🐝🐝🐝🐝 - SENSITIVE!!!

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[Music] [Music] never satisfy myself Jesus I was warned that a sadist father Fergus Jesus tiny partying [Music] [Music] [Music] come in sure you're just now joining us how it is sometimes you got to do what you got to do and gum I had to make a stop today so we're going to be doing after we with me in the car you just got to do what you got to do right so here we are I just told her I'm going to rig all of this up we're gonna do f3 with me right here a man somebody I really needed to do it I mean I could have passed on it but I really needed to do it today I really did she's getting something out of the trunk for me but I want to thank you all for joining me today and like I said sometimes when you're determined to be obedient to what God is saying sometimes you just have to buckle up your seat belt and you got to do what you got to do but um I just really wanted to come on today anyway at 3:00 and so um what is this at 3:00 with me road trip now maybe but I had to do it and by you all are coming in I want you to tag somebody I want to I want to talk about as it relates to the will of God I want to talk about a subject that I saw in the scripture that in Matthew the 26th chapter and still going through this whole chapter as it relates to the will of God and locating and pursuing you can come on in you can come in and give it to me pursuing the will of God she's getting me some water so you may see me turn up the bottle a few minutes as it relates to the will of God and I'm telling you this this subject you are it's really rocking me it's really really rocking me in a way that is deeply life-changing you know I know people say all the time you know that changed my life that changed my life but I'm talking about really really really life changing from a very deep place I was looking at the scripture and I want to go and read it in Matthew the 26th chapter and the 38 verses where I'm starting the 26th chapter no it's it's solid grains not this color it's copy you can't see through it it's that size but you can't see through it I wanted to go back and look at the scripture again because I want to talk about the sensitivity that's in the will of God I want to talk about sensitivity today really really really strong and it's really been sitting on me very hard for the last more than 24 hours now and that is the reason why I'm on this page you know I'm on this page today not because it's convenient but I'm on this page today because I'm sensitive I'm sensitive to to where we are in this journey as it relates to what it is we're doing I'm on this page because somebody needs me to be on this page and what it comes down to sensitivity there will be times when you will be called upon to operate in the will of God and it will not be convenient it will not be convenient at all it wouldn't be something that you have the ability to do and something that you now are in a position to do which means the level of sacrifice that you would have to go through in order to meet the sensitivity of the will of God and the ways of God we'll be beyond normal it would be beyond average and if we're already people that are used to come on Linda if we're already people that are used to operating within certain walls and and in certain conditions then we would never be people that know how to make that xscape process to the supernatural because we're already stuck in a box we're already stuck in a way that we think something should happen and when it doesn't happen that way many of us lose it because we we think consistency consistency in something is is repetition in its fashion in its fashion I know after laugh at myself because I'm when I when I got past 50 I would go in the restaurant and sit down and um I would eat and have a wonderful moment and I'll lead that restaurant and next time I come back I would be like is that section right there open and they would say yeah it is I'll go back over there and sit down and I'll leave out come back another day somebody sit in this section I will wait until that section is done and so I started asking myself you know am I getting all crazy but it's like after you get to be a certain age it's like you don't like a lot of changes you just want everything just to stay yeah every time I come to this restaurant this is where I fit every time I ride in the car I sit on this side every time I and the minute God requires us to do something that upsets that pattern and it doesn't put you in the position to do it the way you always do it then we think that that's opportunity for us not to be obedient when there is no way that you can prove obedience until you've been inconvenient there is no way that you can prove obedience to God until you are doing something that you absolutely don't want to do and something that you feel that it's uncomfortable I mean I got all kinds of stuff stacked up here so I can prop the phone up and turn the phone on and the laptop is on my lap and you know and she driving and I'm being tossed and she got to go in suitcases and all of that but the point of the matter is the conditions may not be as I would desire but the will of God for what He has called me to do it's what He desires how many people just got what I said it's what he desires I'm doing what the Lord desires I'm doing the will and the desire of that other person of the other person that that I asked him to come into my life and now I possess the heart of God the heart of Christ and so with him living in my heart then there would be things that I would do that that I myself don't recognize one of my friends on the Facebook page posted one of my favorite books and we're going to go through that book as well matters of the heart and that is my all-time favorite book that I've ever written matters of the heart and