Going Through Maddie's Private Diary to Reveal Her Secret!

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i'm getting ready to go through maddie's diary right now oh hey maddie look what i found it fell out of your suitcase how do you get that i mean i'm gonna look at all your secrets right now no give it back no way no wait let's open it you can't open it because i hid the key okay well maybe i have the key i found it wait no yeah there's no way i i hit it [Applause] did you really find a key wait it's right here okay see it is the best time there's no way you're gonna get my diary read my secrets yes i am going to tell rebecca yes secrets will be revealed rebecca you are not going to believe that they took my diary and they were trying to find the key but they couldn't remember is everything okay right here is nothing all said yeah i just got a call from the doctor it's fine just with everything i have to wait a little longer and i have to have like a surgery another surgery yeah from the last there's something inside and they won't go through with anything until we get out i'm good though i'm good i'm good you're good i'm so sorry what did the boys do to you it's not important they were just trying to go through my diary what seriously okay well let's get these boys they can't be doing that hold on if i just go like this see i don't look like i'm crying right not at all all right let's go down just don't say anything okay i can't believe we always did that to you like why are they trying to read your diary they didn't even have the keyboard what's that i don't know meet me at the lake a secret game monster ps don't tell anyone this was meant for us maddie so we shouldn't tell anyone hey hey hey ladies hi hi how are you uh we are actually getting ready to go head out where are you guys going where are you guys going hockey pro there's um a home depot with ice cream in the back it is so good it has so many flavors and it's like better than cold stone and oh yeah yeah i don't know yeah i want to go let's go guys oh actually girl sir yeah and you know you're working on the dad bod you don't want to eat ice cream you're right i am girls okay how long are you going to be gone for as long as it takes i i heard maddie want seconds yeah i thought you wanted second i mean yeah i i will take seconds too it might be forever see we're girls we don't even know we can't make up our minds okay you know you guys have to pick up a shovel for me at home depot or you're there okay yeah maybe yeah we'll be back yeah from home depot we're gonna come home this way yep ice cream ice cream rebecca you almost blew it okay i'm sorry i forgot lego secrets is in the back and we're going to the front so what do we do i mean we have to get back there well maybe we can like sneak around the side of the house and they won't see us okay they're looking at us so just like walk to your car casual all right just bye guys we're going go in we know what that totally worked totally worked great you got the key the key right here okay i made the note they think that they are gonna go meet the game master right now they're not pretty sure we're gonna see him in like three two okay they're selfie go go go one yeah they're back there new back there yep there's no way they're gonna see us hey right on time yep they're going to the lake of secrets right now we have plenty enough time to go through maddie's diary yes let's open it up we are going to go through manny's diary and find out who crushes wait whoa stop no we're not fine what no no we're gonna find all of our secrets let's go yes okay zam fam we made it out now we need to get to the back tunnel so we can get to the lake of secrets and meet the game master smash the thumbs up if you guys are excited come on come on maddie where are we supposed to meet the game master i mean i'm not exactly sure it's a lake of secrets so maybe we go to the lake you know this central area that makes sense okay let's get there all right we have the key we have the diary i think it's time to open it up and see what's inside are you sure we should go through this i mean it kind of seems like we're going through your personal stuff yeah it is a private diary but i think it's more like diary of a wimpy kid here is the key thank you so much i hope that this is the right key damn fam smash the thumbs up right now make sure you subscribe i have notifications on in three two one comment down below diary of a wimpy kid if you did it in that time and this is that's not the right key what are you sure look it's not open at all it's not like oh we need to just say to each other right now we're not going to share any information that we get inside of here unless it's something that we can use to our advantage deal deal let's keep this just between us just between us unless we can use it otherwise are you ready for this map yep here we go okay master you see him no i don't see him do you see him no no we are at the lake of secrets okay uh you know what the note we found at the bottom of the stairs maybe there was something else that we missed i'll call the guys i'll keep it really general and i'll just see if maybe they heard from the game master or they found anything okay but aren't they gonna realize that we're at the lake of secrets um good point uh what's the best background oh i have an idea have a seat come on just trust me oh come on come back okay this way they won't know if they ask we're in the garden section of home depot that's actually really good yeah come on rebecca is freestyling me right now do you think she knows i don't know i don't know play cool play okay natural act natural here we go hey hey rebecca hey hey guys um we're wondering uh if you guys had heard from the game master wait why are you lying in the dirt what no no no it's a wall that they have at home depot love it's breaking up oh no we gotta go so dirty but that didn't help at least they still think we're at home depot okay why would you have a sly in the dirt because if you lie you have to go full light hung up do you think they