Job ~ 7:1 to 8:22

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our really get back in the book of Job job meaning persecuted job is still addressing his so-called friends and actually with friends like this you wouldn't need too many enemies they are trying to understand why his world has fallen apart and of course as I stated in the last lecture you're very fortunate your father is has allowed you to be privy to who's causing this it's not God it's Satan in God at the same time is pulling for old job but allowing job totally on his own to guarantee Satan couldn't have him there was no way that Satan could win job's heart because he was one of God's election what's very important for you to know is that God new job from the first Earth Age I know some of you want to understand that put it on his shelf he new job inside and out I'll use that terminology and he knew Satan didn't he have a prayer evidently Satan was acquainted with job quite well too and he tried everything under the Sun that means on this earth in this earth age to that poor man's flesh body other than killing him that he did not have the right to do and job kind of his friends were telling him you know you bring these things on yourself God is fair and you're in bad shape and Joe but insisted to them I'm innocent I haven't done anything and you know from even the good days that joke not only repented of himself but he repented for his children just in case they had done something so he was very subconscious of pleasing the father but what you are privy to as you know Satan is doing it and at the same time what listen should you learn today he'll do it to you only thank God for the cross and what happened there we have power over him you don't have to put up with it you can kick him off of you and send him down the road excuse me so chapter 7 verse 1 job keeps to keep censoring he said you know you all are like a drive a stream that runs but when you need it it's dry and gone you're no good verses chapter 7 verse 1 job continues is there not an appointed time to man upon earth or not his days also like the days of in Ireland in other words this means like for conscript service even if you would the word man here means mortal man which is man that walks Under the Sun man in the flesh walking on this earth Enoch in the Hebrew tongue verse 2 as they serve an earnestly desire earth the shadow our pants the hebrew word is that he pants for the for the shadow mean to get in the shade hot and as in harding look us for the reward of his work for his wages in other words 3 so am i made to possess or inherit months of vanity months of emptiness months of nothing and wearisome nights are appointed to me in other words what are you seeing in a way my days kind of let them be numbered because I don't see what with what I have inherited from this mess I don't see much point in me going on I don't see much good for me to live for now this gets right down where the rubber meets the road and you know something if you ever get depressed listen to this listen to it closely you see job here though he will never curse God and he will never totally blame God but he does get depressed at times and I guess with three friends like he's got well it's kind of understandable but you know with the perfect assurance you never give up hope you know God's always going to give you a way out verse four when I lie down I say when shall I arise and the night begone question and I am full of tossings to and fro under the dawn of the day it's dull it's labor some and how can I you know you toss and turn can't sleep a bothered mind what does this say to you Satan's bothering him Satan's not even giving his mind rest while he's asleep if he can possibly help it verse five my flesh is clothed with worms and clots of dust my skin is broken and become loathsome in other words the the sores break and run and even after he mning up they break and start running all over again verse six my days are swifter than a Weaver's shuttle and are spent without hope life is passing so fast and there's not a glimmer of hope now this is what you never want to allow yourself to sink to because the Blessed hope and assurance is what you do have and if you catch yourself depressed and down in this mood you've allowed it to happen I mean start taking names and kick and drag and get him off your back and get up and act like a man woman or a child of God this is written for your benefit job went through this so you today would know what you would put up with what you wouldn't put up with it's your choice it really is I will teach the next few verses on two separate levels because of the writing the Hebrew manuscripts I will capture it if we can verse seven or remember that my life is wind that's rock which is to say spirit I have a spirit my each life is a spirit body mine I shall no more see good in other words everything I see it does not bring me I don't see any enjoyment in this I don't imagine he was having an enjoyment why Satan was robbing it from him he's a thief and everything that's that job could have taken enjoyment from Satan was ripping it off alright hey he will you today friend if you let him you don't have to verse eight the eye of him that hath seen me she'll see me no more thine eyes are upon me and I am not in other words I can't live this way no longer I'll use that terminology but at the same time when the earthly eye ceases seeing mortal man because of the clay to clay then spiritually the rock the spiritual body can be seen of God okay you got it Joe is obviously aware of this information because the manuscripts allow you to detect that verse 9 as the cloud is consumed and vanished away