My Wife is an EVIL Ghost!

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rebecca are you sure you're okay your face looks pale no i feel fine how i feel oh no no no no rebecca you okay what just happened what just happened maddie what did you do to my wife i think it was a ghost wait no my wife is not a ghost let's get her up to the couch help me help me help me get back up i feel like daniel right now can't lift her up is she okay no no no rebecca are you okay rebecca rebecca i really think it's because of the ghost no no it's probably because of the pregnancy stuff wake up rebecca wake up wake up wake up are you able to sit up what are you able to sit up yeah what just happened i don't know i just uh get the medication i'm taking i don't know let's get rebecca upstairs she's gonna rest this off yes yeah sure you didn't feel a ghost no i don't i don't [Laughter] am i headed or what's the matter i don't know i just feel different you're right it might be the medication from the ivf pregnancy exactly do you think this means i'm not gonna be able to have a kid becca i don't think no no no stay positive stay positive okay stay positive maybe he had some bad juice you know i feel really weird right now well why don't we do this i'm gonna help you get back up come on can you stand up a little bit yeah okay you okay what's going on okay what's going on need some rest you need some rest let me get in there where am i gonna get you come on maddie what is going on with rebecca i think it has to do with a ghost how would a ghost get into your house i mean we've been hunting for the ghost evil then i know but how would she get in here i don't know i just hope rebecca's okay rebecca you need like a blanket or something you're freezing cold yeah maybe i don't i'll set you down right here okay okay get your blanket i don't know what happened matt brothers from blackjack and peanut okay rebecca you're freezing do you want me to make you like some soup or something um sure do you think it's something to do with the medication for the pregnancy i mean maybe i don't know i just came on so quick okay i'll call the doctor just keep your feet up i hope she's okay she just needs some rest i'm gonna make her some soup her favorite soup tomato soup should be right over here oh no um i left something very important right here it's like super tough where could it have gone okay seeing him i have been hiding something in this room of mine that is really personal and it's a big decree no not this is just forget forget you ever saw that anyways i hid something on this couch that is super secret of mine i mean it has all of my most personal secrets in there and if anyone finds this it's going to be so bad i mean i don't want anyone finding out the information there and it's also going to be bad for rebecca oh no um have you seen it it's a little pink furry there might be an avocado in it where could i put um oh no i'm sure i just misplaced it somewhere i mean i lose a ton of things i'm just gonna pretend like this never happened no one's gonna find it everything it's gonna be great ricky have you seen anything that has an avocado on it you're gonna have to be a little bit more specific maddie it's almost like a cartoon avocado a little furry with like a bow have you seen anything like that actually uh you know what i i don't know what you're talking about okay good because i do not want anyone finding that i just might have lost something else not that i forget what i said okay guys i think we're blowing it all out of proportion rebecca probably just had a bad reaction to medication she's on but i'm gonna make her her favorite meal she's gonna spring into action it's gonna be awesome guys she's really okay yeah you guys wanna help me make some tomato soup oh yeah um rebecca rebecca you feeling better are you coming down to help us make lunch for you feel good i always feel good so you guys feel a lot better already oh you said you left her upstairs i did you know what she probably just took the tunnel system down because she's super hungry we're gonna make your favorite food okay just sit down here you're probably a little depleted of nutrition right over here come on perfect guys this is austin's good news right what is going on why is she acting so strange it's like there's a ghost no she's look at her that's rebecca but matt she just got here silently like i didn't hear anything she does this every single morning it's part of our morning routine she's probably just doing it again because she slept so much when she passed out that makes sense you know what i mean i don't know something seems really off with rebecca i mean look at her she looks okay oh man i forgot to dust the tv that's what's happening right now let's get the suit going okay maddie are you okay i just have a really bad feeling about this i really still think that there's a ghost around and i think it might have something to do with rebecca what are you trying to say rebecca's a ghost i mean i don't know where what if the ghost hit rebecca or something like what affected her there are no ghosts we already know that that was daniel the whole time man there's no such thing as go see look at it rebecca see she just disappeared like a ghost she did disappear she probably went back in the tunnel system are you kidding me right now you guys are acting so weird what's up with you guys this is our morning routine this is what we do sorry you don't live here anymore daniel messed us up we're gonna recover from that but right now we need to get my wife some soup make some soup guys come on all right this is complete i just made my world famous tomato soup from scratch she loves this hey rebecca it's taking so long yeah i'm just making this but you gotta quit taking the tunnel system it's freaking everybody out what do you mean and i know the tv is dusty i'll get to it okay okay go destin tv yeah i want you to go sit down i'll bring it over to you are you sure yeah yeah i got this here we go oh hey daddy yeah perfect rebecca wait you got here so quickly you just left how did you do it i don't know guys i got everybody some soup today hey rick noah even you yes thanks how are you feeling she's feeling really good like really good i did not think she was gonna recover that fast bit doing great looking