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you have black [Music] [Music] [Music] haha [Music] I will [Music] why will [Music] you never see from the web sick from the well dad [Music] go check the web [Music] Oh [Music] oh well press the wall then what was going press [Music] yes [Music] [Music] where [Music] great [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] a while [Music] and forget [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] thank you the class [Music] Oh Oh so [Music] Renekton hot if your lesson [Music] [Music] [Music] all the people in joining me today and I pray that you are ready for awesome lesson items today that go home with worship I know women who have been asking who in this movie by and inside requests by rain refresh it is a request project my sister's name rain they're very powerful worship City it's been our bumblebee for minutes I know you all thought I forgot but I have not and it's been a bumblebee CD and awesome thing about this CD is that I was told by my sister that they rehearse in one song and did a live recording and all of these other songs the Lord prophetically gave them so I'm sure you're going to be blessed by it and go to iTunes and download it it's the Refresh project by rain and it's an awesome project I keep it going all the time and so I'm so glad to have you all here with me today and it just feels good to be back home and you don't know how difficult it is at times to do what God has called me to do but I'm so determined and I'm so connected to this page and to the people that are on this page and I just believe in what God has given me to do and I know that life is a being effected tremendously and that excites me and it also encourages me and you know I've had a lot of things going on and I won't appreciate two people on the page that um what kind of on the minute terms it because I haven't been home in a minute so want to make right yeah there you go I appreciate some people on the page that have been defending my honor when I'm not here and after I did that that page on what is wrong with us and the way women dress I just felt like God wanted me to allow it to sit there for a week and down if you just joined the f3 with me page I like to give note for the person that made the comment that she offered our page more than she's honored we've been here since July the second consistently and even through sickness and all of the above we still been faithful to the Lord and those that have been following this page for quite a long time we understand the flow of the Spirit and I think everybody on this page know that I'm not lazy and I'm not going to just sit at home and just said oh you know I'm just not going on no it has to be a real reason and on top of that I'm led by the law and I was led to sit down here and I will be led when they get up and I will be led how long to stay on and I would be led when to come on and those that are led by the spirit can appreciate my leading we are so accustomed to trying to traditional eyes everything that we don't understand when God stopped moving by the spirit and so the Lord has been doing some things in my life and crosses country and around the world and is not anything of my doing but it's the Lord's doing and when God started making that shift we have to be ready for the shift and we have to appreciate the time that we have together and unless something happens with Facebook I'm never going to shut this page down so you know unless for whatever reason God just come out of the sky almost and having me on my head and say shut down at 3 with me you don't know and you will know very soon how this page is prophetic and it was god-given and even the name of it was god-given what God is doing on this page is God giving and uh and you would be you will see very soon that I'm not playing as it relates to actory with me however being that mine my schedule has just gone through the roof and everybody know that I have tried my hardest to do x3 with me in airports if you go back you will see me do it in airports you see me doing it in all kinds of hotel rooms and all of the above but I believe that what God is trying to accomplish on this page the Lord was even dealing with me about being very sensitive extremely sensitive as to where I release the word of the Lord because if you travel like I do in different hotel rooms that's not a sanction place and that's not a that's not a purified atmosphere anybody that traveled with me know that when I when I travel in hotels I have them to bring me white sheets and I cover all the furniture out all the furniture with white sheets because I just refuse to sit where the enemy has said I don't know what has happened in that room I don't know what has gone on in that room so we have to pray and we have to anoint the room and cover the furniture that I sit on with white sheets and it's a difficult transition but when you're prophetic and your spirit is very sensitive you're sensitive to the things of God and so the last week I have been really praying about it and just really trying to get the mind of God about what the Lord is saying and what God is doing in this hour and and I want to be led by the Lord and I was telling the Lord you know I feel just such a such a battle when I'm in those hotel rooms doing it so you know I'm coming up in March my schedule is out the roof you know me trying to arrange flights to get to where I'm going with children I can land in time to do after II with me and then when I do land on time is 11 and 12 by the time I get to the hotel and check in and