Dude, Go Get the Pepper Spray - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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[Music] what's up what are you doing chick-fil-a didn't give me a straw to supply my own right but I just thought it's a bendy straw and I just thought you pushed down and the bend just completely fold well I was running low on liquid I figure I keep pushing deeper I've find some gold you know I'm saying fellas is this straw touching the bottom yeah currently so what's deeper you think you're just gonna push it through and there's gonna be another cup under your cup after it breaks through yeah it's called that's called a chick-fil-a fill up you just walk to somebody else at a table just stab yours through up into their cup and start drinking wow these things are never-ending what's going on here to fillet hey guys this episode's sponsored by chick-fil-a that's not true you can't say that oh [ __ ] yeah I mean Tony leave that in I gotta get sued for it there you go I wish though I like chick-fil-a too bad they're kind of they don't like everybody over there they like everybody I like everybody I don't know about everybody else but it's not I like everybody but then there's specific actual individuals I don't like I guess that's what I say yeah groups of people a lot of notes not groups of people who maybe you could like group them together just by eyesight or oh that's what I even do always sound like on the spot yeah the Gus and Betty podcast you sketch yours sorry I dropped the ring on the table yeah that's the one that you're not supposed to drop it's a Lord of the Rings ring King it actually I'm not supposed to wear it cuz sauron's gonna get me did you see that Amazon is cuz you know we already talked Lord of the Rings series stuff they are locking all of their writers for the Lord of the Rings series in a room and they have bodyguards for yeah I saw that and I think that's I feel like that's just for the press of it to be like we're even it's Game of Thrones doesn't keep our secrets even it's like nobody watches your show yet we don't care I get that also it's like wit no one can know what's being written about these books that already know what's gonna going on [ __ ] yeah like I'm sure people will care and like the show but right now I'm not like what's gonna happen in the Lord of the Rings series will there be a ring this time it's like the whole world's already laid out so like you got to make me care about the characters before you're walking away the secrets of this season you know what you should they should do they should update it you know for like modern stuff you know like Call of Duty was World War two and then they did modern warfare yeah so I want it like the ring is like a dog tag now it's one of the fidgets cubes well that's one thing with with Game of Thrones is it's let's say all of the last season of Game of Thrones got leaked that would be number one trending on Twitter yeah if any or all of the new series for Lord of the Rings got leaked it would not trend on anything it might be on Reddit and people would be like oh I won't read it then you just post the Wikipedia page to the original books yeah guys I found out what happened I just want it to be as much like The Hobbit they could possibly be that I'm talking about the movies I hope he's Jeremy del Toro is directing them so what did he do to the series I don't know I don't want to be soaked wings like a lovely guy I know he seems so cool and we're excited for scary stories to tell in the dark yeah I probably won't watch it cuz I'm a scared [ __ ] boy but I'm really glad he's making it I almost care [ __ ] boy 2 but I will watch it and be scared um I don't I'm gonna misspeak but I know that he was heavily involved to direct and then kind of last minute I don't know if it's like he got a little cold Tootsie's a little Totino cold ones to del Toro's del t knows I mean anyway he didn't direct it and like airmote cold Totino's let's just call him Benicio del teens completely that right it's somebody else I don't remember whose fault it was but he pulled out and it's like Peter Jackson was helping with the pre-production at least and then they're like well [ __ ] we don't have a director and he's like well I love middle-earth so much I want to just [ __ ] it all over yeah so Peter Jackson's a saint for making those movies more than good they're just not masterpieces right I just I only saw him once but I remember because I binge-watched the only time I've seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy is when I binge-watched it right before the Hobbit came out because I had never seen it before hmm absolutely loved it and then I remember the first movie and I never fall asleep in theaters I almost did yeah I was like really might have been the second way or no I think it's at the end of the first one there in like I don't know how to print out is it smile good smog is in his like layer is that the first movie where they're like in it for too long I think no that's the second one but I think they go to smiles layer in the first one okay does the third one then start with smog just getting [ __ ] immediately I think smash is yes that's the third okay because I remember being like what you gonna do in the third yes it's like smoke he's dead no it's funny you say that though because like I rarely fall asleep for movies that I'm going to see for myself yeah I did watch it at home but the first two times I tried to watch the theatrical cut of The Hobbit I fell asleep okay so it's common it's the thing it's what you gotta do yeah even when eventful things were happening I was already so tired I think it was in the second then when they're like running through and getting chased I remember thinking like you know when it's a Friday night and you go see a movie and the movies just okay and you're like I cannot wait to go home and like play video games or just hang out because the end of the week I couldn't wait to get out of that movie obviously that's what I was setting up and you like movies I really like movies particularly Academy Award winner spider-man into the spiders four times I didn't we don't have the rights to the Spider Man song ID so you used another popular must aspire to the Carribean dude Academy award-winning film though that's a good one yeah that's awesome I just got a lot of water in my hands if that was a little drop and I just splashed myself I let it slide okay tell me if you just CGI the water Tony if you want to just make sure to make my hands not wet yeah what haven't we okay one thing we have because we pre-recorded podcast one Sven and Jake you were here uh-huh we have not talked about the Comedy Central video oh yeah yeah you want to talk about that a little bit okay if you've been watching the channel by the I mean Gus's channel you'll see me of I've mentioned that a couple times I'm doing some work with Comedy Central right now they bought the low-budget series that I've worked on in the past with pals and now you can watch low-budget rom-com with Gus and Eddie and special guests Bruce Green and Jamie McEwan yeah Sabrina also just because we're in the beginning of the podcast and it's meant to stress you want to talk about the will go back to the economy central thing but we should talk about the live show in case people listen to both of us and want to go to the live shows yes come to see me live there will be special guests I wonder who could possibly can be fully unannounced special guests so yeah come on see the I'm doing a show at the Irvine improv it sold out [ __ ] it's sold out so mention the other show there so I'm doing one in Oxnard so if you guys want to come it's sold out [ __ ] for listening to the podcast we announced it too late I'm just gonna flex on it no there there's some tickets available yet and I was telling Eddie before cuz I'm talking to you at home right now I was telling Eddie that like I've tried to do like I said I was gonna do photo captions for free ticket and stuff like oh if you have a funny caption or a funny editor this photo I'll pick the winner and I'll like DM you I've done it now for three people like I've chosen them in the funny DM stuff and they're all like hey thanks for thanks for choosing me I'm actually in like Cleveland though so I can't so it's like thank you for playing but what I'm gonna do is just in a couple days after this podcast goes up just I'm gonna just say if you live around LA and you want free tickets just reply it's no contest cuz I got to give the tickets away to somebody and that's for podcast listeners they can get ready for that they're exclusive but if you hit me up before it happens I'm not gonna invite you back and invite you all so I think I had them technically the most likes of anyone in your meme contest so technically I win the free tickets Wow but I already get in for free and so does Tony so I have no one to give the tickets to so what are you gonna do maybe I'll give it to a fan the free tickets I'm like here this is from me and that goes oh the Showtime two of the date oh yes so you come our vine improv if you win the tickets March 7 at the Irvine improv and then in Oxnard California please buy those those are April 3rd it's a little far out of town so yeah did you I do you think you'll change the show at all in between like say if something doesn't work as well as you'd hoped or maybe like something kills do you think you're gonna like is it gonna be the same show in both it's going to be for the most part the same show okay don't come to both oh yeah because you want more people to be able to see it now actually I want you to come because Oxnard selling slower than Improv then Irvine because it's farther out of town okay so even if you can't go buy the ticket buy out all the seats yeah yeah so it's gonna be basically the same show the thing is like depending on how well this goes I might be like touring a little bit but then of course I'm definitely changing the show if I do that no cuz it's like