so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more now what you want to recognize we're talking about Enoch here the mortal man the flesh man once that flesh goes into the grave it never comes out of there again contrary just because it happened on a one time instance when Christ defeated death at the resurrection then certainly that was to advertise the fact to those that were present at that moment most of those bodies that are in the graves today have long since turned back to dirt and that's all they are they're gone but to be absent from this flesh body is to be present with the Lord they have put on that rock of that spiritual body yeah it looks a lot better than these old flesh ones down there in the world of departed body's not souls verse 10 he shall return no more to his house not this not flesh neither shall his place know him any more not to return to this age ever again in that flesh body verse 11 therefore I will not refrain my mouth I will speak in the anguish of my spirit I will complain in the bitterness of my soul job kind of demands here that our Father are someone explained why he's so he's so tortured at this time now of course what are you to ascertain from this well when you pass from the e nosh the flesh body and you return to the Father you're in his world here Satan is the Prince of the air you're in Satan's world if you allow him otherwise it can be yours serving God it's just according to how much how much brass you take with your weenies in the morning what kind of brass that puts on you how how good you are because when you know the right name to use Satan will run from you like a scared rabbit you don't this world is not a bad place at all it's only if you allow that that is negative if you choose to put it that way to literally take over your life I mean if you're not careful all you can think is negative well we'll do no good to try that that would happen or this will happen I do I just done but bad luck just follows me but I bet it does you know if that's your attitude I guarantee you it will out of your own mouth you sentence yourself that's when you need to get older your bootstraps and stand up and act like a man woman or child of God and get off your poor me baby jag verse 12 Amaya am ia sea or a whale that thou settest to watch over me in other words that you've got me imprisoned you have bounds that's what the Hebrews says you got me caged in here am I am I an animal joke don't seize a man and he knows he loves the father why job cannot understand why are these things happening to me and beloved I can only give you one bit of advice today and as much as this is written to you for your edification if you ever get on one of these Jags you better start punching out of the sack or right away you better get in the name of Christ and a power and honour of his name as he's so stipulated in Luke chapter 10 verse 19 he said I give you power over all your enemies why then would you put up with it why would you put up with it if you were having bad days like this it's your own fault if you do for he if you've read his word as it is written you can take advantage of the blessings he has left for you or you can let Satan eat you up but you know why do I say that at this moment because job is reaching out for answers here are mi abuela a my a see a my some object no I'm a man of God why is this happening to me so let that be your warning if you ever asked yourself that question what is this happening to me take inventory and fix it in your life verse 13 when I say my bed shall comfort me my couch shall ease my complaint not even when I sleep at my left alone not even when I rested in my bed and I'm not adding to the manuscripts beloved that's that's the total thought you with you with companion Bibles that you have job in poetic form as well as the King James Version I would recommend highly that you read it and you'll have a better understanding God never leaves you alone and don't you ever forget it and you will find rest ultimately what this comes down to let's put it strictly in modern day language English there's no peace of mind for this man and I'm going to tell you something until you learn how to find peace of mind there will be no peace for you on this earth peace of mind comes from knowing let me just let me just quote us I'll quote a scripture here knowledge and wisdom begins when you begin loving our Father okay why because if you love him you're going to read this letter he's written to you and it will strengthen you and give you the knowledge and wisdom that you can name take names and kick dragon you'll sleep real good because you have guards around your bedroom that you you would not even be aware of don't make any more of that than it sounds 14 then thou scaris me with dreams and terrifies me through visions let me ask you a question he's asking here but now you know you're privy to it let me ask you who who's giving Joe bad dreams who's giving bad visions if you don't know the answer to that you and I have both wasted a lot of time since we opened the book of Joe the adversary Satan you've got to know your enemy and you've got to know where to hit him all right to conquer him those things are very important the Scriptures tell you who your enemy is and how to take care of him and mine what a long drawn-out set of manuscripts we have in this book of Job so that you should never never forget who your enemy is I'm gonna tell you something if you're one of God's elac boy does he have your name in his typewriter he is on your case every time you will let him why he's got everybody else fooled well glory I mean they're already ready to jump on his wagon and rapture out of here because he's the first one it comes I mean he doesn't