Did You Ever Be to a Spa? - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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I feel that podcast could be 10x better if they just showed a close up of eddy's knees for at least 20 minutes each episode. Just some constructive criticism.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/USsoccer37 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tony's sassy editing at the end was excellent, he's my favourite guest on this podcast

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/TheMattInTheBox 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

This may have been one of the funniest intro bits I’ve seen them do, I was snorting and spitting trying not to look a fool listening to this in public.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cashmoney0 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

This and the last have had pretty weird typos what’s going on

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ihaveupsidedowndick 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys before we start stop with the tech deck for now before we start did you happen to hear me last night you know they're ashen around the kitchen squealing like a pig did I hear breaking glasses and that was I thought that was the neighbor upstairs that was you out here no that was that was me out here it's kind of one thing we talked about if you don't want me trashing and squealing what don't we do believe leave the ketchup ketchup exactly so let me ask you something did you did you like it when I was squealing and thrashing I know you know wasn't the neighbor because I saw you walk out and I saw you freeze oh and I saw you slowly and comically like a cartoon like Shaggy and scooby-doo step backwards there might have been a dog behind you like Scooby but I did not see it I didn't why didn't use ketchup yesterday I don't think that was me man I pretty sure it was out on the counter and I was squealing and thrashing around like a pig gone.we I definitely heard me oh are you doing that a lot yeah are you sure you didn't leave the ketchup out though well no I had fried fries and I used some ketchup but I put it back so you must have gone out there and put it on the counter yesterday I had a PB&J sandwich I had a bowl of ramen noodles let me finish I had a PB&J in a bowl ramen noodles two separate times and I had I had a like a piece of ham and ketchup with the piece of ham and I didn't have any ketchup yesterday not once sure I know you're always talking about what if a PB&J was a PB and K I've never nobody has ever said that I I'm thinking of it now and I'm picturing you saying it and I'm having a hard time but eventually I'm getting there you're having a hard time picturing me saying that saying PB and K but now that can you say really quick PB and k now I got it that's you just created the memory now I will just settle it let's start the podcast you left the catch about hey everybody welcome to Mexico City podcast stupid man nobody can dump it let's just for two hours I'll do tech decks and you just go Abel anybody driving listen to the bike you ever almost get into a car accident at all a couple of times I have never I have never run into somebody I have never gotten a speeding ticket I am what they call a good driver but I've had Dumbo brain people do that to me before uh-oh one time I was visiting my friend at U of I the University of Illinois sorry two Doc's the college they're toast buddy and as we were leaving it was me Tony my friend Brandon and somebody was we were just going straight down a road and somebody was turning out of a Lowe's like hardware store yeah and just completely just didn't see us they were in a pickup truck and just almost t-boned us completely and I just sped up and then honked a lot to hell dude yeah I've had a couple of those were I you know I've talked about some trucks have tried to run me off the road this summer yeah but what about you um I've never caused any accidents to I was in I was in a minivan one time in the high school parking lot with a dude as he was backing up and telling me a story and he was like looking in his mirror and looking at me and he fully ran into another car and it was like dude that was like a twenty mile an hour backup he was just like boom and it scared the [ __ ] out of me yeah I've also almost like eaten [ __ ] when I was driving before like you ever have on those big Wisconsin or whatever interstate turn offs where it's the giant loop and then it just loops you back on before I was in a snowstorm one time going back from college and I was taking one of those and I hit the slush and I skidded around at least half of that thing and I was screaming I was gonna there was I I remember when I was 19 I was it was right when Tony and I were first I didn't really drink in high school we talked month as both of us didn't really but when we had started like drinking in college and watching Christmas movies for the first time it was this like oh we could get like pretty drunk and watch home alone and that's fun hence my passion for home alone there's it but I really wanted some hot chocolate and it was snowing a lot and I was going to do you remember for our old house that Walgreens that intersection with like a Taco Bell and a McDonald's yeah well yeah so like I'm going to the Walgreens and it starts to go downhill not a lot but it's just fresh enough snow where the roads are super slippery and I was an inexperienced like snow driver at the time yeah and so I just started like going down and heading towards somebody was turning out of that Walgreens and I was just kind of headed straight for them brakes didn't work even did the like you know that the remember driver's ed in your brain and actually try and do it right nothing was working and I'm headed toward this guy's bumper and the second I'm about to hit it um he just like speeds up and gets out of the way and I was like oh my god so that wasn't fun yeah that's some [ __ ] yeah and my car was not a new car but it was new to me at the time so that wouldn't have been good at all did you enjoy driver's ed we had a like a stone cold steel hard Fox older lady that Todd and she was just a dick to everybody you did in your school yeah I did it outside most people around us because our school program was like kind of bad it was it's called a plus driving and it was me oh wait I yeah I don't live in that place anymore it was near my old place it's actually right near my barber that I love yeah and the guy and the two the two teachers for it I think they're married or dating are incredible they're awesome so they were just like super fun everyone was like you gotta go to a plus because they rule mm-hmm so if you're in the suburbs of Chicago go to a plus driving have an a.1 day we had yeah this this this lady she was maybe you know like fifty five or something like that but she was just a no-nonsense kind of lady I think she worked in law enforcement or whatever to and the thing is most people hated her but I found out it's like she was pretty fair but she was kind of unreasonable at times and [ __ ] and she was very aggressive when you were driving with her okay you know she had the classic the brake on her side of the car kind of situation [ __ ] and there were times were like I was [ __ ] good driver you know like country boy I've been driving a few years before I got my license as it is and there were times were like I was taking a left on like a green light or something you know so I'd pull out and wait till it turned yellow and then start to finish my left-hand turn and there were times where I'd go through an intersection and I would do that [ __ ] and I'd be about to finish my turn in the middle of the intersection and she boom slammed on the brakes so I'm just sitting out there in the middle of a red light then she's like Jesus you can't do that was like we're in the middle of a [ __ ] intersection yeah Jesus I didn't like it that's that's the thing is you can't really convey it at the time because I've seen both of us Drive we are both very good drivers but when you're 16 they don't trust you yeah and also you weren't you're not that good but like they don't trust you to not be a maniac cuz there are kids that are 16 they're terrible at driving so yeah they just don't trust it fully and it's like no listen I'm one of the normal ones yeah just tell me and I'll register that and I'll never do this thing again and there's their baby oh I'll say and I know my dad listens to the podcast sometimes dad get ready you're in that you're in the Eddy zone but no it's a I'm a good driver because my dad my dad was an incredible like instructor for our drive time stuff