there's so many people involved again who could it be that it's like I'll change it up but for these two ones they'll be the same show so that's cool and then also I've seen questions about us doing a podcast live down the line yeah yes not now though we have too much stuff going on and even the thought of that makes me just really stress so don't worry about that later I mean can't you guys see look how much we got going on here guys it's just moves fully with do you think this is just we could just take this with us you just start knocking it these are load-bearing these are bolted down to the ground in our apartment so yeah that's okay back to the Comedy Central thing oh yeah call me central stuff so is that was fun yeah I loved I loved making I love doing the low-budget stuff and being a part of it one thing though is the day that they see me in it or Bruce was one of the most hectic days of our entire lives it was so it was like I was leaving to go home right or was I going to film something and you were leaving the next day for Thanksgiving I think it was that one okay I was leaving the next day and I had to I think go film that day like I think I came back and shot just one of my commentary videos and it was like everyone was doing everything and then it just fell into place like we all shot for like 40 minutes and then just separated it was nuts like I brought one camera and one battery to the shoot and it ran out so like they're like all of Jamie's scenes when he's the pilot if you've seen it like I had to shoot on my old cell phone I didn't know you did that oh I was just losing my mind that day Jamie's bit as the pilot made me laugh so much just because he kept King the horn yeah come on [ __ ] like that so much um some people were asking to they were like oh that's good of that Comedy Central finally wanted to like write that stuff Comedy Central's been really cool with it but the way that I set up this deal I'm just making the full video and sending it to them and they're just telling me stuff like yeah you should maybe blur that logo we're like I don't know cut that out yeah they're fully it's me yeah your YouTube videos but that was a fun one go check it out also a lot of people I don't even blame you up you can't watch it in Canada or Australia still which sucks and which I wish I would have been told before it went live been nice so sorry about that I'll try to see if I can get the future ones not country lock yeah it's just it's weird cuz you know it's it's like cable stuff yeah I don't even know how that works I don't know I don't even know how cable works I just turned on the TV it's like a little magic box well the cable it's literally a cable that goes into the TV sorry it's called cable television because there's the specific cable that brings you those channels I'm listen dude I'm listening to what you're saying but it's like the words are just going one out one here not even into one here and not the other they're just coming out of one of my ears so the informations already in your head and it's leaving as I'm telling what whoa cable you're not it goes what are you touching stay on your side and cracks in the walls there goes the words goes in words Thursday go what is your shirt say there's one of the like shirt series you've been wearing yeah I've got every shirt you're gonna see in a video now is probably gonna be new it's a milk carton second you got up all the words just scrunch together it says missing and there's a picture of Bigfoot have you you just said it there's more oh you were reading are they gonna ask you a question oh you said really did you sorry have you seen me a description and it's a height and it says brown fur and ice it's a little missing milk carton for a Bigfoot that's pretty funny yeah I like that that's a good shirt yes I like it six bucks I I got it from the National Council for Missing and Exploited Wow [ __ ] joke big feet just like Bigfoot that joke isn't real dang guy I wonder if I don't know cuz I don't know why people choose to like find conspiracy stuff we talked about it before but like how some people just need something to like glom on to and they just take [ __ ] like that yeah I can't imagine choosing going all-in on Bigfoot just because like I feel like if you find Bigfoot it's very cool but then it's just not much just like I'll use you're just hiding yeah they're like what's gonna happen now what's go he's gonna [ __ ] everything up it's like why he hasn't been doing that so he's not gonna change it's not I fully just don't believe Bigfoot's a thing and yeah I don't think it's real but like I mean it's one of those things where it's like technically can you rule out that there hasn't been like one family of them hiding it's like no I can there's a lot of woods in the world you know that map on halo 3 with those eight people up there see I'm speaking your language now guy I know what you're talking about now I'm here with both the ears I heard in spider-verse there was Bigfoot - oh that's not true it's not true no so that's not oh you're just trying to speak your language nope talk to me in my language but like see some about Lord of the Rings and that's what came back oh did we talk about the stranger at the door yes oh yeah okay so you know we're we're secretive people if you if you happen to find out where we live we've said before I don't care if you're the nicest guy in the world I don't care if you bring your 60 year old grandma with a tray of cookies to our front door if you come to our place I'm gonna kick you in the eye yeah we don't want you to come here I see and again everybody listening is probably reasonable but when you get to a certain level I'll see people confronting fans that go too far and they're always like but I came all the way out here doesn't matter I don't care I write my own privacy genuinely like so we had a little incident a couple weeks ago it was we're just all chilling in the living room here is like midday yeah and we hear a little knock on the door you know a little knock and yeah we're like did you order food no you expect any packages no knock again what the hell that's Oh like we went we go look out the peak pole the little peep hole and we don't see anybody they're like yeah and I want a hell cuz we're not in like a home Solicitors or anything like that it doesn't happen for our door so we only get a knock if there's like a neighbor or a stranger or it's a delivery yes it that is the only situation yeah so now they've knocked twice and rang the doorbell and I looked out there I couldn't hear it but I could hear like some yeah shuffling around some clothing and stuff so I didn't want to like open it we've got like double dead locks on it and the chain and I just so like hello who is it who's out there I could hear a little rusty and we were fully like they're crouching down crouching down we could hear it sounded like they were like crouching yeah and so like we were like go get the pepper spray we got some yeah yeah I think I said that I said go get the pepper spray and the Taser and then cuz you were saying like like who are you yeah who are you who are you tell me who you are we're obviously talking like loud and deep to kind of like threaten the person yeah and then yeah I say like go get the Taser or the Taser and the pepper spray and I went there and I said who is there nothing I was like answer the question nothing and I repeated answer the question nothing again we could and we could still hear someone there and it sounded like they were like muttering yeah so it's again in our minds there somebody has knocked on our door and is ducking to not be seen which in my head filling in the blanks at that moment - is like this is maybe possibly a fan or that is ducking down of wanting the door to be open so they can get inside you know so it doesn't I mean just fold like narcissism out of it like it doesn't have to be a fan just be a stranger that is trying to break into our home yeah so get the [ __ ] out of here yeah so then so we come back and we got like some bear spray and a Taser and [ __ ] and I was like I said like you tell me who the [ __ ] you are right now we're gonna call the cops yeah and then I looked in the people and I saw the top of the hair but yeah and I was like somebody is crouching down I can definitely see them now yeah yeah so I was like I Sabrina was here too I said like Sabrina called it called the cops right now call the cops she called the there's a security force yeah she called them which is smart and what was the oh yeah so then we were both standing there and then we and this is so unsettling in the moment we hear crying yeah which is not and it sounds like a kid crying which then in the moment you're like okay is there a child crying in front of the door or is there a woman pretending to be a kid crying in front of our door cuz there's still been absolutely no answer mm-hmm or is it like somebody using a kid to get us to open that exactly which happens all the time we'll get robbed all the time for stuff like that easily so we're standing there in there like we're like I think it's a kid I think it's a kid and then we just stop and listen for a while we don't hear anything else I look out the people we couldn't see anything so I was like I'm gonna just uh no yeah don't you and I think fully decided like it's probably a kid and it's a kid in the hallway by themselves we should open it up and like if there's somebody out there who kind of gave up and then they're waiting for the elevator we could take them yeah totally and again we gotta [ __ ] pepper spray and taser boom ready to go so I like I crack open the door and the chain is there and I got the pepper spray looks like right there and I don't see anybody so I slowly like check my corners and then I like walk out in the hallway slowly and I heard people talking at the elevator and I go over there and it was like a four year old girl yeah it was this little girl who just like got lost and was trying to go to our apartment and