I Left Minecraft Open OVERNIGHT And Saw This...

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today ladies and gentlemen i had a question that i was sitting around scratching my head for hours trying to think of what would happen what if i made a minecraft world under a haunted seat and left my game open for an entire night what would happen i did a video like this two years ago on the channel and things actually happened in the world it was terrifying so today we're going to try this again first things first if we want to make a haunted world ladies and gentlemen is first we have to create a world we're going to create a world i'm going to name this world haunted and i'm going to put a warning symbol beside it because i need to know not to join this world if i'm just recording a video or something like that now the most important part of this is we need to make a seed that is actually haunted i don't know of any entities that we're going to be targeting for this video so i'm just going to very simply put the seed haunted and see just what happened let's go ahead and generate the world and get started with this challenge oh my gosh please leave a like on today's video if you want me to do this again and go ahead and click the big red subscribe button right now every subscriber on this video is gonna help me get through my horror and terror that we're gonna experience all right we have made it inside of our world ladies and gentlemen so obviously i'm getting a little bit tired already it's almost midnight and uh i'm just gonna go ahead and do the basics we need a house that i can reside at in a place where i'm not gonna die from a bunch of mobs so i'm gonna go ahead and grab some wood and a little bit of food so that i shouldn't be able to camp out for the entire night i can leave my computer on and nothing should and i shouldn't be attacked by any mobs okay let's go ahead and start with the basics here i'm gonna get a pickaxe we'll grab some coal build our house out and then we should be pretty much good there's not a whole lot of setup preparation for this really required i really just wanted to record an entire 24-hour video to see what would happen just to see what would happen if i go afk in my world because last time i did this stuff actually happened and i'm gonna be honest with you guys i still have no explanation to how that went down it was so freaking sketchy you guys need to watch the first video after this one that's if this even works i might not even upload this video if you're watching this video that means something actually happened because if you're not watching this video then i didn't upload it and nothing happened oh wow that was lucky we already found iron dude what the heck all right say let's let's clutch let's go ahead and grab a stone pickaxe i don't really need this iron right now but i might as well grab it just in case i mean i'm kind of lucky that i mined right down and found iron so that's really convenient i might as well just grab it okay but i really need to find some coal that's the only thing that i'm really looking for right now get any closer here please oh let's go all right so we got ourselves some coal that's a good start i'll probably grab a little bit more cobblestone and then i should be good uh okay i have six pieces of coal that should be just enough oh there's some more yo let's go i'm gonna be completely honest with you guys playing in a world with the seed haunted kind of gives me the shivers it's very quiet right now i'm just kind of sitting here mining in a random mind it just gives me the creeps you guys know like i don't know about you guys but every time i hear those cave noises like i always get scared like i'm like a little kid playing minecraft again but it always scared me even to this day i'm a freaking 20 year old pro minecraft player and i still get scared of this stuff i've got plenty of cobblestone and other blocks oh what there was cold right here bro i should be pretty much good now i'll build a very basic house and then that's when i'm gonna head to bed and we're officially gonna start this challenge okay there we go all right we have our mine right here now guys bear with me i'm not trying to build a beautiful house i'm just building something that i can survive in and no mobs will kill me this is no nice house by any means this is something that i can just sleep in i don't even have a freaking bed dude okay there we go all right all i need now is a door there we go we'll go ahead and make some torches as well i guess while i'm here i probably could get some sand so i have some proper windows i was gonna put just a hole in the wall but then again if a skeleton walks up he's just gonna bow me down and i'm gonna die okay there we go i'll make a make a furnace real quick and now we can smelt some of the sand now guys before this challenge officially starts if you guys happen to see anything whatsoever in this video that i don't catch because i'm oblivious and honestly i miss a lot of things i want you guys to comment down below whatever you see and and go ahead message me on instagram or twitter i would love to see what you guys can find guys our shark plushies are officially back in stock the holidays are here guys and now is the perfect time to go ahead and buy the beautiful shark plushie only available at zero9sharkboy.com there's a link down below in the description where you can go and get one of these very fast though because there's only 300 in stock okay we have four windows voila we are done i'm gonna go ahead and save the rest of the sand because we're not gonna need it but guys i'm gonna catch you on my main camera i'm going to leave my computer right here we're going to press t so the chat opens up so i don't accidentally disconnect it is now time for me to lay down i have my phone alarm set in two hours so i wake up and i can come check back on the world but i'm gonna catch you guys on my main camera before i go to bed all right guys so i'm just preparing to go to bed right now i'm in my room got the fireplace going i'm about to knock out i have my alarm set for two hours which is gonna be about 2 30 in the morning which is when i'm gonna go check the world so i'm gonna