but the first time I drove around our neighborhood he insisted that I was about to hit a car on a curve that was parked and I was not dad I wasn't and then and then he went home and told my mom like go ahead he almost hit a car and then I heard him on the phone with my uncle and he said this story again it's like dude I almost hit that car so dad pretty much I'll never forgive you listen you're not my dad but just get out of the Eddy zone guys can't stand the heat stay on the porch sorry dad it's okay look I don't I don't love my dad simulation every week now our lady didn't do anything like that there were times where that lady wasn't this bad she wouldn't go that crazy dad there was a driving instructor like in the next town over or something that had allegedly but this is not I shouldn't put that back that was allegedly kind of like hitting on the kids a little bit so who can't do that no you shouldn't be doing that you ever have like a teacher or somebody like clearly hitting on you I thought so once yeah when I was a senior in high school and I don't want to share more details about it because just like oh I don't want the person to be known the teacher cuz it wasn't like that bad but we were we were discussing oh I had two English teachers that year so it's okay yeah we were discovering Hamlet and she wanted us to act out one of the scenes from Hamlet and it's the scene where he's pretending to be crazy and he's like walking around with like his pants down and [ __ ] and so like my teachers like Eddie you're gonna be Hamlet called me up and then started like like pulling my jeans up and like pulling my shirt and literally limits when we got out everyone was like that was really weird it seemed like she was hitting on you and I was like yeah I know those [ __ ] weird as hell what the [ __ ] dude no no but I was 18 so it wasn't a legal area there it is dude I can't remember I even told you this when I was coming out of college that happened to me yeah without without revealing who it was and again I was in college yeah but there was I don't know how to feel about it really clearly I was in a relationship at the time with Sabrina wait this was very end of this is at the very end of all that know about oh [ __ ] me I didn't tell you about maybe I do know about this and I forgot yeah blocked it out you repressed my memory no but it was a it was a woman without any specifics department or anything but it was a woman that I worked very closely with for all four years of college I do remember okay yeah sorry I'm a good friend good and uh and like I thought we were always really cool with each other I won't say what part of college we were involved with but I always was just like hey this this woman is a really cool instructor we have a great student-teacher relationship and yeah I was like the last few weeks of college or whatever and she started like messaging me on Facebook and was just like hey this is my last night in town like I'm all alone like you should come over and stuff and it was so clear it was it was while you were it was post graduation right wasn't it when you were back in town then or was it while you were still about to leave I was still in town but I had strategy yes yeah but it was fully like there and I saw the screenshot yeah yes it was very just like hey come on over pretty much and also it was really [ __ ] weird because like just the week for from some student gathering that we had been to she had introduced me to her child and her boyfriend and she had met Sabrina and stuff and it's like what the [ __ ] you're doing right now you know she just wanted just a piece of that Johnson you know I'm Sam hit that hole two inches baby huh I just met you in general I'm not your John no no not on my penis okay penis my heartstrings two inches of my artery yeah I don't know I mean that was a that was a weird one cuz again like she she's a beautiful talented woman and but also I just felt more insulted than anything yeah yeah it could it would have maybe been flattering if like I was single and I had not met her [ __ ] boyfriend yet from what I remember she had met Sabrina within like a two week period of that text message it was within a one week okay yeah so it was the same time when you met her boyfriend right yep so it's just like oh man cuz that's somebody that that I would have wanted to kind of keep in contact with you know I'm back in town of like do you want to go grab lunch with Sabrina and I or something like that but now it's like I'm absolutely not doing that like you were clearly trying to like [ __ ] me you know yeah just a problem I have everywhere I go yeah it's hard to make friends out here because every time Gus and I go over to a friend's house to like can we [ __ ] both of you guys when I come on I will Michael every episode seriously like you're gonna tase me and then ask for that come on Michael that was it Michael's just hazing us so that he could get in we got to get will on the podcast yeah we'll get him it will was out when Michael was in we both the boys are primed and ready for the podcast but will was on I think vacation right I don't know I think that's what Michael said but and then I said to will I think you were on vacation and he nodded but we were both drinking so that does it who knows he's lying it could have been [ __ ] any use that a spa yeah that's it you ever be to a spa dear meter spot I be how was it wait was it one of those did you see naked guys at that spa I saw some naked guys at the spa yeah I doubt was the relaxation those if they see you at a leather chair and they just go look they said I got out of the pool and I didn't towel off before sitting in this leather chair listen to me stand up as being a leather chair in a sauna oh no that's illegal in the flames oh yeah we went to a Korean spa Sabrina and I did it was for Valentine's Day and it was like it was fine and there were areas of it that were that like naked part of it I didn't go into those areas but very much the changing room is like anybody over the age of 40 your Tang and dong in there yep I get it now as we get older when I was a teenager going to the gym all the time I was like what's going on with all these old guys but I get like you reach 60 and you're not like oh no what if somebody sees my penis enough people have seen it by that point where you're just like where and you don't even go to the middle of like whatever you go like please let somebody see my penis nobody's seen it in a while it was all I'm getting I know it was fine it was it was enjoyable being in like the parts where it's like oh you're on a stone heated floor and you can pop into a sauna or something but also it's like I don't really need that you know and and I found myself getting tired excuse me tired and like starting to fall asleep there and I'm like I don't want to be falling asleep on the heated stone floor not in my home like I think you and I for we can reach our peak relaxation by just being in bed and having headphones on so yeah I don't need the whole works for everything cause it's like I'm good no I'm all right you know it's the peak relaxation what's that having a coffee in the morning I awake when nobody's awake that is pretty nice peak silence you could just sit God that shit's good that is so [ __ ] good right man you making me miss home now I love doing that stuff oh I wish I was home for the fall air coming in you know that's I mean just time away aren't you doing the tour there during the fall yeah but it's gonna be so far into the fall where it's gonna be like I missed that beautiful mid to late September to early October [ __ ] and I'm catching the end of October going home yeah just for that weekend I'm kind of hoping it's still like mid fall stuff but I think it's slightly too late because uh did it was such a Boomer meme for it but did you tell me you're Tony where it was just like it was something about like if you're and it's not just a Midwest thing but like Halloween in the Midwest is like you don't get to be spider-man you get to be spider-man with a coat on yeah it's like total boomer meme but I still like it that's a good one that is a good one it's not a good meme but it's very relatable uh-huh I had to be one time I went in third grade as Anakin Skywalker and you know how he's got that little ponytail thing uh-huh I didn't have long enough hair so uh like my mom just put it around my glasses it hung down but I remember being so freezing that I was like nobody can even see my Jedi outfit I'm just a [ __ ] braid on there yeah but it was like freezing that that Halloween I remember dude so yeah so how was Halloween growing up when you were kid was there a big trick-or-treat scene or what yeah I