great no i just feel like i don't know my head's cloggy like cloudy a good way because of the medication right cloudy do you think that this has anything to do with a ghost rebecca do you mind grabbing some bread for this soup i forgot it i'm so sorry it's all cut up in the pantry hey sam fam i am a little bit confused to be honest i don't really remember anything passing out and waking up and that was it i don't know what is going on i'm taking medication i don't know if that's it but there definitely is a ghost in him okay but matt you have to admit rebecca's acting weird there is a ghost in the house that we never found i think the name is evil in what if evelyn is doing something to rebecca right now maddie knock that talk off you know it's daniel everybody know it's daniel rebecca has a brand i don't know zamfam i don't think that daniel is controlling this i mean have you seen daniel in the house at all i saw him when he duct taped me to the wall over there i still think that was a ghost that trapped you matt how do you explain the red it's red just like his hat it's evil daniel did you even see him actually duct tape you do you proof yeah his hands were super cold that is daniel in a nutshell everybody knows that hey you have to breathe hey becca hey put a smile on for today okay it's not like you fainted or anything i thought i did fake wow bread thanks thank you thanks rebecca oh awesome all right guys try out the soup i can't wait till you try it soup is delicious i want this bread yeah the bread's really good thanks for getting that rebecca is it good so much better with the bread what happened to you guys i don't know oh don't play dumb you had rebecca go get the bread and then you don't even eat us nice prank put the fire ants in our bread maddie stop what are you doing are you kidding me keep going [Music] we're friends let's work together something is going on here yeah maddie you're going crazy i'm going crazy you're the one pranking us with fire ants no i didn't do that obviously okay i'm actually on board right now i don't think that there's a ghost here whatsoever my wife is not a ghost like you said maddie but i think something's a foot let's split up split up yeah we need to investigate what's going on okay fine then matt you should go up to the attic because that is where the tunnel is where the ghost was released it was not released that's where daniel did something obviously okay well then go look for daniel the ghost rick no about you take the backyard see if you can find any clues any ghost-like activity and annie what are you gonna do i'm gonna do what i do best i'm gonna hack and find more information out about this ghost avalyn about the ghost note try to find out on the security cameras where daniel's at be back right back here in ten minutes okay okay not a ghost rebecca come with me okay rebecca it is about to get serious because the blue light glasses are coming on and we are about to hack okay we need to find out more information about what is going on in the house i mean there have been so many haunted things like ghost activity wait what was the name of the ghost it was written up on the shower with all the steam um what was the name oh okay yeah yeah it was evil and thank you okay just gonna put this into google search it looks like it's just a popular girl's name oh no you are gonna believe this rebecca it's tied to a phantom ghost rebecca do you know anything about a phantom ghost neither do i um let's just do a google search on a phantom ghost zamfam comment down below have you heard of one of these before okay looks like evil daniel is trying to take over our house right now that's the only logical explanation for all of this same family oh see you get a breath sam fam comment down below what do you think is going on is this really evil daniel what what is this [Music] i mean i shaved today did i cut myself shaving looks like it's gone i mean almost gone i don't want to freak out right now okay this is just daniel clean tricks on us right now he's pranking us i don't know how he did that one but i'm sure he did something i don't know how this got here whoa it's back again uh uh you know what you know what i have a band-aid over here let me see here wash it off a little bit more so it doesn't keep on coming back like that oh okay see if i mean i don't want to be trapped in my own house for like 24 hours right now but i need to stop this right now sorry this never happens got it i cut myself shaving it happens all the time especially when you're grown up and you have to take care of these crazy here's my face all right maddie sent me out here to look for some clue so i've got to keep my eyes peeled this backyard is a haven for clues i'm gonna start looking around this way yeah this is probably the backyard's got so much space back here and oh matt kidding me dog poop can't be wearing these shoes there's poop everywhere matt's gonna get in so much trouble for his tour so i'm not gonna tell rebecca but we need to find a clue all right damn fam where do you think a clue could be this backyard's huge i didn't clean up i feel like i'm just a little dirty okay okay you know what maybe this is enough i'm gonna take a shower i'll jump in the shower what is going on got my swimsuit on i'm gonna relax take a quick shower clear my head and then i'm gonna trap daniel i think i'm gonna take daniel down today he's going down shampoo oh i feel so much better already all right it's so much better now i think you need to take another shower i just took a shower i look great i feel amazing right now okay let me see what i look like i guess [Applause] [Music] why somebody did something to myself some blue i look like a smurf right now it was daniel daniel did another shampoo prank on me why would he do a shampoo prank on me i'm the prank king i should be pranking everybody i have to get back in the shower and wash this thing off it just takes forever to get off why would this happen i'm just glad nobody saw it rebecca maddy rebecca actually was here okay but she kind of saw it daniel didn't see it yes rig noah didn't see it i'm just glad only my wife saw it i mean the last thing i need is a bunch of screenshots of this on the internet nobody needs that late night for fool's day taking off my shoes my socks are okay