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yeah Oh you know ah want to thank you for joining me today I want to make sure this volume is up because that's the one thing I didn't do yes it is thank you for joining me today I'm not quite back home when I get an opportunity to just be obedient to God I am and so I didn't feel led to leave Atlanta yet and um so I'm still here and I got a lot on my mind today my spirit is kind of heavy for several reasons and probably by the time I get off the program today some of you may unfriend me some of the women may be upset with me but you'll live through it and knowing that what I'm going to administer today is purely out of love out of love in my my love for you and my love for who God has called you to be I've been ministering on faith and I have been ministering on faith and I came across the fact that there are dimensions and faith and you might need to share this video right now I need you I need every woman on this page to share this video to tag somebody into this video today if you say that on your spiritual mother or whatever I there's some things that I need to share with you and I need you to tag in every girlfriend that you got everybody that you know that is your friend and you deem them to be your true friend the men would be interested in what I have to say from a different perspective but God is giving me the minister on the dimensions of faith and I came across something that really struck me different in a very different way as it relates to this dimension of faith and I'm going to I'm setting myself to go to Facebook so but I can see who I'm talking to today and just kind of keep up with you as I'm on myself and we started out on on Thursday talking about my faith and looking at the different dimensions of faith and understanding it just like there are dimensions in the spirit there are dimensions of faith and so we have to be able to determine which dimension am I in because a lot of people may think that they're operating in dimension of faith and that could possibly be the reason why you're not seeing what you desire to see as a result of faith because you are in the wrong dimension we started out talking about by faith and now faith and really bringing clarity to what all of that meant and admit this that we became assured on Thursday who would be doing the work how the work would be done and literally what is faith and we understood that to mean that faith is not my feelings and I think we got that and so with that understanding since we know what faith is and we know how our situations that we are praying for they're going to be done now we have to move into the next dimensions to properly understand where we are as it relates to this faith as we as it relates to this faith where am I as I begin to look at that I begin to be led of the Lord and I try to go to that next place in which I didn't realize after until after I'd gotten back to the hotel the other night that I did actually tap into where God was taking me and um if you were at the conference especially the second night when I tell you that my spirit have not left everybody hams conference it's like something jumped on me in a heavy way and the Lord just have not turned it a loose and he began to show me that if we're not really really careful we will begin to be put in a position where it's almost like we're backpedaling and trying to forward pedal at the same time the only way I can think of it is when you're in a rowboat and you got to two paddles and you paddle in one for impelling one backwards that that will breed nothing but confusion and how we don't realize that every area of our lives as it relates to our faith our belief systems every area of our lives count it counts and so he said to me now I want you to go to the next level and even though I'm not doing them in chronological order because in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews they are somewhat scattered but I believe that the Lord has given me the order in which I'm to go in as it relates to this and let's go to the eleventh chapter in and the eleventh chapter and the 24th verse the eleventh chapter and the 24th verse I believe that's where we're going and before I read that I want I want to read 11 and 8 Fed urged on we talking about urged faith now what is what is what is urged faith mouth and we have said we have to get clarity on what his urge and urge is honestly or persistently to persuade someone to do something and so when we look at urge faith it said urged on by faith Abraham when he was called obeyed and went forth to a place which she was destined to receive as an inheritance and he went although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go prompted by faith he dwelt as a temporary resident in the land which was designated in the promise of God though he was like a stranger in a strange country living in tents with Isaac and Jacob fellow heirs with him of the same promise so the scripture is telling us that urged on by faith we're called we're called and I don't know about anybody else but I honestly believe that the people that are on this page people that come to this page you're called and so when I am in urged faith that's that's a dimension when I am in the dimension of urged on by faith by faith meaning that faith has caused me to be able to do this when I am urged on by faith I'm obedient to what I'm being called to and because I'm obedient to what I'm being called to then I check on the full responsibility of that call and so in the midst of that I understand now that I'm no longer like everybody else I'm different because I'm not the person that just went there's a difference between a person that went and the person that was called there's a huge difference and I think in this hour we're seeing the difference we're being able to to look at the difference some of it is the difference and some of it is a lack of understanding a lack of understanding she said being called being urged on by faith I was called not knowing where I was going but I was given instructions that I was