absolutely loved it I remember distinctly feeling not that it's like I think it's parents feel sad about it I remember feeling very bad about the first year not doing it with my mom or dad because I knew it was like a big thing for them to also do it but uh yeah I loved Halloween because it was just like my Nate you've seen my old neighborhood it was fully just like everybody was out and the perfect kind of generation to be was not my sister's age was like they were the oldest it pretty much leveled out for the entire neighborhood where like my sister's group seems like every family that was their first kid so then we were all like the group of second kids so there was just like a ton of kids in the neighborhood but we were also kind of the last so I watched as I grew up my neighborhood just kind of died of having the childhood joy yeah to the point where like right before we moved it was like oh people are coming over to trick-or-treat we used to be like it was like you couldn't sit down and now it's just like all the kids had moved out damn man I'd like that [ __ ] too that was the same way I actually didn't enjoy trick-or-treating as much as I enjoy giving out the candy because we go in to get along yeah yeah long walk so we had someone well that's the thing though in town you know it wasn't that bad and we live a mile out of town did everyone collect in town to trick-or-treat not at their houses yes like around that's cool yes what did you go we're well I'm like just house to house there were a couple main streets where it was pretty packed and you could kind of go door to door for the most part so like your parents then wouldn't give out candy because it was too out of the way yeah no one came out to our house we go into our grandparents who lived right in the heart of town and we do that [ __ ] that I did to like two years I dressed up where I actually didn't go out trick-or-treating and it was kind of into that age we're like I'm probably too old to go and I don't really want to give out the candy yet so what I did was I I brought out like a big wicker chair and I dressed up like a scarecrow and I like stuffed my sleeves and pants leaves and stuff with straw and then I had a giant like mask on and I slumped over and I just sat out the front door and I just scared people I always hated people that I got him real good see I was always terrified cuz you walk up me like I [ __ ] notice as a person yes we should not that I want to end the Halloween talk cuz I absolutely want more do you want to do a Halloween episode next week yeah okay cool if we have a guest will force them to dress up as something we'll do it forget everything we just have a hallway yeah [ __ ] you will have more discussions about later Tony just for the last seven minutes just have a big like weather alert me yeah which is also the end of the podcast kind of covers everything all right all right hit some pregunta let's hit some flippin pregunta okay also guys what are we at right now as of taping 98.1 k subscribers i are we at 98.1 guys they are guys we're growing big we might even be at 100k by now I feel like the growth has been four sub numbers has been a lot recently compared to before yep I don't know what's going on cuz we're out here you guys are I don't know who you are I don't care who you are I hate you get out of here follow us on twitter at Eddie Burbank and add Gus buckets at gsella would says socks on or off when sleeping off I'll do both I'll [ __ ] with both I can't that seems like I'm wearing my shoes almost I really yeah I don't know that seems like I I'm fine with it I'm not judging about it but for me it's just like that's your socks come off when you're going into bed yeah do you ever like sleeping without a shirt on at all I do not like that sensation I don't like it but if it's too hot then yes sir yeah if I got to do it then I got to do it though sometimes I will wake up without a shirt on and I'll be like I totally took my sweatshirt off in my sleep because I was feeling hot and I do not remember this at all sometimes I'll wake up and like my little butt cheeks will be sticking out and and I'll be and I'll be standing you'll wake up standing yeah where I'll just be like standing on my desk or like right on the edge of the window about to end it all or you know the Griffith Observatory oh yeah I woke up with my cheeks facing the telescope one day that the Leonard Nimoy memoral Morial sorry disrespect you Len we just sleep in it's oh boy he what did he die he died after the second new Star Trek movie he remember because he was in it yeah I think it was like 20 2014 or something the cool thing about Star Trek is I've never cared about it ever I'm right there with you guy all right 2013 he died he was 83 you know that's a good life yeah that's a good life don't know the details but I'll make that decision for him he's there he'll if it was 82 miserable [ __ ] off at 83rd year though that's I was about to make a reference joke that just would not land what's that gonna say that's my favorite Disney Channel movie in reference to the thirteenth year when the kid becomes a mermaid because his mom is a mermaid so I don't know what that is I ain't having any of it I remember that movie always made me super thirsty cuz as he's turning into a mer man mm-hmm they say mer man and it's a big joke it's hilarious yeah he starts getting super thirsty and so like by the end of it he's like his friends like what's going on and he's like chugging a gallon of water during it and I'm always like I gotta hydrate right now damn that's that good [ __ ] yeah so that's pretty nice pre traumatic childhood man I was looking at that Disney Plus thing that was going out this last week where they just had that threat of every Disney movie that's ever been made but grudgingly I have to pay for Disney Plus and they own everything and I hate supporting it boys and well yeah I agree they got a lot of [ __ ] on it I'm tempted but I don't have as much nostalgia cuz I didn't really save Disney stuff for the most part um but yeah I saw all the threads and I was like I haven't heard of probably like 70% of these movies you know yeah a lot of those like the kind of 70s to like 95 movies that they were posting I had no idea what those were I just pumped those out yep and they just dude even like some of the original series for it look really good this I know you don't like Star Wars that much that did look good do the Mandalorian looks [ __ ] awesome it looks like actual movie quality the whole time cuz it's Disney and they can do that bill birnes in that series I'll watch it for Wilbur and Werner Herzog - um also uh [ __ ] who's the actor that plays got some Breaking Bad oh he's in it yes Giancarlo Esposito yeah he's in it and so it looks [ __ ] great in that trailer where the [ __ ] the door [ __ ] cuts that guy in half yeah no I'm I would I would be interested in something like that - yeah I was gonna say and the bounty I once said and Dog the Bounty Hunter was all like return of the jet yeah all right guys listen up it's time for our advertisement okay okay today's episode is brought to you by candid okay listen let's talk about the holidays okay I know I know it's crazy early to talk about the holidays but Eddie trust me you idiot you don't want to go through another holiday season taking closed-mouth photos while everyone else is grinning ear-to-ear do you know sorry I didn't pull you back there yeah I do my grandma I keep my mouth closed my grandma has to try and pry my mouth open so it's free it's it it's kind of a difficult process how's Candida fix this I don't know too bad you're a little too old for social services there but let me tell you guy getting a photo ready smile starts now and it's easier than ever with clear aligners from candid candids aligners can help straighten your teeth faster than traditional wire braces and treatment takes just about six months on average an experienced orthodontist who is licensed in your state creates a custom treatment plan then they show you a 3d preview so you get to see how your little choppers look like when they're done okay look at that that will be so slick also candids aligners are comfortable removable and completely invisible candid ships your aligners directly to you so there's no hassle of going to an orthodontist office and candid costs sixty five or six I like we say in the business five pinky five percent less than braces okay guy and with each aligner purchase candid donates twenty five bucks to smile trained who brings safe hundred percent free cleft lip and palate treatment to children across the globe that's great fixing those lips boys I listen folks get your photo ready smile by the holidays go to