IFR flight in a BRAND NEW CESSNA 182

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] terrain system test okay i just got this headset and the mic is on the right side for the west houston airport automated weather observations visibility 1-0 ceiling fuel at 1900 overcast at 3300 temperature 24 degrees celsius altimeter three zero one one relative humidity eight one percent density altitude missing condensation altitude one eight hundred love feet baby do we have an expected route yeah i'm trying to load it this is the expected route what is that in this industry one departure industry transition and then it says clear and then i need to do to victor 68 to marx all right you ready there's street show the break i don't have a break all right break is clear all right you're gonna fly today i'll do radios perfect beacon is on we're going out to runway one five correct west houston skyline 363 charlie sierra is taxing from the fbi to runway 15 for departure you're right [Music] it's very humid out today welcome to houston i did not realize quite the ac on yeah just to help out with the humidity okay so we're going somewhere super fun today super fun remind me the town i know the airport code is t-82 it's fredericksburg fredericksburg okay they're known for their wine they did not know that their german influence also didn't know that yeah so i know you like beer okay so they're gonna be there's gonna be a lot of great beer there you had me at beer exactly um there's a really cool hangar hotel that we're going to stay at i am most excited for that and a swanky airport diner like a like 19 yeah it's like retro i cannot wait it all adds up this is cool i've never been to like a fly-in hotel thing i've done it once actually oshkosh there's like a hilton on the airport but not like a aviation themed boutique hotel experience like this so pretty stoked and welcome to houston thanks yeah my 12 hours here whatever that was so cool well let's do our run up and start headed toward fredericksburg address awesome fredericksburg fredericksburg okay can i set the break i can't do that for you [Music] clearance skyline three six three charlie sarah's on the ground at west houston looking for instrument 363 charlie sierra houston approach our houston clearance cleared to tango 82 airport via industry 1 departure industry victor 68 marked and direct that's industry one that's been the industry victor 68 marks and direct maintain 2 thousand expect six thousand wonder minutes after departure departure frequency uh one let's see one two three point eight and squawk four seven four six clear to tango 82 via the industry one departure industry victor 68 to marx and direct 2000 expect 6010 123.8 squawk 4746 skyline 363 charlie's here and scallion charlie sarah read back is correct including the hulk release please and runway uh in use roger will hold for release and we are number one ready to go at runway one five three six three choice here okay three times sarah continue to hold release standby i'll be right back with you roger holding stories here all right so all right our flight plan is in there two thousand we have the correct flight plan we went over that a few times twenty three eight up top two thousand four seven four six cool sweet all right i'm gonna roll up here okay you have my break breaks off all right all right number three six three charlie sierra are you ready to go right now correct affirmative three six three charlie's here if we transferring to enter controlled airspace hitting two five zero maintain two thousand your release for departure clearance void if not off by one five two one i am now one five one niner and one half roger will depart runway one five on a two five zero heading at two thousand feet and void by one five two one three six three twice here all right we're trying to seriously release foot apart roger thanks basically all right up to 2000 a 250 heading on departure perfect lights lights make her call and we are going west houston traffic skyline 363 charlie syria is departing runway 1-5 west houston runway one five i see it i love it all right [Music] ninjas stay low there's birds okay we're past good morning approach skyline 363 charlie sierra just departed west houston on a two five zero heading one thousand climbing two thousand three six three charlie's here at houston departure identify heading two six zero eight it and two six zero three six three choice here walker eight seven romeo bravo to maintain two southwest of the west houston airport clear direct to the industry vor clear direct to the industry vor 36 charlie's here all right gps mode i see industry perfect okay i'm gonna put on our recognite love it all right we're level at 2 000 directly over 360 charlie sierra maintain 5 000. maintain five thousand three six three charlie sierra number two one four one yankee turn left heading three five zero right when you got us ready for a little cruise yeah it's time to climb again three seven round that works on the front approach turn one's heading one nine or zero maintain two thousand two established on the localizer clear for the corrections though savage on the front approach course cleared rnav runway one seven approach all right stick take inky bravo to maintain three thousand six eight yankee bravo roger down to three debra burr eight seven romeo bravo contact sugarland tower one eight point six five eighteen