greet the pastor and all of that and you know your head is kind of spinning everywhere and I want you to know that I take what I do on this page like it's no different than me standing in a sanctuary preaching it's even greater and whether you believe that or not it's even greater because the audience is bigger and people are tuned in from a different place of sensitivity they're not sitting in a sanctuary where you know babies playing and people doing all kind of stuff all over the church these are people that are sitting at their desk some of you are sitting at your home some of you are sitting in your cars you take your break to get this hour of at 3:00 with me and so the Lord has your undivided attention and so for that reason it pulls on me from a different dimension of the anointing it's different than essentially the teach is even more revelatory because I don't even have those elements distracting me as well you know my whole house shuts down when I get ready to go on actor with me everybody that's here goes in the basement nobody comes up on this float period of my house unless I called you on this floor because I don't want to contend with the distraction of any spirit but there's a bit busy spirit of whether you get into the housekeeping and you come to pick a dish up just don't touch nothing right now because I don't want anything to distract the atmosphere and so being that we are headed in another place and when I say dimension I mean we are headed into that third dimension to operate we are note with this visual days right here in February will be our last traveling days where we're traveling now we're getting ready to come the month of March we get me to talk about how to operate in that realm how to live in that ramp how to walk in that ramp how to stay in that realm how to make that realm a part of everything that we do and so when it comes down to that everything intensifies itself even to a greater level and so I can no longer do every with me in those hotel rooms it it's the realm that I have to go to to teach these lessons those realms are not available because your ear is so much too continuous it's like I'm sitting in those hotel rooms and anybody on this page or know what I'm talking about I'm holding back the forces of the enemy trying to pursue through to that dimension to give you that word and when I get done it's almost like I can fall over in the bed because it's the enemy's don't want us to get this room he don't want you to live from this room he don't even want you to know about this round he doesn't what I'm getting me to read to you in a few minutes he doesn't want you to know that this realm is livable and it's doable and you as an individual I don't care if you just a regular late member that the power source of God is available to you and it's about you it's mainly about you it's about you and that's why you know we have listened to this we have more people than we do prophets we have more people than we do bishops we have more people than we do apostles are you hearing that because the people are the moving force the people are the ones that's going to take all the assignments that the prophets and the apostles and the bishops give them and they're going to be the ones to execute are you hearing that you hearing that so if you have leadership that is given the assignment and you don't know what realm you need to execute then you're wandering and you an accident waiting to happen are you hearing that and so you are very important today the next move of God you are extremely in projects nobody nobody it's insignificant nobody nobody is less than it's all hands on deck it's everybody in the body of Christ is needed and your role it's you another pastor if you're not in a posture if you're not a vision your role as a servant of the Lord it's vital if we're going to see a shift in our society and I just said something right there your role your role is vital if we're going to see change if anything that's going to happen that's going to affect the way we see this world moving it is going to happen because of the power of the intercessor I don't think you heard that it's golden it's going to happen because of the power of the person that knows how to operate in that grant and that's the reason why you know I was playing it and so coming up in March when I start the Tuesday night prayer at 7 p.m. the Lord has given me to uplift that life and Lord Jesus because those of you that have been following this page now you need to know how to operate in that thing and you need that kind of atmosphere to be able to operate in that what I'm teaching you now is time to do it it's time to do it and it's time for you to see me do it it's time for me to show you how to do this time for us to do it together it's time for submit that push together and so coming up March we will be doing the Monday Tuesday and the Wednesday and I will not be able unless I'm not traveling if I'm not traveling on that week then at 3 with me will be Monday through Friday if my schedule is fixed so that I'm preaching on Thursday and Friday out there is no way that I can continue to do this in hotel rooms because we're not at that out-of-court level anymore we're not at that out-of-court level anymore and so I have to have the accessibility that if the Lord takes me up in the spirit I can't be hovered all about in people's hotels and and God picking us up and around because he showed that to me and I sent it that there would be time that the Lord would pick me up out from behind this desk and I would be walking back and forth