candid co.com slash Gus and Eddie and use code Gus and Eddie to get seventy five dollars off that's candid co.com slash Gus and Eddie code Gus and Eddie for seventy five dollars off thank you so much candid for sponsoring and thanks for listening back the podcast another question you got then yeah does it have to be Dog the Bounty Hunter related yes okay well that's half of one at skive rains says what's one thing that you wish you could forget just to have the pleasure of experiencing it again for the first time video games came in my eyes yeah it's definitely breath the wild is one of them but I don't know there's a lot of things like that but a lot of them are like too personal for the podcast actually and also with some of the media stuff you never know because sometimes you really love something and it came around at the perfect time actly yeah cuz like I'd be quick to be like oh Skyrim if I could do that again cuz I'm so tired of it but then I'm like but I can't start Skyrim in 2019 I wouldn't give a [ __ ] about exactly like I was blown away I used to love watching the [ __ ] loading screens and being like look at the reflection on the blood on the orc you know yeah and now just be like get me past the [ __ ] loading screen I was like why do these exist I could I think I would still [ __ ] love Breaking Bad though if I started it over again but that's the easy answer yeah okay at coke Cocker TV goes what are some things that your family or friend groups do that strangers might find weird divorce I don't know I don't we don't really do that much weird [ __ ] I don't think I think you've already told on the podcast the grass tacos thing still blows me away oh yeah we had to do that okay so you didn't remember we ran out of taco lettuce so we had to go pick some dandelion grass out there right like you do you know what you're just eating grass just whatever man I'm sure that we're just loaded with that [ __ ] at my household though my mom is a big penny-pincher lady like she gets firfer laundry she takes like a bar of fell's naphtha industrial soap and cheese grates it into the laundry machine instead of detergent instead of detergent that's what she does that does that wash your clothes ya know it's that like that like the washboard thing and then we never I can't tell you the last time we used our dryer even for socks and underwear when I remember hanging on the clothesline but yeah and then she saves condiment packets and we never used them yeah that's I think that's a pretty standard thing most people have a condiment drawer that's like what the [ __ ] going on in here yeah but the thing is one time I went home and I confronted my mom about that was like mom this is the same pack of arbic you saw I've been looking at for five years there's no way this is good is that Barbie or Arby's barbecue sauce they actually call it arbic you yeah it's RV like but I threw them all into the garbage which was already full of garbage and I came back later and then she had picked them out of the garbage and put it back in the fridge oh wait in the fridge yes she kept them in the fridge huh they're still in there it's in a little shitty Yoplait yogurt cup from like in 1983 see I've seen counter matte drawers not kind of it you'll play cups in the fridge yeah that's different for sure extends a lifetime baby one thing that she did too was like I went through the fridge and I found like various medications tons of advils and aspirins that were like expired by two years we see the fridge again yeah she keeps the medication just in the fridge if there's there's not like any like thought behind it like we have to do it she just puts him in the fridge everything goes in the [ __ ] fridge oh yeah which is already sold you know you want to lead the last baby you know but she went in there and I was like mommy we have like three bottles of aspirin expired two years ago no that's fine I was like okay first of all it's not fine shouldn't be doing that but second of all this bottle is like a dollar at Dollar General you realize you don't need to keep this [ __ ] aspirin Jake no it's fine so I took him I dumped him in the weeds and threw the bottles out and then the bottle was back well that's just how we do it is how we do it a truck Keeney says is it wrong to call roosters [ __ ] a listen guy no nope okay I'm just gonna tell you right now I'm taking a break from pre Kunis for a second well let's open some mail okay all right guys sent us some mail but just a little bit of mail just a little bit of mayo guys no more no more sending us drugs where's my name on this I don't know I just oh no this M and n media who shipped this MN n Eminem no and no2 what the hell's M and M doing these days did you talk about their company or oh I don't know probably not getting the respect that he wants it's weird for me it's just like when I hear M and M now I just like it sounds like middle school yeah I just I have no interest in listen to him at all I have so much respect for him but I actively hear like I don't like to hear this anymore yeah nope boys support boys hey oh there we are in tuxes what's its tribute for the Gustin a podcast one-year anniversary so this is definitely Bratz the movie okay wait they made a real-life movie out of that I guess so they did they CGI the ladies noses off in their eyes ten times the size from what I'm seeing no damn it it's from 2007 and there's no note I'm assuming they want me to react to this movie because if my name was on it so maybe because what do I have to say about jasmin Chloe Sasha and Jade's friendship and fashion coming to light wait Yasmin yep put it in the DVD player right now this is to bust Jackson and Eddie Murphy happy anniversary Thank You Lilly and Anna we love you oh it's the one-year anniversary that we so we're so late to opening packages that we're monthly today yeah you got Magnus's you got this also we got a couple of shirts okay what does this one say it says leave this to the professionals there's such a surprising who is buying those though like the badass gamer shirts do middle school kids still buy those I don't know if graphic tees are still like you know doing well like you remember that shirt after the hangover that had the baby from the hangover on it and every kid you knew that had a cookie monster hat wore it that was it we got from from miles we got a book called words from Walden and it's apparently a book with a bunch of stories from high schoolers in it that's in the trash I can't wait to relate to that you know relate to the teens we got a video here and it's called Jesus meets the gay man wait okay wait don't worry there's an Amazon note for us it just says gamer Jesus is holding in the cover what is he holding read it guys I said I hate figs what a documentary by jean-claude Lafond and Timothy aah do shet it says on the back it's not a Christian film it's not a homo film can I say homo even if I'm reading this yeah it's a human film what a story of reconciliation forgiveness and renewal wrapped in Monty Python like sketches and a jazzy dance number what the hell Jesus meets the gay man is a fun documentary don't say it's not fun okay that will have you see Jesus in a new light this is where I would have put a like whoa dude I should be writing these you say well at the same time convincing you to work on your abs what the [ __ ] is this dude her - I played that character oh yeah is this real when was this when did this come out 2018 this is hot off the presses lute you can see in the background there's there's a photo on the back here and somebody edited over Jesus's stained-glass face a photo of a Bono okay the [ __ ] is this I kind of want to watch it all right we'll pop it in we'll pop it in we just walk over there and you can hear it's faintly watching the entire movie there hold the rest of the body we don't even have it with the volume on we wear headphones to see the movie would come back here's good oh ha ha that's good no that's good that's Jesus and there's the game the dog next door just [ __ ] loses his mind can I say yep that the Gus and Eddie sub reddit has been [ __ ] crushing it with memes lately there are some things that they'll make memes about that I don't remember telling on the podcast oh that well it's a really personal story for my childhood that there's a meme out of now they're just like for God I told mm-hmm I don't get it I was doing a live show - I already told you this again I put it out there expecting you put it on the internet who cares but I said when I was a kid growing up this this [ __ ] kid used to call me goose poop and I didn't like it at all wait did this show up at a show recently yeah it was it was a few weeks ago was it after was