1 Corinthians ~ 15:55 - 16:24

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible City are back in our father's word 1st Corinthians chapter 15 Paul just teaching concerning the last Trump and then how all things are put under God's purpose and death is destroyed and that's the way it's going to be is when when that time comes to pass their death will have no victory and I would remind you again of Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 were the whole purpose of Christ coming to this earth was as Savior yes but one of the main things was to destroy death which is to say the devil to get him off of people's backs whereby they're not tempted and you will not be bothered with that any longer if you overcome otherwise you'll probably be spending some time with him in the last throes of this earth age so having said that we come to that that particular period when death is destroyed and we pick it up in first Corinthians 15 verse 55 and how does it read it says old death where is thy sting doesn't exist any longer o grave where is thy victory and it is true that the grave has no victory you know the word translated hell in the English version of the Bible is always grave or suea or it is Gehenna which is the garbage pit outside of Jerusalem it's not the burning hell that is the lake of fire at the end of the millennium which takes place at this time but many times God has warned this another time would be excuse me in the great book of Hosea chapter 13 and we read in verse 14 again Hosea meaning salvation and this is what it saves you from verse 14 God speaking I will Ransome that is to say redeem them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death Oh death I will be thy plagues Oh grave I will be thy destruction repentance shall be hid from mine eyes I mean I'm not changing my mind I'm not repenting I'm going to destroy death I'm gonna destroy the grave and we're going to have eternal life for those that overcome the question is where are you going to be we're right down now where it counts as to your the book of life is open your name is there and all the good things you have done it's written all the bad things you have done there there unless you've repented for them you see God's not going to repent from doing this but you can repent from your sins and aspect forgiveness they're erased they're done away and you have a clean slate and when this time comes by and death is destroyed you don't want to be destroyed with it and I would remind you again Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 that we covered in the last lecture don't don't fear someone that can destroy your flesh body but rather you respect and love and fear he who can destroy the flesh but he can also cause your spiritual body your soul to perish and that is God himself and this is what this comes down to it's called the second death it is destroyed it is the death of the soul of those that don't make it returning them to chapter 15 first Corinthians and verse 56 reads the sting of death is sin excuse me in the strength strength strength of sin is the law in other words the law lets you know when you sin that's what the law is good for excuse me the law is not bad it's people that are bad and what the law does and this is why you want to be pretty familiar with it but it lets you know when you are sinning so you can do something about it that it is natural not a sin as many people might think but that that that goes against God's law that indeed is a sin and certainly being familiar with both the law ordinances and statutes and commandments of God I mean those are different things some of the ordinances such as blood ordinances have done away with Christ blood stopped all of them but the law will never change as long as you have gravity as long as you have God's common law natural law it's here and what it does it's good for you it lets you know when you do sin verse 57 but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ how do how do you overcome through the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus meaning Yahshua which is to say you have a savior and Christos that is to say the Anointed One the one that can anoint you and bring salvation into your life on behalf of our heavenly father verse 58 therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast you make a stand and I mean you stand good okay be you steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord anytime you work for the Lord with the Lord and about the Lord you're going to be blessed you know that that is good works that actually weave together the fine linen that makes your robe in heaven documentation Revelation chapter 19 verses 7 and 8 but what is it that goes with you there's only one thing you can take with you from earth to heaven that is to say to that dispensation of time to correctly state it you can read of it in Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 only one thing follows you it is your works so your works are very important and works can be simply a mother taking care of a good family raising a Christian that's good works and and it's on it's on her record it's there in the book of life it's recorded and nobody can erase that and will not erase it those good works they go with her and your good works go with you that's what you're judged by and in a sense what's in the book and and certainly it does make a great deal of difference you're always blessed in serving the Living God okay and next verse please we go with chapter 16 verse 1 a little change of subject to salutation of first Corinthians first one reads now concerning the collection for the Saints as I have given order to the churches of