My Best Friends Are Dating - Rebecca Zamolo

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today my best friends are dating and are in a relationship and you have a chance to win a brand new iphone so matt you're okay with daniel moving in this is the grossest thing i've ever seen oh my god maddie the only hacker i want to spend the rest of my life maddie will give me my cousin is dating my best friend what did you say why is there luck in the door hey no no no no no not opening with nut trucks at all right now oh no matt my water broke okay fine it's a water bottle you're trying to prank me i'll peek inside this room no no no danny is not allowed to have a boy in her room i'll be right back i cannot let matt get into that room i promised maddie that he would not get in here oh no man [Music] what is this is the key you had the key the whole time are you kidding me right now you don't want to go in there whoever she's with you're not exactly going to be what is going on in here we're just watching the matrix did you think they were dating or something why are you guys under the covers though because it's so cold in here yeah you keep the upstairs freezing matt to keep away all the boys but this is super awkward why was there a lock on the door for privacy you keep coming into my room i only come in your room when i'm spying on you this is super weird you're overreacting matt are you okay yeah that was super weird i thought your cousin was dating my best friend they're just friends i'm going outside for a little bit damn fam that was close okay guys you can stop that's downstairs now good it's not getting away from me yeah there's a pillow for a reason daniel don't touch me do you think matt bought it i hope so today my cousin is dating my best friend and they are in a relationship we're not in a relationship the only reason i'm doing this is because you promised me a date with fake shawn mendes say what i mean with rz twin both of you guys will get your dates but right now you need to keep it a secret from that yeah he will totally blow our cover the entity is recruiting unmarried couples and we need daniel and maddie to get an invitation which is why we are documenting their relationship how are we going to do that by taking photos in every stage of the relationship which we need to do in 24 hours yes at the end of this if they get an invitation then one of you in the zamfam will get an iphone 13. that means i need you to subscribe right now and turn on notifications and we'll see at the end if one of you guys will get that phone what are you guys doing just practicing well first we've got to see how you guys met hey i got your note to come down what's going on we're gonna be having a baby soon and a lot of things are going to change and we might not be able to get as many romantic dinners as we used to so i set up an evening dinner date well actually a double dinner date for us double date is it with preston and rihanna or dartmouth and laura guys i got this note to come down here for dinner daniel and rosie twins yes swell hey guys i gotta know that a secret admirer is meeting me for dinner so i thought it'd be fun if we did a double date with maddie and daniel like a best friend date isn't this double date fun yeah thanks a lot guys for ruining our romantic date i love the broccoli i have plenty what's up oh sure [Music] see ya this is awkward oh rebecca how's the nursery coming along well it's not quite finished yet but it will soon i'm so excited for you guys to see it it's cute you make a good mom you'd be a cute dad daniel you would make a terrible day you're gonna make a terrible dad i'm gonna be the best dad ever everybody knows that i wrote it on my wall the other day oh did you yeah okay people here than just the two of us matt what are you talking about exactly what am i talking about no i'm serious stop playing with my foot i'm not playing with your foot if you're not playing with my foot then it is no matty that got really awkward really fast oh you're trying to oh you know that is still my foot sorry i am not exactly sure what is going on right now but i think we need a photo to document this special day could you actually move a little bit back like over this way nope like a little bit to the right just edge just i don't think i smiled on that one trust me matt it's totally fine oh my gosh this is so cute make sure that i look okay no no it's time what i'm not even in this photo that's not true your hand is right there just give it to me are you kidding me right now this is weird super awkward what is going on did you see how angry matt got do you think this is the right way to go about things rebecca just trust me just get ready for your first date sam fam we have to convince matt and the entity so you guys can win the iphone 13 shout out to our last damn fam winner thank you so much so make sure you guys are subscribed so you have a chance to be one of the damn fam winners you guys need to make this believable so enjoy your first date i'm gonna go get something that i think might be perfect really convince him start going come on you guys it's your first date it's a real first date can you guys like hold hands or something you need to use some lotion your hands are so dry your hands are so sweaty rebecca don't you think it was weird that daniel and maddie