that me no no I think it was you and he just docs to us yes but was it after we had talked about it on the podcast had to have been right it was but did that one go up before that happen - what go up that episode we had socked it up yes okay yeah yeah because I've never talked about it publicly and again - it's like it sounds goofy when I was a kid there was this dick kid that was a jerk to everybody and he called me goose poop and I hated it and it sounds so funny you know like it's funny it's a bully story though I'm not like you I'm not going like wow Gus you're still bothered by this yeah of course it would still bother you if it's something that bothered you a lot as a child yeah like I still like if I hear it cuz sometimes you hear it just like randomly in passing especially being four small town you're out in the dock ah there's goose poop on the dock and I still my head so goes oh I hate that like I don't like it I even told on the podcast I was like clearly I realized the irony of going to the Internet and saying this is something I don't like please don't say it you know but still I was just like all right it is kind of funny but it still it feels kind of weird like please don't turn this into a meme and I'm doing a [ __ ] live showing it's the Q&A stuff and when it was fully quiet there's a guy right up front that just goes goose poop come on and I'm just like you're clearly an idiot like you didn't hear what I said like yes that's the thing is there are some times with this is not a two minute rant cuz honestly there hasn't been two minute rants lately cuz you guys have been pretty great yeah but there's occasionally somebody in real life who goes like I'm gonna go up to either Gus or Eddie and my bits gonna be that I'm gonna be mean to them not a good idea yeah we won't like you then yeah it's like oh man it's just a solid plan where I'll just walk up like we're good friends pound around and I'll just insult them right away I was like not why did you think of doing that yeah not good is that the recent one one of the reasons I don't think we should tell that story well what if I told that story I still don't think you should tell that slimy reward it's in a way yeah so just be nice and that's the only request that's a thing too is it's beyond like it like it litters happen like one time to word it it's not just like hey [ __ ] you thing it's like double down double down and we're right there in front it's like what are you doing yeah it's just come on now yeah what are you doing like I know you're doing the joke - but it's not landing and you keep doubling down yeah cuz like picture yourself in the opposite situation of like you know somebody dutt isn't actually being mean to you so you can't react like they're being mean to you yeah but they're still being mean to you so what do you do and that it's like for anybody else like picturing at home how do you yeah you just go oh okay yeah you're on a picture can I leave this situation oh my so it's so interesting - especially on the internet like it I think that we've seen a lot more like you said just just better interactions in the last few months for a while it was getting [ __ ] annoying just yeah just random [ __ ] that would float to the top of Twitter or whatever you know or yeah yeah I don't know but people have been pretty chill for the most part there were some growing pains and now we're alright yeah and it always feels weird too because like I'm we're at the point where we've been doing this [ __ ] so long that it's it's rarely that like one comment would ever bother us you know I don't even here's how I treat YouTube comments I wait for the video to be up for like an hour I read like the top 10 to 15 comments and that's a pretty general gauge of how people felt about it yep I don't see YouTube comments and get bothered by them yeah sometimes somebody will tweet at me which is just it's a fewer batch and I and I hate that still sometimes I see something I'm like this really does bother me you know it's [ __ ] annoying yeah I'm human [ __ ] pisses me off sometimes you don't want to talk about that's fine is there one that you can recall it bothered you recently um some of the replies to you about the Canada thing bothered the Canada thing is [ __ ] outrageous okay I'm gonna give backstory for you alright here's the thing people most people listening probably already know at this point it's so [ __ ] stupid here's the thing now I have this partnership with Comedy Central I am going to be sending in some some content to them for this next year and they have been uploading [ __ ] for like already this last year with them Comedy Central is owned by Viacom and they make all of their decisions apparently some of their YouTube content is not viewable outside the United States and in some certain regions I have addressed this multiple times I have talked to my people at Comedy Central there is nothing else that can be done if you're in Canada you can't see the Comedy Central [ __ ] it's Viacom guys it's [ __ ] Viacom are the biggest entertainment companies the world here also like I'm at the point now where we're in these different layers of irony there was initially this wave of people that were like oh well I can't see in Canada what the [ __ ] and then I talked about it and then there's the meta ones of like joking hey I'm in Canada they did it and I know they're joking but also I'm like guys when I put this up on my community tab on YouTube if you don't like the video tell me like I want to honest feedback on this video like tell me what you liked what you didn't like if you think I'm going in a bad direction but when all of the comments for the most part are about it not being available elsewhere that's [ __ ] frustrating so yeah I mean talk about that what you counted to with the new one I the new video a community tab posted it on YouTube if you don't know it's like the little social media tab part of your channel here I community tab posted it and within an hour of it being up 20 of the top 22 comments didn't delete or sort by anything else 20 out of 22 or about [ __ ] region locking okay yeah that's like all the comments so now when I post this [ __ ] people come to comments of you like what do people think and they're just hit with a wave of like doo-doo-doo okay because the thing is having an audience to an extent is a little bit like and I'm saying this is not a parent is like having a kid in a way where there's some times where you're like I love this kid but why is it acting so [ __ ] annoying right now you know what I mean like that's one where it's like I made a joke about it saying that Gus owed me content on Twitter pretending to be one of the candidate people and somebody was like well they have a right to be angry about it or something along those lines and someone was like you you think they have a right to be angry at Gus for it and they were like well no I'm not justifying it it's like that's we that's what you just did dude I have literally like you said just now I have seen a few people do that same [ __ ] [ __ ] where they'll be like where I'll be like listen like I'm choosing one comment be like I didn't choose this okay like this is not my case and people come in and say like well listen you got understand like these people have a right to see the content and you're like it you're depriving it from them so like they have to be mad it's unfair that they can't see it even if it isn't your fault and I was like [ __ ] you yeah that's the thing is like and this is it's not exactly what I believe black and white for like like hard lines drawn for it but like doing entertainment and especially YouTube yeah I think that people do owe a lot to the people that supported them but when people use support as in like I gave you all this and you won't give me this one video it's like every time you got content there was an exchange there yeah so it's like we also love and appreciate you guys but and the thing is most people are cooler that's the thing is it's 99.99% of people but people who are like I have supported you this whole time and you're not gonna give me this video and it's like how about the hundreds that Gus has posted before like [ __ ] man I just hate when I see that even for like musicians or something where they like delay an album and it's like after post Malone after all that we have given you it's like he's giving you [ __ ] to music you like yes in exchange there it's not like you bought something and it didn't show up you didn't even know this [ __ ] was coming when I dropped the latest one by the way go check it out on the Comedy Central regionals channel if news anchors were roommates I made that with Jamie and me me and a bunch