Galatia even so do ye you know Paul never took a salary and he always took up offerings he never used it himself he sent it to the big boys down in Jerusalem and they weren't all that fond of him they didn't necessarily treat him all that good but he took the offering so that they could function in Jerusalem and operate there verse 2 upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God has prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come no but I don't want you passing any plates while I'm there I've got teaching to do and I want to be bothering with it get it done verse three and when I come whomsoever you have approved by your letters then will I send to bring your liberality liberality unto Jerusalem in other words you never left one with the collection plate or bag it was called then you always had two witnesses and and it's a good way to have that that when you have a work of God you set it up as a double witness to everything that way there's no problems and it cuts way down on eras verse four and if it be meat that I go also they shall go with me in other words when you get them together and whoever you name by letter I will trust them I will go with them and we'll take it down to the boys verse five now I will comin to you when I shall pass through Macedonia for I do pass through Macedonia six and it may be that I will abide yay and winner with you what wouldn't that be something we can what a study that you may bring me on my journey with us however I go I'm going winter with you there through the cold spell and Haim will have a good old Bible study and we'll spend some good time together verse seven for I will not see you now by the way but I trust to tarry a while with you if the Lord permit this is something when you're serving God you want to always remember does God permit it that's why you always ask your father in according to his will not yours because you see he knows what he wants you to do he knows what who he wants you to touch he knows who you he wants you to plant a seed with whereby God's work is done as Christ sits on the throne until all of his enemies are made his footstool God's elect must rally verse 8 but I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost I'm going to spend the 50th day after Passover there verse 9 for a great door and effectual is-is-is opened unto me and there are many adversaries in other words there were many clicks in the church there he knew it and Chloe in the very beginning of this book notified him that some thought well I'm the Church of Apollo's and I'm the church of Cephas Peter that is to say I'm in Church of Paul instead of the Church of God the Church of Jesus Christ they took two men rather than the word he didn't like that and it shouldn't be we have one Savior we have one Shepherd and that Shepherd is the Lord Jesus Christ under the Father verse 10 now if timotheus or Timothy that is come see that he may be with you without fear for he worketh the work of the Lord as I also do you can trust him he will not teach you anything different he's my student and I'm his mentor he will do nothing but do you right so you treat him right as well when he comes by Paul always thinking of the Saints and and keeping order and keeping what is fair and just verse 11 let no man therefore despise him but conduct him forth in peace you supply and send him away peacefully that he may come unto me for I look for him with the Brethren I'm anxious to see him I want to get a report of what he has done and how the people have reinter reacted and so forth Paul Paul loved Timothy and Timothy also loved Paul they did a good work together in many many places verse 12 as touching our brother Apollo's I greatly desire him to come unto you with the Brethren but his will was not at all to come at this time he will come when he shall have convenient time I think you can almost piece together why a policy wouldn't go there they named the church after he was an insult he never talked personally that a church should be named in his name Apollo's for he was a servant of the Living God and I'm sure that's why he what this moment just with his soon skipped the fray and and and so it is Church is used by his name by Cephas name by Paul's name rather than the Lord Jesus Christ verse 13 watch ye stand fast in the faith don't you waver quick ye like men that means act manly do you be a man about it be strong and and so it is and and when when this this sets up and lets you know when when you act like a man that means that that's not necessarily there's not gender involved in this that it means practice tough love if you have to keep order keep things in order and sometimes you have to crack the whip a little bit to the wrong and let that rod come be exposed that God's love doesn't tolerate wickedness and when you act like a man God created or a woman God created as you should then people respect that verse fourteen let all things be done with charity nor do it in love even if you have to take out the raw do that in love that's tough love it's probably the best it is some of the best love there is if you love somebody enough to correct them most people will just let it slide and say I don't want to bother with it I just if they want to do that I could care less about them that's not charity that's not love if it's if it's somebody in your teachings it is your obligation to be manly about it to be womanly about it and correct them verse 15 I beseech you brethren you know the house of stephanas that it is the firstfruits of a kind of trouble even and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints and they're addicted to it for what reason they can't get enough of it they