CHALLENGE | 4-Hour Forge to Finish: Samurai Chopper

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see if you do it this way there's no way you can lose so today we're gonna do a four hour challenge challenge and i don't get to pick the materials nick gets to pick the materials they've got them laid out for me and we'll go in and see what that is so it would be the blade material and the handle material right right all right we're gonna make a chopper and i'll sketch it out but the idea is to forge grind heat treat put a handle on and temper and i'll use a special tempering process which a lot of the old smiths used one thing i can't do is hold on to a pencil all right so let's sketch this thing out and uh come up with some ideas what might be kind of cool here i have this idea i don't want it to look like something i already did but i feel like it's already looking like something i already did but i can change that and i can do whatever i want to do it's my sketchbook you can tell it's your sketchbook if no one else's name is on it that means it's up for grabs at that point so i'll do this this is the concept concept put some handle material on here maybe we'll grind it like this like a interesting kind of different little bit of a grind something like that maybe i'll bring this back further it's not really looks like a great white shark [Music] it was the scariest movie i ever saw besides raising the lost ark okay idea i'm not opposed to this idea it is an idea that doesn't mean the knife is going to go this way i think it's kind of cool subtle recurve like this and like that it's a lot to get into four hours but it's possible maybe a variation on that handle blade all right that makes inch two lines make inch one line makes foot i'm not making a 12 foot knife okay we're shooting a four hour challenge and this is what we're going to do assemble a team of superheroes from across the oh no just assemble materials forge grind heat treat hardened tempur uh handle materials and sharp so seven things heat treat would be hardened in temper and that's what we're gonna do in four hours now i don't know what the steel or the handle material is going to be so if you're new at the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button and let's get moving these are my plans [Music] hey where's the materials what do you want me to use so uh we have some steel here i don't know what that is i don't know what that is i don't know what that is or this i think this is 80crv2 and it looks like it's all the same because all sheared the same and then these are probably just something else so it could be 10 could be 1084 or it could be 15 and 20. so we'll see how it goes i hope that it's if it is 15 and 20 it'll be cool it'll be like a it'll be some kind of a bright streak in there so we'll just stick these together and um that'll be all right i think and this is my hand on materials shoestring and leather huh all right all right i can do it i can handle that i wish i wish i knew what this was that looks like a different piece of steel right here like this is this looks different than these there's no way to know it won't we won't know until i can tell once they're stuck then they will see some color in them there i don't have any rules in here do i no rules [Applause] now we're hot i'm sure this will get in my way after a bit all right and we're gonna stick it in here and stick it all together make one big billet all right like that now we just have to wait around so when i'm doing this i'm going to be thinking about like how many satellites are really orbiting the earth as trash but what i really be thinking about is when is the next episode of rick and morty coming out i feel it's like why can't you just make a cartoon you know what i mean like does it come out every other month i mean what i don't get it that doesn't make sense to me i guess there's there's forum discussions about that i don't go on forums i just i'm a visual person i don't i'm not into the whole reading other people's opinions about nonsense through that the simpsons have been predicting the future since the 80s what i've got here is steel of some type i hope that those pieces aren't mild steel maybe what if they're all mild sealed and the only two hardened pieces are the little skinny ones and i don't have a lot of mild steel like that it looks just like the adcrv2 here's what i suspect it's like sheared the same way so i presume watson that it is adcrv2 the other stuff hopefully it's 15 and 20. this is a problem i don't know why this plug has to be this way why can't it be this way like why didn't this go this way that must have been something curtis did 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. today's episode brought to you by the letter b that doesn't look good uh looks like it's approximately uh 2100 degrees right now [Music] nice all right that looks like a good weld um what i'll do next is just i'm going to grind those little pieces off those little pieces of weld off so i don't want that to end up in the blade so i'm going to grind those off this operation brought to you by noise and sparks and of course there's not gonna be an extension cord anywhere here gosh i think i should run should i be running you don't want to put your finger in that socket luke don't do it all right that looks good okay well we got five layers of steel and they all stuck so that