of [ __ ] nice people and we sent it in we made that video yeah go look at it if you didn't even know it's coming it's just dropped and then you're like well I'm angry because you deprived me of it also with this video on every other one you can watch it for free on Comedy Central's Facebook page but Gus I'm not gonna go on Facebook here's the thing I specifically saw comments that were like why do you make me go to Facebook and I saw multiple comments that were like why would you make me sign up for a service [ __ ] I'm in incognito mode right now here's my [ __ ] video I'm watching it we might get copyright I suppose that's right yeah not actually though don't even need a Facebook account that's the thing is again very flattering that people want your content so bad they feel that attitude but it's like just for a second people that are getting mad step outside of yourself and realize you're getting mad for free content yeah you're getting angry as you're gonna make me go incognito mode to Facebook he's not making you do anything you don't have to watch it if you don't want to yeah it's it did turn into a five minute read yeah guys I'll take the full brunt of this one too okay and and again we always joke that we end up griping about people has supported us what but I think it is fair I think it's honest I think it's the best way to go about it I mean because just like everybody listening we are a fan of a lot of things and especially like we before YouTube working out and still are fans of youtubers and podcasts and so like we've been in this position and I think that's where the frustration comes we're like sometimes I see people who are like oh my god we love you guys so much and like their eyes twitching because they're so annoyed by some of the things that some of them do but they don't feel like ranting it's like the people that don't do anything annoying you know we love you yeah but I'm not gonna look at somebody who's like directly tweeting at me like [ __ ] you you [ __ ] idiot and I may be like I love your support oh my god yeah yeah we're not trying to save people if you're somebody that's gonna just lambaste us for that shows like I don't want you here yeah [ __ ] out of here yeah what do you think I'm gonna what do you think that I'm United Airlines over here that's that you can just cuss me out and be like oh my god I'm so sorry what can we do for you can we do for your experience uh cough I don't want you yeah yeah [ __ ] but speaking of that we did the people that came to buffer were [ __ ] great I know that's the weird thing is like everybody we met in Canada was [ __ ] awesome that was honestly the most positive like fan thing I've ever had was just super easy and it was just like where are these Canadians that are getting so angry at you I didn't see I haven't seen any of them I feel like by now some people that are just American are just trying to slander they can you probably make the comments yeah probably I don't know it's always it's always just frustrating when when the certain things don't perform like that too because obviously I've said before like this is a big new thing for me I want it to go well I want the people at Comedy Central to see that this is like people are responding to it yeah and I know they're looking at the comments too and when there is no feedback and it's just people bitching about the region-locked it's like a waste of everybody's time cuz there's nothing even Comedy Central can do about that I don't think I don't think so I don't know if people realize like what a powerhouse Viacom is like I mean Nickelodeon you know what I mean and Comedy Central as well yeah it's just like alright also they flub the premiere that one do you want to talk about yeah I'll talk about it I gotta tread lightly here I'm gonna grab a Dasani if you want to just ruin your career all right that's fine here's the - is there I understand that Comedy Central is this machine and Viacom is this machine you know and all of the people that I work with over there they've been wonderful like I have not had any problems with people personally but just me being a single smaller guy on the importance - you're over there sometimes [ __ ] gets flubbed you know my first video that I went and had just sent in for this for this package thing this news anchor won the Comedy Central tweet goes up and for three hours the tweet announcing like here's the video like it goes to an unlisted link on YouTube so you couldn't see it and I don't know if you guys know this but unlisted links there is a lot of power to [ __ ] up your video if it is ever an unlisted link cuz like if I don't we don't really know how it fully works but any unlisted link that gets like a decent amount of views it registers like okay so the video is released so then when it does release we're not gonna push it because it's kind of already out absolutely I have I have had it confirmed like not my current partner manager no but I've heard it from YouTube themselves they said try to avoid like using unlisted links or sometimes private links if if they're gonna get a lot of views because like Eddie said the algorithm or whatever it determines oh [ __ ] this video is starting to get views Wow in their first few hours there were terrible views well this means that it's not good or people don't want to see it let's not recommend it to other people yeah when I show videos to sponsors before releasing I upload that version unlisted and then I upload a separate version that's how paranoid I am I do it too because I have had videos get absolutely [ __ ] for that same reason I used to just take the unlisted link I'd send it over to a sponsor maybe it would sometimes even get up to 20 views if there were different people were looking at it and stuff I would go live after a few days and the video would bomb like bomb in the water and the thing is - I talk on Twitter sometimes I don't know how much you do it you know about like when a video doesn't perform like it's worth mentioning and the thing is every time people are just like I just it wasn't a good video I didn't like it and like no you don't understand people didn't watch it yes that's one thing I do hate to where this is not even like an audience thing it just seems like random people on Twitter where it's like are you sure you're not just and it's like I don't complain unless there's something like pretty wrong that's the thing yeah is yeah so it's entertainment for you this time speaking for both of us is like if you're saying there's something wrong you know your channel you know it's wrong it's like don't you think I look at the statistics every single day - I even recently as of taping this was like yesterday we put up the [ __ ] the video where you and I shot the Civil War video okay this is a video that was 40 seconds long very clickable good thumbnail was at the top of our videos for three hours til the [ __ ] mods took it off for being political it was on YouTube trending now for all of last night and it is still ranked nine out of ten in my last 10 uploads and it is down 50% yeah it was a full like behind the scenes tank and we don't know why it fully was and my 100% theory as I've heard from other YouTube people before is that it dealt with sensitive subject material Civil War slavery all that [ __ ] so I think that it was stifled yeah um not because I hate censoring stuff but because you just said those two words do you think that might happen to this podcast I don't know guys i listened i said bravery and the and the biffle bull and the dribble door that's that's the gym door you know Tony just cut out the audio guys you know when General you you mrs. s pants he led the charge in the dribble door in the dribble door to president Baberaham Vikram who got just blasted in the head boom in the theater just pow boom youtubes fine with that my oat milk booth I'll do the whole podcast like that okay anyway yeah he said Cybill Shepherd uh let's just not censor any of it oh yeah Tony now should be fine if we get to monetize we get to monetize that's what I like about the audio podcast is we don't have to deal with YouTube's [ __ ] yeah it just goes up Michael's episode got demonetised instantly yeah why what do we think that was again it's approved now but I don't maybe Tony said something about maybe like are the subject matter we talked about during Podcast what was it though I don't remember well he well talked a lot about that like herding Turtles what if that was a big thing did you see the new Trevor Wallace sketch though about turtles and straws no I didn't I'm it's the age-old joke you know turtles and straw is bad but it was just done so [ __ ] well go subscribe to Trevor Wallace look at