sixty five seven romeo bravo seven five fox shot box trap procedure at scuba this approach controller is very busy on this ifr morning super busy never before two alpha bravo contact approach one three four point three uh correction one three three point zero five all right into the fluffiness we go go long number two one four when yanks you have the airport but when we get there i want to have a nice day exactly i love the max performance climb fuel flow yeah help that way you can constantly just be constantly making it happy yep before you do the lean assistant cruise right there in front of you yeah yeah so for example we're coming up on four thousand over 949 on bravo papa turn right 4 000 says the max power fuel flow sort 18.8 so we can and you can be on the more rich side during climb for sure sure um but yeah seventeen and a half years could you have the airport yeah i have the airport inside four one yankees rider i have vectors for the visual approach in just a second you're following a hawker jet on final luckily it's warm enough this time of year our outside temperature is reading 16 degrees celsius definitely not too concerned about icing for sure [Music] [Laughter] climate maintain five thousand five thousand for charlie fox truly to the tangle or five thousand yep max top of the green never nine or four niner bravo pop it is gonna maintain two thousand two thousand nine yeah we should be climbing one more time up to our planned altitude our expected altitude of 6 000 feet so kind of a rough lean right now but we're pulled back to 23 inches 2400 rpm i can't see the ground now it's in and out oh there's an air park below us hello which one is that let me see one in patterson is that where we're at there's a lot of of homes on there a grass strip it's pretty big patterson maybe i'm valvo papa and i'm bravo papa you're clear for the visual approach to runway one seven thanks for your help connect sugarland town 118.65 thank you i'm a papa it's really smooth out though it's not convective like there's nothing showing on the radar um just some smooth overcast clouds that's the best type of ifr flying where you get to practice your skills but you don't have to worry about like a thunderstorm exactly yes please oh we are at the tops we're gonna be right on the brink of breaking out watch us be like right in the tops and just see there it is we have another 400 feet i think we're going to get out i hope we do oh there it is sweet oh yeah that's the coolest thing to be on the ground and see the gloomy day and be like what a blessed day and then bust out and if you see this beautiful blue sky so freaking cool this is legit cloud surfing yeah approaching one down the top of the 8 300 for 7 000 215 on the heading yeah we've got the arnab 170 never one delta pop uh writer and um last two aircraft were able to get the visual at seventeen hundred i continue to the final approach fix if you can uh accept the visual that works for us you can expect that all right there's our six thousand there are three six three charlie sierra contact approach one through one two four point two two twenty four twenty two three charlie sierra follow four through three good morning approach skyline 363 charlie's here at 6 000. skyline three six three challenge here he's approached call of duty nothing three zero zero niner zero niner three charlie sierra still getting used to this town over i have a mouthful it is a little bit of a mouthful yeah all right now that we're in cruise we're going to use the lean assist function to get us just perfectly leaned so walk me through that all right so just simply go to the lean page on the g1000 and then hit assist you're going to get the peak temperature come up here and now all you have to do is start leaning here what you're looking for is for a peak to pop up right here so you can see our egts are raising my guess is that we're going to get a peak about 14.55 yeah romeo charlie echo yankee this process takes time it takes about a full minute so hello but the perfect but the great thing about that is you get it exact right right i do this when i'm at my final cruise altitude that's when i do this like exactly what you're doing slowly pulling back the mixture just rolling it back and then eventually we will get a here's that peaks so now it's time to enrichen it back towards the firewall again and we're looking for 50 degrees originally so now once you get back into the negatives there you're close now we're on the rich side now we're going to watch this to pinch up to 50 degrees as you're slowly bringing the mixture forward it's important not to do this process too quick or it just doesn't keep up with you so just just very very small increments and we're getting close we're almost there we're right there at 15 gallons an hour so 30 or 23 on the manifold 2400 rpm 15 on our fuel flow and our true air speed is 144 knots not too shabby all right now we're on our route so we're just going to cruise the rest of the way and we will catch up with you guys for our approach and landing let's do it houston skyline 363 charlie's here at 4 000. [Applause] november 363 charlie sierra houston center welcome fredericksburg altimeter seven zero seven three twelve sierra center three six three charlie sierra we have the weather at tango 82 looking for the rnav one four november three charlie sierra roger clear direct you steady direct to