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hello what's going on guys did you did you guess that was gonna come up from below the desk III don't know if you could have guessed that but guys everyone welcome back to a brand new Minecraft video I hope you guys are having a really good day so far because I'm a pretty good date myself I mean you know we're back at it again with a brand new video and it's you know it's Sunday you know what sit relax take almost fell I was kicking my feet up um yeah but guys today we have something absolutely insane which I want to share with you guys and I don't think you guys are gonna actually believe me on this but I was reading up on a Minecraft creepypasta forum and there's actually a character called I just want to make sure I'm saying it right entity 0 which is essentially a father figure of entity 303 if you guys are aware who entity 303 is so entity 0 is apparently one of the fathers of the original creators of mojang so but it's haunting within minecraft it was code they never took out and essentially if you actually come across the entity 0 it's like one in a million chance it's like you have better chance at like I don't know like dude flying or something like it's just like the chance of that the chances of that are absolutely like through the roof so today we're gonna try and summon it entity 0 so guys this is gonna be crazy this is apparently it's I'm reading it on the other monitor as I'm looking over here this is the apparently these strongest lore slash mob minecraft has ever an introduced I'll just spit sorry so yeah one of the most strongest mobs or lures ever introduced in Minecraft so this thing is beyond dangerous guys so its guy we gotta be pretty careful guys like seriously very careful but guys as always I know everyone loves shoutouts and stuff so guys right before we hop in today's video you guys sees a little shark emerge right here yeah that one okay now it's gone guys that shark emoji he's gonna be hiding at a random time stamp throughout today's video so guys when you see that shark come oh I can't talk why do you guys see that shark emoji she you guys comment down below the timestamp that is that and you guys will receive a shout-out in tomorrow's video so make sure watch the entire video don't skip because that's cheating and you won't get a shout-out if you skip so don't skip this that's not allowed on my I'm telling you it's not allowed so don't skip and when you find it guys comment down below and you guys will receive a shout out just like hold up hold up I think they're right behind the camera oh oh right here okay now they're going alright guys without further ado let's get into today's video so guys the one thing that you need to start with the world or how to summon an entity zeros to use the entity 0 seed now I had an insider that was able to tell me the seeds so guys if this view it's ten thousand likes I will release this seed and I will also make a server so you guys can publicly come and join and play with entity 0 on the server as well so make sure you guys do slap a like right now and share this with all your friends so guys right when you get started you spawn very close to a biome that's not even a biome in Minecraft it's like a mixture of it looks like white wool n stone it looks like black wool some gray wool and yeah a bunch of em and stone so it looks kind of creepy so immediately right when you hop on the sea you'll notice that this is actually right beside you now like I said right when you spawn you just look around you'll notice that there it's not a regular minecraft bio it's clearly not a regular biome but now this is just like the place that I guess entity 0 kinda is usually around but he's not summoned in just yet we still have to summon in entities zeros so we still have to actually do that so let's see let's actually head on inside this bomb and I dude I wish I had my powers on me I didn't bring it I own I own me and bring it when when I'm with rainbows Stevens stuff does it feel suitable but I didn't bring it with me so right now this is a completely empty biome that the entity 0 essentially lives in so he could possibly have a house or a base or some sort of hideout I don't know but it's always worth investigating in future videos and even a little bit now too but so right off the bat guys like I mentioned right when you enter this seed in you'll notice that this place is literally covered in n stone obsidian black wall white wall greywool it's just everywhere look at this guys this is full and obviously you only find n stone could you guess where you only find n stone in the end yeah that's what I thought or you would only find it in the end so it's really weird to find this much end stone because to have this much end stone you need to go to the end for like literally a year and mine end stone and be able to place this much so it's like it's very difficult to come across this much end stone which by the way I'm totally gonna take advantage by the way I just need to get a pickaxe um so I was able to get myself some end stone as well and essentially guys that we're gonna be trying to summit in the entity 0 now I don't have any other blocks on me so quickly let me go chop down a tree