I Found This Creepy Players Base.. What's INSIDE Is SHOCKING!

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so today on my minecraft server I was just casually flying around teleporting to random players to see what they were up to but suddenly I came across this player who actually had a secret plan that will blow your mind make sure you watch it to the very end of the video to see exactly what happens all right so before I tell them for it to anybody here I need to disguise up to something so people don't recognize me I'm gonna be hugging pizza topping that'll be that'll be my new name why not I got the coolest name of the server let's go first player to randomly teleport to is you Michael Porter myself okay so we got this guy mining right here um what's up how's it going I'm a friendly so little is this person no it's actually me but I'm disguised up as somebody completely right okay you know what this was a great time great meeting you let's move on to the next person you got cupcake cupcake is a cupcake girl huh uh hello what what there's nobody here okay that's a little bit weird okay maybe let me just go find one more person we got pizza crusts hey what's up pizza crusts dude this guy is a really cool uh vase oh my gosh this looks so cool he says lie Lafe huh he says who are you God that my disguise is working okay alright fine he wants me to leave I'll leave alright I'm leaving okay alright I'm gone oh my gosh oh hello eight four five seven six jrt 75 how that is probably the world's most difficult minecraft username to remember like you log in on a new computer where you aren't already logged into how do you remember that is your username that is so confusing alright dude what's up okay so I have to type on signs because I uh if I message in chat my name will pop up all they said hi hey I am new what's up with you hey that rhymed dude it's such a creative name how did you come up with it just done nice they got a cool little house going on over here oh my gosh wow dude they got everything and they got a clock they've got a clock what did they put up here I mine tree but they didn't been in mind the tree what are you working on here this guy's cool he's on like his own little deserted island I can't see anybody for distances I mean dude that people there's no sign of life anywhere around here I you know why I envy this guy man he has found a cool little island that he's starting his adventure on and I mean nobody's here nobody's nobody's even near this guy all of this land is essentially his base and secrets who is building the secret base now that that sounds pretty good is this going to become a secret base when you are done with it that would be cool I mean if this is gonna be a secret base she's gonna have to do I do a lot of changes to this place I mean there's a lot to be made because this is not so secret at the moment let's see he's got an empty large chest he's got another left empty and an empty barrel where a lot of sense wears all of your little there's one already but a secret are you saying this is already your secret um you know a secret base can't be in plain sight your house is kind of visible to anyone on the surface just just saying hey if that's your I'm to say okay your base is going to you know it's kind of you know there why do I hear so many mobs is this gonna living over a massive ravine or zombie spawner what the heck's going on the base is but the secret base isn't oh wait so he already has a secret base wait you already have one the first player ITP - that doesn't want to kick me out they're telling me that they have a secret base dude that actually sounds really live I have a secret but I don't know if I can tell you a secret could this be that you can't tell me I pinky pinky right now it's pink eye pinky pink eye pinky pinky promise not to tell anybody I love secrets wow I just sound like a drama queen dude this guy reads fast it took him like to not even point one of a second to read this holy dude what the heck okay well if that is the case oh my gosh okay he's about to tell us he's about to tell us the T guys which a before he goes ahead and tells us all the T if you guys right now watching if you haven't already subscribe to my youtube channel go ahead and subscribe it helps me out with a subscriber plus you get to watch some really cool videos just like this one here also if you have it leave a like as well alright one like is one a good luck for you alright what does he have to hide from us okay well if that is the case you have to join my team and you can't tell anyone you have to pinkie pinkie pinkie pinkie you didn't even say promise you just said four pinkies pinkie pick oh my gosh Wow okay so pink pinkie pinkie pinkie pinkie pinkie pinkie pinkie pinkie yeah yeah promise oh my gosh that's a big promise okay I really can't tell anybody about this promise Formosan promise okay yes aiya pinkie pinkie pinkie times 10 promise that I won't tell anybody your secrets please just tell me okay I really want to know at this point watch it's gonna be I have a secret stash or I have a secret base or something which Loki would be really cool I'm not gonna tell anybody where his secret bases but what if there's more tea to this oh it's night time again Oh what do you say I glad we talked on sign so it's secret okay yeah hey me too what is he writing what could be such a secret that I need to pinky promise like 20 times in order to know like dude this is so you want to join my team yeah sure I'm down to join the team I'm good at Minecraft dude I'm good at any team I'm down I mean although I'm probably gonna take off this disguise and he's never gonna recognize me anymore because I'm actually sharp but he thinks I'm some hugging he thinks I'm some hugging pizza topping guy no that's not actually me yeah you know what I mean I can build a base right here right beside this trail chop that thing down and build a house right beside him okay okay what is your view of sharp huh wait a second is this