his turtle skits it's [ __ ] me can I say just mid podcast - I should I'm gonna say this again in another podcast absolutely go ahead and subscribe to Kris and Jack on YouTube yes rice and Jack not only are they have a YouTube channel that I have loved for years but we met them at buffer fest and they are the nicest boys so please flood their channel with support I would love if it just like we just attacked their channel with subscribers let's take everybody take out your phone and tablet right now and put it close to your head and grip with both hands and go and then twist it so it'll snap yeah we'll refund all of you and then we um make sure to subscribe to them before it snaps though as you start to your cracking start tapping really fast don't even do it before just it's got to be at the last second the touchscreen doesn't even work anymore I don't know those guys are cool we should we should do that how about that's the new micro segment as we get we do a shiner Sauron I of love onto a boy okay or a lady or what boys can be anybody that's right you made a mistake no dicks girl good girl so this week go check out Chris and Jack and Trevor Wallace those are the boys those are the boys oh there's a certain video from Kristen Jack that I'm trying to think what's like the best Kristen Jack videos July 6 the park is the best one July September best one but I think the best for new people uh-huh especially people that listen to this podcast I think that would be their bread and butter let me a good meme it's got the old movies it's got the memes and yeah it's a it's a three-part series that it's very very funny across three years it's a spiritual journey - yeah I guess man if that's what you want to call it who's been the best not necessarily surprised because surprise implies that you thought otherwise but who's been a good pleasant if she surprised person that you met by [ __ ] eight Phil so that's not him that's fair he's just a total piece of [ __ ] I don't know if you saw I kind of put him in the hospital recently he just crossed me so I made sure that that had to happen what did you do what did you do to put him in the hospital he said I don't even start listing it dude well he just said on this show earlier that he got a vasectomy and that's right he's in the how was his excuse I hit him so hard in the balls that they were like we have to do surgery but it's gonna be so embarrassing to tell your audience so just say it was a vasectomy they the doctor told Hill to lie to people he was worried about Phil's image it's like the oh it's like in the first jackass when they're taking the car out of his ass and he's like you cannot tell people that's what they told Phil um I don't know who is them I mean we've pretty much everything has been pleasant yeah I'd say the confirming super pleasant is how cool Bruce is Bruce not him are both cool but I didn't watch autumn before meeting her you know I met her through us doing sugar pine stuff before but yeah Bruce's lovely lovely lovely boy yeah that's the thing is I fully agree with the whole Bruce [ __ ] too and there's really you got to take the word surprise out of it I don't go into anything thinking someone's gonna be a dick well sometimes you to but that's the weird thing too like without at least personally listing any names I've had the opportunity to even interact with or or just briefly meet up and talk with people that are more controversial across the platform and it's always weird when somebody that you know has done a bunch of shitty public things on YouTube is extraordinarily kind to you do you wait I can't even think there's a few things I can't even think of the examples you're talking yeah is this an off podcast talk that we have to have I think maybe yeah okay you saying that is I think it's it definitely isn't because I can think of a few people you know and then even sometimes like interactions have been kind of public and it feels weird to be like I really don't endorse what you're doing but I don't want to seem like I'm being two-faced at the sound when you want to went on a date with Jake Paul I did do that and it went really well that's the thing as it was so sad yeah problem and I Sabrina probably wasn't too happy about that but no it did go well though so she can't be that mad not that mad she's pissed but like not that it wasn't like relationship ender but like she was pretty mad that the date went really well yeah yeah she was like listen I understand that you and I are in a are in a monogamous heterosexual relationship it's fine if you're doing polygamy off to the side in a in a bisexual relationship now apparently that's fine she said she but she's but it can't be going well you can't Gus he can't be doing that she said that yeah just like that she kept repeating he kept doing it on the date she she got the table over which you're like holding as a Jay Paul gosh you can't be doing that that's on me though I should have booked all the tables for a buffer zones so at least she'd sit in the back away from us I can't hear you anyway Jake you want to hit some more pregunta yeah let's look at some pretty cool toes at Logan buck 22 says what's your favorite bagel what-whatever it bagel I don't you eat bagels like every [ __ ] day I don't eat bagels it's a original with cream cheese a regular cream cheese that's it can't be doing that there's some hard questions about here because there's a lot of jokes and stuff too oh also I had to Instagram accounts today that very very small ones like under a thousand whatever that took the Civil War video and republished it and specifically were like hey he one of the guys said hey he's calling all of you idiots his name's at Johnson Gus coast go send him some DMS whoa yeah and then they were both like these big America like like Instagram pages oh one of them I'm really surprised because here's the thing I almost [ __ ] never report [ __ ] just on any platform for that harassment yeah that's just like this is his name and he specifically was like go do that I don't know if it's because I have the check mark or whatever but I just immediately reported as like this is harassment and it was instantly deleted whoa that's gotta be verified then yeah I'm just going on going with a certain situation I don't want to shine light - do you remember there were like hundreds of reports on that thing and it was like nope sorry we checked it and it's fine and it's like this is the definition of harassment legally you [ __ ] maniacs like you're clearly not checking it though is the thing you'd think was such a high volume of like reports that someone would take a second be like what is this yeah because you can eventually in seconds oh that's harassment but yeah ventually they did after twitter which is weird because twitter seems like more of the like less banning things yeah yeah I was once the charges have been yeah what's your least favorite platform online right now um I don't like Instagram that much I well it's really I don't like how people act on Instagram I love Twitter when I cuz i'd yeah political stuff is not on my twitter at all for the most part and political twitter can get pretty toxic but with and you know there's like russian bots all over it so yeah but yeah I would say probably Instagram oh well Facebook's the absolute worst I don't use it oh yeah it's just trash yeah it's absolute trash I I agree with you - I enjoy right at Twitter the most undoubtedly Instagram I don't like it I just don't enjoy consuming it - but I agree people are shitty on Instagram thing is Instagram memes are great yes you Graham memes are better than reddit in my opinion can you find that's where like teenagers are making memes and that's where the spiciest memes are coming from is America's teens that's very true and everyone's gonna say why are you just saying America America is the best it means I'm just gonna say it we are it's not even a competition I know Grande's gonna [ __ ] flip it back and I know Dolan is as well listen guys the best memes come from the US that's all I'm gonna say listen that's all I've set Grande if you want to come leave Malta and come over here that's fine we will accept you be on the podcast be on the podcast as grandi ever shown his face I don't think so Grande will put a bag over your head we'll put a whole note block block over your head is like Witcher note black thing yes thou be we would actually be good hosts if we provided him like a mascot helmet for that that'd be like a whole marshmallow situation and I will say I think the very the funniest memes are from America's black community online like black people Twitter on reddit and everything they're better at memes than the rest of us I don't know