to go and leave the place where I was and I went and then he said that me understanding that I am a stranger in the place that I'm in and that this is a part of the plan follow what I'm saying to you in looking at our society I guess I'm overwhelmed right now and-and-and not so much as because let me tell you something I really believe when God gave me a word I trust the Lord I trust him wholeheartedly with with what he says and I have I have confidence in God and I have confidence in his word and so when God gave me a word on November the 9th about the election I don't shake at what I see because I know God is in control and so I'm not you know overwhelmed about the workings and the doings because I know who is the God of all of that I know that the hand of the Lord is in it and that even being in a strange place in America it's a part of the promise and it says it's temporary so I live by the word and some of us we read the word like it's something that is you know a fairy tale but for me the word is prophecy and when I read it I believe it because I've seen the manifestation of its truth when you know you are in a strange land and you know you a call to keep the commandments of the Lord my heart begins to eight and it began to eight because I understand and then please don't get me wrong I understand the whole the whole concept of you know church is not what it used to be I get that I get that I get that we are in a different time I get that I get the fact that you know mother Boyd and the people of old and mother Elsie Shaw and and and Bishop APO Clemens I get that all of these people impacted this world and now they've gone on a day with the Lord and that this is not really the way we do it you know and that things are changing and that we are in the life and the way of the Millennials and we're in the change and you know and everything is you know you just you know we serving the Lord without religion and we and we want spirituality and I am number one that is raising the banner for that but what I don't get is where the church has gone to what I really don't get is what I'm what I'm seeing happening as it relates to the body of Christ and just a respect that we're supposed to have as women of God a part is confusing me it's confusing me when I when I when I look up and I see people on Sunday mornings doing praise and worship in bodycon dresses and dresses I'm telling you may unfriend me after today you may you may literally unfriend me after today and I really don't care seeing women do praise and worship in bodycon dresses that is so tight until I can see the dimples in your behind so tight until I see your thong I'm confused about the call of God the call of God on our lives the call of God and instead of us understanding that we are in a strange land and that is a part of the promise and it's a part of the promise because of who we're supposed to be while we're in that land we are becoming a part of the land and that's the part that just got me going that now you can't tell the believers from the unbelievers now there is no difference ah you can't see the difference let alone feel the love of God you can't see the difference and I guess I'm just not understanding how pastors can allow people to parade in their churches looking like that I've never seen in this hour so many women that are Christians and you're you are in service in the service of the Lord all praise teams ministering the gospel with your cleavage all the way down here where I can see the crack of your breath something is wrong Who am I talking to Who am I something has gone wrong that there is something in us that says this is okay oh I thought the Bible said that you know rich we come into the body of Christ as babes and I know it I know we we use the terminology people that we are the comment we are but why is it that we're coming as we are but we're staying as we are at what point does the line get drawn that skirts are so tight and so short until half of your thighs are out and your ministry and you're standing on put and I can't even I can't even get to the concept of somebody preaching and leading praise and worship with no stockings on with soggy stringy shoes on and your legs all greased up what kind of message are you trying to send us because to me that looked like somebody that's got a whole spirit that ain't purged out in God and any minute you can just go over in a corner to a deacon and just raise your dress up and hit it right there in the corner because you don't even have drugs up you got old songs and some greasy legs and a bit but skirt and you are praising worship leader y'all something is wrong something is is absolutely positively wrong with that and then we wonder why there was so much sexual promiscuity in the body of Christ we wonder why married men are failing their wives we're wondering why is there so much and all this ain't going on with people that that work on their job it's going on with people in the church because when you come to church you don't know when where and how and I'm not saying that you got to be like an old fogey woman because I love to look beautiful but there's a time and a place for it all and Sunday morning service is not a time for you to show us your nipples in your titties that's not the time to do it and I gotta give it to you plain talk because you don't understand nothing else that's not the time where is your bra how are you coming to church on a Sunday morning to worship God and you have no bra on I'm not getting this I'm not getting this jumpsuits on no underwear on okay so we don't wear girdles no more but have you ever heard of Spanx have you ever heard of something that keeps you from jiggling like that and then you won't sit down you're the person that just won't sit down because you come to church because you think you Q I get so sick and tired of going up and down my facebook line and I'm going to tell you right now when I see pictures like that I'm gonna delete you as my friend I'm going to block you People of God every time you look around we are believers and that something