you steady 363 choice here saturn three cross mickey at 4 100 clearing are gonna have runway one seven horseshoe bay report came to legion of ifr in the air on this frequency on the ground through flight services advisory frequency approved and three four thousand one hundred uh across the nikki cleared our nav one seven approach uh i'm gonna forget that a thousand times so so see now it enters in the procedure turn yep so since we click just direct to something on the approach but if we use it as an initial approach fix now it's going to proceed to turn it down that's what's on 89 houston center welcome to the live zero zero so you can see the little pink airplane actually fly the approach on the chart yeah it makes you feel a lot more confident 39 echo 6000 county airport automated weather 21 of zulu weather one zero disability one zero two thousand one hundred or three trillion across the city of four thousand cleared our now runway one four approach fredericksburg across the city at four thousand cleared for the rnf one four approach three twice here november three charlie sierra report cancellation of ifr in the air on this frequency of unable on the ground through flight service change advisory frequency approved roger frequencies change approval three six three charlie's yeah yeah november seven delta julia it's uh clear two nicknames all right we're coming in for our procedure six thousand uh g1000 will paint the teardrop entry which is great i'm gonna get our heading mode on to runway one four one houston center welcome third to the west time i was via direct climbing correction in room clone to fly level one niner zero is approved mad dog one is uh now we're on our outbound of the procedure turn if we wanted to stay in the hold at yasetti instead of just turning for the approach we could put it on suspend mode and if we would click on suspense we would be suspended in the hold until not what we're doing today we're just going to shoot the approach delta juliet altitude maintain niner thousand now we're on our inbound turn and uh our first time 363 charlie sierra is about 15 miles out on the r f one four let's be [Applause] hey we got brought way out here and after you setty we go down to thirty three hundred correct we'll intercept the glide slope on our final approach fix which is cutie q10 the winds were out of the south so you'll have a bit of a right crosswind so derek's flying right seat derrick is our newest techno aviation demo pilot here we go so i am making him practice today sitting right seat and that's why i'm doing comms on the left seat so we're a little bit backwards today but i'm taking care of radios and you get to fly and start getting used to that right seat perspective i love it you know the challenging the only challenging part about this is just the flip-flop of your hands yeah you'll get used to that fast it'll become second nature and then after a while it's going to be weird for you to sit in the left seat and then switch your hands back all right and there the glide path is capturing and our descent is starting now you can see we're following the gps because it's an rnav approach autopilot is on and the glide path is captured so we are now following our purple dot once you depart from your altitude then you can put in your missed approach altitude which today is 4500. that way it's set in the event of a missed approach celeste b traffic skyline 363 charlie sierra is now about six miles out on the r of one four full stop gillespie all right i'm comfortable canceling now we're well before seven seven two six golf alpha center three six three choice here would like to cancel ifr november three charlie sierra ifr translation receives block cfr and change two advisory frequencies approved before have a good day at 363 twice here number six delta foxtrot all right we are at q-tay so we're going to put our first notch off absent yep below 140 flaps 10. traffic styling three six three charlie sierra's on a three mile straight in for runway one four full stop glispy what airspeed do you like to shoot your approaches at i like to shoot at about 90. what about you okay all right you just got your next notch of flaps in below 120 flaps right now 20. we're now two miles out 2300 descending on glide path traffic skyline three six three challenge short final runway one four four minimums minimums all right i'm gonna split them up autopilot off whoa [Music] [Laughter] runway one four lined up you got slight i'm looking at the windsock a very slight right crosswind sometimes it's down the runway sometimes it's from your right [Music] can i make it traffic skyline 363 charlie's here is clearly active taxiing to the hangar hotel ah that's so cool we made it oh look at that stationary that looks like a 2016 that's my guess all right you watch my right wing or excuse me my left wing yep you're clear [Music] it's a 2015. oh cool [Music] all right we just landed in the new 182 in gillespie if i forget it one more time gillespie fredericksburg texas and we're staying right here at this hangar hotel and there's a really cool airport diner right next door so we're super excited [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music]
Channel: Schmiiindy
Views: 86,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RE7B-l7dMXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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