in this room and we will go up in prayer when the Lord leads and so I have to be able to do that and so everything is intensifying itself everything is intensifying itself so you need to be present you need to be present the first top half of the week you need to be present because of what God is doing and everywhere I'm going I'm asking if they would uplink light the services so that you would be able to get in with the services and so we're going to see how the month of March pans out with me doing Monday Tuesdays and Wednesdays and if it get to the point that because of Tuesday night how intensified is going to be then at 3:00 with me would be Mondays and Wednesdays and Tuesday nights we will uplink our three with me at night we've done it before well we was live at 10 o'clock at night and we'll just ship that factory with me moments to 7:00 o'clock for the time of prayer so that we can now practice what God has been teaching us and so we have to use wisdom and we have to know when God and then that what's wrong with us we can't take everything and make it a religion one thing you do know I'm not going anywhere one thing you're doing all the Lord has called me to this page and I have to stay here I have to be a prophetic voice going out in cyberspace so that's why I know I'm not going anywhere and expanding and March I would be going on periscope and Facebook at the same time and we have purchased equipment that's going to put me on both at the same time and I'm not talking about me looking at one and looking at the other now I will be able to look into one camera and would be broadcasting live on periscope for those of you that have not had an opportunity to look at my videos I have my own YouTube channel now and it's dr. Juanita Bynum when you go there there's a special playlist that says at 3:00 with me all 127 videos that we have done for x3 with me from July 2nd all the way up to the very last video I did last week is on that playlist so of you every up in the middle of the night and you don't want to scroll on Facebook and you want you don't want to be distracted by Facebook you can go to that playlist and when one message you go up the other one automatically comes on and then we have a section up there that's called the hot pics and the hot pics are the most watched videos during our f3 with me so all of that is made available to you and I would like for you to go there and I would like for you to us to sign up and be a part of my youtube channel and register could be a member of my youtube channel and I'm telling you God is doing some awesome things send your friends therefore those are your friends that don't want to be on Facebook then you can go to YouTube now to the Juanita Bynum channel and you can see all of the videos from July 2nd and God is teaching us how to do it in a more perfect way and that's what I'm excited about well when we look at I want to read this to you because this was my confirmation because I tell you all the time I don't try not to just say stuff unless the Lord gives me um gives me a prophecy about it through the scripture and we're going to prompted and actuated by faith projects and actuated by faith but when you look at I remember a gentleman came on here and said dr. banner you know I've never heard anybody teach on you know the third dimension and the three dimensions and is that Scripture and so for those of you who someone may be in question and you may not have gotten my book and of yet you can order it and go to one either bottom calm and get your copy and we are on the page still here in the section that we are not of this world we are not of this world and you are not of this world on page 34 so you got time to catch us before we get into that third dimensional teaching but it says here in Hebrew Hebrew the ninth chapter the ninth chapter and it says now even the first covenant had its own rules and regulations for divine worship and it had a sanctuary but one of this world the sanctuary was where people of this world now the first covenant sanctuary was built but it was what of this world for a tabernacle tent was erected in the out of division or compartment of which were the left stand and the table with its loaves of the showbread set forth this is Hebrews 9 and 1 now we on to this portion is called the holy place watch this but inside behind the second curtain or veil there stood another tabernacle division known as the Holies of Holies and that'll be found in Exodus the 26th chapter it has a golden altar of infants and the ark chests of the covenant covered over with wrought gold this Ark contained a golden jaw which held the manor and the rod of Aaron that sprouted and the two stone slabs of the Covenant bearing the Ten Commandment watch this above the ark and overshadowing the mercy seat were the representation of the cherubim winged creatures which were the symbols of glory so the cherubims were the symbols of glory we cannot now go into detail about these things because why because one because these were things of the supernatural they were things of another dimension they were things that John and all of those that had those supernatural experiences out on the Isle of Patmos all things were lawful but not expedient all things could not be mentioned from realms that people have traveled to and that's why when you begin to mature in God as a prophet you know that all things are not for you to confront some things are just for your back pocket some things are just for you to know not that God has called you to do anything about it outwardly but the Lord is showing