love that word they love the teaching and and they're going to hang in there they're going to be steadfast you can count on them verse 16 that you submit yourselves unto ye unto such and to each one that help with us with the help us with us and labor us in other words you submit accept them as as part of the ministry as part of the family the family of Christ the many membered body that God sends among us so that they officiate and practice the very word of God in life 4:17 I am glad of the coming of stephanas and fortunatus and archaic us for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied they made up the slack they made up the difference verse 18 for they have refreshed my spirit and yours therefore acknowledge you them that are such and so it is you know those that work with you or with God those that work against you are not with God they are with the other team so you mark them but this is why you practice tough love sometimes is when those shaky edges come up you make the cut and so it is hopefully you never have to cut off a part of the body that is to say the body of Christ a mini membered body if you've got a group that begins teaching far-out junk you got to break yourself away from them because we don't do junk we do the Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse that's why God blesses us and and progresses us and reaching souls daily from the very word of God and disciplining yourself within that you've got to stand fast and faith and your knowledge verse 19 the churches of Asia salute you Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord for the church that is in their house and this is unusual at this time that Paul reverses them again usually he has Priscilla first because Priscilla was the teacher Aquila was not necessarily as a matter of fact Paul was so proud he traveled with them and he was so thought of Priscilla that he had a pet name for her in a place or two called Prisca because she was a woman preacher and she could get it done knowing well that what you're instructed in this is don't let a woman speak the word in the greek is chatter i don't let anybody chatter when god's word is being taught but you have many women prophetess that are written in God's Word and you cannot deny that if you're a student of God's Word verse 20 all the Brethren greet you greets you one another with an holy kiss which was customary at this time and and 21 the Salyut ation of me Paul with my own hand and the place he would say I'm gonna write this real large letters why he could hardly see and that was one of the thorns that God left in his side after his trip to the third heaven 22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him let him be anathema maranatha more and by now what does that mean well one word is Greek and the other is Aramaic and so therefore you have a division there but what it means is if they don't love the Lord Jesus Christ anathema means they're cursed how are they cursed because Maranatha is our Lord has come and his Spirit is with us and how can you not love him why would you want to be why would you choose to be cursed accursed certainly and and and so it is so there you have both the Greek and the air make from the same mouth to drive a point home that those that don't love the Lord Jesus Christ you see where they're going an F Emma they're cursed everything they do in life they will be cursed they're not going to prosper even if they get ahead a little bit it's going to fall things are going to happen to them and there are too dumb to realize that to work against God is to puff into the wind okay you're wasting your time your life and everything about it a true are saying and maybe the reason for the break could not be said other than those two words one in Greek and one in Aramaic that the one in their main because our Lord has come and through the Holy Spirit in the first Advent he certainly has and his blessings and his love is with us even to this day verse 23 the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you that's when you love him Grace meaning unmerited favor meaning you may not deserve it but he loves you and when you repent you're he's going to forgive and here a set whereby you are in good standing 24 my love be with you all in Christ Jesus amen and this is the first pistol of the Corinthians it was written from baby by by Stephanus and Fortuna tuss and archaea casa and timotheus timothy it was written there by them but except for the little signature at the end where Paul would say look with my own hand and they could recognize this because it was large and because he could hardly see what a book first Corinthians letting you understand life in the flesh and life in the spiritual body nailing home the fact that you have two bodies this flesh body is not your eternal home it gets sick it gets old it gets wrinkled it ages but your your real body that was from the first Earth age and even that was with the father before you entered your mother's womb it's a spiritual body and it age has nothing to do with it and that is the body that here the silver cord parts and this old clay body break returns instantly to the father who gave it that's God's promise is eternal life for those that love him how precious the book the first Corinthians now we come we're going to start a little bit into the second letter Paul Dan epistle to the Corinthians and we see that he wrote especially under maybe much pressure in this particular one to drive a point home and I will call attention to that especially in chapter 11 chapter 1 verse 1 Paul the writer Christ the speaker Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God do not read over that he is