secret that he has something to do with me what do you think of him what I don't know how to answer this dude it kind of feels like I'm like what okay to play this safe I'm gonna play this one safe he's okay I mainly watch lego tutorials ok did that that song that that is an answer which hopefully he will just say ok - he won't ask me to expand on why I watch Lego tutorials I'm just trying to figure out why he's asking about shark me me that's literally me ok that's acceptable offer so I do not like oh is this a shark hater we're on Anubis we're not on a shark hater server what the heck and I plan to do something what is he planning to do what what is there what is this plan that you're wait hold up do you want to see yes yes yes please wait no wait no no okay yeah yeah sure i I gotta act nonchalant about it as if I don't care about shark I don't really care about why he doesn't like me either I watched Lego tutorial so it don't matter he says okay okay ooh what are we gonna see dude this is cool you have a stone button uh yes I'll just I'll literally grab one I got a stone button right here okay what do I have to do okay give okay yep sure yeah go ahead there you go you take my stone button that I've been crafting listen what are you doing what would that button just oh my gosh dude would what there's heads of me everywhere there are literally heads of me everywhere what is this is that me getting crushed by a piston this is absolutely terrifying yep that is that is me being crushed by a piston Oh what is this dude this is this is crazy person stuff this is how I will crush dumb shark head oh my god how what why how is this happening right now dude this is actually terrifying we experiment on shark that's not even me but it is me but it's not me but it's me oh my gosh is this a map here is map so I can plan do this what what is he planning what are you planning exactly what is this guy got rolled up behind his sleeves because whatever it is it is sketchy and I don't know if I want anything to do with it I'll tell you later I don't uh okay let me see if I can squeeze something out of them what are you trying to do to shark exactly just so I know just so I know okay that's it I need to I need to I need to convince some more if I'm on the team we must we must have the same vision right Gold vision goal we're both aiming towards the same prize am i right dude I hope my negotiation skills are working right now mmm many things what the heck is he talking about man and he's shooting above oh my gosh okay so you have an evil evil plan towards shark right that's what I'm getting at oh he is shooting a bow at my head yeah it is certainly something to do with me dude why is this guy hate me so much what have I done what did I do to this guy there's so many arrows I just picked up 20 you want him back there you go oh my gosh we're going to make all players hate shark then we take over huh how do you expect to do that then we're gonna take over everything server channel everything period hack his everything why why dude why why do you want to do that what is with people think that for some reason I I am the prime target to be taken down somehow i dude I don't even know I'm going to do this by sometime this summer dude that summers like literally now what the heck is oh okay that's just a little bit sketchy whoa that sounds pretty cool I got a play with this right I got a plan I got to be on his side sounds pretty cool I'm down I'm gonna build a base beside you if that's okay then we can make plans together Oh evil oh yeah we're gonna take shark down I would love to see this guy try and convince the entire server that they should hack me for some reason that please don't do that okay I will make a discord soon oh my gosh our communications are gonna be on par okay sounds good talk soon xoxo there we go oh my gosh no I need to get up how do I get out I don't like this off there's magic button okay there it is money oh go go go go oh my gosh okay guys I don't know what this person's problem is or why he's trying to do all this but hey I want you guys to come on this adventure with me I'm actually gonna go ahead and build a base beside this guy and well if this video breaks 20,000 likes I'll go ahead and make an episode two to this and we'll see how far this player can actually get to hacking taking over the server of course if you guys want to be on my team with this come on over and join anubis GG I'm currently on these survival realm but here's the thing you can't tell this person that it's actually me if you tell him it will blow my cover okay so please don't when you come online can't talk about this thank you guys so much for watching today's video I'm gonna build something here and I carry on with this a little bit and see what happens nonetheless thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys tomorrow and pretend you won hopefully hopefully that brand new videos this one cuz I want to know what's happening alright I'll see you soon thank you guys all so much for watching today's video if you guys did enjoy and want to see some more from me you can see the videos over there like that one there's a playlist and then another video right there go check them out they're really really awesome I think and you would really love to to watch them but ladies and gents until then I'll catch you in the next video take care
Channel: Shark
Views: 534,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shark, challenge, minecraft, 09sharkboy, minecraft trolling, best minecraft mods, minecraft troll, minecraft mods, squad minecraft, modded minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft pe, mcpe, family friendly, update, secret, hidden, tutorial, how to, minecraft pocket edition, funny, roleplay, showcase, command, minecraft secret builds, what to build in minecraft, nintendo switch minecraft, survival, minecraft survival
Id: 29PiQ6YST_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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