If SHTF Everyone is NOT Going to Bug Out to the Woods - But I Am

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what's up guys kind of he works here so if you guys know I spend a lot of time kind of preparing planning for and developing that the skills in the year for this idea of bugging out to a wilderness or or desert kind of a survival situation and the idea is that I would do this in the event that society collapse to the point that it was just too dangerous or there just weren't enough resources to survive in civilization but one of the comments I frequently get on my videos is something along the lines of how ridiculous it is to think about doing that and usually the comment indicates that that's a stupid idea because there's going to be hundreds of thousands of other people doing exactly the same thing and they're all going to be running around madly in the woods killing all of the animals shooting at each other and I'm not going to have any game to hunt and not to spend my entire life defending my camp from all these hordes of people so I thought I'd take a couple of minutes and kind of break this down for you guys and show you why I believe in my situation that's not something I have to worry about so here's a map of the state of Oregon this area here outlined by this black line is kind of my area of operation so in the event of a [ __ ] hits the fan situation society collapses and there's no resources left in civilization and it's too violent there this is where I'm going so let me quickly break down kind of our whole state and let's really try to identify what that true number of people is that has the potential to come out here into my area and compete with me so the first thing to understand about the state is we have about three and a half million people or so in the state of Oregon roughly the majority of those people live right along here we call this the i-5 corridor the Willamette Valley and this is where the cities of Portland Salem Eugene all our major population centers are there's somewhere around three million people that live here three million people's a lot of people right but here's the thing these three million people will never make it to here and there's a couple of reasons why first let's talk about the physical barrier right here down the state is a mountain range called the Cascade Mountains so the first thing to realize is that there's a huge barrier between these people and where I am over here there's about a hundred and twenty miles from here to where I live one hundred and twenty two hundred and thirty miles from here to where I live and that 120 to 130 miles crosses this vast mountain range there's about nine major roads that cross that mountain range but the reality is if there's no power no gas no ability to be able to drive these roads most of these people are not physically going to be able to get to here but now real quickly let's look at this three million people here and let's break this down a little bit further so when we break down this three million people that three million number includes everyone young old sick healthy handicapped not handicapped that includes everyone so let's just say the percentage of that 3 million people that's too young to travel on their own too old to travel on their own dependent on medications let's just say that number is is around a million people roughly a third of that population for one reason or another doesn't have the physical ability to be able to go out into the wild and survive so now we're talking two million people that have the physical ability to do that well we can cut that number in half again because we know roughly speaking only half of all Americans own firearms so 1 million of those two million people can't hunt can't defend themselves they don't even own a gun so they're not even contenders in this whole thing they're just sheep that are stuck back here depending on whatever resources the government decides to throw their direction if and when it does so now we're down to a million people that own guns so million people have at least one of the tools necessary to go out here but out of those 1 million people that own guns how many of them have any level of training with those guns and I'm going to say we could probably easily cut that number in half again because I've been to a lot of classes and a lot of schools and around a lot of people who shoot guns and it's a really small percentage of the people who own guns who are actually proficient at them so now we're down to let's say roughly a half a million people now out of that half a million people who are proficient with their gun their tool how many of those people also have the skills to navigate have skills to hunt have skills to successfully get gained and I'm going to say we can probably pretty easily cut that number in half again so my guess is is that out of these 300 of these 3 million people over here probably not more than about 250 or 3,000 of them even have the tools the skills and the ability to navigate the backcountry and hunt or compete for resources or be a threat so now out of those 300 people how many of them would want to get all the way across this mountain range to go out into some of the most godforsaken country in the state to compete with me so the idea that I have a lot to worry about from this population over here is just ridiculous and you can take this same kind of math and apply it over the entire country you know that only half of the population owned guns you know it's a small percentage of the population that owns guns that's proficient with them you know it's an even smaller percentage of that population that has any kind of outdoor wilderness survival type skills or hunting skills so very quickly these numbers shrink really fast so now let's talk a little bit about my area out here specifically so in my area where I've drawn this line as roughly 200 miles from the north to the southern border of the state going to the east it's about 250 miles that's 50,000 square miles this area represents there are three major communities in that 50,000 square miles one is the community that I live near a town called Prineville with a population of 10,000 760 people there's a town called burns another thriving population another one of the big population centers out here with a population of two thousand seven hundred and eighty six people and then you have the bustling metropolis of Lakeview Oregon with two thousand three hundred and eighty seven people so you've got about 15,000 people between those three major towns out here now the total population here is somewhere around 50 thousand people but again that 50,000 people includes the young the old the infirm the handicapped the disabled it includes all those so we can probably cut that number pretty easily in half with a little bit of elimination and let's just say we have 25,000 able-bodied skilled people in this area that's 25,000 people in 50,000 square miles that's 2 square miles per person up here that's 2 square miles and the population of game and everything off of all this area is plenty to support 25,000 people out here ok so now let's talk about the country out here a little bit so this is harsh country hard winters hot summers its desert 10 to 12 annual inches of rainfall a year and most of that comes in the form of snow so the only way to survive in this country is if you know where the resources are if you know where the game are at what times a year where they migrate where the water sources are and this is where I've spent my entire life exploring virtually all of my free time I'm out here in the desert backcountry exploring so when you consider the harshness of the landscape the barrier the Cascade Mountain Range the low population density out here it's just ridiculous to think that there will be hundreds of thousands of people out here competing with me they can't get there and be if they don't know this country like the back of their hand they won't survive there most people in today's society I left this town and ventured out into here would be dead within three days that's the reality of it so here's the thing this may not be the situation everywhere in the world but the situation for me is that throngs of people competing with me for resources out here is not a concern that I have to deal with so I hope that gives you guys a better idea of my plan and why I don't believe that it's a big concern of mine to be dealing with hundreds of thousands of other people competing with me for resources out there but I also want you guys to keep in mind that at the end of the day your plan has to work for you your environment your strengths your weaknesses and at the end of it all it's all theoretical until the [ __ ] does hit the fan and when the [ __ ] does hit the fan it's only going to be us that are going to pay the price for how weak or how strong our plan is so that's my two cents on that Cody works out you
Channel: Coyote Works
Views: 113,431
Rating: 4.7364421 out of 5
Keywords: SHTF, Bug Out, Bugout, Wilderness, Survival, Bugging Out, Prepping, Central Oregon, preparedness
Id: wqJ-dz_J-m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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