crashed our date like that well no i invited them but it was a double date they're getting a little too close is your cousin dating my best friend what no why would you think that hold on grapes you're gonna feed those to me no matt if there's some left maybe but right now i gotta go okay where are you going i'm going outside don't worry about it and don't follow me i'm definitely gonna follow her now let's see what snacks rebecca got us she got the pistachios you like pistachios yeah i do i love pistachios we have a lot more in common than i thought yeah how's it going guys just pretend okay it's not that hard it's 24 hours just date each other great yes grapes are the perfect thing to convince matt that you guys are dating so just feed each other grapes feed each other and i'll be with the camera i'll be hiding in here go go go go he is coming they're on a date right now why is rebecca spying in the background the grapes are for maddie and daniel are you kidding me that should be for me she wants me to feed it to you thanks daniel there you go yeah this is the coolest thing i've ever seen oh that's not how you eat a grape oh even matt looks grossed out right now thanks for the grapes you're welcome do you want some i will love some oh sorry not exactly what i pictured but hopefully it works while they're on their date it is time to spin the wheel and shout out one of you guys in the zam fan that got our merch and that person is bk's mom 626 if you have merch make sure to tag us on instagram for a chance to win a shout out i got you a gift i got you a gift commemorate our first date exactly yes xantham i didn't get them gifts what's in the bag ladies first it's a napkin it's a napkin from the first time that we met on that blind date do you remember i remember how could i forget okay well now open yours no way are you in my head a napkin too yes and i wrote down all the food that you ate on the double date in the exact order what uh-huh that's not creepy at all it was my mom who gave me the idea honestly you should come up north to meet karen she would love you i'd love to meet karen they're taking this dating thing a little bit too far thank you thank you we should get a photo yes we should get a photo rebecca over here oh photo yeah what are you doing here we're just having a picnic can you take a photo of us why don't you keep up taking photos oh you guys are talking the same of course this camera stand together on the count of three not dating not dating or are we rebecca would you be able to put that in our scrapbook yes of course i will and in the meantime just enjoy your picnic more grapes sure yeah defeating each other grapes again just sprinkle right there i'm gonna put it into this date right now [Music] [Applause] okay let's get out of here this is perfect now we have the first date or the scrapbook but do you think we have convinced matt zamfam are you guys gonna win that iphone oh no matt what is going on that's how you do it you make them go away you turn on the sprinklers yeah they're clearly on a date back here rebecca not okay they're not on a date who feeds each other grapes people like grapes that doesn't mean they're dating okay well what about presents they gave each other presents we gave each other presents for christmas you're right i'm overreacting exactly there is no way that daniel would date maddie what's that supposed to mean just wait i thought you could use some dresses for your trip you can borrow them thank you but honestly i think a swimsuit's gonna be enough to wear oh maggie wait wait wait what's going on i'm going on a vacation with a boy i mean what do you pack you have some dresses in here what is this what what is that i'm going through my stuff man better have a little privacy with fake try mendez obviously i don't like it at all but at least you're going on a trip with somebody that likes the broncos actually my ride's here so vacation she's allowed to go on a trip okay i hate this so much right now bye see you guys later bye have fun on your first trip this is so exciting thank you you grew up so fast that she's not your daughter i am gonna miss you but have so much fun with your crush on your first trip it's not a crush just fake shawn mendes just say his name oh thank you guys oh my gosh she's going on her first trip i don't know facial mendez has the same cars daniel yeah same car you're right wait a second oh no no let me get that definitely thank you are you excited hey i know what's going on here i know what's going on you're taking maddie to the airport to meet fake shawn mendes thank you daniel no i'm actually taking her on the trip whoa whoa whoa whoa we're going on a trip with maddie and fake shawn mendes that's so weird daniel have a good trip oh would you be able to get a quick photo of it yes okay guys he's still not getting it i know here you guys go okay rebecca this is not working you guys it will work just trust me he hasn't figured it out yet but he will by the end of this and the zam fan will get an iphone and you guys will get your invitation you better hope so get back here soon okay put that in the scrapbook poor what's so funny oh my gosh daniel is so weird what does he think i'm going on a trip with maddie and fake shawn mendes he's the third wheel i have to tell you something calm down a little i'm fine okay