it to you so you can pray in Willy so you're not to talk about everything you see especially when you start with torn and God and you start going and God and you start living in that third dimension and you start operating from the god world from the god world then the Lord will begin to trust you with things that you would see that you just have to shut your mouth for Amen somebody Amen somebody and I want somebody on the page to call that maturity and that's what you call that you call that maturity you find a person that have a prophetic anointing they always run any mouth and every time you turn around and in five seconds they got a they got a say some on Facebook and every time you look around the Lord said the Lord said and they all went all the way down to land all day long seven and eight times gotta know if he talkin to you that much he's not telling you to talk too much I just said something like that I just said some right then somebody's my voice amen if he's talking to you that much he ain't calling you to talk that much he may be calling you here that much but he's not calling to talk that much and sometimes you know when you have a prophetic anointing people just get turned off when you don't know when to shut up well you just always got some excited now know what told me lower towards North to lower my long till it's like if I'm please don't no more ty because it's a sign of immaturity it's a sign of immaturity the most to a prophet said there's some things I can't talk about the retort process understood what God was saying and they did it are you hearing this lot of stuff that God spoke Vic you could not he could not converse he could not give that to us they can only give us what we can comprehend and what God would allow them to give us that we would be able to use as bones not as meat you get your own meat you get a skeleton but you get your own meat the prophetic word will construct your bones are you hearing it the prophetic word will bring the bones into construction but the meat on it has to be precise that's what the Bible said when the Prophet went down to the belly and he looked in the valley of dry bones he said can these bones live again and the Bible said until you prophesy to it are you hearing that so the prophecy of the flesh and the sinews and activities and the bones become an ahmadi army depends upon the power and the dimension and the level that the Prophet is called to operate in you don't have many other people walk by there saying valley and saw them same bones and couldn't do nothing about it because they weren't given that territory they were not given that assignment that wasn't their grade there were other people that believed God there were other people that understood that God was God but it wasn't their dimension for them to be able to cause a valley for the dry bones I'm not talk about one person a valley full of dry bones a valley full of dry bones remember the property Lasha when he was when he was when he died they threw a minute in in the brain and that was abated that they had killed and threw the man over in the brain and the Bible said and when that man touched the bones of the Prophet that man was revived because it was listen the prophetic for the revival of life is in the bones of the Prophet are you hearing this are you hearing this but unless you've been called to a dimension you cannot operate in that dimension and you are illegal you are illegal because there are some people that have an anointing for a few things but you don't have the anointing to call a valley of dry bones you don't have the experience that's for major prophets that's for people that that that have been proven trucks that have said under people and been cultivated and a prophet that people who lied have been proven by God people who have walked under not watch it not just perfect but but people that understood and knew how to take correction when they were not perfect people that knew how to take rebuke people that knew how to take instructions and not be offended people that didn't run off from their teachers Oh God I'm saying something right there and I just feel the Holy Ghost sitting on me right there is that our white job I saw them sitting on me right there because too many people are prophesized but you sitting under no one commit it people have a lot to say and that's not your grade it's not your grade I'm sitting on this Facebook page because I can been called to speak to a valley of dry bones that's my grade I have set under my teachers I have been mentored by my teachers I possibly the Nichols and her husband I remember when I started out in ministry and I was I was you know traveling and had all kinds of engagements at 17 years old I was packing churches and I remember walking in their ministry at 20 years old and they said tell the people you don't preach them on and get me your black book because you have a gift and you know a lot but God want to get to your character the Lord want to know do you have a life to sustain what you prophesied them out I'm saying something like that and they made me sit down for nine years and I couldn't reach anywhere I couldn't preach anywhere for nine years you can ask ' the Nichols for nine years and they made me serve and as I served and got out of the operation of that gift now I'm still in our face because I'm going to read that trumpet actuated that's where I'm going in it that's where I'm going to day when I got out of the gift of the prophetic and I got out of the gift of preaching and I started being sat down to just serve clean the