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previously on the world's scariest seed yo yo yo yo what the what was that what was that noise we're back we are back at it again today i've been reading your guys's comments since the last video has gone live and a lot of you guys are mentioning that uh something is definitely very wrong in the world something seems extremely odd there are a lot of things that are not adding up that happened in the last video that myself and you guys couldn't even seem to explain now there is one thing you guys did want me to do differently in this episode and that was to be on the world a little bit longer see what exactly is going on to be honest i think i'm stuck in that gray world thing uh hence the reason i logged off last time but guys we're gonna go ahead and join the world as you guys have been requesting make sure you guys leave a like and subscribe to my youtube channel right now for 10 years of good luck oh boy okay let's do this okay we are back inside of the world now ladies and gents and as i thought we are still stuck inside of this gray area however i'm noticing something different now i can actually see a different shade of gray like there's a light gray over here and was that a mistake wait where am i whatever happened in the last video is something that i cannot explain myself i've played minecraft for literally eight to nine years and i've never seen anything like this happen before i can't tell where i'm looking what is going on oh i'm just stuck here yo what oh my gosh yo okay okay what what is going on this what is up with the world bro the whole void is all below us this is not okay this is something is so wrong with this world i'm stuck bro stop what is going on i feel like i'm signed up for like some horror movie thing that's i don't know where the cameras are and somebody is secretly recording me or something i just fell from the sky onto this floating eyelid and there's literally nothing beneath me i don't know if i should trust this exactly there's a random slime block bridge here that appeared out of literally thin air like when i say literally out of thin air it literally came out of thin air okay at the very least get me to the other side so i don't have to worry about uh all right where did it where did it go oh okay bro the original person that sent me out this tweet for this world being haunted you know what i'm confirming i'm confirming and saying this is a fact whoever sent me the seat i forget the exact name again this scene is literally no joke i kind of want a live stream on here so i can share with you guys more of what's actually going on with this because this is genuinely terrifying the bridge is back it keeps going back and then going away i am not messing with that there is an axe here okay thank you i have a diamond axe and now i have no where am i even supposed to go where am i supposed to chop down this tree or something where i'm so confused this is like no ordinary minecraft world i don't want to start building a house because everything's been happening around me okay maybe i can get to the top of this mountain get out of here okay that is weird i've never seen a grass staircase like this before this is at least though this is leading me to the top of this and i can get out of here thankfully is this a 1.16 like world generation glitch like the void is just there it's it's the rest of the world's non-existent like have you guys ever seen something like this oh my gosh what is happening the whole forest is burning what is going on so i need to recall in the last video we were following a bunch of slime blocks the slime blocks were leading us somewhere now i did collect some of the slime blocks that i had in the previous video but i'm not too sure if i'm gonna collect them again now there are more slime blocks here i think my best bet to figure out what might be going on is to follow in the direction that the slime blocks are leading towards bro what is going on this whole forest is burning down right in front of my eyes am i supposed to go down here i don't know if i exactly trust this or not listen i'm gonna say this because i've said in so many lore videos if you guys happen to see anything in this video that i may not have necessarily caught please let me know by just taking a screenshot on the device you're watching this on whether you're on your phone or pc and send this to me on twitter and instagram i tend to be very oblivious and stupid so i i might need an extra set of eyes and i know you guys are really good at catching things that i completely miss something about this world does not settle right with me do you know when you eat a meal that's like kind of like upsets your tummy a bit yeah that's exactly how i feel even all over here the entire remaining of the world is just gone it just the entire world just cuts away yo there's one of those messages reading those messages is one of the most confusing things ever because the characters in them don't make any sense at all they are not an english character at least i don't think oh my gosh okay at this point i'm keeping my finger on the f2 key i'm trying to screenshot something if i see anything this is way too out of my league i have never seen anything like this like this is from all the lores we've done in the past rainbow steve harrelbruyne null entity 303 i mean you guys name it we've done everything this is by far one of the creepiest that i've ever seen before not only is this completely modifying the world around us but this is actually kind of creeping me out oh my gosh you're gonna get past all these cobwebs i don't