while I was doing this study of matters of the heart make sure you tap that screaming tag somebody and you all know why you all know why on this page we can't be selfish we cannot leave people out of a deposit that they greatly need when I was going through that book and I was doing the research for that book matters of the heart it said that when a person dies and they give you their heart by way of they becoming a donor and you get their heart it told a story in the book in my researching about a schoolteacher who is married very very conservative she's a third grade schoolteacher and she had a problem with the heart and she went through this process of looking for a donor and when they found her a donor the donor was a was a prostitute who had gotten killed and they put this woman's heart inside of the schoolteachers chest and three months later the schoolteacher stopped wearing fishnet stockings and smoking and drinking and and I mean doing stuff that her husband was like what is going on and so they began to talk about how the heart has a cold in it the heart has a code in it and whatever a person was involved with during the course of their lives there are actual grooves and indentations on your heart that those grooves are there and they're there in a very deep way because now that heart has a cold and there's a behavior pattern that's been so repetitive that now it becomes the hearts cold and so that heart beats with that kind of behavior because that's what it was used to while it lived in somebody else's shed and so when I begin to do the study on that and then God began to allow me to see that when people have my heart what I have done as God and as the heart of God I've done it so many times I've been so repetitive at the way that I do things he said I'm God and I changed not I changed not I'm so repetitive and what I do and how I do that anybody that really gets my heart they will begin to automatically display characteristics of me because I'm God and I change not and he began to say to me as a person it wasn't about a preach word I ran across this by reading an article and then the article sparked more interest and that's how the book was birthed and God called it the matters of the heart and he began to say to me the only way that you can tell that you've really been converted and that you really have my heart is that your ways and things that you do and ways that you think there will be automatic triggers am i talking about the prophetic triggers there would be automatic triggers to certain behaviors that you cannot deny you will find yourself doing things the way God would do it you would find yourself responding to things the way God would respond to things when there's a total surrendering to not just the fact that God I have your heart but now I want to surrender to the will of that heart to the wheel of that heart so then dr. banner what are you talking about the wheel of that heart now I want to surrender to the Testament like the Bible has old in the New Testament those are Testaments because those people are no longer with us those are Testaments because they are testimony of what they went through in order to provide for us a lifestyle and a plan and a regimen to follow if we want to really be bona fide Christians and so it's a it's a will and testament of a life that was once live so that we could know that the light that would be an answer live it's been proven that it is possible it is proven that that that under these conditions you could still obey God even when they're going to boil you in oil and they're going to hang you upside down and they're going to behead you you could still go out declaring and proclaiming the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of the most difficult trials in the midst of the most difficult moment are you hearing me you should have eyes like that are you hearing me so when you look at this whole thing about the heart and the pursuit of the will of God then Jesus died so that we could get this wheel we can get this wheel and so the wheel in the wheel there were certain things left for us there were certain things well to us so that when that time comes listen to the switch out so that when that time comes you would be able to do the will of God because that will was left for me I is that making sense to you is that making sense to you and so part of part of the will is about a certain level of sensitivity that Jesus was always very sensitive the Bible said he was on his way someplace else he had just got to ministering healing to somebody else Wow that you know at the pause and say this you can't help people you can't minister the people if you have no compassion for anybody the reason what people pray now and say you know what I just really want to be able to lay hands on people you don't want to lay hands on people and they'd be healed you want you want to start them get that brain you don't you don't really you not really know you I want to be able to do that I mean we talked about the Ministry of healing and deliverance like like that's something that you learn to do like pain like you learn to ride a bike or something like oh you know if I can just do that no it's deeper than that it's you did an interceptor if you did an intercessor its intercessor is an interceptor in other words I jump up in front of your life and I catch the ball I take on that burden I take on that physical sickness I feel it like you feel it and I'm listen I'm praying for you because I move with compassion uncompassionate to what you are dealing with I feel what you are dealing with what hurts you her to me she bet that that right there is a heart of Christ what hurts you hurts him he said I was I was I was moved by by everything at all points everything you've ever gone through everything you've ever going to go through I was