church work in the kitchen clean the bathrooms be a nurse sing in the choir then that's when all of those impurities that were not purged out of me begin to surface that's what all the bad attitudes begin to surface that would be not handling stuff the proper weight begin to surface that's why all of the sliding is began to surface are y'all hearing me is anybody listening today that's when all of it starts coming up you know what because the preach and the process I would no longer a blanket for my character when the blanket was taken and folded up and put on a shelf I was left out there naked for who I was and then they had to deal with Juanita Bynum but that's what the power is the problem is I get to let them and that was wrong with some of the people now you don't want to let anybody showing the part of you that ain't right because I told one of my mentees this the other day I said you will always have people to tell you how wonderful you are you will always have people to tell you how powerful you are but it's a real man of God and a real woman of God that is not afraid to tell you when you're doing that wrong when that doesn't look right when you're talking too much when you're talking out of your lane when you're talking above your grades and you talking above where you live Oh God Who am I speaking to let me look down at this page today I'm now hearing this today and anybody listening to this today it's anybody disinhibitor day and they set me down and I sat down and whenever one time we went out to administer and they started letting me direct the client and we went to a church it was a very large church and I remember I got done got the administrator and you know I got it to direct the choir and as I was directing the choir in the middle of one of the songs of power God broke out and they wanted us to sing a second song and I was to introduce the second song and I got the microphone and and the count of God came in the place then went up and I mean people was just laid out in the praise everywhere based upon the prophetic word that God gave me when I got done and got in the car with my pastor's wife she turned around and looked at me a purse of beating nickels looked at me and said and don't you think that was you because that was God because God ain't through with you yet she said the Lord will always grace you with an anointing what his people have a cry but don't you ever think that that's you until you got the life to back that up Lord Jesus good lord have mercy I'm not I'm not freeing Holly no hearts up there right now I'm not hard to seeing no harm because you know what we got too many loose cannons out here people don't have no character people they have no life but we got so much that we're doing and we're talking about that third dimension because you can't have raggedy stuff in your life when you start trying to operate in that round because that's what happened to the sons of FEMA they said oh Jesus we know Paul we know we don't know who you are because you perpetrated because the spirit realm has to know who you are I'm not talking about the games that we play with each other I'm not talking about all that hype we give each other ooh you so power ooh that was kinda cool girl you did it that I'm not talking about that cuz then he was a hill of beans I'm talking about do the devil know that you got power cuz that's who need to know you got out there's a enemy of our time the enemy of the second round when you got a pad from the Earth's rim go into that second well to that third dimension and you gotta go up in that dimension and bring an answer back to the people of God do the devil know that when you pass through his realm kids not to interfere and he is not to intersect and that who need to know whether or not you got some power oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god we're talking about getting ready for that rail and I stayed there for nine years for nine years and when I left there and I felt that it was time for me to go my pastor had to cover me my pastor actor covered me and I'm gonna say Michigan I thought oh you know I'm ready I'm ready to go now I didn't know that I just feel like I didn't serve tea enough and I'm just ready to go and you know what I love about my pastor you know he was really just just a gentle man and he said well you feel like you ready to go okay go ahead go ahead cuz we're not gonna stop you if you feel like the Lord is telling you to go we don't think you ready but if you feel like the Lord is telling you to go you go here and they me go and I was out there six months before I got into a relationship with a man failed into sexual sin and had to turn around and call my pastor and said Adam messed up and he prayed for me and I confessed it to him and he covered me and after he covered me and he put his blessings back on me he sent me to a church and told me where to go and I went to that church and I saw the neck shirt and got back in prayer and got back into intercessor what God called me to be no I'm telling you something today the Holy Ghost is fitted on me today for this and I did that I did that and when the Lord blessed me with a job as a flight attendant he brought me to New York City and I ended up at the new greater depth of ministries and I strapped underpass aboard until he said I was ready he said I want you to come to faith clinic and that would be days wouldn't nobody be in faith credit but me and pastor me advisor and he was said when I feel later the Lord that somebody need to give $100 anybody sitting there but me and him you mean you