have to worry about giving them trouble make them happy in their little world of innocence Lee so to speak or ignorance I prefer ignorance Finn's a lot of people that way but I've I like to win friends and influence people I suppose but Satan will bring those visions God doesn't have anything against Jobe he's proud of him he's happy with him he's waiting to see if job will crack how how embarrassing will it be to your father if job cracks you know what Satan will say ha I told you I'd do it I knew I could break him if you just pull away some of the fineries well look look he gets you right down where the rubber meets the road with a few of the finer EES of away and starts really scrubbing your old hide and you don't start kicking him off will you crack I don't think so because you know that God is always going to give you away and you know how to get rid of Satan alright so verse 15 so that my soul chooseth strangling and death rather than my life now the word life here basically means bones it doesn't it it isn't taking as let's see we just had life in the prior stay back in verse 7 Oh remember that my life this is is wind that means my spiritual like he is in the rock this is different this means flesh bones ok said I just assumed that these bones died that's getting pretty bad you know but he's still not cracking all right sixteen I love it I would not live always let me alone for my days are vanity they're empty there's nothing to it why go on this way well why won't he crack dr1 I mean you've got to realize we've got him down pretty close to it he says up before this back up in verse five that my old sores heal up and they just bust back open and start draining like a river again I can't heal my body there is just no use it's just one sore on top of another and they bother me they're painful I scrape up you know he's not having a pleasant time but he didn't crack Satan bother in his mind every moment he can trying to pump doubt into him seventeen what is man that thou should has magnify him question and that thou should have set thine heart upon him that's to say that God would even fix his attention upon man I can you know why because God loves his children boy has God got his attention fixed upon job at this time I mean the tug of war is going Satan's pulling God is God is watching knowing and do you think for one moment God reached in and interfered ever uh-uh he knows that job can cut it he knows that job can handle Satan by himself that Satan can't cracking but again I want to relate this back to your life in your daily battles the same war the same struggle this same controversy between Satan and the Lord Jesus Christ in your life daily do you let Satan when I pray not for you see here how it would hurt God if it should he trusts you as one of his election so of course he has his attention fixed upon you verse 18 and that thou should us visit him every morning and try him every moment well visit him was suffering is what job is thinking right now it's real easy when we know that God is in control for man to maybe let his guard down just a little bit now it's job still didn't actually blame him but he's trying desperately to understand you got to give job credit for that anyway nineteen how long will FAL not depart from me nor let me alone till I swallow down my spittle swallowing down your spittle is as doesn't mean it is an idiom or a metaphor that means insulin for just a moment because it only takes you that long to swallow it just means instant okay what can you just leave me alone for one moment so we see that he's getting near the bottom 20 I have sinned what shall I do into the oval preserver of men why has thou set me as a mark against thee so that I am a burden to myself what have I done to deserve this is what job is actually saying here we don't we don't understand all of the workings of God there's a lot more to it than man is ever able to ascertain to visualize but when you follow him and love him you have to trust him trust him even at bad times 21 and why does thou not pardon my transgressions and take away mine iniquity my sin for now shall I sleep in the dust and thou shalt seek me in the morning but I shall not be now he still believes job still believes that our Father will with love repay and claim us but what he's saying your father hurry otherwise it may be too late I'm about to die and I imagine he felt it's bad enough according to verse 5 that he felt he might die at any moment they were sure worried about it chapter 8 verse 1 we got another cookie cutter boy for you here then answered bildad the shuhite and said now what this means is son of contention and he's gonna bring some contention into this let me just tell you a little bit about this dude he's going to try to convince job that job may not be aware of it but him and his children are sinners above all sinners because look at the terrible mess they've all fell and into that God is fair and good and honest and all he's doing is repaying them and job is no at his present state that his children he both his whole family are the height of all sinners all right that's what he will build up to so that contention is well-named verse two how long wilt thou speak these things question that order bill job how long you're going to keep going on like this job and how long shall the words of thy mouth be like a strong wind as a strong winds burning all restraint when are you going to restrain yourself and keep your mouth shut and listen to us boys God will tell you I can't hardly wait till we get there God will sooner or later he'll say job why do you listen to this ignorance meaning what you're supposed to listen to God not man verse 3 does god pervert judgment question