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you need to take the antidote the candy queen is controlling you no she's not and i'm not taking the antidote you saw what happened to daniel i'm going to lose my memory no i mean i lost my memory for a little bit but i was fine no no hey listen maddie if you don't take the antidote that means that we can't trust you then you can't trust me but i am not taking that antidote ready she's so stubborn what are we gonna do she has to take the antidote i am not taking the anadrome i am not hypnotized you know what i've just been through so much lately and i finally earned all their trust back and now they don't trust me again because i won't take the antidote samfam i don't know what to do i mean i don't want to lose my memory but i want to earn their trust back comment down below what you think i should do oh yeah she's definitely not coming out of that room okay i think that we need to do something drastic if we're gonna get her to take that antidote like okay we're gonna ignore maddie for 24 hours no it's not gonna work i'm just gonna sleep cloud her no no no no daniel we're gonna do all of her favorite things she cannot resist it you trust me you guys we can't force maddie to take the antidote she has to want to take it by ignoring her for 24 hours you guys do your way i'm gonna go do mine sleep cloud no you can't just sleep cloud her so matt you think that this is gonna work if we ignore her for the next 24 hours absolutely rebecca this is gonna work okay zamfam then we need you to subscribe and join the team 20 million club that means subscribe to all of these channels with notifications on you guys know maddie might be hypnotized and we need to get the maddie back and maddie that we all know so smash the thumbs up if you want the real maddie back you ready for this rebecca i think we should start with a tick tock okay you know what maybe i can just talk to them they'll understand they'll forget about the whole antidote thing and realize that i am definitely not hypnotizing plus i miss hanging out with rebecca and matt and daniel while i was sneaking off and being a double agent so give this video a thumbs up if you think this is gonna work alright rebecca the tick tock is all set up which tick tock trend should we do okay well since you're not really the best dancer what no offense there's that trend within with the box we have to try to get in the photo oh yeah that was all that one yes yes i love it okay well we need to take it one step further a tick tock is not enough to get maddie to drink the antidote okay what are you suggesting what's her favorite disney princess no rebecca no no okay zamfam there is no way that ignoring maddie is gonna work because we need her to drink that antidote so i'm taking matters into my own hand i am plugging in sleep cloud oh no it's on hold up scary i think i know better adding in the last little bit there's no way that ignoring maddie for 24 hours is gonna work and we need her to drink that antidote so i'm taking matters into my own hands i am preparing sleep cloud for her i'm going to lure her in with her favorite movie beauty and the beast duh and when she's inside sleep cloud and then i'll make her drink the antidote all right let me go see where she's at rebecca is this the same dress that maddie wore to prom yeah it just looks a little bit different on you i know really good right uh yeah right but not it doesn't feel good at all take a lot of screenshots right now you guys what's better work are you ready for tick-tock i mean we're not just doing a tick tock we're doing a bell disney princess tick-tock you mean we're gonna do tick-tocks and bell dresses of course whoa that's combining two things that sound crazy all right let's do this trending tick tock challenge are you guys are you ready back did they just say tick tock i want to do a tick tock all right let's set the timer oh they're dressed in bell dresses matt is in my bell dress why are they doing a tick tock without me well you know what same thing i'm going to sneak in the background of this tick tock if they're going to do without me three my favorite one two yes yes one okay remember getting this square damn it okay oh my gosh the three of us like game master spy is doing a tick tock so you guys make sure you go to matt's tick tock we're going to be testing all three of us i'm going to make sure it goes on max and we're going to tag all three of the game masters fun all the people we can trust the three right here the three people that are like the main three actually the only three in the in the club right now yeah yeah it's just three people right now three lone rangers i felt a grumble in my stomach right now maybe it's this bell dress that i'm wearing for 24 hours yeah oh i know i'm hungry too i think i've been having cravings for dunkin donuts oh my gosh man i wish maddie was here because those are her favorite why am i here i love dunkin donuts you know what can we get donuts i'm just like craving doughnuts i think we should get way too many donuts okay matt you know what i'm gonna eat all of them let's just go let's just get all the donuts eat them all the best tick tock ever [Applause] yeah don't worry about them you know what you know what i have in the movie theater your favorite movie beauty and the beast let's go watch belt in the theater popcorn everything why do you want a