feel later the Lord ain't about here but us and I said here one day what test I don't have $100 he said well the lady how much their purse cause I had a booty purse I said pastor he said tow everything out of that person give it to God I got to teach you faith and I get a pastor that carved me out I got a pastor that when I got up to preach and he finally released me to get up and preach and he acknowledged that God had a call on my life I would preach and pastor never complimented us he never fix oh you so powerful you got a pastor that's always pumping you up then that's not who God wants you to sit on this because pastors are called to govern your soul opposed to the allotment over your soul practice I'll call to tell you when you're wrong patches are called to Club you out and take you to your next level in your catheter not your ministry because you can go on youtube to learn how to preach and if you got five seconds what the prophetic give the minute you find out that you've got one thing like you can run off with a prophetic gift but the power and who you really are is in your character the power and who you really are it when somebody can trust your word the power and who you really are it ain't nobody gotta babysit you and 24 hours a day behind closed doors and in front of closed doors you are the same person the power is when you're not schizophrenic when people can trust that you walk in holiness in your house and whether you do in the house of God who am i preaching to today who are not preaching to the day good lord have mercy who am I talking to in this building today and it's my passion that would criticize me never sit I don't remember him saying Oh daughter you you this man and god bless you when the Lord called me to do prayer I said pastor God called me to do prayer he said well you not gonna advertise I can't a store what how do people don't know to come he said you gonna burst them out of your spirit he said they don't know to come because the Spirit of the Lord is on call them out of the realm and draw them here supernaturally you're going to pray them here in the spirit you're not gonna mark it for them to come oh I'm not hearing nobody to talk to me right then cause all y'all think you can just get yourself some pliers and put your pictures on it and you're all up and down Facebook and we haven't listened rehabbing this and we haven't yet who have you birthed into the place did you play somebody into the place or is it it is an event that you're having or is this an experience that you're having and if it is an experience have you prayed for people to have that experience now you can secrete it and ask God but what you want to see happen in the lives of people or is it just your turn good lord have mercy it is just your turn if it's a playthrough experience if it's a consecrated thing that's about to take place : Ibaka Shandy thank you Jesus thank you Jesus it's somebody else's in life all your heart are you in intercessor and instead receptor for what you trying to see God producing somebody like or is this just your moment oh my god oh my god she said no you're not going to advertise you want to pray through and when I first founded the Father in prayer it was about seven people there and then it will go to twenty people and then it will go back down to three people and then it will go to 25 people and then we'll go back down to four people and it'll go back up to maybe 30 people and then one day I think it was like 55 people and the very next week it was back down to nine people and that went on for two years and I was like well god I don't know what I went to Pastor Adam a passage you don't let me tagging how do people don't come he second God didn't tell you about the people he told you to pray I'm not hearing nobody I got to the church one day and it was in a dead winner below zero and they hadn't even opened up the doors can't even let up the gate I call pass when I said passes they haven't let us to get yet for me to come into play PACA said what time did the daughter I surpassed this cannot sustain out the fire he said well the ladies look like you late I said what pastor what hand we'll get in he said God gave you the address give me well I guess you better start walking in front of the address and praise the Lord said you would go always be in the building I got the another time the head and turn the Michael he said Jesus without a microphone you got to start praying see I didn't have a pastor that peppered me I didn't have a password that was so impressed with my gift and so impressed with what I can do for the church that they was afraid to touch me because if I press too hard and they offend you and you may want off and people that join the church because you got suckered anointed and the faith of God is on you and really need you and when you get up and take the microphone let's just go up and I can depend on you so I know you acting a fool and I know your life ain't worth two dollars but I don't want to touch you because I don't want to offend you the devil is a liar the devil is a liar if you would have go what God is calling you to go you better put yourself in the atmosphere but somebody to the immature speaking to your life and I mean somebody godly I'm not talking about nobody you see creeping I'm not talking about somebody you know ain't got no clean life but to death for the flame and the fire that day for that is over with I don't care if you got to go find a pop on church and mostly that person is living holy and you can see that in life you want to be glad and say to me