have any idea what we're doing no they have no idea we're gonna keep the secret between us okay just between the two of us and all of the millions of people watching this video yeah do you think we should ask them to get us some ice cream while they're at home depot i wish i could man they hung up on me kind of i don't want to know but i do ew what what this is definitely maddie's says maddie's eyes only keep out and shawn mendes he doesn't even shave his armpits what that's weird yeah what she's writing in here lame who writes in the diary i don't know i would never do that you know what we probably shouldn't read this at all man we need a lot we need to go through this i mean we need to find her um stuff about her see if she's acting weird okay so this is the first entry on the 31st of december so this is the last day of 2020. i'm glad we're leaving that year behind i hate fresh start today's the last day of 2020 i'm looking forward to a fresh start to the new year peace out 220 last year was full of memories that i'd like to reflect on and grow as a woman ew a woman yeah the main lesson i learned is to be strong and true to yourself so my 2021 new year's resolution is no boys that lasted don't waste your time on boys no matter how cute they are i don't have any time for boys anymore happy new year new me that's a great i wish she would have stuck to this person i mean she was off to a great start but uh this page we don't have to look at this so now what i'm gonna take a photo of all this stuff and put on the game master network app yes why i'll be that i cannot have out there at all i'm not showing anybody on here at all no our vips deserve to know this okay if you haven't yet subscribed to our vip app please go on to the game master network app click on vip if you want to see this stuff i don't want you to see this though this is terrible you're gonna want to see this no it's not good at all so i guess the game master will reveal himself maybe it's like hide and seek we have to find him what why would he make us do hide and seek uh rebecca there's a quadrant mask a quadrant do you think the quadrant knows where the game master is what if they took them wait what if the shining and the rhs are here too i mean at end game they all had red capes and we're together damn fam comment below why do you think there is a quadrant mask here okay let's just keep looking for the game master he's obviously here somewhere but it's kind of a big lake you know what maybe up there up there all right let's get back into this diary okay i can't be bought but i can be stolen with a glance of worthless one but pieces are two what am i what this is a riddle i can't be bought but i can be stolen with a glance i'm worthless to one but priceless to two when am i you know what it is right yeah dolphin madness love she's talking about love all right let's get back into this day okay okay okay if love is a crime then call me a criminal i can't look away these feelings for you what in the world is going on if i'm gonna break this down right now i feel like maddie has a crush and she hasn't told anybody do you think so yeah i am 100 positive that she has a crush on somebody daniel better watch himself because if it's daniel i'm gonna punch him so bad if it's geno i'm gonna punch him with you don't date anybody don't date my cousin don't date my brother he's buried don't date my best friend everybody knows that these are like things you don't do you don't want your best friend to date you no no i just say maddie like absolutely yeah that would be awkward man you want to read this one i would love to you what he was a boy she was a girl can i make it any more obvious he was a punk she did ballet what more can i say he wanted her she'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well he was a skater boy it's beautiful that was the worst thing i've ever heard i feel like i was like listening to an old song or something i didn't know how talented she was apparently she wants a boy that skateboards who does that i don't know anybody like that skateboards or anything like that neither okay here okay just get through the good stuff now okay okay fine game master it's really hot here why is he hiding from us i don't know maybe he's just trying to wait to reveal himself because it might not be safe right now i wonder what information he has i mean why can't the boys know i don't know game master maddie where's maddie where's maddie where's maddy how did he miss me okay now i need to find maddie hopefully she is okay i cannot believe that rhs is here right now maddie maddie oh no i think the rhs is following rebecca so i am safe rebecca we're here we're back where are you over here are you okay yeah i'm okay the rhs is here i think we lost them okay we need to get into shady you know what let me try calling the guys and see what's going on look girls are face yeah yep do you think they know hey guys hello what are you guys doing yeah we're uh we're not doing anything do you mind like paying the phone down a little real fast um no really but we're fine all right guys we have to go okay can you guys give us some ice cream or something yeah two scoops yeah where's my shovel in the rink we'll see you soon and we'll get that rake yeah okay bye maddie is it just me or were the boys acting super sus yeah i swear i saw my diary what there's no way i mean yeah at least they don't have the key so they can't read it as long as you have the lock on the diary there's no way the boys can look at it and i think it's best that we just keep our meeting with the game master a secret okay go go do you think they knew i think they know matt no they don't know they don't know are you sure yeah absolutely not we are smooth so aiming back to this i mean son of a biscuit man what dating ranking system appearance is the number one quality time kissing kissing number three four manners and five feelings so appearance is the most important thing for her to get my life together okay let's see what this is what what is that a drawing up are you kidding me this