we almost pepper sprayed and maybe just a child I'd be safe with the situation people are gonna come at us and say like oh you're just you're just trigger-happy for kids cuz you want to kick the fourth graders ass yes yeah no only if we are in a gymnasium and somebody has said can you take these kids in a fight yes I'm not gonna seek out a kid that's at my door let's not limit ourselves but probably want it yeah probably I this kid didn't get tasted now spread but you come to my door when I don't maybe I'm a little little bad mood oh no I don't care if it's the food I ordered if I don't recognize you from my real life if your face doesn't look a little bit familiar then there's gonna be some pepper spray on it that's why I call all my postmates drivers and I say tell me a little bit about yourself so I feel like I know you when you get here what are your parents do your eyes depend on it so yeah so we go in and like luckily Sabrina was here who both is and looks very sweet especially with children and [ __ ] yeah and there's this poor girl at the elevators do you wanna yeah I want to add before you got Sabrina so the people in the elevator that we're talking to him they had like blocked the elevator from closing because they're trying to wonder who this kid is before they just go down in the elevator for him because it could be their floor so it's this couple who again very nice of them to stop and help this girl but they had a son and they are this girl is like 4 to 6 mm-hmm they are just like throwing questions at her she's a little girl looking up at two adults like where are you supposed to go where are you coming from like where do you want to go do we want to go up a floor do we want to search every fuller in the building and it was just like I asked her I was like hey is your like is somebody watching you is your mom home she goes she's away and I was like is anybody watching you and before she can answer they're like should we go up the floor like well I go down floor this and like just kept hammering questions toward her you're flooding her brain yeah so you went and got Sabrina and she completely calm down the situation cuz like Gus and I can't look at us we can't be like do you need help like yeah Tony I'm going to send you a picture of myself exactly what I went to talk to that girl cuz I came back and I took a picture of myself and I look like a [ __ ] maniac yeah so this is the picture this is me hey I got I had the pepper spray in my pocket silly hey do you need some help so the main lesson from the story is I mean honestly we were fully careful from it like we didn't there wasn't a moment where we almost taste a pepper spray this job but if you come to our place that is what's gonna happen you're gonna die if you like if really though like if we open the door and you know they're saying like hey like Gus neti we came here boa and you take even a step toward the inside of the apartment I'm sorry no [ __ ] we don't know who you are you could be a killer or a bad guy or a stabber ID are there any check if there's any stabbers down here that's my own viral video right I forgot well where's the phrase that says there's like no not into the mic no it's okay okay okay from the top hey I'm just checking to see if there's any stabbers down there that's all right nobody's down here that sounds right but I don't know run again okay let me just check to see if there's any stabbers down here that's the rest of my line so okay no so you want me to do your line cuz then you seem to know the okay I was just doing that one yep anyone gonna go stab this is a crash my guess we should waste of your time we should call this the crap and a/c podcast you're always hitting those zingers this podcast is great I changed my mind you got it I hit some questions up let's hit some Q's with my dudes you know what I'm saying yeah I didn't do you have it open right now cuz my phone is in my pocket right here you see any bangers let me let me take a pic here by the way I love you ever have somebody say like know what I'm saying when they say already explicitly like what it is yeah hey I'm gonna go home and like open up some Shasta Cola and maybe eat some chips you know I'm saying yeah you told me exactly what your plans were um let me see at bobert Wooley asks what creation of yours are you the most proud of through any medium I think we've answered this before I think what about not video thing that you're the most proud of oh [ __ ] I don't know that's a loaded one I can't think of right away your relationship with me is a big mouth I took a lot of work uh it's just like YouTube stuff I think the last thing in December I was real proud of because I felt like I that was kind of me going all in for something but then also a really this last video of just going back to my like roots of doing bad 80s movies I've really [ __ ] loved making this one jobs just answer basically my latest [ __ ] baby I'm basically peaking right now what's the answer that's synonymous with everything I ever made I would say non-video stuff I am pretty proud of just based on how difficult and how terrible the process was I'm proud that I graduated college yeah that's great I officially did that a few weeks ago it was a [ __ ] struggle yeah especially I would add to it that you graduated college while doing YouTube yeah cuz mine took off the last couple of months and I [ __ ] struggled to do both it was bad yeah and I was in Community College I think I said before to my last semester of college I went to a small town school in Wisconsin every single weekend I was flying out to like either California to do like video stuff or to see Sabrina or to Portland where she used to live to see Sabrina and like [ __ ] around do video stuff so I was doing that every weekend I had ATMs on Monday most of the time I was landing in Minneapolis an hour and a half away from my school at like 4:00 in the morning because they were the cheapest flights yeah so I was doing that every weekend I started the semester taking 22 credits and then I had to drop down to like 18 because I was [ __ ] drowning and I was the lead in the musical so it was just like [ __ ] this and remember when you told me that you took it I even told you I was like dude you're gonna [ __ ] drown and I was like oh my god that was I was dying that you did it because you said it was a great experience but like I remember you just feeling like I have to miss all this [ __ ] just to like go to LA this weekend and I know like you would even roll like when you go on a trip for YouTube stuff it's like relaxing but also a lot of work and I remember those would kind of be your relaxation times when we'd come and be filming for like a [ __ ] ton of time ya know it was nuts I would never do that again well enough that situation is never gonna be a thing again but that kind of scheduled that [ __ ] sucked it just killed me I was just I was so manic all the time I was exhausted and just I couldn't focus but especially even just for the travel stuff you couldn't just go to the airport in like 20 minutes like I could it has to be like a whole day thing of you going to like stay somewhere and then go or like do this big drive to get there and yeah and it's like I would drive to the airport and I would park at my buddy Joe's house cuz there was like Street parking and it was like free so and but then there were times where I'd be in like Palm Springs or something and Joe would give me a call and beasts and say hey dude they're sweeping the streets here like you got to move your car it's by tomorrow and I'd be like [ __ ] and I'd have to go like spend like an $80 FedEx Express mail to mail my key to him oh geez dude it was a nightmare yeah that's that's too much but I graduated it was a laborious process I fought my way out with many school officials do I answer this on the pike Tony yeah pick it up Tony you're live on the podcast right now hang on up on me if you don't want to be on it at all that was such a pleasant Tony has exited the chat I actually really loved the FaceTime audio stuff cuz it's just same running through like your phone calls but it's like a Wi-Fi connection for the for speaking rather than a shitty phone call audio that's pretty good yeah I like that it's nice um let me see here oh yeah so I graduate college kicked ass I got a 2.5 4 GPA that's code for a horrible let me see oh this is a pretty good question @v Vicent is one two three four some people sometimes people like tweeted us or they're like thanks for answering my question but you butchered my name it's like your name is like Vic Vic 2560 X - it's like I can't read that the shittiest sounds like a Kingdom Hearts villain or a Roman god for that Vincente s one two three four says how do you guys go about the the podcast how do you set it up but do you just wing the topics oh geez can't you tell we wing it yeah the main thing with the podcast set is it's in our main room so what we do is we will fully setup all of this and then we might have like a week where we don't have people over so we'll record another one but usually we like our living room to be pretty open and good so we collapse and reset this up every time pretty much yeah and then for the podcast we just kind of sit down and your your questions kind of save our ass yeah it's it's surprising too cuz like these these are like cubicle walls they're on wheels right now so we can collapse him against the wall buying the walls was the single most expensive purchase for the pot yeah it was so much I I wonder how much offices have to cost to start up because my gosh this cubicle wall stuff and they still look shitty you know yeah it's like the office looks terrible is probably millions of dollars yeah I like it though cuz it's got that sort of legging closed feel when we first set it up as I go it's cool to like sit here and do this yeah but then the rest of its real open so we got a little topical one here at your name here underscore 19 since we know you're gonna talk about it what are your