why yeah I set community that community has the best memes I don't know what it is I really like the black people Twitter sub right it's very funny yeah but you can tell a lot of people in the comments are white people pretending to be black people on reddit and it's like I don't buy it guys yeah yeah I also I'm not a big [ __ ] fan of reddit just period like a lot of in the last year I've as I've just been paying attention to more [ __ ] it's just like this is a really kind of a cesspool in a lot of places yeah I don't know it's weird like we talked about it you can find for just any creator that's getting posted there there are just a group of people just [ __ ] annoyed that they exist and I think again the attitude for reddit is like I am here on reddit everything is catered to me right now and if I don't want to see it [ __ ] this thing yeah it's just like no other social media works like that if I see a tweet I don't like I just go I don't go what the [ __ ] do you tweet this yeah it's stupid and even separately from that because that's that's the case if you go look at like if I have a top link on our videos go to the bottom sort by controversial you'll just see it [ __ ] boss you do the same for any creator that's regularly fit like featured that the binging with babish is prosy de and Kong Lee even hydraulic press when they were posting more that's just it's the case for everybody that gets featured on there yeah I don't know what it is and at first it's all love and then it's like the second they like see them for more than five videos it's like [ __ ] this guy reddit loves building somebody up and treating it as if they're it's their baby and saying wow look at this person hello this is our guy and then anytime they try to like spin off into other opportunities it's like [ __ ] you yeah I remember one like babish did one of his big first sponsorship things with like Bose headphones and it was executed super well I saw so many [ __ ] comments being well [ __ ] sellout and [ __ ] it's like this guy has been giving you dozens of just free entertaining videos and educational videos on cooking yeah I could better burgers because of babish exactly the purpose Berbers what was the thing you said earlier the [ __ ] ever be with the spot thing huh I'd be at as far yeah whatever it was did you ever put a pizza in that in this yeah I know but it does actually come with a little pouch here which I remember you opening that was that from for the podcast what did you remember you getting it somebody sent it to me and it might have been an early podcast thing yes it was specifically addressed to you that's all I remember so it might have been just an early p.o box thing yeah check this [ __ ] out guys boom baby we got a little pizza koozie in here it's so like the pizza slice has to be exactly that like big you know yeah pretty small for of triangle slice I feel if you're gonna go to the trouble to make your outfit [ __ ] reeks so you can have 1/8 of a meal later on like this ain't it guy you do this show on stage you trip and fall and pizza sauce oh [ __ ] I'm so sorry sorry sorry my pizza pocket oh look the thing is this would be a really like you can put other stuff in here I just I wouldn't want to put greasy [ __ ] in here yeah I put snacks in here it's just like a line of grease going down your stuff yeah very good show so I mean I guess you said to me that wasn't the most glowing review scrap town USA if you want to pick one up I guess did the company send it to you yeah I remember the note said I think it was like the dude he kick-started it or something that's that's a funny kicks this is funny like this isn't bad but if you really try to use it for the practical reason clearly people aren't like oh good this is filling a need I had yeah it's a joke it's a good joke it would be good to go to a party with an actual pizza in there and then just amid conversation with somebody just unzip open the packet yeah when when they're talking just uh-huh uh-huh yeah you hold this for a second you need anything going in the bag in the old Zhou pouch also I will say guys for the rest of the year we got some guests coming up with this this podcast is about to get real good it's gonna get guest e as hell yeah we got some people that I don't know it should Wheaton that's just not it we could do a little okay pay money Bobby's definitely gonna be on recording that episode in what like two days two days coming over on Monday wait so we recording that in Oh like a half week half a week oh yeah it's Tuesday yeah cuz I'm is it is it Wednesday that's one I don't [ __ ] okay because I'm recording my video tomorrow so then we were like I was just trying to do the math like a my foot yeah um we got we finally just need to get James and Elise on em hmm because we wanted to have them on for forever and we just like the timing has been awful well it was obviously gonna be on yeah they'll is obviously gonna be on yeah and then we'll keep the other ones as surprises a couple surprises okay we're gonna get your Susan Wojcicki alright sure we're gonna be mean to her do you think she would ever come on the podcast I don't think so I think she's open to talking to creators but I don't think we're the creators to talk to you let's start the meme the non harassing meme guys don't bug her no this is gonna be bad so we don't want here's the thing though if she came on we would ask her legitimate hard pressing questions about like monetization and copyright claim land she wasn't this pressure of asking the wrong or right questions or being too pressing to her that's true that my only thing is like I think that we would conduct ourselves really well in the interview and be really good to the community and ask the right [ __ ] but then the next week I would be making 20% on what if we just surprised nerd City here just like [ __ ] married comes out comes out as a doctor down vote yeah and she just just peppers brazen right away do you think Susan knows who nerd City is for I think she knows him and hates him I'm sure she does that's gotta be I I'm not surprised why it seemed like even VidCon which isn't YouTube seemed a little like this guy like they didn't like like hate him or anything yeah but he's got this awesome cool guy like notoriety for things or it's like that's a guy oh [ __ ] you man yeah dude I would love them I love nerd we'll get him on sometime when he's in town here got any [ __ ] know where he lives but last time he was in town was I think November of last year so it's just and I think we were both gone so I just didn't work out that's a big thing it's like with you doing the tour and me traveling where it's like we want guests on in this like oh we're only back at the place for two weeks we also need to stock up podcasts enjoy ourselves and make our own videos so it's hard to be like can they come over this day hmm feels bad we're bad at doing this it's gotta get some boys to visit - we gotta get Jo Deul miss come and visit gotta get Curtis coming in and visit and stuff yeah we should have Curtis on the podcast yeah not not that I directly didn't want Joe on the podcast yeah yeah Joe and Curtis Curtis should definitely be on you 50% there guy I would love to meet Joe you've met all my hometown boys pretty much yeah I got a couple DEP's Deep South boys backwoods babies hey walk in a couple of shitty boys I say Joe is Joe is way more fresh in in style and music and and overall class than I ever was any more preguntas for yes Gus John Gus Johnson asks when do we end the podcast now I would I would agree what do you guys think leave your comments down below Tony you want to like cut one of us off at one of those Tony that would be hilarious if you cut it not not here Tony listen to me Tony I want you to cut Tony cut back to my camera listen so just keep it on me I'm your brother you have to listen Tony this is the one time we go back to me even though cuz I get to actually talk to you Tony cut back to me after guys can I just say before I go can I just say Tony just cut back to me and then the podcast right here thanks Tony how you been man you can't answer he's he's cutting on me right now be he'll do that he'll do that he'll do that he'll that's Tony's voice reveal it's just at the end he just goes right into your Logitech microphone that plugs into the pink headphone jack in the back of your tower case he just goes [Music]
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 172,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eddy Burback, Gus Johnson
Id: F4PH7kO1Lyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 59sec (4139 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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