on you that's got to be naked for some reason the women of God in this hour don't want to put on clothes and I don't know why what is it because we finally got enough money to buy titties because we finally got enough money to go and buy extra behind and now everything you wear got to be tight got to be sexy so now sex appeal is on the all-time high not worship not brokenness not Lord Here I am NOT God purge me and cleanse me God where is the scripture that says that women are to dress in modest apparel with shamefacedness a many more and there's something wrong with the Spirit of the Holy Ghost that you say you got when the Holy Ghost in you don't ever say to you that's two times how is it that you don't think is too tight what it's so tight in the front that you can actually see the print of your vagina really y'all come on come on I don't even know who I'm talking to today I don't even know who I'm talking to the dead I can't take it no more and it hurts it hurts because with a Christian it hurts and with the Christians and we looking like holes I'm sorry we're the questions and we up in the pulpit with leather pants on and some of us ain't got no business having them own period and we don't want bodycon crazy everything is a bodycon dress are y'all serious you the women of God and you and you taking pictures with your shoulder all out like this and you and you the woman of God you're the woman of God yo yo chest is all the way down here on Facebook I don't care if you ain't in church who takes a picture like that because you're confusing us you're confusing us because one minute you want to give us the word of the Lord and one minute you want to tell us what God is saying and one minute you want a prophesy and the next minute we see you taking all out sex picture and a selfie of yourself and I don't care if you don't want me as your mama no more I don't care it must build your daughters did just disowned me and you could you could unfriend me you can say whatever you want to say because you know what I didn't sign up for her as a daughter in the first place so you want to send me you will not offend me get on somewhere with that because if we don't raise a standard in the body of Christ then where in the world are we going I want somebody to answer that then what are we training this next generation what are we training them because everything that was about the way you look ain't even about praise and worship no more it's about what you're going to look like when you get up there I'm not I don't get it I don't get it I'm not I'm not I'm not some fashion I'm not old-fashioned I'm not against people looking good I'm not against anybody being beautiful because that's what you got to remember this is the beautiful generation the other advance and people that came along when I was young they didn't look like us so you already gorgeous so what do you have to prove you already beautiful so what is going to have to be that enticing we can't hear nothing that you saying that God's safe for looking at your shade and anytime you got on a dress then when you turn around I can see the very cup of your butt the way your butt is shaped I can see the crease between your tail in your imprint of your dress something is wrong with your spirit or you didn't have no mirrors when you left home you don't have y'all don't have to put no hearts up you don't have to put their hearts up you don't have to put no checks up somebody said what he's got to do with face everything because the Bible said his the Bible says aroused by faith Moses when he had grown to maturity and become great refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter when you are aroused by faith you refuse to become the next hole on the street you miss field for people to look at you and think you a instead of an evangelist human field for anybody to get your identification mixed up because of the way I look and I don't care what nobody says well you know what it is it ain't it ain't what he wears was in your heart but what's in your heart is testifying the way you look testifies or what's in your heart I'm sorry I'm sorry it does out of that same heart it testifies of your dedication of God it testifies of the fact that I refuse for anybody to look at me because the bottom line of it is it's my testimony should be something that I tell not what people still see I just said something like this and you don't have to tap that screen on me today I don't need no help today say what you want to say but the line is got to stop it's got to stop I'm going places walking in churches I want you to hear what I'm saying y'all just got to forgive me today you got to kill me today cuz we got another generation coming behind us and I'm seeing the same thing I'm seeing the same thing it's almost like history's repeating itself around here where's your mother where's your grandmother okay forget about that where is your conscience where is your Holy Ghost I told somebody every day I said you know I was ministering the other night and the reason why I'm really bringing it back up I can't I can't shake it when I go to dress and I go to the mall to buy a dress and Neiman Marcus I think they're wearing Bergdorf Goodman and I go in the optical dress off the rack and I get in that dressing room and I shout and I dance and I fall down the floor until the lady come on and said ma'am are you all right is everything all right I heard a big thump I said yeah I'm all right cuz you know what I'm doing that dressing room I'm dancing I'm spinning around I'm shouting I'm falling out and if I can see my tail somebody else gonna see that church that's what all the sheets come from because we don't have dressed pretty presentable to even give God proper glory somebody gotta babysit you because of your outfit and you're a grown woman and you think that's how you will find a man do you think a real lend of God won't you you really think that because if that's what it took to turn him on to you there's another girl I said that looked way better than you there's another girl out there that's got bigger