an apostle what by the will of God an apostle of who an apostle of Jesus Christ that's yaver Savior and Timothy our brother unto the Church of God those that follow him the many membered body which is at corinth with all the saints which are in all Achaean the this is to say it's written to god's elect those that really should know better and know the fact that yes he was on the road to damascus it wasn't his will his will was to destroy the church but it was God's will to strike him down in Christ to anoint him and that he would use him to write much of the New Testament verse to grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ how beautiful that grace is unmerited favor when you repent verse 3 here's a most beautiful verse absorb it and enjoy it blessed be God that's our Father even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ that is Yeshua the anointed the father of mercies he shows it and the God of all comfort the comfort of course is the comforter you have one verse there with all three within the Godhead mentioned in that one verse the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit which is the comforter that comforts all if you will receive it if you want then you're not comforted and you are anathema that is to say cursed quite frankly and everything you do not a good way to be verse four who comfort of us in all our tribulation when when hard things happen God is with you in the comforter that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God there you have the working of the Holy Spirit it's catching when you're troubled and when you have hardship don't worry he knows the comforter is there and he comforts you whereby you can be manly or womanly about it take care of business and be a comfort to those even from who the trouble came that's the way the comforter works especially those that are in that trial and tribulation that comforter is such a warm loving touch of our Father to those that need him he's got time for everyone and why he sent that comforter is for us today even in in perilous times not as bad as it was with Paul who's faced death daily basically but we still face some pretty tough times in in Christianity being belittled by many made lighter by more and certainly those old communistic threats that try to drive God even out of your vocabulary it's very present but don't worry they're cursed and the comforter is with us he will never leave you he will never forsake you and within that at the same time that he's comforting you he makes it possible for you to help comfort others that are in trial what what a loving father we have in a comforter that is all encircling and that certainly is with us always and he will never leave you he will never forsake you let's go with the next verse verse 5 for as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ the the more you suffer the more he comforts please don't ever forget that it's important you don't when you're suffering and you may you may go down a little bit feel down that's the time he's going to comfort you open yourself to it knowing all the time he is with you he will never leave you he will never forsake you that is so very important the more you suffer the more he comforts if you'll stand solid and vast in the faith of knowing his grace is upon you the comforter is always present with you you are never alone verse six and whether we be afflicted it is for your consolation and salvation which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer or whether we be comforted it is for your consolation and salvation that's what it comes down to it's worth it when he would face death even on the road you know it was dangerous on the roads then that's why Cephas Peter carried a sword and he drew that sword and lobbed the ear off of Malchus the day Christ was was traded by Judas why me it was dangerous and he was a good swordsman because a good swordsman to lob they cut the ear off without splitting the skull it takes a pretty good swordsman that was old Peter that old fossil of love he was ready and and he took care of business but what are you saying is all this trouble that we go through it's for your sake we're trying to bring salvation to you and make it available to every person we do not want you to be cursed we do not want an athame of bone you cursed we want you to be blessed for the Lord has come in what the comforter the comforter is the Spirit of the Living God in the spirit of the son and and it is the Holy Spirit and he is always with us verse 7 and our hope of you is steadfast knowing that as ye are partakers of the sufferings so shall you be also of the consolation in knowing that Satan tries to cause suffering upon you that because behind your doing what's right and he's got your number but Christ has given you the power over all your enemies so naturally that comfort is always going to be there for you and praise God so it is that the comforter will always bring you through don't ever doubt that I mean things may look pretty pretty tough at times but father will never leave you he will never forsake you he is our Heavenly Father all right bless your hearts you listen to moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting light in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four or five that number is good from porto rico throughout the u.s. alaska hawaii all over Canada the spirit moons you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we're not judge people we have a judge it's our Heavenly Father and he is the total judge the final judge you do have the right for of spiritual discernment letting you know who you should hear who you should listen to who you should not listen