real quick just so I can have some basic tools and such because I have a funny feeling I'm gonna have to either a hide or be defend myself so I I would rather be prepared than to have nothing at all because I mean if you have nothing and this entity zero ends up attacking me well it's gonna end really badly on my end guys so I mean I like I said I'd rather come prepared and actually have things so when something does go down or if something does go down then I guess I will be prepared now well you know I won't die right off the bat you guys know what I mean but guys I want you guys to leave a comment right now is there any other Lords that you guys are aware of I know a lot of you guys may be interested in reading a bunch of like wiki pages or the creepypastas I want you guys to let me know down the comments so who would you guys like when you see like actually fine next let me know guys because I'm always down to try and look at new characters and look and try and see if I can some of them in Minecraft so as always guys do slap a like share this with all your friends and let me know who you guys want to see next time because like I said I love doing this kind of stuff and if you guys enjoy it then guess I I do too so I mean hey like I said guys slap a like and let me know down in the comments I'm just gonna grab this last piece of love that Rikuo let's just grab a crafting table here real quick there we go like I said we're just gonna get some basic tools here guys and then I'm thinking we're gonna go straight into this and we're gonna see if we could summon in the entity 0 because I mean man this thing this thing sounds pretty crazy but I want to see if it's actually legitimate so here we go guys I think we are ready to go here so check this out guys right when you hop over here it's actually quite easy to summon entity 0 once you are on the sea because obviously is in the seed as a matter of actually summoning him in it's similar to the Baldy way you summed them if you guys didn't know I was able to summon baldies basic in Minecraft and actually contact Baldy so guys if you haven't seen those videos go check those out because those are absolutely insane so check this out it's actually like I said it's quite similar same kind of layout you just don't need a tree for it so essentially you're just going to build something just like this just like this guys it looks as if you were spawning an iron golem you would have the iron blocks there and a pumpkin on top looks pretty similar however right in the center all you do is do spawn and 2d0 now I don't know if it's a space 0 I don't know if I have to do underscore zero or even entity zero so we're gonna try all three here guys and we're gonna see if this is gonna work so guys if you guys are excited for this and you guys want to see if this actually works I need everyone right now to slap a like okay I'm trusting that you guys slept like I'm risking this for you guys so please slap a like right now here we go guys three two one okay it's been done I'm gonna make sure I have my wood on me just in case anything goes down now I'm not noticing any hold up hold up hold up hold up okay as I was supposed to say I'm not noticing any sudden changes there is a giant hole in the ground that is reaching almost it looks like almost a bedrock that is very very deep down okay so that is a the immediate sudden change now this could be Minecraft world glitch I don't know I know minecraft can glitch out sometimes so this could just possibly be a glitch it could just be convenience um but like I said I don't know I'm not gonna confirm that just yet I like I said I just want to investigate this dude it looks like yeah there's uh there's a mineshaft down there there's a bunch of stuff down there now I'm not seeing any sign of entity zero himself but I am noticing obviously you guys can see there is a world terrain differences here so it is kind of creepy but like I said as mentioned I'm not noticing any difference um let's see okay hold up there's another chunk taken out of the world right over here too so okay I don't know who do go that is far okay I cannot fall down that because I don't I will not thrive that fall and we're gonna have to get all this stuff back which is not gonna be fun um okay so again so we have to chunk errors right pretty much beside each other which I mean minecraft does have the occasional chunk err but it's not usually right beside each other and they're not usually that bad so this could mean something however like I said until I actually get proof what is that what is that now it's gone okay guys I'm not gonna conclude and say that this is entity zero until I can actually see living proof that entity zero is actually here and see this person then I'm not I'm just gonna say it's minecraft glitching out yes it is very very very odd however it doesn't it could be minecraft here let me add another spawn monument here to see if I can actually summon in whoa what the guys are you seeing this look at that look at how high that's going up dude that's insane okay um here let me spawn in another one right here and we're gonna see if we can spawn the actual body figure so spawn spawn entity we'll do it and we'll try entity body I cuz like I