boobs than you do there's another girl out there that's got a smaller waist and you do so and that's what it took to get him you ain't gonna keep it you ain't gonna keep him because first of all he's not looking for a white vision he's looking for a prostitute he's looking for somebody that he can get turns on back not nobody he can build nothing with and you got it all wrong y'all got it all wrong it's like looking at all these government what are you trying to prove put some clothes on where is your self-esteem where is your dignity where is your self-respect do anybody have anything to look at where your concern and wonder what it would look like or do they just see it all and we stayed and we fear what the Holy Ghost I saw a picture one girl on Facebook that said I'm getting ready for my date for when my husband comes titties all the way down to here I mean if she probably moved like this to live with when it came out and you saved and you got the Holy Spirit I'm seeing women of God taking pictures on Facebook with white Vitas own I actually mean I'm done I don't I don't I don't know what to say I can't I can't just shut up anymore because it's going too far it's going too far ain't nobody gonna say nothing to me today wadn't going too far but all this sheer sea suits up for the whole type of your breath is showing we're going too far it's too much everything that's on the rack it's not meant for a woman of God all right so hate me so just hate me today just hate me today I don't care if I'm still talking about faith because the scripture said being aroused by faith Moses came to a place that when I become mature I don't want a past identification so now we're dealing with a lot of immaturity so when you go to church this coming Sunday and you see all of that people that you know then say for years people that you know that's been in the body of Christ for years then you know what's up you know what's up because I'm telling you what's up you come in a church look like that why you didn't come to serve God the other night Saturday night when I got done minister and I was getting ready to walk out of the church and the presence of the Lord fell into place and God set me all over that building laying hands on people and they were all on the floor and God hit me to get down there with them and I was jumping across chairs and ministering to people when I got in the hallway of the hotel because I left with my clothes on and some of my my assistants woke me here to my hotel room I turned around I said to them do you think I could have did all of that with a bodycon dress on do you think I could have done all of that with my cleavage all the way down here no I could not you know why because we ain't in ministry for the right reason you not in ministry because you want to serve God you ain't in ministry you in ministry because you want to be on the stage if you want that moment then take you in the Hollywood take you into Motown but don't bring that into the body of Christ no we're not going to swallow it anymore anybody that's getting ministry you dressed like you in ministry you carry yourself like you in ministry what you wear says to the Lord I'm ready at any time for you to use me for your glory and I'm not about to embarrass my husband I'm not about to embarrass my father I'm not about to embarrass my brother or my sister because I have a same faith that some things about I don't want to portray that don't get it twisted I got a shake you know you can ask my masochism I got a shake and a cute one and yes I can put on all of that but if I walked in church what purple hair I'm talking about me I didn't say there was nothing wrong with purple hair that's what you want to do but if I walked in church with a bodycon dress on over my knees and 10-inch heels and purple hair chuckle now lift your hands up cuz I gotta work on God halfway y'all will get up and walk out do you know what because there's an expectation that you have of me to represent the fact that I am a prophet and I am called of God and because of that there are certain things that I sacrifice for the kingdom I'm not here nobody's saying that right there not where's all the heart where's all the heart I told the people the other day I want to just lighten my hair and all of my life you look did since I was a little girl my hair would always turn brown in the summertime and I said well one day you know what it'll be blind streets like somebody put bleach in it and blondie and I said you know what I just want to go back to blond hair okay put in my hair everybody thought it was cute but I woke up the other morning and the Lord said to me know who I called you to Juanita I'm not offended by your color but I want you to tone it down because this is the sacrifice of your call I can turn this video off right here how'd you come come in the ministry and don't want to sacrifice nothing I want somebody to tell me that how you gonna come into ministry and there's nothing about you that speak about who you're going to burst out that's coming behind you y'all may never see me dressed like that and you never will to get up to do nothing I'm not hearing nobody talk to me with let me let me let me look because I don't I don't I just I just want to know who man today I want to know who man because if you mad something's wrong with you if you met you need to go back and pray again my god then verse 11 27 said motivated by faith Moses left Egypt so then what's wrong with my prayers what's wrong with my prayers earth zone by faith I can't obey God earth zone by faith I'm in the strange land but now I'm becoming a part of than may not looking like that land and every sense of the word calling myself a woman of God so I said when I ain't call the ministry absolutely you are somebody said what maybe she'll talk to me because I ain't lying called absolutely you are every man's woman on this page you are and you're supposed to be an example and there are some things that you're supposed to deny yourself for the sake of your calling urged on by faith I've become a part of that stranger