moved by this and I feel the infirmities I feel you so how can we have the heart of Christ and we don't feel anything remember the book of Jude when it says u-19 that if you don't have these characteristics it's because you're devoid of the holy spirit that thing is women only you're devoid of the Holy Church you do not have the Spirit of God that's like somebody putting a heart inside of your chest it's like the dots are giving you a heart transplant and you know they have to put it in your heart and then you have to put it up to a machine that or we jumpstart the heart so make sure that the heart is going to function and they leave it on what they call a pacemaker to make sure that it's going to function and that's really what at 3:00 with me is is that the Lord has given all of us us us me as well as you a new heart but after what means like that pencil maker look I got to keep on you know I got to put it on the machine to make sure that it's going to function right and I can't take it off I can't shut up three with me down until the heart until I can see that the heart of Christ is able to function in all of us properly consistently without interference without question it is operating in a pristine murder and there is no failure in this heart it is now connected to the new body that it's in and everything about it understands the body that either here is the mouth the nose the way I walk the way I talk the way I live everybody now understand that we're following this new heart and until the heart of God takes precedence it becomes a dominant factor then we have to stay right here at a three with me we have to stay right here oh yeah oh it's inconvenient I'm sitting out here in a car you know the things that God required me to do I'm in a car let me read to you facts about this let me read to you the facts about somebody that just have a heart to do something but they don't possess the Holy Spirit to do it and when you don't possess the Holy Spirit to do you have no sensitivity to anything that's going on with anybody for no reason not even in your own house the book of Matthew the 26th chapter the book a map through the 26th chapter because he even say it when it got taken down to feeding of the 5,000 the Bible said he was moved with compassion he felt sorry for the people if I got to do something about this I'm moving compassion it said in the 30th verse listen to this young please listen it is it says then he said to them and this is Jesus okay hold on hold on cuz I want us to get this right I wanted to get this way it says and take him with young Peter and the two sons of Zebedee James and John he began visiting he began to be grieved and greatly distressed then he said to them my soul is deeply grieved so that I am almost dying of sorrow stay here and stay awake and keep watch with me Jesus just said to three disciples I am so grieved until I feel like my soul is dying I am deeply grieved I am in deep grief with sorrow stay here and stay awake and keep watch with me and they want to sleep unbelievable you have watched this man work miracles this man just set in the upper room and fed JA the Lord's Supper and said this is my body I break it I give it to you I'd give it to you so you could have communion with me always so that you can be one with me and I'm looking a sacrifice to do this I'm not gonna sacrifice to give you my body and I'm telling y'all that I'm grieved and I'm so deeply grieve until I feel like I'm dying and nobody in the text said Jesus are you all right what can we do can we do anything for you so he says stay here and stay awake because I got a goal just keep watch watch over me because I'm I'm granted I'm going through something I'm dealing with something I'm in deep sorrow okay now I want you to hear this you know how we say sometimes I'm so tired I feel like I'm dying but it's like it's like a metaphor for us it's a metaphor for us well you know what old girl I'm so tired I feel like I can just die right now I'm so hungry to act and just die it's a metaphor for us do you think Jesus was saying that as a metaphor did you think the Christ really meant that I feel something dying inside of me I'm so greed and all I need you to do is stay woke and pray with me and they go to sleep people that's got a heart to follow Christ without the Holy Spirit now I just said something right there I just said something like there because because without the Holy Spirit what about the merit that goes with this heart like here's a heart and so the heart is just laying here but being here is a spirit of that heart that builds with that heart and if you don't put the spirit the Holy Spirit with that heart then you cannot activate it to the wheel the Spirit of God is the activation of what he is calling us to do oh my god oh my god that's why he said it is a spirit of the Lord that maketh intercession for us we don't know what we should pray as we ought but the Spirit of the Lord maketh intercession for us I'm going up here on this mountaintop I'm going here further to pray for y'all I'm in deep grief because I know that betrayal is coming and you go to sleep I'm saying something right here and the Bible said and after going a little farther he fell facedown and prayed are y'all hearing this man I could feel this I could feel this he fell face down and prayed saying my father if it is possible that is consistent with your will let this cup pass from me yet not as I will but as you will and he kicked listen and he came to the disciples and found them sleeping and the Bible said he did this three times he came back three times and by the time he got back the third time and they jumped up trying to say some he said never mind but the hour that I must be betrayed the thing that I wanted you to help me watch that this vistas burden I wanted you to help me just to pray with me and