to get dirty but not my shoes those are my only pair of shoes i need to keep my eyes peeled but i'm not sure what i'm looking for last time i was in the backyard and found a clue it was over here in this hedgings maybe the clue's back there i don't see anything except for this blue paint you guys remember this blue paint for the time that matt trying to ruin that photo shoot but we gotta keep looking ah more poop again matt dang it it's okay these are like my seventh favorite pair of socks it's gonna keep my eyes peeled keep my eyes on the prize where could it be maybe it's over this way yeah it's got to be over here kind of thing it's almost blue on me now what what is that what's that you're fake you're kidding me what i'm gonna take a third shower yeah i'm just gonna act like none of this happened third shower is the charm just a little bit more me time in the shower i'm just really glad that you're here with me right now rebecca because i would not want to be alone with a phantom ghost in the house i mean i know that you would protect rebecca zamfam did you see where rebecca went okay i'm sure rebecca is just in the bathroom but okay i need to focus and research more on this phantom ghost even though it's my biggest fear okay doesn't look like anything's changed up here daniel's probably still pranking me daniel if you're up here and you're pranking me or just up here in general i'm gonna punch you in the face so fast i'm gonna knock you back to being good again i got my righteousness and my leftistness where are you daniel this needs to stop he needs to stop you hear me it needs to stop right now stop it stop it you gotta stop what you're doing honestly i don't see anybody up here nobody's up here right now daniel daniel come out from where you're hiding daniel daniel i'm not scared right now at all i'm 100 husband material i am carved out a husband stone maybe you should show that quit talking about my six-pack daniel and it's not photoshopped daniel the zamfam loves me i'm gonna prove it right now stanfam comment down below i love matt i bet you daniel i'm gonna get a hundred thousand comments like in two seconds how did you know that i only do that like twice a week okay but it's a save on water i'm a water saver i'm passionate about this stuff looking in these hedges i don't see anything i don't have no idea what i'm looking for if i had a signal or something else that was right next to me it'd be awesome but wait what's this sam fam what's this sam fam look it's papers they're all ripped up but there's writing on it there's some kind of writing and a star of some sort i think i can put this together give me a second this is a bunch of bologna this whole day is full of bologna i am up in the attic and i am investigating what seems to be daniel pranking us we destroyed the ghost in the pool there's no way that there are any ghosts i mean this is all just daniel playing tricks on us wait hey uh the lights went out is the electricity out we're back what was that okay it's been happening a little bit every once in a while i guess we've been losing power but it's windy outside everybody knows that okay phantom ghost there's a lot of information but oh xantham look there's this symbol it looks like it's a red star and there's five points what do you think this means i mean comment down below do you think that this has a significance it says that a phantom ghost can possess the living that's kind of like what the ghost did during ghostbusters do you think that the ghost is possessing anyone right now oh no wait a second it's a paper it says d as we form the red hood society make sure to unlock the tunnel so we can move forward with the plan hey lights hey guys are you seeing the lights out down there what's going on i'm not scared or anything just check in we're back okay we read this again as we form the red hood society make sure to unlock the tunnel so we can move forward with the plan kingpin and there's like a little star look at that same ham comment down below who d is i'm pretty sure this is from kingpin and why would kingpin put like a little red star on here this looks like a little sticker this is so lame why is she doing this all right i think that's it let's see what it says i work for kingpin but will soon work assign her 417. what is that damn fam who is this no to hey hey uh the lights are out again guys what is going on quit playing pranks on me daniel i know it's you daniel i know it's you wait a second there's a ghost right behind me isn't there hello hello what other information on this phantom ghost is there out there wait zamfam there's a date it says 4 24 wait 4 24 april 24th that's the two saturdays from now why do you think that there is a date with the phantom ghost comment down below what you think that means and remember that date was that what was that that's another voice do you hear these voices no going go away no [Music] oh my gosh my wife is a ghost maddie get away from me leave me alone leave me alone hey hey wait what's going on do you not hear those voices wait i need to go tell the others with everything i just found oh wait all the papers are blowing no got to go over here [Music] maddie come on stand up what happened there's voices i think there's ghosts in the house and i think that there's a phantom ghost a phantom ghost it's really evil i can possess people what do you want me to do maddie we need to call someone for help who do you want me to call wait a second i know who we're gonna call we actually know a real medium make sure you guys are subscribed to the rebecca zamola channel because we're going to bring a real medium in here to get rid of this ghost let me just figure out what this number is maddy can you look it up real quick he lives pretty close to here let me see here uh yeah just proximity around this area right now that's him that's him okay okay let me call him real quick hello yeah we need some help getting rid of the ghost
Channel: Matt and Rebecca
Views: 2,320,652
Rating: 4.8786268 out of 5
Keywords: my, wife, evil, ghost, my wife is a ghost, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, matt slays, maddie, daniel, house, haunted, haunting, trapped
Id: nN7a6P716Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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