man aroused by faith I refuse to grow up and become a tour because I'm still trying to have my moment I refuse to walk in maturity I refuse to grow up I made up my mind I'm serious I don't care who it is I said when I start strolling down my timeline and I see women period that's supposed to be women of God and you look at naked when all of your whole top off I'm deluding you and blocking you because I can look at on the streets every day but I'm not going to have a timeline of women that's talking about I love God and I gotta keep looking at you like that I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it aroused by faith I refused to be associated with Egypt I will soon see but let you think I am and finely moulded by it was motivated by faith he left Egypt motivated by faith he left Egypt behind being unarmed and undismayed by the wrath of the King for he never flinched but he'll start early to his purpose and in do it steadfastly as one who gazed on him who is invisible didn't care what Egypt wanted to do I didn't care if Egypt said it was okay because it's alright we free we're used to couldn't wear makeup we used to couldn't wear jewelry we lose couldn't wear pants we're used to couldn't wears short dresses or collage shoes all in it and we free and we don't go from free to being freaks something is wrong with that you need to slap that freedom board right on back over here in the middle somewhere and bring some balance to it because that don't mean you can wear anything you want to wear that means you have the freedom not to be entangled in religion but by the same token you got a responsibility to dress in modest apparel with shamefacedness talk to me oh let's onion you got back there no put a jacket on if you call to lead praise and worship you don't walk up there with no pants on and your butt all out and some of y'all and pay for some extra butt and then somebody then somebody gotta try to stay focused musicians got to try to stay focused and and not look at your behind no put a jacket on put a blazer on you're in ministry I may get unfriended the numbers gonna go way down after this video yep no more sheets extended call it what you want no most sheets part two and it's all about you because people women of God we've got to stop we got to stop it's too far I don't know what's going on I don't know blowing a black tie affair dinners with half your arm all of this is out dresses all the way down to your butt to split and you'll hold back is out down to your crack y'all come on come on come on come on all things are lawful but not expedient all things are lawful but as a woman of God and a believer and a question it's not expedient for you to have your back out all the way down to the crack of your butt okay I don't know I don't know I don't know when my parents they said no because he to shame and look at you what my plans to didn't say the enemy to shame a look at you and then if the pastor's wife say something you want to call her hater or she just jealous she just upstaged they did they are always picking on me just no no no she ain't no hater she love you but you ain't got sense enough to see it cuz you think you all that it drives me and all y'all is getting on Facebook and doing Facebook life stop getting on Facebook and doing Facebook life fixing your hair fixing your makeup and don't nobody care what you look but get something with your head and talking about darling crispy throw in your hair that's all of that if you want to be a woman of God and give us the Word of God give us the word of the Lord we're not going to get or what you look to the world is in trouble I have you noticed America and shaking and crawling or have you noticed I'm done I'm done I'm done cuz I can't I'm not gonna shut up I'm not gonna be quiet no you searched him for something you got some issues you got some problems when you don't mind showing that much of yourself there's something going on inside of you that you're trying to get out you better go and pray and ask God to go down in your belly and get that spirit of rejection because that's what it's connected to when you see a woman that's that loose about her body you dealing with a spirit of rejection you searching for something you want some attention and that's the wrong way to get it that's the wrong way to get it because what you sell it once you sell it I don't get it I don't get it y'all a jump it's so nice to have a little dressed up with your little sleeves that I definitely want to do but the bottom of the sleeve come all the way down here we can see the side of your breath and you add church with that all come on now y'all come on now come on up you up there leading praise and worship but we can look straight to your dress like you ain't never heard of a slit come on down come on are you playing games you playing games and it's not the coming of Christ that's not a woman of God that's not a woman who's after God that's not a woman who's at the heart of God that's a woman that needs some sex that's a woman that's looking for a man and what you're gonna find is a monster come on we're too beautiful for that y'all too pretty for that you don't have nothing to prove you don't have nothing to prove hashtag nothing to prove I'm sorry you don't you don't then I gotta tell you because I love you anybody that know me know I love clothes and I can put some on trust me and when it's time to look sexy I know when and I know where and I know how much to show and how much I'm not gonna ever show the newest sexy is clothes on not clothes off I don't know what to say anymore my heart is hurting my heart is hurting my heart is hurting today because all of my little sisters us out here my heart is hurting I say the same thing in my nieces come to church with something spanking like that you got not docked in a church door talk about it's alright cos God know my heart and he does and we know your heart now too so we need to stop that head game cuz that's a head game right there somebody never been to church that's fine somebody just coming to know Christ that's fine somebody