means there was no stainless no stainless was used in the forged welding of this billet how am i going to make that blade look like that like this like this like that like this and like that [Music] what are you doing okay i got it [Music] that's like a song that always comes to my head [Music] smooth criminal like when he flips that coin it goes all the way across the room and right into the jute box [Music] so i didn't use any flux no flux was used in the making of this piece of steel feels like carbon steel all right okay i can see all my layers i've got one two three four five layers that should look pretty cool the two of the little skinny ones are really dark and you know what that tells me nothing this episode brought to you by little teeny kitchen knives i want to keep the stuff in the middle all right these are the tongs that i will be using to throw on the ground these are the tongs that i'll be using to assist me [Music] i'm gonna make this make this white air wide air i'm all what's funny is right now i'm acting like i got this covered it's cool and in the next two hours i'll be freaking out time check what time is it [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i gotta hurry up and get done with this i guess uh i feel like i'm not uh i feel like i really gotta get busy here now i'm just i'm dinking around dink dink dink it looks kind of like what i drew i think i got the steel forge welded that was nice and i've got the blade shaped i checked to make sure i didn't have any delamination and i did not and i didn't use any flux and uh now i'm gonna do the handle now my the interesting part here is the [Music] how material i have is just leather and string so i could do a hidden tang and a stacked leather handle however i know how long that takes i don't really have time for that what i think i'll do is i'll figure out how to turn this style into kind of like i'll do an eato wrap which is like you see on a samurai sword it looks really cool very comfortable so i had to design my handle to make that work and that's what i'll be trying to figure out how to do here so it'll be a maybe i'll make a little drop flare out so i have a top bottom flare and maybe like a like a coffin handle on the back kinda so i think i'll do that i'm not getting any kind of delamination or anything and that's good that's just from experience okay now this is where it could come apart [Music] but it won't hammer oh ciao 11 inch blade that's perfect isn't it all right yeah i say it i think it's uh exactly that size yeah it's exactly the size i need it to be that's cool all right get rid of the evidence so now i know that my knife is exactly the shape as my drawing was [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so okay so we're an hour in i've got my blade um forged welded i've got my shape i've got to do a little tuning and getting it straight then i'm going to normalize now this is a thing that you don't see when you see this challenge i think this is the key if you watch this and you're thinking about competing in a competition don't forget to normalize very important part i want you to do that this is not normalizing this is not normal [Music] all right so we're an hour and 20 minutes in which is actually a lot longer i think i was dinking around with this too much so that means i've got some time left what i want to do is allow this to cool down enough i'm going to drill a hole in i'm going to hang it in there and normalize it because that's one of the keys to getting the heat treat right especially if i'm going to do this quickie quick tempering this kind of tempering i'm going to do is if you if you do it wrong then it'll be bad if you do it right then it'll be awesome so we want it to be able to be hardened and tempered rapidly we just i just don't have the time to wait around for an hour to have it temper so we're not going to be doing that all right so what i want to do is check and see how hot this is uh so that i'll be able to do it and the way i do that is i just come over here and i grab this thermometer and then i shoot the oh that's hot it's here 400 degrees 375 error that means it's over 600 degrees 2 250 this thing is need in need of calibration there goes calibrated now hot still hot too too hot to touch so now we just wait around scissors scissors [Laughter] okay texture put some texture in it just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it it's pretty cool i need more though another opportunity to share one of our sponsors this episode brought to you by tongs tongs tongs tongs that's a pretty cool shape this is kind of based on something my son likes to do he does these choppers and they're kind of a you know i'm gonna do a facet and i'll do two different kinds of grinds so i think it'll be pretty cool what's our time i'm almost two hours in that means half of my time is gone and i'm still fooling around with the dead blasted blade that's not making me feel too clever get out of there pin yeah i'm gonna work on that i'm gonna get better i'm gonna get better what's cool you can see the um gosh now you got me worried now now i'm starting to worry about time i had it in my head i'd be like oh i have this done no big deal all right i still got to figure out this handle come on man okay looks pretty good pretty straight so i'm going to grind the blade over and over i don't have time to talk we're time this