opinions on the Oscars I just I hate whenever I only talk about it when asked I feel like I mentioned on the podcast once because I hate when people like shoving your face but ever since I found out about the campaigning for award shows mm-hmm I just don't care at all like I like it when something like spider-verse can now say they won an Oscar but like I don't know just took all the fun out of it cuz I thought it was just regular voting and then you know a couple of years back I just found out about all the campaigning stuff and it's like okay like do you ever see that clip of Denzel getting a Golden Globe and joking about like campaign oh yeah yeah it it's fully like I saw the thing of Gervase joking about it when he was hosting and the whole room like erupts with laughter about like buying a Golden Globe yeah it's just like I don't know I just don't care that erodes it there was so much of that [ __ ] this year especially like everything came to a head it's like everyone knows you're just campaigning for it at this point yeah you guys fumbled so much with like the hosting stuff and then like trying to push out lower categories and stuff so that what a [ __ ] show and then the little cherry on top was like oh here's Green Book Best Picture yeah I haven't seen it I haven't seen pretty much nobody has seen green yes but it's so safe to say even not seeing it's like what was that [ __ ] that's even like I don't know this year was weird though cuz I feel like all of the nominees of anything anybody watched most people were kind of just like so-so about it you know they were like I don't know like there was no movie where people were like this has to win best pictures yeah um but so I don't know it was just a weird year but though the only reason I'm kind of weird about saying that opinion is I hate like if you have fun with award shows like cuz I tweeted about it once and people thought I was like really like [ __ ] not if you have fun like guessing what's gonna win like I don't care that's fine just have fun with it unsub and move on no but like have fun with it I just hate when people are like if you're having fun with it and I'm like actually there's campaigning for a you can't have fun like this no at Rui Joe podcast says what should I do about hard water buildup in my our head here's what you're gonna want to do you can take a little container or maybe a plastic baggie or something something that's resistant to like stronger acidic materials just cinch it around the Sauer had the showerhead I'd filled up with like maybe CLR or something like that let it sit overnight even baking soda and vinegar is actually very strong clearly he's gonna be some fizzing but it's a really good cleaner and that should take care of it in a day or two yeah let the water run for 10 to 20 minutes after you got the thing it's just a no-brainer it's honestly I'd swear that you asked because it's like everybody knows that [ __ ] yeah just don't waste our time what's his name Ride Joe [ __ ] you Ryan and Joseph [ __ ] both of you guys thanks for questions yeah I'm sorry we're just kidding dude I especially like they're probably from a smaller town if they're getting a lot of that lime and calcium buildup our water in Wisconsin it's all well water dude your toilets turn brown in two weeks if you don't scrub the [ __ ] from a [ __ ] rust in the water oh I'm like real spoiled cuz it's like Michigan water for us so like that's like I think it ranks is kind of some of the cleanest water in the country yeah so then every time I like visit somewhere and I have the tap in like yeah especially Texas tap was like the worst I've had Texas tap yeah it sounds like a terrible beer sounds like a way to shoot your gun yeah no Texas tap oh here's a good one to get a little more inclusivity at Shay depth more asks um also probably I missed her first question do you follow any women in the comedy slash commentary world that you think deserve a shout-out who are some funny women well one thing is I definitely actually and not in a way of you know some people we're trying to force diversity like the weird thing is like YouTube is a very primarily like white dude space but there are people that I really want on the podcast that like I'm sure would do it like Michaela long and like Sarah and Elise Williams and stuff like that those are some of them that I really like their videos commentary space is really heavy is there a like a traditional commentary like person that's successful that's a woman right now I don't know I would feel really shitty if there is and I'm just missing it because it will think we know we're just missing it because it's like we everyone just kind of watches who they watch yeah and we don't know about 90 and of the huge people yes I don't know genuinely though Elise Williams is one of my favorite female comedians like ever mm-hmm she's great she's [ __ ] hilarious that's a good answer I would say on YouTube stuff definitely at least William or Williams there you go Lee Newton of the valley Foley's gray is hilarious and all the valley folk are just wonderful people please go check out I did trivia bday with them go check that out yes regularly says that the men of the valley folk are much better than Lee and I think it's really [ __ ] up that he always says that you said but no sorry sorry he says it's cuz she's a woman though not cuz it's least comedic talent that's good no but in terms of like traditional media stuff I've always been a big big ass fan of Tina Fey her book Bossypants which is kind of self by like autobiography and then also some funny stories is one of the funniest books I've ever read Bossypants Tina Fey she talked about 30 rock it all in it because I love 30 rock um I can't remember I read it in high school so it was like four years ago just remember laughing my ass off of course Amy Poehler Parks Rock mm and then Tina Fey or I mean Kristen Wiig Kate McKinnon lots of SNL people yeah I don't know what to tell you I mean that's I think SNL is the one that moves like female comedians through more than other things you know what I mean like the stand-up world is pretty good for it but not as good I feel like SNL is is good for like actually propelling funny women and giving them a chance cuz I need characters for everything yeah also we're big fans I like The Groundlings theater a lot we've seen a number of shows there and a few times I've seen Stephanie Courtney there you'll probably know her as Flo from progressive I've never been a huge fan of the Flo stuff I think it's a great idea not really my thing and I saw her live at The Groundlings she is one of the funniest people I've ever seen ever holy [ __ ] what a genius improv artist so yeah that's good go see a grandmother yeah good question next question next question next question @ conspicuous pick us toast said have you ever had a dream did you ever have a dream have you ever had a dream and then it happened in real life I have terrible dream experiences like I still very rarely remember my dreams when I wake up and it's like an event when I do so like dreams aren't very common free occurrence stuff for me yeah so what about you I have a lot of like wet dream night terrors that when we start doing that bit it was like I think did Sven come up with that I can't remember I know I didn't I know I didn't either and I think we were just like doing a bit about it yeah I just like remember what what if you had a wet dream that was also a night terror I couldn't wake up and you couldn't stop [Laughter] so yeah I I've had that happen one I had one significant time where that happened and I won't talk about it too long but I had a dream and I'm happy that I can verify it with other people because when I had the dream it was so like profound that I told like multiple people in my family and I described it a lot but I dreamed that my grandma it was me and it was like inside a room and it was the end of the afternoon with a golden sunlight coming in right by this big bay window and I dreamed that one of my grandma's was in a bed and she like turned over to me and her face was just really close to me it was a bunch of golden light afternoon streaming in and she just she she leaned over and she took my hand and she just smiled at me and I remember and I was a really warm gradual wake up no wet dream stuff sorry but I had that wake up and I was just like oh wow cuz then I was like well [ __ ] I she gonna die soon is this a sign or something like that so I went and I told like my brother's fen and my other brother Thorne stuff I told people and I described it fully and then a few months later this is not tied to the dream my grandma got in a really bad car accident oh this is when we also knew each other right when yes you did know each other so she got in a very very bad car accident genuinely so close to dying just broke a ton of bone I remember you even telling me that night you're like yes she's probably gonna yeah like we thought that she would die yeah medically she did die for a little bit and she came back and that was just like that was terrifying you know and she was she's in her 80s and she was you know 80s when it happened this was I think two years ago maybe um yeah but then you put she so she broke a shitload of bones and stuff by the way now she is like she does have some assisted living she can stand up walk around and [ __ ] later she's like mid-80s and broke like both legs and her arms and like part of her back and [ __ ] it's like what yeah I didn't know my my great grandma who's alive until I was about maybe 11 I think yeah she was in her mid to late 90s where after she broke her hip she was still just like fine and in and out and walk ridiculous yeah she fully like you know um you know those concrete stairs that are almost I don't know exactly what it is but they're almost like glossed over yeah she slipped down a full thing of those something broke her hip and then was like pretty fine a year later that's that doesn't happen yeah that's so weird yeah but so she