is okay you know i'm i'm ripping this out no no no no no no no this is i'm taking another photo to put this on the game master network app no way quit taking photos of my personal stuff on here i can't let anybody see this stuff the vips deserve to know this map they have to know okay i'm really upset that we opened this but let's look for there yeah keep going don't get down get down and tell us on our chest there's an rhs and a quadrant why would the game master send us to the latest secrets i don't know but he must have very important information for us i mean we need to find out about rz twin and daniel he might be the only one to make him not evil i think the coast is clear zamfam also i have no idea why the game master would want us to keep a secret and not tell the guys probably because we're smarter and better hackers true okay we just need to figure out where this secret meeting is i mean the lake of secrets is obviously very big someone's coming behind the tree how are we supposed to hide behind any tree i don't know but is that the gamemaster are you sure i think so game master what are you guys doing here we're here for the secret meeting you have information to tell us actually i do have information i just didn't prepare for this meeting okay well we didn't tell anyone it's just maddie and i what did you want to tell us it's not really safe are you here why are you here you sent us here to meet you yeah we got the letter wait this isn't game master paper right who who sent us to like a secret i don't know but you're here at the lake of secrets yes i've actually been hiding here it's not safe for you guys if i'm out there it's not safe for us okay but what about rz twin and daniel what is that a drone there's thrones everywhere stay in the cover what about rsee twin is she okay ozzy twin is okay she has agreed to the plan and you have to trust her we have to trust her okay so you guys have a plan what about daniel we have to make daniel good again daniel is evil right now he was struck by my brother's cane and every day he grew stronger and stronger on the dark side dark side yes during game night he was hit by mr x's it's safe now kane he has something on the inside of his mask that can turn him back to good you need to do a face reveal and use that device use the device under his mask is that what he's been hiding from us damn fam comment below what do you think that means okay game master where did he go hey he just disappeared well at least we know ours each one is safe and they have a plan even though we don't know what that is but most importantly you guys something is under daniel's mask and we have to get him to do a face reveal so we can make him good again can we get back to the house i feel like someone's watching yeah there are a lot of drones up there okay uh let's go back this way um sweet mother of pearl these guys i mean she already has a new crush in here that didn't take long that second entry is already a new person that she's dating she's got the rebel halloween hacker the bad boy agent r take home to mom guy fake shawn mendes ew that guy has a new wig every week and then boy next door these are the worst crushes known to man yeah like what do these guys have let's just keep going through this we gotta go through our diary we need to find out before they get home this looks like repeats boy next door it's a bigger photo bad boys bad boys what you gonna do what you gonna do when i come for you yes it's gonna come for all these guys they have no idea that we're gonna mess up their day let's just keep on looking in here for clues maybe there's like a secret that we can use you know what i mean i bet there is oh here we go this is the juicy stuff yes my biggest fears same thing comment down below what you think maddie's biggest fears are phasmophobia i don't even know what that is no idea astrophobia fomo what is that fear of missing out is it really yeah what's this answering meeting new people great that means it's got to be someone that she knows right what has to be some no no the biggest fears wait what are you talking about i don't we need to go through this diary she's gonna be here soon more like blank pages here oh okay here we go okay sorry i missed my diary entries okay this is the third rebecca set up a giant dated game so i'd give my first kiss that's not why she did it she didn't set that up for a first kiss why is rebecca doing that with her celebrity crush shawn mendes well it turned out rebecca tricked me and it was fake shawn mendes needless to say i already broke my new years was daddy three days it's not even a week a week what can you do in three days i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna do but when i find out that she has like a crush on somebody i'm gonna get that so bad i'm gonna take his face and just like punch my fist into it you know like but what if he's like a really nice guy like her crush could be awesome it wouldn't matter at that point really yeah i mean i feel so bad for that guy because i'm not that strong of a guy but when it happens when the time comes i'm so strong yeah i feel after that guy too i hope he doesn't come out ever anyways blah blah blah blah blah she rescued me i hope next week is a lot less stressful that's a lame thing that was a boring one all right where's the juicy stuff i know okay wait maddie what you have a tattoo oh yeah i mean my arm's like been really sore from it but you know i think i'm kind of into tats lately it looks like it's a fake tattoo no no it's real you got a real tattoo i didn't even know you like tattoos no i don't know like all of a sudden i'm just like ooh maybe i should get some tattoos so that's the only reason you're getting a tattoo yeah okay you know what let's go and check on these sus boys oh speaking of sus what is she doing so we don't look sad wait why do you have a shovel because we said we were going to home depot matt asked to get a shovel they're not gonna know that we were actually at the lake of secrets but we do need to reveal the information that the game