ain't got nothin else to wear they coming in Lord that's fine but I'm talking about you rusty people that's been in church for four and five years and most of y'all was born and raised in church and you just crossing the line now because you know what mother love us is dead mother Dempsey is dead all these older people that used to say come to baby you need to put a safety cleaning next now I'm doing what I want to do now I'm grown that's grown oh so now you grown enough to make a decision you're grown enough now to make a decision to look like a whole very good well I just need to give you a hand class because you should be real proud of yourself you should be real proud of yourself mmm growl means I become a tool enough to know what is needed and what is designed in a relationship and what God is expecting out of me and I intended to walk that walk of integrity and I intend to walk that walk of an example so that people can say to me there's something about you there's something about you what is it about you and my cleavage ain't all the way down here ain't got my chest I'll split all the way down I don't have a dress song so short that I can't bend over but ten inch heels on no no I picked out a girl in the audience beautiful girl she had braids there was blue machetes blue metallic shoes on beautiful dress a dress was over nice very pretty girl and I said you know what for the people that God is calling you to you're going to reach a lot of people God gave that girl the word and said you'll get ready to go into the industry I don't know nothing about you but I know God is giving to take you into the industry and you want to reach people that I would never be able to reach but that's not for me that's not for me and a whole lot of y'all but I see on this page looking like that that ain't for you when you coming to the pulpit there is a difference the pulpit I don't know what happened to and there is a difference there is a difference get some nipple covers if you want them women I get excited when you get excited I can see your nipple to your blouse get some nipple covers or get you some band-aids and put some band-aids on your nipples and then put your brown put on a camisole we don't want to look through your blouse on a Sunday morning and see your bra oh that's the nutria now for me to wear on hot pink blouse a hot pink bra and a cream color blouse so you could see my bra through my blouse y'all done lost your man really no that's burlesque that's what that is it's called burlesque it's called peekaboo you can see it but you can and you come to do what worship God praise God oh really oh okay all right all right already what can I say I like being away stop it stop it really I can't y'all I can't that's the price that you pay when you've been urged by faith you are called out to be an example you're not called out to remain the same I know some of you are maybe your life will look up in your hair all right some of y'all young people that you know the Millennials I get it I get a hair color I get all of that I just don't get naked and I never will I don't care what lidium I don't care millennial by lineal lineal car video I don't care how many líneas you can put on it I'm never going to buy naked and hold never hair color alright three earrings in your ears always naked never God ain't calling no lineal to look like that and say you still say I'm sorry and I don't kill who don't like me today and this could be my last time on Facebook and I would just say I fell Avista I'm not your baby because I will not I will not I will not can't do it can't do it you ought to be ashamed of yourself you ought to be shaming yourself jumping all across the stage looking like that with no stockings own sweating all down your legs you look nasty you look nasty and it's not ladylike there's a standard in the White House there are certain colors they can't even wear in the White House there's certain length of dresses that women and the White House can't even wear hello somebody tell us somebody while you never seen Michelle Obama naked I don't care if it was a black-tie affair hello because there's some things that are not allowed as a president's wife and that's who we are we are the body of Christ with a Bride of Christ there's a standard here I just read with one of them colleges a stripping some girl of her title of crown or something for being inappropriate everybody got offended in the world but the church and we don't talk a free-for-all and we've got fell down hard hard no standard what I am one on this page that I am saying everything don't go not and said it and I'm in the Bible I'm in the Bible I'm not talking about not wearing pants I'm talking about where I'm so tight that I can see the print of your butt through your through your pants I'm not talking about not wearing skirts I'm saying when it's so short is so tight that I can see the print of your vagina no I'm sorry the White House has a dress code the police department has a dress code the fire department has a dress code the doctors have a dress code the lawyers have a dress code and you know the thing that really kills me and I will say this and I'm gone the thing that really kills me is that we have the audacity as Christians to be so self-absorbed and so cocky and so arrogant to look at other religions and say oh they believe in Buddha they going to hell oh they believe in Islam they go in the hell oh you know what they walk around here you know in India putting them read back from their hair they go in the hell I'm not here nobody talked to me my ear is to the camera or they walk around it all those other Muslim people they go in hell all I'm hidden do people they go in hell all them people that's in China and Japan worshipping Buddha putting fruit down for Buddha they going to hell well why is it that they seem to being the wrong religion but they religion can teach them to put some clothes on and we're supposed to be in the right one and we look at my hope I just want somebody to tell me that I just want somebody just help me understand that how we're