to father is always with us in that regard those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now prayer requests you don't need the number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking even all you have to do you can pray anytime anywhere and no one is even aware of it especially non-christians that father know the comforter is always there for you what does the comforter do he blesses you and comforts you in trials and tribulation why he loves you returned that love father around the globe we come we ask that you need guide direct father touch in your shoes precious name thank you Father Amen okay and question time we're gonna go with Betty from Georgia what is the parable of the fig tree the parable of the fig tree is a generation it is an analogy that was used by the Lord Jesus Christ where about you would know the final generation nobody knows the hour the time the second but God's elect do know the final generation and it is quite simple this is why God would would vex so called the fig tree he knew there was no fruit on it it was out of season but there is good figs and there are bad figs but the important thing is in Jeremiah chapter 24 the generation of the fig tree comes into being when Israel becomes a nation again it was void of that from Christ's crucifixion all the way up to the year of our Lord in 1948 began the generation of the fig tree which in that generation all prophecy would be fulfilled of the end times and we got Carol from California my question is since I have become handicapped from a bad fall at work and lost all my income I have just enough to pay my mortgage and my medicine will I be forgiven if I have to bill if I have to file for bankruptcy I really have no choice I need help for my home well I talked to him and what you have to do you have to do and what the father does if you have to do it and you're handicapped then that's that's your choice we never give financial advice so you have to make your own mind God will understand Mike from Illinois another example of the NIV Bibles mistakes the NIV Bible has the words in saying this Jesus declared all foods clean in parentheses after mark chapter 7 verse 19 that is not in my grandma's 1931 standard King James Bible that we study with now you see this is why that I don't worry about our students reading a bad translation they know when you study the Scriptures chapter by chapter and verse by verse then you spot this you know that the food laws have not changed our flesh bodies have not changed what makes them healthy is healthy and what doesn't isn't but the analogy in this case was what is theirs in that particular place it was changed and just like I had mentioned the other day in Ezekiel chapter 13 18 through 20 they changed again where God said I'm against those that teach my children to fly to save their souls and cover every knuckle of my outreach saving arms and the NIV put birds fly which has nothing do with what God stated from the menu scripts Jane from from Nebraska please forgive my ignorance but my question is still unanswered if our saviors name was to be Emanuel how is it that he got the name Jesus is this his nickname it's not a nickname you have to know what Jesus means it's his duties it's his job it's his occupation it's why he came here in this dispensation of time it is Yeshua and it means yaha Bay's Savior because the world needed a savior where would we be today if his name was not Joshua if was not Jesus our Savior there would be no salvation except by law and none of us I guarantee you we wouldn't make it most likely so God saw fit that he loved his children that he said this is going to be myself with you Emmanuel but the office is my Savior which is to say you have a savior which is to say she says the Anointed One the Anointed One meaning he that blesses all anointings and brings forth God's Word and comforts those that need comforting Marilyn from Iowa how does one plant a seed without causing trouble we were in a Bible study in Genesis and I showed them about the six-day creation I was told that I was crazy and not to talk like that again and that was my sister telling me that I was shocked if there had been if there had been tar and feathers I would have been covered in them do you get this reaction I have studied with you since 2000 I know that you have been a blessing to me and I just can't believe the way people think I guess I will not have Bible study with my sister again I do love her I guess no matter what I would say I would overload her donkey you got that right yeah it is sad that some people do not have eyes to see but bless your heart still she's your sister you love her and don't talk Bible with her until the Millenium but as it is written in Ezekiel 44 unless she asked you then you must answer but in Ezekiel chapter 44 during the Millennium you're going to be able to help her you you will be able to straighten her and she will know at that time she will know that what you were saying was true so love her and and let the comforter come into your heart he will comfort you it'll be just fine Bernice from North Carolina my question is when Satan comes and my family does not believe me when I tell them that he is the Antichrist and will they give me up to Satan that that's what that's what it's all about and can Satan stop you from your teaching on television he's going to give us free television time and you're going to be in the program when they deliver you up those are going to be televised to the world you know something Bernice it's not going to be you talking but it's going to be God the Holy Spirit speaking through you for the whole world hears and this is when many of these