stay with me and just I know you can't fix it for me but at least you can be sensitive God woke me up with that yesterday morning when I got on my knees I get out the bed and start praying he started talking to me about sensitivity about sensitivity the spirit of talk to you let it this spirit will talk to you see that it you start talking about sensitivity and he started telling me about how how how the world okay yes Lord he said that tract yes Lord he said it didn't just start here it didn't just start here if you read on up in the chapter this was a spirit that set on the disciples and that's why just because you go to church don't mean you possess the spirit just because you can get them sing and you all anoint it because God will use a jackass it doesn't mean that the Spirit of God is in you the Spirit of God was set up on anybody for the sake of his people that's why when the Prophet was hitting the wrong direction God used a jackass and said excuse me you don't see this I understand in the militant world and God told us not to go this way hello the jackass when filled with the spirit Spirit of God set upon him and opened his eyes and calls him to talk because the Prophet didn't have nobody else around and say you're gonna die if you disobey God so God said to keep the prophets to keep my prophet from going in the wrong direction I won't have to open the mouth of this jackass I don't want to make this donkey speak out to this man so he can know what I'm talking to him so I'm not talking about people being impressed because they have in anointing I'm talking about but do you have the Spirit of God do you have the Holy Spirit do you possess it are you filled with it as you feel with it because there is a behavior system that comes with the in feeling of the Holy Spirit these are the same disciples that further up in the chapter Jesus was sitting down he had entered into this man's house to teach and this woman came in this woman of this sorted path and she began to pour she began to open up this expensive box of alabaster oil and she begins with an alabaster box that was filled with expensive oil and she began to anoint Jesus and the first thing that happened in sensitivity in sensitivity because i'ma tell you something you have to watch it when people that you are round it's always just about them somebody said what process did something happen in the last one if I was to make you throw that way no but I'm getting to my point you have to be careful when when you subject your life till it's all about them it's all about them and it's not about it's not about the exchange of sensitivity are y'all hearing what I'm trying to say to you not sensitive here you got disciples now this man is getting me to go to the cross this man is giving it to die on a cross this man is constantly telling them that I'm going to be crucified and my time is coming well the Lord can be glorified in me and this woman comes in to anoint him and regardless of whether or not I mean he prophesied and spoke prophetically and said this was for you know my death and burial and this woman is coming to do this and she will always be but but let's just say let's just say that wasn't the point let's just say Jesus never said anything they start clowning and become an insensitive because he was getting oil and they were only thinking about the finances how expensive this would be oh you'll end up clear this all out of do you know like springs and misses did you know this is a year's worth of salary do you realize what we what we what we could have did with this following Jesus but don't have his spirit not have even been invited into the house and he not been there happily places y'all when you wouldn't have even been recognized had you not been with Jesus Jesus with a star Jesus was the one that was doing all the work Jesus was the one that was catching our debtors and healing the sick and feeding people and open their blinded eyes and because somebody wanna play some oil on him in sensitivity so what somebody else needs to fulfill the will of God becomes an indictment against Christianity my God my God like a selfish demon have jumped on us so bad until we're not sensitive to the things of God so they starts to complain about why they think Saul should have been spilled and then you get on down when we go to the garden it did it didn't surprise me it didn't surprise me that they want to sleep because they had already displayed acts of insensitivity Who am I talking to am i preaching something today let me just put my glasses on and look up on the screen yes yes Thank You Denise Mitchell yes yes thank you Miss Dior yes thank you that's what I'm talking about we have become so instant they were already insensitive so I was old you know you get them falling asleep them constantly falling asleep and not staying awake and not praying for a man that keeps saying y'all I'm dying I feel depressed I mean I just having somebody there for you I mean I was supposed to been in San Francisco on my way to San Francisco California caught my layover from Lake Charles yesterday and found out that one of my friends Karen Belton lost her mother a year ago and my other friend Lynn Baker said Karen is not doing well she's really in a bad way because yesterday was her mom's birthday and I spoke to Lin and so when I got to Lake Charles it was like let me get off this plane let me get off this plane and I'm gonna change my reservation and I'll just have to take a red-eye on Thursday night but but I felt something in my spirit I can't explain it but it was something in my spirit that the way the only way I can explain I just felt my whole spirit saying stop like like like stop like we are in such automation in life that we are no longer sensitive to what somebody else is dealing with and I felt like okay there's another flight but