even have a sword okay you know what all right let's just we're gonna do this easy way i have some materials on me i hope this isn't leading me to a dead end because i would be wasting my time at this point there's a mob spawner up here i need to be careful not to oh my gosh why did i get rid of that okay let's make it through go go go go go go go go go okay okay there's literally another player head i don't i have no idea what these things stand for which by the way i believe in the last video you guys actually debunked some of the lettering and what the chat messages were saying which i'm not mistaken you guys said they said shark and if they said shark um i'm probably gonna delete this world forever i didn't personally notice it saying shark but if i do notice it i think i'm gonna log off forever because i'm not about that and how would it know it's me would it be based off of my username how would it know that i'm playing on the world oh bruh there's a sign that says r just a bunch of r's everywhere what is going on i think i'm starting to notice a trend here all this fire is leading me in a direction where there's more player heads and there's more signs i think i might be on the right path there's another player head right here what are all these player heads standing for and that boom there's another chat message every time i come around a player head something is said in chat why is that it says t-r-a-p yo hold up hold up hold up that spells trap hold up i just put two and two together that literally spells trap bro come on man i don't want to keep moving forward but i know you guys are probably sitting there watching this going sure go okay okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go okay it's all right there's another sign this one's not blank it has three a's on it what is the coincidence of having three a's on a sign i don't know where did oh yeah by the way i completely forgot to mention the fact that we're walking through what seems to be a mine shaft that is floating there is nothing beneath me if i throw anything down here it's gonna go right into the void and just disintegrate into thin air completely if i fall i am dead do i have to jump down here yeah i think i do oh my gosh what's that noise what was that hey yo what what i can hear something what is that okay bro what is going on there's another chat message is there another player oh my gosh it's a skeleton skull i am so confused i am stop stop where does this end where do i find the end to this i'm actu i'm at this point i'm done there's another blank sign oh my gosh dude where's this going i heard somebody walking behind me there's another chat message that says o n o n o u r w y a what i i need to open this in a text document to actually read out what this is all saying because this is not making sense am i supposed to be going through here where am i even going maybe this the right way okay the blue flames keep going this way there's another player head bro let me guess another chat message i'm calling it i'm calling it why does this happen and why oh my card why is this happening to me all oh my gosh okay well to make a to make a really upsetting time better i just got 11 diamonds and a bunch of yo what the yo what is going on i'm stuck again there's a bunch of crying i'm obsidian all around me what is going on there's more axes bro what in the heck is going on they're all just random words bro oh my gosh i'm literally stuck in here i'm literally stuck in here i don't even have a pickaxe that's gonna break any of this guys what in the world is happening okay you know what we're calling it there at this point guys i genuinely have no idea how i should go about this world whatever we have stepped into knows that we have stepped into it into the world and whatever it is whatever entity whatever thing whatever outside thing this could actually be haunting this world is coming for me i need your guys best opinion to figure out what the heck i should actually do because i have no idea enough of being honest i am genuinely terrified guys i don't know what i should be doing in this situation i need everybody that's watching this video to leave a comment down below with your idea as to how we should go about this i'm thinking in episode three i need to bring moose i need to bring some backup that can help us figure out what is actually going on here okay ladies and gents i i'm gonna take away from i'm gonna take some time away from the computer for a little bit just to really figure out what is going on and recollect my thoughts thank you guys for watching episode number two of the world's scariest seed i hope you guys have a safer day than i have as of now and uh i'll catch you guys tomorrow in another video take care i really hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to watch some more for me you see the end card that is right there all you got to do is click that or the playlist and you can watch a bunch of more videos from me go ahead click it i'm sure you'll enjoy they're really good videos actually okay we'll see you there
Channel: Shark
Views: 617,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shark, challenge, minecraft, 09sharkboy, minecraft trolling, best minecraft mods, minecraft troll, minecraft mods, squad minecraft, modded minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft challenge, if you ever see, if you ever see this in your world, if you ever see this, if you see this minecraft, minecraft if you see this, if you see this delete your game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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