had this terrible accident and that was when I was both at school and flying every weekend and stuff and I was able to go with the family right away to see her for a few times when she was like in the in the Twin Cities in the hospital and everything but she was pretty groggy a lot of medication from tons of surgery to help reconstruct everything yeah but I remember when she was finally transported back home to our small town Hospital it was a few months after her accident and it was one of the times it was the first time that I was going to see her like back at home and it just so happened that I was the only person going to the hospital that day and I just went in there and at this point like you know I had kind of forgotten about the dream and everything I went in there and I thought that she was asleep so I pulled the chair just right up to her bed and I was just sitting sitting by her for a while and just was gonna like spend some time there and she kind of like stirs really gently and like wakes up out of her sleep and she looks over and she sees me and it was the exact imagery from my dream the golden sunlight coming in from the big bay window she reaches over and as it was happening I started remembering the dreams like oh my god I didn't do anything but she reaches over and she took my hand and she just took it and she just smiled at me yes you know we was just really close and we just stood we just sat there for a while you know oh my god it just was [ __ ] incredible that guy that was such a weird experience but also a very nice moment yeah Iceman's given the circumstances it's really nice now too because it's like you know she's in here mid I should really no specific age she's at least 85 and even before the accident you know she was super spry and stuff she could kind of bounce around and everything I mean she can still like get up move around you know go to the bathroom make food and everything and you can still have fully cohesive conversations with her so we got super lucky there yeah yeah that was a nice one sorry was a little heavy no that's right at Sam Spira asks y'all fold or crumple up your toilet paper great come back fold I fold I crumpled up is like a weird strategy using do you okay and I'll answer truthfully but I feel like I already know your answer do you like get a length of toilet paper and fold it and then fold over and then wipe again yes okay thank God yeah I the second one you set it up I was like I'm not gonna care okay I don't wanna because the thing is I mean that's a full like waste paper thing yeah if you have like a lot to fold over still then you fold over yeah let me go get piece of paper quick talk about butt holes or something what are you just good to demonstrate I feel like they got it he said well I feel like some people don't if you didn't hear it I disagree okay it's a lot I always do this because I get multiple wipes for you audio listeners I don't know rotten hell with your shitty ass you get no [ __ ] help your duns oh brother so here's what I always do I take a length like this you notice it's about ten squares seems a little a little bit of a liberal use of that that's okay you go fold and you go fold oh I don't fold that many I do it win away smaller scale I got it like this so look this is like ten ply right here right so I go a swipe whip fold it over a swipe widow fold I sometimes quadruple fold depending on how pooping my butthole is if it's a little drag I I can get in there at that shot Gaikwad fold easy me isn't it we're just here hearing how people do the mundane [ __ ] like that differently it is weird yes it's like everyone nobody told like your parents kind did a long time ago but then as you're an adult you like came up with different wipe strategies by the way if you're an under tile 't paper person rewire your brain somehow it's a nice little rewire [ __ ] up silly i kinda did it to myself but like when you when the toilet paper goes over the roll oh that's the way to do it cuz under just gonna break it when you pull yeah like oh and sometimes you're just gonna like pull it off and then you try to rip it and it just takes out more toilet paper cuz there's no way inch I'm at 4-under if as I go over yeah yeah so if it's under I've had times where I try to like rip it off because it's under oh and there's not enough oh yeah because I remember I don't know what toilet paper company it was but they had a pretty genius campaign of just doing like a which are you over/under like the country's divided on it uh-huh and I remember just seeing ads for under and she's like yes I know I'm sorry you're and if you're like oh that's how like my great like grandma passed it down it's just a tradition I know it's worse but it's special to my family go [ __ ] yourself that's really cute gather around the hearts and show her butthole and [ __ ] us all show us how many folds that her butthole very insightful question also how do you wash your hands like just like a baseline wash your hands um well I I wet my left hand first as I get the soap uh-huh and then I fully like use that water and fully wash wash like fully do that and then rinse okay so yeah yeah I like the visuals that yeah I always get one pump of soap I don't go and draw I always go and dry turn it on and I lather the soap and then I just do this I get a little fingernails too I go under my fingernails just like that mm-hmm you ever learn in a lot this podcast we're gonna start charging we should mark this is educational not comedy oh here's a good one at la la loire no asks what's up with the red the wedding ring fellas oh we're not we don't have wedding rings what happened was well you had already gotten that you were the first to the Rings mm-hmm but well uh jakey has a ton of rings I was planning on getting a ring but didn't tell anybody and then when we were all getting breakfast when Sven was here in Tony's here jakey mentioned going to a ring and I was like oh I was just wanted to buy one so we all got a what we were calling a class ring of just getting this little band boom but yeah that's it's we're not engaged or married to each other we're just wearing rings we're trying does it matter like is there I thought I don't care either way cuz it's like if I'm wearing this like a married person does I don't care I'm not off because it's like that's one of those things where it's like oh you're wearing it wrong well I want me to [ __ ] chop my finger off like we you know you might get left hand is the marriage that's what I thought I googled it yeah then also I get if you're watching one of our videos and it's flipped they might think it's not left-handed cuz you're seeing on the left side which one's the gay finger I forgot that was the whole piercing thing here yeah when we were like in junior high it was very like like just see if you want to know if somebody's gay look and the right ear is pierced there for sure gay it was like what the hell are you talking about I you know one thing I always felt so bad about cuz we've talked about especially small town [ __ ] kids are awful yeah just terrible people one kid came to school and he'd got in this ear pierced and again it was the stigma of like oh wait he accidentally got the wrong ear pierced it was the right ear right I thought it was that the left ear is the gay ear well honestly it could be different in our town because it's not real like this but he came to school and he's just like hey guys I got this cuz there were other like guys in our grade that had their ears because no one gave it I mean it's still a style now but I remember especially during like the kind of Bieber ish days and people were getting their ears pierced all the time yeah I had guys would get double Isis in there and stuff but like he came and he had one ear pierced and it was apparently in my small town the wrong ear how old were you the time we're in like 5th grade he got [ __ ] buried I felt horrible you can't do that you can't read no that's like a that's a career ender right there honestly no I can't say that that was just it sounded funny but it's not I was gonna say honestly getting that ear pierced in elementary school might be worse than be like just being gay but not like worse of being gaming the bullying you didn't say it though you're gonna say it so it was I was saying it sounded funny there's my move this part don't actually it's fine it's pretty funny @s bothered asks what was you boys's favorite college meal did you ever eat at the school like a cafeteria I scheduled specifically this is fine if you do but for me a community college I just didn't want to be there all the time so it kind of weirded me out when people were like doing activities there but I totally understand it because I had friends that were going and Tony was going so I didn't need to make friends with anybody but a lot of people had their friends go away to school and then they were like well I want to hang out with people but I scheduled my schedule specifically so I would go to school have all my classes believe like fully I would not spend any extra time the only time in between was like 15 minutes to go between classes that's brutal but yeah college smart yeah I mean I just didn't want I didn't want to be there long you know and especially I love my I got my schedule to be perfect the same thing for my like for semesters which was I would go there around like 11 I would leave I think around 3:00 and that would be Monday to Thursday and I'd have Friday off and I'd perfectly got that every single time damn I'm really good but my college meal that I would have throughout all of college was um just white rice with cut-up chicken and Frank's redhot buffalo sauce I ate that pretty much every single day I still love it there's just certain foods where it's like I could eat them every day yeah and then people will go you can't you can't you'll get tired of it I won't my taste buds are boring I can have the same meal every day I've had hot wing cafe for dinner three times this week that's not a