well the answer to that is of course he doesn't or debt the almighty pervert justice no God is fair in all cases maybe was one exception you see and even that is fair totally you see God chose the election in the first earth age they do not necessarily have free will in this earth age because as it is written in Romans chapter eight they don't even know what to pray for so God's going to intercede in their lives and there'll be a time or two they're gonna wake up and say what or what I'm doing here because they've already overcome so God can interfere with then and caused that that is written to come to pass exactly as it's written and that's fair because it gives the sinner in the first Earth age the opportunity to have free will to choose God or Satan for God's elect as he uses them in job is that type they've already overcome anyway God is fair what what what let's get back I don't want to digress here and perhaps I have no I haven't but but to some it might if you're over studying on the least level what he's saying here is job do you got to be the center of all sinners there's not God good is he not fair does he not judged correctly the answer of course is yes he does so surely you've done something real bad or he wouldn't be doing this to you he's setting Jobe up alright verse 4 if thy children have sinned against him and he has cast them away for their transgressions what's obvious he all 10 of them are dead 5 if that would have secant to God be x and make thy supplication to the Almighty if you get out on your knees and pray and ask for forgiveness 6 if thou wert pure and upright surely now he would awake for thee and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous boy that's you know that's a big help there who nice advice everything's been taken away from him Jobe is innocent he hasn't done a thing how do you think this would make Jobe how would it make you feel you knew that you had not sinned against God and everything you have is ripped from you including 10 children and you got some Yahoo standing here saying you're 10 dead children were all a bunch of sinners that the height of the list that's what he's saying it wouldn't make me feel good all right I don't think it would you either 7 though thy beginning was small yet thy later--in shall greatly increase oh if you'll just get out on your knees well what does he think job had been doing he'd been in sack cloth and ashes for days praying to God 8 for enquire I pray thee of the former age and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers man doesn't live all that many generations to have knowledge and wisdom so what he's saying here is look back at history even look back to the first Earth Age if you would all right the former age learn from their mistakes 9 4 we are but of yesterday and know nothing because our days upon earth or a shadow we just breathe right on through this place so you've got to go back in history to learn these lessons well and God is kind of spurring you on even through the mouths of mouths of this fool that you can't just look at that one well you don't understand pastor I've studied I've been to seminary for 4 years well whoopee - what a big deal that's for that's like an eternity isn't it you're just getting ready to start learning keep going maybe after 20 years you'll get there I'm talking about teaching now just to helping encourage a few we are here but a short time and you're sure not going to learn it if you don't look back to the first Earth age 10 shall not they teach thee and tell be and utter words out of their heart you can learn from their experiences in other words he's saying sin and experience should tell you job look at their experiences if they sinned God got them all right well that isn't the case here with job Satan is on a crusade and God has already told Satan he won't we won't bow to you well we'll see verse 11 candy rush this is the contention continues can the rush grow up without mire can the flag grow without water can the bulrush grow without dirt no well if it doesn't have the dirt to put the roots in where the moisture of ours or something that will hold moisture naturally it can't grow without water verse 12 whilst it is yet in his greenness and not cut down it withereth before any other herb gone 13 so are the paths of all that forget God here we go Jobe and you fit right up there number 1 and the hypocrites hope Shall Perish why it's void of hope and polluted a hypocrite can't make it and he's getting pretty rough on old job right here 14 whose hope shall be cut off and whose trust shall be a spider's web translate that last word web as his house the spider's house or you're not gonna be able to pick it up in the next verse 15 he shall lean upon his house or his web but it shall not stand he shall hold it fast and it shall not endure as the web 1 endure when when something severe comes along so will a hypocrites foundation 16 he is green before the Sun and a different thought he is green before the Sun in his branch shooted forth in his garden 17 his roots are wrapped about the heap and cieth the place of stones in other words he digs in and he takes the the high ground 18 if he destroyed him from his place uprooted him then it should deny him saying I have not seen thee in other words this had kind of happened to Jobe he was a little bit uprooted here 19 behold this is the joy of his way he says this sarcastically all right just just I guessed to twin old job's strings here on his instrument all right so this is said sarcastically behold this of the joy of his way and out of the earth shall others grow get rid of them and let somebody else take up that space 20 behold God will not cast away a perfect man