supposed to be in the right one and the Holy Ghost is right and Jesus is one and God is right and you can't come to the Father but by him but we the only want they want to walk the streets naked we the only ones that forgot to let I leave find out hope so we can be holy it's gone you need to let you leave on your home so that world home can be translated into holy and I'm gonna be the one to tell you and I don't care if you don't like it we'd have gone too far and I'm talking to the pastor's I'm talking to pastors who are preachers and you don't say nothing about that because what's wrong with you that you got a church for the women walking around looking like that intimidating your wife because anybody get a chance to look for free something is wrong with that something is wrong with that something is wrong with that and then we don't have normal women's department because pay nobody tell us nothing we get a women's department and they want to tell us you know what we need to put it in I'm leaving that church the guys not at all in the rooms and I'll leave an extra because you know what I just want to be free you can't be free free from yourself anybody trying to bind you up they trying to build you up oh well I don't even know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know no mo and if y'all says alright then alright but they not write to me it ain't all right to me I'll send those sideways on Facebook taking pictures of yo yo your titties are out like this who does that who does that who does that who want to see your breasts woman of God who want to see your tight dress who want to see how small your waist is we don't care we need to work from God take all it up over there on Instagram but there ought to be some place that we can find the God in you they ought to be some place on social media as a woman of God that we can see and trust that God is giving you a word without us having to look at your shape I'm sick of it and I ain't nobody tonight so who she think she is nobody nobody nobody why don't we see pictures are you seeing the homeless why don't we see pictures are you clips in church preaching the gospel why don't we see clips of you laying hands on people or teaching a Bible study or operating the mentorship group why every picture gotta be about you I'm done I'm done it's urged on by faith I realize that I'm in a strange land and I'm not to become a part of this that there has to be a difference when people look at me if I got on jeans no matter what I have on they ought to be able to see holy I don't care what I got on they ought to be able to say she love the Lord I said I'm not talking about people that just came into the church I'm not talking about people who just came to the church I'm talking to all of y'all old rusted dusted people who your grandmama raised you better than that your mama raised you better than that you are bishops daughters pastors daughters you know better than that now it's just I'm going to find and I love you I love you and the sad thing about it y'all so anointed now that the bad thing about it is that God has really called you many of you that are watching this video the Lord has a great call of God on your life but it's a shame that we would never see it it's a shame that what God has given you to say to us we can't hear it unless we close our eyes cuz imma put a disclaimer on my conferences that by touching my car cause I'm gonna tell you do not come in my comfort with a bodycon dress oh do not come in my comfort with none all of it and put some stockings on and I don't want to see your body I want to hear what God is giving you and that's why I dress the way I dress when I preach not because ain't got a cut let me tell you something my house people tell you I got so many clothes they all out in the garage and I didn't gave away about 15 bags in the last three months and I still ain't got enough room and half of them is still here in Georgia and storage clothes oh I can do that for you I can put some clothes on but you know what urged on by faith I refuse to be called the daughter of Pharaoh motivated by faith I'm leaving Egypt I left Egypt and all the Egypt ways I left Egypt energy leaks and it's onions cut out of Australia thank you Jesus thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God my god friends I clean it up you're on this page talking to you bring it up women are too dressed in modest apparel and forgot say coming hey baby please shame about something that you put on and I must say this and I'm leaving well you know what at betting when I wear to church getting what you should wear period and that's what we got a bunch of schizophrenic women in the house of God oh that's what the problem is you get your wardrobe confused because you got one for church and you got one for the club you got one fit for church and you got another fit for when you at home I don't have anything that if I get off the plane to go preach and my luggage get lost and they don't ever find my clothes I can go straight to the pulpit and even though my choice wouldn't be to preach with my jeans on or whatever I have on what I wear is in modest apparel stop the confusion tell all y'all in there that today we're going to become one in Christ Jesus we're going to become women and today I want to know how many women on this page in saying with me we gonna raise the standard we gonna raise the standard I don't want to see it I don't want to see cooking videos with your titties out I don't want to see it I'm going to let you I'm gonna ban you I'm sorry you may be on this page and you may say a line changing but the privilege that I have on Facebook is two things to ban you or get off of your period because is too much it's time for the women to pull it in no more sheets part two it's all about you boo you
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 234,474
Rating: 4.8603883 out of 5
Id: b9IyggpPRb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 54sec (4194 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2017
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