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hey guys we've seen a lot of wild people on my strange addiction today I have another fine specimen to show you guys let's get started my name is Kevin I'm 27 years old I live in a suburb of Chicago I don't have any broken bones but I'm addicted to putting orthopaedic cast on my body addiction did this man's just say he was 27 years old this boy do look like somebody's dad at 27 years old he's literally balding we got hair everywhere except weight you need it the most why nature do that casting is putting a cast on myself I'm perfectly fine perfectly healthy I like the feeling of the cast around me broken he does this for fun he likes the way it feels he likes the way it hugs his arm but somebody gonna think when they see that this dude will the broadcast time he just casually sipping a cup of coffee I've never broken anything so I don't know how functional it is once it's in a cast cast in his whole leg whose whole leg from the tip of his balls to his ankle and he's gonna play soccer I've done like two full arm casts two full leg casts I've done two full leg casts and arm cast I've put on so many different times it's ridiculous what kind of torture devices this he got one of his friends to help him she just casually laying down on her phone after wrapping him up then what like you're just gonna leave him in there how does he go to the bathroom I wouldn't be surprised if they put a little cast on his yeah I think that's why it's blurred over there so what was the most exciting day of your life I've put on so many different casts it's ridiculous the diction is put it on cast I think his addiction is attention I paid poses on Facebook like one light equals one prayer I broke my whole body he was just so inspired after watching I was born with glass bones and paper skin every morning I break my legs and every afternoon I break my arms hey maybe if I do this I could get free chocolate too but I love about casting is it just feels so amazing and so snug and so comfortable it gives like just high that I just can't really get any other way I don't know maybe try a hug you go to your mom I bet your mom would love to hug you you don't gotta do all this unnecessary casting to get a hug unless you smell bad nobody want to hug you which I'm kind of getting that vibe from this dude my earliest memory of casting was when I watched that spongebob episode only an early grade school and about six or seven years old I used to steal all my parents toilet paper and I used to wrap up my legs in toilet paper to mimic a case I feel like every kid did that like wrap up toilet paper around their arm it was like oh look I'm a mummy but this dude he took it to the next level twelve years old I broke my arm rollerblading and I got my first cast I got a lot of attention with a cast on and it's just kind of been an ongoing process ever since then to just learn as much as I can about it nobody liked me at school until I broke my arm and everybody they loved me they give me so much attention everybody signed my cast so I thought maybe if I'm an adult and I walk around with a cast people giving me attention love me I'm telling you guys it's all for attention I bet this dude parks in the handicapped spot like look at me I was born with paper skin and glass organs tell me how sorry you feel I absolutely loved the attention I get I used crutches I use a scooter I use a wheelchair whatever it takes and that I love going out in public and I'm just seeing everybody like oh that dead gawk look you know it's just amazing what this is not real do people actually look at somebody with a broken arm or a broken leg like wearing a cast and be like what holy I dude is wearing a cast he's got crutches - look at him walking baby because you're wearing a cast and you're walking and people like hmm how do you do that but nobody would ever think oh he's a phony people would just be like damn when like equals one respect for this guy over here running errands with two broken legs and crutches oh and the ladies they love it the first time actually the second time after his mom then he got a girl to touch him was when he started casting and they'd all be like hey let me sign your ha and he's like oh the ladies they love it look at all this attention waiting for this all we can't wait to build a huge chaos out of this though this is like happy birthday Thanksgiving Christmas everything in one some people like collecting rocks some people like playing video games some people are addicted to drinking water and then we got this guy he has spent 50,000 on castings since his addiction began jeez 50,000 you could have bought yourself a nice car nope never know when there's just gonna be a need to put on a can you know the only need to put on a cast is when you break a bone that is the only reason right not the best way to do it in the car is not the best circumstances but your cast on the fly you just gotta think what you got just screams attention exactly the dude screams attention yes I'm going to the mall better put this cast on in the cars if people feel sorry for me there's no wrong time or place to just put on a cast this is the guy in fortnight when you kill him he gonna drop 15 bandages no med kit no we don't sue the med kit go to the bar and show off this new cast it's gonna be so cool to have everybody looking at me I sometimes do pretend like I'm injured and then it all goes with the story and how I try to draw people in so I go to the bar look at all the attention I'm gonna get nothing gets the ladies attention like a neon green cast and then he makes up some story on how it happened actually I wasn't a subway this guy trying to steal my wallet out of my back pocket girls are constantly coming up to me and like