neither will he help the evildoers where does this leave job God won't injure a perfect man but at the same time he won't help an evildoer well he's not helping job and and yet so it all comes back to one thing don't forget Satan's doing it to him all right I suppose I should make this point the laws of justification affect the election differently than some people but at the same time what makes it fair for the election they have the knowledge and the wisdom to know how to contend with the contender okay word to the wise is sufficient verse 21 till he fly thy mouth with laughing I'm sorry till he filled my mouth with laughing and thy lips with rejoicing 22 they that hate thee shall be clothed with shame and the dwelling place of the wicked shall come to nought they're blaming job and job blames or he questions God or Satan and God he's questioning God and Satan is getting off free okay I want to say that again his friends are blaming job and job is not blaming God but he's questioning him and Satan is getting off scot-free meaning they have no understanding whatsoever of the problem you do because God made you privy to it in the first chapter don't miss the next lecture any time you were depressed hey go back to job and learn a lesson from Almighty God and his expectations of those that he truly trusts all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please he book of Deuteronomy the law was given as our schoolmaster have you been to school on God's Word certainly one way to go there is to study the book of Deuteronomy probably the most the most exciting thing that Deuteronomy has to offer for you is that great song of Moses that those that overcome the false messiah in the in generation will be singing the law itself being the schoolmaster that keeps us out of trouble in these flesh bodies again an education in taming that part of you that off times needs taming through the old schoolmaster that great book Deuteronomy the law and it's set ways of keeping you from harm's way even in this generation you're going to enjoy are back again the 800 number 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Port Lori Cole throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about another denomination individual or organization let's just teach God's Word and let the chips do the correctiy all right now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world at this time your announcer at the end of the hour will give you our mailing address you got a prayer request he's your father he knows what you're thinking right now and to pray to him is to talk to him from your heart your mind discuss your problems with him if you choose hey he's got time he'll listen father around the globe we come we ask that you leave guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name amen amen okay let's get into some questions and we're going to go with our Lea from Tennessee mother and I were talking about foods God had blessed I told her Leviticus 11 1 through 47 she told me God had sent down a sheet and blessed all me sin acts 10 11 through acts 11 15 was this just for Peter at that time help go back and read it again it was when when Peter was about to depart to go help Cornelius who was a Gentile he wasn't of Israel he was called an unclean common man by the people not God and Peter before he was sent on this mission God sent that sheet down three times and told him to eat but he always took the sheet up he never let Peter participate and Peter finally understood and you must read it for yourself follow the subject the Greek is so beautiful other Apollo other peoples don't the whole subject and the lesson the analogy was only the sheet is never called any man Gentile unn come called them common you're to call them clean why God made them clean if they accept he who shed blood on the cross all right you got it that's what it's all about so don't worry your mother has been taught that through the church and the church is just flat-out wrong because any five-inning any fourth grader can read the 10th chapter of the book of Acts and no Peter never predict took of the food and that then it explains it wasn't talking about food at all it was talking about calling Gentiles unclean which was kind of would be kind of a racist thing would it not not to be racist that's what it's about okay Pam from Indiana in in the latter days before and even after Satan appears on the earth will God's elect or the chosen one be afflicted with any type of pain or torture what you're going to be delivered up before death who is death Satan Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 stipulates that and it is written in Luke chapter 21 that not one hair on your head can be bothered now the two witnesses of course will be crew they'll be killed I'll say in this in this patta this large arena or street as it is in the King James and they're sure going to be hurt but God's children will do what they must do even in Satan's face and God will take care of his own you don't have to worry so get that kind of fleshly thoughts out of your mind and be ready to serve God may see for Maggie rather from California when does the Millennium start you know I suppose that all teachers should be very careful at this time when we're about to change Malini what is the word millennium mean it means thousand years okay well yeah we're about to end and no Domini 2000 that is to say the year of our Lord mm that begins a new millennium but it is not is not the millennium or the thousand year period spoken of in the 20th chapter of Revelation at least it has not appeared at this time that it is I'll put it that way when we're discussing two separate millenniums the reason I'm being so specific