donut rebecca i think that worked obviously i didn't she didn't drink the antidote i'm taking off this bell just there's no way i'm wearing this for 24 hours we have bigger issues we need to order dunkin donuts we just said that you're gonna have dunkin donuts silly rebecca i am one step ahead of you i already have them here what yeah boom are those new yeah fresh i have been craving dunkin donuts really oh yep look at all of these donuts these are assorted oh my gosh they look so good don't they isn't there someone that likes the chocolate one oh my gosh we should tell daniel about these he's gonna get so excited the glaze is so fresh this is so good these like all my favorites oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah i hate your match okay yeah we've got to save anything extra we have to save for daniel okay because he loves donuts oh my gosh this is so good i have no idea they're this fresh oh my gosh i'm gonna eat probably at least five of these yeah so we just have to save them for daniel when he comes and let's just keep this close i'm just gonna be making myself a healthy sandwich oh my gosh rebecca i was hungry i feel a lot better now should a blackjack have one you want one blackjack oh my gosh you know what i'm just gonna be over here eating my sandwich and anyone wants to join oh my gosh how could you eat anything but donuts when there's like glorious donuts right here oh good oh my gosh i'm just glad that we have these and not something boring like a sandwich like how plain and basic is that who wants a sandwich haha zamfam are matt and rebecca ignoring me right now i mean first they did a tick tock in bell dresses without me and now they're having my favorite donuts and they're not even letting me have any why do you think they would be ignoring me but you know what i'm just gonna enjoy my sandwich and then as soon as they leave i'm gonna steal one of those donuts okay sam fam this is the perfect opportunity for me to try and sleep cloud maddie again okay the movie theater didn't work with those donuts out there my thought is milk and donuts go so well together i don't know if it causes any issues for maddie but i'm gonna put some sleep cloud oh these donuts are so good oh they're leaving now is my chance sometime there that there all right wait which one did i put this one this one this one this one's for maddie okay this is working out perfectly it's definitely not working out all we're doing is ignoring her and hurting her feelings she's not even taking the antidote prog is calling me frog's calling we haven't seen her since she did the hair reveal on the lie detector test yeah and then she just ran off uh i i got to take this i can't sneak back out now let's see if she's gonna get one hey hey maddie hey you see these donuts yes okay it was great with donuts milk right yeah you gotta have to know the donut you gotta have this one this is the one this is yours just for you yeah thank you let's have a donut together cheers hey frog are you okay i am rebecca i'm sorry that i had to leave so abruptly i'm just not ready to reveal my true identity it's just not safe it's okay and i'm sorry that maddie pulled off your wig if you weren't ready to show your hair i do have important information i need to give to you i lied to you i do know why i had childhood photos of you matt and daniel in my phone i actually pulled those out of a candy minion's computer i secretly did it while they had me trapped they had maddie's too but i couldn't pull it off before they came back i didn't want to get caught okay but then why do they have our childhood photos all i could find out was that they needed them for the birth to death program update that's all i could dig up before they came back all right well um uh oh no i have to go i'll be in touch soon thank you frog zamfam did you hear that our childhood photos are for some type of program what do you think that's for good donuts hey hey did maddie eat the doughnut yes you got to do it see i told you ignoring her for 24 hours isn't gonna make her take the antidote no it is definitely gonna work we just need to do something bigger what's going on with frost she just called to apologize for leaving so abruptly and also to kind of explain why she had our photos of us at children okay and it's a long story i'll explain it later but right now we need to get maddie to take the antidote okay i have something a huge plan just take a seat over here at the table you have your phone right yeah well make sure to take the call and put it on speakerphone okay just trust me yes all right sam fam everything is all set i have my stereo system hooked up to my phone so when i call rebecca it's gonna sound like somebody else this is gonna be amazing also shout out to you guys right there make sure that if you want to get some merch just like this slay shirt or anything that rebecca's wearing make sure to go to rebecca zamolo.com let's set this up maddie is not going to be able to resist this okay zamfam matt said he is going to call me and i just have to play along i have no idea what his plan is but you guys know we are ignoring maddie so she'll take the antidote i just hope he knows what he's doing because i feel bad i mean we finally have her back with the game master spies okay same family's calling right now rebecca hello yes this is rebecca zamolo who is this this is dj california we are giving away a