joke I mine's always pizza or ramen like nice restaurant ramen I could do it every night of the week I'd be fine when I was in college every day I would eat lunch I loved eating lunch at college cuz I would go during at like between two to four where nobody else was really in the cafeteria and I would go there and I would just have a huge [ __ ] tray and it would always be the same thing and I'd go into the back and I would sit there for an hour and I'd watch all my youtube videos and eat by myself and every once in a while there's like that Good Samaritan where they they're like oh I see that kid eating alone I'm gonna sit by him no no no don't want to eat by you this is my time especially if you have like a laptop in front of you or something like that just kids just get dude I'll be hunkered down with my phone charging with noise cancelling headphones in my laptop on my mecca of food sprawled out and some will be hey hey buddy buddy the [ __ ] up out of here guy in high school that's good yeah that's good in high school but yeah not then I liked actually my high school had a regular lunch lines but then they had a la carte the line for that and it would just be like I never went to the regular lunch line because it was like maybe two dollars more expensive a day but I'd pay for it and it would be like mozzarella sticks instead of like whatever shitty thing that they were having there so I just kept grabbing like my own [ __ ] because I just don't like the pre-planned stuff usually that's really smart one I had the same meal virtually every single day at college and again I get it we go to the school cafeteria it's other like college students working there so it's like you give him a little bit of slack if they're not such good service employees yeah but I was regularly shocked because every day I got the same thing you go to the sandwich bar and there's I always got a spinach wrap you know big old spinach wrapped tortilla and you can you go to the bar and the only things that you ask for are the meat that you want it and the cheese that you want on it okay so every day I had a specific like locked down order I would get a spinach wrap they lay it out and I say what would you like on it and I say I would like six slices of turkey laid vertically in a line down the middle okay you would know exactly how to do that right tortilla open yes open [ __ ] tortilla and I would say that every I want six slices of turkey lined vertically down the middle and probably 30% of the time I got that I always kids would take it they would they'd pull either like six of them in a stack and put it in the center which doesn't even take up a third of the length of the tortillas this is just tortilla and spinach and a hunka turkey there they'd either do that or they put it on the edge or sometimes kids would try to like fill the whole face of it like it's a pizza topping oh no I told you there's no one else in line and I gave you a calm specific thing I probably sound like such a dick right now well I mean like the thing is I get how somebody could maybe like just having a blip in headbutt if it's all if it was 30% of the time then you got it right then I yeah super and almost everybody and then I would have to like I would take it in the next station was just right there so I take it and I had no choice but to like kind of [ __ ] ish take apart what they did and put it the right way god damn it what was your favorite lunch in high school um probably the chicken nuggets mashed potato and gravy combo okay that was a good one guys dip the nugs and the gravy pretty much the same thing as the popper bowl it was like they just stole the KFC thing being like it's just it's chicken like bites like fried in a bowl with mashed potatoes gravy then cheese and corn on top of it now we get without corn damn yeah I don't like the corn and stuff by the way I never like it doesn't really matter but I saw one comment on the podcast stuff that was like well like wonder if these guys are gonna talk about high school in this one it's like we're 22 and 23 like most of our life was school up until this point and then we have some experiences we talked about it's like yeah don't listen the [ __ ] podcast that we're young it's like we're young and also many of our listeners are still in high school what are we gonna talk about our time in the [ __ ] service yeah like no talk about being a father ah so I don't know what you are for me alright hopefully when I'm a father I'm good like what do you think your thoughts I just really hope that my kids stale I so yeah it was a good lunch um what was the worst lunch stone high school oh [ __ ] okay it's just the most disappointing I [ __ ] love Bosco sticks they're amazing if you hadn't before yeah I love them yeah Bosco sticks rule but there was this shittier version I know people liked it but it was like kind of mozzarella sticks but it was bread and they'd all be in like a four together oh we call those pizza dippers yes so they're pretty good but for some reason the people who ran the cafeteria would call both of those things Bosco sticks so the calendar would say Bosco sticks it's like either it's one of my favorite lunches or one that I don't like it like pretty much yeah okay well didn't you say for pizza dippers there was like it more than just mozzarella that you dip it in or was it just that we just had you mean marinara mozzarella Jesus mom I'm just gonna end it all I mean what's up we have marinara you could also get some ranch from the salad cart okay I never was a ranch on pizza guy no I'm not just through the principal I was and I have ranch with a lot of things like I'm your basic white [ __ ] but like I like them with fries I just couldn't do it with pizza it's too R it's kind of like the people that say put mayo on pizza can't do it that's wrong I just can't do it ya can't do it it might taste good I'm glad you do it but if you even suggest it to me you're getting pepper sprayed in taste who the [ __ ] are you identify yourself especially if you're under 10 years old ours was always Tater Tot hot dish dude that stuff's hater Tot hot dish it's like a casserole and there's ground really chewy beef with no seasoning what is it with middle aged people and making a casserole out of everything everything I even like hey I made a breakfast casserole you know be better than that breakfast you know that it's like it's a sausage and pancakes and eggs all together just separate them yeah like they're normally supposed to be we call those egg bakes really it's I just don't get it like some casserole stuff can be good but to replace a meal with a casserole would be like it's all in one yeah no don't do that you ever had quiche no but I the only thing I've ever in spell for quiches they ate it in Suite Life of Zack and Cody in one episode mini quiches it's basically an egg bake you know my theory is because if I feel like older people kind of started the casserole craze I bet it came where it's like it was more of like that American ideal of conserving and like oh you're heating up the leftovers well let's make a new meal out of it and then they just never had scrapped it yeah it's it's left over from the 50s so stupid old idiots [ __ ] baby boomer losers if you're one of those casserole morons get at it one time my this was was in college my mom I when I was home my mom made lasagna and it's like I'm fine with differing recipe stuff but she didn't mention that it was like a taco lasagna recipe which I would have been fine to try but I didn't know until was in my mouth which is like really alarming when it just doesn't taste like lasagna Taco lasagna yeah we would like have the normal like noodle stuff but it was like the meat and seasoning from like tacos oh and then like I think like Fritos and stuff like that it was weird that's a whiplash it was yeah you're welcome audience what's the worst name for that - jaco loc oh I don't even know what is Anja like the kid in that sounds like the girl in middle school that would wear sweatpants and tisane yo is pretty good - Sonya you gotta run I'm not running there's a really accurate meme - of saying that those people I know it's like people love it but that they had hot cheetos and like cream cheese for breakfast yeah I've never had that people insist that it's really good I don't want to try it I one thing and sometimes when I would have hot cheetos I would have if I was like drinking water with ice I would bite them at the same time so the cold sensation is good with hot cheetos hmm but I don't know it's one of the principal things where it's like I want to open up some cream cheese and like just put a [ __ ] hot cheeto and like get the flakes up yeah one of the one of the most surprising delicious things I ever had was I got really drunk and Sabrina and I were making like fettuccine noodles I love fettuccine is my favorite kind of pasta stuff the link we need the fettuccine and we had a bunch of the chili Lamone flamin hot chili or Cheetos whatever yeah I love those and you just took one linguine noodle and wrapped it around a cheetah so good and we I we didn't even make sauce we just had it probably like 60 of those that's what I want to say any of that stuff that we're doing bits about hating like if you're like cuz I hear that cream cheese and Cheers is really good and then we're talking about this like [ __ ] that food this is amazing with wrapping and usually it's all good if you like it oh here's one I didn't know about I'm gonna have to look up at Rimmel 45 asks have you guys read your reviews on IMDB on IMDB no I've read our iTunes reviews they're pretty good are they yeah good people are generally pretty nice about it the Gus on any podcast series I did they did whoever is adding the stuff is Tony an editor yet credited let's see stars Eddie Berbick Gus Johnson Drew Gooden oh yeah cuz he's the first time some host thank you guys for updating this stuff to by the way oh dude they listed all of the producers every producer has the I saw oh yeah I saw that