about this is that not realizing that a new student would not know that they were different would think when we said the millennium is about to begin that we would say the end of this ages coming at the year 2000 and that's not the case at all all right starting man's millennium but God's millennium will start when the the when Christ returns to this earth okay that's when the true millenniums begins Paula from Minnesota when we die are we in paradise or are we asleep in a slumber we are in paradise to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord there's no such thing as soul sleep Jesus makes this very clear in John chapter 8 when he stipulated concerning Cain and his children the the first murderer in verse 44 of chapter 8 and then he continued his own and he said don't you understand we serve a God of the living nor was there not in some hole in the ground there with him and he mentions Abraham and Isaac and Jacob who long since at that time passed away that they're living there and another witness would be Ecclesiastes 12:7 okay he's Selwyn from the West Indies st. Vincent to be specific pastor Murray Zechariah for 14 states about two olive trees what are the olive trees and where are they found the same chapter is that is this prophecy already fulfilled no it isn't no it isn't it could be in the process of being fulfilled in part but not with the two witnesses the two olive trees are the two witnesses and selwyn make a note of of Revelation chapter 11 and it will give you more details about these two olive trees Olive is in the Hebrew tongue is L yah that's the two names of God so there are two names of God correctly stated and it is the oil of our people and it is a precious oil and they provide the oil if you go back to the first part of that fourth chapter that causes the oil to flow from the reservoir into the seven lights all right which are God's election symbolically hope that helps and and the best to you down in st. Vincent Andy from from North Carolina I believe it is how are the fallen angels going to come back this time we have noticed a lot of pictures of big babies lately thanks well it's the the angels the fallen angels are cast out at the same time Satan is pick up on that and document it from Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 that Michael kicks the whole bunch out all at the same time they will be here for a five-month period and God's children don't have to worry about them we can handle it okay Fred from Maryland where is the song of Moses found you will find the song of Moses in Deuteronomy chapter 32 the title you will find in the last verse of chapter 31 alright the very last verse of chapter 31 Deuteronomy and then the song that beautiful song of Moses follows that Revelation chapter 15 stipulates God's elect had better know Stan from California can you tell me where I can find where the tribulation was reduced to five months Revelation chapter 9 apollyon and Abe abdun is as the Greek and the Hebrew name for Satan and his reign has been shortened as as referred to by Christ in mark 13 - a five-month period gene from Tennessee what material do you have that will help me explain the rapture theory you know I record many single topics the rapture theory or doctrine happens to be one of them it's two tapes or we have literature that will help I would suggest starting with the tapes but anytime you have a question take the the tape list and look for the subject that you are questioned about and I assure you it will take you into the Word of God and document the subject from the Word of God kin from Washington if a person lives or tries to live his or her life the way the Bible says but were born sinners and commits a sin and then prays repents and if the Lord Jesus got almighty to forgive the sin and sins he has committed and Jesus does forgive the sins and wipes his or her slate clean what and why is there a judgment days in please explain for rewards judgment doesn't just mean sins I don't know why it is but man I guess man puts himself on a guilt trip because I guess we are sinners is why but judgment also is rewards and hey I've got a few things that I hope I've requested as not here in this age but in the one to come and I kind of expect those rewards and do you know something we're gonna get them I know that Alright judgment is for rewards and of course love the greatest thing that God Julie from Colorado I have a question about something I am Not sure I understand as a Christian I have been told I'm supposed to have unconditional love for everyone because God has unconditional love for all I agree God loves everyone but I feel he has conditions example Romans 9 13 as it is written Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated what about his feelings for Satan who is the only one that is judged to perish just like I love my husband very much but if he were abusive and cheated on me I don't believe I would love him anymore I feel God has given us his word to learn these conditions please help me understand this what God Oh God does not does not he has unconditional love at one that repents and until he repents he's on his Satan can heading as Paul would even teach concerning a man that practiced incest what is it first Corinthians 7 or 5 he told let him go to the devil the devil will straighten him out meaning he'll chew him up and get him right in the bottom of the gutter and that old boils screaming him out and made me repent and but there are some people God doesn't expect you to live the love rather that is to say let me just give you a few scriptures for documentation we are to love those that love God and God did hate Esau why because Esau did not honor his heritage that is to