private meet and greet for two with shawn mendes a sean mendez what a private meet and greet for two okay what do i have to do answer three out of the four questions right and he will be at your door i got this question number one who is shawn mendes dating i think shawn mendes is dating camila cabello okay i have one right and three more i just have three more questions question number two what instrument does shawn mendes play maybe guitar and piano is that your final answer uh yeah okay we only have two questions left if you get one correct you will get a private meet and greet with shawn mendes okay yeah is there anybody that you want to take with you obviously they're not here right now but i really want to take my husband matt i mean he plays guitar too they could like play together it would be so cute so definitely matt question number three what was shawn mendes first hit oh i feel like it was baby baby baby like baby baby baby oh that's just a beaver that is incorrect incorrect oh okay so this is the last and final question i have to get this right once again for a private meet and greet for two at your house what is shawn mendes's middle name he has to do with peter rubble i'm just gonna go with um all the the studying up i've done in googling peter raul he has two that is correct charmander is coming over to my house and as a stipulation please make sure that no one else is at the house he will have his private security there so please only have yourself and your husband presents of course i would never let anyone else be there to meet shawn mendes i'm pretty sure there's no one else that would want to thank you so much zampam shawn mendes matt and i are going to meet him and obviously matt's not like a huge fan but they play guitar and you know what to be honest i'm not really a huge huge fan but i think it'll work out i mean it'll be fun we'll just we'll just hang out with him just the two of us so i kind of heard you over say that you might have won like a private mat oh my gosh i have to go tell matt matt we want to see it we want tickets to what not what what are you kidding me no you're not a big fan i'm not a big fan of shawn mendes at all let's just do it you know what i'll do it can um anybody else come no absolutely no one else oh okay it's perfect okay just you and i yeah we just won't make it long i mean we don't want to like waste time you know yeah let's do it oh shut the door i told you ignoring her for 24 hours it's not working i mean shawn mendes she's just mad now so you know what we're switching up our strategy okay what do you have in mind we were gonna be ignoring her for 24 hours and now we're gonna prank him rebecca what are you doing shh just go downstairs put the house on lockdown for five minutes except for the back door okay go do that okay same thing so it obviously hasn't worked igor and maddie for 24 hours but we need her to take the antidote so we're gonna be pranking her with ghosts in the house to see how she reacts hopefully after this she'll want to take the antidote is it locked matt yeah okay come here all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna run outside and hold the back door lock so maddie can't get out okay that's a good prank okay oh no the house has been taken over by ghosts they're upstairs that they're going downstairs we need to get to them back to where everything else is locked or we'll be traveling here what time do we have ghosts go let me go let me you need to listen to me okay the ghosts are connecting people through their mouth their mouths get water water on you just like ghostbusters or the dopes are gonna take you over water okay ghosts in the house with the water we'll keep them away what if it's evil and i don't want to be possessed by evelyn okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] zamfam hopefully this ghost prank scared maddie enough that she will finally take this antidote it's off lockdown now it's time to bring this to her do you think that worked welcome complete threat contending does that mean that the ghosts are gone from the house no i think everything is good now which means you can take the antidote now no i'm not taking the antidote why would you not take the antidote you're clearly hypnotized we just have to make sure everything is okay i am not hypnotized i've eaten zero candy oh seriously did it work you should take the antidote obviously not it's still in my hand okay i love the prank idea but i have a way better prank for her that's gonna make her take the antidote no i have an idea that will definitely make her take the antidote okay you know what let's do both of them okay fine prank versus prank game on see who wins okay sam fam i am in maddie's room right now and i'm about to pull off the best prank ever you know that we have filled this room with two varexes but now time has come she has three x's and i have all their photos right here i'm gonna put these up on the wall when she comes in here she's gonna take one look at these guys and be like wow i need to take that antidote because i feel hypnotized by the terribleness that's on my wall let's get these things home okay zamfam so ghost didn't make maddie take the antidote but i know what will you guys know that she flunked out of ucla but i know she wants to go back and get her degree so i'm going to put this inside it says drink me and i'm going to make a phone call because