relatives and seeds you planted they're going to say wow they told me that she told me or he told me that a long time ago and here it's come to pass and many of them will wake up and so it will be okay Carla from North Carolina question why is Noah referred to as an eighth person in 2nd Peter 2:4 and do not the italics tell us there is a minimal amount of text for the riot writers to be sure of this well what it meant was and properly translated is he was the tenth person to be born from Adam but he was the eighth person being the head on the ark meaning he his wife is 2 he had three sons and they had three wives naturally that is 6 and 6 and 2 is 8 there was eight at gammak Souls aboard the Ark but there was also two of every flesh meaning two of every other race was aboard that Ark okay because God in Genesis chapter 6 told him you take two of every flesh aboard that Ark well even the Kenites were flesh and that's why we have Kenites with us even to this day that's why we have all of the races with us to this day there were only eight Adamic souls through which Christ would come aboard that art Noah and his family your documentation for that is real easy it will tell you in Genesis 6 that Noah was the only person on earth who had a good pedigree that's what the word generation means a generation meaning his generation was perfect it hadn't intermixed with the not he his wife nor any of his sons or daughter in law's had mixed with the fallen angels and he was the that was the only family that was not hybrid out of gear okay and and were qualified to serve the Living God through which Christ would come clean pedigree the savior of all okay we got Carlos from Virginia in Genesis chapter 4 verses 16 and 17 where did Cain's wife come from from the Land of Nod that's where part of the six-day creation went this is why it's very confusing if you don't really translate God's Word properly there were all of the races were created the sixth day and they were to be repopulate the earth so in the Land of Nod they're part of the six-day creation was there and Cain took a wife there okay this would be Cindy from Texas I enjoy your program very much thank you concerning Christ this kind of got cut a little bit I'm gonna have to read between the lines here when the Antichrist is here the time will shorten to five months for God's elect does that include everyone on earth if so does the sixth seal six trump six vials all happen in that five months yeah because because that's when Satan comes 666 that's what Revelation chapter thirteen verse eighteen states hears wisdom this is the number of a man and by this you will you can count him six six six six seal six trump six vial and he will appear in that time Larry from Ohio I have a question for you we're in the bible does it say that the devil will be turned into ashes I have looked and have not been able to find it anywhere it says that now in Revelation 20 verse 10 through 15 is that not talking about the judgment of all the sinners and all the earth yep it is in revelation 20:10 it says that the devil shall be tormented day and night well it's real easy you've got to go to the Old Testament God tests for told us all things in the Old Testament Ezekiel chapter 28 is where you find it he is called before his fall the king of tyre and after he fell the Prince Tyrus means in the Hebrew tongue is rock okay he's a rock but he's not our rock but it will tell you in that 28th chapter that he was a cherubim that in the day God created him he created him the full pattern he was beautiful and he was good that he worked himself up all the way to be the cherubim that protects the mercy seat that's the seat Christ as a messiah connotation and and then as that cherubim would protect that he went bad and he wanted to be that he wanted to be the Christ and pride did it to him as you can read and then God promises in verse 18 and 19 of Ezekiel 28 I will turn you to ashes from within that's a Hebrew Jabara ISM that means cleaning all over Samuel from Illinois please explain Genesis chapter 6 verses 1 through 4 well it's right before the flood the sons of God which is to say the fallen angels they saw women Adams daughters that were beautiful and rather than being choosing to be born of woman they'd rather left their place of habitation as Jude 6 so declares which means it was against God's total Word in law because instead of being born innocent they weren't there wasn't anything innocent about them they weren't aetherium fallen ones and they seduced woman which produced hybrids which is to say giver which is to say Giants and they were hybrids and God had no choice then other than to destroy those families that had mixed intermixed with those fallen angels and that he did that's why Noah's Flood came to be and that's where in the same chapter that it states that Noah had the only perfect generation which means pedigree Jun from Oregon do the two witnesses come in human bodies or are they supernatural beings well it's pretty obvious that it's Elijah and Moses and they did not whether people say they did or not Elijah did not die he was taken and God wouldn't let anyone bury Moses for a very special reason and both of them showed up on the Mount of Transfiguration with the Lord Jesus so as you will read in Revelation chapter 11 they are not supernatural but they have supernatural powers as all God's servants do if you're real careful that they could do things that would would emulate if you would even the plagues in Egypt Joanne from Texas after there's a doc stand against Satan this is to say this is a doc as a Hebrew word meaning the elect okay the righteous when they stand to get Satan after Jesus