my friend is hurting yeah I'm Juanita Bynum yeah I gotta get to the airport yes I'm going to California to a big Women's Conference yes I do this and I do that and I do that but my friend is hurting you may not know her she's not famous she's not trying to be famous she just another person that just go to church and love God and lost her mother to her infant sickness that lasted a matter of a couple of days and her mother was gone you don't know her but she's my friend and she was there when I needed her she was there doing a crucial time in my life so no no the Spirit of God being said up we got people all around us your family your friends that are dealing with things but you too busy you too busy to stop and say wait a minute let me go check on them let me know because all we want to do all we want to do God forgive us all we want to do is fix everything everything is Texas everything is Texas because you don't have to show your real emotion and a text you don't really have to convey your heart in the text a person can look in your eyes and a text and see that you care well I sent you a text you didn't get my text really really that's the will of God that's the will of God for the body of Christ we've got so cold y'all we won't we won't even get nobody ride home from church I mean I remember the day the passengers you sped up to say anybody going north anybody going south forget about it ain't nobody taking nobody to church ain't nobody doing ain't nobody trying to get nobody's kids to Sunday school we just don't we just some of the most selfish people I have ever seen in this day and age and I said no I said no I'm getting off this plane and and to do that I had another experience last night where I had to walk in someplace that was very familiar to me all the hotels were sold out every hotel they couldn't find me a hotel room nowhere and when I had to end up staying with some place that was very familiar to me but very uncomfortable for me extremely uncomfortable for my memories but I had to keep telling myself I gotta do this for kin cuz she was there for me and right now she's holding she's this scripture right here in Matthew 26 and 37 I'm grieving I feel like I'm dying can anybody just stay woke can somebody just pray for me and I would be guilty like the disciples just going to sleep and then waking up Oh is you all right you all right I was checking on you you're not checking and nobody you think you're not checking on my body sending them a text you're not checking on anybody calling them two days after their trauma is over you're not checking on anybody leaving them a voicemail and calling the number at a time when you know they can't even answer the phone because you don't want to be on the phone with anybody because you don't want to listen to nothing that they going through because you're insensitive that's what religion does who am i preaching to who am i preaching to insensitive even the other day I got on my knees that morning you know sometimes y'all sometimes I have to turn the inbox off sometimes I have to turn it off because they just get overwhelming for me and so it was one of them two or three days that I was going through what you know stalkers be coming in my inbox in people saying all kind of crazy stuff and and some lady in boxing me tell my and took me to court because I left her with my with my one-year-old child three years ago and I won't spend on no money for the baby and she get some subpoena ended up in my office from the court for me to come to court for child support I mean you you don't you don't know the crazy stuff that I deal with being me you you have no idea and so profit major came in my inbox and he was just saying hey let other that and I was asserting I can't I came today and I don't forgot all the what I said but I wasn't nasty but I was I was irritable I wasn't as kind as I could have been but I wasn't nasty and it hurt his feelings and I just said well they know if I hurt your feelings I don't you know I didn't mean no harm ballad I bought I left it and just went on went on yesterday morning I got up and the spit of a Lord start talking to me about spiritual sensitivity and I got on my knees and I started praying and I just started praying to the Lord and just you know having my morning devotion and and I was there and just really asking the Lord to just guide me and and you know and speak to my heart and lead me and guide me in there and by the time I was almost finished praying he brought that young man back up to me and he said I want you to go in and box him on a pallet faster evidence I believe is his name and I said but I did apologize he said no I'm talking about now being sensitive not just apologizing but healing him because you could say you sorry but that don't heal nobody you just said what forgive me if I hurt your feelings that didn't heal him now I want you to go back and say you're sorry and I want you to heal him and so I had to get back on my inbox and say I'm sorry and feel free to inbox me because he's very kind I mean very nice I mean just nice and he's been my friend and we had been every now and then I'll comment on some of the stuff that he's doing in some of his projects and whatever and and when I did that the Lord said Juanita that's what I'm talking about sensitivity sensitivity now I was like okay uh-huh all right then he says get off the plane and go see about karent's sensitivity inconvenience it's convenient not convenient not convenient and then that old try that old pride thing I don't care if you are the first and the last astronaut I don't care if you I don't care who you are if you don't carry the sensitivity of the heart of God you will miss his will for your life and you will miss his will for your life because if you're not sensitive the Spirit of the Lord moves us in and directs us into