that's [ __ ] crazy they'll work they put into it so cool you were a Kickstarter to the podcast you now have an IMDB page whether you like it or not goddamn do even series camera and electrical department James Allen McEwan damn oh you guys so is Tony an editor I don't see it on there guys can we get on there can we get tone bone on the [ __ ] editor credit please the heck is going on Tony will be here soon trying to be here Monday next Monday I read this money I didn't invite him he's coming with my dad and my dad is probably gonna kick your ass when he gets here I'm fine with that at this point Hey okay we got four reviews and they're all ten out of ten really these guys are hilarious by far the best podcasts out there right now that's good one of the three to my loud is real risky really risky we're going in dry guys the Midwest boys Gus and Eddie already in custody have done it again making one of the best pieces audio that rivals Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon I love it have done it again you remember that first time they done it I guess we did okay I'll talk but we didn't really do anything with that oh that's true I got a tweet that was like guys where is okay I'll talk this is it this is that we get better yeah we had an old podcast where we talked on skype and now we're talking faced if it's the same podcast there's just video now this is a hilarious one so there's the title it just says Gus and Eddie two peas in a pod and there's nothing in the body so they didn't write anything else but if they had the tag it says warning spoilers but they're two peas in a pod who is their name that person who did that Dan Conley 16 that money Dan thank you thanks for the positive reviews everybody and again we are available to listen on like iTunes Spotify everywhere yeah okay we talked about before making top comments out of misinformation I saw a top comment on the last episode that was like please put this on Spotify it is it is and if you go if you search it iTunes or Spotify it comes up right away and if I'm wrong I'm gonna be seem like a real jackass I'm going with you I'll be a jackass everything I checked I checked on the computer I checked on my phone I had you searching on Spotify to for both services they come up right away so if you're oh [ __ ] the comments are gonna be a mess the worst is when you try to like complain about something to also answer the question and then people take the complaint and then they use it as a comment but new people coming in won't see that it's an inside joke and they'll be like yeah oh man these guys really seem to not have any the [ __ ] together yeah it's all a hellscape I loved the meme of I think they were just saying it because you said it of this podcast keeps getting better and better yeah and like every comment on like the last episode this podcast keeps getting better and better I feel like 30% of this podcast is just us ruthlessly complaining about [ __ ] Oh can't talk about post mates yes okay by the way if you've been watching for a while you know us we're we're little complainers about post mates yep everything is going wrong all the time with post mates we're a couple of whiny boys and we want our food now yeah I call I call them I call the driver and they said I was your driver two weeks ago this isn't even mine Wow how'd you get this number sleep on your couch I don't have a couch so you can sleep on maybe in your bed with your wife and kids if you all sleep in the same bed together I don't how did you know that we do that [Laughter] on the other line that voice I was doing is somebody else's voice I couldn't pack it it sounded like Kyle Mooney a little bit it sounds like the Casey thing that might be it do you like care anyway yes so here's what I'm doing right now I'll spoil a video for you I'm making a video and it's I'm ordering 30 days worth of post mates and I have created a scoring system based on like how quickly the food gets here like I say if it's later than the fifth like 15 minutes more than the initial delivery estimate they lose one of four points you lose another point if you call us and ask us - like come down to the street because every delivery we've gotten every pizza delivery I've never ever since we've moved here had a pizza guy or gal say hey could you come meet me at the car yeah any delivery service that isn't one of the apps has never once asked us yes come downstairs also I went on and I did a little research I looked at some fa Q's online from different post mate form stuff I went to the post mate subreddit I looked at all their fa Q's and I did my own text post asking is it typical for people to come to an apartment door if the apartment is pretty easily accessible and there's ample parking for the cars which is checks all the boxes here yeah it's easy to get to our place don't come but it's easy to get there it's easy to know where to go and everybody except for like one guy that was doing a bit I think I had like at least a dozen answers and they were all like yeah they come to the door yeah so I find the job [ __ ] vindicated here so you lose a point if you specifically asked me to come meet you at the street and then there's two points in the food category if you're like missing something or something's a little bit wrong you lose one if it's like dude multiple things are [ __ ] up you lose two points yeah I'm on day ten right now it's just like weird the video especially is to make sure because then also at the end you're gonna work a shift and I'm gonna ride along I'm gonna do a full day's shift as a post mates driver to figure out cuz we don't think it's the drivers there's something [ __ ] up in that system and I don't know what it is like last night for example I was very hungry I didn't eat all day and I got 10 boneless mild wings with fries and it got here after waiting super long it was like really late I think it was like a half hour late and then I got 10 Bonin hot wings with celery it's like that's just not my meal yeah and then post mates refunded me just for the wings and not for like the tax or delivery stuff and then I was like hey guys I didn't get my food I should get a full refund and they were like we looked into it we just can't give it to you yeah what the [ __ ] dude even I this is going it's I'm telling you right now no surprises my challenge is going shitty they're getting out of [ __ ] bad scores the very first day that I started it and the very first one I logged I ordered KFC which is very close by I ordered KFC for two people two box meals the guy marked that he was currently at my address didn't hear anything for 15 minutes he texted me and just said outside so I tried to text back and be like is there a problem finding the ball of his Tony suggested you just went inside yeah so like I tried to text back and like my messages weren't sending I tried calling him and he was not picking up so then so it was already he was already 15 minutes late and then he marked he was here 15 more minutes late he didn't like communicate with me he never came up and then he just completed the order saying like oh it's done and I didn't get the [ __ ] food so my first one was a 0 out of 4 and like think about it I wasted like almost two hours waiting and expecting like yeah I'm gonna have food at this point I'm yeah what the [ __ ] yeah and then one I can't get into the details of it's like back and forth of kind of details about our apartment of some guy couldn't find our place and really it's like I couldn't stress enough he just like wasn't looking at the address for it and just kind of guessing and then he finally came up I was ordering breakfast and he's this tall dude with like like a white hair like ponytail and I got a coffee with my breakfast and he handed me my food and I was like oh his fingers from the tip to about here are completely covered in dirt like all over and he looked like you had not had a shower in like at least a week and then which I think if you have dirt collecting is longer than a week and then he handed me my coffee not by the center point but with full dirt fingers on the lid where you drink and handed it to me so we're not just like the thing is you pay for it like pay for it and you pay a lot for it kind of more than you would to go out and get it for the convenience of getting it delivered to hired delivery charge yeah most of the time they [ __ ] it up it's it's the vast majority of times there's something wrong with it yeah we even had like again each situation is like it's not even an outlier but jakie and sven were over here and stuff and we tried or - yeah knows door - we ordered breakfast oh no we tried getting singing stops yeah both of the meals got [ __ ] up yeah so we ordered two times that day and everything was wrong with all the stuff like I ordered breakfast for four people and it was just like single platter breakfast from IHOP and they delivered us one breakfast that was incorrect yeah and I genuinely I'm like midway through the video right now personally too it's like if my order gets [ __ ] up I want a refund yeah full if it's if it's missing [ __ ] you know we're not just we're not doing [ __ ] where it's like oh there's no drink we want a full refund ever it's like oh well there's no drink well I want the $3.00 back for the drink that I spent but I have now submitted five written complaints like in a row not like orders in a Ralph's I have five complaints in a row where I'm saying I am missing almost all of everything on my order or everything is [ __ ] up because I've had twice now where I've gotten multiple Subway sandwiches and all of them were just completely the wrong sandwich yeah post mates has not refunded me for five [ __ ] orders now Jesus that's like $100 worth of [ __ ] yeah it's just it's fully ridiculous and then with that breakfast one you guys didn't she got one breakfast yeah and Tony and I were already gonna get Wingstop so you guys really okay let's all just get wing stop because they kind of [ __ ] it up hmm and so we got so