that was super ridiculous right yeah it's ridiculous because there's no fake shawn mendes there is fictional minutes are we talking about i mean it's maddie and daniel they're dating what it's doing calm down calm down listen you know what the doctor said you have to keep your anger under control and we need to focus on us right now we're having a baby you're gonna be a dad you can't be going crazy and worrying about other people's relationships it's daniel and maddie are you kidding me right now hey okay okay listen i got you a gift i don't know what you could give me that would make me feel better about this here you go it's a white t-shirt bag just open it up no no it's better than abs hashtag daddy you even like spelled it like a really cool way is this cause i'm a girl dad yeah this is so awesome i'm gonna wear this every day till that little baby comes maybe even after okay so just calm down relax enjoy the fact that you are about to be a dad i'm the happiest dad ever right now i'm gonna go wear this and take photos and post it on the internet thank you man okay oh my gosh damn family has no idea what hashtag daddy actually means but davian do you think i'm taking this too far i know matt's not really good at keeping a secret but do you think that we should have included him in this plan this is awesome hashtag daddy is trending on social media how is it trending i've been taking photos and posting everywhere hashtagging it all the time hashtag daddy all the way oh that's great hey guys you guys are back we have some news to tell you as you know we've been dating yes i i filled matt in it's not gonna last okay well i filled them in we are very excited that you guys are dating we made it official what we're together you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend already okay well other amazing stuff happen while you guys were gone hashtag daddy is trendy what oh my gosh matt i can't believe that you're supporting us and me dating that's so nice daddy girl dad right here that's what this means no that's our ship name no it's not daniel plus maddie daddy it's even spelt with an ie how can you not figure that out it's on your chest why would you do this to me rebecca i was just telling you that they were dating i thought you'd figure it out i didn't actually think you believed that posted this everywhere you get a photo yes it's official yes are you kidding me i know you guys care about photos make it official all right okay so that's the way that you bring it to my best friend right now that we're dating what are you doing we're fighting we have to fight oh you're gonna play me with you right now you go on a trip and this is the way that you treat me hey what are you doing what we're just arguing we're like actual couples okay i called this wasn't gonna last we all knew it but you don't have to bicker like that be nice to each other and you're right you shouldn't date this is probably a bad idea just cool off i'll take care of this i can't believe this you're so annoying do you think he believed it he definitely believes that you guys are actually dating this is working perfect and i got a picture of your first fight so it's perfect so strange we had to document that but i guess okay whatever that's all part of a relationship you know daniel fighting with your girlfriend can be hard hold on matt is so gullible i mean he really couldn't figure out that we were dating and then he thought daniel was taking maddie to the airport to meet fake shawn mendes he believed that hashtag daddy was meant for him this was all a prank i'm gullible the tables are about to turn that was way too easy to convince but the entity is gonna be a lot harder which is why we have this scrapbook documenting your whole relationship what's next looks like you guys are gonna be roomies daniel hey welcome to our house hashtag daddy in the house whoa you're in a good one hey i'll take that i got these boxes daniel let's get you upstairs so you're happy about me moving in yeah the girls are upstairs they're waiting for you becca i'm really nervous why are you nervous maddie i've never moved in with a boy before but don't worry it'll be fine and it's not like it's gonna last that long okay are you sure that this is gonna work yes maddie just trust me we have to convince the entity that you guys are dating right here we got all the stuff here i think so matt you're okay with daniel moving in yeah as long as he stays in maddie's room i'm totally fine with it i made him a poster hashtag daddy it's gonna go right up here i think look at that oh thank you great i got you a little framed picture oh i know this photo this is when you guys pranked me that daniel was fake shawn mendes sorry about that when i almost kissed daniel okay okay listen we thought that big john mendez would come he's done he didn't want to hurt his feelings okay okay we are sorry about that we won't do it again we need to get a photo anyways yes yes yes document the moving end date remember be happy welcome to our house i'm super happy that you moved in daniel i know that this is going to be an amazing time i'll be down the hall if you guys need me just funerals down have a good one do you guys think it's a little strange that matt is so eager that you guys are moving in together and living in the same room a little it's really