he had him by the beard it was a very nice thing for his help that is to say a Mesa now I want you to get this this is a man of God all right putting a traitor to rest verse 10 but a Mesa took no heed to the sword that was in jobs hand I mean he's a traitor and he thinks he's pulled it off and he's probably on an ego trip anyway and with a great leader of men about to kiss him why shouldn't he be up all right so he smote him there with in the fifth rib and shed out his bowels that is to say his guts to the ground and struck him not again and he died so Joab and abaca his brother pursued after cheeba the fun of vikre you got to get satan's people you understand ah suppose I've shocked a few of you but it wasn't really me that shocked you dear one it was the Word of God just God's word shocked you are you too nice for God's Word and if you're too nice for God you'll probably go to hell you've got it word to the wise is sufficient it's time there was a little maturity in this nation and people began to face reality and realize that the rights we have in this nation were paid for for a price and you will stop badgering heroes that bring these things to pass covert or not and we will stand with those heroes the men and the women of this nation that have stood with it and know of that price amen all right Lester Archie listen a moment
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,130
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: H7ZjizF6oUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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