is the time to event [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] what's our time how much time i got left look it says 1480 90 degrees okay ready [Music] so i got it i got the first part done within the first three hours right okay well that makes me happy not sure all right we're gonna go ahead and throw this in here for a bit very pretty all right so we're doing lunch i got 40 minutes left um i did kind of a oh i do a lot of stupid things is what i kind of did so what i'm gonna do now is do a little bit more tempering on the thicker parts of the blade i think this is looking pretty nice i just want to clean the back up a bit so i can see what i'm doing i don't know if that came out exactly like i was hoping but it does tell me a couple things that tongs are very difficult to hold on to number one so this sand is wet and what it does is it's going to be like an insulator on this blade so i just want to draw the spine back some more i want to make sure it's not too brittle because i mean if this is going to be a real knife it's going to be used like a real knife so we can't we can't um i don't want to run the risk of it breaking it is hardened steel it can break so this sand is going to keep the very edge from getting any more tempered if that makes sense old trick no need to use windex i'm just using it because it's in a spray bottle right now i really won't just this smells kind of interesting ain't nobody got time for that trick [Music] so [Music] aluminum is grippy [Music] so okay ah probably not gonna get the edo wrap like i normally do it it's over and then this one is under oh boy i'm sure everybody will be like you didn't do that edo rep right well i did it in a way i did it right in a way come on thing what's crazy is how many times i throw scissors like that away literally i get them i throw them in the trash and they show right back up and i'm like how did that happen what's weird is i'm starting to get where like i can why can't i remember which way i'm supposed to turn this thing [Applause] come on that's it bam five minutes to spare i gotta sharpen it now and for real what time we got four minutes okay we're done how much time we got nick two minutes i'm happy with that it looks good sharp jump sure now we have to test it yeah so we have hologrin and flat grind convex edge hologram with convex edge and another just a bevel up here this was like a samurai buoy knife what i don't what i would like to have done is had a little more time i could have actually twisted these and done them properly but still works it doesn't look terrible and i'm happy with that i got one two going this way one two two going that way right right right right wrong all right let's go find something we can chop so it's sharp it's just as sharp as i really want it to be [Music] so [Music] so so this is a fun challenge we had five pieces of steel that after doing this i'm pretty sure i know where they are except for the the two little thin ones are shiny so 15 and 20 probably the other three more than likely um 80 crv2 because that's what i primarily have in here i don't really have any uh 1084 that that curtis has some so it could be that i'm not sure so you know there's a lot of challenges in trying to make a knife within six hours three hours to forge ground heat treating in three hours to finish the handle oh i didn't do that i did it in four hours okay that's right so um number one thing know what you're gonna do have a plan you have a plan then you can move forward very smoothly and rapidly number two don't make rules that you can't follow see one of the rules that i had was i wanted to turn this and twist this rep so it looks very traditional either wrap this is just kind of like what you see on kind of cheap swords you know this isn't ideally what i wanted to do but it's what i had time to do and overall it doesn't look terrible i still get the same look the effect and it's comfortable okay um what i would have liked to do if i had more time but i did eat lunch during this time period i took will we take 15 20 minutes e lunch so i would have probably took this to a little bit higher finish so you can see what i do notice now as you can see the outer layer there's a little silver line running here and a little silver line running there so what's cool to me is that tells me my edge is dead centered so that's really nice you may be able to see it back here i don't know um did leather on the handle wrapped it over with the edo wrap and um this is a fun shape to make and uh so the four hour challenge uh accomplished so remember to subscribe leave a comment and give me a like i hope you'll have a great day thanks for watching and let me know what you think because i'm going to do something else the rest of the day [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Knight
Views: 437,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knife making, knife, forged in fire, forge, making a knife without power tools, how to make a knife without power tools, making a knife, sword making, hiking knife, forged, hand forged knife, how to make a knife, beginning knife maker, hand forged knives, knives, history forged in fire season 5, forged in fire 5x10, liam hoffman forged in fire, forged in fire s5 e10, forged in fire s05 e10
Id: tDIEG6s7ETk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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