I'm going to just admit because I'm ready for my ministry and my destiny and my purpose should be broke down I'm tired of being a one-hit wonder and not going to wear I'm tired of posting flyers and still Christian to fix people oh my god who was he talking to my god who is he talking to but I get greatness of this page and I can feel it there are people on this page that's got greatness in you and that greatness will never come out of you until God cut your flesh out of the way kuna Bosch ended up oh ho that's what's holding you back until God send somebody a skilled surgeon what's the right kind of knife people settle at all I want to be close to that the Bible cover up on this night because that's what you don't get that's what you don't get you go get a knife you go get somebody let's go cut the flesh away so that the glory of God that is in your life can be revealed because I'm glory is too much in the flesh it's too much in that first carbon Apple and not in the pursuit to go behind that veil because in this scripture right here let's go make an Israel into the Holies of Holies somebody had to be put on the altar of sacrifice somebody has to be burned up somebody take a climb up there as a sacrifice and that's what the Bible says we're in your body a living sacrifice body flip my idea my way what I think what I want to do and sin Lord not my will but thy will be done let me climb up on this altar and let me predict my body as a living sacrifice let Christ call me out the way I'm supposed to be caught on an Amish under the old Sonya so I can be worthy so go to that next dimension are you hearing God today are you hearing God today because God is that's the purpose now the Lord is at the Destiny now and you many of us got something to say because he that's what the problem is right there you go somewhere because you think you sit down and I study and you get up with all of this information and I'm listening to people in my travels on this page I'm listing the people just rattle off information and it sounds good and the information sounds good and it sounds like you're really saying something and it sounds my god has really given you something but there is another time that I don't hear all of a Shanda it is a sound of deliverance there's a power that I don't hear it's shallow it's hollow my god from Zion hallelujah it doesn't carry the weight that breaks the shackles it doesn't carry the kind of power that set the captive free it not something that is coming out of your belly we must surrender place from a life of longevity of holiness not I'm saying today and I'm holy today and I don't know what I am tomorrow I know hearing this and anybody listening to this good God have mercy God have mercy Jesus God have mercy Jesus I gotta go Lord Jesus Lord Jesus help me God help me God help me God help me God I found him brass and a tinkling cymbal and know how oh and God and this is what the Lord said and get rid of that and then you just a carbon copy of something you didn't heard some of y'all looked at tuning up and letting even your stamina straight but instead of you get it in prayer and asking God to show me who you have called me to be you do you take an odd somebody else's character somebody else's ministry you can't prosper with that it doesn't belong to you God didn't bring you out to be that he didn't put that in the heart of your leadership and what you're doing it's called of God and that's why it is not a compliment when somebody tells you you look like somebody else preacher or you remind me of somebody else weaker because everybody ought to be an individual there are maybe something about you that has an individual characteristics maybe some resemblances of your spiritual parents but not identical oh Jesus God Who am I talking to I resemble pastor Boyd my ministry resemble mother another boy but I'm not identical oh Jesus Oh God so where are we prompted and actuated by faith Hebrews for because we all know what time their faith is y'all y'all getting this Jesus how America know what I don't know what happened today prompted and actuated actuated means I am I am provoked into I am shifted into but guess what it says prompted and actuated put together prompted and actuated put together prompted me many um I am I am item whom God through the Holy Ghost and I am prophetically called to do something and actuated means I am pushed into doing I've been prophetically called to do something Noah Abraham prompted called out from what I'm being called out from what I am and I'm being provoked to do something actually when those who are put together the Bible says actuated by faith Abel brought God a better and a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain because of which it was testified of him that he was righteous that he was upright and in right standing with God did anybody did anybody see that scripture marveled at his gift it says he was able to bring God can i paraphrases i am able to bring god a better ministry an acceptable ministry a ministry that please god because i was righteous because i was in right standing not because somebody can charge in my life and what I do make a mistake people know that I've repented not in the closet there is no term that I have been an error there is no time when I have made a mistake not even in my own church let me help you with something I got it I got I got I got to say this I gotta say this when when I was doing that prayer and for two years the prayer didn't the president take off the way I wanted to take off and pastor called the fasts for 21 days and I was