strange let's just unpack these boxes let's just stay positive you guys this is working remember we have another photo for the scrapbook we have moving in now what are these doing in your room maddie i have told you better than to use color-coded wires it's the worst those aren't my color-coded wires they're sitting right here in your room it's all other hacker gear okay you know what they're just wires you guys calm down daniel we can always paint them black okay daniel why do you have a paper maddie cut out i do not know why i have that i didn't make that it has my name on it it looks just like paper artsy twin i didn't make this you know what that's that's a compliment because he loves rz twins so i think that's pretty cool i wish i had a cut out of rebecca right now this is awesome put that there maggie you got it what do you mean what's on my back why did you write my name on your pack like that i've never written your name on my back what are you talking about you're getting like really serious okay okay you know what you know it's like really creepy no no i think that's awesome maddie you went one step above and beyond for your relationship and i appreciate that daniel will you just go get my diary i don't want you reading through it over there over there hey we should take a photo of your back no we're the strawberry oh rebecca okay fine what is this in your diary there's just a picture of me getting licked by a dog dana why are you texting my brother connor why don't we all just stay calm right now there's more parts of the relationship that we need to put in the straplet so the entity will believe you guys are dating okay just trust me okay you're never going to believe who knows about daniel moving in with maddie fake shawn mendes yeah you tell fake shawn mendes well actually you can tell them yourself he's on facebook right now hey troll mendes you guys are dating now yes but i can explain please can we just sit down and talk this out it's because he wears glasses right no it doesn't have to do with the glasses please i would love to just be able to talk to you about this what's it explained you're dating daniel now you guys moved in together you know what i'm no no please don't go he hung up well that's good you're not talking to him because we're dating and you shouldn't be talking to him yeah at least you have daniel he's amazing they are the perfect couple oh daniel i almost forgot to say aussie twin said that she's gonna be texting you so you should check your phone really i'll meet you guys downstairs for dinner awesome what it's a picture of rz twin and she's holding the sign that says i ship daddy okay ruins horrible now there's no point of even doing this because you guys are dead you guys just need to calm down right now and just trust me it'll all be worth it when you get your dates with your crushes they will think that we are dating yeah are we supposed to get our dates with them just trust me you guys it'll all work out and next you guys are going to meet the parents okay just trust me i don't trust her and i think tremendous won't talk to me maybe he hadn't been caught daniel excuse me sir hey what's your name dupretto what do you think about going on a date with me for 20 bucks make it 50. deal just get in the car oh nice place you got here a lot of cool stuff yep here and i'm gonna need you to put this on and you're gonna have to pretend to be a dad okay dad we need to close a date yeah oh fine no no don't change here there's a bathroom around the corner go in there oh my gosh looks like that's gonna be my husband where did you meet this guy rebecca i did what i had to do the most important thing though is that we get the photo of you guys meeting the parents we goes by geppetto yeah oh nevermind so my dad's name is jepeto oh honey we're so excited to finally meet your girlfriend wow dad how that kind of hurts so uh lady i heard you got a tattoo how did you know i got a tattoo she told me all about it let's see it let's see oh we don't need to see it i want to see it okay we can look at the tattoo on your back i just mentioned it tattoo reveal okay okay okay that's good daniel must be a lucky guy who's daniel your son daniels who's the guy behind us oh that's my real husband just pretend you don't notice him unless he brings out the nunchucks then you need to go as fast as you can don't worry i got something on my sleeve as they say what does your dad mean by that i don't know i think it's time that we all take a family photo right now let's head to the kitchen nook i heard the lighting is excellent there come on honey not too close all right okay now it's time to sabotage bugs in the pasta salad gonna spice up the fruits out a little bit and this is punishment for everybody let's take a family photo come on daddy it's okay okay smile perfect i think we're good with that wait look at that dad this is the latest iphone good one dad okay i think we're okay now you can go you met maddie no wait we still need to get some grub gotta feed him yeah just come on all right dad we did get the family photo so i think you can leave now yes i know where i still got to get that kiss you are serious about that dad you don't want to watch his kids no yeah do i look like i'm serious what's going on i'm waiting man you guys should just kiss now just get it over with