say God as father 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 starting with about verse 6 or 7 tells you if it's your own brother and he follows Satan that you're not to to have a great deal to do with him but set him off to the side and exhort him that means dressed him down tell him until he can get his act together that you don't put him aside as an M&E enemy but as a brother because you straighten his case out all right and Paul would teach in another place get along with your neighbor if it be possible you see there are some people that claim to be Christian that are not and they'll take advantage of you you don't have to love them or get along with them if they're not Christian and and they started a sweet Jesus what did he say we're just supposed to be full of love no you're not you're to be full of love for those that you are to love and to protect your home and community you're supposed to be very skeptical of them until they prove themselves all right that's what what what kind of you must be very careful because that's Satan loves nothing better than Julie for someone to bring off such malarkey as they were teaching you unconditional love what about Jesus the night he was betrayed he told Peter and the boys again he said I'm gonna be betrayed they're gonna come and get me and Peter says although they want I'll take my sword and I'll fight the whole bunch of them and Jesus said get behind me Satan all right Satan loves nothing better he took Peters love for Christ and made it into a bat made the crucifixion into a bad thing alright Satan loves to do that so Miriam from California how can I tell someone by the Bible that when we die we go straight to heaven and don't have to wait second Decimus the second Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 and 8 to be absent from this body as present with the Lord Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 I have a tape titled where are the dead every Christian should if you're not familiar with how to document that fact in the word so that if a neighbor passes away or some family member that you can comfort them in the word with knowledge then it's the it's one of the greatest gifts that you as a neighbor can do is to comfort by knowing what the word says they're not going into a hole in the ground when we're finished with these flesh bodies were through with them and instantly going to the spiritual body returning to the father herb from Florida what is the unforgivable sin the unforgivable sin is for one of God's elect such as job was a type to deny the Holy Spirit the the act of taking over their minds and voice when they're delivered up as written in mark 13 before the synagogue of satan' and it is documented in Luke chapter 12 verse 10 that's unforgivable for one of god's elect to break in break to Satan at that time and at that time only that's after he appears de-facto here on earth Wendy from Lucy Anna in second Kings it says the that Elijah ascended into heaven but in John it says that no man has ascended into heaven please explain Wendy that's not what it says in John okay I want you to go back and I want you to read it again you've been listening to men too much go back and read it again and you will find that it stipulates there has no man as except he descended everyone must descend before they can ascend meaning what you're given one life one body one time through this earth age and that's it it means what is really saying is all souls are children of God and they all come down from God and they all go back to God it's just exactly opposite of what you have been told it means go back and read it for yourself as a child is taught to read let the word speak for itself and blot out the traditions of men read it like it's written John from Virginia John's 2 years old Wow that's kind of a record I am John's grunt grandmother and he is 2 years old every time we watched your program little John walks up to the TV and kisses the screen not only adults but babies love you too well god bless you and thanks Little John you hang tough you're my kind of man all right my kind of baby I'll tell you for sure Darlene from California is there any reference at all in the scriptures to y2k and to prepare for our three-month period no there isn't I'm going to tell you what there's a bunch of malarkey spread about y2k will it be troublesome there'll be some people that have not prepared that we'll have some trouble but it's not going to be anything near what many would have you believe we have nothing to fear but fear itself and people are running around like the sky's falling will there be problems yes but it's computer problems we can fix it don't worry don't draw your mind all your money out of the bank and don't don't fill the bathtubs up or we're gonna have a water shortage for certain if everybody fills their bathtubs and basements with water before that y2k gets any way use your head I'm out of time I love you all the bunch because you enjoy studying her father's word in more depth what's most important he loves you for it brought to you by your your ties and offerings if we've helped help us keep coming to you most of all stay in his word every day in his word is a good day you know why Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 grab it Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,838
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: Job, Book of, Book of Job, Shepherd's, kjv, Pastor, Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherds, Chapel, Arnold Murray, Holy bible, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: OgL2nSqExQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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