so weak on that fast because back then we didn't fast with sandwiches it was no one bill a day and the window juices you got a glass of water at 6 a.m. and a glass of water and 6 p.m. the first maybe 3 days and after that it was absolutely nothing and you got your first drink glass of water at the end of the 21 days on the altar from the past I was so weak on that fast that night could the fast was ended and pastor was telling everybody to just tell the Lord yes and I had to lay down on the bench I thought I was fainting and I just started crying and just saying yes Lord yes Lord and I yes came out of me that I can't explain and when I got through telling God yes the Lord said get up and repent to the church and I got up and walked up to the altar and told pastor I have to repent to you openly and the church and I had to tell the church I was sorry because what I was after crowd I was offended because the church wouldn't come in the pray and I said God called me to pray and if don't nobody show up he called me to pray for this church and I won't try to forgive me because I wasn't praying in the right spirit and I repented openly I mean you all did some crazy stuff and you ain't never repented openly like we didn't get on Facebook and do everything else then get on Facebook and tell people I'm sorry if you've ever seen me could he dump myself in an unrighteous manner if you've ever seen me do anything that didn't please the Lord that brought an open embarrassment to the representation of the body of Christ I'm repenting now [Music] yes and I repented and do you not know I repented in the next week over 200 people was at prayer and it started growing from there because I was no longer praying to a crowd I was praying for my church and I was praying for the nation that prayer ended up being over 1,700 people at 5:00 a.m. every Tuesday every classroom in the building's packed television monitors and was packed the multi-purpose room that you can see another 800 people in there jam-packed people lined up with lawn chairs at 8 and 9 o'clock in the evening all the way down the block because it was no longer about me being famous it was about the assignment the bible said prompted and actuated by fate prompted and actuated by faith Abel brought God a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain because of which it was testified of him that he was righteous that he was upright and in white standing with God and God bore witness by accepting and acknowledging his gift if it ain't growing God ain't bearing witness you been administering all these years and you still Holly to five people in a revival God is not bearing witness something about your personal life is unacceptable to him and what until you let him dig and find it he can't grow it cuz she won't grow crooked in this season he won't it's going to grow straight or it won't grow at all and I'm talking about your business I'm talking about your dream I'm talking about your ministry I'm talking about your calling I'm talking about all of it growth the right way because I am righteous the Lord now has accepted my gift and the Bible says and Abraham was one man but when the Lord called him he multiplies I'm not doing anything special to get people to sit on this page it's the Lord that's multiplying because I'm not digging to be famous I'm not digging for numbers I'm digging in me they're the part of me that the Lord was fine to be righteous thank God if there's anything in me that's not like you take it out I seek the Lord for me and the Lord multiplies I hope somebody dispenses I seek the Lord to purify me and when the Lord sees that is from my heart he accepts my gift and he multiplies it I'm not doing anything special it says and God both witness by accepting and acknowledging his gifts and though he died yet through the incident he is still speaking and though I had a transition in my life through the incident who he had called me to be with still speaking though you go to test and trial when the hardest wages even through the incident who the Lord has called you to be would still speak it would still be acknowledge the Lord will still accept your gift well I gotta go don't forget to go to the website and order your book plane from a third dimension we are on page 34 and on tomorrow night would be a special service that God gave us to do myself and dr. shell does Reese will be doing a special Valentine's night service and God has given me a word trust me when I tell you the Lord has given me a word if you in the New York City area the New Jersey area that is Connecticut area any of the five boroughs and you have nothing to do on Valentine's night is not just for single people as for couples is for anybody that want to hear what God has given me about this one night with the king he has given me a prophetic profound word and I invite you to join us and to 15-30 to Jamaica Avenue it's going to be powerful it's going to be special it's going to be unusual and so until tomorrow I give God praise for what he has done and what he is doing and hopefully we'll uplink it live so you can hear it but you'll be blessed and highly favored of the Lord and don't forget you'll be happy and I want you to pray that God will help you to be free so for once in your life you can be you god bless you I can [Music]
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 27,946
Rating: 4.9217491 out of 5
Id: 1839p3LqJEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 1sec (3901 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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