it right and then dad can go home he's always sure sure yeah once we get the kiss okay okay fine daddy this is what you need to leave okay okay here we go okay this is it everybody oh my god this is [Applause] okay this guy's not safe better activate the police sirens in the front huh i gotta go now you might want to dispose of that knife what what you guys i got to come into the house let's just move things along a little bit faster let's just ask you the question why we're here is why when you okay parents great right and you can take the photo okay daniel daniel i'm asking no question no no do not i need to talk to you outside right now hey come on with me outside right now come on sorry yeah right now rebecca where did you find that guy he was so creepy i'm sorry but don't worry it'll all be worth it all we need is one more photo well everything is going wrong now i have to fix things with fake shawn mendes once we get you and daniel an invitation to get into the entity then this will all be worth it how do you even know vanity's watching us just trust me they are how do you know give me one more shot and once we get this book i promise everything will work out what are you doing out there i was about to propose proposed daniel that's what i thought so i actually set something up for you get to have an archway photos of the most memorable times together and of course look at that you made that sign and there's flowers on this looks great matt you're okay with this proposal hashtag daddy all the way then i do have this ring i'm gonna give maddie it's a family heirloom very important i should hold on to this yes oh my gosh senior looks amazing beautiful i got you daniel just get maddie out here okay thank you matt for setting this up i just was kind of nervous it's a big moment in my life right you got this daniel okay here we go okay maddie eyes closed here's your surprise that's weird you smell it too my gosh this is awesome daniel turn around and see what we've set up daniel this is amazing this is perfect for the scrapbook what's this these are photos of us why are there ugly photos of me what why the long face maddie rebecca no i don't know how these got here these were not these photos here but you just said you set this up but i have another part two of a surprise ready three two one congratulations fatty oh he smelled it wrong he meant the ph you know it said maddie i don't know where that page is that says fatty daniel what are you doing you're okay okay so you guys are a couple i know this doesn't matter so this leads me on to my question right okay yeah right probably under the yard oh yes right under the arch hey guys this is a mistake come on daniel you've got this here's a big question maddie the only hacker i want to spend the rest of my life with maddie will you me is that a ring wait wait where's my family heirloom hey daniel i found the ring oh no it's in the pool oh my god no no no no no guys don't worry we we did it we got the last photo guys hold on wait wait my family wait you said you dropped in the pool did you get it did you find it no i think it went down the drain oh no daddy give me a hand okay this is not going as planned you guys this is bad it's down the drain for sure it's going why are you laughing yeah they're both in the pool that's what you guys get for pranking me you knew we were pranking you i knew the whole time hashtag daddy did you know this is all for the entity what do you mean for the entity they're recruiting young couples that are about to get married so we're pretending so that they will recruit us that's what this is all about yes matt we did a scrapbook here i'll show it to you this is kind of creepy guys don't you think i didn't want to be in a relationship with him i know this is all rebecca's idea anyways oh no guys what the scrapbook is gone it's missing so this was all for nothing now the stampede doesn't get an iphone i don't get a date this whole day is ruined like none of this matters though how are you guys damn fam i really wanted you to get an iphone this was supposed to work is that our door what's out there this is game master spies maybe it's a message from the game master okay i'm sorry you guys will not believe this daniel it looks like you got your ring back you guys this might be the invitation for the entity we did it but there's a device in there too i don't know but that means that the damn fam can get an iphone so if you guys are subscribing notifications on make sure you comment the best way to contact you on social media you guys we did it how do we get the invitation if we lost the scrapbook and what's that date mean i don't know we did it we got the invitation looks like i got that date with fake shawn mendes it looks like we both got that date video message hey rebecca i found this one's minnie mouse being around the warehouse so i tied them up and if you want them back you're going to have to do a favor for me and don't tell anyone oh no xantham what am i going to do
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 8,840,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My, best, friend, friends, best friend, dating, cousin, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: qBtraOKcnr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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