Oh what did you do oh you poor thing it's a fake head it's a real cash but my okay and you're wearing a fake ass that's been fun of it yeah really oh my god you don't tell them this why they're gonna think you're a loser you're weird what why would you do this you had a chance Kevin you had a chance to have a girlfriend you could have just played it off but no no when he told me that he casted himself I was thinking that's kind of weird and I just wasn't interested exactly Kevin good at casting not so good at talking to girls maybe this neon green will distract you from my prematurely balding head times I have people sign it want to sign my cast and so he's playing this like oh look at my poor wounded green candy-striped freaking cast and it's it's how it makes me a little nauseous everybody thinks you're a weirdo why would you go to random people at the bar and be like I want to sign my cast this guy screams pathetic not everyone around Kevin enjoys his casting I think this is an obvious like why would you pretend you're hurt most of my friends know about my addiction the casting obviously at first when I first told him about it they were like this is just weird what bothers me about it is I have to get him into the car because he can't turn he can't move he can to go the bathroom by himself imagine if Kevin was your friend and you had to help him go to the bathroom what does this guy even do for a living where's all this money coming from that you can afford to spend fifty thousand on wrapping your body up how does he get himself out of it does he need help this is just so so weird casting is definitely like affecting my relationship I broke up with my fiance she couldn't stay in the casting any more yeah you broke up with her I'm sure this casts addiction is really wrecking havoc over my relationships I mean there's been a lot of people who have asked me to stop you know stop casting and you know frankly I don't see a point why I need to stop people don't like you it's ruining your relationship it costs a lot of money it's just getting weird such a cool unique thing my girlfriend Samantha I think we kind of have a chemistry together today we're gonna go on a date I'm just I'm like I'm praying that he doesn't have a cast on so he just goes out to dinner with his girlfriend oh I bet in the car on the way there I want some extra bonus attention tonight let me put on this neon pink cat's real quick I think we need time I really care about you and I just the casting I can't like wrap my head around this it's a blockade for our relationship its horror the cast you won't have to pick people see me with him it's embarrassing my friends and family they're asking me they're like so why does Kevin wear a cast all the time why is his arm like always broken glass bones and paper skin voice she was so disappointed it's so angry at the same time it she's yelling at me maybe every couple months is that's a start next episode casting in secret trying to hide casting from his girlfriend I can see this dude casting up in the car going to the bar getting his daily attention taking it off and then going home to his wife cast list stop for anyone else you stop relax what makes you think that you know now is the time for me she said I gotta choose her of the casting stopping casting would be like me trying to cut off my own arm it's my life it's it's Who I am it's part of me can't cast anymore if you don't have any arms man I don't know you know what I'm gonna do now I don't have a cast on I feel like I'm nobody like a part of me is missing so one of the things I've always wanted to do is a double arm spike that where both my arms are you know up like this they're attached to my torso I want to be casted like this we love a guy with goals and aspirations okay so the girlfriend hates it but he's moving forward with a double arm cast I've always kind of wanted to go out and just get people's reaction because it's such a massive cast I'm gonna need somebody else's help because this is this is as far as I can go just feel really snug and secure and cozy oh it's so cozy I can't wait to get people's reactions like you ain't even filming a YouTube video what's the point of getting reactions from people oh pardon spooky right yeah you look ridiculous feels amazing I couldn't think launched like a brick wall I just saw straight through it I can't wait to see people's reaction I'm walking down Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago there's all kinds of people walking all over the place there's all kinds of traffic people waving people looking at me Wow people wave to a guy in a cast I mean unless they think he's like the Michelin Man or something I can't believe that I'm actually doing this right now man he lived in the life we got this dude tying his shoe over here I swear this guy he got some inheritance or something he just got hella money he doesn't work doesn't do anything you're awesome this case is definitely everything I've expected it to be I'm really hoping my girlfriend won't be mad at me I can tell you sure ain't gonna be home when you get back oh oh plot twist you come home but she's banging some dude with a real broken arm I would love to see his reaction but anyways let's all for Jeff you guys enjoyed this video comment below what do you think of this guy do you feel the same way make sure you hit that like button the hey and subscribe join the Wolfpack oh and love you guys so much things are watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,696,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, my strange addiction, cast, addiction, fake cast, obsession, man addicted to wearing casts
Id: 9UFrA06hgNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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