said guys we're trying to figure it out if this is gonna work entity err I'll try a zero body let's try that entity let's try underscore zero body I can't do that okay let's do entity zero body okay let's try those and then I'll just do entity entity body okay let's try that and see if those work there guys uh because like I said no way no way guys guys oh my gosh no way hold up where's my phone where's my phone no frickin way no way he's actually right there no dude I want to get a picture no way bro it's actually there ng zeroes actually what the what's going on with this class um hold up guys there's a whole like case of glass right here and I got really destroyed the spawn that's not good guys that glass right there destroyed the spawn monuments you know what that means right I can't despawn entity zero now he's literally in my world what the he's right there he's right there he's right there I'm gonna try to get a picture I'm gonna try to get a picture okay here we go here we go where is he where is he dude he's gone again are you kidding me come on man I'm trying to get a picture of entity zero so I have proof because I know a lot of people are like shark pictures this is you this is a joke someone's trolling you I'm literally not messing around right now guys okay this is the the bad thing about this is the fact he's right up there he's right over there I can see him the bad part about this is the fact that the spawn monuments are gone so I don't know how I'm supposed to de-spawn entity zero I don't know if I'm supposed to fight and see zero I don't know how I'm supposed to pull this off but guys if you guys know one idea please let me know down the comments I want to see if I get a little bit closer to entity zero to actually grab a picture or even try and get him a little bit upset by possibly trying to hit him with something or even let me put that a sign that says entity zero will lose to rainbow Steve because rainbow Steve once rainbows he finds out about this he's gonna go insane okay there we go so it's entity zero will lose to rainbow Steve let's see he if he gets it like if he reacts that at all I have no idea where the entity actually is is he down here by any chance okay yeah that's a far drop I gotta be careful I'm not trying to fall down that guy's because the last thing I want to do is actually get hurt and die here in the middle of this world what the hold up dude look look look look look look guys look at all this it's all different color pieces of glass it's kind of in the shape of his like of the skin of entities arose well the only thing that they're missing is the red eyes that they have but other than that it's like a grayish light and dark grey skin color which is dude look at this you all you could see it's a bunch of different colored glass in all different shades now that is creepy guys if that is not creepy I don't know what is okay that is really creeping me out and it's spamming everywhere guys look it's all in the sky it's literally all in the sky right now okay clearly I think entity zero is mad guys I mean there's no doubt about it entity zeros clue the way he's trying to box me in or something okay guys hold up there's a little staircase I'm gonna see if I can kind of get an aerial view on this so oh no oh no guys guys I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck ooh I mean glass I mean glass okay I can't I can break out oh no guys I don't want to get stuck in here this is gonna be really bad okay I don't want this is the last thing that I want to do on my Sunday is you get haunted by entity zero guys okay like this is so not the way that I was thinking today was gonna go okay but holy cow am I happy that what the CTTT get over whoo dude he's right there he's right there got him got him right there right there okay guys you guys got a perfect shot on that I need everyone I now get a screenshot send it to me and Instagram and Twitter this is absolutely look at what's happening behind me right now guys if I build ups a little bit you could probably see the entire island right now oh no oh no glass again are you kidding do - oh my gosh no please I can't get stuck in this I can't get stuck in this okay guys this is absolutely insane okay ladies and gentlemen thank you guys so much for watching today's video as always if you did enjoy please leave a like and let me know what you guys wanted to do next with NTD zero as you guys can see entity zero is so upset at us and I want to figure out more about this guy this isn't saying guys anyways and thank you guys so much for watching I'll catch you guys tomorrow a brand new video take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,441,950
Rating: 4.9191256 out of 5
Keywords: o9sharkboy, 09sharkboy, 09sharkboy minecraft, shark, minecraft horror, challenge, minecraft 09sharkboy, roleplay, entity 303, minecraft trolling, horror minecraft, modded, game, spotlight, minecraft, showcase, modded minecraft, entity 0, gaming, best minecraft mods, map, crazy, minecraft troll, top minecraft, o9sharkboy minecraft, custom, entity zero, minecraft mods, entity zero minecraft, squad minecraft, entity 0 minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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