go ahead leave my camera right here and i'll pick it back up when i wake up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay guys throwing flashbang oh god okay it's currently 2 35 in the morning i'm gonna go over to my desk real quick and see uh if anything's changed or what's going on i really thought it was gonna be a longer sleep than that i felt like i just put my head down okay let's go okay hi okay all right hey guys uh i'm back in the world at the moment and um i really wish that sleep was a little bit longer wait where did my windows go wait what i swear i had windows here before right like i where did my glass go i had glass it was in my inventory what oh wait no i didn't smelt the rest of the sand what i literally had windows there just in case i if a skeleton came up if i got shot dude what am i actually onto something right now okay well i'll go ahead i'm gonna replace the windows back with glass if you guys saw anything when i was asleep please let me know down below in the comments i'm for certain that i had windows there literally before i left i put them there for a reason that's one of the things i wrote down for this video that i had to do so i didn't get killed by any mobs okay okay i think we're good okay i'm going to stay right over here guys and i'm going to try i'm actually just going to pass out on the couch right behind me it's easier than my bed because my bed is way too comfortable uh but i'll catch you guys in another hour or so and we'll see exactly what's going on okay guys so um well okay so my setup is right there i'm on the couch right beside my setup i'm gonna go ahead and turn off all the lights so i can actually go to bed three two one there we go much better okay i have another alarm set in an hour from now so i'll wake back up we're gonna see what's going on i guess i'll just put you right here is it a good spot okay all right guys you can look through my glasses enjoy so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] oh my why is why does every hour feel so much shorter okay guys it is uh 3 it's 3 30 in the morning i'm gonna turn the lights on oh my god that's so bright okay let's go to the computer and see if anything's going on what yo wait where's my crafting table what happened out here my windows are gone again guys something serious oh my god my hair somebody please tell me to fix my hair guys i think something's actually what what how did that nether tree get here bro i really want to watch back this footage to see what's going on bro this is this is terrifying guys i i okay when i'm live recording this i don't know what happened with my minecraft like if you saw anything but i'm really wanting to watch back the footage we have almost three and a half hours worth of footage right now bro something definitely happened bro what this is terrifying there's another tree right here all the trees that used to be here are like all chopped up and floating it's all random oh what is going on this is terrifying there's actually this seed haunted actually is haunted like legitimately if you saw something i need you to leave a like right now like this is actually terrifying bro i think for our next night what i'm going to do is i'm going to stay up here because i want to see what happens outside of the world instead of inside of the world i just need to make sure that i don't get shot off or i don't get shot at so i'm going to make like a little platform i guess that we can stay inside of there we go that should be okay so now hopefully from up here i shouldn't be able to get shot um i'm gonna set an alarm until 4 30 in the morning and then after 4 30 i'm just going to stay up for the rest of the day anyways because the sun's going to be coming up um but i'm going to stay right here and i will catch you guys in about another hour and a half or so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys it's 4 30 in the morning and it's time to go and it's time to go to the back world what has gone down this is crazy bro this is actually crazy you know what maybe i can okay you know what here we go i haven't even touched back yet hold up let me let me turn my lights on real quick bro what happened dude what the whole world what is going on bro what what this is actually legitimate bro what the flip dude there's so many mobs around me how did this even happen how are the wither skeletons i didn't even go to the net what yo guys there's lava spawning all around me what is going on dude this is terrifying but what look at the forest the forest oh my god guys i'm literally being blocked in right now i'm legitimately being blocked bro something is actually haunted with this world like legit there are so many mobs around me everything is warped warts what yo what i think the first time i did this was crazy but this is this sets a new standard of crazy i i literally am at a loss of words for this oh my god no no what's yo there's lava right there there's literally lava right there guys i i don't know what i should do oh my god oh my god this is terrifying i need to block myself up i need to block myself up guys okay okay you know what guys i'm done with that world for a bit i am so done with that world i need to watch back the footage to see exactly what you guys saw oh my god that's crazy if you guys saw anything in today's video that was out of the ordinary please let me know down below in the comments i'm gonna watch back this footage to see just exactly what happened oh my god okay thank you guys for watching leave a like and subscribe i'll catch you guys later in a brand new video okay peace out i really hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to watch some more for me you see the end card that is right there all you got to do is click that or the playlist and you can watch a bunch more videos from me go ahead i'm sure you'll enjoy they're really good videos actually okay we'll see you there
Channel: Shark
Views: 2,764,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, i left minecraft open overnight, minecraft open, i left minecraft open, i left minecraft open overnight and this happened
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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