comes with his army after him and Gog and or McCadden and the Millenium begins where will the people who are in garden in paradise now be they won't all be in Jesus army and those that are on the wrong side of the Gulf won't come with the army well what makes you think they want many of them didn't have an opportunity to hear the truth okay and so they do come that's who we teach during the Millennium but and and so it is it is written that the rest when you read carefully in Revelation chapter 15 after the song of Moses is sung heaven is locked for that thousand year period once the army leaves and those that are on the wrong side of the gulf heaven is locked meaning all those that are participated in the first resurrection have participated no one else can be resurrected that means gain eternal life for a very good reason right during the Millennium because they haven't been tested this is why Satan is released a short season at the end of the millennium to test those that have been taught in the millennium as to whither they will take part in the second resurrection those that protests participate in the first resurrection the second resurrection has no power on them there they're home free but those that do not participate in the second resurrection Revelation chapter 2 last verses then they die the second death and the second death you sure don't want to go there it's the death of the soul Matthew 10:28 God can cause your soul to perish he spoke and nothing became everything and he can speak and everything become nothing thank God is a consuming fire Christine from New Mexico where in the Bible can I find the Song of Solomon the Song of Solomon is just before the Book of Isaiah now in some Bibles the Song of Solomon is called chemicals okay but you know so so check in the beginning of your Bible and look you will either find it under the title chemicals or songs of Solomon but it's the first book if I'm not mistaken right before Isaiah so you'll find it there is the greatest love story ever told it's the story of Christ's love for his people thelma from Indiana I want to know if I've been saved I have asked the Lord for forgiveness I have turn them on turn them all bronc bone cancer and I want to find my way home to the Lord will tell me you've already done it dear you you've you've asked his forgiveness if you ask his forgiveness it means you're a believer and the simplicity of the fact is is John 3:16 God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever should whosoever should believe upon him by asking forgiveness shall not perish meaning you will not go to hell but will have eternal everlasting life welcome aboard sister you're in good shape don't you let anyone take that away from you you you stand steadfast and we ask what God's blessings upon you and we'll keep you in our prayers Johnny from Alabama is it wrong to in a church fellowship building if it is outside the church building I've seen nothing wrong with it and it's it if it's a rec hall or a place outside of the sanctuary then there's nothing wrong with having church socials there as long as it's good Christian food Donald from Oregon in NP is in Peter referring to the 1,000 years is he meaning an undetermined amount of time no he means a one-day what the Lord is as a thousand years with man so it is the Lord's Day that's how long the millennium is it's a thousand year period and it's very specific you can read that again in the 20th chapter of Revelation it's a thousand years it's the Lord's Day and one of the better places you can read about the Lord's Day is in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 10 that when the Lord's Day comes all the elements rudiments are going to be destroyed that's the bad step and this would be I watch I'm livid from Iowa pastor Murray when do when do we receive our robes we'll be wearing the moment you die or just win I don't want to stand naked before Jesus and God well I don't blame you but you want to you want to read Revelation chapter 19 verses 7 and 8 and find out what that robe is made out of it's very important if you don't want to be naked because it's made up of your righteous acts that weaves the fine linen that you wear and those people that don't have any righteous acts they're not going to have any linen and that leaves them in pretty pretty bad shape as far as clothing is concerned Freda from Tennessee not a pretty sight ok Freda from Tennessee can you please explain to me what is meant when some people say that the church is going to be raptured way well it it means they're mistaken totally and completely nowhere in God's Word does it say the rapture the church is going to be raptured away unless it's some writing by man that's been placed there okay the word rapture is not even in the Bible Christ is coming here to bring salvation we're not going there okay and and so it is that our Father does this how precious it is don't let anyone mislead you in that okay and so and we're out of time hey even got to go here God loves you we love you make his day he makers were brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me listen good now you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 grab it Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,347
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Arnold Murray, I Corinthians, KJV, Bible, Book of, Murray, Book of I Corinthians, Shepherd's Chapel, Holy Bible, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of 1 Corinthians, Pastor, 1 Corinthians, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel
Id: 3Zr6nWBcjlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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