it's not just post mates we got door - we're waiting on how many people were we does that that's five right five yeah 5 like complete orders with drinks and sides just a [ __ ] ton of food and then the person gets here like think about how much food is in your car if you're a delivery driver yeah and they marked on the app apparently for door - if they're having trouble they can mark it and it says like hey I don't know why they put this on the person getting delivered - but it's like hey let's say the person name is like Ashley it's like Ashley's having trouble finding your place maybe send her a text her call which is like she should be calling me so I text her and I said hey you have trouble finding finding the place no answer and then I text again hello no answer called got hung up on and then marked the deliveries there and it fully charges you for it and it's like she had five people worth of like five orders of food like five meals in her car yeah and while I was calling her hung up on me and just market delivered and then I after she did that fan was cuz I think you were in your rooms fen and I were like we're getting her [ __ ] food yeah like no matter what so I called her like four times and she kept hanging up at different times and let the full ring out go or like ring out the whole time for the last one and then just I just gave up yeah so like for reference its we are trying to eat our first meal of the day and we started ordering and trying to get food at like noon and then we had to wait cuz sometimes you're waiting an hour and a half to two hours for [ __ ] to get there like yeah full deliveries everything included so we started ordering our food at like noon and we finally got our food at like what like five or six zero six there's like six hours cuz all this [ __ ] mistake and this is not even an outlier that you tell your friends this happens most of the time yeah we don't know what the problem is but we gotta figure you've got to figure it out cuz it's like I think that there are multiple factors in here we don't want to just be like [ __ ] those drivers yeah probably a heart of [ __ ] job but yeah that was going wrong here past mates what the [ __ ] what I want to know is cuz uber has the thing where it's like if you go below a certain rating you can't be a driver anymore or maybe there's a time in between that you can't if you get a bunch of fuck-ups as a post mates delivery driver at door - any of the delivery drivers do you get to keep delivering stuff that's what I'm really curious about like if somebody goes three days and they deliver 30 orders and every single one of them is [ __ ] up this post mates go like you can't be a driver anymore or do they just keep letting go because there's no rating system for the drivers you just hit them yeah that's it oh I don't know what the [ __ ] the system is about yeah and also yeah like you said before - the system is as long as soon as the delivery driver marks that it's there it's like fully on you if you don't have your food it's fully on you well now I need to file for an appeal to get my money back yes I'm automatically charged and I got nothing yeah and sometimes they and the thing is - I think they should refund you for the tip because it's like if it's for some things like I say the entire orders [ __ ] up yeah I still need to tip that delivery driver because they probably if the system works the way it does they probably didn't even know the food was [ __ ] and they delivered it they deserve a tip but then it's like if my foods [ __ ] up post Nate's needs to cover that tip cuz I just paid for food that I didn't get and tip the driver to deliver food I didn't order but also there's situations like with the breakfast one that was probably like four bags of food yeah if they should have had so we got one big bag I didn't know how I was gonna be packaged I thought okay well this is maybe enough you can't even get to like reporting anything until you rate the trip or tip the driver yeah so the first thing is tip the driver so I click report an issue at the bottom yeah but you have to tip first though you can you can click a report an issue and then after reporting the issue you can choose how much you want to tip the person oh I get you my problem with that was I thought it was probably fine and I just was like I was trying to see what was on ER or oh I want to say you can't see what's on your oh yeah you can't tell you that so right away like I just I had to like tip him so I was like I don't know so I just gave a blind tip and a blind rating and to go and see what our order was and it's like it went through fine they gave us the receipt and they bought four meals worth of food oh they did so they left three [ __ ] bags of food in the car and didn't bring it back up so it's like I had to tip them to go through to see what I ordered what the hell is that system the whole thing is broken but I still use it all the time I won't stop because the thing is you we just like even with work stuff and like I don't have a car out here so like it's still convenient even though things [ __ ] up but that doesn't mean like they're still ripping us off all the time yeah so the videos got to be made it's got to be made that's a long long [ __ ] yeah sorry we'll try not to talk about that as much anymore yeah um let me see what time are we at by the way we're at a hour and 15 minutes so wrap it up here in a little bit okay um here's a good one well we can just answer however at not Alfonso said have you guys ran into anybody that you've made commentaries videos about in public um no I haven't I have but it was before I made the video Gemma guava juice okay yeah yeah I don't [ __ ] I can't there's a story I want to tell but I can't it's just like it is that's my name names I'll say is that Danny once danny gonzalez once had to meet somebody face to face and it was while we were at VidCon and he had uploaded the video of that guy that day and then he met the dude face-to-face and the guy had not been aware of the video yet so like Danny was freaking out and the dude didn't not like saying he's like scared or anything but still it's very jarring to do that but the guy didn't know so it's full [ __ ] that's why yeah was that audio is just me speaking my language yeah I had a well just a quick follow-up thing because I made the crane game channel where I kind of [ __ ] on crank games for abusing the truth system on I was - two of the channels made a response video I'm not even gonna name names because we have decided we'll tell you right now it's it's I won't include you in this it's it would be too easy to make fun of these people like the response videos that they made were just so bad you know they they'd be perfect just bait to make a commentary video on and so I want to say like if you sought it out and you're listening to podcast don't leave comments please don't leave it's like there's no it will not help anybody for you to leave a comment on their video yeah I I know that like I brought the issue to light and I still stand by everything I said going forth I'll probably make more positive commentary videos and stuff I'm so excited for the one you guys are gonna [ __ ] hilarious it's a wholesome fun time it's both of us doing some stuff yeah so I mean I'm not gonna pull any punches in the future if I find [ __ ] that people are doing wrong but I just like doing the more positive ones more also once you have a commentary video done there's really if you said what you said there's no reason to like keep further attacking yeah that's exactly and I'm telling you though - we we got some post mates it was late it came through and then we just sat here and like we watched some of the response videos and because there were two two of the main guys that like made one it's so easy it was just a lot of like just kind of contradicting themselves and yeah literally and [ __ ] about you that didn't make any sense like one was calling me like a pedophile and stuff yeah yeah hole you're saying like don't you can't like stop this area of bullying that you're that you're doing in the comments yeah you pedophile what also who is the there's the one guy that's a good arcade channel it's Matt something arcade Matt's okay he's good right he's good he commented on the video too and had a really insightful comment I responded to him arcade Matt doesn't do bad things I couldn't find anything on arcade Matt he's a big channel one four point four million subs he seems like a very good guy did you say all arcade channels in the video because in his comment I thought he addressed that and I was like I don't think he said I did not say all arcade chain okay there are many that are doing it and one of the things is I listed seven of the biggest channels that were the biggest like liars and gems of it and the thing is one of the guys that went in the hardest I didn't even show any of his videos I didn't even talk about any of his videos I included his name in the list of seven names and that's it this guy must have tweeted at me twenty times he must have left 50 comments on the video just went apeshit he made a video of himself to again if you figure out who it is I would be actively disappointed in you if you left negative comments yeah don't harass these people don't do it don't do it ID please don't do that but still it's like why this guy go [ __ ] nuts like I don't know yeah the only is like I want to stress the only reason we're talking about it is cuz it is something that was on our mind not to be like hey guys wink like go no wait really don't don't do it don't go do that don't harass them oh my G [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 154,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gus & Eddy, The Gus & Eddy Podcast, Gus And Eddy, dude, go, get, the, eddy burback, gus johnson, gus and eddy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 52sec (4672 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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