the promise by us being sensitive enough to hear God say turn here turn there stop don't do that wait before you do that do this over here nope don't pay that for that there's something else just be still wait a few days don't mess with that right now pick up the phone right now and call all of these things that I just described are moments to grasp or promise they are moments they are they are they are attributes to how you lay hold of a promise now now if you're going to be sensitive to the Spirit of God hearing them say don't touch that do that don't do that back up move that stay over here stay over there but you can't be sensitive when God is saying see about them call do that handle this this way there is no separate sensitivities there's not a sensor to the prosperity over here and an insensitivity to people over here it doesn't work that way it it it's not a divide it's not a device because that's profit is buying them I could have went on and said you know what you don't know me from a can of paint and he just might as well get over it because you know what I deal with a lot but that's a soul that's a soul that's being called to minister I don't know how many thousands of people and you're gonna leave it like that just being insensitive because because you think you have you have done it the way you felt comfortable in doing it and so that satisfies me but we're not out to set us for us we're out for the will of God you got parents on this page and sensitive to your children you work work work work well I go somewhere because if I don't go to work I get yeah I can't get you to the shoes that you won't so get on out of my face get off my bed leave me alone you have to pursue the fix-it you have to pursue the fix-it you have to do your part they don't want to do their part that's fine but you got to do your part you got to be sensitive I don't care people don't apologize to you I don't care if they're gonna say sorry I pick up your family members gonna say you know what I hurt you and I'm sorry but when you see moments that you could be sensitive to a situation and you don't you're not in the pursuit of the will of God you're not in pursuit of it you think you are but you're not and I know this is a real sticky word like gum like when you get in honey all over your hands and every time you think you don't wipe it off you throw your hands and rub against something else there yeah this is a sticky world today it's a sticky world today and God stopped me in a car to bring this word to you you never just pick up the phone just call your kids inside your feelings I'm just checking on you call your wife how you doing you all right because when you do she gonna say what okay what is it what you want because you work it up on something because I know you ain't this guy what is it and you gonna said no no baby I'll just cause I know you working on something no you calculating ain't going to offer saying that when you finally get yourself to a point where you're sensitive to somebody or free that somebody they look at you sideways and go okay what's up now what's going on nothing I just I just thought I'd just come take you to lunch today and you paying your I'm paying you want me to babysit your kids no girl I just came to take you to lunch you were okay some is wrong you want to move in with me you you want to bring your kids and move it okay what sums up because you ain't is nice in there from how deaf how people feel about us oh yeah I'm doing that nice what and thumbs up thumbs up you too I'm going to take your kids you pick them up from school I'm going to pick y'all up from school today we ain't got to get on the bus no I'll be out there to get you at 3 o'clock what what y'all want to eat it mom or take y'all out to date we're gonna eat poking things and hot dogs in here but if it tonight you kick it off somewhere yeah I'm good they get to the table and they look at each other and looking at you like is she gamer to tell us they're her and daddy get a divorce or something something is up that's a shame thank God that people have to look at us like that in order for them to embrace your sensitivity it's always a catch to it no the catch now is that I love the Lord and I'm in pursuit of the will of God I'm in pursuit of the love of God and it is as we all prosody compression he's moved our compassion this is what gets the job done this is what changes families did it what changes friendships this is what make friendship stronger this is what makes friendship switch girlfriends come on now sisters this is what make that sisterhood stronger brothers this is what make that Brotherhood stronger when you operate in sensitivity without being asked you'll see I'm on a doughnut and I don't get paid for another three weeks you can't just be sensitive and by me or you tire y'all come on now whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap you got people on this page warning something that you've never sold and not because you don't have it it's reciprocity it goes around it's what you sow is what you weep the reason why I'm still alive the reason why I'm still on my feet the reason why I'm still standing because I so doing my times a blessing so when my time of persecution and tribulation came I had seed in the ground that I can call up and what I'm working in right now is my reaping I'm reaping what I've sold you got people mad because oh she still driving a Range Rover she still that I got shoulders I sold cars I sold houses I did I bought houses for people they catch for them I sold cars I sold limousines that's why I don't ever have a problem trying to find a ride somewhere if one of my cars are down I sold this kind of thing this is why I'm weeping it you want your life to get better but you wanted to get better from a big group spirit where you'll bankrupt in your sensitivity