she has just been readmitted to ucla so she thinks what is going on i'm waking up and i there's a ghost and maddie spitting water at me i need to sleep without her though but i have one more way to do it i hid these in the tunnel system the snowballs from the christmas and summer party i'm gonna call maddie knock her out tweedledee tweedledum oh maddie patty daniel dino what are you doing okay this isn't funny guys i think christmas and summer yeah oh wait one second this is important i have to take this what these are supposed to have sleep clouds in them right oh right see these guys hanging out what's the last thing you want to see when you get to your bedroom you're coming here for comfort the last thing you want to see is your ex hey i'm calling maddie right now she can't see me hello hello is this madison gray yes i'm calling from the ucla admissions office and was seen if you were interested in coming back to ucla to get your degree yes yes of course great we just want to make sure that the blue runs through you and that you are willing to do whatever it takes yeah and anything what do i need to do we left the manila envelope at your front door just open it up and follow the instructions blue and gold bruins good luck same time did you hear that i might get readmitted into ucla oh my gosh this is the best day ever i mean it's been so horrible being ignored and pranked and now this drink me is this seriously the antidote is rebecca and matt trying to prank me i'm not taking the antidote i'm not hypnotized that didn't work but did the antidote break oh no oh no there's still some antidote left all right that didn't work but hopefully matt's pranked it otherwise what are we gonna do zamfam you guys know that maddie could still be hypnotized we cannot risk that at all we need her on our side let's see what happens oh same family sound like she's coming up the stairs right now this is the opportunity for the best prank of all time that didn't work let me find out what's going on rebecca hey hey how's it going daniel sleeping a lot what's happening right now well i tried to prank her outside to drink the antidote and it didn't work so hopefully matt's prank does seriously the first ghost in the house and then face pat put pictures of her ex-boyfriends on the she's sitting like wall she's acting really strange she's sitting does she look hypnotized maybe that's it what if there's something in those chocolates she hasn't eaten the candy those who are those friends she was eating candy like that during your big sister hates the little sister program so maybe she's telling the truth she didn't eat the candy the chocolates they might have something in it just like the candy bar oh when we went to school as first grader she was eating candy right she put it in a bag get back [Applause] guys i think maddie is hypnotized she just ate those chocolates and she's hypnotized like daniel was yeah okay i need to see what's in that candy i need to analyze it okay well i think we need to follow her okay so then matt and i will go follow her daniel whoa okay okay yeah no i'm just a little light-headed i'm gonna stay back and take it okay are you sure you can handle it on your own yeah absolutely i got this guy's oh she's leaving she's sleeping so daniel analyze the candy i'm just gonna take a quick nap and then let me know if you need anything yeah no i'm good call me if anything happens okay don't lose her i got this rebecca okay damn fam i've just been getting lightheaded obviously i want to go and help matt with maddie i'm worried about her if she's hypnotized but i've just been getting so lightheaded so hopefully the guys can can take over i think it's the best thing to do is take a nap you guys know a lot is going on right now i just want to make sure everything is okay i'm tired follow maddie you see her right there she's going to put that fight i don't know what she's getting inside the best comment down below what you think she's going to get let's follow inside okay okay chocolate truck here's the chocolates you're from your secret admirer didn't we see that on her phone okay what's up with these normal chocolates no no no no no no no no no zamfam are you seeing this these chocolates are from the candy queen same thing what is she getting right now what is she purchasing it looks like maddie she's buying at the computer monitor like she hacking what do you think she's doing the chocolate is making her hat oh okay damn pam i am in the garage now ready to do these tests i need to analyze maddie's chocolate she's been eating your secret admirer who's the secret admirer well if you pull this up candy queen it was the secret admirer now you guys remember after the christmas and summer party i ate a piece of the chocolate and i was hypnotized i was able to get a remainder of that chocolate did some analysis and it turned this purple color what i'm gonna do is i'm going to cut up one of the pieces of chocolate that maddie has been eating from combine it with this red mixture in here if this turns purple it will confirm that this chocolate has some hypnosis properties and maddie is under hypnosis all right let's cut this up she just got into her car let's figure out where she's going next all right same fam now maddie is going it looks like into a spy shop what is she doing inside of a spy shop what is that okay she's gonna hang in the car here looks like