master told us okay well just say we saw my home depot good idea well this day could not be any more awkward i mean there's some weird stuff in here don't you think oh yeah you okay ah my stomach is acting weird i'll be right back i need to go to the bathroom i see you pam we know i said that his stomach is acting weird but i think he's acting a little bit weird right now why is he having such a hard time hearing what i'm seeing in here is my best friend sus is rick noah acting super sus right now you know what really got me a little weirded out it's his reaction to the dating ranking system better get my life together this is kind of weird things to rank how you want to date somebody but did you see his face the way he was looking at this was so weird much better what did i eat all right wait what is this what is this what is this new freckle a new mole it looks like it's a star with five points what is this i definitely didn't have this before but you gotta just cover it and keep it a secret just keep that between us all right hey it's better way better all right man let's get into this like five pounds lighter huh i feel like it okay whoa what is this never seen any of this before this vision board yeah it's like a dress and a tiara and a corsage what do you do with those things i have no idea i've never done any of them i think i know what you do what you throw them in the garbage because nobody ever needs those right comment down below what do you think maddie is dreaming about what's her vision what is her oh sorry i gotta look close to you it's okay my friends man you know let's just keep on looking okay if we go through the back we will definitely look sus so let's get to the front because we drove your car to home depot good idea okay um quick question rebecca yeah remember when you shaved your head do you still have those nose rings that you pranked us with oh like when i pretended to shave my head yeah why do you want my nose ring oh would i be able to borrow one wait like wear it i mean maybe yeah i know just like some new jewelry to wear when have you been into piercings maddie piercings tattoos there's always time to try something new okay well here you take this get going get going okay thank you i'll be right there oh zaphyum it is working she thinks that she's texting with her crush she's been texting me the whole time but now she's gonna get tattoos and piercings just because her crush likes them oh man but don't tell her why is maddie on his back and smiling like that yeah it must be like her brother like a good summer time or something right no that is not her brother that's a different guy i think i know who that is i think i know who it is what winning how wait why are they standing in the door like that and obviously that suit is fake on him yeah but that's the same photo as before the same face but like she has two different types of hair on right now what is maddie doing that is matty's crush this guy i've never even heard of him what why is maddie's crushing this book where's this shirt what's going on right now oh no how did you guys get in her diary i thought you said you hit the key match i did hide the key i watched you hide it i was hiding in your closet the whole time and then you guys just go through my diary without asking maddie maddie maddie maddie why would you guys do that yeah you guys i can't believe that we go to home depot you guys do this how many pages did you get through uh we actually went through the whole thing yeah we saw the whole thing maddie everything in there yes why would you guys do this you can't just go through people's personal stuff without asking true you want to talk about some of it though no i do not want to talk about it it was in here as a secret for a reason okay well there's a lot of weird stuff in there maddie well it wasn't for your eyes you would just take your shovel i hate you guys whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa talking about me right maddie uh yeah you guys just went through her diary that's personal we set the whole thing up would you set the whole thing up because we had to see what was inside the diary why is she hiding that back and she's like taking it everywhere and flaunting it in her face you know what i'm i'm done maddie is so upset right now and this is your guys's fault it's not it's really our fault she's the one that wrote that thing it's maddie's fault yeah why would you have a diary and not want anybody to see it i mean why would she choose someone with abs and like no mask and who's just awesome and blue eyes why would she do that why would she keep secrets from us i mean she's keeping a ton of secrets in there she should actually tell us her feelings she should tell us right now yeah i mean what does that guy have that i don't what you okay buds i'm fine i'm great i'm good i don't like where this is going right now zamfian i cannot believe what the boys did they went through her diary that is not okay at all i am so mad at them now everyone knows who her crushes i mean i've known but i have kept it a secret because i am a good cousin and now she is all upset and the only thing that will make her not upset is is wait a second zamfam i have an idea samfam comment below do you think i should surprise maddie with her crush that might be the only thing that gets her to feel better you guys comment below i think i have a plan
Channel: Matt and Rebecca
Views: 2,060,469
Rating: 4.8625503 out of 5
Keywords: going, through, maddies, diary, best friend, maddie, revael, secret, crush, ben azelart, matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, daniel, private, whimpy, sml, 123 go, preston, brianna, jelly, mrbeast, sssniperwolf, faze rug, ssundee, battle royale, final battle, ending, defeat, defeated, finale, lazarbeam, in real life, trying, viral, 24 hour, snow, camping, challenge, aphmau, cheat, hide n seek, cameras, sneak, fun, funny, comedy, mystery, dream, vs, friends
Id: ZhFSxva1ZeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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