and that's what during your time of stress you sing the song nobody's there for me but who are you there for who can you get off his lines and be there for right now the little girl that I called yesterday Jamie Jamie day is her name Jamie Hilton day I don't know her from a can of pain she start coming on the page God changed her life she said to me the other day doctor bottom I stopped listening to secular music I started listening to looking at all them dirty movies and all that stuff she said God just washed me from this page she said he changed my life from this page I started reading my Bible I stopped doing all that old crazy stuff and all that drinking up she said I'm telling you I I just stopped following everything you said on this page I don't go to church I'm not Church like that but I started following this at 3 with me page and it changed my life and changed my husband's life and out of nowhere 32 years old he just went home to be with the Lord left this world and I just picked up I just won in the inbox is it embossed me your number I want to call you I don't know her she ain't famous but I called on my friend that's what y'all say we loud in this place stop lying that's why I had to start deleting people I had to start deleting people off a buffer yeah you may go to my friends page and I'm not all the way up to 5,000 people yet so what because I had to get rid of people that I know I can't be your friends you all up here with your legs wide opening all your titties hanging all out and every time I see you on Facebook I don't never see those pictures or nothing you're doing pilot all I'll ever see you doing is holding with your legs open opposing half-naked and closing with all your breasts out imposes licking another girl's jaw and licking this man's tongue are you not my friend you not my friend you can't be my friend you can't be my friend but if I called you my friend and I see on there you can show birthday how do I just pass your page up and don't thing at the birthday if I called you my friend and I see what your daddy than that how do I not just stop and say sis I'm playing for you I see what you've lost a child the gun violence I'm so sorry about that I'm praying for you I'm lifting you up in prayer and I call Jamie and she said you would never know what this did for me she said because I'm in shock and disbelief I said well you know what I love you and I'm praying for you and I just took the time people I didn't have the time but I took the time to stop and pray for her I got up today and I felt in my spirit I called it I said Jamie I feel led that you need to put up a GoFundMe page to help you with the funeral so she was telling me how they didn't have all the money to help bury him and I said put up GoFundMe page I said I'm gonna go in and I'm a soul and she said doctor bottom you know III I'm not on the phone with you but I said I know it's not you it's me I said but we bumble bees on this page and we gonna help you I said do it because I'm asking you to do it she didn't want to do that but I'm like we questions are we questions then take the sign down don't be able to yellow out such a rush I'll cover you McDonald's and you don't sell cheeseburgers you McDonald's and you don't have the McDonald's fries there's not a picture Ronald McDonald nowhere in this restaurant then take the sign down people take the sign down well I wonder what you're gonna do them none of your business take the sign down either we're going to be sensitive each other or we're not oh my god oh my god this is not the IRS this is not the IRS she just lost her husband she don't know me I don't know her she don't know y'all but her name is Jamie Hilton day and she got a go funded page up and I don't care filet but five dollars we when I heard how overwhelms with me calling her that thing did some to me when I heard prophet Evans and I'm looking at him inbox me back saying to me you will never know today what this inbox did for me today then God just start turning that thing up with me I don't know about y'all but I'm not on this page to be fake I'm not on this page to be giving you a bunch of scriptures and a whole bunch of who judge on and and and none of it applies to me all of it applies to me all of it applies to me first I'm on this page to say to us step it up step it up step up sensitivity to the things of God and the people of God or take your sign down call yourself something else but don't say you Christians because you're not because you're not then when they came to get Jesus when they came to get Jesus they are pulling out our swords from cuts people's ears oh no you know what let me put the man's ear back on because when I knew that y'all was in that garden where I needed y'all was in Gethsemane I needed somebody to just feel what I was feeling I knew I've got to do this I knew I had to do this but I just needed somebody to feel me for a minute and that's all people need around you somebody is crying out your friends can you feel me can you feel me for a minute can this just not be about you for one second and just make it about me because I need somebody her name is Jamie Hilton day I don't care if you came from about $10 I don't care if you came from about $5 it's about sensitivity that's the world today I gotta go sensitivity sensitivity Karen Bell was my friend when I was going through living hell and she would tell me now I'm your broke friends and show friends with money cuz I'm your broke friend but I'm not going to ever leave you Jay and she would be that friend that would meet me in
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 28,523
Rating: 4.8805194 out of 5
Id: uNc1hnvfY9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 1sec (3601 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2017
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