she has a button his ain't from why does maddie have a button right now a little piece in there jump down come on okay there we go three two one okay here we go look look look sam look at this it is turned purple this confirms that maddie is definitely under hypnosis speaking of being under hypnosis that's why it's so important for maddie to drink this antidote matt definitely needs to convince her to come back and take this you know what i haven't really analyzed the antidote all right same fam maddie picked up a computer or a monitor from best buy and then she got a button from a spy shop things are looking super sus right now and it seems like this chocolate is lasting a lot longer than the other candy that they had so this might be some new development so let's go figure out what she's doing and stop everything give this video a thumbs up if you think that we can do this in less than 24 hours okay sam fam now it is time to analyze the antidote i was really looking close and you can see that there's these shiny little particles inside i don't know if you can see that on camera but i think that there's something inside this i'm going to use this strainer to strain out the liquid and see if i can see what these particles are i totally forgot to call matt and tell him about the candy all right i just followed maddie it looks like to some weird creepy warehouse right now so let me go inside hold on dana's calling matt can you hear me yeah yeah can you hear me yes i just analyzed the candy and i have confirmed that it does have hypnotic properties she is under hypnosis i know she is i just followed her to some creepy warehouse creepy warehouse what what's happening i'm gonna go inside try to figure out what's going on and drag her back to the house get her to the house we need to get her to take that antidote i'm gonna analyze the antidote now too daniel she has a button and a weird monitor maybe computer i don't know button and a weird monitor what you need to follow her make sure she's not doing anything i'm pulling aside daniel okay good luck okay same thing like manny went up this way see what this is why she had a creepy warehouse it sounds like they're doing construction here too there's maddie looks like she already has the computer set up it's not quite turned on yet she's hooking up to her phone and there's the button with wires into the computer now she's typing on her phone wait a second it looks like bbi and connor and they have a target on their face i don't know same thing she's gonna hit the button i have to stop this ready no no no no no we need to figure out what is going on inside here open this up let's analyze what is in this antidote okay here we go three two one just a little okay okay here we go oh my gosh look at this make sure you have the game master network vip app because i'm gonna film this with my phone and you'll be able to see these tiny tiny little particles that i think are very important to how this antidote works okay here we go what are you doing ready you just ate some chocolate and you came to this location what are you doing here i don't know what i'm doing here what are you doing here i don't know this place is under construction right now look at what you're just getting ready to do right now wait is that bbeing connor yes why do they have targets on them i don't know and you're gonna press that button right there let me deactivate this computer hold on okay it's done it's done was i targeting my sister and brother yeah if i would do that to my own family what else am i capable of this is crazy they're like little glitter particles if there's little particles in here maybe this attaches to you once it's inside your body that's why you have to drink it or if it gets into your bloodstream who knows how this works comment down below if you see what these particles look like okay maddie before we go downstairs we have to be super careful i don't know who owns this place right now we're at like an abandoned warehouse you took us here i've been following you all day i did this yeah it looks like they are targeting maybe all of the old villains like the rhs the shining that's why they had you target connor and bbi oh no this is really bad the candy queen is up to something right now we just need to sneak out of here get home get you the antidote and make sure everything's okay okay all right let's go come on come on all right guys we got maddie back come back everybody and are you going to take the antidote yes but i'm scared i mean daniel only ate the chocolates once and it made him lose his memory i've been eating the chocolates for like five days now hey but if you're hypnotized who knows what you could do exactly i mean i almost took out my sister and brothers what what yeah your family i'll pull you guys in don't drink it all we need some for artsy twins when we get her back okay okay okay okay okay okay did it work maddie how do you feel are you good her phone's ready to receive the message are you ready to be the game master i was born ready they'll never know the difference
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 10,142,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ignoring, best, friends, 24 hours, matt and rebecca, rebeca, rebecca zamolo, zamfam, maddie, daniel, sus
Id: _ZdHBwfs_iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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